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Candidate’s Number: ……………………….


Wednesday 29 June 2022 Am
th Time: 2:30Hour

1. This paper consists of ten (10) compulsory questions.
2. Show clearly all the working and answers in the space provided.
3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
4. Write your number at the top right corner of every page
1. (a) Equal squares as large as possible are drawn on a rectangular board
measuring 54cm by 78cm. Find the largest size of the squares.
(b) (i) Express 2.7̇9̇ as a fraction in the form a/b where a and b are
integers and b≠0

(ii)Arrange 2/5, 5/8 ,48% and 0.6 in ascending order

(iii) Show on the number line the solution set of the inequality
2. (a) write 624.3278 correct to :
(i) Five significant figures
(ii) Three decimal places

(b) i. A rope of 18m and 80cm is to divided into four equal parts . How
long will each part be? (Give your answer in meters and centimeters.

ii. 50% of the contents in a box weigh 8kg 40gm. What does the
whole content weigh?
3. (a) Rectangular table top is 2m long. If the area of the rectangular table top is
3.96m2. find its width
(b) i. Solve the following simultaneous equations


ii. If Fatuma is 4years less than Bakari and 3 times Fatuma’s age is
equal to 2 times Bakari’s age. What are their ages ?

4. (a) i. If is a perfect square . Find the value of a

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Candidate’s Number: ……………………….
ii. If determine the values of b
and c
iii. Solve the following quadratic equation by complete the

square method
(b) i. Solve 3 - of (6x+9) = 5-2x

ii. If U*V =UV+V, Find given that (x*2)*5=60

5. (i) John, Ramadhani , Marry and Sam have 600 ,100, 500 and 300 shares in
a cooperative shop respectively. Divide 150,000 shs among them in the ratio
of their shares.
(ii) A real estate agent received a 6% discount on the selling price of a
house . If the discount was Tsh.888,000. What was the selling price of
the house ?
6. (a) i. A straight line passes through two points A(-3,6) and B (-6,3).
Find the gradient of the straight line AB.
ii. Find the Y- intercept of the line joining points (5,3) and (3,2).
(b) i. The transformation T maps the point (x,y)(x-y,x). Find the image of
the point (6,-2).
ii. Find the image of a point P(3,2) after rotating it about the origin
through 900 in a clockwise direction.
iii. What is the centre of an enlargement given that the image of
A(3,2) under the enlargement scale factor 2 is A'(6,4).
7. (a) (i) Solve for X if √3𝑋+2 +17 = 8

(ii) Given that = make x as the subject of the


(iii) Express in the form a + b√𝑐

(b) (i) If log 2=0.30103 and log 3 = 0.47712 evaluate log 48.

(ii) Use mathematical tables to evaluate the following

mathematical expression,

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Candidate’s Number: ……………………….

8. (a) In the figure below, EH = GH and both ∆EHF and ∆GHF are right – angled
triangles. Prove that ∆EHF and ∆GHF are congruent

(b) If ∆PQR ~ ∆LMN and lengths PR = 20cm, NL = 10cm, NM = 12cm and LM =

9cm, find the length of the other sides of ∆PQR

9. a) In a right – angled triangle, tan θ = . Find the value of

i Sin θ
ii 2Cos θ
(b) A ladder 15m long, rests against a vertical wall such that the foot of the ladder is
6m from the wall of a horizontal floor. Find
(i) the angle that the ladder makes with the wall
(ii) the height above the floor at the point where the ladder touches the wall
10. (a) (i) Given that n(A) = X, n(B) = X + 4, n(An B) = 3 and n(Au B) = 17 where A and
B are joint sets. Find the value of X
. (ii) In a class of 42 students 31 students study History and 26 students
study Physics. Using Venn diagram, find the number of students who study
Physics only.
(b) The scores of mathematics examination done by 50 form two students in a certain
school are shown in the table below
Marks (%) 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Number of students 6 9 4 5 2

(i) Find the value of x

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Candidate’s Number: ……………………….
(ii) Calculate the number of students who passed the examination if the pass
mark was 50%.

(iii) What was the score obtained by majority of the students?

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