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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

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Research article

Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics,

and ecophysiology
Véronique Cheynier a, Gilles Comte b, Kevin M. Davies c, Vincenzo Lattanzio d, *,
Stefan Martens e
INRA, UMR1083 Sciences Pour l’oenologie, 2 place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France
UMR 5557 CNRS-Université de Lyon, Ecologie Microbienne, USC INRA 1193-VetAgroSup, 6 rue Raphael Dubois, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, Private Bag 11-600, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, degli Alimenti e dell’Ambiente, Via Napoli 25, 71100 Foggia, Italy
Department of Food Quality and Nutrition, Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via E. Mach 1,
38010 San Michele all’Adige, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Land-adapted plants appeared between about 480 and 360 million years ago in the mid-Palaeozoic era,
Received 30 January 2013 originating from charophycean green algae. The successful adaptation to land of these prototypes of
Accepted 10 May 2013 amphibious plants e when they emerged from an aquatic environment onto the land e was achieved
Available online xxx
largely by massive formation of “phenolic UV light screens”. In the course of evolution, plants have
developed the ability to produce an enormous number of phenolic secondary metabolites, which are not
required in the primary processes of growth and development but are of vital importance for their
Plant phenolics definition and classification
interaction with the environment, for their reproductive strategy and for their defense mechanisms.
From a biosynthetic point of view, beside methylation catalyzed by O-methyltransferases, acylation
Biosynthesis regulation and glycosylation of secondary metabolites, including phenylpropanoids and various derived phenolic
Plant phenolics as underground and compounds, are fundamental chemical modifications. Such modified metabolites have altered polarity,
aboveground signaling molecules volatility, chemical stability in cells but also in solution, ability for interaction with other compounds
(co-pigmentation) and biological activity.
The control of the production of plant phenolics involves a matrix of potentially overlapping regulatory
signals. These include developmental signals, such as during lignification of new growth or the pro-
duction of anthocyanins during fruit and flower development, and environmental signals for protection
against abiotic and biotic stresses. For some of the key compounds, such as the flavonoids, there is now
an excellent understanding of the nature of those signals and how the signal transduction pathway
connects through to the activation of the phenolic biosynthetic genes.
Within the plant environment, different microorganisms can coexist that can establish various in-
teractions with the host plant and that are often the basis for the synthesis of specific phenolic me-
tabolites in response to these interactions. In the rhizosphere, increasing evidence suggests that root
specific chemicals (exudates) might initiate and manipulate biological and physical interactions between
roots and soil organisms. These interactions include signal traffic between roots of competing plants,
roots and soil microbes, and one-way signals that relate the nature of chemical and physical soil prop-
erties to the roots. Plant phenolics can also modulate essential physiological processes such as tran-
scriptional regulation and signal transduction. Some interesting effects of plant phenolics are also the
ones associated with the growth hormone auxin. An additional role for flavonoids in functional pollen
development has been observed. Finally, anthocyanins represent a class of flavonoids that provide the
orange, red and blue/purple colors to many plant tissues. According to the coevolution theory, red is a
signal of the status of the tree to insects that migrate to (or move among) the trees in autumn.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (V. Cheynier), gilles.comte@univ- (G. Comte), (K.M. Davies), v.lattanzio@ “We live in a chemical world, dominated by color, by scent and (V. Lattanzio), (S. Martens). by taste. Many animal phyla have developed a discriminatory acuity

0981-9428/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
2 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

in these latter two senses which rivals their sight”.. “For the structures (the term ‘polyphenols’ defining those with more than
majority of living organisms chemical signals are the main means of one phenolic ring) that fulfill a very broad range of physiological
communication”.. “The majority of chemical signals are complex. roles in plants. Although the bulk of these compounds play cell wall
They contain mixtures of many different compounds, the majority structural roles, plant tissues synthesize a vast array of non-
of which are the so called secondary products” [1]. A typical char- structural constituents that have various roles in plant growth
acteristic of plants and other sessile organisms is their capacity to and survival. Thus, the expression “plant phenolics” embraces a
produce a vast and diverse array of the so-called secondary me- highly diverse group with an extremely large structural diversity:
tabolites, i.e. compounds present in specialized cells that are not tens of thousands of diverse structures have been identified, with
directly essential for basic photosynthetic or respiratory meta- the number continually increasing [5,6].
bolism, but are thought to be required for plant survival in the Land-adapted plants appeared between about 480 and 360
environment. Phenolic compounds are the most widely distributed million years ago in the mid-Palaeozoic era. From a simple plant
secondary metabolites, ubiquitously present in the plant kingdom, body consisting of only a few cells, land plants (embryophytes)
even if the type of compounds present varies according to the consisting of liverworts, hornworts, mosses and tracheophytes
phylum under consideration. Phenolics are uncommon in bacteria, originated from charophycean green algae. The ability to synthesize
fungi and algae. Bryophytes are regular producers of phenolic phenolic compounds has been selected throughout the course of
compounds, including polyphenols such as flavonoids, but it is in evolution in different plant lineages when such compounds
the vascular plants that the full range of phenolics is found. Leaves addressed specific needs, thus permitting plants to cope with the
of vascular plants contain esters, amides and glycosides of constantly changing environmental challenges over evolutionary
hydroxycinnamic acids, glycosylated flavonoids, especially flavones time. For example, the successful adaptation to land of some higher
and flavonols, and proanthocyanidins and their relatives. Lignin, members of the Charophyceae e which are regarded as prototypes
suberin and pollen sporopollenin are examples of phenolic con- of amphibious plants that presumably preceded true land plants
taining polymers [2e4]. when they emerged from an aquatic environment onto the land e
As a general rule recently proposed by Quideau et al. [5], the was achieved largely by massive formation of “phenolic UV light
term ‘plant phenolics’ should be strictly used to refer to secondary screens” [7e10]. The ultraviolet part of the solar radiation is capable
natural metabolites arising biogenetically from the shikimate/ of promoting the cleavage of chemical bonds. Hence the organic
phenylpropanoid pathway, which directly provides phenyl- compounds of the prebiotic phase and the primordial organisms
propanoids (Fig. 1), or the ‘polyketide’ acetate/malonate pathway, were viable only in aquatic medium, protected by the UV absorbing
which can produce simple phenols, or both of them. These path- oxygen of H2O. Thus, about half a billion years ago, when invading
ways produce a bewildering array of monomeric and polymeric humid environments of the land surface, possibly through

Fig. 1. Schematic of the major branch pathways of (poly)phenol biosynthesis. PAL, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; C4H, cinnamate-4-hydroxylase; 4CL, 4-coumaroyl:CoA-ligase;
HCT, hydroxycinnamoyl transferase; C3H, p-coumarate-3-hydroxylase; CHS, chalcone synthase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; ANS, anthocyanidin synthase; DFR, dihydroflavonol
reductase; FS, flavone synthase; FLS, flavonol synthase; F3H, flavanone 3-hydroxylase; IFS, isoflavone synthase; ANR, anthocyanidin reductase; LAR, leucoanthocyanidin reductase.

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 3

primitive members of the bryophytes, the plant phylum must have Fabaceae, Moraceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae and Solanaceae [21].
solved the problem of the UV screen. The most conspicuous Naphthoquinones, such as plumbagin (VI), represent a class of
chemical difference between aquatic protoctists and terrestrial quinone pigments widespread in nature. The most notable higher
plants is the exploitation of the shikimate pathway. In all forms of plant families containing naphthoquinones are the Avicenniaceae,
algae, this is limited to the production of phenylalanine and tyro- Bignoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Droseraceae, Ebenaceae, Juglandaceae,
sine, already incorporated in proteins since the primitive bacteria.1 Nepenthaceae, and Plumbaginaceae. They are biosynthesized via a
Only with the bryophytes, a post-tyrosine chemistry, based on variety of pathways including the polyketide pathway, the shiki-
cinnamic acid, is initiated. Deamination of aromatic amino acids to mate/succinyl CoA combined pathway and the shikimate/mevalo-
cinnamic acids may have occurred sporadically in other groups and nate pathway [22]. Xanthones are a class of plant phenolics
certainly occurs in fungi. Polyketides, compounds formed by the occurring in only a few higher plant families (Gentianaceae, Gutti-
condensation of acetyl-CoA as starter unit and malonyl-CoA for ferae, Logoniaceae, Podostemaceae, and Polygalaceae), therefore they
chain extension, dominate the allelochemistry of aerobic bacteria have a high taxonomic value in such families. Mangiferin (VII) is
and of algae. The substitution in this process of the starter unit by unique among the natural xanthones in having a much wider
cinnamoyl-CoA in bryophytes led to flavones and flavonols. Flavo- natural occurrence than that of any of the others. This 2-C-gluco-
noids, such as chalcones, aurones, flavones and flavonols, absorb side of 1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone was first found in the leaves
UV light and should act as photoscreens in Bryophyta and in all of Mangifera indica L. [23e25]. The members of the stilbene family
divisions of more modern terrestrial plants [11e13]. Apart from UV have the C6eC2eC6 structure and are widely distributed in the Plant
radiation, there exist other phenomena in an aerial environment, Kingdom, although some structures are characteristic of particular
such as pests and pathogens, requiring special adaptation of plant plant families. They are found in liverworts, in some ferns, in
life. It is again polyphenol chemistry that conditions the adaptation gymnosperms and in many eudicot angiosperms, ranging from the
to these environmental challenges. For example, reductive devia- unsubstituted trans-stilbene from Alnus and Petiveria to the hex-
tion from the biosynthetic route leading to anthocyanidins from asubstituted combretastatin A-1 (VIII) from Combretum caffrum
leucoanthocyanidins results in catechins. Polymerization of repre- (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze and also including various glycosylated and
sentatives belonging to the two latter classes of flavonoid com- acylated derivatives [26,27]. Flavonoids and their conjugates form a
pounds gives the so-called condensed tannins, important general very large group of natural products with more than 10,000
defense against virus, bacteria, fungi, insects and herbivores [14,15]. different identified structures [17,28,29]. They are found in many
Several classes of phenolics have been categorized on the basis plant tissues, both inside the cells and on the surfaces of different
of their basic skeletons: C6 (simple phenols, benzoquinones), C6eC1 plant organs. The chemical structures of this class of compounds
(phenolic acids and aldehydes), C6eC2 (acetophenones, phenyl- are based on a C6eC3eC6 skeleton. Depending on the position of the
acetic acids), C6eC3 (hydroxycinnamic acids, coumarins, phenyl- linkage of the aromatic ring to the benzopyrano (chromano) moi-
propanes, chromones), C6eC4 (naphthoquinones), C6eC1eC6 ety, this group of natural products may be divided into three clas-
(xanthones), C6eC2eC6 (stilbenes, anthraquinones), C6eC3eC6 ses: the flavonoids (2-phenylbenzopyrans, e.g. kaempferol,
(flavonoids, isoflavonoids, neoflavonoids), (C6eC3eC6)2,3 (bi-, tri- apigenin, Fig. 1), isoflavonoids (3-phenylbenzopyrans, e.g. genis-
flavonoids, proanthocyanidin dimers, trimers), (C6eC3)2 (lignans, tein, Fig. 1), and the neoflavonoids (4-phenylbenzopyrans).
neolignans), (C6eC3)n (lignins), (C6)n (catechol melanins, phlor- Together with the proanthocyanidins, the bi- and triflavonoids
otannins), (C6eC3eC6)n (condensed tannins). Low-molecular constitute the two major classes of complex C6eC3eC6 plant phe-
weight phenolics occur universally in higher plants, some of them nolics. These compounds arise from the oxidative coupling of
are common in a variety of plant species and others are species various flavonoid structures and thus predominantly possess a
specific [2,16e18]. carbonyl group at C-4 or its equivalent in every constituent unit.
Arbutin (hydroquinone b-D-glucoside, I), is an example of simple However, a multitude of compounds that do not arise via the
phenol found in leaves of various Vaccinium spp., such as blueberry, phenol oxidative coupling of monomeric flavonoid structures
cranberry, cowberry, and pear trees (Pyrus communis L., Rosaceae). possessing C-4 carbonyl functional groups are also classified as bi-
It is of sufficiently restricted occurrence to have been proposed as a and triflavonoids [17,30]. Lignans and neolignans are a large and
marker for adulteration of other juices by pear juice [19]. Phenolic varied group of plant phenolics produced by the oxidative dimer-
acids are usually present in the bound soluble form conjugated ization of two phenylpropanoid units, which occur in a wide range
with sugars or organic acids and are typically components of of plant species. Lignans are phenylpropanoid dimers that are CeC
complex structures such as lignins and hydrolyzable tannins [20]. linked mostly through their C3-side chains (tail-to-tail such as
Picein (II), a C6eC2 compound, which has been found as the main pinoresinol, Fig. 2). Neolignans, such as eusiderin, are phenyl-
component of spruce needles (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), also occurs in propanoid dimers that are linked head-to-tail [31,32]. Lignin, the
Larix decidua Mill., Populus balsamifera L., and Salix spp. The general essential structural polymer of wood and second only to cellulose
plant metabolism of phenylpropanoids furnishes a series of as the most abundant organic substance in plants, is found as an
hydroxycinnamic acids such as chlorogenic acid (i.e. 5-O-caffeoyl- integral cell wall constituent of all vascular plants. Gymnosperm
quinic acid, Fig. 1), ()-chicoric acid (dicaffeoyltartaric acid, III), lignins are primarily derived from coniferyl alcohol, and to a lesser
rosmarinic acid (IV), and verbascoside (V). Coumarins, which are extent, p-coumaryl alcohol, whereas angiosperm lignins contain
also C6eC3 derivatives, are benzo-a-pyrones (lactones) formally coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols in roughly equal proportions. The
derived from o-hydroxycinnamic acids by cyclization and ring plant tannins are phenolic compounds of relatively high molecular
closure between the o-hydroxy and carboxyl groups. This group of weight that have the ability to complex with carbohydrates and
phenolic compounds can be found free in nature or in combined proteins. In higher plants, tannins consist of two major groups of
form with sugars as heterosides and glycosides in many eudicoty- metabolites: the hydrolyzable tannins and proanthocyanidins also
ledon (eudicot) families, including the Apiaceae, Asteraceae, known as condensed tannins. The latter are very abundant poly-
phenols in woody plants, but are less common in herbaceous plants
and often restricted to specific tissues (e.g. seed coat of Arabidopsis
Some brown algae synthesize phlorotannins, i.e. phloroglucinol polymers
thaliana L. or alfalfa). Hydrolyzable tannins have a more restricted
arising from the acetate-malonate pathway, which may also have a role as UV occurrence than proanthocyanidins, being found in only 15 of the
protectants. 40 orders of eudicots [16e18]. More recently a third class of tannins,

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4 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

the phlorotannins, has been isolated from several genera of algae. and B (XeXI) first isolated from Quercus acutissima Carruthers) [16].
The phlorotannins are composed almost entirely of phloroglucinol Finally, melanins are pigments of high molecular weight formed by
sub-units linked in some cases by CeC and in others by CeOeC the oxidative polymerization of phenolic compounds and usually
(aryl ether) bonds. Hydrolyzable tannins are cleaved by acids, bases are dark brown or black. In general, they are conjugated polymers
and in some cases by hydrolytic enzymes (tannase) into sugars of ortho-dihydroxyphenols. The more general classification of such
(usually D-glucose) or related polyols and a phenolic acid. In the compounds contains three main types of such polymers: (i)
case of gallotannins, which are polygalloyl esters, this is gallic acid. eumelanins (black or brown) that are produced in the course
Ellagitannins can be defined in a narrow sense as hexahydrox- of oxidation of tyrosine (and/or phenylalanine) to 3,4-
ydiphenoyl esters of carbohydrates or cyclitols, while the definition dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and dopaquinone, which
of ellagitannins in a wider sense also cover compounds derived further undergoes cyclization to 5,6-dihydroxyindole or 5,6-
from further oxidative transformations. When the hexahydrox- dihydroxyindole- 2-carboxylic acid; (ii) pheomelanins (yellow,
ydiphenoyl group is cleaved from the molecule, the parent acid red or brown) that are initially synthesized just like eumelanins,
rapidly lactonizes to yield the dilactone ellagic acid (IX). The but DOPA undergoes cysteinylation, directly or by the mediation of
proanthocyanidins are flavan-3-ol oligomers and polymers that glutathione, then polymerizes; and (iii) allomelanins (black),
produce anthocyanidins by cleavage of their CeC interflavanic the most heterogenous group of polymers, which emerge
bonds (or CeC and CeOeC in A-type proanthocyanidins) under through oxidation/polymerization of dihydroxynaphthalene or
strongly acidic conditions. Proanthocyanidins can occur as poly- tetrahydroxynaphthalene, homogentisic acid, g-glutaminyl-4-
mers of up to 50 units [18,33e36]. Although much less common, hydroxybenzene, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, as well as of cate-
flavano-ellagitannins also occur in some plants (e.g. acutissimin A chols [37e39].








O 8
OH O 6


Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 5

Fig. 2. Parent structures of lignane and neolignanes.

As far as physico-chemical properties of plant phenolics are structures by preventing hydration of the flavylium cation. Four
concerned, the interaction of the hydroxyl groups of phenolics with possible stabilization mechanism have been classified: (i) self-
the p-electrons of the benzene ring gives the molecules special association of anthocyanins; (ii) intermolecular co-pigmentation
properties, most notably the ability to generate free radicals where with other non-covalently bound colorless substances such as fla-
the radical is stabilized by delocalization. The formation of these vonoids, alkaloids, nucleic acids and amino acids; (iii) intra-
relatively long-lived radicals is able to modify radical-mediated molecular co-pigmentation with aromatic acyl groups (namely
oxidation processes. Phenolics that possess two ortho-positioned hydroxycinnamic acids); and (iv) metal complex formation [40].
hydroxyl groups are very good antioxidants, though the down Finally, certain low-molecular-weight phenolics are however quite
side of this is their relative instability toward oxidation to quinones volatile, and often possess characteristic aromas, such as vanillin,
during storage or processing of plant foods. These latter oxidative eugenol, etc. Some phenolics are quite hydrophilic (e.g. hydrox-
reactions are involved in both browning phenomena in raw fruit ycinnamic acid glycosides, quinate esters, etc), but others can be
and vegetables during handling and storage and resistance mech- quite hydrophobic (e.g. polymethoxy flavonoids) [34,40e42].
anism of plant tissues against fungal pathogens, quinones being
transient intermediates that rapidly undergo condensation re- 2. Biosynthesis, genetics and metabolic engineering
actions, thus forming melanins. In addition, many phenolics chelate
metal ions, but tight binding requires ortho-hydroxyl groups such 2.1. Advances in understanding decorating steps in the biosynthesis
as those found on catechol group. Other properties of biological of polyphenols
relevance also come from the presence of the phenolic hydroxyl
groups. Owing to the potential for electronic delocalization, the Plants have developed the ability to produce an enormous
phenolic groups are readily ionized and thus act as weak acids. The number of secondary metabolites that are not required in the pri-
other main feature of phenolic hydroxyl groups is that they are mary processes of growth and development but are of vital
good H donors in the formation of hydrogen bonds. Some of the importance for their interaction with the environment. This ‘che-
polymeric phenolics carry very large numbers of such donor modiversity’ is particularly developed in land plants, which have to
groups, with the result that complexes formed with other mole- face numerous environmental challenges, and in particular in
cules are extremely stable and tend to precipitate out. Phenolic vascular plants that also need to maintain efficient transport of the
compounds are usually white solids, though the complex electronic metabolites, structural rigidity and a fine regulation of homeostasis
conjugation of some of the flavonoids results in a yellow color, or [43]. Beside methylation catalyzed by O-methyltransferases, acyl-
even red in the anthocyanins. An intriguing feature of anthocyanins ation and glycosylation of secondary metabolites, including phe-
is the way that their colors vary with time and with pH. The an- nylpropanoids and various derived phenolic compounds, are
thocyanins are red in acid solutions but the color decreases as the fundamental chemical modifications. Such modified metabolites
pH is raised, because of the conversion of the red flavylium cation have altered polarity, volatility, chemical stability in cells and so-
form to colorless hemiketal and blue quinonoidal bases though lution, ability for interaction with other compounds (co-pigmen-
hydration and deprotonation reactions, respectively. Neutral and tation), and biological activity. Furthermore, these modifications
alkaline solutions are violet or blue when freshly made, but fade play pivotal roles in many of the important processes mentioned
slowly. In vivo, there exist stabilizing mechanisms that favor colored above. The alteration of natural compounds with glycosyl and acyl

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
6 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

moieties is catalyzed by acyltransferases (AT) and glycosyl- Recently, a novel class of ATs, serine carboxypeptidase-like
transferases (GTs) and generates thousands of molecular variants (SCPL) acyltransferases, was characterized. Proteins belonging to
[44]. Both steps usually occur in a regiospecific reaction after the this class facilitate transacylation reactions of various secondary
completion of the biosynthesis of the respective aglycone [45]. metabolites using energy-rich 1-O-b-glucose esters in the synthesis
Although a wide array of cDNAs encoding members of both [51]. These vacuolar proteins define an alternative cellular route of
enzyme groups have been cloned from different plant species and transacylation spatially separated from the cytoplasmic enzymes of
tissues, the catalytical function is only described for a minor part of the BAHD AT family. Recent efforts in cloning and characterization
gene products e mainly using recombinant enzymes in vitro [43]. led to the identification of diagnostic peptides for SCPL acyl-
Both classes of enzymes are characterized by catalytic versatility, transferases, enabling the detection of candidate genes in several
which normally makes functional predictions from primary plant genomes. Detailed biochemical analysis of SCPL acyl-
sequence alone unfeasible. For almost a decade, our knowledge on transferases is strongly dependent on comprehensive heterologous
the organization of the gene families has been limited to the model expression systems, efficient protein purification protocols, and the
plant A. thaliana (L.) Heynh, as the largest numbers of flavonoid- supply of appropriate substrates. Obviously, SCPL ATs have evolved
related genes have been identified from this plant by the exten- from a hydrolytic ancestor by adapting functional elements of the
sive use of various “omics” based approaches [46]. Nowadays, the proteases such as the catalytic triad, oxyanion hole, and substrate
availability of more and more plant genomes and protein crystal recognition H-bond network to their new function [52].
structures present possibilities to obtain a broader view of the
families of these two important protein classes in terms of func- 2.1.2. Glycosyltransferases (GT)
tional evolution and the key structural elements determining GTs are a ubiquitous group of enzymes that catalyze the transfer
the specificities, particularly regiospecificities and catalytical of a sugar moiety to a wide range of acceptor molecules from an
properties. Integrated approaches including metabolite profiling, activated donor molecule. Beside plant secondary metabolites also
transcriptomics, sequence comparison, modeling, biochemical sugars, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, antibiotics and other small
characterization and the use of comparative genomics plus genetic molecules can serve as potential substrates for GT proteins [53]. The
engineering can be successfully applied to identify substrate re- glycosylation results in the formation of poly-glycosides, di-sac-
quirements and activity of the large number of candidate genes charides, and various glycosides of non-carbohydrate moieties. The
predicted in plant genomes [43,47,48]. biosynthesis of such molecules is of great biological importance
due to the diverse functions that they carry out within the organism
2.1.1. Acyltransferases (AT) and involves the action of hundreds of different, and more or less
Enzymatic acylation confers aliphatic and/or aromatic acyl selective, GTs [43,54]. GTs that typically transfer sugars onto small
moieties onto the nucleophile (OHe or NHe) of acceptor molecules molecules are classified into family 1 of a classification scheme that
with ester and amide bonds. Coumaroyl or sinapoyl groups are currently includes 94 GT families (CAZy database;;
usually involved in aromatic acylation, which leads to stabilization April 2013). This family, often referred to as UDP glycosyl-
of the molecule and intensifies the color of anthocyanins. Malo- transferases (UGTs), is the largest enzyme family in the plant
nylation is the typical aliphatic acylation and is important for sta- kingdom and comprises highly divergent enzymes from plants,
bility of the molecules but also for water solubility and protection animals, fungi, bacteria, and also viruses. In plants, UGTs utilize
upon degradation by enzymes [49]. Different types of acylations are UDP-activated sugars (e.g. glucose, galactose, arabinose) as the
widespread in the secondary metabolism of plants. Predominantly, major donor molecule and contain the well-conserved UDP-gly-
N- or O-acylation is involved in forming and modifying phenolics cosyltransferases-defining motif as a unifying feature, which is one
and polyphenolics but also alkaloids and terpenoids with various of the few regions of significant sequence similarity. The so-called
ecophysiological roles [47,48,50]. PSPG motif (Plant Secondary Product Glycosyltransferase) is a
The BAHD ATs, named according to the first characterized carboxyl-terminal consensus sequence of 44 amino acid residues
members (BEAT, AHCT, HCBT, and DAT), comprise a large family of and is thought to represent the nucleotide-diphosphate-sugar
plant specific monomeric acyl-CoA-utilizing and functionally diverse binding site of the enzymes ([43] and refs therein). UGTs involved
enzymes, showing only 10e30% similarity at the amino acid level. A in plant secondary metabolism often display broad substrate
genome wide analysis across five angiosperm taxa supported a specificity, at least in in vitro experiments, with recombinant pro-
refined grouping of eight major clades for this family. Newly teins recognizing a wide range of natural products as acceptor
discovered clade specific motifs should facilitate functional studies of molecules. This promiscuity could also contribute to the immense
substrate and donor specificities among different BAHD enzymes. skeletal variations of small molecules regarding their glycosylation
These data strongly support the view that the expansion of BAHD pattern. However, UGTs can also be selective and the substrate
family in different lineages is linked to taxon-specific metabolic di- specificities of some enzymes are defined by regiospecific or
versity [48]. Beside the alcohol acetyltransferases, the second iden- regioselective features of the aglycones [55]. Consistent with the
tified functional subfamily within BAHD ATs is formed by structural diversity of plant secondary metabolites, a large number
anthocyanin/flavonoid ATs, such as hydroxycinnamoyltransferases of genes encoding UGTs are present in plant genomes, e.g. more
and malonytransferases involved in modification of various poly- than 100 in A. thaliana, 180 in Vitis vinifera L. or 240 in Malus x
phenols [50]. These proteins are assumed to be located to the cytosol, domestica Borkh. [43].
since a respective transit peptide for translocation to other sub- To date, hundreds of UGT genes from model and non-model plants
cellular sites has not been identified so far. Products synthesized including crops, ornamentals and medicinal plants have been cloned
include modified anthocyanins, small green-leaf volatile esters, and functionally characterized by in vitro and/or in vivo studies.
lignin, suberin as well as defense compounds and phytoalexins [47]. However, considering the number of UGTs present in a plant genome,
Regarding substrate usage, some members have a more restricted the number of functionally characterized proteins is still relatively low
and others a wider preference, at least in in vitro experiments. [43,53]. Furthermore, a number of studies indicated the fact that
However, due to the versatility in their substrate specificities, the drawing conclusions on the in vivo activity of the UGTs can be difficult
prediction of function based only on structural information is a major and in vitro activity studies can sometimes be misleading. For
problem and therefore the great majority of BAHD ATs are unchar- instance, the A. thaliana enzyme UGT73C6 was characterized as a
acterized so far as regards their substrates and products [49]. UDP-glucose:flavonol-3-O-glycoside-7-O-glucosyltransferase from a

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 7

T-DNA knock-out line lacking quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside-7-O- them, VvGT5 and VvGT6, were described as UDP-glucuronic
glucoside and in vitro assays using the recombinant protein [56]. The acid:flavonol-3-O-glucuronosyltransferase (GAT) and bifunctional
authors found that the enzyme was also able to convert several UDP-glucose/UDP-galactose:flavonol-3-O-glucosyltransferase/gal-
flavonoid aglycones, such as kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin and actosyltransferase, respectively. The genes share high sequence
genistein to glycosylated products. However, flavones (apigenin) and similarity, which led to the suggestion that these genes are a result
isoflavones (genistein) are not naturally occurring metabolites in of a gene duplication and subsequent neofunctionalization due to
A. thaliana. Recently, Husar et al. [57] reported UGT73C6 as an enzyme minor amino acid modifications. The gene products contribute to
that glucosylates brassinosteroids in A. thaliana. Another example was the structural diversification of flavonols described in grapes [45].
given by Witte et al. [58] describing an in vitro glycosylation pattern of Ectopic overexpression of two R2R3MYB (myeloblastosis) tran-
Hieracium pilosella L. UGTs that could not be attributed directly to scription factors involved in proanthocyanidin (PA) biosynthesis in
in vivo functions based on the metabolites described in plant tissues. grape berries led to the identification of three differentially
These examples highlight the basic problem scientists face when expressed cytoplasmatic UGTs when compared to control lines. The
approaching the study of the functions of these enzymes that in some respective recombinant proteins were able to catalyze the synthesis
cases are selective and can display regio- and stereo-specificity but in of 1-O-acyl glucose esters of various hydroxybenzoic and hydrox-
other cases can be very promiscuous, recognizing a range of sub- ycinnamic acids. Surprisingly, none of the proteins accepted fla-
strates and producing multiple products that may not be found in the vonoids or stilbenes as substrate. Transcripts were only detectable
plant. The release of more and more plant genomes is nowadays in early stages of berry development in skins and seeds, leading to
providing a massive amount of information regarding the genes and the proposal that the enzymes could be involved in PA galloylation
the multigene families involved in secondary metabolites biosyn- using glucose esters as intermediates or the formation of hydrox-
thesis. This knowledge can be used for different purposes, such as the ycinnamic esters in vivo [62]. In a similar approach, Pang et al. [63]
understanding of the molecular adaptations occurred during plant expressed the TRANSPARENT TESTA 2 (TT2) transcription factor (an
evolution, the elucidation of new or not well known metabolic R2R3MYB) of A. thaliana in hairy roots of Medicago truncatula
pathways and the identification of genes that could be exploited for Gaertn. and identified a UGT (UGT72L1) that has unique enzymatic
biotechnological applications. Some recent examples are given in activity toward ()-epicatechin, resulting in the formation of the
more detail in the following section. respective 30 -O-glucoside. Since the expression pattern in devel-
Two novel UGTs from A. thaliana involved in anthocyanin oping seeds could be correlated with the presence of the product
biosynthesis were identified by transcriptome coexpression anal- and the accumulation of PAs it was postulated that UGT72L1 is
ysis and independent component analysis. Knock out mutants with involved in PA biosynthesis or its regulation [63].
a drastically reduced anthocyanin content and enzyme assays with Flavanone glycosides are known to determine the bitterness that
the respective recombinant proteins revealed that UGT79B1 en- is a flavor characteristic of some citrus fruits. The underlying
codes for an anthocyanin 3-O-glucoside:200 -O-xylosyltransferase. biosynthetic step is catalyzed by two rhamnosyltransferases that
The second candidate, UGT84A2, is known to encode sinapic utilize, beside others, flavanone 7-O-glucose as the main substrate.
acid:UDP-glycosyltransferase and knock-out contribution of However, only the flavanone 7-O-neohesperidosides (rhamnose-2-
UGT84A2 in sinapoylation of anthocyanins is postulated [46]. The glucose; e.g. neohesperidin and naringin) led to a bitter taste while
synthesis of cyanidin 3-O-xylosyl-galactoside in red-fleshed kiwi- flavanone 7-O-rutinosides (rhamnose-6-glucose; e.g. hesperidin and
fruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) involves the action of two UGTs. In narirutin) are tasteless. Common to both compounds is the initial O-
a first step F3GT1 is responsible for the formation of cyanidin 3-O- glucosylation at position 7, which is catalyzed by a 7-O-glycosyl-
galactoside, as clearly demonstrated by recombinant enzyme as- transferase. Subsequently, a rhamnosyltransferase is involved in the
says and RNAi experiments. The recombinant F3GGT1 was able to second step. Accordingly, a 1,2-rhamnosyltransferase (1,2RhaT) was
use this product as a substrate of the transfer of UDP-xylose to the cloned from bitter pummello (Citrus maxima Burm.) and the encoded
galactose moiety. Apparently the first glycosylation step serves as enzyme was found to specifically catalyze rhamnosylation of flava-
the key step for anthocyanin accumulation in the red-fleshed fruit none- and flavone 7-O-glucosides at position 2 of the glucose moiety.
of A. chinensis [59]. 3-Deoxyanthocyanins have only been identified The counterpart from non-bitter oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)
in some plant species but are the main flower pigments in Ges- was recently identified as 1,6-rhamnosyltransferase (1,6RhaT). This
neriaceae and Bignoniaceae, providing a bright red or orange-red enzyme directs the biosynthesis to the tasteless flavanones and
color. A highly specific 5-O-glucosyltransferase was cloned from seems to be a more promiscuous enzyme with regard to its substrate
Sinningia cardinalis (Lehm.) H. E. Moore, which accumulates 3- specificity compared to 1,2RhaT, since rhamnosylation was found
deoxyanthocyanins in its flowers. The recombinant protein only with 3- or 7-O-glycosylated flavanones, flavones, flavonols and an-
transferred the glucosyl moiety from UDP-glucose to the 3- thocyanins at position 6 of the glucose. The encoding genes appear to
deoxyanthocyanidins apigeninidin and luteolinidin and would be only distantly related and it is hypothesized that they originated
not accept 3-hydroxyanthocyanidins or flavones, flavonols, and separately before specification of the citrus genus [64].
flavanones [60]. The effect of glycosylation pattern on flower color A new reaction mechanism for the sugar transfer was described
was demonstrated in blue-flowered Veronica persica Poiret. The for two novel acyl-glucose-dependent anthocyanin glycosyl-
predominant and highly glycosylated anthocyanin is accompanied transferases (AAGTs) from Dianthus caryophyllus L. (carnation) and
by apigenin 7-O-(2-O-glucuronosyl)-glucuronide, which results in a Delphinium grandiflorum L. (delphinium). These enzymes were
bathochromic shift toward blue. Two UGTs were isolated by reverse shown to catalyze the 5- and 7-O-glucosylation of anthocyanidins,
genetics and shown to encode an anthocyanin 3-O-glucoside-200 -O- respectively, which had been generally been thought to be cata-
glucosyltransferase and flavonoid 7-O-glucuronosyltransferase, lyzed by UGTs. Variation of petal color of carnations was observed
respectively. The preferred expression of both genes and the depending on the presence or absence of the glucosylation at the
obvious bathochromic effect of the flavone led to the suggestion position 5 [65]. Both enzymes were using various aromatic acyl-
that they are involved in the bluish coloration in flowers [61]. glucose instead of UDP-glucose as sugar donor. Furthermore, they
Grapevine (V. vinifera) is one of the most important fruit crops showed a strict acceptor preference for anthocyanins, with no ac-
worldwide and has been cultivated since ancient times. In the tivity detected with various other flavonoids and phenolic com-
recently published genome, 181 putative UGTs were identified [43] pounds. Based on the obtained amino acid sequences, both
but only a few of them were functionally characterized. Two of enzymes were classified as members of glycoside hydrolase family

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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8 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

1 (GH1), which are usually known to act as beta-glycosidases. Re- R2R3MYB sub-group 6 and are typically encoded by small gene
sidual GH activity was detectable with the recombinant protein but families, with individual members of the families defining specific
was negligible compared to GT activity. GH1s are involved in pigmentation patterns in the plant [75e77]. The PA-related
several fundamental processes such as plant defense, lignification, R2R3MYBs (sub-group 5) were first described for A. thaliana, with
hydrolysis of oligosaccharides and phytohormone regulation [66]. the R2R3MYB TT2 interacting with TT8 (bHLH) and TTG1 (WDR) to
In contrast to UGTs most of the GH1 proteins seems to have puta- form the MBW complex [70,74]. Subsequently, the genes involved in
tive transit peptide sequences that are necessary for localization in regulation of PA biosynthesis have been characterized for other spe-
the endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, mitochondrion, plasma cies such as grape, in which several PA-related R2R3-MYBs have been
membrane, and for the sequestration into vacuoles. Both proteins identified [78e80], various legumes [81], and persimmon (Diospyros
reported by Matsuba et al. [66] contain a putative transit peptide kaki Thunb.). PAs are of significant agricultural importance in le-
for localization in the vacuole, indicating that the two proteins may gumes, for the control of protein digestion by ruminant animals in
function in noncytosolic compartments. Recently, the activity of an pasture systems. R2R3MYBs regulating PA production have been
AAGT was detected also in flowers of Agapanthus africanus (L.) identified from the legumes Medicago and Lotus and used in genetic
Hoffmanns, a monocot ornamental plant. The isolated cDNA was modification approaches to increase PA levels in forage crops [81]. A
designated as an AA7GT and the recombinant protein shows similar significant recent breakthrough is the identification of an R2R3MYB
biochemical properties as the Dianthus and Delphinium proteins from rabbit’s foot clover (Trifolium arvense L.) that when over-
[67,68]. In parallel, a bioinformatics approach based on phyloge- expressed in Medicago sativa L. or Trifolium repens L. induces foliar
netic analysis led to the identification of up to eleven GH1 candi- PA accumulation at up to 1.8% dry weight [82]. In grape, PAs are major
date genes from the genome of A. thaliana with unknown function. influences on the sensory qualities of the resultant wine. Persimmon
Based on gene expression analysis only three were postulated as offers an interesting study system, as PAs can accumulate to such
functional AAGT candidates. These approaches give rise to the levels that they render the fruit highly astringent [83].
assumption that AAGTs were derived from glucosidases early dur- Outside of the anthocyanins, PAs and flavonols, there are only a
ing the evolution of angiosperm [68]. few polyphenol biosynthetic pathways for which TFs have been
characterized. Most notably, the regulation of lignin biosynthesis
2.2. Regulation of polyphenol production has been extensively studied in A. thaliana, and to a lesser extent
the grasses [84,85]. In A. thaliana, MYB85 and members of
The control of the production of polyphenols involves a matrix R2R3MYB sub-group 3 directly promote lignin biosynthesis under
of potentially overlapping regulatory signals. These include devel- the control of upstream MYB and NAC family (named from No
opmental signals, such as during lignification of new growth or the apical meristem, A. thaliana transcription activation factor, and Cup-
production of anthocyanins during fruit and flower development, shaped cotyledon) TFs. In addition, members of R2R3MYB sub-
and environmental signals for protection against abiotic and biotic group 4 repress biosynthesis of the precursors for the branch of
stresses. For some polyphenols, such as the flavonoids, there is now the phenylpropanoid pathway leading to lignin and a range of other
an excellent understanding of the nature of those signals and how compounds. For example, AtMYB4 is an active repressor controlling
the signal transduction pathway connects through to the activation sinapate ester biosynthesis in a UV-dependent manner [86], and
of the biosynthetic genes. In this section of the review we provide Petunia hybrida (Hook.) Vilm. MYB4 represses formation of phe-
an update of recent advances in the understanding of the molecular nylpropanoid scent compounds in the petals [87]. There has been
mechanisms for the regulation of polyphenol production. No recent progress on understanding the regulation of another branch
attempt is given to make a comprehensive review of the field, but of the phenylpropanoid pathway, that producing the isoflavonoids.
rather to highlight significant areas of new knowledge. Changes in TF gene expression associated with isoflavonoid pro-
Studies across a range of systems, including flower develop- duction were characterized for the Lotus japonicus L., and a group of
ment, berry ripening and stress-induced vegetative pigmentation, R2R3MYBs (sub-group 2) identified as candidate activators for the
have found that the regulation of flavonoid production occurs necessary biosynthetic genes [88]. In conjunction with the induc-
principally through changes in the transcription rate of the tion of the sub-group 2 genes there was down-regulation of TFs
biosynthetic genes. This is achieved through the action of tran- that regulate branches of the phenylpropanoid pathway that might
scription factors (TFs). Several types of TF have been identified that compete with isoflavonoid production, specifically those for pro-
regulate flavonoid biosynthesis, with the general types of TF duction of flavonols and PAs and the likely bHLH component of the
involved apparently conserved across monocots and eudicots, with anthocyanin MBW complex.
some of these also now identified for gymnosperms [reviewed in It has been several years since the components of the MBW
Refs. [69e71]]. Central to the direct regulation of anthocyanin and complexes for anthocyanin or PA regulation were first identified,
proanthocyanidin (PA) biosynthetic genes are core ‘MBW’ regula- and they are now well-characterized for several species with regard
tion complexes, comprising of specific members of the R2R3MYB to their protein structure and in planta function [69e71]. However,
and basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF families in conjunction with a there are still aspects of MBW function only partly understood.
WD-repeat (WDR; tryptophan-aspartic acid (W-D) dipeptide Hierarchical activation of production of components of MBW
repeat) protein. Variant MBW complexes can form from different complexes by the same or closely related MBW complexes can
MYB and bHLH components, and these can have different target occur, such as the MBW complex PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN
genes and vary in their activation or repression actions. The WDR PIGMENT1 (PAP1) (MYB75)-GL3-TTG1 in A. thaliana activating gene
protein is common to all the variant MBW complexes. The bHLH expression of the bHLH TT8 that then forms a PAP1-TT8-TTG1
component may also be common to MBW complexes targeting complex [89]. Also, the WDR role is not resolved fully, and some
different biosynthetic pathways. However, distinct R2R3MYBs are aspects of WDR function can be compensated for by over-
involved in regulating the different branches of flavonoid produc- production of the MYB or bHLH, as shown by partial complemen-
tion, such as anthocyanins or PAs. Furthermore, production of 3- tation of the A. thaliana ttg1 phenotype [90,91]. Furthermore,
deoxyflavonoids (in grasses) and flavonols is controlled by recently, several additional mechanisms and TFs have been iden-
R2R3MYBs that do not require a bHLH partner [72,73]. tified that regulate flavonoid biosynthesis, most of which are
The anthocyanin-related R2R3MYB activators have been charac- thought to act by affecting the MBW complex activity. Of particular
terized in detail for many different species [71,74]. They form note are mechanisms that antagonize the action of the MBW

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 9

activator complex. Mechanisms involving the degradation of TF identified from petunia, MYBX, and evidence to date suggests its
protein are part of the response pathway for the induction of an- primary role is in negatively regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis
thocyanins in response to light in A. thaliana leaves and apple fruit. [99,100]. Candidate R3MYBs for flavonoid regulation are also pre-
In A. thaliana, the bZIP TF protein LONG HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) is a key sent in the sequence databases for many other species, including
coordinator of the light response. HY5 may promote flavonoid notably in that of grape (Fig. 3).
biosynthesis through both direct binding at promoters of antho- The R2R3MYB and R3MYB proteins probably have distinct
cyanin biosynthetic genes and the induction of MYB12, the direct modes of action, involving active and competitive repression
activator of flavonol biosynthesis. In the dark HY5 is tagged for respectively. The EAR (and TLLLFR) motif mediates active repres-
degradation by the ubiquitin E3 ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTO- sion of target genes, with the protein forming part of a MBW
MORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) complex, the central response mediator complex that binds to cis-elements within target promoters. The
downstream of the light receptors [92]. In apple fruit the key EAR motif can actively inhibit transcription from the promoter by
anthocyanin R2R3MYB activator is degraded in the dark via the directly preventing the basal transcription machinery from
COP1-mediated ubiquitin-dependent pathway [93]. assembling and/or recruiting proteins that modify chromatin into
Several TFs with a repressive affect on flavonoid biosynthesis are an inactive form, such as via histone deacetylation [97]. Addition of
now known. The first repressor TF to be identified from plants was an EAR domain can even convert activator TFs to inhibitor proteins
the R2R3MYB mentioned earlier, AtMYB4. AtMYB4 production is [105]. The R3MYBs lack such domains for active transcriptional
down-regulated by exposure to UV-B irradiation, which in turn re- repression. Rather, they may be competitive inhibitors, binding and
lieves the cinnamate-4-hydroxylase gene from AtMYB4-based sup- titrating out the bHLH component of the MBW complex. This is
pression, thus promoting production of sinapate esters for UV-B supported by transient co-expression studies of CPC and the
protection [86]. A potential repressor for anthocyanin production A. thaliana activator R2R3MYB PAP1 [104]. An important aspect of
was identified soon after AtMYB4, FaMYB1 from strawberry [94]. the function of R3MYBs in trichome patterning is their movement
Expression of FaMYB1 in tobacco [94] or Lotus corniculatus L. [95] between neighboring cells. The system of short-range activators
represses anthocyanin or PA biosynthesis, respectively. Both (R2R3MYB) and long-range repressors (the R3MYB) seen in control
AtMYB4 and FaMYB1 contain residues required for R2R3MYB of trichome formation meets key criteria for the Turing substrate
interaction with the bHLH partners, and also have a domain in the C- depletion/reaction diffusion models for pattern generation
terminal that mediates active transcriptional repression, called the [106,107]. The WDR may also move between cells [108]. This raises
Ethylene-responsive transcription factors (ERF)-associated Amphi- the possibility that TF mobility may contribute to formation of the
philic Repression (EAR) domain. This suggests that they can form complex anthocyanin pigmentation patterns seen in flowers, such
MBW complexes that repress, rather than activate, target genes. as spots and stripes [71]. It is known that localized expression of the
The EAR domain, which is plant-specific and has the core R2R3MYBs accounts for the activation of anthocyanin biosynthesis
sequence of LxLxL or DLNxxP, occurs in a wide range of TF families in specific cells to generate venation [75,109] and possibly some
in addition to the R2R3MYBs [96]. Alignment of confirmed and spot patterns [110,111], but the higher level mechanisms that define
candidate R2R3MYB-EAR repressors for flavonoid biosynthesis these expression domains are not known.
from a range of species shows several conserved regions, with the Other TFs or post-transcriptional mechanisms involved in
most striking being the (P/L)DLNL(E/D)L sequence that is the EAR repression of anthocyanin biosynthesis have been identified. In
domain. The high conservation of the EAR domain makes for easier
identification of potential repressors for flavonoid biosynthesis
from among genomic sequence data. R2R3MYB-EAR repressors of
note identified recently include AtMYBL2 of A. thaliana [97,98] and
MYB27 of petunia [75,99]. AtMYBL2 and PhMYB27 likely have
similar roles in controlling vegetative pigmentation, being
expressed at high levels in leaves of shade-grown plants but down-
regulated when plants are exposed to light stress, concurrent with
the induction of the R2R3MYB and bHLH activators [75,97,100].
AtMYBL2 is unusual in that it appears to be a truncated protein. It is
sometimes termed a single repeat MYB but it actually has a partial
R2 domain in addition to an intact R3 domain. The EAR domain of
AtMYBL2 diverges from the LXLXL consensus, and Matsui et al. [98]
demonstrated that it requires a second sequence (TLLLFR) for active
repression. This domain occurs less frequently than the EAR
domain [96], but is well conserved among a clade of candidate
R2R3MYB repressors [[98] and the authors’ analysis].
There are other members of the MYB family that also can have a
repressive affect on transcription e the true single repeat MYBs of
the R3MYB type. The R3MYBs are much smaller than the
R2R3MYBs, containing the R3-region of the MYB DNA-binding
domain and the amino acid motif necessary to bind bHLH part-
ners but lacking active repression domains [101]. R3MYB repressors
Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree of a selection of MYB transcription factors related to flavonoid
were first identified as components of the regulatory system that biosynthesis. R2R3MYBs with an activation acivity on the pathway for sub-group 6,
determines trichome and root hair patterning. So far, six R3MYBs which contains AtMYB75 and is highlighted in red. R2R3MYBs with a repressive action
have been identified as being involved in this process in A. thaliana, form a major clade of several branches, which contains AtMYB4 and AtMYBL2 and is
with TRIPTYCHON (TRY) and CAPRICE (CPC) being the best char- highlighted in black. The R3MYB repressor proteins form the third clade, highlighted in
blue. The scale bar represents number of substitutions per site and the numbers next
acterized [70,102]. Transgenic over-expression studies have to the nodes are bootstrap values from 1000 replicates. (For interpretation of the
revealed that in addition to regulating epidermal cell fates CPC has references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
a role in anthocyanin regulation [103,104]. A homolog has been this article.)

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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10 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

A. thaliana, the SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein (SBP)-box TF any factor (biotic and abiotic) that modifies (positively or nega-
SBP-LIKE (SPL9) may physically disrupt formation of the activator tively) plant functioning, growth or reproduction. Most plants un-
MBW complex, with SPL itself the target of the general inhibitor dergo some form of stress during the various stages of their life
microRNA miR156 [112]. Similarly, the JASMONATE (JA)-ZIM cycle, which affects the performance and survival of individual
domain (JAZ) proteins may inhibit MBW complex formation in plants. Shade or excessive light, low/high temperature, nutrient
A. thaliana by binding to the bHLH and R2R3MYB factors, with deficiency, drought stress, biological stresses of herbivory by
jasmonic acid promoting the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of vertebrate and invertebrate grazers and diseases caused by fungi,
the JAZ proteins [113]. So in both cases the inhibitor of the MBW bacteria, and viruses, and competition among plants are various
complex is itself the target of a separate inhibitory pathway. examples of biotic and abiotic stresses. Almost every perturbation
Furthermore, the transcripts for the R2R3MYB anthocyanin-related of a plant community or ecosystem results in stress and so affects
activators of A. thaliana (PAP1, PAP2, and MYB113) are the direct the performance and survival of individual plants [122].
targets of microRNA inhibition through a miR828 and TAS4- Plant activity at the cellular level can be classified as growth and
siRNA81() system [114]. Another group of repressor TFs of note is differentiation. Both growth and differentiation are resource
the LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARY DOMAIN (LBD) family of three Zn- demanding, with precise requirements for light, water, minerals,
finger TFs, which can suppress PAP1 production as part of the temperature, photoassimilates, growth regulators, the regulating
response to nitrogen status in A. thaliana [115]. effects of neighboring cells, and other factors. Plant growth and
While many of the recent advances have come from the model productivity are greatly affected by environmental stresses that
species, such as A. thaliana, petunia and Antirrhinum majus L., there divert substantial amounts of substrates from primary to secondary
have also been significant advances in the depth of understanding of metabolism. It is assumed that there is a cost in the production of
regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in important horticul- defensive compounds that is reflected in decrease in the growth
tural species, in particular grape and apple [74,116]. The completion rate, reproductive output, or competitive ability of the organisms
of the genome sequences of these two species has enabled more producing them. Assuming resources are limiting, species that
extensive analysis of the phenylpropanoid-related TF families. The produce defensive metabolites should allocate fewer resources to
R2R3MYBs regulating anthocyanin production in grape have been growth and reproduction, resulting in trade-offs between growth
extensively studied over the last decade [74], but more recently those and defense that regulate carbon fluxes between primary and
for the PA [78e80] and flavonol [117] pathway branches have been secondary metabolism, thus obtaining protective adaptation to
identified, as well as the phenylpropanoid-related bHLHs and WDR environmental stresses. Activation of plant defenses following
[74,118]. Lin-Wang et al. [119] characterized a large number of imposition of environmental stress involves complex reiterative
anthocyanin-related R2R3MYB activators from Rosaceae species, signal networks with extensive signal amplification and trade-offs
with a focus on apple, and also identified a range of apple R2R3MYBs [123,124].
containing the EAR domain that were able to inhibit anthocyanin Accumulation of phenolic compounds in plant tissues is a
gene activation in a transient assay system [120]. distinctive characteristic of plant stress. This accumulation is due to
The use of TFs as transgenes for modification of the biosynthesis an increased enzyme activity of phenylalanine ammonia lyase
of polyphenolics is now well proven, with many different genes (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), and other enzymes, activity of
shown to be effective and a large number of species successfully phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-carboxylase also increases, suggesting
targeted [74,81]. However, there are still issues to be resolved using a shift from sucrose production to processes in support of defense
in TFs for pathway regulation. In particular, great variation is and repair. Plant phenolics confer various physiological functions
observed in transgenic phenotype depending on the specific for plants to survive and to adapt to environmental disturbances
transgene/host species combination. For example, in a given spe- [125e127].
cies it may vary whether the R2R3MYB or bHLH of the flavonoid- Within the plant’s environment different microorganisms can
related MBW complex is more effective, or two R2R3MYBs from coexist, such as bacteria, filamentous fungi, protists, that can
the same gene family may generate dramatically different pheno- establish various interactions with the host plant. These in-
types. These variations likely reflect differences in the activation teractions are on a continuum from the parasitism to mutualism
strength and specific target DNA motifs of the individual TF pro- and are often the basis for the synthesis of specific metabolites in
teins and/or hierarchies of regulation among the TFs [70]. Some TFs response to these interactions. Natural products interacting in
may activate a wide range of target genes when over-expressed, these interactions are classified into three major groups: phyto-
including in pathways for which they are not normally key regu- alexins, phytoanticipins and the signal molecules. Phytoalexins are
latory factors. For example, AtMYB12 can induce production of both antimicrobial molecules of low-molecular weight synthesized and
flavonols and caffeoylquinic acids when over-expressed in tomato accumulated in plants after exposure to microorganisms. The
[121]. For some target pathways, the correct combination of acti- phytoanticipins are constitutively synthesized in the plant in
vator and repressor TFs may be required if the desired level of anticipation of a pathogen attack.
phenolic production is to be achieved [88]. Defensive phenolic compounds appear to contribute to a gen-
The understanding of the regulation of polyphenol production is eral reduction of reactive oxygen species and therefore impact
well advanced compared to the state of knowledge for other plant cellular processes sensitive to redox effects. However, plant phe-
secondary metabolite pathways. However, there are still many nolics also have been implicated in more direct interactions with
areas in which progress is limited. In particular, there is little depth transport and signal transduction pathways. In this connection, the
of knowledge outside of the phenylpropanoid pathway, with in- small phenolic compound salicylic acid (SA) plays an important
formation lacking for groups of compounds as significant as the regulatory role in multiple physiological processes including plant
coumarins, anthraquinones, naphthoquinones, xanthones, and immune response. Thus, when plants are subject to attack by mi-
hydrolyzable tannins. crobial pathogens, they enable sophisticated innate immune sys-
tems by which they recognize signals from injured cells, and
3. Role in plants and ecosystems respond by activating effective immune responses through SA
signaling cascade and interactions with other phytohormones
In plant physiological ecology the term stress has general con- [128,129]. One well-documented example is the role of flavonoids
notations rather than a precise definition. Stress could be defined as in modulation of auxin transport as well as localized auxin

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 11

accumulations observed during nodulation. Perhaps the best- structure (length and unsaturation of the acyl chain, number of
studied example of flavonoid signaling is that of flavonoid media- monomer of N-acetyl-glucosamine, substitutions.) [145].
tion of interactions between the plants and other organisms in the The presence of flavonoids in the roots appears to be essential to
environment at both competitive (allelopathy/defense) and coop- stimulate the synthesis of Nod factors in the infection tube [153].
erative (mycorrhizal association) levels. Phenolic signaling within The presence of Nod factors in the root would increase the
the plants is not well documented. It has been suggested that intra- biosynthesis of kaempferol. The local presence of this flavonol in-
and intercellular signaling involve enzyme activity and cellecell hibits the transportation of auxin which would facilitate cell divi-
communication [130e133]. sion and the initiation of the nodule.
In the rhizosphere, a densely populated area in which plant The response of plants to nodulation factors in terms of sec-
roots must compete with invading root systems of neighboring ondary metabolites has been poorly studied. However there are
plants and with other soil-borne organisms, including bacteria and arguments supporting effect of Rhizobium/legume symbiosis, on
fungi, increasing evidence suggests that root specific chemicals the modification of the synthesis of plant secondary metabolites.
(exudates) might initiate and manipulate biological and physical Inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum induced in soybean
interactions between roots and soil organisms. These interactions changes of the expression of PAL, which is one of the major en-
include signal traffic between roots of competing plants, roots and zymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway (PHP), a major route in the
soil microbes, and one-way signals that relate the nature of development of secondary metabolites, and of CHS, the first
chemical and physical soil properties to the roots [134e138]. enzyme of its flavonoid branch (Fig. 1) [154]. In addition, inocula-
tion of Nod factors on M. sativa cell suspensions can induce gene
3.1. Plant phenolics as underground signaling molecules encoding isoflavone reductase enzyme (IFR) [155]. This induction of
enzymes of the pathway suggests the possibility that the plant is
The plant interacts strongly with its biotic environment via the able to synthesize, in response to the perception of molecules re-
synthesis of secondary, often diffusible metabolites. The root ported as the Nod factors or Rhizobiae, many secondary metabolites
exudation thus alters the physico-chemical properties of roots and many cosubstrates (feruloyl CoA, sinapoyl CoA.). So poten-
surrounding soil which is called rhizosphere [139]. This environ- tially, overexpression of the enzymes of the PHP pathway induced
ment is conducive to the survival of microorganisms around the by Nod factors can result in increased synthesis of phenolic com-
plants because most of the time the exudates include ions, en- pounds and especially, flavonoids. Thus, it is possible that the
zymes, molecules rich in organic carbon (primary and secondary presence of Nod factors in the environment of the plant induces a
metabolites) which is a source of nutrients for terrestrial organisms positive feedback by the plant for its infection by Rhizobia. More-
[140]. Exudated secondary metabolites are often source of over, studies conducted on Arachis hypogaea L./Rhizobium spp.
chemotaxis to the selection of organisms (pathogens or commen- symbiosis (Rhizobium isolated from peanut) were focused on the
sals) around the roots. This chemical environment is favorable to observable differences between phenolic compounds synthesis in
the establishment of various interactions in particular with sym- inoculated plants versus non-inoculated ones [156]. The results of
biotic microorganisms. this study show that in addition to the fact that the total phenolic
contents (mg/g of fresh matter) increases in inoculated plants, time-
3.1.1. Rhizobium/legume symbiosis dependent differences in qualitative and quantitative terms are
One of the most described mutualistic symbioses is the demonstrated. In inoculated condition, the plant specifically in-
Rhizobium/legume symbiosis. This interaction is established pref- creases the synthesis of phenolic acids such as trans and cis caffeic
erentially at the root level and allows the formation of specific acid, chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, trans and cis ferulic acid,
organs called nodules where the bacteroides are fixing atmo- vanillic acid. Other compounds see their synthesis not affected or
spheric nitrogen. This symbiosis is relatively recent in the evolu- decreased in the presence of Rhizobium as p-hydroxybenzoic acid
tion, and derives from a former mycorrhizal symbiosis that was and protocatechuic acid. Other authors [157,158] have conducted
relatively common in the Plant Kingdom and allowed the plant to studies on the compounds present in nodules formed by Rhizobium
obtain essential phosphated nutrients [141]. The Rhizobia colo- on peanut and showed unambiguously that the total phenolic
nizing capacity was acquired by a symbiotic gene horizontal content within the nodule is 1.6 times higher than that of non-
transfer event 60 million years ago date of the appearance of le- nodulated roots. Some authors have also shown that in alfalfa
gumes in the living world [142]. Rhizobium genes involved in plants inoculated with Rhizobium meliloti, three isoflavonoids
symbiosis are often localized in plasmids or chromosomal blocks (medicarpin glucoside and aglycone and formononetin-7-O-(600 -O-
as is the case for Sinorhizobium meliloti, where the genes involved malonylglycoside)) were found while they were not present in non-
in the synthesis of factors of nodulation (nod, dol, Noah) and inoculated plants [152]. Among these compounds only the glyco-
fixation of nitrogen (nif and nix) are located on the pSymA side of formononetin is capable to induce Nod factors in R. meliloti.
plasmid [143]. In addition, it has been shown that the horizontal In addition, a recent study conducted on exudates of common bean
transfer of these plasmids or these chromosomal genes is possible (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in non-inoculated and inoculated conditions
between Rhizobia species [144]. with a Rhizobium strain (Rhizobium tropici CIAT899) shows that the
Legumes via roots exude in the soil a variety of secondary me- flavonoid synthesis is strongly affected by the bacterium [159]. Four
tabolites, including flavonoids, and in particular flavones and iso- days after inoculation, pinocembrin, apigenin and hesperetin are
flavonoids, in the rhizosphere. These flavonoids, when they are no more detected in the plants exudates inoculated with the strain
recognized (oxidation, position of the substituents, .) by the of Rhizobium while apigenin is detected in non-inoculated plant
nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain D (NodD) re- seedlings up to 7 days after inoculation. On the contrary, even if
ceptors of the bacteria regulate the expression of other nod genes morin is not present in the exudates of non-inoculated plant, it
(A, B, and C) and the production of factors Nod (lipo-chitin-oligo- occurs in plants inoculated with the strain of Rhizobium. Fourteen
saccharide) (Table 1). Compatible bacteria are then able to move to days after inoculation, exudates from pea roots contain none of the
the flavonoid flow by chemotaxis, which implies that the host studied flavonoids. These studies demonstrate that the plant is very
specificity is settled before physical contact between the bacterium reactive to its environment and that it is able to respond quickly to
and its host plant. Then Nod factors synthesized by the rhizobial are changes in biotic ecosystem. A change in the synthesis of flavonoids
specifically recognized by the host plant on the basis of their exuded by plant in inoculated condition is in favor of a regulation

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
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12 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

Table 1
Different polyphenols inducing the nod gene expression. (SE: seed exudates, RE: root exudates)

Compounds Substitutions Origin microbial strain References

3 4 5 7 30 40 50

Luteolin OH OH OH OH Medicago (SE) R. meliloti [146]
Chrysoériol OH OH OCH3 OH Medicago (SE) R. meliloti [146]
Apigenin OH OH OH [147]
40 ,7-dihydroxyflavone OH OH Medicago (RE) R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii [148; 149]

Myricetin OH OH OH OH OH OH [147]
Myricetin-O-Glu O-Glu OH OH OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]
Quercetin OH OH OH OH OH [147]
QuercetineO-Glu O-Glu OH OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]
Kaempferol OH OH OH OH [147]
Kaempferol-O-Glu O-Glu OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]

Eriodictyol OH OH OH OH OH [147]
Naringenin OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [151]
Hesperetin OH OH OH OCH3 [147]
Liquiritigenin OH OH Medicago (SE) R. meliloti [148]

DelphinidineO-Glu O-Glu OH OH OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]
Petunidin-O-Glu O-Glu OH OH OCH3 OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]
Malvidin-O-Glu O-Glu OH OH OCH3 OH OCH3 Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [150]

Genistein OH OH OH Phaseolus vulgaris R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli [151]
Daidzein OH OH [147]
Formononetin-7-O-Glu O-Glu OCH3 Medicago (RE) R. meliloti [148]
Formononetin-7-O-(600 -O-malonyl-Glu) Malonyl-Glu OCH3 Medicago (RE) R. meliloti [152]
3 4 5 7 20 40 50
4,40 -Dihydroxy-20 -methoxychalcone OH OCH3 OH Medicago (RE) R. meliloti [148]

mechanism of the nodulation of plants in symbiosis with a Rhizo- of Frankia genus, to eudicot angiosperms, the actinorhizal plants.
bium, to limit the rate of nodule formation. These plants belong to eight families (Betulaceae, Casuarinaceae,
As the synthesis of plant secondary metabolites is very reactive Coriariaceae, Datiscaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Myricaceae, Rhamnaceae and
because many compounds see increased or decreased concentra- Rosaceae) among which there are 25 genera and more than 200
tion following inoculation, the question remains on the ecological species such as filao (Casuarina equistefolia L.), alder (Alnus sp), wild
role of these metabolic changes. Plants may indeed by diffusion olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) and bog myrtle (Myrica gale L.).
(active or passive) excrete the phenolic compounds in the rhizo- Bacteria of Frankia genus belonging to the Frankiaceae family are
sphere and thus come into contact with the soil microorganisms. filamentous, microaerophilic or aerobic and for most of them ni-
Most of these compounds are often synthesized by the plant in trogen fixing microorganisms [163]. On the morphological point of
response to stress, whether biotic or abiotic [160]. Some Bradyrhi- view, Frankia differentiate in several specialized structures: hyphes,
zobium strains have the ability to metabolize a large number of involved in the first steps of the symbiosis that can differentiate in
phenolic acids such as 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic two other structures, sporangia and vesicles. Frankia strains can be
acid and coumaric acid, which belong to the most represented divided in 3 major clusters on the basis of the 16s sequences [164].
simple phenols in the plant world [161]. Also it has been shown The different strains have host specificity abilities that allow to
that Rhizobium loti nodulating Lotus subbiflorus Lag. was able to use distinguish compatible or incompatible strains to the symbiosis with
ferulic and coumaric acid as carbon source. Syntheses of these a plant species [165]. Like the Rhizobia/legume symbiosis, the bac-
compounds by the host plant but also flavonoids induce a positive teria can penetrate the roots of the host plant thanks to the Had
chemotaxis in Rhizobium and furthermore allow Nod factors in- factor (Hair deforming) that is similar to Nod factor [166]. This Had
duction [162]. The fact that the plant increases the synthesis of this factor should be constitutive or inducible by the host plant through
kind of compounds in the Rhizobium/legume symbiosis suggests the synthesis of original and rare dihydrochalcones (myrigalones)
that these compounds can be used by the plant to select microor- like the nod factors are inducible by plant secondary metabolites and
ganisms around roots and thus foster the bacteria that have especially flavonoids. As for the Rhizobia/legume symbiosis, only a
managed to adapt to these toxic molecules. On the other hand, the few studies have focused on the impact of the symbiosis on the plant
specific modification of these phenolic compounds is probably due host secondary metabolites. However, Hammad et al. [167] have
to a coevolution mechanism between Rhizobia and their host showed the activation of pal and chs plant genes during the symbi-
plants providing a selective advantage to the bacteria for the osis between Frankia and Alnus. The only study that focused on the
implementation of new nodulations at the root-level. response of the host plant to the inoculation of compatible and
incompatible strains was realized on the Frankia/Myricaceae model
3.1.2. Actinorhizal symbiosis [168]. Two Frankia strains (Ea112 compatible with Morella cerifera L.
A second nitrogen root fixing symbiosis is the actinorhizal sym- and ACN14a compatible with M. gale and M. cerifera) were inoculated
biosis. The latter associates soil filamentous bacteria, actinomycetes on the both host plants. Root extracts were realized 2 days and 14

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 13

days after inoculation and analyzed by LCeMS means. Results on the root correspond to the elongation zone root hairs [175].
showed indubitably quantitative variations of specific secondary The action mechanism of Pseudomonas is quite different from
metabolites. The specificity of interaction seems here to be related to Azospirillum. Actually, Pseudomonas PGPR is called “Biocontrol” due
the biosynthesis of specific phenylpropanoids and flavonoids. The to their ability to confer to the host plant a protection against
amount of a great number of hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA) is diverse pathogens. As example, the protection of Pseudomonas
modulated (increase or decrease depending of the inoculated bac- fluorescens to the host plant is mainly related to the induction of
terial strain). The decrease of HCA in the case of Frankia ACN14a/ resistance mechanisms in the plant (Table 2).
M. gale could be related to the modification of the production of However, some Pseudomonas strains possess the gene encoding
coumarins or lignin. Actually, the modification of lignin biosynthesis ACC deaminase (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) that is
is a common mechanism allowing the plant to regulate the bacterial involved in the growth promotion of the host plant [186]. The action
penetration in its tissues [169]. This decrease of HCA biosynthesis mechanism of Azospirilla is different. Once the colonization realized,
would allow facilitating the colonization of the host plant tissues by the growth promotion is regulated by different mechanisms. These
Frankia. On the contrary, the incompatible strain EA112 induced an bacteria are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and to transfer it to the
increase of the HCA level limiting and/or preventing the symbiosis. plant under a bioavailable form. Moreover they also can synthesize
Furthermore, the differential synthesis of specific flavonoids, often plant hormones like indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Then an interaction
involved in plant defense mechanisms but also essential for symbi- between plant and Azospirilla allows for the plant a better mineral
osis process in the case of Rhizobium/legume interaction, could be nutrition because its root system is more developed and allows a
the result of an evolutive co-adaptation mechanism of the partners more important resource mobilization [187]. Only a few data are
in the actinorhizal symbiosis. available on the impact of PGPR on the metabolism of host plant.
Besides induced systemic resistance (ISR) induction and other
3.1.3. Symbiosis involving plant growth promoting rhizobacteria compounds related to resistance mechanisms (jasmonate, ethyl-
While in the most cases of mutualistic interactions, the symbi- ene.), inoculation by biocontrol PGPR can modify the metabolic
osis is characterized by the formation of specialized structures (as it synthesis of the host plant. Some studies on chickpea (Cicer arieti-
is the case for Rhizobium/legume and actinorhizal symbioses) with num L.) showed that in inoculated conditions by P. fluorescens Pf4
the formation of nodules and pseudonodules, another kind of and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pag, there is an increase of total
bacteria is able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and interact through a phenolic content in leaves and roots three weeks after inoculation
symbiosis with its host plant without forming specialized struc- and especially for ferulic acid [188]. Moreover, the inoculation of
tures. These bacteria are called PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting betel (Piper betle L.) with Serratia marcescens Bizio 1823 NBRI1213
Rhizobacteria). PGPR are mainly represented by two genus, Pseu- showed the modulation of the phenolic acid synthesis compared to
domonas and Azospirillum. Bacteria from the Pseudomonas genus non-inoculated plants. The protocatechuic acid content decreased
are biocontrol bacteria whereas bacteria from the Azospirillum of 50% and 40% for ellagic acid in leaves. In roots the synthesis of
genus are phytostimulating bacteria. Pseudomonas bacteria are able these compounds is stopped. Furthermore, the plant specifically
to inhibit some pathogen growth through several mechanisms like synthesizes chlorogenic acid under inoculated conditions and the
siderophore synthesis (competition for iron availability), antibiotic biosynthesis of ferulate increases specifically in roots [189]. These
synthesis (e.g. 1,4-diacylphloroglucinol ¼ DAPG). On the contrary, variations could be related to defense and plant protection by
Azospirillum bacteria are able to fix nitrogen (and transfer it under biocontrol PGPR as these compounds have been largely described as
bioavailable form for the plant) and synthesize phytohormones antifungal compounds that are able to induce ISR. Little is known
(auxins) stimulating plant growth. These bacteria have a broad about the impact of phytostimulating PGPR on the host plant
spectrum of host plants from monocotyledons to eudicots even if metabolome. However, inoculation of Burkholderia phytofirmans
specificity is detectable in term of efficiency promotion of the root PsJN on vine generates an increase of total phenol content in all
and shoot growth. PGPR ecosystem is constituted by the host plant plants. Moreover, this strain also induces an increase of free proline
root, some mucilages, plant exudates, soil around the roots, but also in plant host tissues [190]. Another study showed that the presence
other soil organisms. For wheat, as example, among exudated of Azospirillum brasilense Cd on P. vulgaris induces the synthesis of a
compounds we can find many organic acids like fumarate or suc- particular flavonoid, naringenin, at the fourth day after inoculation
cinate, amino acids but also sugars like fructose and maltose and [159]. PGPR inoculation impacts mainly phenylpropanoid de-
oligosaccharides [170]. The first substrates utilized by Pseudomonas rivatives. However, it also seems that the interaction between plant
PGPR are sugars, organic acids and amino acids. This explains the and PGPR affects also the synthesis of some amino acids. Most
chimiotactism to roots [171,172]. The recognition mechanism of the phenolic acids are involved in plant defense mechanisms. So fer-
bacteria by the host plant is still not elucidated but seems to involve ulate at 250 mg/ml is able to inhibit radial growth of the fungus
two bacterial molecules. Indeed, the flagellin (Flg22 peptide) that is Sclerotium rolfsii, a chickpea pathogen [191]. Cinnamic acids
a subunit of the polar flagella of Pseudomonas is recognized by the involved in the interactions between plants and PGPR can be found
plant. The second molecule that allows the specific recognition of
bacteria is lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Plant roots colonization by
Azospirillum begins as for Pseudomonas by a positive chimiotactism Table 2
Determinants in Pseudomonas inducing ISR. Adapted from Bakker et al. [176].
of bacteria to roots for the same reasons (carbon sources necessary
for growth and nitrogen fixation). Azospirillum also presents a Determinants Bacterial strain Host plant References
positive chimiotactism for sugars, amino acids and organic acids Lipopolysaccharides P. fluorescens WC374 Radish [177]
that are exudated by the root tissues [173]. This chimiotactism P. fluorescens WC417 Arabidopsis [178]
phenomenon allows the both partners to meet each other. The Radish [177]
Carnation [179]
following steps leading to symbiosis establishment are not well
Siderophores P. fluorescens CHA0 Tobacco [180]
known. The bacteria will adherate to the host plant root thanks to P. fluorescens WC374 Radish [181]
the outer membrane, LPS, exopolysaccharides and proteins. For the Salicylic acid P. fluorescens P3 pchBA Tobacco [182]
plant, mucilages, polysaccharides, and lectins are also involved in DAPG P. fluorescens CHA0 Arabidopsis [183]
the recognition [174]. Once recognized, bacteria colonize intercel- Tomato [184]
P. fluorescens Q2e87 Arabidopsis [185]
lular spaces in the root cortex. The preferential adhesion areas

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
14 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

in rhizosphere as these compounds are easily diffused. An increase mediated by signaling mechanisms involving jasmonate or
of the concentration of these compounds in rhizosphere conse- ethylene. Among several possibilities, cinnamic acids can be
quently modifies the physicochemical properties of the environing involved in the biosynthesis of lignin. Hydroxycinnamic acids such
soil around roots. The fact that PGPR are able to modify the syn- as ferulate or para-coumarate are covalently linked to hemi-
thesis of phenols is in favor of a biocontrol supplementary mecha- cellulosic polymers in monocots and to pectic substances in eudi-
nism allowing the plant to fight against pathogens more efficiently cots. They are involved in the formation of inter-chains bridges or
in coordination with other antimicrobial and siderophores. associated to lignin. The increase of cinnamic acids synthesis could
The first steps of the mycorrhizal symbiosis imply the recogni- then lead to thickening of plant wall and thus limit the infection by
tion of signal molecules between the two partners. The establish- different cellulolytic organisms. Since few years, thanks to metab-
ment of the interaction begins for the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi olomics, a great development of the study on secondary metabo-
(AMF) by the perception of signal compounds secreted by the plant lites occurs. This new approach is very promising because we can
and specifically recognized by the fungus. Several studies are consider that it allows bridging between genomics, transcriptomics
dealing about the identification of these signals that are necessary and proteomics to predict gene function [199]. This approach was
for the symbiosis. These compounds are secondary metabolites and usually used to establish molecular footprints of species [200], to
more precisely flavonoids. They are present in high concentrations analyze the impact of xenobiotics [201], to compare metabolic
in roots and exudates of plants growing under lack in phosphate and content of genetically modified plants. However, one of the appli-
they can stimulate AMF growth in vitro at micromolar concentra- cations of metabolomics is also the study of developmental pro-
tions. Moreover, flavonoids can stimulate mycorrhization and cesses like establishment of symbioses [202].
flavonoid content is modified in mycorrhized roots. However, fla- Due to the reactivity of secondary metabolites and their quick
vonoids are not the only molecules that can be considered as signal turn over, a biotic interaction can induce deep modifications in
molecules. Actually, a study working on maize lines deficient for terms of synthesized metabolites. These are at the initiation of an
CHS showed normal mycorrhization patterns [for review, see Ref. interaction through recognition mechanisms of these signaling
[192]]. Strigolactones are also able to induce the germination of molecules by the different partners allowing thus a molecular
spores and the ramification of fungal hyphaes [193]. However, dialog.
strigolactones are also known to stimulate seed germination of
phytoparasitic plants such as Striga and Orobanchae. Once the 3.2. Plant phenolics as aboveground signaling molecules
mycorrhizal symbiosis established, the fungus induces great mod-
ifications of the plant metabolism. Several studies have focused on Plant phenolics can modulate essential physiological processes
the characterization of a yellow pigment specific to legume roots such as transcriptional regulation, membrane permeability, signal
infected by endophytic fungal parasites. Identified for the first time transduction, and vesicle trafficking. They induce or inhibit
in 1924 [194] this pigment has been characterized 70 years later as oxidative bursts and affect the respiration and photosynthesis
mycoradicine, a compound derived from carotenoids. Since this, rates. This means that, at the whole organism level, the processes
several other carotenoid-derived compounds have been identified such as development, adaptation, symbiosis, diseases, and male
in plants belonging to Poaceae and especially in the tribes Aveneae, sterility can be better understood, being one of the main speci-
Oeantheae, Paniceae, Phalarideae, and Poeae [195]. The interaction ficities of plants [203]. As far as the role of plant phenolics as in-
between plants and AMF doesn’t only modify the synthesis of ternal physiological regulators or chemical messengers within the
carotenoid derivatives. Other compounds and especially phenolics intact plant is concerned, some interesting effects of plant phe-
are also influenced by the presence of the fungus. A study on the nolics are the ones associated with the growth hormone auxin
mycorrhization of date palm showed a clear increase of phenolic (IAA). Monohydroxy B-ring flavonoids are suggested as cofactors
content when the plant is inoculated with Glomus. This increase of peroxidase functioning as an IAA oxidase that destroys the
mainly concerns caffeoylshikimate isomers [196]. Otherwise, hormone, whereas dihydroxy B-ring forms act as inhibitors of the
studies on other plant species such as Begonia showed a significant IAA degrading activity [204,205]. Mono- and dihydroxy-flavonoids
increase of several compounds classes in leaves as ortho- are also implicated as inhibitors of IAA transport across the plasma
dihydroxyphenols, flavonoids and more generally total soluble membrane by binding to a plasma membrane protein known as
phenols when the plant is inoculated with Glomus mossae [197]. the N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) receptor. NPA is a syn-
Another study realized on purple Rudbeckia inoculated with Glomus thetic compound, which is believed to bind a regulatory protein
intraradices demonstrated that several cinnamate derivatives are that is associated with the transmembrane efflux of IAA anions
increased. This variation is significant only in roots. Thus cichoric mediated by carrier. Some flavonoids, such as quercetin, apigenin,
acid, caftaric acid, chlorogenic acid and 1,3-dicaffeoylquinic acid are and kaempferol, do not directly compete with IAA but act through
increased 1.5, 1.7, 2.6 and 1.3 fold respectively. Furthermore the total their own receptor, the NPA receptor, in the plant cell plasma
phenolic content is three times more important in inoculated leaves membrane, thus blocking the polar auxin transport. These effects
[198]. Otherwise, mycorrhization usually induces phytoalexin syn- upon auxin transport could influence plant architecture. Recent
thesis such as medicarpine (isoflavonoid) for M. truncatula. studies have, in fact, affirmed the link between flavonoids and
Taking into account the modifications noted on the biosynthesis plant architecture by showing that flavonoid-defective mutants
of secondary metabolites in mycorrhized plants, authors tried to display a wide range of alterations to root and shoot development.
understand why the plant modifies the synthesis of specific me- In this connection, it has been known for more than half a century
tabolites. They proposed different hypothesis to explain this phe- that auxin induces root formation. As far as the interactions be-
nomena at the ecological level. Among the different classes that are tween phytohormones and other bioactive molecules during the
concerned by these modifications, phenolics were specially commitment phase of root formation is concerned, it has been
focused. Actually, tannins are increased in presence of AMF. They observed that quercetin and the isoflavonoids formononetin and
are known to be involved in different mechanisms related to the genistein caused severe reduction in in vitro root formation in
resistance against microorganisms. The precipitation by tannins of model legume M. truncatula. This effect is related to an inhibition
the enzymes secreted by necrotrophic phytopathogenic fungi is a of auxin transport and/or a regulation of the redox cell status
property that can contribute to resistance in planta. The biosyn- [206e210]. An additional role for flavonoids in functional pollen
thesis of tannins is in some cases induced by stress perception and development has been observed in petunia plants using antisense

Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),
V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20 15

CHS and maize mutants lacking CHS. A lack of CHS activity has a pollinators and other animals for seed dispersal, as well as mo-
pleiotropic effect in petunia and maize mutants: pollen fertility as lecular cues protecting plants from various stress conditions, and
well as flavonoid synthesis is disrupted, but the sterility could be are stored in the acidic vacuole of specialized cells [216]. Antho-
restored by adding micromolar quantities of the flavonol agly- cyanins are also the pigments responsible for spectacular displays
cones kaempferol or quercetin to mature pollen at pollination. The of variable red to reddish-orange color in the leaves of deciduous
flavonol-requirement for functional pollen occurs in monocots and trees. Why do leaves turn red? The adaptive value of the autumn
dicots as well as in angiosperms and gymnosperms, which sug- colors of leaves is still a matter of controversy. Red may protect the
gests that it might have arisen in an early ancestor of land plants leaf from the damaging effects of light at low temperatures
[211e214]. (photo-inhibition and photo-oxidation), allowing a more efficient
In general, plants are rooted and are unable to demonstrate resorption of nutrients, especially nitrogen (“photoprotection
mobility. However, some plants are known to open their leaves in theory”). Alternatively, red might be a warning signal of the status
the daytime and “sleep” at night with their leaves folded. This of the tree (indicating high levels of defenses or low nutritional
circadian rhythmic leaf movement is known as nyctinasty and is capacity) to animals, particularly feeding insects like aphids
induced by the swelling and shrinking of motor cells in the pulvi- (“coevolution theory”). During winter, the combination of cold,
nus, an organ located in the joint of the leaf. A flux of potassium dry, and bright sunlight conditions can result in excess energy
ions across the plasma membranes of the motor cells is followed by capture relative to processing, photoinhibition of photosynthesis,
a massive water flux, which results in the swelling and shrinking of formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and greater photo-
these cells. At the heart of such a mechanism is the regulation of the oxidative damage. Red pigments are thought to alleviate these
opening and closing of the potassium channels involved in the stress factors by intercepting green sunlight (light attenuation),
nyctinastic leaf movement, a process which is under metabolic and/or neutralizing ROS directly as antioxidants. On the other
control. It has been found that nyctinastic plants have a pair of hand, it has been suggested that red pigments reduce the leaf
endogenous bioactive substances that control the nyctinastic leaf damage either by making leaves less palatable or less visible to
movement. One of these is a leaf-opening factor that “awakens” the animals lacking a red visual receptor (camouflage), or by signaling
plant leaves, and the other is a leaf-closing factor that reverses this a low leaf quality. According to the coevolution theory, red is a
process so that the plant leaves “sleep”. Five sets of leaf-closing and signal of the status of the tree to insects that migrate to (or move
-opening factors in five different nyctinastic plants have been among) the trees in autumn. Migrating insects avoid red leaves
identified. All the leaf-opening factors have a common structural and colonize preferentially green leaves. Trees with red leaves
feature, the p-coumaroyl moiety, and this result suggests that this have better chemical defenses or a worst nutritional capacity that
structural feature would be deeply involved in the common induces a lower fitness in the insects. In this scenario, therefore,
mechanism for leaf-opening [215]. color and preference coevolve in an arms race: autumn colors are
Anthocyanins represent a class of flavonoids providing the or- an adaptation of the trees to reduce their parasite load and insect
ange, red and blue/purple colors familiar in many plant tissues. preference for green is an adaptation to find the most suitable host
These compounds are synthesized as visual cues, to attract trees [217e222].

Fig. 4. Relationship between proline cycle, oxidative steps of pentose phosphate pathway, and phenylpropanoid pathway (Redrawn from Ref. [127]).

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16 V. Cheynier et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry xxx (2013) 1e20

4. Concluding remarks secondary metabolic activities that are directly and indirectly
involved in the accumulation of phenolic compounds. A possible
Plant phenolics have a long history of scientific investigation sequence of biochemical reactions inside the cell, which transfer an
and represent the most abundant and the most widely represented environmental signal from the outside of the cell into the plant cell,
class of plant natural products. This class of secondary metabolites thus producing a physiological response, could be envisaged (Fig. 4)
have attracted some of the most distinguished of the Nobel-Prize- [127,233]. This signal transduction pathway postulates a link be-
winning organic chemists, including Emil Fischer, who studied tween primary and secondary metabolism that couples the accu-
chemical substances used in tanning, Richard M. Willstätter, who in mulation of the stress metabolite proline with the energy transfer
1913 proposed the first chemical hypothesis concerning blue flower toward phenylpropanoid biosynthesis via the oxidative pentose
color development, Robert Robinson (co-pigmentation theory), phosphate pathway. Under several conditions of stress, the plant is
Richard L.M. Synge (interested in interactions of tannins with forced to accumulate a large quantity of free proline. Its synthesis is
proteins), and Alexander R. Todd who worked from 1931 to 1934 on accompanied by the oxidation of NADPH. An increased NADPþ/
anthocyanins and other coloring matters together with Sir Robert NADPH ratio is likely to enhance activity of the oxidative pentose
Robinson. The continuing interest for polyphenols of scientists phosphate pathway providing precursors for phenolic biosynthesis
involved with plant constituents is shown by the fact that both the via the shikimic acid pathway.
British and North American Phytochemical Societies originally
styled themselves ‘plant phenolics groups’. Earlier a new ‘plant
phenolics group’ (now the “Groupe Polyphénols”) was established
in France (Narbonne 1970: the first meeting; Avignon-Montfavet
Financial support by the Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy
1971: the first International Conference on Polyphenols) [[223e
(ADP 2012/13) is gratefully acknowledged (S. Martens).
226], see also Ref. [5] for a fascinating history of (poly)phenol
chemistry]. Nowadays, investigations on plant polyphenols concern
many different scientific domains, ranging from chemistry and References
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Please cite this article in press as: V. Cheynier, et al., Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology, Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry (2013),

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