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35 BEDOK VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATION 2020 CANDIDATE NAME REGISTER NUMBER: CLASS, MATHEMATICS 4048/01 Secondary 1 Express 2 October 2020 Paper 1 1 hour 15 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘Write your index number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use an H® pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fd, Answer all questions, {If working is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer. ‘Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks. The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate. IF the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place. For x, use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in terms of n. ‘At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. ‘The total of the marks for this paper is 50. Total Parent's / Guardian's Signature: This document consists of 11 printed pages. Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so. ) 3 Answer all the questions. Express the following numbers correct to 2 significant figures. @ 0.003928 Answer (a)(i) Gi) 5919 Answer (a}(ii) . . 1 In 2019, there were approximately 270 300 visitor arrivals to Universal Studios ‘Singapore (USS). This value has been rounded to 4 significant figures. (@ Write down the greatest possible number of visitor arrivals. Answer (b)(i) Gi) Write down the least possible number of visitor arrivals. Answer (Xi 1) 2 @ ) oO Express 1386 as a product of its prime factors. Answer (@) .. Find the smallest positive integer & such that 1386k is a perfect cube. Answer (b) k . 0 Find the smallest positive integer k such that = is a perfect square Answer (¢) k= 36 4 3 The school bell of Bedok East School goes off every 35 minutes while the school bell of Bedok West School goes off every 40 minutes. The first bell of both schools goes off at 07.25. (a) the next time that the bells of both schools go off at the same time? Answer (a) .. - 2 (b) If Bedok Fast Schoo! has 11 periods including recess on Monday and Bedok West ‘Schoo! has 10 periods including recess on Monday, pupils of which school are dismissed earlier on Monday? How much earlier? Answer (B) min [2] 37 5 4 (@) Showing your working clearly, find the value of [4-33 without using a calculator. Answer (a) 21 ) @ Represent the numbers 3. 2.7, -3 and 0.5 ona number line. Answer (b)() in the space provided [2] Hence, arrange the numbers in part (6)(i) in descending order, Answer @)fi) - 38 6 5 Iman cycled from Town 4 to Town B in.x hours at an average speed of 35 kan/h. On his return journey, he increased his speed by 25%. The time taken for the return joumney was shorter by 30 minutes. (@) Express the distance, in km, between Town A and Town B in terms of x. Answer (a) km [1] {b) Express the time taken, in hours, for the return journey. Answer @) brs [1] (©) Forman equation in terms of x and find the time taken for Iman to travel from Town, Ato Town B. Answer (0) coo hts [3] 39 7 6 (a) The result of a number, when increased by 40%, is 126, Find the number, Answer (a) 2) (b) A fivit seller bought 200 pears for $80. Upon closer examination, he discovered that some of the pears were rotten and had to be discarded. The fruit seller sold the remaining pears at 50 cents each and made @ profit of $12, Calculate the percentage of pears that were discarded. Answer (b) uemene % [3] (©) A watch is priced at €430 in Paris. Calculate how much Germaine needs to pay in SGD (S$) if the exchange rate is S$1 = € 0.6368. Answer (o) SS ~ (2 40 4 7 @ @) © Draw and label triangle ABC such that AB = 7.9 cm, ZBAC = 48° and AC=48 em. ‘Measure and write down the length of BC. ‘Measure and write down the size of ZACB. Answer (a) Answer (b) BC = Answer (¢) ACB =. 9 8 (a) The first four terms in a sequence are 53, 47, 41, 35. @ Find an expression, in terms of n, for the n™ term, T;, of the sequence, Answer (a}(i) Gi) _ Explain why itis not possible for a term in the sequence to be a multiple of 2. Answer (a)Gi) .. (b) The »* term of another sequence is given by T;, = @ Use the formula to find 75. Answer (bj ~ O i) The value of 7; can be simplified to zg. Find the value of k. Answer (bi) k= 2) Gil) Suggest a value of » such that the value of Tr is greater than 1. Answer (bX(iii) 42 43 10 9 Find the values of x, y and z in the following diagram, stating your reasons clearly, 2 Answer X= oso Pl Q) uu 10 An ice-cream company conducted a survey on 30 people fo determine the preferred ice-cream flavour. The flavours listed were Chocolate (C), Vanilla (V), Strawberry (S) and Mango (M). The survey findings were presented as shown below. c. Ss M Ss c V 150-4n 56 Bedok View Secondary Schoo! Mathematics Department ‘Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks 9 80°=130" IMT] = 508 interior angles) [Al] Deduct P if Zx= Zy=50° (alternate angles) (B1] reasons are not given. (IP per question) Z2=24°+50° [MI] =74° {Al} (exterior angles of triangle or alternate angles) [Total :5m] No. Working Remarks iv Te Flavour Tally Frequency Chocolate HI 6 Vanilla # 3 Strawberry, Hill | 9 ‘Mango ay L 10, [B2] for all 4 correct values [B1] for 3 correct values ©) | Mango [Bij © | Vanitia 3x360 [Mt] = 60° [Al] [Total :5 mJ Bedok View Secondary School Mathematics Department «| 2020 Level & Stream | 1E [EYE Subject“. | Math Paper 2 Marking Scheme No. Working ‘Remarks 1 | @) | -3[7y+2¢-3x)]-26-3») -3[7y—6x]-2x+6y -2y+18x-2x+6y [MI] =16x-15y__ [Al ©) | 3@y=x) _70x=4y) 9 48 Sy~3e_ 498-28) iggy) 9 w _5(6y—3x) 49x +28y 45 _30y—15x—492+28y 45 64x t58y (a fal) (@ [32-95% ‘Accept 42.75 (cil) =255= [Al] [Total 9m] 58 Bedok View Secondary School Mathematics Department Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks 2_|@)_[869.76 TBI (by [870GsA) BIT (| Perimeter= x— 7) + (Ax+3) + (9x9) K+dxt9N- 743-9 (18x=13)em [BI] (i | iee-13=41_ MI | 18x=54 54 sales [AL way {Al] (Gili | The tengths are Deduct U for no (4x3)+3=15em, units. (1 U for (6x3) entire question) (9x3)-9=18em ‘The longest side is 18 cm. [BI] Trotal: 6m] No. Working Remarks 3 | (@) | Area of big trapezium ABCD = Heese aoywas ‘Area of small trapezium EFGH i) = Jassa0x18 al area= 910-414 [M1] = 496 cm*__[Al] (b)_| Volume = Area x Height 496x62 [MA] 0 752cm>_ [Al] [Total : Sm] 59 Bedok View Secondary School Mathematics Department Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks 7 1@ Votume of cuboid = x6x{ 249) muy = 504 em* Volume of 2 cylinders = 2x-rx4x4x9 [MI] = 904.7786 Total volume = 504+ 904.7786 1408.7786 =1410cm3 Gs.) [Al] Surfice ares of eylinders =860.389-em? = 86cm BHA © Volume = x° x= V1408.7786 [MI] 1.210 1.2em( sf) [Al] [Total : 8 my 60 Bedok View Secondary Schoo! Mathematics Department ‘Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks 3 [Gi) | Total = $11.50 + $8.80 197.90 + $9.20 186.30 = $43.70 [MI] With 10% Serviee Charge = 1.1% 43.70 (1U for entire $48.07 question) With 7% GST = 1.07% 48.07 $51.43 (2d) [Al] (aii) | Total Add GST = 1.07%43.70 $46.76 (2.d.p) He saved $51.43 - $46.76 =$4.67 Mt) Ithe saved 10%, he should have saved 0.1%51.43 = $5.14 No, he isnot correct. [Al] bi) | 60% 240 ‘Total -----100% =400 votes [BI] No of voies that were not spoilt = 400 — 18 = 382 ‘Nazti received = 382-240 = 142 Jaz Percentage of votes Neari received = ==5%100 % [MI] 7.1727 372% Gs. [AI] [Total: 7m] 61 Bedok View Secondary School Mathematics Department Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks 6 [ap ail) x=60° [Al] (ee 60. O) | Ga=ZH1B_ HDI 5) ay 3n a Hon=360_6400-1080) 2p 540n-360-540n +1081 239 3n 720 =90n 720 n= 20g IAM Trott: Tm] Bedok View Secondary School Mathematics Department Marking Scheme No. Working Remarks @ ~ ‘Recept ©) | 6 emis = 3600 [MI] a 1000 2l=km Ih =21.6 kmh [At] 3 Deduct U for no units (IU for entire question) Peres = SLOODR2 IT ayy) 100 =$6090__[Ad] (ei _| Parking Charges =$2.40+3%0,7 [MI] $450 [Al] (ei) [87-$2.40= 54.60 4.60 <2 = 6.57 halthours {MA af rs [MI] 6 half hours (round down) hours Total = 143, hows [A] [Total : 8m]

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