Effects of Different Forced Molting Methods on Pos

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©2007 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Effects of Different Forced Molting Methods

on Postmolt Production, Corticosterone Level,
and Immune Response to Sheep
Red Blood Cells in Laying Hens

E. E. Onbaşılar*1 and H. Erol†

*Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science,

06110, Ankara, Turkey; and †Abant İzzet Baysal University, Mudurnu Süreyya
Astarcı Vocational School of Higher Education, 14800, Bolu, Turkey

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Primary Audience: Poultry Extension Specialists, Egg Producers, Researchers

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different molting methods on postmolt
production, plasma corticosterone levels, and antibody production to SRBC for the welfare of
laying hens. This experiment was conducted with 120 IGH-type Brown laying hens (70 wk of age),
randomly divided into 3 experimental groups. The hens in one group were fed a whole-grain barley
diet during the first 10 d (WB diet). On d 11, hens consumed 100 g of layer diet/d until d 28. In
the second group, hens were fed a Zn diet containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO for 10 d (Zn
diet). Hens were then provided 100 g of a layer diet from d 11 to 28. In the third group, feed was
withdrawn for 10 d, and on d 11 hens were fed a cracked corn diet ad libitum until d 28 (California
method; CAL diet). Hens in all groups were returned to the layer diet ad libitum on d 29. Egg
weight was lower in the Zn treatment than in the other treatments. Feed intake and plasma
corticosterone levels were higher and antibody production was lower in the CAL treatment than
in the WB and Zn groups. The FCR was better in the WB than in the Zn group. Mortality, egg
production, and egg quality were not significantly different among the molting methods. As a
result, the WB molting program was the best method for postmolt production among the
programs examined.

Key words: molting, laying hen, postmolt production, corticosterone level, immune response
2007 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:529–536

DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM Most researchers have reported that induced

molting improves the postmolt performance
In the commercial egg industry, widely dif- (such as egg production, egg quality, and egg
ferent molt techniques are used for extending weight) of laying hens compared with the pre-
laying flock performance. Molting programs are molt performance [1, 2].
designed to prolong the productive life of layers Conventional induced molting methods have
and breeders. This will depend on local eco- used fasting of hens for shorter periods or to a
nomic conditions and, in particular, egg prices. targeted BW with or without water restriction

Corresponding author: obasilar@veterinary.ankara.edu.tr
530 JAPR: Research Report

Table 1. Description of WB-, Zn-, and CAL-induced molting programs1

Molting Day of Light,

program experiment Feed Water h/d

WB 1 to 10 Ad libitum whole-grain barley diet Provided 8

11 to 28 100 g of layer diet per hen Provided 8
29 Ad libitum layer diet Provided 16
Zn 1 to 10 Ad libitum Zn diet containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO Provided 8
11 to 28 100 g of layer diet per hen Provided 8
29 Ad libitum layer diet Provided 16
CAL 1 to 10 None Provided 8
11 to 28 Ad libitum cracked corn diet Provided 8
29 Ad libitum layer diet Provided 16
WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California

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[2, 3, 4]. This method efficiently induces a molt study was to detect the effects of different molt-
because it is management friendly and economi- ing procedures on the postmolt production, phys-
cally advantageous, and it results in satisfactory iology, and immune response to SRBC in lay-
postmolt performance for the commercial layer ing hens.
industry [5]. But, recent concerns have been
raised about animal welfare during the fasting MATERIALS AND METHODS
period, because it is thought to be harmful to
Animals and Diets
the hens [6]. The other methods are feeding high
dietary Zn [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] or iodine [12], feeding A total of 120 IGH-type Brown laying hens
low-Ca [4, 9] or low-Na diets [13], and feeding [16], 70 wk of age, were used in the present
high-corn diets [14, 15]. The aim of the current study. The hens were housed in individual cages.

Table 2. Ingredients and chemical composition of diets

Layer Zn Cracked Whole-grain

Item diet diet corn diet barley diet

Ingredient, %
Corn 52.00 56.36 100 —
Barley 13.40 7.00 — 100
Soybean meal 21.00 21.80 — —
Fish meal 3.00 3.00 — —
Limestone 9.00 9.00 — —
Dicalcium phosphate 1.00 1.00 — —
Salt 0.25 0.25 — —
Vitamin-mineral premix1 0.25 0.25 — —
DL-Met 0.10 0.10 — —
ZnO — 1.24 — —
Chemical composition (analyzed)
ME,2 kcal/kg 2,637 2,628 3,365 2,670
CP, % 16.30 16.39 8.00 10.90
Ca, % 3.10 3.18 0.04 0.22
P (total), % 0.68 0.72 0.04 0.35
Zn,3 mg/kg 84 10,084 18 22
Composition per 2.5 kg: 12,000,000 IU of vitamin A, 2,400,000 IU of vitamin D3, 30 g of vitamin E, 2.5 g of vitamin K3,
2.5 g of vitamin B1, 6 g of vitamin B2, 4 g of vitamin B6, 20 mg of vitamin B12, 25 g of niacin, 8 g of calcium D-panthotenate,
1 g of folic acid, 50 g of vitamin C, 50 mg of D-biotin, 150 g of choline chloride, 1.5 g of canthaxanthin, 0.5 g of apo-
carotenoic acid ester, 80 g of Mn, 60 g of Zn, 60 g of Fe, 5 g of Cu, 1 g of I, 0.5 g of Co, and 0.15 g of Se.
The ME content of diets was estimated by using a prediction equation [24].
Calculated based on the feed composition tables of the NRC [37].

Table 3. Effect of different induced molting programs on BW of brown laying hens

Molting program1

Time of
experiment n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM P-value

Initial BW, g 40 2,122 ± 55.56 40 2,173 ± 34.05 40 2,204 ± 53.26 NS

10-d BW, g 40 1,746 ± 48.69b 40 2,011 ± 37.17a 40 1,768 ± 43.86b <0.001
28-d BW, g 35 2,003 ± 37.93a 38 2,012 ± 34.31a 32 1,859 ± 53.37b 0.021
10-d BW loss, % 40 18 ± 0.95b 40 8 ± 0.75c 40 20 ± 0.55a <0.001
28-d BW loss, % 35 6 ± 1.20b 38 7 ± 0.94b 32 16 ± 1.11a <0.001
Means within rows with different letters are different (P < 0.05).

WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California


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All hens were provided the layer diets ad libitum was reduced to 8 h/d. On d 11, hens consumed
and received 16 h of light/d before the molting a cracked corn diet ad libitum until d 28. On d
programs began. The experimental period was 29, hens were fed a layer diet ad libitum and
23 wk, consisting of a 1-wk preexperiment pe- the day length was increased to 16 h of light/d.
riod and 4 wk during the molt period, followed The ingredients and chemical composition of
by 18 wk of production. the diets are given in Table 2. Water was given
The 3 molting programs were whole-grain freely in all the groups during the experiment.
barley (WB), high dietary Zn (Zn), and Califor-
nia (CAL; Table 1). In the WB method, the hens Traits Measured
were fed whole-grain barley during the first 10 All hens were weighed individually at the
d and light was reduced to 8 h/d. On d 11, hens beginning of the experiment and at 10 and 28
were provided 100 g/d of the layer diet until d d following the start of the molt programs. One-
28. On d 29, hens were provided the layer diet week preexperimental egg production, feed in-
ad libitum and the day length was increased to take, and FCR, and 3-d preexperimental egg
16 h of light/d. In the Zn method, hens were fed weight were used to determine their initial val-
Zn diets containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO ues. Percentage of BW loss was calculated. Mor-
for 10 d and light was reduced to 8 h/d. Hens tality was recorded daily. Eggs were collected
were fed 100 g/bird per day of the layer diet daily then egg production was calculated on a
from d 11 to 28. On d 29, hens were provided hen-day basis, and uncracked eggs were
the layer diet ad libitum and the day length was weighed. Feed intake was measured weekly and
increased to 16 h of light/d. In the CAL method, FCR (grams of feed:grams of egg) was calcu-
hens were fasted during the first 10 d and light lated weekly during the postmolt period. Twenty

Table 4. Effects of different induced molting programs at different periods of the experiment on hen-day egg
production (%)

Molting program1

Time of
experiment n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM P-value

Initial 40 47.5 ± 3.8 40 48.3 ± 2.9 40 50.0 ± 4.6 NS

Days 1–10 40 21.5 ± 1.8b 40 32.0 ± 2.8a 40 17.8 ± 1.5b <0.001
Days 11–28 35 17.6 ± 1.9b 38 27.5 ± 3.1a 32 0.7 ± 0.4c <0.001
Weeks 5–22 34 51.8 ± 2.6 33 43.0 ± 3.4 29 46.4 ± 2.4 NS

Means within rows with different letters are different (P < 0.05).

WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California

532 JAPR: Research Report

Table 5. Effects of different induced molting programs at different periods of the experiment on egg weight (g)

Molting program1

Time of
experiment n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM P-value

Initial 47 60.96 ± 1.19 43 61.94 ± 0.86 62 62.87 ± 0.93 NS

Days 1–10 78 56.97 ± 0.96b 113 60.81 ± 0.61a 71 57.70 ± 0.75b <0.001
Days 11–28 92 60.74 ± 0.49 174 60.19 ± 0.94 0 — NS
Weeks 5–22 2,173 63.09 ± 0.14b 1,683 62.70 ± 0.13c 1,630 63.88 ± 0.14a <0.001

Means within rows with different letters are different (P < 0.05).

WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California


eggs per treatment were collected randomly to Antibody production against SRBC was

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determine the egg quality characteristics on the measured from 10 hens in each treatment at the
first day of the 14th and 15th week of postmolt beginning of the experiment, and at 10 and 30
production. The following characteristics were d following the start of the molting programs.
recorded for the individual eggs: weight, shape Hens were injected with 0.1 mL of 0.25% SRBC
index, eggshell breaking strength, shell thick- in 0.9% saline. Circulating anti-SRBC antibody
ness, yolk height and width, and albumen height, titers were determined by the microhemaglutina-
width, and length. With these values, the yolk tion technique from samples taken at 5 d after
index, albumen index, and Haugh units were the immunization. All titers were expressed as
calculated. The egg quality analyses were com- the log2 of the reciprocal of the serum dilution
pleted within 24 h of collection. [20].
On d 10 of the experiment, blood samples Nutrient analyses were determined ac-
were taken from the brachial vein of 17 hens in cording to standard AOAC procedures [21]. The
each treatment and placed in tubes containing analyses of Ca [22] and P [23] were done after
dry combustion of the diets. Metabolizable en-
EDTA to estimate the plasma corticosterone lev-
ergy levels were estimated by using a prediction
els. The bleeding procedure was limited to 1
equation [24]:
min or less to minimize the influence of handling
stress [17]. All blood samples were collected at ME, kcal/kg = 53 + 38 [(CP, %) + (2.25
the same time in the morning and centrifuged. × EE, %) + (1.1 × starch, %) + (sugar, %)].
Plasma was frozen (−20°C) until analyzed for
the determination of corticosterone. Plasma cor- Statistical Analyses
ticosterone levels were measured by using kits Data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows.
[18] and a gamma counter [19]. Differences among the means of the molt treat-

Table 6. Effects of different induced molting programs on feed intake (g/hen per d) and feed conversion ratio (g
feed:g egg)

Molting program1

Time of
experiment Item n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM n Mean ± SEM P-value

Initial Feed intake 40 114.63 ± 0.77 40 115.10 ± 0.92 40 113.98 ± 0.98 NS

Feed efficiency 40 4.80 ± 0.28 40 4.36 ± 0.23 40 4.58 ± 0.26 NS
Weeks 5–22 Feed intake 34 111.68 ± 0.91b 33 110.24 ± 0.88b 29 115.74 ± 0.89a <0.001
Feed efficiency 34 3.79 ± 0.25b 33 5.24 ± 0.48a 29 4.46 ± 0.40ab 0.029

Means within rows with different letters are different (P < 0.05).

WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California


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Figure 1. Daily hen-day egg production (%) during the molt period. WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high
dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California method.

ment groups were studied by one-way ANOVA. 35%, but the optimal BW loss of hens during
Means that were significantly different were sep- an induced molt was not identified.
arated by Duncan’s test. The frequencies of mor- In the present study during the molt period,
tality among groups were compared by using a hen-day egg production was higher in the Zn
chi-square test [25]. treatment than in the others (Table 4 and Figure
1). Postmolt (wk 5 to 22) hen-day egg production
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION was not significantly different among the 3 molt
In this experiment, BW loss was signifi- treatments (Table 4 and Figure 2). This result
cantly higher in the CAL treatment than in the agrees with the findings of Park et al. [27], who
other treatments (Table 3). Body weight loss is found that egg production was not different
an important factor contributing to the success among molting methods (feed withdrawal, Zn
of induced molting because of its impact on acetate, Zn propionate). However, Alodan and
reproduction and on fat deposits [26, 27]. This Mashaly [28] reported that egg production was
leads to regression of the reproductive tract, significantly affected by the molting program
which is proportional to the loss of BW, the [Zn, CAL, and on-again, off-again (ON-OFF)],
rejuvenation of the reproductive tract, and the and the Zn group had significantly (P < 0.05)
removal of fat accumulation, thereby increasing lower egg production than the CAL and ON-
tissue efficiency [28]. Webster [6] reported that OFF treatments. In the current study, postmolt
targeted weight losses have ranged from 15 to egg production was lower than expected in all

Table 7. Effects of different induced molting programs at different periods of the experiment on antibody production
against sheep red blood cells1

Molting program2

Time of experiment WB Zn CAL P-value

Initial 2.6 ± 0.5 4.4 ± 0.8 4.6 ± 0.8 NS

Day 10 3.2 ± 0.6a 2.6 ± 0.2a 1.4 ± 0.2b 0.006
Day 30 5.7 ± 0.4a 5.9 ± 0.4a 4.6 ± 0.3b 0.043

Means within rows with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
Values are log2 of reciprocal dilution of antibody titer.
WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn = high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California
method. Values are means ± SEM (n = 10).
534 JAPR: Research Report

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Figure 2. Weekly postmolt hen-day egg production (%) from wk 5 to 22. WB = whole-grain barley method; Zn =
high dietary Zn method (containing 10,000 mg/kg of Zn as ZnO); CAL = California method.

groups. These results showed that the genotype 6). The FCR of hens in the WB treatment was
(obtained by Ankara Poultry Research Institute) better than that of hens in the Zn group. Berry
used in this experiment was not suitable for the and Brake [7] reported that hens in the low di-
second production cycle. etary Na treatment had significantly better (P <
Postmolt egg weight was significantly higher 0.05) feed efficiency than those in the high di-
in the CAL group than in the other groups (Table etary Zn and fasting treatments.
5). Contradictory to our findings, Alodan and During this experiment, 6 (15%), 7 (17.5%),
Mashaly [28] reported that different induced and 11 (27.5%) hens died in the WB, Zn, and
molting programs (Zn, CAL, ON-OFF) had no CAL treatment, respectively. Mortality was not
effect on egg weight. Previous studies of molting significantly affected by the different molting
methods have often shown conflicting results in treatments. This result is in agreement with Alo-
hen responses because of different conditions dan and Mashaly [28].
[4]. Body weight at the start of the experiment, One method of assessing welfare in different
BW loss [29], age of the hens [26], and strain molting programs is to measure the physiologi-
[30] have all been shown to affect the results cal parameters associated with the stress re-
of different molting methods. There were no sponse. Physiological parameters of stress in
significant differences among treatments in the poultry, as reviewed by Freeman [31], Siegel
egg quality characteristics examined in the cur- [32], and Hill [33], may include increases in
rent study (data not shown). Similarly, Alodan circulating levels of corticosterone and suppres-
and Mashaly [28] showed that Zn methods did sion of humoral immunity. In this experiment,
not affect egg quality. McCormick and Cunning- plasma corticosterone levels (mean ± SEM) of
ham [10] also reported that egg quality variables hens in the WB, Zn, and CAL treatments were
and shell breaking strength were not signifi- determined as 3.78 ± 0.16, 4.07 ± 0.13, and 4.71
cantly different between different molting meth- ± 0.19 ng/mL, respectively. The higher (P =
ods (fasting for 10 d and high dietary Zn). 0.001) corticosterone levels in the CAL treat-
Hens in the WB and Zn treatments consumed ment could reflect a period of higher-stress con-
much less feed (P < 0.001) from the 5- to 22- ditions than in the Zn and WB treatments. How-
wk postmolt than hens in the CAL group (Table ever, Keshavarz and Quimby [34] reported that

corticosterone levels were not significantly dif- antigen in birds [35]. Nathan et al. [36] showed
ferent among various molting regimens (feed that short-term starvation diminished the re-
withdrawal, continuous corn diet, and feed with- sponse to SRBC. Conversely, Alodan and Mas-
drawal-corn diet groups). haly [28] showed that the different induced molt-
On d 10 and 30 of the experiment, antibody ing programs did not adversely affect antibody
titers to SRBC in the CAL method were signifi- production against SRBC. Some of these differ-
cantly lower than in the other treatments (Table ences may be due to the genetic background of
7). This reduction may be due to the increase in the birds, the different molting programs, or the
circulating levels of corticosterone. Corticoste- use of different suspensions of sheep eryth-
rone can reduce the antibody response to an rocytes.


1. In the CAL method, egg weights and plasma corticosterone levels were higher and humoral

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immunity was lower than with other methods. Hens molted with this method also had greater
feed consumption than with the other methods; however, egg production was not affected.
Because of physiological stress, this molting program may be less suitable for the welfare of
laying hens.
2. When the WB and Zn methods were compared, egg weight with the WB method was higher
and FCR was better than with the Zn method. Egg production, mortality, egg quality, plasma
corticosterone levels, and immunity of the laying hens were not significantly different between
these 2 treatments.
3. Therefore, in this study the WB molting program resulted in the best production performance
among the programs examined.


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