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Say thank you to a Text someone good

custodian morning or good night

Tell a
Ask someone how they’re
sibling/parent/friend or
doing & truly wait &
teacher how much you
listen to the answer
appreciate them

Throw away your trash

Hold the door open for
& someone else’s when
your done eating

Say “Good Morning” or

Leave a dollar in the “Good Afternoon” to
vending machine other people when you
pass them
Try to make sure
everyone in the
Say hi to strangers
conversation feels

If you have clothing in Send paper thank you

good condition that you notes for things others
don’t wear, donate it have done for you

Put sticky notes

If you spot trash laying
w/positive messages on
around outside or in the
the mirrors in public
hallways, pick it up

Email or write an old Tweet a genuine

teacher who made a compliment to three
positive impact on you people
Put your phone down
Offer to give a friend a when you’re talking to
ride home someone – give them your
full attention

Leave letters of
Let someone go in front
encouragement on
of you in line
people’s cars

Do a favor without
Show the new kids
asking for anything in
around your school

Write a kind or
Send a letter to a good encouraging message on
friend instead of a text a napkin & leave it on the
If someone drops
Smile at every person
something in the hallway
who crosses your path
(even a teacher) help
for the day.
pick it up!

See someone sitting by Write kind words on a

themselves at lunch …. rock and leave them at a
Sit with them park

Give out free hugs Introduce yourself to

today, tomorrow … someone new at school
maybe all year! and chat with them

Every night before you go

Say hello to everyone to bed, think of three
you see things you’re grateful
Deliver a compliment a
Leave a kind, funny, day—and mean it.
or inspiring note in a Deliver two if you see it
library book you’ve makes friends and

read family happy.

If you're saying nice

Send someone a YouTube
things about a person
link to an inspirational
who is not present, text
song or video clip
them to let them know

Post a group photo from

Like someone's selfies on
childhood on social media
Instagram, even if you
& tag people you have as
hate selfies
friends but don't
connect to often

Write your 10 favorite If you're just thinking

things about a friend nice things about a
who has just gone person, text them to let
through a breakup. them know
If you know someone If you know someone
who is always left out, struggling with being
try to include them in a bullied, let them know
conversation or on a you care & see if they
project. need help or support

If you have ever been

If you see someone being
rude, mean or even
cyberbullied, send them
bullied someone …. Tell
a private message of
them you are Sorry and
support and hope!
mean it!

If you see someone with If you know someone

special needs, see if you who is never picked for a
can help them to class or team or project, pick
learn something new them and introduce
about them. them to others.

Get several people Learn facts & stats

together to hold the about mental illness,
doors open for school in anxiety or stress and
the morning and say put it on post-it notes
hello to everyone around school

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