Assignment Submission Guidance

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Assignment Submission Guidance

How to save the assignment by learner

Each learner assignment should preferably be saved as a PDF document.

• The assignment must be named as follows:

‘Unit code_ Centre code_ Membership number’

• Each student needs to complete their Learner Assignment Cover Sheet, and insert this as the front page of
their assignment

How to save the materials by unit

The assignments from the Learners for each unit must be saved under one folder. You must have a separate
folder for each unit you are planning to submit.

The folder for each unit must be named as the following:

‘Unit code_Centre Code’

The folder for each unit must include all learner assignments with the Learner Assignment Cover Sheet, as
well as a complete Centre Cover Sheet in an excel format.

Please note, you must then indicate all the learners whose assignments you will be submitting in the Centre
Cover Sheet.

The Centre Cover Sheet must be named as the following:

‘Unit code_ Centre code_ Centre Cover Sheet’

How to submit folders
The folders for each unit must be compressed (zipped) so that they can transferred more quickly via email.

You will need to ‘zip’ the folder in order to submit this to ABE, as shown below:

Right click on the folder,

and then hover over 7-zip
and select ‘Add to (folder

The zip folders by each unit must be sent in a separate email with a subject ‘Unit number_ Centre code’.

All folders must be emailed to by Friday 16th March 2018.

Please note that all zipped folders must be submitted to Any submission
made to another inbox will not be accepted.

Submission check list

☐ Centre Cover Sheet – Excel format

☐ Learner Assignment Cover Sheet inserted as the front page of their assignment

☐ Learner Assignment – PDF format

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