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Why Abe?
Historical Presentations
Motivational Speaking
Mary Lincoln
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
Historical Presentations

John Voehl is a Chautauqua Speaker for the Colorado Endowment for the Humanities.
Most presentations on this tab are done in the Chautauqua format.
The Historical Presentations listed below focus on what Lincoln spoke, wrote, or what
were true of his life and times. This is the historic Abraham Lincoln speaking in the first person.
The Question and Answer sessions that follow any Lincoln presentation have become
legendary, embracing unexpected aspects of the Lincolns’ life and times
This list is continually growing, sometimes based on a request. What subject would you
like Lincoln to speak about?
Presentations that involve Mrs. Mary Lincoln are in red type.

TimingPresentation Titles General Presentation Outlines

Seasonal presentations that are most applicable at that time of the year
Feb President’s Day Lincoln talks through the 15 Presidents that preceded him,
describing their importance and his own connections with them. He also provides the highlights
of his own 16th Presidency, including the Civil War, emanicipation and Gettysburg Address.
Feb 3-Sets of 3-Slaves who dared to change the USA 3- Slaves each: A. Came to Ft.
Sumter but were returned to their masters. B. Came to Fortree Monroe and were kept and
protected as Contrabands, and C. Betrayed Jefferson Davis.
March Nat. Women’s Month Anna Ella Carrol, a woman far ahead of her time. Anna Ella
Carrol stepped beyond the barriers of gender and postion to be a major voice in the political
arena of Lincolns time.
March Communication to the People of Sangamon County Lincoln’s 1st public political message
on March 9th, 1832, in his unsuccessful bid for a seat in the Illinois Legislature. What did the 23-
year old have to say?
April Lincoln’s Last Two Weeks Lincoln himself walks you through the momentous events
in his last two weeks. From the March 27th meeting with Gens. Grant and Sherman and Admiral
Foote at City Point, until the Lincolns were seated at Ford’s Theatre on Good Friday April 14,
April Lincoln’s Happiest Day Listen to Abe & Mary Lincoln’s last full conversation on
the evening of April 14, 1865, just before they leave the White House for Ford’s Theatre.
May Mother’s Day Angel Mother Lincoln said, “All I am or ever hope to be, my Angel
Mother made me”. Which mom did he mean & how did it happen?
Memorial Day My Soldiers Waiting for, praying for, finding humor in, protecting, visiting,
praying for, thanking, saying goodbye and eulogizing My Soldiers
Memorial Day Decoration Day Decoration Day arose during and after the Civil War,
becoming Memorial Day in the 20 Century. Lincoln introduces it’s roots at Gettysburg,
Arlington and numerous cemeteries, north and south.
June, Flag Day US Flags of Lincoln’s LifeDay The number of US States more than
doubled during Lincoln’s life. Let him tell you about these newly formed states, slave and free,
and the controversy their admission brought.
June Father’s Day What was the legacy of Fathers in Abraham Lincoln’s life? Learn of his
Father and Grandfather, Lincoln himself as a father, and which of his four-sons also became a
June Juneteenth Slave owners in Texas were successful in keeping thier slaves ignorant of
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Their slaves finally found out in the “teen” days of June
1865, which has since been celebrated as “Juneteenth”.
July Independence Day The ‘July 4ths’ of Lincoln life ... his passion for the Declaration of
Independence, speaking at Independence Hall, Gettysburg Address
Oct Lincoln Ghost Tour All Lincoln things dark and mysterious, family superstitions,
Indian Mad stone, Willie’s crypt in WDC, White House Seances, funeral train, the several
movements and attempted theft of Lincoln’s remains in Springfield, 1901 coffin opening.
Fall, Elections On the Campaign Trail with the Lincolns Here about the issues and difficulties
of his unsuccessful 1858 Senate and successful 1860 Presidental campaigns, in a deeply divided
Nov. Thanksgiving Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamations setting the precedent for today’s
annual observation, the remarkable lady who asked him to do it and pardoning the Thanksgiving
Dec. Christmas in the Lincoln White House Experience 5-Christmases with the Lincolns
(1860-1864). Learn how they spent Christmas; celebrating, giving, working to save the country
and how they had a key role in the image of Santa Claus we have today.
Mrs. Mary Lincoln is involved
Mary Todd Lincoln Early Years A first-person presentation by Mary Lincoln about
her childhood, education, family life, politcal connections and life in the White House while
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th Presidentduring the US Civil War. Mrs. Lincoln will appear in
period dress.
Childhood Memories Abraham and Mary Lincoln recall their childhoods, their family
lives, tragedies, educations and slavery experiences
1863 A review of the year 1863 by President and Mary Todd Lincoln in the first person.
An Evening with Mary Lincoln Mary Lincoln in a one-act play, as she prepares to
leave the White House on Good Friday April 14, 1865 for Ford’s Theatre.
Mary Lincoln’s Trunk 1860’s A behind the scenes look at Pamela Voehl’s wardrobe as a
Mary Lincoln presenter, with discussion of Victorian and Civil War women’s fashions
Mary Lincoln’s Trunk 1870-1900 A behind the scenes look at Pamela Voehl’s
wardrobe as a post-civil war Mary Lincoln presenter, with discussion of Victorian and Edwardian
women’s fashions.
Lincoln’s Happiest Day Listen to Abe & Mary Lincoln’s last full conversation on
the evening of April 14, 1865, just before they leave the White House for Ford’s Theatre.
On the 1858 Senate and 1860 Presidential Campaign Trail with the Lincoln’s Hear
about the issues and difficulties of his unsuccessful 1858 Senate and successful 1860 Presidential
campigns, in a deeply divided America.
Solo or Duo, these can be done by Abe alone, or both Lincolns
Thanksgiving Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamations setting the precedent for today’s
annual observation, the remarkable lady who asked him to do it and pardoning the Thanksgiving
Christmas in the Lincoln White House Experience 5-Christmases with Abe and
Mary Lincoln (1860-1864). Learn how they spent Christmas; celebrating, giving, working to
save the country and how they had a key role in the image of Santa Claus we have today.
Log Cabin to White House, formerly called Historic – the most popular Education
Their varied experiences and his life long passion for learning.
Whiskers The wonderful true story of the 11-year old girl who wrote just before the
1860 election, saying he needed whiskers.
Presidency Election highlights, inaugural speech, Gettysburg address
Growth of Territories and States in Lincoln’s Lifetime Upon Lincoln’s birth there
were 17-States and the territories only out to the Rocky Mountains. At the end of Lincoln’s
presidency there were 36-States and territories stretching to the Pacific Oceans, together making
the boundaries of the current lower 48-States. Learn how it happened.
Lincoln and his Asst. Secretary John M Hay Their history through Lincoln’s eyes starting
before Lincoln became a Presidental candidate continuing through Lincoln’s passing.
Adventures with horses Abe and Mary Lincoln’s equine adventures; on the farm,
moving to Illinois, dating on horseback, riding the circuit in Illinois, saw horse trade, accidents,
Ole Bob, Ole Abe, and more!
Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 Lincoln’s re-emergence into politics, Bleeding Kansas and
how these events brought the onset of Civil War.
House Divided 1858 His colleagues told him not to make this speech because it would
ruin his prospects for political success. Lincoln ignored them.
Lincoln Douglas Debates 1858 Seven debates, three hours each, with crowds up to
twenty thousand across Illinois, but followed closely by all the US.
1859 Trips out West In August Lincoln traveled to Council Bluffs, Iowa. In Dec/Nov he
went to Kansas. Why did he go? What happened at each location?
1859, the calm before the Storm The powder keg that would become the US Civil
War was quiet for most of 1859. Lets see what John Brown and R.E. Lee were doing before they
met in October at Harper’s Ferry. VA
1860 Presidential Election Cooper Union visit in NYC, Republican Convention, front
porch campaign, whiskers, election, secession and travel to inauguration
Growth of Territories and States in Lincoln’s Lifetime Upon Lincoln’s birth there
were 17-States and the territories only out to the Rocky Mountains. At the end of Lincoln’s
presidency there were 36-States and territories stretching to the Pacific Ocean, together making
the bondaries of the current lower 48-States. Learn how it happened.
Lincoln and his Asst. Secretary John M Hay Their history through Lincoln’s eyes starting
before Lincoln became a Presidental candidate continuing through Lincoln’s passing.
Presidential Qualifications & Highlights The 16th President lacked the resume
credentials of all others, but he became possibly the greatest of all. How did this happen?
First Inaugural Speech 1861 After seeing 7-deep south slave states secede and form the
Confederate States of America, President Lincoln finally has the executive power to try and save
the nation with his words
The Emancipation Proclamation Learn of Lincoln’s promise, purpose and timing, the
bloodiest day in US History that allowed its public release, how he prepared the country, the
New Years Day 1863 signature and its reception in Boston.
The Gettysburg Address and the Rest of the Story Learn of Lincoln’s decision to
change commanders just before the battle, his prayer, vow and consecration. Learn about the
battle, the cemetery dedication, his several jokes and stories told along the way, and Lincoln’s
“few appropriate remarks”
Emancipation & Generals Lincoln’s role and motives in freeing the slaves, the several
generals he chose, the reasons why and what they thought of Emancipation
Lincoln’s 1864 Re-election Lincoln reviews the summertime national
dissatisfaction with his war policy and the horrendous casualties, his own reflections on this
dilemma, the military and election results.
The 13th Constitutional Amendment Lincoln knew that his Emancipation Proclamation
was just an executive order and was subject to the whim of future administrations and the public
mood. In Jan 1865, he sensed that time was critical and he tackled the opportunity to make
emancipation permanent
Second Inaugural Speech 1865 Unique in all USA history; when a victory speech
was expected, Lincoln details what he has learned; God was right and both North and South were
The Assassination What did Lincoln know and not know of the happenings that night
at Ford’s Theatre? Learn of Booth’s escape, hiding, capture and more.
Political History His first speech, political loses, Long Nine, romance & a duel, the
Republican party born, and key Presidential speeches including the Gettysburg Address
Discovering God’s Gifts This is John Voehl’s testimony of how God brought me the
gift of Lincoln, in my 45th year.
Lincoln’s Laws Besides emancipation and unity, his laws united a country with
rails, gave virgin land to the poor and built universities
Lincoln the Railroad Lawyer The development of railroads in Lincoln’s lifetime,
landmark litigation, expansion, political intrigue with the Illinois Central, Rock Island and the
transcontinental railroads.
Lincoln and the Constitution The Founding Fathers did not want to tarnish our
Constitution with the word “Slavery”. They spoke of it three times, without using the S-word.
What does it say? What were the consequences?
Lincoln and the Supreme Court Learn the evolving structure of Supreme Court
through Lincoln’s term, why it fluctuated between 6 and 10 Justices; how he came to appoint 4
new Associate and 1 new Chief Justice, and led a Congressional reform in the function of the
Supreme Court.
Lincoln in the Portraiture Lincoln poses for your art students to sketch, draw or paint,
while sharing his personal history of art images.
Restoring Peace to our Distracted Country Lincoln was given this charge at
Independence Hall before his inauguration, and the charge remains today.
Country in Crisis Based on the following sentence from his first inaugural:
“Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken
this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way, all our present difficulties”
Lincoln targeted in Ft. Stevens BattleHear of the only time in US History that a sitting
President has been personally fired on by an enemy in a time of war (Jul. 1864). Learn the
detailed story through Lincoln’s own perspective, including the northernmost rebel victory.
Battle Hymn of the Republic The remarkable account of how God guided the melody,
poem and song to come together at the White House during the Civil War.
The Song of the USCT before the Crater Battle Join the Negro Soldiers of the 4th
Corps US Colored Troops when they were notified to lead the Union charge in the battle that
came to be known as The Crater (Jul. 1864), and how they created a song to express their
feelings and mission.
Revolution, Reaction and Reform The USA started with a revolution, then had a series
of reactions and attempted reforms on slavery, building up to it’s Civil War abolition.
Maritime Lincoln’s maritime history from flatboats, to Talisman Captain, a patent,
Monitor vs. Merrimac, Hunley and CSS Hunley
1st Colorado Volunteers Lincoln congratulates the troops after their 1862 victory at
Glorietta Pass NM and provides the status of the war in the East.
Volunteerism Lincoln cites volunteer blessings in his life and the Civil War
Lincoln & African AmericansThe evolving history of Lincoln’s involvement with
Negroes, slavery and emancipation.
Lincoln & Native American Indians Lincoln’s experiences, protection, mistakes and
compassion towards Native Americans.
Kansas, Kaw & Lincoln Kansas was in the Louisiana Purchase before Lincoln was
born and its slavery disposition evolution began in his childhood, and projected him into national
recognition. Lincoln visited the Kansas territory in 1859.
Short Vignettes Lincoln snapshots in approx. 5 minute windows: Goodbye to
Springfield, Independence Hall, 1st and 2nd Inaugurals, Dec 62’ Message to Congress, Gettysburg
Address, Education, 166th Ohio, President’s Day, Wrestling matches.
LibertyLincoln explores this crucial word, what is means to him versus what it meant to
the southern rebels
Moral Courage Lincoln said he had little physical courage, but had never lacked
for moral courage. How did that mark his life?
Self Control Illustrated with positive and negative examples from Lincoln’s life.
Honesty, Integrity and Perseverance These traits didn’t just mark Lincoln’s life, they
were nearly obsessions. How and when did they start? When did the world take notice?
Hunting & Fishing Lincoln’s experiences with guns, knives and boats.
Jokes & Stories Humor was his tonic for his own melancholy and a strong tool to
impart his messages. That reminds me of a story …
Dressing Mr. Lincoln This is a detailed explanation on the historicity of Voehl’s Lincoln
suit (frock coat, waist coat and trousers) narrated by designer and seamstress Denise Winter, with
Lincoln as the speaking model.
Life Stories Pick an age or year in Lincoln’s life and learn what was going on in his
world, through his eyes.
A Theatrical Discussion Actors call it Character Immersion. Voehl talks and
answers questions about how he presents Lincoln. What did John have to overcome to be
Lincoln? How did it happen?
Teen Conflict Lincoln had pivotal and devastating teenage experiences, hear of his good
and bad decisions, how he learned from and was shaped by them.
Children’s Stories Tailored to keep the attention of preschool and primary grade kids,
these stories speak of Lincoln’s childhood, children’s antics in Springfield and in the White
House, entertaining and teaching morals.
Grace Bedell in NY, CO & Kansas The story of the little girl who told Lincoln he
should grow whiskers, and her life story.
Christian Testimony An Illinois pastor tasked a local businessman to go ask President
Lincoln, “Do you love Jesus?”. How did he react and respond?
Finding God in the White House Follow Lincoln’s spiritual journey from Springfield,
to the White House to God.
Ballots to Bullets In 1861 seven slave states refused to accept the result of a free and
fair 1860 presidental election. They seceded and started the civil war, appealing to bullets, where
they lost at ballots. What did Lincoln have to say about this? What happens to a representative
government, when the minority who lost the election, uses war tactics to overthrow the will of
the majority?

The following presentation outlines reside in the Voehls’ thinking and outlines. They are
waiting for someone to request them. Maybe your group will be the first to hear one of them.

The Widow Mary Lincoln Widow Mary Lincoln reflects on her life after the
assassination of her beloved husband, sharing her experiences in a life filled with yet more
tragedy and heartbreak.
Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln, their early years together They started marriage on shaky
ground. They were poor and unsuited in temperament and background, both with huge
ambitions. Who opposed the marriage and doubted it would work? How did they survive?
Mary Lincoln on Education & Politics Her father’s perspective, her experience, her
husband’s compulsion, her sons’ struggles. What example did she set? And expect for other
Col. John Anderson & Ft. Sumter This Tennessee slave holder took command of the
US Forts just as South Carolina was planning it’s secession convention. What was he to do?
Learn the Rest of the Story.
2nd Annual Message to Congress, Dec. 1862 Between Lincoln’s preliminary and final
Emancipation Proclamations, he attacks slavery, argues anew for gradual compensated
emancipation including, “Our strife can be hushed forever with the passing of one generation”
Lincoln’s New Salem Years He stopped there by accident for a couple hours, left a well
respected man, then returned to stay for 6-years. He came as a wandering laborer and left as a
successful state politician, newly minted lawyer and fiancé.
Lincoln’s 3 Wedding Engagements Ann, Mary and Mary Ann. When and why did he
propose or agree to marry each one? All three engagements were broken, one restored.
Lincoln and Dreams Lincoln dreamed in living color, remembered and sought to
understand their meaning, knowing that God spoke to men in their dreams.
Lincoln’s Melancholy His depression was sometimes debilitating. But he learned to do
his best in spite of his suffering, then in the greatest crisis of the young USA, he saved his
country when no one else could do it.
The One Pardon Lincoln Refused to Grant Although slave trading was a capital crime
for most of Lincoln’s life, only one man was convicted and executed for the crime. Amidst great
pressure to pardon, Lincoln refused.
Lincoln and Latinos He was involved and vocal in US relations with Mexico; Texas, the
1846 War, his Spot Resolutions, California, filibusters, Matias Romero, Benito Juarez,
Maximillian III and the California Missions.
3-Sets of 3-Slaves who dared to change the USA 3-Slaves each; A. Came to Ft.
Sumter but were returned to their masters. B. Came to Fortress Monroe and were kept and
protected as Contrabands, and C. Betrayed Jefferson Davis.
The $ Value of a person. How can a dollar value be placed on a human being?
Historically, it was in the sale of slaves. How is that involved in the Indian depredation claims
after the Civil War?
Mrs. Kate Warne, the 1st female detective She was the first female detective working
for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, she used multiple disguises and covers to expose the
Baltimore plot and bring Lincoln through safely to WDC.
Lincoln & reporter Henry Villard Their paths crossed many times from 1850’s on, and
Henry documented them. What did he have to report?
My Secret Trip through Baltimore Cyprianno Ferrandini, the local militias and the
police were all planning to kill Lincoln as he traveled through Baltimore, towards his 1861 WDC
inauguration. How was the plot discovered and foiled?
Virginia Generals Lee vs. Thomas, others? Thier decisions and consequences.
Mobocracy Just like in the 21st century, mobs and riots wreaked violence and death in
Lincoln’s days. What did he have to say about it?
This Burden Lincoln suffered with the horror of the repeatedly shocking numbers and
sights of Civil War casualties: the cost of saving the USA and freeing it’s 4-million slaves. Let
him share the details.
Fillibuster Different meanings in different centuries. = a lawless military adventurer.
Learn of 1850’s Pro-Slavery mercenary efforts to get new slave states in: Southern California,
Sonora Mexico, Nicaragua and Cuba, involving William Walker and others.
Canada’s Role in the US Civil War Canada, still a Great Britain colony was a safer
home for many escaped slaves, the place where Great Britian staged troops threatening war with
the USA, the place where Confederate agents plotted and executed raids into the US states along
the border.
Did Lincoln own slaves? Was he a racist? Lincoln defends himself against modern day
accusations, using facts from his life and reports from the many interactions he had with African-
Thomas Nast, Lincoln’s Illustrator A picture tells a thousand words, and through the
scenes depicted by Thomas Nast, he was “our best recruiting Sargent”, “the foremost figure in
civil life developed by the rebellion”, creator of the Santa Claus image and much more.
1861 Transition from Buchanan to Lincoln What resumes, statements and actions did
they bring to bear on the greatest crisis in American History?
Lincoln and his Secretary John Hay Their history through Lincoln’s eyes starting before
Lincoln became a Presidental candidate continuing through Lincoln’s passing.
Lincoln’s Sports In his youth he was never beaten in any type of a running or
jumping contest. He was a boxer, and a wrestling champion. He played town ball, bowling,
fives and did unmatched feats of strength as President.
Baseball History The game began, was defined, went professional and expanded
during Lincoln’s life and the Civil War. He was the first President to play baseball on the White
House lawn.
This page last updated November 2, 2022 by PJ Markus
Web Design by W.R.Donaldson
Copyright © 2010-2013, John Voehl
All rights reserved

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