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BANNARI ASSESSMENT Test_04(05/07/24) July 5, 2024 09:10 PM View Report

Question Wise Analysis

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Wrong Answers

Topics You Have To Improve



Time Based Analysis

Questions Attempted

33.33 mins

26.67 mins

20.00 mins

13.33 mins

6.67 mins

0.00 mins

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


Topics Wise Analysis

S.No Course Topics Proficiency

1 DAILY APTITUDE TCS TESTS Test_04(05/07/24) 1

Section Wise Scores

Time Taken






Quantitative Ability Reasoning Ability Verbal Ability

Questions With Answers

The probability of occurrence of event A is 0.1 and that of event B is 0.2. The events are mutually
exclusive. What is the probability of occurrence of both A and B?

Answer Selected 0

What is the value of 0-10 ?

Answer Selected -10

Choose the correct answer.
What least value must be assigned to * so that the number 63576*2 is divisible by 8?

Answer Selected 1

What is the height of the cone which is formed by joining the two ends of the sector of circle with
radius r and angle 60 degree?

Answer Selected √25 / 6 r

Choose the correct answer.
If log8 x + log8 (1/6) = 1/3 then the value of x is:

Answer Selected 12

f(x) grows exponentially with x, how will f(log(x)) grow?

Answer Selected Exponentially

Find the simple interest on Rs. 306.25 from March 3rd to July 27th( In the same year ) at 3.75 percent

Answer Selected RS. 4.58

Two numbers are in the ratio xy,when 2 is added to both the numbers.the ratio becomes 1:2.when 3 is
subtracted from both the numbers. The ratio becomes 1:3.Find the sum of x and y.

Answer Selected 26

If the sum of the radius and the height of a closed cylinder is 35 cm and the surface area of the
cylinder is 1540 cm2 , then the circumference of the base of the cylinder is :

Answer Selected 44 CM

If log x + log y = log (x + y), then:

Answer Selected X=Y

A series of book was published at seven year intervals. When the seventh book was published the
total sum of publication year was 13,524. First book was published in?

Answer Selected 1910

Ram buys 7 novels from a book fair. Shyam buys 8 novels from the fair, none of which is common
with those bought by Ram. They decide to exchange their books one for one. In how many ways can
they exchange their books for the first time ?

Answer Selected 7*8!

If antilog x 5 = 30, what can you infer about x?

Answer Selected x is a number between 1 and 2

A fence has to be made. Posts are to be for every 6 m interval. They are at starting and ending point.
Person brings some posts and there are 7 posts lacking. If they are 9 m interval the posts are
suffcient. How many posts did the persons bring?

Answer Selected 16

Micro simsPvt. ltd. produces 1200 phones every day. If out of these,2 1/3 faulty and 4 1/3 are defective
in packaging. Then how many non-faulty and non-defective packaged phones are produced every

Answer Selected 1080

If x = 8, y = 27, the value of (x4/3+y2/3)1/2 is:

Answer Selected 5

Find the value of h[f(1,2,3), g(2,1,-2), h(1,-1,-1)].

Answer Selected 0

What is the value of log20 1 ?

Answer Selected 0

What is the value of (-5)(4)(2)(-1/2)(3/4) ?

Answer Selected -30

A can do 25% of work in 4 days and B can do one-third of the same work in 4 days. C can complete
the work in the same time as A and B would take working together, how long will it take to complete
the same work?

Answer Selected 19/3

In a row of girls, Nivedita is 15th from the left and Vimla is 23rd from the right. If they interchange their
positions, then Nivedita becomes 18 th from the left. Then at what position will Vimla be from the

Answer Selected B.26

In certain code 'TIGER' is written as 'QDFHS'. How is 'FISH' written in that code?

Answer Selected A.GHRE

Directions for Questions 6 to 10: Read the following information carefully and answer these questions:

K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting in a circle facing at the centre and playing cards.

1.O is neighbour of K and N.

2.Q is between P and M.

3.P is to the immediate right of K.

4.Q is second to the left of L.

Which of the following does not have the pair of persons sitting adjacent to each other?

Answer Selected D.NO

If A + B means A is the brother of B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of
B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P?

Answer Selected B.N x P % M

In certain code 'FROZEN' is written as 'OFAPSG'. Then how would 'MOLTEN' be written in that code?

Answer Selected D.OFPOMN

In a certain code 'ROAR' is written as 'URDU'. How is 'URDU' written in that code?



Answer Selected A. XUGX

In a certain code 'LIMCA' is written as 'HJLDZ'. Which of the following words is written as 'IFWJBP'?

Answer Selected A.MERCURY

In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern. Which of the given options should fill in the blank ?

Answer Selected A.VKDQ

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. In this way, if we look at the whole world of education and literature, we find that necessity has
been the mother of invention.
B. As human knowledge began to grow, it became necessary to store it.
C. Gradually, paper was invented.
D.Then, printing machines were invented to cope with the increasing demands for books.
E.Man began to record it on leaves and the bark of trees. This invention also led to the invention of
other branches of literature.

Answer Selected B.ACBFED

There are five students in a group: Roger, Martin, Peter, Gary and Katherine.
1. Roger received a higher grade than Martin but not as high as Peter.
2. Peter received a higher grade than Gary and Katherine.
3. Gary received a lower grade than Martin.
4. Gary did not receive the lowest grade.
5. Roger received the second highest grade.
If the first four statements are true, then the fifth statement is:


Answer Selected True

The question below consists of a problem followed by two statements. Decide whether the data in
the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer depending upon whether
the data provided in
Statement 1 Exactly two of the four numbers are square of prime numbers and the remaining two are
cube of prime numbers.
Statement 2: Exactly two of the four numbers have the same unit's digit.

Answer Selected C.statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is
needed to answer the question. Problem: Four distinct natural numbers A,
B, C and D add up to give a number X, which is less than 100. What is the
value of X?

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Stress is the number one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties as per most sleep experts.
B. Usually sleeping problems disappear when the stressful situation passes.
C. Common triggers include school or job related pressures, a family or marriage problem and a
serious illness or death in the family.
D. However, if short-term sleep problems such as insomnia are not managed properly from the
beginning, they can persist long after the original stress has passed.

Answer Selected A.ACBD

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph
A. The name came from the phrase "iced cream that was similar to "iced tea
B. The first ice cream parlour in America opened in New York City in 1776
C. The name was later abbreviated to "ice cream, the one we know today.
D. American colonists were the first to use the term "ice cream"

Answer Selected D.DBCA

Six labourers (of equal efficiency) can build a wall in 10 days. How many labourers of equal and
double the efficiency are required to build 3 such walls in 5 days?

Answer Selected E.18

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. They play through the afternoon heat with little more to fuel them than a can of soda, and they
play at night in the dim illumination of nearby streetlights.
B. Its devotees are on the court ten hours a day, six days a week.
C. Seventeen- and eighteen-year-olds have rheumatoid knees from constantly pounding their feet
on the asphalt
D. On the playgrounds of Brooklyn, baseball is more of a religion than a sport.


Answer Selected C.DBAC

Three friends of different age and height stand in a queue for a photograph. The photographer asks
the youngest to stand to the right of Adam. The tallest stands in the extreme left. Barry does not
stand in the center and he is not the youngest. Donald is not in the center too. All are facing the
photographer. No person receives the same rank when put in the increasing order of both age and
height. Now, who is the shortest?


Answer Selected D.Donald

. If '56' stands for '26r and '82' stand for '39b' then '66' stands for
Answer Selected D.31f

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph
A. Within Hong Kong, a number of factors help the development of trade.
B. There are highly developed banking, insurance and shipping systems which help the local
manufacturers and exporters.
C.A particular obstacle for local industrialists is the need to overcome or learn to live with the
shortage of land and the high price which must be paid for suitable manufacturing sites.
D. An average employee here works harder than his counterpart in some other countries.

Answer Selected B.BDCA

Pradhan, Qureshi, Rastogi, Sharma and Talreja are students coming from Gwalior, Bhopal, Indore,
Ujjain and Guna not necessarily in that order. They have topped in different subjects among Math,
English, Hindi, Science and Geography. The student who has topped in Hindi is not from Gwalior, The
student from Guna has topped in Math, Qureshi comes from Ujjain and Sharma from Gwalior. The
student from Indore has not topped in Science. Pradhan topped in Science and Talreja in Geography.
From which city does the topper of English Come from?

Answer Selected A.Gwalior

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Also it was a snowball's throw from the Vermont skiing areas of Stowe and Sugarbush.
B I choose Lisbon not just for its exotic name, but because it was central to the five village cluster in
which I was now serving as an unofficial spiritual advisor.
C. I had intended to take up the sport, not out of any athletic urge but because I had always heard
was a great place to meet single girls.
D. Within a month of accepting Dr. Harris's offer, I sold my New York apartment and moved to Lisbon
E. It was probably true but who had time to find out?

Answer Selected B.DBCAE

Choose the correct sequence of the given words/phrases so that it forms a logical sentence
(1) Marcus doesn't think
(2) there is any need for
(3) Mary to attend the meeting

Answer Selected 132

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it ?
You shouldn't/ be making such / a big deals out of it

Answer Selected You shouldn't

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it ?
Natasha has writes / down a lot of things we need / to bring from the supermarket

Answer Selected Natasha has writes

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it ?
Did you hears/ about the massive / earthquake in Australia ?

Answer Selected Did you hears

which part of the sentence given below has an error in ?
Crowds of people scrambled for/ groceries at the seven-eleven, / showing little regards for social

Answer Selected . showing little regards for social distancing

Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word "starvation".

Answer Selected . Famine


Mark the option containing the sentence that is grammatically correct

Answer Selected . it was a sad day for Brook when her mother died

Choose the option which best expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.
"On that day, rain fell from the sky along with some hail."

Answer Selected She said that on that day, rain had fallen from the sky along with some

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it?
David is now / looking for a bigger / house to living in

Answer Selected House to living in

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it?
The little girl pick/ the big sunflower / out of her flowerbed.

Answer Selected The little girl pick

The question given below contains a sentence with certain words underlined. These words may or
may not be correct contains the error and the correction suggested.
The misalliance of the prince with the commoner cause a furore among the kingdom.

Answer Selected Causes

A sentence is broken into the following parts. Mark the options containing the correct sequence of
these parts as per the logicality.
A rich and
Emmerson was
Affluent person
Of the village Dumfries

Answer Selected 2134

Mark the option which best expresses the given sentence in Direct Spreech.
Dakota wondered how many people went unnoticed

Answer Selected Dakota said, “ How many people go unnoticed?”

Mark the option which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect Speech.
Chioe said, “ I am very angry now.”

Answer Selected Chioe said that he was very angry then

Determine if the statement given below is a fact, an inference, or a judgement
Pigeons are the biggest nuisance at this location

Answer Selected judgement

The issue is more ______ 1____ than what most so-called experts make it out to be. There is a lot
of confusion in the different experts. So currently, you should remember not to trust any
recommendations you receive till you have done
Which of these fits blank 1?

Answer Selected complex

Mark the option that contains the word(s) that fit(s) in the respective Marks mod appropriately

According to a/an (1) study, 45 percent readers find factual errors in the news stories. They check the
spelling or grammar (2) in their newspaper more than once a week. The study also found that about
30% check the accuracy of their news.
Which of these options best fits blank 1?

Answer Selected pinpointed

Mark the option that contains the word(s) that fit(s) in the respective Marks mod appropriately

According to a/an (1) study, 45 percent readers find factual errors in the news stories. They check the
spelling or grammar (2) in their newspaper more than once a week. The study also found that about
30% check the accuracy of their news
Which of these options best fits blank 2?

Answer Selected errors

Mark the option containing the sentence that is grammatically incorrect

Answer Selected A lazier man accomplishes little

Which part of the sentence given below has an error in it?

A part of my earnings go / towards the upkeep/of our ancestral temple

Answer Selected A part of my earnings go

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