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© Choose the correct preposition for each phrasal verb. of off out up up for 1. You will have to come in early tomorrow to make up the class you missed. 2. ITeft my bike unlocked outside, Unfortunately, a thief made _with it 3. When I started my project, was feeling quite anxious, but it tumed well in the end. 4, Don't be late or absent. Whatever happens you should always turn for class at 9 a.m 5. I didn’t want to give my real phone number, so | just made a random number. 6. [heard his answer, but it was so strange and confusing. | dort know what to make it © Use the information to make complete sentences with the present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous. Answers will vary. Who Activity: When 1. | kayla live in Kent from 2015 until now 2. [Leo {go to bed late recently 3. | The boss suddenly spilt his coffee working in his new office 4, [Dan attend private schoo! since 2018 5. | Shanio fell asleep at her desk studying all day yeene @m @ Listen and circle true or fas 1. Louis spilt his coffee on the desk. tne false 2. Rhea has been having fun outside with her friend. true false 3. Louis has finished his science project. tue false 44. Rhea plans to finish her project on Monday. tne — false @ Listen and circle the answers. OEE 1. Which sentence is correct? 1 Ravi has been sleeping for a few minutes. _b. Ravi has been sleeping for a long time. € Ravi will be sleeping for a long time, d. Ravi wasn't sleeping 2. Lisa thinks the boat sank because 2. the radio was broken b. Ravi wes sleeping «. there was a storm 4. they hit something 3. What is NOT true? 2. There is no food oF water. b. Their radio is broken. They can see another island 4. They may try to leave the island, 4. How does Ravi feel when he says, “This is certainly a challenge but we can figure something out, 'm sure"? 2. anxious b. nenous ¢ frightened 4. hopeful oO Read and choose the best words to fill in the gaps. Dear Talib, Thank you so much for your last email 'm so 1 to have a pen pal! Let me tell you a little about myself. Right now, | go to schoo! in England, but | don’t live with my parents. That's because the school | 2 is a boarding school, which is a kind of 3 school where students stay in their own dormitory room at night and at the weekend. Before this, | went to a local school in my hometown, but my parents were not 4 with it, so they moved me here. When | first came here, | was quite nervous and 5. But now, I've been living here for almost two years, and I feel more relaxed and 6 WS nice here: its really quiet so | can concentrate on my studies, and the school’s general 7. is great. We have many classes to choose from, and wonderful teachers. My favourite class is science. We have an incredible laboratory here, so every week | can do fascinating s. Overall, this school is pretty good. 1, a. excited b. exciting ¢. disgusted d. incredible 2. a. make of b. achieve ¢ attend d. begin 3. a. individual b. colleague ¢. convincing d. private 4. a. satisfy b. satisfying «satisfied d. frightened ~ 5. a. disgusted b. stressful . anxious d. fail | 6. a. confident b. touched ¢. convinced d.nervous 7. a. habit b. celebrate ¢. moment, d. curriculum 8. a. interviews b. experiments . schedules d. directions @ Read and fill in the gaps with the words in the box. finally fail anxious challenge habit colleagues lost reaching EDU-EX TALK KEYNOTE SPEAKER Zoe Powell (CEO of D:Ream Software ) ‘Many people ask me, “What is the key to success?” ‘What is the most important thing? Well, one important thing I've been learning from my 1 here is that life is not always easy: you will make mistakes, you will have problems, and sometimes you will 2 Some people try to avoid difficulty too much, and when a problem comes up, they feel 3 or lazy. In those difficult moments, they have a(n) 4 of 5. for an excuse or giving up. Yes, sometimes you may need to change direction. But, if you keep changing direction, or if you have no direction from the beginning, you will be 6, and never achieve anything. The most successful people | know choose to do something not because itis easy, but because it is hard. Because itis a(n) 7 So, 8 | will say this: let's look for challenges, let's learn from failure, and let’ celebrate our successes together Thank you!

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