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Know your customer diligences

Webhelp is DATA CONTROLLER Ref : CONT – 19

Main purpose of the processing – Subject Matter

Client identification and verification of identity (including Politically Exposed Persons detection) in accordance to the French
and EU regulations linked to the financial license detained by Webhelp Payment Services.
Contingent processing & rules attached to the main purpose of the processing – Instructions of Processing

1. The data subject will be made aware by Webhelp Payment Services about the data we collect and the purposes of
the processing;
2. When the Data is collected through a form, Webhelp Payment Services must precise if answering is mandatory or not
and the consequences if the client do not answer.

Categories of Data Subjects

Children and other vulnerable groups;
People with disabilities, employees or customers;
Other: N/A
Webhelp Payment Services Employees
Webhelp Payment Services Sub-contractor employees
Webhelp Payment Services customers and prospects
Other: N/A

Categories of personal
Description details
ID cards, Passport numbers
Phone number
Identification data
Picture of a data subjet
Postal address
Video of the data subject
Life habit, Lifestyle
Family status
CV / Résumé
Life data
Educational records
Social care information
Payment data
Incomes / salary
Financial situation
Economic and
financial data Invoices
Credit card data
IP address
Technical and Device ID data
connexion data
Movement data
Dynamic localisation Geo-localisation
data GPS data
Political opinion
Biometric data
Genetic data
Racial or ethnic origin
Sensitive data – Religious or philosophical belief
Special categories Trade union membership
Sex life or sexual orientation
Health related Data
Criminal records
ID numbers

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