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1. How does the structure or style of a text affect meaning?

The way the text is structured into two separate parts allows the reader to
pick apart the meaning for each part of the sentence, potentially changing
the reader’s interpretation of the text.

2. In what ways can identity and culture be creatively expressed and why?

“Your comfort is my silence” shows us that identity and culture can be

expressed via art. It does with the man in the image, who represents a symbol
of silencing forces, which could be social expectations, or power structures
that silence non-conformers. Additionally, the lack of detail on the man
allows the viewer to project their past experiences of being silenced onto
him. Moreover, the bold text takes over the black and white image while
mimicking the aesthetics found in advertisements, creating a sense of
confrontation. By bombarding the viewer, Kruger challenges the idea that
comfort and conformity are always desirable.

3. How are language and visuals creatively used to express and affirm
identity and why?

Kruger doesn't use language to define a specific identity. Instead, she flips
the script on the concept of comfort and silence. "Comfort" is associated
with conformity, while silence can be a tool for suppressing identities that
challenge the status quo. Additionally, The faceless man represents the
forces that try to suppress identities. He is a generic symbol, allowing
viewers to project their own experiences of being silenced by societal
expectations, authority figures, or dominant narratives.

4. Are some interpretations of a text better than others? How are multiple
interpretations best negotiated?

When it comes to "Your comfort is my silence," there isn't a single "best"

interpretation. The beauty of art lies in its ability to spark multiple
interpretations based on the viewer's background and experiences. Strong
interpretations are well-supported by evidence from the text and image. They
point to specific details in Kruger's work, such as the colour choices, the
text placement, or the symbolism of the man's facelessness. They also
demonstrate clear reasoning in their thought process.

5. How much of the knowledge we construct through reading a text is

determined by authorial intention, by the reader’s cultural assumptions and
by the purpose valued for a text in a community of readers?

Kruger's "Your comfort is my silence" exemplifies the interplay between

authorial intent, reader assumptions, and community purpose in knowledge
construction. Kruger's message of challenging silencing forces is present,
but the impersonal imagery allows for interpretations shaped by the reader's
background and the context in which they encounter the work. Like written
text, the artwork's meaning is constructed through this interplay.

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