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1. Implement a basic Tic Tac Toe game in a programming language of your choice.

functionalities for board initialization, player turns, input validation, and win detection.

2. Represent the game of Tic Tac Toe as a game tree. Implement a function to generate all
possible game states (successor states) from a given board configuration.

3. Implement a basic version of the 8-puzzle problem solver using Python. Define the problem
state, actions (move tiles), and the goal state. Use BFS (Breadth-First Search) or DFS (Depth-
First Search) to find the solution path from an initial state to the goal state.

4. Develop an interactive Python program where users can input the initial state of the 8-
puzzle. Implement algorithms (BFS, DFS, A*) to solve the puzzle and display the solution
steps interactively.

5. Implement a genetic algorithm to solve the N-Queens problem, where solutions (sets of
queen placements) evolve over generations through selection, crossover, and mutation.

9. Design an experiment to explore the problem-solving abilities of monkeys in solving the

Monkey Banana Problem. Consider the following Demonstration: Some monkeys are shown
how to use the box to reach the bananas, while others are not provided any demonstration.

10. Design an experiment to explore the problem-solving abilities of monkeys in solving the
Monkey Banana Problem. Consider the Trial and Error Strategy: Monkeys are left to solve the
problem through trial and error without any external guidance.

Tool Usage: Evaluate how monkeys utilize the box as a tool to solve the problem efficiently.

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