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‘TRUNG TAM clan GIAO DUC ALPHA NGUYEN PHU THO rc Ou 9Ha NBANON a; sinh gidi Tieng, 1 HS Kh, gid’ & HS céic Adi chuyén Anh TT Way Bugis 1917 us 904 Juenp 19a pin Myc LUC Phin I: Ngir php I Idioms & Expressions Il, Phrasal verbs TIL. Unreal tenses and subjunctives IV. Past modal auxiliaries Y. Verb following by ~ ing or infinitive VI. Anicles VIL. Verbs followed by prepositions st VII. Prepositions following adjetives, and in prepostional phrases Phin II: Practice tests Practice test 1 Practice test 2 Practice test 3 Practice test 4 Practice test 5 Practicetiest 6 Practice test 7 Practice test 8 Practice test 9 Practice test 10 Phin I: Dip én. 15 19 44 4a PHANI NGU PHAP L IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS + be no concem / business of somebody’s // be none of somebody's gh Vi.du: «I'S no business of yours how much I earn a month. (Tt kiém 1a mbt idng bao mbiéu tin thi chi can he git anh) = Who I go out with atthe moment is none of your business. ten ‘hd wit ai thi ching lien quan git anh cx) + have no intention of doing something: khing o6 ¥dinh lim g 6 ‘Vida: ~ We have no intention of applying for jobs at that company. The salary there isto low. (Ching 11 Khong ob 3 dink xin vide cg ty dbs Tien haomg 0 dé thip qua) + to’ short of something: hig khog di Vid: = fm a bit shor of cash atthe moment. Hin gid to thi tin mat) + be‘eut out for somebody/something // 0 be cut out tobe something: & tinh ch hay Khd ning rt phd hop dé lim gi Vidu: - She wasn't a great journalist She was more eut out for television reporting. (C3 ta Hing phi lt mbt sbi Hom. Ci tam png ‘en trayén hinh th hp Rd ning hon.) ~ Why did be join the army? He's not really cut out 10 be a soldier Tai sao anh ta lal np nei? Anh ta sinh ra Khong phd tim mot nui Tinh) Z + it comes as no surprise to somebody that ai dé cha ngac nhign gi v8 idu: ~ It came as no suprise to us tat he filed inthe exam. He hhad never studied hard enough. (Ching 161 cha cm thdy ngac mhién i vé ‘ie anh a thi hing. Anh ta chaz ba gu hoc nh cham chi dmg mic a) ++ nowhere to be found: tim du cing khéng ra ‘Vidur ~ They searched the house but the necklace was nowhere 10 be found (Ho lu ung en hg Ug tim ras dy yen i cd) +e nthe mpd for spetigting something en he mod todo someting min hn a 1, =m inthe moo for going out an having a goed time, (é im thd mun ra Rh ni dé di choi mt echo 48 dt) business: khong lign quan gi dén ai d6, ai d6 khong e6 quyén biét Eu-5 1e said she wasn't in the mood to sing. (Cé dy ho og yin Khiu vi.) % * (do something) with a view to something / doing something: véi ch 1a, nhim mye dich dé. by Vidu: - He is painting and decorating the house with a view jp seling it for « good price. (Anh dy som vd trang iri ai cam mh mh dich dé bin cho dire gid) hi «make a dash for: Io vé pha, chay x6 v8 huémg no 46. VVidu: - When seeing many strange people around, the deer made dash for shelter. (Kh thy cb nhiéw mudi la & chung quanh, ning con hse 4 chay x6 di tim noi dn ndip.) = We jumped into the ear and made a dash for the fey. (Ching inhi ln 6 tvs ao 16 ben phi.) + fall into disrepute: bj mang ting x4u, bi mang tai tiéng Vi.dy:- Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen int di (ie gy c6 vu Be bi, nha trang phin no bj mang tai tiéng.) + take a risk inby doing something: liu Iinh lam chuyén gi d6 \Vidu: - If you want to become rich quickly, you should take a risk ty investing your money in that company. (Néw ban mudn tr nén gid ob mot cich nhanh ching, ban nén ligw dw te én cia minh cho céng ty 46) + take it for granted that: dinh nih ring, tin ring edi gl sé xiy ra mi ‘khong kiém tra cho chic. Vidu: - We took it for granted that there would be some roms availabie atthe hotel but we were wrong. (Ching ti dink minh li 38 ¢6 di Phang a thich san nhug ha ra sai) = He took it for granted that he would get the job, and so he was very suprised when he didnt. (Anh ta dink ninh s@ nln dieoc vie nn rit ngac nhién kh rd cuge khing dere) + asa last resort: chi bim viu eudi cing Vidu: - Nobody wanted to lend me the money. As a last resort! asked my brother and luckily he was able to help me. (Khéng a ‘mun cho 16i mucom tin Toi the hat dng anh ré nhac la ehd bam vi cx ig vs may min anh dy da cb thé ghip tt) ‘ Te gre tans bce ee re : - A good teacher should treat all her pupils on the same’ (9 gid ven ie nin db inh ding voi mo hoe sink) + eto wei Sqn mtnece fey ‘over somebody/something: repute en Vid: - It should be given priority over other matters atthe moment, (Vige nity nén dieze dh quyén wu tin hom bit eit vin d8 nao Khée vio th diém ni.) + in awe of something/somebody: kinh sg Vidu: - | lived in awe of my father until I was atleast fifteen. (To sing trong niém kinh sc cha ti cho dén Kh it ra 101 dhege 15 td.) = When first working here, I was in, awe of all the modem machines which were quite strange to me. (Thoat du lam viée 6 day, ti c6 cm gid rt so 4at ca: nhitng may mbc hién dai rdt xa la di véi wi) + at one’s disposal: ¢6 sin cho ai sir dung theo y muén Vildu: - Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal. (Sinh vigm e6 mot the viém mhiéu stich dé st dng) im puta seeretary at my disposal. (Cong ty dink riéng cho 161 mt th kj dé sai Khién.) Bai dp sing dung For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. 1. She has always a good relationship with the children. got 2. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. 3. There's no point in phoning Caroline - she's away. time 4, William decided that an actor's life was nat for him. ‘cut ‘5. You can try to get Lim to lend you his ear but you won't succeed. 7. [only called the police when I had tried everything else. 8, Women in this factory work under the same conditions as men, 9. I don't think he's likely to telephone this late at night. doubt 10. assumed that you would ask fora reference. granted 11. Any correspondence from the London office must be dealt with before osher mater priority 12, Youid fee! better if you had a quiet holiday. do 13. As [intended to expand my shop, I made an offer for the premises nxt door. 14. Jenny didn fe! like going tothe party. ‘mood 1S, The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate. ash "6 Sarl it was dangerous for you to hte-hike al that way alone. 17. Ms Scot i proud ofr cooking Prides: 18.Gerald never had enough to live on until he married that rich businesswoman, short 19. The president arranged for me to se his chauffeur-driven car whenever [ liked. disposal 20. Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good opinion of it disrepute 21. What Rachel does in her spare time doesnt concern me. business 11. PHRASAL VERBS rhrasal verbs with COME = happen (xy a, din ra) come across find or meet by chance (nh ct tly, in cap), : = make @ paricular impression (ao rad tig, gy angen tong) come a tac (x8 vio, xbng vio tin ebng) come by obtain (68 duge, v6 duge,kiém dive) ~ come down with: become ill fom (me bgnb,ng3 bénh) come in for: ecevelsuffer (ha due, himg chu iy) come into: inherit (hia wimg duge, tha ké due) come out :show symptoms (ctr chimg, 1 a) come round regain consciousness (tin ahi tinh) come round to = begin to accep (bit di thra nn, itd chp ohn) come up with = produce (dua ra, cung cp) Ba tp ing dung Choose the appropriate phrasal verb 10 complete the following ‘hen it fist opened, En-9 you this painting? It's very like one thay 2. How exactly di ‘was reported stolen 3. Give him time, He's sure to a1 ‘a small fortune when my uncle died but T managed tp squander most of it, 'm ashamed to say cour way of thinking in the end, 5. As soon as I opened the garden gate, the dog bared. 6. Onthe very first day ofthe holiday he 7. In desperation we employed a private detective and he some quite valuable evidence. 8. She as rather nervous at the interview but I don't think we should count that against her. us with teeth ina rash. 9. How did it that you were travelling on that train to Istanbul? 10. When 1 after the accident, I couldnt remember what had happened. 1, Both the children ‘measles at the beginning of the summer and we had to postpone our holiday. 12. We ‘some marvellous deserted beaches on our touting holiday in south west Ireland, * Phrasal verbs with GET = eetat suggesvimply (ngu ¥, him J, muén noi digi) getaway with: escape punishment (thodt duge su trimg phat) Seat manage! survive (xoay x6 dupe, sng diye), = get down depress (ha gue, Lim cho ai suy sup) =geton be on friendly terms (hia hop véi ai 48) ~eetoutof, avoid (trintrnh, trinh Kh) get over recover from ‘hoi phuec, binh phyc) get round ‘Persuade (thuyét phuc, gat ai Lim theo ¥ minh) + get round to, find time for (c6 thoi gian dé lam gi) = get through ‘make contact with (lién lac vai ai) Bai tp eng dung fe ‘the appropriate phrasal verb to complete the followits answering your ltr 2. Frankly, I don't know how he 3, He nearly always managed to pretending he had a bad back 4. Considering how litle they've got in common, its surprising how well they together 5. Hows your mother? Has she 6. Did you phone your solicitor? Ne engaged 6m the small amount he earns. doing the heavy work by her operation yet? 1 couldn't the line was 7, ‘The job itself is well paid and interesting, but commuting to the City every day really me 8. It’s no use trying to mind he never changes it, 9. 1 can't see quite what youre, specific? 10. So, he's finally been arrested for tx fraud. I'm surprised he managed to it for so long, him with charm. Once he's made up his Could you be a bit nore * Phrasal verbs with PUT put about: circulate information (tung tin) put across: communicate (truyén dst, lim cho ai higu duge ahi kha niing giao tip) put down to; attribute to (cho 1a, quy cho, la do) = put forward — : suggest (dura ra mot y kién, dé nghi) put off discourage (lim ai ngd long, lim ai nhut chi khong ‘mudn lam gi dé na) * postpone (ri hod Iai) = puton pretend (gid vo, gi b6) = put out inconvenience (khién cho ai cim thiy bit ign) =put up + provide accommodation (cho ai & Iai nh) ut up with = tolerate (chiu dymg) Bai tip ing dung Choose the appropriate phrasal verb to complete the following sentences. L, Dont let me you . film does have its good points. ‘poing to see it. I mean, the En-1 idea that there should be a At the meeting someone = tadent representative on the committe. 5 He did scem a bit shor-tempered, I agree. 1 to overwork, : 4. must not prepared 10 your inefficiency any longer. You're fired! 5. Thank you. I'd love to stay for dinner, as long as it won't you atall. the meeting until everyone's 6. Well just have to back from holiday 1. The part of the course I enjoyed least was philosophy. It wasn't very well by the lecturer. 8. If your sister can me itll save the cost of a hotel room forthe night. 9. She it that she was thinking of leaving the company and, as a result, she received several offers from rival organisations. 10. He didnt really hurt his leg, you know. He limped a bit, but he was only it to get our sympathy © Phrasal verbs with SET set about : begin to deal with (bit di lam gi dé) start and seem likely to continue (bit du va s@ kéo di sau 6) -setin «set off: cause to explosion (nd, gay nd, lam cho nd) start a journey (én dum, khoi inh) : i start something happening (lim ai bat eu, bit diu noi dn mot é ti thich tha.) = setout = intend (dr dint) display (trinh bay, tring bay, pho bay) setto. begin a task with determination (bit dau lao vio) setup: establish (tinh lip thiét lip, xy dug) ~ set (up) on : attack/eause to attack (tn cng, xiii ai tin céng) Bai tp song dung Choose the appropriate phrasal verb to complete the following sentences 1, Itlooks as ifthe rain has -- forthe rest of the day. 2. If you could + Your specific proposals in a letter, we will ve them our attention een 3. Don't you dare come near my house or Pl the dog. you! 4. Could you give me some advice, please? I'd like to know how to claiming a tax allowance. 5. Itwe ‘at dawn, we should reach the coast by midday. The whole family energetically and by the end of the ‘morning most ofthe weeds had been cleared from the garden. 7. twas just the funny way he spoke which me ing. I couldn’t help i. a scheme to help small businesses with advice. ‘any fireworks t0 near tothe house, will you? 10. He originally to beat the land speed record, but weather conditions were unfavourable. * Phrasal verbs with TAKE take after = resemble an older relative (gibng mot ai 46) take in understand/grasp(tép thu dirgc, higu duge) make narrower (bp {io quan... I) deceive (lira gat, Wa di) imitate (bit chude, nai theo) sccept (responsibilty ete) (im nha trich nim) + obtain something officially issued (nin duuge, durge cp) {ake contro of (gp quin, mus i mt cos ki doa.) like instinctively (c6 tin cém, yéu mén) adopt as a hobby (bit du m@t tha tiéu khién) + shorten (et ngin Iai [40 quan) + challenge (thich tic, thir thich) Bai tip ing dung Choose the appropriate phrasal verb to complete the following sentences. Making any changes if necessary. 1. He only sow BOlf because his doctor told he would have to get 2. When I first heard the announcement, I was too busy cooking to - properly. 3. Our local pu hasn't had the same atmosphere since it was by one ofthe big breweries. E13 You should see the way he 2 4. He's a manellous mimi Prime Minister ~i yell round the waist, sf, But YOU feel its tg, 5. The jacket fits it ha 1e for it to be 6. My daughter's nota bit like me, She seems f0 her father ay she acts Don't let him you The truth is that he's never done ; 8. However keen you are to make a sucess of the business, its importan, " more work than you can reasonably manage. each other immediately with his hard luck store, an honest day’s work in his li 9, When our in-laws first met they and they've been friends ever since. 10. Thank you for that explanation of union views but there is one point like © you on, iT may. Is it really true to say...? 11. Do you have trouble obtaining your copy of Teacher's Weekly? Why not a regular subscription and be sure of receiving each edition ‘as soon as it's published? 12. The problem with losing weight, [find is that all your clothes need to be II, UNREAL TENSES AND SUBJUNCTIVES 1. Iestime 1s rime vi 1's high rime dang Gage theo sau boi ce dng teh ql Khe dan (simple pat) hay qué ki tgp din (past continuous), mg db 1 king dé cp dén hinh dng hay sy vie xy ra trong qua kit ma dip én mt vige ne pai lm o ig Vidu: —Itstime weet + ItShigh time Iwas / were going. Cong nn trong cic cu dtu ki, were dupe sit dyng cho wht coe nat yl ga a cag ao * Present DE didn td mot use mun ti voi i (unreal i act ie sx thit 6 hit tai (unreal in press ng dang leh qu nt on (at simple), qu Ka tip ee Mid -1wish Ihad a motorbike, (I dont have one now.) eu I wish you werent leaving. (You are leaving.) = wish I was going on holiday with you. (Lam not going.) * Would and Could Ta ding would va could sau wish é din ta mt ude mubn twang li lu: «I wish you would leave = wish I could come on holiday with you next year. Would thuimg duge sit dung 48 & eép dén mt thoi quen gay phiém th cho ng Khe hay Khidn ng Khe ph em thy bye minh Vidu: -I wish you wouldnt make such a mess. = Ivish you all would forge totum off the iat before leaving. * Past DDE dim td mot woe mud tei voi sw tht & qua kh (unreal in past), ta sir dung dng tir chia thi qua khit hon thn (past perfect) sau Wish. ‘Vid: =I wish I hadn't eaten so much. (Late so much.) = She wishes she had come to the airport to see you off (She didn’t come to the airport.) __ Thong thuimg nev ta sit dung cu trie nly voi only dB bidu Ip si bite ‘Vid: - IF only I hadn't bought this second-hand eae (I bought this second...) = Ifonly I had apologise to er yesterday. (I didn't apologise, to her yesterday) * Hope DE woe mun mot sy vige e6 kha ning 5B xy ra trong tuong lai, {hing thuimg ta sit dung ding tt Hope. ong tr theo sau Hope 6 thé chia & ¢hihign tai don (Gimple present hay th tug Iai dom (simple future). iid - hope it doesn rain morrow. ~ Lhope hel stop talking soon! 3.14 rather prefer Gollowed by a clause) *Térather CCing ging nhu dng tr Wisk, dng tr trong mah dé di theo sau Pd ‘rather durge chia thi qué Khir dom d8 d2 cép dén mt vin 48 & hign ta. Ca tent de i dung in mot thigh ea c dn 8 mot hh dg Vid ~ Id rather you didnt smoke in here. EN-15 Snip jhur mot bo phén cha cau didy 4; ta theo sats Tobin dn pha cb tan ne ei It 1d prefer you not to £0 4.Asif. As though * Real and unreal eb be. Sau 4s fv As though a c6 thé sir dng th hi tai dom néu sy vig due dé cip “i ta cyte (eal). Nous vig dupe dé ep a, thing thit 6 ign ti (oneal) hi ta si-dung th qua Kh dom Vid: ~ He acts as if eis in charge (He is in charge) = He acts aif e were in charge. (He isn't in charge) DE d® cin dn sve ti tht qu ki, ta dig thi qua ki on hinh sau Asif As thos Vid: - You looks i'you had just seen a ghost. (You did't see) = Lfeelas fan express tain had hitme. (didnt hit) | 5 Suppose and Imagine * Understood conditions \ i de Some aie i mt pln ca cu but age nga hiéu ngim chi khng cin phi pt i Vi du: - Imagine we won the pools. (means: Imagine what would we do if we won the pools) ~ Suppose someone told you that I was a spy! (means: Suppose Someone old you that Iwas apy, what would you say?) jp aie Sing nh cia di kin, kh ta ding Suppose va: Imagine dd ‘ip dén mit su vige 6 kh ning s xiy, ta c6 thé dng thi hin ta. ‘Vi.du: - Suppose it starts raining, what will we do? * Present or past Néu duge sit dung 48 néi dén mgt i ast dng th ut Kh odn tinh sau suppose vd inetone eso ‘ai thi ta sirdung thi qua kit don = Neu gid dnt 8 6 i.du:~ Imagine we had never met ~ Sappose we went to Wales fora change. 6, Formal subjunctives * Insisting, demanding ete Sau nhing dng tir nhu la demand, insist, suggest, require, bag thd ich eb thé dhece sie dung 6 phong céich trinh trong ~ 6 ngha la ding tie dhege dé or dang neuyén miiu King €6 "10" Vidu: = They demanded that he leave at once. Sau It is necessary that, It is essential that, It important that. sit dung dang nay ‘Vi du: - It is essential that you arrive before six. * Less formal usage Trong ede ng ednh ft trinh trong hom thi ta thém should truée dng tir nguyén miu, hoge ding cd trée nguyén mu c6"t Vidu: - They demanded that he should leave, = They demanded that he lef. (Chi sir dung trong ngit can thin mit.) = It is essential for you to arrive before six. * Bing thii cach cdn duye sit dung trong cde eum ti €6 dinh nu: God save the Queen! Be that as it may... Come what mar cing Bai tap tng dung A. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase. 1. Lwish you ‘making so much noise late at night! 2. I'd rather the children ‘on the television without permission. 3. Suppose half the money I owe you. Would that satisfy you? 4. Thope get into trouble on my account. 5. This is an awful hotel. I wish we. to the Grand instead, 6. Wisabsolutely ‘you contact head office in advance. 2. 8 9, [think i’s high time we locking all the windows at night. Would you rather 1 the luneh, if you fee tired? wish my ear 4s fast as yours. 10.1 prefer you. . smoke in here, if you don’t mind. B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so ‘thatthe meaning stays the same. 1. Do youever regret not going to university? WISH E1117 2. {should really be leaving. TIME PREFER 4 EXT at answers, though be pretends ©. ACTS 5. Td owe tbe able to go with youve the opera. WISH 6. Tish {hadn't sold that old painting. PITY RATHER 7. Tt would be better if you didnt stay ong. 4. The Teutagnem inssed on our wearing dak suits. WEAR ‘9. Why do you have to complain all the time? WISH. 10.1.don't want to goto the meeting, RATHER © Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning says thesame. 1. Itwould be nice tobe abe toy I wish 2. wish hadn't heard that. Pd rather you : 3, Everyone wished they had listened more carefully to the lecture. ee 4, Unfortnately I've got to work late tonight. Dri esse 5. Isitbetter for me to leave? ‘Would you... Si 6. Its apity Tean’t borrow your ca. | wish you would... 7. Wereally mast discuss this again, 1s important that. 10, Jack prefers me not to say anything about the missing money. jack would rather IV. PAST MODAL AUNILIARIES 1. Had to and must have Had to Iain thie qué khi cia must va duge sir dung dé dé cip dén sx bit buge 6 thoi dim qua kh Vid: Sorry I'm late, I had to post some letters. Dang phi djnh eta Fad fo la didn't have to, dims 48 din ti su khong bit bude trong qui kh Vidu: I didn’t have to go to work yesterday because it was a national holiday Must have duge sit dung dé difn ta mt st vige ede hin da xy a trong aqua kt “Vidur Someone must have taken it (I'm sure they did.) 2, Should have and ought to have ‘Should have v’ ought to have o6 thé st dung thay thé cho nau. ‘Tasit dung should have hay ought 10 have * dé dign a mot vige ding I nda lim trong qué ki ‘Viidu: You shouldn't have bought a second - hand ear. It cost you & lot of money to have it repaired. + db dik w mot sy vige ma ding I ra d8 xiy rai. ‘Vid: The parcel I sent you should have arrived by now: * dé m6 ta mGt sy tinh ed (diing véi be va tinh te) \Vicdu: I was strange that you should have been stay hotel last yar. * 6 din ta Joi cam om lich sr khinhn due qua hay st giip 40, ‘iu: A° I've done the washing-up for you (Oh, you really shouldn't have, Luu 9 Khi noi edu ny, ng digu phi 10 ra thin mat boi vi day khong ‘hai la mit cu sit dung d& chi teich hay phe binh nau Khe 3. Could have Could have duge sit dung 48 42 cap dén mot kha nang trong qua Khir ay mot ie ch ky trong gud Km np nl Kg che chin ‘Vidu: David could have won the race if he had tried It could have been Sue, I suppose. (uncertainty) E11-19 4. Might have and must have ud Khir ma ng Mrday but no one answered. SRE Might have gop, i khong che Kim, Vi du: I phoned her yes! cout shopping. I'm not sure. N6 edn duge sir dung dé sng athe nbd Kong 1 Vi.dy: You might have drowned! Might have known ‘would li mét thanh net dupe sik dung dé difm 4g hii dd phé phdn ea ng n6i trade mt thoi quen xu cha neu Vi du: I might have known that he would be late © Must have duge sit dung 48 dién td mot sw vige chic hin da xdy py trong qua kh (Nguoi ni chic chin la digu d6 8 xay ra.) ‘Vi du: Someone must have taken it. (I'm sure they did.) Itmst have rained heavily last night. Everything is wet ip tong dng A. Choose the most suitable words underlined 1. That can’t have been/ shouldn't have been Nick that you saw. 2. You had to give! might have given me a hand, 3. caught the later train because I had to sce! must have seem a cient 4. {suppose Bill should have los might have lost his way. 5. I dida’t refuse the cake, as it must have been/ would have been rude. 6 1 8 9. din ta mgt vige 06 thé ay ra trong qué ky | don’t know who rang, but it could have been/ must have been im Iwas odd that you should have bought would have boughs the same cx 1 asked them to eave but they couldn't’ woulda’t go. esa pity you dia’ task because I could help’ could have helped you. 10. K's your own faut, you can’t have shouldn't have gone to bed 30 lat. B. Complete each sentence witha suitable word or phrase. Don’t worry that Caroli late, he. | begged David to accept some money, but he ‘That was a lucky escape! YOU vss Iwas supposed to be a secret! You | spent last week a the beach because I didn't. ‘The plane is late. It landed by now. M00 onset my brother. I haven't ‘There is only one solution. The butler — 20-Eu ie 9. Itwas lovely. We better holiday 10. So it was you who set off the fire alarm fora joke! I known, C. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a modal auxiliary and so that the meaning stays the same. 1. The police refused to do anything about my noisy neighbour. Jean's boss was extremely kind to her. 3. Why didn’t you back me up. ‘Our worrying so much was a waste of time. 1 to have opened the fridge! In just not possible forthe: George knew how to ride a bicycle when he was five. 7. wanted to go tothe party, but it was snowing hard 8. Itwould have been possible for Helen to give us a lift 9. It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door. 10. Schoo! uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school, V. VERBS FOLLOWING BY -ING OR INFINITIVE 1. Verbs followed by ether ing or infinitive with to (to-nfinitive) * Can't bear, hate, like, love, prefer ‘Cae dong tir trén dusge sit dung voi ca V-ing ln infinitive trong 46 Like to thwomg duge sit dung d& 48 cp din mot y tich the thoi quen. Vi dy: We like to go out to lunch on Sunday. [Not lke to th tong, rong nahi wi think it wrong to ‘Vi dy don't like to disturb colleagues at home. En-2 intend, plan, propose, start to-infinitive thi Kho hay tnfnitve th King rinend, plan. va propose ob * Attempt, begin, continue Khi s he bigt hay huge theo sau boi that * Forget, remember - Forget to do something (qué _du: I'm sorry. 1 forgot to tum of jung ede dong te 0 fi Cie dong ay dbi vé net in Khong lam chuyén gi 46.) ff the light before leaving 1 promise I won't do it again 3 Forget doing something (quén (Khon lim mio d6 d& digm ra trav d6.) Vi du: You said you lent me money last month. 1 forget borrowing ~ Remember to do something (ahs pha lim chuyén gi 46.) ‘Vi dy: Did you remember to post the letter for me? = Remember doing something (nha dén mot vige hay hanh ding 3 xay a smube 46.) Vidu: I remember meeting that man before but Iam not sure where set him. Ca hai dong tir forget va remember déu 06 thé duige theo sau bii thar + | sinh dé | ‘Vid: I remembered that I had to pay the phone bill. | *Ty | «Thy 1o do something (eb ging bay n8 lye lam chuyén gi €6 o6 thi thsh céng ay thit bai.) | Vidu: | tried to warn him but it wast late. | = Try doing something (si lam mt vie pid.) | 1g nhé dén) mot hanh dOng hay vig, "ip: Have jon tt Wada sek Try taking aa eprn You'l fel beer Ree oe ~ Go on + V-ing (tiép tuc lim mot hinh dng nao 46.) ‘dus She wen on working even hough it wast, = Go on infinitive 06 10 i i ni MY ees (su tip nds, tinh High tue eta mot Ie ae aa ee : ny nly dng nga voi el sau: The Prime continued his speech by praising the Chaneellons nt” ‘m-En * Mean Mean + to-infinitive (6 § hay 6 inh lam gi) ory, I meant to tell you about the party Mean + V-ing (bao ghm mit vige gi 46.) du: If catch the eaey train it will mean getting up at 6 00. * Regret Regret to do something thimg duge sit ung trong céc nat ch tinh trong, din dat Vly him tide Khi sip sia pha lam mot vige gd. Vi-du: We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful = Regret doing something (hit tke, hit hn v8 movie gi dé da xay ra.) ‘Vidu: I regret being so rude to you yesterday. * Stop += Stop todo something (ding ai d& lim mt vige gi 6.) ‘iu: Jane stopped to check the ol level in the engine. = Svop doing something (thoi Khng lis mt inh dong gi 46 ns.) Vid: The baby has stopped waking up during the night now. * Hear, see, watch - Kh theo sau bi infinitive King o6 fo (bare-infinitive) thi hinh dng, theo sau eée dong tr én di duge chim ditt hay 46 la mot hanh dng diém (han dng xy ravi chim dit hiu nh tai mgt thoi diém.) ‘Vid: We watched all the cars ross the finishing line T saw her break the window. Kh theo sau bi V-ing thi in dng d6 dang xiy ra hay vin con dang ‘tgp dién. Vidu: I heard someone coming up the stirs. I saw them going for a walk in the park some days ago. 2. Verbs with an object, followed by either ~ing or to-infinitive * Allow, forbid, permit ~ Néu theo sau céc dng tir nay ld mt tn ng0t thi ta sir dung to-infinitive ‘Vi du: My father didn’t allow me to smoke in his room. = Néu sau che dng tr ny khéng e6 tin ngi thi ta sir dung dng @ dang V-ing. Vid The schoo! does not allow smoking. * Consider = Taddiing consider v6i to-infnitive d& dig t& mt y kién. E1-23 Vd: Ses considered to ee ns pianist ofr aeerton, icing c ni no dng nghia véi think about Pratt rating to Canada, ‘Vi du: At one point I considered ct 3. Verbs normally followed by te-infii Ce dng tir dupe lige ké sau dy ther Agree, appear, arrange, attempt, ask choose, dare, decide, demang Beare accel va Scr sci pains Coe Fain asi: i seit ae ore eon nes on ho Se ie pala eres ee eo oe a aero aed pista wy lauae cn ng tie nay e6 thé duge theo sau bai nguyén mu 66 hay khéng 6 “to” rep baat cup fo) tas el rg due theo sau boi to-infinite * Make GO thé chi dng ta ding “make + bar-infntive” nhumg o thé bi dong ding: “make + to-nfntive” ‘Vi d:- They made me leave (active) We shall have to make do. (ective) The University of Leeds. ‘The Tower of London, The Isle of Man, * Superlative form ‘Tre ede dang so sinh bic nhit ta luon lubn ding “the”. ‘Vid: This is the most expensive hotel in town. tis the big est project I have ever work in. 2 Indefinite articles: “a”an” Ta si dung ‘nig hop sai: * Jobs: Tony is a builder. Mr. Clark is a doctor. * Inmsasuring: Three times a week; Fifty kilometres an hour, $3.50 a kilo; $14,000 « year. Trong cde ngitcinh trinh trong thi ta ding “per” dé thay thé cho agai es: “a/an”(mgo tir khOng xc dinh) trong ce E11-29 : people: A Me JOE nso Eee ong ruimg hop nay 6 nbd nh Fling np Ta st dung “oan ie ni khdng he bid dn dn Jone 3. Zero articles 2 trugmg hop sau: Taking ding moo trong cic thE DOP athew Smith is one of my fAvOute arts. + suvets: Green Road, Godwin Stet Lin The High Steet, The Strand * Sponts: Football, emis * Subjects | Mathematics, chemistry i I Bai tp eng dung | ‘A. In each space put *a/an” or “the” or leave the space blank Ithas been announced that fr (1) month there hasbeen 2) rie in (3) ® unemployed, rather than (5) ... bbeen predicted. (6) rise was blamed on (7) « continuing uncertainty over (8) ~. government economic pot worse time for (10) and couldn't come at (9) reso Prime Minister, who is facing (11 ) «growing. criticism third consecutive number of fall that hl 2) ~-way (13) "present crisis is being handeé 10 ge MPs iain song (3) dese 6 resent devaluation of (17) snus in interest ates, (19) 20 sil expects (20) we eevey of the economy o tke tHe Gc. mene ni a a De ing ino 3). housing market is B. Correct the errors in these sentences. 1. It'snota first-class accommodation unless it has a private bathroom. 2. Onthis record twins play piano duet. 3. The halfway through meal we realised what waiter had sai. 4, ifthe Ms. ler phones, say Tm away on tip. 5. There isa wonderful scenery in estem part of Turkey 6. Cocker spaniel is one of most popular pet dogs 1. Thetis poing tobe fog and a cold weather ll the next Week 8. The burglaries are definitly om increase 9 1 spent very Interesting holiday athe Lake Coniston in England 10, We are against war in general, so of course we are against war like this between superpower and developing country G Choose the most suitable word underlined. A dash (-) means that no article is needed. 1. Helen doest't tho! - eream eakes sold in a the local bakery. 2, The! = basketball is fast becoming a/ the popular sport worldwide. 3, We could see that the/ - Alps were covered in the! = snow: 4, Isa/= long time since L met a/ = lovely person like you! 5. 5. Diana has af = degree in the! - engineering from the/ - University of London, 6. Al the/ = present moment, the’ = man seems to have the/ an uncertain future 7. The! = problem for the/~ today's students is how to survi 8. ‘The! French enjoy spending holidays in the! - countryside. Please do not tum on athe. water-heater in a/ the. bathroom, financially. 10, Sue bought a/he, Picasso ! was telling you aout the! = last week. en-31 the, or leave the space blank. Parliament at next election 1 had 10 stand in. D. Imeach space put a/an oF 1 I'm going to stand for When I left station, ey for. taxi for Jong time 3. We took. trip around London and saw Tower Bridge, 4 happiness of the majority depends on-.--hAY Work fgg sre most msn roads in this part of ‘COUN fly, line of | roads built by Romans, 6. Have you got. latest record by. Gipsy Kings? 7. Ifthad time, I would like to take up archery. 8 Wespent pleasant evening having drink at Robin Hood 9. Nile flows right through city. 10. summer I spent in USA was one Of sermon bestia my life E. Imeach space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank. 1. Go down Kingston Street and turn right into. Road. | 2 shopping. It's Jeast lean do. 3. 1 dont like ilk in coffee. | 4. She was first woman to cross Atlantic im coo | canoe. S. Jim became. furniture salesman after leaving | 6 At we Busy dAY, on sleep is j F. Correct the errors in these sentences. 1 The time you spend onthe relaxing pastime is good for you: 2. Don't you work inrecont shop in High Street? 3. A new campaign against he smoking is directed at the young women, 4. The leader of the team is usually called captain 5. Ahalf'the time I get phone call fs wrong number. 6. I saw brilliant rock band perform atthe Isle of Wight rock festival. 7. Do you know what the difference there is between the stoat and the ‘weasel? 8, Atthe halftime the both teams seemed ina difficulty. 9. The earthquake could easly damage the Channel Tunne! 10. A painting [like best isthe one not fora sale. G. In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank. 1. Please wateh cabin attendant as she demonstrates .-nun USe of oxygen mask, 2. Paul spent. Ihalf of his ifn .c- Far East 3. You have to use at Teast Pint ands... half of milk. 4. Dick has _ Sore throat and is taking h 6 7 Be astronaut but . PREPOSITIONS VIL. VERBS FOLLOWED BY PREFO! 1. Ding tic theo sau bai gift seit Jbsorbed in something (especially absorbed in her work/ a book) to be engrossed in something to implicate someone in something to involve someone in something to result in something to specialise in something to succeed in something 2. Bhng te theo sau boi git te for to account for something tallow for something (to take into consideration) to apologise for something/someone (on their behalf: Let me apoioge | for Jack.) | to blame someone for something to care for something/someone f to cater for something/someone to charge someone for something (make them pay f to count for something (especial: I coun for nothing inthis company) to earmark somethingfor a paricular use to pay for someone/something 3. Ding tit theo sau béi gidi tir of to accuse someone of something ‘to convict someone of something to remind someone of something to suspect someone of something 4. Bing te theo sau béi gid te with 10 acquaint someone with something eine ‘to charge someone with something to clutter it : wih ltt with something (seal passive ‘The room was cute! to.coincide with something to collide with ‘© comply with something ing to concern with something (ysually passive: be concerned with) to.confront someone with something to confuse somcone/something with someone/something, to cram with something (especially passive: be erammed with) to deal with someone/something to discuss something with someone to face with something (especially passive: be faced with) to ingratiate oneself with someone to meet with something (especially: meet with an accident) to pack with something (especially passive: be packed with) to plead with someone to provide someone with something to tamper with something to trust someone with something s._Dong tie theo sau bit gi te from to bar someone from a place to benefit from something to derive something from something. to deter someone from something to differ from something to distinguish one thing from another thing (also: distingus 1 things) to distract someone from something, to exempt someone from something to expel someone fom a place to reftain fiom something to resign from something to result fom something to stem from something to suffer from something to vanslate one language fromvinto another language Ding tic theo sau boi gibi tie on to base something on something to blame something on someone ‘to entre something on something (usually passive: be centred on) to concentrate something on something * EM - 35. : cone/something to to elaborate on something to impose on someone to insist on something/someor to pride oneself on something ing tic theo sau bai git te against to insure something against something to protest against something Ding tic theo sau bai git tr about to agve about something te beconcemed abou somthing be worse about) to boast about something to decide about something to dream about something to protest about something Ding tic theo sau boi gibi ti out to phase something out 10, Bpng tic theo sau bi git te to glance at something to guess at something to hin at something to marvel at something 11. Ding te theo sau bi git te 10 to ansver to something (especially: answer toa deseription) 10 appeal to someone (beg): Itappeals to me. (like the idea.) ‘© apply oneself to something (She applied herself to her studies.) to apply to something (This rule doesn't apply to you.) to atend to something saidheard to attibute something tos to commit oneself to somethi ees sad conn i sancthng thing (especially passive: be comm to devote oneself to something to prefer one thing to another hing to react to something 36-617 at pend on some .edoing something. | to refer to something (This number refers to the next page-) someone (The doctor ref to be resigned to some to resort to something to see fo something (meaning make sue itis done) to subject someone to something red me 0 a specialist) to succeed to the throne tobeused to doing something Bai dp tong dung Choose the most suitable word underlined 1 discussed with him We believe that our radio programmes should eater to eater fr all tastes, ‘The police tried to blame the aceident on Harry! for Harry “The Minister is resigned to having to cancel to have to eancel the scheme. ‘Carol was sitting in a corner engrossed ity with checking the figures, ‘They accused Helen off with stealing the gold bullion. ‘Several youths have been barred frony tothe disco for rowdy behaviour. ‘The victim had been subjected to/ witha vicious unprovoked attack. ‘The bus roiled down the slope and collided with into a van, Everything now depends fromy on the weather tomorrow morning he matter with him afternoon, See 10. Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition I really prefer just about anything ‘watching television, This year’s conference coincided two other major conventions Is it possible to insure my bike ‘The problem stems vo thet? wo» the governments lack of action. When | asked Jean, she hinted the chance ofa promotion for me. Being tich doesn't count ...mor--ne much on a desert islan. I pleaded. _ John to change his mind, but he wouldnt listen. Tean’t stand the way she is always boasting her wealthy parents. 9, My grandfather is always confusing Madonna soo» Maradona, 10, Could yeu please cetrain smoking in the lecture hall. 1, Dave's pockets were crammed empty chocolate wrappers. E-37 the mistake. 12. Everyone tried to blame Janet ea 3. When I retired, I devoted myself SS 14, Tim was exempted military se USE Of his bes theatres and concert h 15. Mary specialises designing theatres and concert hal, 16. That creep! He is always trying to ingratiate himself. ea 7. The Prime Minister refused to elaborate What he had gy catlier. 18. I'm afraid that the parking regulations apply everyone, si, 19. On ts first voyage, the Titanie met disaster 20, I'm really not used being treated like that! 21. Lwish you'd stop arguing politics all the time 22. Could you deal this problem Tm rather busy. 23, The lights are designed to deter burglars approaching the hase | 24, Your plan doesn't allow changes in the weather. 25, I would like to protest your treatment of the staff, 26, Damage to the building resulted an unusually high wind, 27, We really marvelled Helen's conjuring tricks. 28. Lam not really concerned that side of the business 29. The Minister is also implicated the scandal 50. The company is commited sng salaries and impr conditions. . Put one word in each space. Each word isa form of a verb listed ae beginning of this unit. The idea of marriage doesnt tome. We... in finding Ann's house atthe second attempt. However poor I was I would not... to stealing. Have you for the wind speed in your calculations? He confessed when he Was... with the evidence. You need to Yourself more to your work. Alan. himself on his punctuality 185 nnn from doing my work by the muse. for breaking your electric dri 0. fr everyone's lunch yesterday. D. Rewrite each sentence so that it ‘that the meaning stays the same. 1. Peter always trusts me with his secrets. IN ‘contains the word in capitals, and so 2. A true story forms the basis of Mary's ne el ON 3. [don understand the reference ofthis phrase. TO 4. There were alot of people onthe bus. WITH 5. You were in my dreams lastnight. ABOUT 6. Danny was asked o leave the school fr bad behaviour FROM 7. This house brings home to mind! OF 8. Tina rewrote the French book in Spanish, FROM 9. Christmas and roast trey go together in my mind. WITH 10.1 think a rest would do you good. FROM. |. When he has to face a crisis, Tony panies. FACED 12, Collecting stamps gives me alot of pleasure. DERIVE 13, The arrested man did not look the same as the wanted man ANSWER 14. The facts of the case were familiar tothe lawyer. ACQUAINTED 15. The deaths of over fifty people were caused by the storm. RESULTED 16, We have given winter equipment tall the soldiers. PROVIDED ith. GUESSED 7. We ean only make a guess about ow the money digg Me You havent explained excly y diag ACCOUNTED 10. Osa cs pilsopbers is paved to have sai this. ATTRIB 20, Brian is good at looking afer the sick. CARE E. Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1, T would never have ‘Jim of being the culprit, See a coniced — C.supected Demi 2. How di Sila tothe news oer award? ce me Coons. | Plea 3. Someone hasbeen with he ok ofthe ash box Auteing Bécding”—C.tampering—D. may 4 Dont wom about the ich. twit Avucceed.aply Cecte Die 5. More than two hunded police ofcers are na, investigation, | ‘A absorbed Brengosied specialised. inh | 6 The trouble with Janis that she with sport | A.obsessed —_B. packed C. matched Didelt 7. Tony's parents decided that he couldn't be ... joe With money. A-scqusinted —B.complied ——_C. trusted Dim 8 Pauline and Helen nn On Ousiaying for lunch, t a Covniared B. insisted A D. concentrated 9 Lanna ee eden : oe B.provided faced D.met SaaM ormingcoleates scared C.impased OD: VII. PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES, PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES AND IN A Actives + prepositions (Gii te theo sau cd tink te) 1. Of afraid of, ashamed of, aware of, capable of, conscious of, fond of, fll of, be good of (sameone to do something), indicative of, respective Of jealous of 2 About: annoyed about, anxious about, certain about, excited about, pleased about right about, sorry about upset about, wrong about 4 With: angry with (a person), annoyed with (a person), bored with commensurate with, connected with, be good at dealing with, happy with. incompatible with, obsessed wit, pleased with, preoccupied with 4.At: angry at (# person), annoyed at (a person), be bad at, be good a, surprised at $.On: keen on 6.2: addicted to, attentive to, gratefil 1, kind 10, immune to, impervious to, indifferent to, liable to (likely to suffer from), martied t, prone to 7. By: balled by, bored by, detained by, distressed by, plagued by, shocked by, surprised by & For: early for, eligible for, famous for, late for, lable for (legally responsible), ready for, responsible far, sorry for 9.1m: deficient in, experienced in, implicated in, interested in 10, Fromz absent ftom, derived from, diferent om, safe from, missing from B. Nouns + prepositions (Gidi tt theo sau ec dank tt) 2.On: an authority on (exper), ban on, comment on, effect on, influence on, restriction on, x on 2.To: access to, an alternative to, an attitude to, an exception to, a solution to, theet fo, witness to J.Qver: be in authority over, have contro over, be indispute over something 4. With; contrast with, be indispute with someone, encounter wit, ik ‘wih, quarel with, relationship with ‘For: admiration for, caving for, eredit for, cure for, deste for, disregard for, provision for, recipe fo, respect for responsibility for, room for, sympathy for ELL-at bine 0 inal keibood in ang in collaboration with, in come Ge cum tc bit din bing Jefns__ in advance in the bal ‘any case, in charge of, in the charge of 8 emand, in d ith, in comfort, in decline, in deman eat : Nae rem inthe end, be in favour of something, Be in favoy ofa fear of (being affaid of, in (good) condition, in ham Rane ray or another, n practice in recogni high spirits, in jeopardy, in one wa \ in response to, in short, in theory, in time, in trouble, in turn 5 f, with iment to, with regard to, yg dispute, in distress, in qe 2, With; with the exception of 3 Ate at any rate, afl, at frst sight, at the first/second atten. the end, at large 4.0m: on average, on approval, on a regular basis, on behalf of the contrary, on good terms, on loan, on the market (forsale), on (is) my con offer, on purpose, on the verge of ‘. Beyond: beyond bt, beyond a joke, beyond the shadow od & Barby concidece by mise, bythe ime, by righ, by spi | 7. For: for fear of (because something might happen), for life, mai Jong, for the foreseeable future, forte time being $. Outof: out of breath, out of contol, out of danger, out of doo, of focus, out of luck, out of the ordinary. out of pocket, out of pracciy ofall proportion, out of each, out of stock, out of work 9. Under: under age, under the circumstances, under contol, unde ve ‘of, be under the impression that, under the influence of, under (a law) n= ‘obligation, under pressure, under repair, under stress, under suspicion 10, Without: without a chance, without delay, without exception, wit! word I 11, Within: with the ls, within teach 12. After: after all Bai tp ting dung A. Choose the most suitable word underlined 1. Diane showed a complete disregard for/ ‘with her own safety. é Lee eed ah Tata stair, ‘or Romeo and Juliet it was love ith first sis 4 Thy woul It mein hep beset es under 5. Our house has been tv on the market for months. 2-En 6. ou ere perfectly capable for) of making your own bed, I would have ‘bought! 7. We walked on tiptoe for fiom fear of being discovered. This is one ofthe exceptions of othe rule Tam surpe ed al by you, forgetting your briefcase like that 0. We met at the hotel comple by/from coincidence. B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so ‘that the meaning stays the same. 1. Please send the letter as Soon as possible. DELAY. 2. You have to pay two months’ rent before you move in. ADVANCE 3. We geton very well with our nextdoor neighbours. TERMS 4. Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. DEMAND 5.1 accidently picked up the wrong suitcase atthe apart MISTAKE 6. The whole team was in a happy mood. SPIRITS 2 7. realised had said Something wrong.” CONSCIOUS 8. Yourenot lucky today, tm afiaid OUT 9. You cant get tothe village in winter because of the sow, ACCESS 10.{ don't want us to have a quart. YOU DERIVED DOORS 12. [ike to spend alt of time inthe open ai. 13,1 dont think you mean what you say about helping me. EARNEST 14, Paul went to see the bank manager about geting loan. VIEW 15, This miserable weather init runny any more! JOKE 16. it’ uncertain isthe the band’s tour will tke place. BALANCE E143 cas a tiation. SOLUTION, 17. wish I knew what to do a fk to th iyom the hotel. WITHIN 18, You can walk tothe station easily fo ‘igdal tor her services. RECOGNITION 19, Karen received a medal for her ser jabtsashe is under age. LIABLI 20, You have to pay your son's Put one suitable preposition in each space. 1 Helen bad grest ration tn 2 Tmataid fmaot ver gn sims 3 The favourite dropped outa th race carly stage 4. Twas. “i the impression that you liked Indian food. her history teacher, 5. The minister stated that no real altemative the pla existed. 6. This town is famous. its hand-woven carpets, 7. Your performance this term contrasts very favorable. las term's | 8. Many young people become addicted drags to ignorance 9. Apparently a qumber of army officers were implicated... tt | plot f 10, Carol doesn't have a very good relationship bet moth D. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning 3° the same. 1. After trying tice, Ivan broke the record when he tried the third time Ivan broke the ree0rd nn 2. The meeting will probably be cancelled Ings nla 3. Considering your position, we won't press charges. Unibet espe Si ee 4. Eventually you will beable to walk quite normally, 1 The soldiers entered the caste while it was dare 44-EIT Under 8. Speaking for my colleagues, I would like to thank you On 9, thought you had accepted was under 10. Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally with E. Choose the most suitable word or phrase. LL Ttwas very good you to help Dave with his homework A for Bo ith D.of 2. Nothing the ondinary ever happens here A from B.outof C. about D. within 3. The union and the management are in over working ‘conditions A.advance practice. collaboration D. dispute 4. After running up the stairs L was quite breath Aoutof —B.from C.without —_D. beyond 5. Tm afraid that ths incident could put your career here |A. beyond ajoke B. in jeopardy C.inearmest—_D. at fault 6. We are ‘no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here, A. with Bw Counder D.at 7, Itseems to be your boss who is nae fat At B, under with D. for 8. I't00 late t phone Jill at work, at any. A case B.time situation ——Derate 9. Tina isan authority Bycantine architecture. A for Bon with Dain 10. reckon Martinis. _~ ofa nervous breakdown, A. incharge B. under suspicion onthe verge D. indicative Compete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase. |. Freddy wrote the book in. three of his colleagues. En 6 1 8 9. 10. The company asked Ann to work for them Mary sueldenly left the room : children leaving home at such an early age fe fourteen a Goods are sent you on soe bef payment is due ee It took Sally a tong time to find 3 job with he abilities ey are all out Most ofthese photos are terrible, they are 8 so well have to take the long way round. The bridge is : to the charges made against you? What have you to say That wasn't an accident, you did iton basis, 46-EN PHAN Il PRACTICE T ESTS PRACTICE TEST 1 1. PHONETICS 4. Pick out the ord whose underined prt is pronounced dierent fom those of the other words, Me eee 1. A.canary B. share. baron. pharaoh, 2. A.chaperon B. charity. challenge _D. Charlie 3. A. furl B. fur fuze Dfurrier 4. A.telecast. telemetry C.telescope D. teleology 5. A.complete B. command C.common D. community B. Underline the stressed syllable of the following words 6.telepathy 7. hermaphrodite 8. honorary 9. requiem 10, sibilant IL. VOCABULARY A. Choose the best word from A, B, Cor D that fits eack blank. 1, The hotel room was.. furnished with only @ bed, a ‘wardrobe and an ancient armchair. A.thinly Bi sparsely C.lightly D. sketchily 2. The main disadvantage to our house is thatthe only. to the ‘garden is through a bedroom. ‘A.passage B.doorway _C. access D. communication in one hundred students being 3. The demonstrator arrested. ‘A.culminsted Beruptod escalated. concluded 4. Although he was a hardened criminal, his one. sn feature Was his love of children. : A.saving _Beredeeming recovering. sequiting it place-names in E glish und 6. tn many paces in Wales we 004 (TP taent Welsh Nation been with greet begs obliterated D. destroyed A. suppressed 8. diss wen she retired that she had hardly 7. She took up so many hobbies Whe” y ap + atherhand Dat hand ‘A-onberbands Biinhand — Catherbane 8. He was a hardened criminal without 4 SCP for ky pity Birepoeh _Cremose__D. penance 9, We might just as well have stayed at home. the enjoymey wwe hd. A on account of Bas faras forall D, conceming 10, Dont stick your elbows out when you ea therm in by yr | sides tuck B.bend C place D.tum 11. Nothing was arranged it wa all ery. A.takeaway —B, wornout —C.slapdash—_D. slap up 12. She gave me the same advice. youd Alike than Cas D. who 13. He was. swith anextaordnary musical ability Aceosued Brentused C.entated endowed 14, Not being able to find my phone number is a pretty excuse for not contacting me. Acfragile ——B. frail C. feeble D. faint 15 Fearing for his life enon noth muggers for mercy. De plentad 1 Bapeatimsds ord D. begged 16. 1 am sory to have bothered you - 1 was under the. sell you wanted me to call you. ee a B miscalelation misconception D. misapprehension 17. A special committee WAS SC UP 10.ensunaear.iom the problet football hooliganism, A investigate inform 18, Afr the ash fod, all the dine D. report storm water. were overflowing “ A. from Bwith ae ros 48-E1 19, The factory is working below i of essential materials. ee eae Aran B, scope c capacity. density 20. Ifthe work-force respected you, you wouldnt need to your authority so often eee A. assert B.affirm —C.maintain Dine B. Use the correct form of ach of the word given in parentheses to fill in the blank in each sentence. ss a e 1, The unresponsive audience made the lecturer somewhat (hear), What ashame 2, She's quite an (0! 3, His family suffered from his (expend). 4. The (edit) staff consists of ten experienced journalists 5. This leads to more pressure being put on the (adequate) public transport system, 6, Switzerland isa (mountain) county. 7. The nineteenth-century faith in the power of science is now very ssn (question). 8. A person with an (inferior) complex can be very disagreeable. 8. There was loud (Caugh) as the clown fll off the ladder. 10, Although he is now middle-aged, he still looks quite ... (youth. C. Im most line of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. Find this word. Some lines are correct. Indicate these ines with a tick (\) sxample: 0, when. 00. SHELL SHOCK 0. Intimes of touble when snails nave the perfect escape, (00 but retreating into a shell does not always guarantee 1 asurvival For the land snail, Arianta arbustorum, 2. faced with local climatic warming inthe Swiss city 3 of Basle, having had a shell has not helped abit. “4 Between 1903 and 1991 this sail became really extinct En-49 around the ety. AUl eight at 16 out of 29 localities scale ‘vere killed of by urban See es aerial 11 shy ha en dsnpae. Te onl itlerence 13 mee hea and in cers prety suite habitats 14 drum id utr testator guitaiially 15) same Tedieence was ofenjut fovwarm pecs 16 Salas hs ery diferne was. eet vas huge 11. GRAMMAR A. Put one suitable preposition in the blank of each sentence. 1. My cousin George is obsessed keeping fit 2. Many frozen foods are deficient. vitamins. 3. They say that there isan exception. every rule. 4. Itwas very good... Sue to) 5. Breaking his leg a second time put Peter's football career «...uu.— eopardy. 6. Don't worry, the whole situation is. 7. The same rule applies, respective paid, 8. With complete disregard the sea to rescue the dog, 9. I'm afraid you are not eligible . 10. There were no ripe apples control ‘how much you hie -- her own safety, Ann jumped i ~-apension until you are 65 reach, o I moved the laddet, 'B. Put cach verb in parentheses ino an appropri a aera Pee a ey os gust ext yea, othe year afl, an tose @), tcl Provided of coune that te pene you @). 6 =a ‘ of Rock and Roll (3) 2° Elvis Presley Fan Club, Although the Kilt hn ®) (visi) Gracelands, the house where Qe) his fetal bear atch, twie ithe NS Sye “The first time I (10), (borrow) the money from my Mi 1a) (0 work) then Be 280 112) vr Be) en. But wo years agp 1 (12) ee mried and sace then (isp (wor) nm husband Chriss garage Chris and 1 (14) : , (0) together last year, and we as) (think) of spending to or thee months in the USA next year 106) {always want) to vst some of the places where Elvis (1?) (pesfom), Like Las Vegas for example Jean says tha Elis (18) tbe) her obsession ever since she (19) (be) ten years old, and she (20) (ova) every single one of his records, good and bad IV. READING A. Read the passage and answer the questions which follow by choosing the best suggestion. THANK GOD SOMEONE'S MAKING WAVES ‘The natural world is under violent assault from man The seas and rivers are being poisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and ra sewage. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the ran is poisoned. Is litle wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wildlife is disappearing. Yet the destruction continues Governments and industies throughout the world are intensifying their fons to extract the earth’ mineral ices and to plunder it living resources ‘The great rainforests and the fiozen continents alike are seriously threatened, And tis despite the warnings ofthe scientific community and the deep concem of million of oxdinay people Despite the fact, oo, that we ean crete environmenaly-lean industries, hhamess the power of the sun, wind and waves for our energy needs and ‘manage the finite resources ofthe cart in a way that wil safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life-forms which share this planet with us But there is sill hoe. The fires of destton ars being challenged across yhe-and at the spearhead of this challenge is Greenpeace. ees ee cvirona isin dager, Greenpeace his made aan Its ‘scientific presentations and peaceful direct actions at sea and on land have EN-3t et ea vareness that Greenp. sustres into an awarené oe shocked governments and industries in ‘ poses i word to er jmiration and Support of mil Those actions, ton, have wor the am can mi ee Now you can strengthen the thin & ies by joining Greenpeace today ing waves. heard in defense ofthe living Thank God someone's m 4 made? 1. Which one ofthese statements is no i a baoning waters polluted. —B. Radioactive waste poisons the gy C-Scwagetont processed. D-Cars and factories poison the a, 2. The writer. forests and lakes are being destroyed, . s unsure why Ais suprised that B.isun wonders why De anderstands Why 3. Rainforests are being destroyed because govemments and indus, ‘A. are unaware of what they're doing wrong, B. are rich and powerful. C. choose to ignore criticism. D. basically care about the environment 4. The earth's resourees.... A. should only be for people, C. will last forever, 3. Governments and industries. ‘A. don't know what Greenpeace thinks. B. are forced to understand the problems by Greenpeace. C can easily ignore Greenpeace 1D. misunderstand what Greenpeace thinks. B, ‘ean be made to last longer. D. belong to just humans and B. You are going to read a magazine article about an actress. Se paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose the mast suittb! ‘paragraph from the list A-H for each part (1-6) ofthe article. There i! ‘extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example ot beginning (0). ‘A. didn't Tike school and I spent most of my time in my head. One of teachers noticed that. he'd say, "Tm not so be wn ed sy, going to repeat that for Fores been scien mayay No dub shel et me C. Against hundreds of other actors, Nyree was given the part, She had no hesitation in giving up eve everything to act and within two years had been brought to England by a famous film producer, : By the time she let schoo, Nyree had passed all he required Sl, Nyce had pase al the required exams for teaching ballet. She had her own dane stuio and enjoyed er work. But something tld her that at some stage she would have to leave New Zealand fn fl satisfaction EE, Nyree was bom on the north island of New Zealand. Her father was a butcher who later became a developer and a businessman. She was given the Maori name of Ngaire which was later changed to its present English form as nobody could pronounce it F. Sadly, that didn’t happen. “My parents were like oil and water,” explains \Nyree. “They simply couldnt live together. My fathee's work kept him away from home but I think it was partly because he found it difficult to live with my mother.” G. That was followed by another successful show called Look Who's Here at the Fortune Theatre and a BBC television series, Madame Bavary. Four years later, in 1967, came The Forsyle Saga, the series which became addictive, not justin Britain, but all over the world H. “It stopped me dead and instead of joining the other performers | walked down tothe front ofthe stage to find out what that noise was.” a- NYREE'S STORY Aer an upbringing n New Zeland and spl etn in her own coy, Moree atm Porter made London er home Interview y Alan Ol. Nyree Dawn Porter made her frst stage appearance at the age of three. Pe he pr bid in an ater production of Noo Ak she ‘walked onto the stage and into the lights to delighted applause and laughter, LH (0)... En-53 er since and in a Tong, Success gy, ed her oF eceived plenty Fevisin, she has received plenty of and ont That noise” has ch both on the theatres A warm and affe; are spa in or ong tne she ws an oly child, bt heer sister, Merle Isabel, came alo complete. cay he the happy family should have je ©). | {Asa reul Nyee remembers er childbood as being sad but productive. hhad nervous stammer and was so shy and quet that er teachers becy| extremely worried about he. She found her release through books, pain and bale. @) ‘A teacher named Jim Goodall came to her rescue by encouraging her td well and by making her president of the drama club. A. second influent person was another teacher, who had spent a lot of time in England a France. Her enthusiasm helped Nyree to use her natural gift for French she also encouraged her to ac. , a “L was acting in a losal amateur preduction when @ woman cam 1 ‘dressing room and asked me if I had ever considered acting as a carcet. 8 was the wife of a leading actor atthe New Zealand National Theatre, Het had broken down outside and tat was the only reason she had eome i. S* azranged for me to try fora role in an American comedy called The 5 sae inan American comedy called Te ().. Sale aad “loved London and my BS 4 introdvtion to Harel Vincent Wate ‘came when I was given & be st the Leatherhead Theatr: | dancing” ©. S4-en Nyree Dawn Porter has lived here ever since, a works in Australia ‘adopted England, and we have adopted her. She has though she does visit her old home and regularly V. USE OF ENGLISH A. Read the following text and decide which word best fits each Blan. CROCODILES Crocodiles see well, thei eyes ate (O)oeBoo--ith thre eyelids ‘each having a different function. Tei eyeballs slide back out of (1) way during an attack. Should the lose one oftheir eight centimete long teeth, a replacement is always ready. A crocodile may go through ©. thousand teeth during a lifetime of over seventy yeas. Crocodiles cannot chew, as thei eth are (3) ‘only to penetrate and hold. These animals can attack at any (3) ‘ofthe year, but they are more active in the warmer months and when in (5) of mates. Underwater, crocodiles (6) their vitims at the waters ©. by sensing any movement in the water. Once they have @ hold on their victim, they drag it deep into the water to (8). it They then crush and swalow i Many batles occur over mates About six weeks afer mating, the female bere rennnnn nest, often on aver Bank ad (10) nn. about fy ‘eggs She then seals the nest for protection and also asa way of ay .. cee temperature. Afler ten to twelve weeks the baby ‘crocodiles come out ofthe eggs: only about one percent ofthese 2) it to adulthood, as thousands die in flooding or are eaten ‘by fish or bigger crocodiles. In an (13)-o.10 ensure a source of ay ‘animals, crocodile farms have been (15)... Vast industry now exists in crocodile skin and mest. D. fitted 0. Afound equipped C. stocked fed 1. Ahamis ——Bodange?s—C.jnjuy’s D damages 2. A. various B. several C. considerable Ere 3. A. composed B. constituted C. designed styh 4 atime B.phase Cron Dinter S Acdscovey Bhunt —C.explortion search 6. A. prefer. B.accept —_C. propose D. choose 7. A. border Brim Cedge D. shore 8A sink Bidrown — C.capsize D sak B15 comanufactures —D. produces 9. Avinsalls — Bemakes Dies > ieee ter Pe eta Dp 1A domi Bading © imposing D contin erating, ee a a nmi CE ami WAreach sion Campton. lteraty Ticalseed alate: Bion 2 D hay 15. pot ra om stood Complete te following ace by writing in eac Blank a Suabe yy Tae ont ome word foreach Blank (CHILDREN AND CONVENIENCE FOODS } ‘owadays, parents often feel guilty (0) they don give thy chltien healt food fr (1) Single meal. Packaged foo, | fonenty own (2) junk food but (3) may f cee par cnly ins. OF couse ctlden shoud et wel, ® Treats should also be relaxed, enthusiastic and compaie wr amily i tod ‘And its essential (5). chien (6) pursuit" of bappincs remember that most parents of your here to stay and they can be a valuable aid to ke Parents must seek out the best and cin .. ‘a balance between real food and practicality. Wi @), these convenience foods, you can balance out the mel o, adding something fresh and home-made. igs ‘Wien your children beg for icecream, give (10). : yoghurt with fresh fruit. Indeed a home where the fruit bow a, refilling egulaly is a home (12) people 2 vvll The ervial point is balanee. (13) is at stake is your cil: gastronomic happines- and your (14). “sanity, C Foy each of the following sentences, wrt a new sentence as snilt* possible in meaning to the origin sentence, but using the word give Capt ler. These words mast na Sealed aya |. The police arived asthe thieves were committing the rime. RED-HANDED This is theft time ve se ein lite SET 5. Its unlikely he'l be picked for the Olympic swimming team. : rate 6, Hels different rom his brother in almost allrapocta NT BEARS 7. Andrew doesn't claim to have aft of musical talon. PRETENCE, 8. We were lucky to find somewhere to patk so quickly. STROKE 9, I wonder where Harry is now - haven't seen him for years. BECOME 10. This is a subject that Jack and I disagree about EYE D. Finish each ofthe following sentences in such a way that i as similar as possible in meaning to te sentence printed before it. 1. “Attendances atthe exhibition have been down this year. ‘The exhibition 2. They declared war on the pretext of defending their tertoril rights The €X€US eon 3. never miss out oma cup of coffee when I visi ber fa She 4, Ifwe wait long enough well get what we want Wsjust 5, The brochure gives hardly any useful information. Precious i 6. Trudy was quite relieved wien se found out the truth. Teas som ee ota 7. What put me off the idea was simply how expensive it was going tobe. The sheer : 8. The government shouldnt lt this situation get worse This state. ee a 9. We were all shocked by his reaction. His reaction eame ex 10, Ifyou were inthe situation Ifyou put in, yout fel the same. VL ITION : YL COMPORTRON, yn na sve ‘The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city os. ‘En1-37, PRACTICE TEST 2 1. PHONETICS A. Pick out the word whose those of the other words. sundetined partis pronounced differently fy danger change ¢ 1 'A-ransom —B.ancien i 2 Aad Card Doabsent BX BR yc ieend D-l eA cee comraane Cia, D een | age we Cm, De Bh inertine the sessed sie ofthe followin 0” 6. although 1 eomfable 8. algraph SF dactylgam 10 eaesura H. VOCABULARY |A. Choose the best word from A, B, Cor D that fits each blank, {IW had my car examined thre times now but no mechanic has been she to the problem. : ‘A.pinpoin B.focus —C.specify _D. highlight 2. Our hosts had prepared a. _meal with seven courses fo celebrate our arrival ‘A-generous—B. profuse C.lavish _D. spendthrift 3. Texplained that I wanted fo... ny legal right to cons solicitor. Accntertain —Buexercise C. grant. insist 4. We were all rather in AWE. the new computers when ts) arrived A. about Bibefore — C.by D.of 5. The case was. nny the judge for lack of evidence. A disallowed B. dismissed. abandoned D. disearded seo few tears shelll resign herself to B.split ~-vhe regular writen work, you will be required to submi® C.sobbed _D. released 9. He was so He a my Quons tt Knew be Keffive Bele elaine Cave Dea 10. There is no for ha i? Ther hard Work snd peste if you ant Acalemaive — sbsite 11 People inthis vig have gotan apa for now ‘inexorable Bieviuble Cnsiebe Date 12. arly ha est down he was at oi, Aches Bian Gate Dal 13, Many ilten who get fto tbl inthe ely teens g0 on 10 ‘become, offenders, - Apert BisisentC.consisenD.resstant M4, Rae ln i he ty a nil to gave el one overcome thet > olga of batty ower eel Ainetior B.imernal” C.inwted.D. inte 15. Here isan example ofan ancien fonts A-beautfil B. tiny C.patermed Denote 16. Even the other conviets consi itor FIM, A. guilty B, hard-biten C. heinous D. hell-bent 17. Working with the mentally handicapped requires considerable ‘of patience and understanding. ‘A means B.resourees C. stocks _D. provisions 18, The book took me the. part of a year to write. A. most B. greatest C.best. —_D. largest. 19, Lutter. oon ‘Your argument. In my opinion, you have distorted the facts. ‘A.confound —B. dispute C. decline. refute 20.1 offer you my most ‘apologies for offending you as 1 Biserile C.candid—_D. abject B. Use the correct form ofeach ofthe words given in parentheses to fll in the blank in each sentence. ANTHROPOLOGY (One of the most (0) challenging... (challenge) aspects of the science of anthropology comes fom its fieldwork Certainly, ia its Dern nf) asa profession, anthropology was distinguished by {te “Sonsenaradon on so-called. “primitive societies’ in which social En-59

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