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Download invoices from Master Media to the folder on your Desktop:

Open the file with Libre Office and confirm text import settings:
Save file with excel 2007 format (xlsx)

In Pc Market click Suppliers > Preparing Documents > Document GR

Select supplier and confirm with F2 or Enter

Press CTRL + X – new window to import from excel will appear

Press CTRL + O and select a file that you saved earlier in Libre Office:
Select saved template (Master Media)

Press CTRL + I to start the import process (a new window will appaer that allows to connect
imported items with existing ones, or to create new items in your database):
Pay attention to those lines. It shows how many items need to be connected to existing ones, or need
to be created:

To create new product in your database you need to select the product and press F7
Fill all the information needed:

and press F2 to save and exit

If you want to connect new item with existing one, select it and press F5.
Find the product, select it and press F2 or Enter
Select Option 3 – New code add to the list of additional codes and confirm with F2 or Enter:

Once everything is cleared press F2 Na dokument

Confirm everything is correct and press F2 – Save. Once you do it, the system will update all prices
and stock.

Is there is a difference in purchase price in connected item with existing one in database, PC Marker
will ask you if you want to update detail price.

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