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Domestic violence against men in my community: Is it a reality?

Nome do estudante: Felício Machai


Domestic violence against men in my community: Is it a reality?

Nome do estudante: Felício Machai

Trabalho de pesquisa científica,

entregue a Faculdade de Direito,
curso de licenciatura em Direito para
fins avaliativos da cadeira de Inglês.


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 2

General........................................................................................................................................ 2

Specifics...................................................................................................................................... 2

Metodology................................................................................................................................. 2

Understanding Domestic Violence Against Men ....................................................................... 3

Prevalence of Domestic Violence Against Men in Mozambique ............................................... 3

Contributing Factors ................................................................................................................... 4

Societal Attitudes and Perceptions ............................................................................................. 5

Support Mechanisms and Legal Framework .............................................................................. 5

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 7

References .................................................................................................................................. 8

Domestic violence is a global issue that affects individuals regardless of their gender,
socioeconomic status, or cultural background. While much attention has been given to
domestic violence against women, the prevalence and impact of domestic violence against
men often remain overlooked or minimized. In Mozambique, like many other countries, there
exists a prevailing assumption that domestic violence primarily targets women. However, the
question arises: is domestic violence against men in Mozambique a reality? This assignment
aims to explore and analyze the existence, prevalence, and societal perceptions of domestic
violence against men in Mozambique.

The primary objective of this assignment is to critically examine the phenomenon of domestic
violence against men in Mozambique. This includes assessing its prevalence, identifying
contributing factors, analyzing societal attitudes and perceptions, and evaluating the available
support mechanisms for male victims.



 Understanding Domestic Violence Against Men

 Prevalence of Domestic Violence Against Men in Mozambique
 Contributing Factors
 Societal Attitudes and Perceptions

 Bibliograpy reviw

Understanding Domestic Violence Against Men

Domestic violence against men can be defined as any form of physical, emotional,
psychological, or financial abuse perpetrated by an intimate partner or family member. It is
important to differentiate violence against men from violence against women due to the
different dynamics, stigmas, and barriers that men face when dealing with this issue (Silva,

Men can experience a range of forms of domestic violence, including physical violence such
as hitting, punching, or pushing; emotional abuse such as insults, threats, or controlling
behavior; psychological abuse such as manipulation, gaslighting, or isolation; and financial
abuse such as controlling access to finances or preventing the victim from working.

Domestic violence can have significant impacts on men's physical and mental health,
including injuries, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). Additionally, it can lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships,
impairments in work or academic performance, and social withdrawal. Furthermore, domestic
violence against men can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and contribute to the
normalization of violence in society. Addressing domestic violence against men is crucial not
only for the well-being of individual victims but also for promoting gender equality and
creating safer communities for all (Silva, 2019,p.71).

Prevalence of Domestic Violence Against Men in Mozambique

Research and data on domestic violence against men in Mozambique are relatively limited
compared to studies focusing on violence against women. However, recent efforts have been
made to examine this issue more comprehensively. Studies such as household surveys,
academic research papers, and reports from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may
provide insights into the prevalence, nature, and consequences of domestic violence against
men in Mozambique (Gonçalves, 2020,p.71).

Accurately measuring the prevalence of domestic violence against men in Mozambique faces
several challenges and limitations. These may include underreporting due to stigma, shame,
and societal expectations of masculinity, as well as difficulties in accessing male victims who
may be reluctant to seek help or report abuse. Moreover, existing survey instruments and data

collection methods may not adequately capture the experiences of male victims, leading to an
underestimation of the problem (Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare,

While data on domestic violence against men in Mozambique may be limited, comparing
reported prevalence rates with those of violence against women can provide some insights.
Generally, prevalence rates of violence against women tend to be higher due to various
factors, including entrenched gender inequalities, cultural norms that perpetuate violence
against women, and legal and institutional barriers to women's empowerment and access to
justice. However, acknowledging and addressing domestic violence against men is equally
important for promoting gender equality and ensuring the protection of all individuals from
violence and abuse (Gonçalves, 2020,p.71).

Contributing Factors

Several underlying factors contribute to domestic violence against men in Mozambique.

Cultural norms that prioritize male dominance and control within relationships may
perpetuate violence against men who challenge traditional gender roles or exhibit perceived
weakness. Gender roles that prescribe men as the primary providers and decision-makers can
create power imbalances within relationships, leading to abuse as a means of asserting
control. Economic disparities and poverty can also exacerbate tensions and increase the
likelihood of violence within households (Matos, 2017,p.54).

Societal perceptions of masculinity and femininity play a significant role in shaping the
prevalence and reporting of domestic violence against men in Mozambique. Traditional
notions of masculinity often equate strength with dominance and emotional stoicism,
discouraging men from seeking help or reporting abuse for fear of being perceived as weak or
emasculated. Conversely, societal expectations of women as nurturing and submissive may
result in disbelief or minimization of male victimization (Gonçalves, 2020,p.71).

These gendered stereotypes and expectations create barriers to acknowledging and addressing
domestic violence against men, perpetuating a culture of silence and stigma. Efforts to
challenge rigid gender norms and promote gender equality are essential in addressing
domestic violence holistically (Matos, 2017,p.54).

Societal Attitudes and Perceptions

Societal attitudes and beliefs regarding domestic violence against men in Mozambique are
often influenced by cultural norms, traditional gender roles, and perceptions of masculinity.
While there may be recognition of domestic violence as a serious issue, there is often a
prevailing belief that men cannot be victims or that their experiences are less valid compared
to women. This may stem from stereotypes portraying men as strong and invulnerable,
leading to disbelief or minimization of male victimization. Additionally, societal attitudes
may discourage men from speaking out about their experiences due to fear of ridicule, shame,
or social ostracization (Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare, 2018.p.18).

Male victims of domestic violence in Mozambique face significant stigma and barriers when
seeking help or reporting abuse. Traditional gender norms dictate that men should be strong
and self-reliant, making it difficult for them to admit vulnerability or seek support. Male
victims may fear being perceived as weak or emasculated if they disclose their experiences,
leading to reluctance to seek help. Moreover, societal attitudes and institutional responses
may further marginalize male victims, with limited resources and support services available to
address their needs (Gonçalves, 2020,p.71).

Traditional gender norms and societal expectations play a central role in perpetuating silence
around male victimization in Mozambique. These norms prescribe rigid gender roles that
define masculinity in terms of strength, dominance, and emotional stoicism, while femininity
is associated with vulnerability and dependence. As a result, male victims may feel pressure
to conform to these norms and may hesitate to disclose their experiences for fear of being
perceived as weak or unmanly. Moreover, societal expectations may prioritize addressing
violence against women, further marginalizing male victims and reinforcing their invisibility
within discussions on domestic violence. Efforts to challenge traditional gender norms and
promote inclusive responses to domestic violence are essential in breaking the silence around
male victimization and ensuring that all survivors receive the support and recognition they

Support Mechanisms and Legal Framework

Evaluating the availability and effectiveness of support services for male victims of domestic
violence in Mozambique requires a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape.

As of my last update, there might be limited specific services tailored for male victims due to
predominant focus on female victims. However, some general support services such as
hotlines, shelters, counseling, and legal aid might be available but might not be adequately
equipped to address the unique needs of male victims.

Assessing the adequacy of existing legal frameworks in addressing domestic violence against
men and prosecuting perpetrators involves examining relevant laws, policies, and their
implementation. Mozambique might have laws in place that recognize domestic violence
against men, but enforcement and prosecution might be challenging due to societal
perceptions, stigma, and lack of awareness among law enforcement officials and judiciary
(Matos, 2017,p.54).


In conclusion, while domestic violence against women remains a significant concern in

Mozambique, it is essential to recognize that men can also be victims of domestic abuse. This
assignment has aimed to shed light on the often-overlooked issue of domestic violence against
men in Mozambique, exploring its prevalence, contributing factors, societal attitudes, and
available support mechanisms. By acknowledging the reality of male victimization and
addressing the unique challenges they face, Mozambique can take meaningful steps towards
creating a more inclusive and effective response to domestic violence.


Silva, A. (2019). Understanding Domestic Violence Against Men in Mozambique: A

Qualitative Study. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3(2), 123-137.

Gonçalves, C (2020). Perceptions of Domestic Violence Against Men in Mozambican Society.

African Journal of Gender and Women's Studies, 5(1), 45-60.

Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare. (2018). National Survey on Domestic
Violence in Mozambique: Summary Report. Maputo, Mozambique: Author.

Matos, R. P. (2017). Legal Protections and Support Services for Male Victims of Domestic
Violence in Mozambique: A Policy Analysis. International Journal of Law and Society, 9(3),

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