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Long Answer Type Questions:

1. How did ideas of national Unity in early 19th century Europe allied to the ideology of
liberalism? Explain. (The Rise of Nationalism in Europe)
2. How did Greek war of independence mobilize Nationalist feelings among the educated Elite
across Europe? Explain. (The Rise of Nationalism in Europe)
3. “In India, some regions are richer in certain types of resources but deficient in some other
resources.” do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with three examples.
(Resources and Development)
4. How is the idea of power sharing emerged? Explain different forms that have common
arrangements of power sharing. (Power Sharing)
5. Compare the situation of Belgium and Sri Lanka considering their location, size and cultural
aspects. (Power Sharing)
6. “Though the level of income is important, it is an inadequate measure of the level of
development”. Justify the statement. (Development)
7. What is Human Development Index? Which organization measures the HD? Explain the
three major indicators of the HDI. (Development)
8. “What may be the development for one may be the destruction for the other”. Explain the
statement with appropriate examples. (Development)

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. How had Napoleon code exported to the regions under French control? Explain with
examples. (The Rise of Nationalism in Europe)
2. How did Britain come into existence as a nation state? Explain. (The Rise of Nationalism in
3. Describe the importance of judicious use of resources. (Resources and Development)
4. describe the different steps of ‘resource planning’.(Resources and Development)
5. “Indiscriminate use of natural resources has led to numerous problems.” justify the
statement. (Resources and Development)
6. How can you contribute to minimise the pollution? Explain. (Resources and Development)
7. “Land is a natural resource of utmost importance.”Justify the statement with appropriate
arguments. (Resources and Development)
8. Do you think that the steps taken by Sri Lankan Government to establish the Supremacy of
Sinhala’s were justified belong lasting? Give your viewpoint. (Power Sharing)
9. ‘Sharing of powers makes a country more powerful and united’. Justify the statement.
(Power Sharing)
10. Describe any three ’majoritaranian measures’ taken by the Sri Lankan Government to
establish Sinhala supremacy. (Power Sharing)
11. Explain the three ways by which Belgium has accommodated the existing regional
differences and cultural diversity. (Power Sharing)
12. Why is sustainable development essential for economic growth? Explain. (Development)
13. ‘People have conflicting development goals”. Support the statement with suitable example.
14. Describe any three possible development goals of landless rural labourers. (Development)
15. “Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well” do you agree with
this statement? Justify your answer with any three suitable arguments. (Development)
16. Why does Kerala have a better Human Development Index ranking in comparison to
Punjab? Explain with three reasons.
17. Differentiate between human development report and World development report.

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