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Moving Students From Information

Recitation to Information
Understanding: Exploiting
Bloom's Taxonomy in Creating
Science Questions
By Thomas Lord and Sandhya Baviskar

Recent studieshave indicatedthat college undergraduateshave retainedlittle

understandingof the information in the science courses they have taken
when they graduate.Science is taughtas detailed,factual content and
most students are evaluatedby theirability to recallandsummarize
the information provided. As such, students concentrate their
studies on terms and definitions, spending little time on ap-
plicationand analysis. To correct the problem, instructors
are encouraged to formulate more questions around
the mid and upper levels ofBloom 's taxonomy in the
examinationsthey prepare. !

A little over a decade ago,
a New York Times article
enrollment colleges. Today's baccalau-
reate-degree recipients do not develop
learned in class (e.g., "beside divide,
describe what a body cell does during its
appeared, alerting readers enduring understandings of the subject lifetime"). Even more discouraging is
%to the fact that more and matter they've learned in college. that many life-science majors revealed
more graduates from the nation's col- One of the most revealing stud- huge misconceptions on such basic
leges and universities are leaving their ies supporting this issue comes from biology topics as how the human body
academies without the ability to use Harvard University. In their study on makes water, how a plant cell makes
information they have learned. The the university's graduates, Matthew enzymes, or what happens during an
article reported a sharp gap emerging Schneps and Philip Sadler found that inflammatory reaction (Lord 2005).
between the ability of students to learn Harvard's best and brightest students While the fault for the misunder-
basic principles and their ability to had enormous misunderstandings standings is generally leveled against
apply knowledge or explain what they regarding basic concepts in physics, students themselves, the institution's
learned (Bloom 1989). Unfortunately, chemistry, and biology. When students professors should also shoulder the
few people in academia took note of randomly selected were asked ques- blame. In a traditional college class-
this finding, and today the situation has tions on such topics as the phases of room, instructors tend to present large
reached a critical level. It doesn't seem the moon, simple electrical circuits, and amounts of factual information by tell-
to matter from what institution students mirror reflection, they repeatedly could ing students what they need to know
have received their diplomas; graduates give no explanation or they provided through lecture. To evaluate learning,
from our most elite universities share plausible but erroneous answers to the instructors formulate questions based
the same difficulty as those from open- questions (1988). In another study, a on the recall and summarization of
Thomas Lord (trlord@iup.edu) is a profes- science professor at a midsized, state- the information they provided earlier
sor in the Departmentof Biology at Indiana supported university, noted that a month in the class. In essence, college stu-
University ofPennsylvaniain Indiana,Penn- after completing a general biology dents today are expected to simply
sylvania.Sandhya Baviskar is a student in course, few undergraduates were able to regurgitate the information they have
the Doctor of Arts program at Idaho State adequately answer questions concern- been told to learn. This traditional ap-
University in Pocatello,Idaho. ing information they had previously proach to teaching neither challenges


students to understand what is being construct their exams with the types on the other hand, students are asked
taught, nor provides them with an op- of questions that are the easiest to to interpret a graph or predict what
portunity to reflect on the information test and grade. Rarely is knowledge would happen if a certain event was to
they have studied. It is not surprising, involving understanding, application, continue, the instructor would realize
therefore, that students are graduating and attitudes measured. Even in higher- the question would require more think-
from the nation's universities without level courses, the researchers found that ing of students and reside in level two,
an appreciable understanding of in- questions requiring analysis, assess- Comprehension. Similarly, a question
formation for which they have earned ment, and fusion were rarely asked. requiring students to clarify or illustrate
college credits. Recognizing this, Bruner and Shore (1996) suggest that a statement would be even more dif-
highly esteemed academic societies are the tendency toward ease and expedi- ficult to answer and push the level of
encouraging a modification in the way ency of assessing students is why most difficulty to level three, Application.
instructors evaluate students, a change college students, when they graduate, Questions in the three highest levels
from evaluating factual content knowl- possess only a marginal understanding are the most difficult to answer. Level
edge to evaluating understanding. of what they have learned. four, Analysis, urges students to break
Interestingly, many of the recom- down what is asked and examine the
mendations from these organizations About Bloom's taxonomy meaning of the various sections, while
center around the way instructors ask If one accepts the idea that teaching for Syntheses (level five) encourages stu-
questions in their classes and on their understanding rather than knowledge dents to combine question elements to
exams (Brualdi 1998). For example, at will bring students to a higher level of solidify understanding. Evaluation,the
a recent National Association of Biol- learning, the question of a hierarchi- sixth and most difficult level, requires
ogyTeachers conference, a presentation cal plan for conceptualization arises. that students assess the understand-
by Lord, Baviskar, and Palazzi (2005) This would be a monumental task for ings and make recommendations for
centered around converting questions an educator to undertake; fortunately, its utilization.
presently based on nomenclature to such a sequential scheme already ex-
a higher level (i.e., application). The ists. In 1956, a team of theorists led by Couching questions with
researchers presented findings that sug- Benjamin Bloom developed a series Bloom's hierarchy
gested such a shift would not only bring of six learning levels for categorizing The best way to explore couching
about a change in the thinking of stu- degrees of abstraction of questions questions with Bloom's taxonomy
dents but also a change in the way pro- (Bloom et al. 1956). The series is based is to create a series of queries in the
fessors approached instruction. Instead on degrees of difficulty and includes taxonomy based on a single science
of describing detailed content during the recall or recognition of specific theme. In that way, students can see
class through lecture, professors would facts, procedural patterns, and con- the relationship between the question
challenge students to holistically use cepts that serve in the development of and the taxonomic level. For example,
the information being presented with intellectual abilities and skills. let's suppose an instructor is interested
things they know.According to studies, The levels of Bloom's taxonomy in learning the depth of student under-
the majority of college professors base can be thought of as a hierarchical tri- standing on the five tastes sensations
their ideas about what students know angle (Figure 1). Elements of the first in one's mouth. The instructor might
from answers on written examinations level (Knowledge)may assist with the start with the statement, "Humans eat
presented at various times during a understanding of the next one (Com- a huge variety of things yet they have
semester. While professors with small prehension). The learning actions at only five distinguishable taste regions
enrollment classes may assess student a certain level in the taxonomy help on their tongue (sweet, sour, salty, bit-
learning through subjective means the instructor develop a level of mas- ter, and umami [taste sensation that
such as essay exams or face-to-face tery for each student (in a particular verifies important amino acids])." With
discussions, the majority of college topic) and question cues/verbs help in taste reception understanding in mind,
and university professors administer developing appropriate questions for the instructor can then construct test
lengthy objective examinations based that level (Figure 2). Thus, Bloom's questions concerning taste that fit each
on the content they presented during taxonomy is a tool to design, assess, category of Bloom's scheme.
lectures. Black and Williams (1998) and evaluate student learning.
point out that this is not only an ef- The taxonomy is useful in an- Knowledge
ficient way to evaluate a large amount other way: It allows the instructor to In this level, students are required to
of information in a short period of time, gauge the level of questions asked on recall facts pertaining to the topic that
but teaching and testing the factual the exams. For example, if a question has been taught. The instructor would
content is an extremely convenient and on the test asks students to identify a ask students to describe, list, or name
less time-consuming way to evaluate. structure defined in a sentence or shown the factual information they've learned
Wiggens and McTighe (1998) also on a graphic, the instructor knows the in class. In our taste-receptor plan the
found that the majority of professors query fits in level one, Knowledge. If, question could be, "List the five taste

Bloom's triangle with levels and cue words.

•Defn, Io•t Ju,taly,

trait-que, SlFati , r-lad
Ace Al p,,r
[ie,llnt tFate,

Fecld aw , c- re, grade, paticit iotttvr

C I .t,cr• o • d, colnploe,Inalke. st wtte,

it, oa
Aad:,riawk,aarat, cattgonilesl tIlatol inr,
-abiR- mTun
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oetal"nr adllll, a
•llsify, 1ake ape r tvd oint c,l( hfi, r .-×nierh,
"rek, down, •on-oIt,,, d,i,gra , ,dffultentra,
fcc-,,%, ,lu,l,,ten,h#•, lioliKt o-06 ml
d ýoalmmts'Ism
int, -uL p oIti-•, e z
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distInish, inrlyze'a•,t
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Er icia.es,hitt,tc t 5 il *F 'a r tn l zawctahtes,

en.r d"if sCt o aea•M lle luiy •Sn,-×m euk,dd[? u

om.e,eiwa •te, , b* oocrI1O"tdisct,1-

l 1xmn,tk
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snn liny, readson,in
In cl de
'r a
t' ud

6-.fiTotlT rctice, illustrate, op -elte,s,h,,lul, lietch. letite, p•epxc, sh nilae, inlunce, epas •f
d iiter,
mrciclates,asseses, chat , -11l
ta ish¢.ex i OerJ
n•J ent• ls eu,
ný IsýOr#lts-,ICntlumt,
ind ni m, tut,
peraonmh- iar1-5 e, rd
• lo
l p•s

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1týzl, IoveadI • -p y s,a.i

P.T in,,ho, pt-,j,tTon, ma ,,uof, take up, P-e-eve pnerodes, p,.)e-I,, po c I[ t•e ,rF-)ts, 0s.....1 es •, he,a,
s.. e ,u3,

C sifies, citr, ers , L dii estiroltes, explains, ene ies, give na es en,rr -t paraFr ra, t ow,
-ptiM ,n consume e+oit prte, o it-ply, and irio
ipatee rtee try, devote, hand, , d , ti ion pA,

it j I Irde , elly ct,t - , ionfy, , en te Ipre tl I

te trt ru d e , co et , n rt it l i ah ro te e c p j i tt

.. ak. es u f laJrs resiae (n, -ww

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rvert, ntul ct, dispoy, n , o redic , dfnatyze

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h5st ca, IFos crlange, nop , , te, n of ,i FdF Fr i ,

"tie Frcie
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, n m ,o'
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sensations in the mouth." The Bloom where taste overlap is likely to occur." able to exploit information and put to
team believed that this level of thinking At this level, students reveal an under- action the knowledge they've learned.
would be the easiest for the instructor standing of relationships and are able Bloom believed about 12% to 15% of
to construct and score; as such, he to alter and advance information above the questions asked on college exams
discovered that questions of this type the way it was presented. The Bloom are of this type (Huitt 2004).
encompass over 50% of exam ques- team recognized this as being more dif-
tions (Huitt 2004). ficult than the first level and discovered Analysis
that about 20% of the questions on Here, students are expected to break
Comprehension typical science examinations fall into ideas into component parts and uncover
In the second taxonomic level, students this category (Huitt 2004). the unique characteristics of what they
are required to reword and explain have been taught. Terms like deduce,
in a meaningful manner something Application scrutinize,andsurvey are frequently en-
they have learned. Descriptors such In the third level, students are required countered in questions in this category.
as translate, construe, interpret, and to think holistically about the concepts In our taste-receptor example, students
extrapolate are commonly used at this learned and apply them to novel situ- may be asked to "Determine the loca-
level. In our taste-receptor example, ations. In our taste-receptor example, tion of the various taste-receptor sites
a question appropriate to this level an Application-level question could be, on the tongue for each of the unlabeled
would be, "Explain where the five taste "Locate the various taste receptors on solutions provided." This is a far more
regions reside on your tongue; include the tongue using the labeled liquids difficult task than those given in the
in your description the reception zones provided." In this category, students are preceding categories because students


must recognize a sensation they aren't as they form their conclusions. An ordered thinking levels often merge.
told the name of.This requires a neural Evaluation-level question in our taste- Lawson (1990) writes that thinking
dissection of a gustatory experience receptor plan would be, "According to comes together as a continuum in the
as students encounter interpretation. research by the American Obesity As- upper segments of Bloom's levels. Ac-
Thinking such as this requires divis- sociation, approximately 127 million cording to Lawson, in bright individu-
ible screening of the thought process, people in this country are seriously als, analysis often serves to order and
and because of its difficulty, is used overweight and the problem continues structure a problem. After this, synthesis
infrequently in test construction. to grow larger every year. Discuss how is employed to generate solutions, and
gustatory reception and obesity are evaluation assesses the suggested solu-
Synthesis related." Here students are forced to tions against the objectives identified in
Students who function at this level appraise their insights as they relate the analysis phase.
are able to pattern knowledge in new, their understandings to a real-word It is generally believed by the
original ways and exploit their creativ- problem. Such analysis is extremely test creator that, while short-answer
ity.Terms like formulate,generate,and difficult for students. and multiple-choice questions can be
restructureare often found at this level used efficiently to test the lower levels
of the taxonomy. In our taste-receptor Conclusions of learning behaviors, they are not
plan, a question at this level could be, Because professors tend to stress the sufficient to assess the higher levels.
"Describe a gustatory sensation expe- factual content of what is being taught However, objective probes, such as
rienced from the blend of two different to students, most of the questions on multiple-choice questions, can be
taste receptions." Here students must the tests belong to the Knowledge and written for the Analysis, Synthesis, and
combine what they experience into Comprehension levels ofthe taxonomy. Evaluation categories. For example,
what is considered a novel sensation. Anderson and Sosniak (1994) noted that at the Analysis level, students can be
Such original thought resides high on 60% ofquestions on our college tests are asked to select the least important in-
a learning hierarchy and is seldom seen Knowledge level, 20% Comprehension, cidence from a list of occurrences that
on course exams. and 15% are Application level. Analysis- would influence the outcome of a ma-
level questions are seldom seen and jor storm. Under the Synthesis level of
Evaluation Synthesis- and evaluation-level ques- the taxonomy, science students could
At this level, course instructors expect tions account for only 3% of exam be asked, "Which of the following ele-
students to make judgments about questions and therefore make up only ments could be chemically constructed
what they have learned based on either a small segment of college tests (Figure from the combination of all the gases
external or internal criteria. Students 3). Actually, some researchers feel that, of the earth's atmosphere?" For the
must prioritize their understandings instead of acting alone, the higher- Evaluation level a question might be,

The learning level in Bloom's classification with corresponding actions and question cues.

BlomsleelP te tilacio ('o tu en LIStOl LIsveb

Knowledge List, define, label, identify, name,

Recall the memorized information
find, write, state, describe, tell

Apply, calculate, solve, show,

Application Apply rules or concepts to a problem illustrate, construct, classify

Synthesis Create something new from Create, design, invent, plan, propose,
I different concepts
devise, compose, construct

Anderson, L., and L. Sosniak. 1994.
Bloom's hierarchy triangle showing percent usage of levels on exam questions. Bloom ' taxonomy: A forty-year
retrospective.Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Evaluation 2% Black, P, and D. William. 1998. As-
sessment and classroom learning.
EducationAssessment: Principles,
Policy and Practice 5 (1): 7-74.
Analysis 2% Bloom, A. New York Times. 1989.
Lack of knowledge understand-
ing in nation's college graduates.
February 26.
Bloom, B. M. Englehart, E. Furst, W.
Hill, and D. Krathwohl. 1956. Tax-
Comprehension 20% onomy of educational objectives:
The classification of educational
goals. New York: McKay.
Brualdi, A.C. 1998. Classroom ques-
tions, ERIC clearinghouse on
assessment and evaluation. ERIC
Document Reproduction no. ED
479 391. Thesis report, University
of Illinois.
Bruner, G., and B. Shore. 1996. Cul-
ture in mind: Cognition, culture
and theproblems of meaning.Bos-
ton: Oxford University Press.
Huitt, W 2004. Bloom et al.'s tax-
"From an assessment of a collision of a and understand it. If they're used to onomy of the cognitive domain.
meteor the size of a VW bug traveling being challenged during the lessons Educationalpsychology interac-
150 mph striking the Mojave Desert, each class period, students will have tive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State
which answer below would best de- less problems handling the challenges University Press.
scribe the size of the dust plume cre- posed by upper-level questions in Lawson, B. 1990. How designers
ated by the impact?" Questions such as Bloom's hierarchy. Instructors need, think. The design process demys-
these, while difficult to construct, can therefore, to teach the way they test. tified. Oxford, UK: Butterworth
be graded as efficiently as test items Developing questions based on Architecture.
from the lower categories. Bloom's hierarchy would be a produc- Lord, T. 2005. Understanding, the
But changing the difficulty levels tive way of reversing the dangerous goal of inquiry instruction. Pre-
of questions instructors ask on exams trend of graduating college students sentation at the National As-
won't alter the situation by itself. with a large number of misunder- sociation of Biology Teachers,
Along with creating more challeng- standings in courses they have taken. Chicago.
ing test items, instructors should also Shouldn't we expect our college Lord, T., S. Baviskar, and L. Palazzi.
challenge the way students think graduates to know more than just 2005. The importance of couch-
during class. Instructors must move the superficial aspects of the world's ing questions in inquiry teach-
from covering course information for basic natural processes? How much ing. Presentation at the National
students through lecturing to helping longer should we graduate students Association of Biology Teachers 0
students discover course informa- with a marginal understanding of what convention, Milwaukee, WI.
tion through inquiry. Contemporary they've taken in college? The answers Schneps, M.H., and P.M. Sadler. 1988.
students want to be active, rather may not be as difficult as we might A private universe, minds of our
than passive, in the assimilation of presume; all it will take is the way own. Pyramid Films.
information. As such, instructors must college instructors teach and question Wiggens, G., and J. McTighe. 1998.
move from lecture-based to inquiry- their students. Albert Einstein once Understanding by design. Al-
based lessons, challenging students said, "I never teach my pupils; I only exandria, VA: Association for
to develop the information for them- attempt to provide the conditions in Supervision and Curriculum De-
selves in ways they can grapple with which they can learn." m velopment.



TITLE: Moving Students From Information Recitation to

Information Understanding: Exploiting Bloom’s Taxonomy
in Creating Science Questions
SOURCE: J Coll Sci Teach 36 no5 Mr/Ap 2007

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