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Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 1: “Check s’ Try”

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

My Observation Report
Name of School Visited: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Name of Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla
Date of Visit: October 3, 2022

Write the vision-mission and goals of the school.

St. Anthony’s College is a resilient and innovative Catholic educational institution that operates
above the standards for education and services that are personally, institutionally, and socially
empowering and transformative in producing adaptable human resources who are imbibed with
the core values of spirituality, academic excellence, and community service.
To proactively respond to evolving educational ecosystems in order to provide programs and
services to students and personnel through relevant experiences informed by science and
technology, industrial advancements, and social concerns towards community development
founded on and shaped by the Catholic faith and teachings.
Specific Objectives:
1. Quality-assured sustainable systems that maximize institutional resources and innovation
to provide clientele with responsive products and services.
2. Educational programs that provide clientele with experiences and avenues to establish
relevance, excellence, leadership, and personal growth.
3. Systematic information dissemination, consultation, and feedback that continually
improve client services.
4. Socially-engaged institution transformed by social teachings of the Church and
manifested through activities integrated in the curricula of the school, in-take cultural
training, and community involvement.

Field Study 2 Activities

5. Strategic partnerships with relevant institutions, industries and agencies to sustain and
improve quality operations, and produce globally relevant and highly-skilled human
resources for industries commonly served.
6. Science and technology-driven instruction and operations.
7. Synergized management of a secure and safe educational environment.
8. Aggressive resource generation and mobilization to secure the sustainability of the
9. Integrated operational systems for clear responsibilities and accountabilities in the
utilization of resources for optimal benefits.
Specific school activity that ensures the attainment of the vision-mission of the school.
The institution is abiding by its rules or policies. Additionally, the institution held events both on
and off campus. As an illustration, St. Anthony's College students organized a program to aid the
typhoon victims during Typhoon Paeng.

How do the varying social interactions help attain the vision-mission of the college?
a. Student-to-student interaction pattern
- Within the classroom, student interaction takes up more time than student
engagement with the teacher. These pupils converse with their classmates who are not
studying the same topic. More so than girls, boys engage in conversation with classmates
whether or not a teacher is present. However, they can participate in the class once it
begins. When responding to their teacher's inquiry, they are combative. Everyone has
personal interests that are unrelated to the lesson.

b. Student-to-teacher interaction pattern

-They are very obedient and kind in how they interact with their teacher. When the
inquiry is in English, they all raise their hands and want to respond, but they are unable to
say any Filipino. They are all participating and responding to their teachers' questions,
and they all have good English language skills.

c. Teacher-to-school head interaction pattern

- Through interaction, they are all respectful of one another. With respect for one another,
they interact with their other teachers. They engage well even inside the classroom. They
don't want to disturb the class and uphold their morals, so when the instructor has a class,
the school head contacted him and they spoke outside the classroom. They don't want any
disruptions to their lesson because they are trying to concentrate.

d. Student-to-non-teaching personnel pattern

- There is positive interaction between students and non-teaching staff. Considering that
they follow orders from those both inside and outside the
school. Through conversation, they demonstrate courtesy. Despite the fact that they are
merely non-teaching staff, they are respected as teachers and addressed as sir and

Field Study 2 Activities

ma'am. Their janitor, who went by the name Sir, began before. They have seamless
communication across non-teaching who instruct students.

e. Teacher-to-teacher interaction pattern

- They all respect one another as a result of their interactions. They interact with their
fellow professors in a respectful manner. They participate actively even in the classroom.
They spoke outside of the classroom since they didn't want to disrupt the lesson and
wanted to uphold their values.

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 2: “Come, we’ll talk”

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

For this learning activity, use the form provided below:

My Observation Report
Subject Area: English 7 Topic: Clauses
Resource Materials Used: EnglishTek Textbook
Learning Activity Given: Identifying the clauses in the sentences.
Do this in a matrix below:

Comments on the Availability of Books and Resource Materials Used in the Subjects (Are
references/resource materials adequately available for use by the students?)
There are books accessible that the students used for activities and discussions. When
completing academic or social and emotional learning activities, they have resources at their
disposal. These resources offer essential and practical knowledge that can improve the accuracy
and clarity of work. Additionally, they change the task's emphasis from straightforward
memorization and recall to higher-order thinking and processing.

Your Reflections
Are the learning activities found in the instructional materials/books used?
Yes, the learning activities are found in the instructional materials or books. The syllabus and
prescribed curriculum are outlined in textbooks. They make sure that subjects are covered
uniformly in all schools and states. It transfers information to both teachers and students,
including knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. It offers recommendations for training and

Field Study 2 Activities

Give your comment on the materials support as shown in the availability of resource materials.
Although everyone has a tendency to forget, using instructional aids and resources effectively
can help students retain teachings for the long term. The utilization of all instructional aids in the
classroom can effectively inspire pupils to study more.

It is preferable to have learning materials like an engaging Power Point presentation because it
will draw the attention of pupils who are having trouble focusing.

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 3: “The Anchor”

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

For this learning activity, use the form provided below:

My Observation Report
Name: Maria Eugenie A. Altar Date of Observation: October 4, 2020
School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department Subject Observed: English 7

What curriculum principle(s) is/are observed in planning and designing the learning
A number of curriculum design principles must be implemented in order to attain
educational objectives. Personalization, breadth, relevance, challenge, and fun are a few of these.
One of the fundamental ideas behind curriculum design is the idea of customization and choice.
When this principle is taken into consideration for all children and young learners, it
significantly aids teaching professionals and educational institutions in their practice and serves
as a foundation for reviewing, evaluating, and improving the learning and teaching process.
The term "breadth in terms of the learning experience" refers to another curriculum
design idea. According to this idea, all learners are given the chance to engage in a wide variety
of learning situations. This is because their education is structured so that students can learn and
grow in a number of settings, including the classroom and extracurricular activities. Another
important concept of curriculum design that should not be overlooked is the relevance of the
content. This is due to the fact that it enables learners to understand the goal of their learning and
associated activities. It is implemented to make sure that students recognize the importance of
what they are studying and its relation to the present and future. One of the crucial tenets of
curriculum design is the idea of challenge and content enjoyment. The goal is for learners to find
this learning process to be stimulating, engaging, and motivating. This is accomplished when all
students, regardless of disparities in IQ, are encouraged to have high aspirations and ambitions
through the curriculum. Additionally, learners are given a level of challenge that is appropriate
for them and helps them reach their full potential. Coherence is the final principle of curriculum
design. Schmidt (2005) asserts that this approach enables the learner's various learning activities

Field Study 2 Activities

to be combined into a seamless experience that improves the accomplishment of the learning
Based on the aforementioned principles of curriculum design, it is clear that the
curriculum design process is crucial to the creation of fundamental educational programs that
will improve not only learners' ultimate learning outcomes and destinations but also general
learning and teaching approaches and requirements.

Your Analysis
Why do teachers need to know about curriculum design?
- A fundamental tenet of how we teach, train, and participate in formal learning experiences is
curriculum design. A mental model of learning and a design representation of knowledge and
skill transfer from theory to practice are at the heart of curriculum design. When learning and
teaching are consistent, students can leave a lesson with the same skills they learned, regardless
of whether they were taught by a subject-matter expert or a teacher who is still learning the

Your Reflections
From your FS experience, recall a most meaningful learning and express it through visual
presentation. Do it in the space provided below.

Signature of FS Student: ______________________ Date: January 11, 2023

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 4: “Name Me”

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

Class 1 Observation Sheet

(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st and 2nd classes.)
Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
School Address: San Angel, San Jose, Antique
Date of Visit: October 3, 2022 Grade/Year Level: 7-St. Agnes Subject Area: English 7

Assessment Tools DESCRIPTION

(How the assessment method is used relative to the subject matter,

levels of learning behavior, length, etc.)

1.Rubrics This assessment tool allows you to measure

key learning outcomes, including critical
thinking, inquiry, and analysis, communication,
and literature comprehension, as part of your
research evaluation process.

For example: Ms. Adalla gave the students activities like drawing
something that represents themselves.

Field Study 2 Activities

Class 2 Observation Sheet

(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st and 2nd classes.)
Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
School Address: San Angel, San Jose, Antique
Date of Visit: November 15, 2022 Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: 21st Century from the
Philippines and the World

Assessment Tools DESCRIPTION

(How the assessment method is used relative to the subject matter, levels of
learning behavior, length, etc.)

1.Oral Presentation a type of evaluation in which pupils are asked to convey their knowledge and
understanding of a topic through the spoken word. It enables for the capturing of
not only the students' research but also a variety of cognitive and transferrable

For example: Ms. Adalla gave the students topics that will be discussed in the
class. Students will gather information and present it in front of the class.

Assessment Tools Classification Sheet

Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
School Address: San Angel, San Jose, Antique
Date of Visit: October 3, 2022 Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: English 7
(Please include your personal observations and comments below the
1. Short Answers Test Items are written either as a direct question requiring the learner to fill in
a word or phrase or as statements with a space left blank for a quick
written answer" in short-answer assessments.
2. Multiple Choice Tests Multiple-choice exams are widely used by teachers, schools, and
assessment organizations because they are quick, simple, and inexpensive
to score. In fact, they can be scored by a machine. They can be graded
objectively, giving the test the illusion of being fairer and/or more

Field Study 2 Activities


(Please include your personal observations and comments below the
1.Performance Task A performance test challenges students to do complex tasks while the
instructor observes how they do so.

2.Take-home Assessment Giving your pupils take-home activities is another technique to measure
their abilities. For one thing, they demand many references, and for
another, there isn't enough time for learners to finish them in class.

 Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant was/were the
assessment methods used? Explain.
Yes, Short answer tests, multiple-choice tests, performance tasks, and take-home assessments are
among the approaches employed. Assessment is essential for monitoring progress, planning the
next steps, reporting, and engaging parents, children, and adolescents in learning. Assessment
refers to how teachers promote and assess children's learning, as well as how they monitor
progress and decide on the next steps in learning.

 Do you think the expected students’ learning behaviors indicated in the objectives were
properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods? Explain.
Yes, assessment methods show a student's progress in mastering a specific topic. It also
demonstrates how well the learner knows and comprehends.

Your Reflections
Write your personal reflections or thoughts and feelings about the importance of the use
of appropriate assessment methods in the classroom, including what students and teachers can
gain from appropriate assessment tools. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and
Assessment is an essential component of instruction since it determines whether or not
educational objectives are met. The skills that today's children need to succeed in a world that is
always changing go beyond just knowing the fundamentals of reading and math. They must
possess the capacity for critical thought, analysis, and inference. New learning goals are
necessary to adapt to changes in the information and skills our students need, and these new
learning goals alter how evaluation and instruction are related. The selection of the assessment's
objectives and its subject matter must be actively undertaken by teachers.

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 5: My ATM Card (Available Tests & Measurement)

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

In the school you are observing, study the teacher’s objectives. Then, formulate test
items, and interpret results, make a clear documentation of your tasks using this activity form.
For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test
material based on the prescription of the school where you do the class observation.
Initial Notes
Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College
School Address: San Angel, San Jose, Antique Date of Visit: October 4,2022
Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: English 7
Subject Matter: Clause
Teacher’s Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students can define the independent clause and dependent clause. Can write
well-crafted independent clauses and sentences.

Desired Conditions and Criterion Levels of the Learning Objectives

Determine the literal, connotative, and technical meanings of words and phrases as they are
used in a text; examine the overall effect of particular word choices on meaning and tone (e.g.,
how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper).

Assessment Tools Used: Please describe how it was done.

The assessment tool that is used in this activity is a quiz. The teacher discusses the topic and
then gave a quiz to the students. The teacher gave some sentences and the students identifies
where is the independent clause and the dependent clause.

Target Competency:

Field Study 2 Activities

To identify the difference between the dependent and independent clauses.

Interpret the data from the assessment tools used.

The test's outcome is average. The majority of pupils scored 8 or higher. They have a thorough
understanding of the subject under discussion.

Other Notes:
As teachers, it is our responsibility to keep in mind that while creating learning objectives,
they must be consistent with the skills and subject matter so that it is possible to determine
whether a student is actually understanding what is being taught. This allows us to conduct a
high-quality examination.

Your Analysis
Do you think the teacher’s learning objectives were appropriately assessed by the test
items? Why? Why not?
The teacher's learning objectives and the assessment technique we utilized were in line, our test
items accurately assessed the teacher's learning objectives. In order to get a good outcome, we
follow the rules and suggestions while creating test items, and this good result shows that the
learning objectives were met. In order to create test items that are valid, reliable, fair, practical,
and efficient, we adhere to the principles of high-quality assessment.

Why did you have to study the teacher’s learning objectives prior to developing an
assessment tool?
Before creating an evaluation tool, it is essential to research the teacher's learning objectives to
ensure relevancy. Because they are constantly interrelated in terms of enhancing learning
outcomes, the assessment tool to be utilized must always be congruent with the learning
objectives. In order for the assessment's objectives to be measurable, they must be expressed in
terms of student behavior that can be observed. By using an assessment tool, we may ascertain
whether the learning objectives have been met or not, and if not, we can use the results as a basis
for revising the lesson.

Field Study 2 Activities

Your Reflections
Reflect on your experience. How important is the alignment of objectives and assessment
tools used?
Evaluation of student comprehension and learning is done through assessment. For an
evaluation to be of good quality, the tool being used must be fair, relevant, valid, and
To ensure fairness in assessment, the test's subject matter must have already been covered
in class. It makes students competent of passing the test because everything on it has previously
been studied. The test must also be checked, especially if it is an authentic test, and the criteria
should be clear so that students can reflect on their learning and engage in metacognition.
Relevance and effective learning outcomes will result from the assessment tool being used
appropriately in relation to the learning objectives. The objective of the test is discussed in the
validity of the assessment tool. The goal of the assessments is always to enhance the learning
outcome. The test's objective decides if the test's item count is sufficient to support decision-
making based on test results. Based on the learning objectives that will be covered by the test,
the appropriateness of the items to be included can be reviewed. A table of specifications is
necessary so that we can be directed in determining the appropriate number of items. A valid test
would display comparable results under various circumstances and at various periods. For
instance, if the test results are nearly identical after administering the same set of questions to
two distinct sections at different times, we might claim that the test is consistent or dependable.
We are completely aware that in order to produce an assessment of the highest caliber,
we must be proficient in test design and the interpretation of objective test findings.

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 6: Log Me

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

For this learning activity, please document the information gathered from the interview
with the teacher on authentic assessment. Write your documentation using the activity form
provided for you.
My Interview Notes
Description of Authentic Assessment
Using imaginative learning experiences to evaluate students' abilities and knowledge in
practical contexts is known as authentic assessment. When you use authentic assessment, you
can determine whether students have learned the skills you want them to once they have
completed your course or degree program.

How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product?
When students consciously apply their newly gained abilities to a novel circumstance or
setting, this is known as authentic evaluation. If an assessment is realistic, calls for creativity
and judgment, and gauges a student's ability to apply information or abilities to a task
successfully, it is considered authentic. Yes, Authentic assessment measures students' success
in a way that's relevant to the skills required of them once they've finished your course or
degree program.
Or focuses on the process?
Authentic assessment focuses on students using and applying knowledge and skills in real-life
settings. For example, you might have students take part in: simulation or role play of a
scenario. completion of a real-world task.

Field Study 2 Activities

My Interview Notes
Write your draft here from the interview with teachers.
Good day ma’am. We would like to conduct an interview with you about the authentic
Here are some questions ma’am.
1. What is an authentic assessment for you?
2. How do you use it in the classroom?

My Reflective Journal
What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?
We employ a variety of assessment tools to gauge students' abilities and meet their
requirements. Authentic assessment is used to include students in conversational social
learning and real-world issues. As teachers, we wanted to make sure that all of the students
were actively participating in the hands-on activities in our class. This is only possible if a
teacher understands how to facilitate her class and uses a variety of strategies, such as real
evaluation, while giving out tasks. One of the most effective methods for evaluating a child's
performance is authentic evaluation. It is one method of assessing your pupils' knowledge,
competencies, and work-related skills.
Describe how the teacher used the authentic assessment.
With the aid of various tests, the instructor measured and quickly identified her students in
order to ascertain whether or not her weekly goals could be met. If any students failed to
achieve the desired outcomes, they must retake the exam. As a result, as we noted, the teacher
administers a conventional test. However, we can also employ a variety of approaches and
strategies to aid in the growth and advancement of the students.

How did you feel about the teacher’s use of authentic assessment?
We are quite happy and grateful to have the opportunity to witness a teacher that employs
authentic assessment. We discovered that the teacher's responsibility during the exercise was
to help or facilitate the students. The teacher provides the students with feedback on the task
they are completing. In a process-based evaluation focused on grammar usage, we discovered
that even if the solution is incorrect, we still need to take into account the students' greatest
effort in learning the fundamentals of grammar.

Field Study 2 Activities

What could be the gains of the students and teachers in using the authentic assessment?
The teacher benefits because it was her responsibility to advise the kids and ensure that they
followed the instructions for the exercise. Because they actively engage one another
throughout activities, the students enjoy themselves. Due to their participation in the
conversation and sharing of ideas, even though some of them were irrelevant, they were
nevertheless able to complete the assignment.

What part of the teacher’s practice of the authentic assessment do you feel like improving or
Since learning is an ongoing process, we must adapt in order to keep up with changes in how
we evaluate students' performance. Since they are all carefully prepared and focused on the
requirements of the students, in my opinion, all of those practices are improving. However, she
must also include technology into the classroom because students must use it there.

Signature of FS Student: ______________________ Date: January 11, 2023

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 7: MYMP (Me and You Must Practice)

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

In observing a class, take note of important observations of the performance-based

activity in the classroom. Make a checklist of things you want to consider in planning your
assessment. Use the activity form provided for you. You may use the format or process-oriented
assessment that you have taken in your Assessment 2 class. The rubrics are part and parcel of
this assessment plan.
Observation Notes
Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College
School Address: San Angel, San Jose , Antique Date of Visit: November 15, 2022
Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: 21st Century from the Philippines and the World
Subject Matter: Greek Mythology
Teacher’s Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the Greek View of Creation and to Identify the names and
key features of the Olympian Gods or Goddesses.

In bullets, describe the performance-based activity you observed.

This performance-based activity that we have observed is about the topic of Greek Mythology.
 The Teacher grouped her students into ten (10) groups.
 After grouping the class, she gave them a name of the Gods or Goddesses.
 These are the instructions: Search about the characteristics of the Gods and

Field Study 2 Activities

Based on your observations, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in
your performance-based assessment plan. Use the activity form provided below.
My Checklist
______ Is my performance-based activity appropriate to my learning objectives?

______ Does my performance-based activity arose students’ interests and motivation?

______ Is my performance-based assessment clear and effective?

______ Does it address the learning styles of my pupils?

______ Does it provide meaningful learning?

______ Does it develop the multiple intelligence of my pupils?


Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College
School Address: San Angel, San Jose , Antique Date of Visit: November 15,2022
Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: 21st Century from the Philippines and the World
Subject Matter: Greek Mythology
Best features of the process-oriented performance assessment design
 The effectiveness of student behavior in how they produce the result are the best
aspects of my process-oriented performance. Finding a work that would satisfy my
learning objectives while also being fascinating and pleasurable for the learner.
Specific conditions necessary for a successful use of process-oriented performance assessment
These are the particular requirements required for a successful application of my process-
oriented performance assessment design; in order for the students to comprehend and carry out
the work assigned to them, the instructions must be detailed and clearly defined. The
objectives must be stated so that students understand what they will learn from completing this
particular activity. The learning outcomes of the cognitive, psychomotor, and emotional
learning domains must also be taken into account. In order to motivate the pupils, it must also
include grading rubrics as the criteria. It also acts as my manual for making sure my decisions
are truthful, consistent, and impartial.

Field Study 2 Activities

Basic points to be considered by the user in designing performance-based assessment

The intended user of this design should take into account how pertinent the learning aim is to
process-oriented performance. The user should be aware that process-oriented performance is
appropriate and suitable for all types of subject matter.

Signature of FS Student: ______________________ Date: January 11, 2023

Your Analysis
Why do teachers need to give attention to student’s performance-based tasks? Why do
they need to assess them?
This type of evaluation places a strong emphasis on the process itself and is particularly
founded on observable actions, teachers must pay close attention to the students' process-oriented
assignments. Students' abilities to remain focused, use their knowledge and skills, and conduct
appropriately while performing are directly examined or observed. Teachers must use this kind
of assessment to evaluate students' abilities to complete tasks that are related to the stated
learning objectives and to determine whether or not the students are adhering to the rules.
Additionally, to evaluate the students' comprehension of this evaluation approach and identify
any challenges
In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be more
In these circumstances, the process-oriented performance assessment is employed appropriately:
it must have a purpose and identify the target audience, as well as learning competencies that
take into account the three (3) learning domains. For the students to understand the expectations
of the task assigned to them and to be motivated, the instructions must be made plain to them as
well as the scoring criteria that will be used to make an accurate, consistent, and fair judgment.
Your Reflections
Make reflections on your feelings and thoughts about the observations made in this FS.
In this FS, also known as Field Study 2, we will watch the methods and tactics of
assessment that our resource teacher, who has been allocated to us, will employ in evaluating her
students. We have been given this work so that we can get experience and learn how to evaluate
our students when we someday become teachers.
As Mrs. Adalla’s Grade 7 class was where I was placed. I saw that the instructor was
utilizing a range of assessment techniques and methodologies in her class. In accordance with the

Field Study 2 Activities

evaluation techniques she will employ in relation to their lessons, the instructor was utilizing
several assessment instruments and methodologies. Prior to beginning their new classes, she
evaluated the class as motivation. When she was asking them questions regarding their lessons or
bringing up previous lectures, she would let the pupils recite. She was announcing her tests,
exercises, and quizzes. She often looks over her pupils' notebooks to ensure that they are
recording all pertinent information from their courses and completing their tasks. Through her
assessment techniques, she evaluated her students' understanding and learning performances to
see if they were indeed doing well in class. My observations show that the teacher actually used
a range of evaluation techniques and procedures that were acceptable for her students.
The application of what we learnt in Assessment of Student Learning 1 and 2 Prof.Ed
courses is found in the Field Study 2. I gained a lot of knowledge about the assessment
techniques and tactics that are appropriate to apply in gauging the students' understanding and
development through this observational work in FS2. I also learned how assessments affect
learning and give pupils a fair and reliable report of their progress in mastering the concepts
being taught to them.

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Activity 8: My PROP (Product-Oriented Practice Test)

Name of FS Student: Maria Eugenie A. Altar
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year: BSED 4- English
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Ma. Ana Dolores D. Adalla Signature: ________________
Cooperating School: St. Anthony’s College, High School Department
Grade Level Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 12

Observation Notes
Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College
School Address: San Angel, San Jose , Antique Date of Visit: November 15,2022
Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: 21st Century from the Philippines and the World
Subject Matter: Greek Mythology
Describe in bullet form the product-oriented activity you observed.
 The instructor requested that the students would be divided into groups.
 In order to identify the students who disobeyed, the teacher presented the activity after
the students were divided.
 The task is completed as a group.
 Each group was observed by the teacher as they worked on their activity. She also
offered advice to the students on how to make their activity look better.
 The teacher let her students take their activity at home and turn it in on time because
they used up the allotted time.
 The teacher also explains to her students how their grades will be determined based on
the work they submit.

Your Plan
After the observation made in a classroom, you can now think of a product-oriented
assessment design that is more appropriate for the classroom activity. In bullet form, list the
procedures of your propose assessment in the box below.
Learning Objectives
-to name the Gods and Goddesses and describe their traits.
-to show their involvement in their group.

Field Study 2 Activities

General Product-Oriented Performance Tasks

-to be familiar with the Gods' and Goddesses' lives
Target Skills
-Critical Thinking
-Creative Thinking

Learning Activities (specific tasks)

The pupils need to:
-talk about the subject with the group
-display their works collectively and include images

Assessment Tasks
The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:

Very Satisfactory Average Fair Poor

Criteria Satisfactory
(95%) (85%) (75%) (50%)
The report is Some of the The Report is The Report is not The Report is
organized and Report is organized but not organized. cannot be
Organization clear. organized and clear. understood.
The report is 50% of the report The report is The Report The report was
presented and is presented and presented presented was not not presented
Presentation explained explained unclearly. explained and explained at
correctly. correctly. correctly. all.

Field Study 2 Activities

Notes On My Product-Oriented Assessment Plan

Name of the School Observed: St. Anthony’s College

School Address: San Angel, San Jose , Antique Date of Visit: November 15,2022
Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: 21st Century from the Philippines and the World
Subject Matter: Greek Mythology

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

The best aspect of my product-oriented performance evaluation design is that it

emphasizes more than just the students' intellectual ability to carry out the task at hand. It also
gives my students the opportunity to develop strong creative skills.
What specific conditions are necessary of a successful product-oriented performance assessment
To use it effectively, the teacher must first thoroughly cover the subject and ensure that
every student is able to follow the instructions. Before beginning the exercise, the teacher should
provide the students with clear guidelines and instructions. They should also be provided with
the rubric so that they are aware of the expectations.
What basic points should the user of this design consider?
In order to prevent students from being misled, the user should ensure that each student is
aware of the procedure and the resources that will be required. The teacher should also take into
account how well-versed the students are in the necessary resources.

Signature of FS Student: ______________________ Date: January 11, 2023

My Show Portfolio

Field Study 2 Activities

Learning Objectives
-to name the Gods and Goddesses and describe their traits.
-to show their involvement in their group.

General Performance Task

-to be familiar with the Gods' and Goddesses' lives
Learning Activities
The pupils need to:
-talk about the subject with the group
-display their works collectively and include images
Assessment Task
 The students will have to explain how they come up with their conclusion.
 I will evaluate their work based on the criteria that I had established.
 I will ask the students for their reaction regarding with the topic and the things that they do not

Rubrics for Assessing Learning

Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
100% 85% 75% 50%
Relevance to The output is Major of the The output is The output is The output is
the Theme very relevant pictures are relevant to the not so not relevant
to the theme. relevant to the theme. relevant to the to the theme.
theme theme.
Participation All members 50% of the Few of the Only the None of the
of the group members of members of teacher is members is
are the group are group are cooperatively doing their
cooperatively cooperatively cooperatively participating group work.
participating participating participating in their group
in their group in their group in their group work.
work. work. work.

Field Study 2 Activities

Creativity Group Group Group Group Group

product is product is product is not product is product is not
done slightly done done done but not done at all.
correctly by correctly correctly through the
using the using the using the use of
provided provided provided provided
materials. materials. materials materials.
Presentation The group The group The group is The group The product
product product is not presented product is not is not
presented slightly well by the presented presented and
well by the presented reporter and well by the explained at
reporter and well by the explained reporter and all.
explained all reporter and 50% of the only few of
the important explained all important the important
details important details details were
details. explained.

Your Analysis
Why do you think the originally designed product-oriented performance assessment can
appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective?
Her learning objective is supported by the product performance assessment, which also has clear
instructions and a straightforward procedure.

Why do teachers give attention to the student’s product-oriented tasks? Why do they need
to assess them?

Because they typically demonstrate a deep understanding of the concepts, principles, and
theories as well as providing proof of the information and abilities acquired during the

Field Study 2 Activities

educational process, teachers need to pay close attention to the students' product-oriented
assignments. When students see the results of their academic engagement, such as their works,
projects, outputs, and even performances, it inspires them to continue their studying. This type of
performance is known as product-oriented performance. Teachers must grade them because they
reflect how well students have understood a concept and how they have applied the knowledge
they had acquired in a particular class through an output, project, task, or even performance. The
use of a rubric helps the teacher evaluate student work more objectively while also ensuring that
the students are treated fairly.

In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be appropriately

When teachers want to assess how well students apply the knowledge they have learned
in a particular lesson, the product-oriented performance assessment is more helpful because it
requires students to submit a piece of work or other product that will demonstrate their level of
conceptual understanding. This product-focused performance evaluation is better appropriate for
those who work on research papers, films, portfolios, journals, slogans, posters, verse choirs,
parallel and series circuits, oral recitals, role plays, demonstrations, theatrical recitals, and other

“What you are doing does not

matter so much as what you are
learning from doing it.”

Field Study 2 Activities

Your Reflections
Write your reflections on your feelings, thoughts and personal learning, and insights from
your experiences in authentic assessment. Share these with your classmates and FS teacher.
I discovered that authentic assessment is used to evaluate students' knowledge and abilities based
on my own experiences with it. Because the assignment is offered at the correct level of
difficulty and is connected to a circumstance that occurs in real life, it is used to display higher-
order thinking skills (HOTS). Additionally, it can produce learning outcomes that can be seen
and used by people who use the data, particularly the instructor, that was acquired through the
assessment process.
It is an assessment for learning and an assessment as learning when one of the principles of
authentic assessment indicates that "it promotes learning rather than simply serving the aim of
accountability." It was a learning assessment since it enhances learning and offers feedback.
Students may receive verbal or written feedback, but it must primarily be descriptive, highlight
positives, point out weaknesses, and include a plan for growth. Feedback may be based on a
variety of sources, including a student's portfolio, a conversation, a written test, and teacher
observation. Because there involves self-reflection and it has to do with metacognition, it is an
appraisal of learning. The pupils take more responsibility for their own learning and thought
It is crucial to evaluate the pupils' learning using a rubric and criteria. Due to the criteria and
indicators that are included in the rubric, the students will have suggestions on how to improve
their learning through the usage of the rubric, and reflection and metacognition will help them
identify their strengths and flaws.

Signature of FS Student: ______________________ Date: January 11, 2023


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