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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

Verbal Classification
Direction (Q.1 to Q.30) :Three of the terms will be in the same classification, the remaining one will not be. Your answer
will be the one terms that does NOT belong in the same classification as the others.

Which terms does NOT belong with the others?

1. (1) inch (2) ounce (3) centimeter (4) yard

2. (1) tire (2) steering wheel (3) engine (4) car

3. (1) tulip (2) rose (3) bud (4) daisy

4. (1) guitar (2) flute (3) violin (4) cello

5. (1) dodge (2) flee (3) evade (4) avoid

6. (1) heading (2) body (3) letter (4) closing

7. (1) tape (2) twine (3) cord (4) yarn

8. (1) noun (2) preposition (3) punctuation (4) adverb

9. (1) book (2) index (3) glossary (4) chapter

10. (1) peninsula (2) island (3) bay (4) cape

11. (1) acute (2) right (3) obtuse (4) parallel

12. (1) biology (2) chemistry (3) theology (4) zoology

13. (1) Violet (2) Brown (3) Yellow (4) Orange

14. (1) Yudhishthir (2) Shakuni (3) Vibhishan (4) Sahadev

15. (1) YWU (2) NLJ (3) KIF (4) VTR

16. (1) DFHB (2) KMOJ (3) PRTN (4) XZBV

17. (1) CAE (2) KGM (3) NLP (4) YWA

18. (1) EHG (2) JML (3) PSR (4) UYX

19. (1) D22G (2) H42M (3) B36P (4) F34J

20. (1) 125 (2) 216 (3) 27 (4) 121

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

21. (1) 43 (2) 53 (3) 63 (4) 73

22. (1) 21 : 24 (2) 28 : 32 (3)14 : 16 (4) 54 : 62

23. (1) 24 : 20 (2) 32 : 15 (3) 14 : 17 (4) 91 : 82

24. (1) 1 : 2 (2) 3 : 28 (3) 4 : 65 (4) 2 : 7

25. (1) 6 : 23 (2) 3 : 11 (3) 8 : 31 (4) 5 : 18

26. (1) 426 (2) 369 (3) 279 (4 159

27. (1) 145 (2) 197 (3) 257 (4) 399

28. (1) 5420 (2) 7428 (3) 4268 (4) 8432

29. (1) (18, 45) (2) (23, 14) (3) (29, 82) (4) (36, 27)

30. (1) 2, 3, 6 (2) 6, 1, 6 (3) 3, 3, 9 (4) 6, 2, 5

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 2 4 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 4

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)


Direction (Q.1 to Q.26) : In the following questions select the one which is different from the other three responses.
1. (1) Addition (2) Subtraction (3) Multiplication (4) Fraction
2. (1) Drama (2) Story (3) Poem (4) Novel
3. (1) 27 (2) 125 (3) 1321 (4) 729
4. (1) 4–7 (2) 7–16 (3) 17–36 (4) 16–34
5. (1) 111–11 (2) 15–105 (3) 7–91 (4) 3–81
6. (1) 7654 (2) 4567 (3) 9876 (4) 4321
7. (1) 10–45 (2) 20–85 (3) 40–180 (4) 60–270
8. (1) 2437 (2) 2419 (3) 5407 (4) 1459
9. (1) 2355 (2) 2753 (3) 7159 (4) 7359
10. (1) 111 (2) 37 (3) 183 (4) 63
11. (1) 33 (2) 66 (3) 55 (4) 77
12. (1) 2–3 (2) 3–7 (3) 4–15 (4) 5–24
13. (1) 13–169 (2) 4–16 (3) 14–196 (4) 8–64
14. (1) 6–36 (2) 7–49 (3) 5–125 (4) 4–16
15. (1) PRW (2) CDJ (3) EFG (4) LMH
16. (1) KMPTZ (2) DFIMR (3) HJMQV (4) ACFJO
17. (1) 61 (2) 31 (3) 11 (4) 21
19. (1) GILD (2) GIFT (3) GIMP (4) GIBE

20. (1) ACE (2) MOQ (3) HJL (4) VTR

21. (1) ZCF (2) NQU (3) TWZ (4) BEH

22. (1) BHD (2) COE (3) DXF (4) CWH

23. (1) ACE (2) MOQ (3) RTV (4) UWY

24. (1) ABDGK (2) HIKNR (3) PQSWZ (4) YZBEI

25. (1) STV (2) NOQ (3) HJK (4) FGI
26. (1) MNPTB (2) ABDHP (3) GHJNT (4) YZBFN

Direction (Q.27 to Q.30) : In the following questions select the one which is different from the other three responses.

27. (1) (12, 18, 15) (2) (12, 10, 9) (3) (12, 6, 9) (4) (12, 4, 8)
28. (1) WRONG (2) PRUNE (3) WHITE (4) RIGHT
29. (1) 63, 18 (2) 29, 18 (3) 47, 34 (4) 28, 16
30. (1) 2648 (2) 2468 (3) 1357 (4) 3579

31. Which one of the designs is least like the other?

(1) A (2) Z (3) N (4) E

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

32. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
(1) 108 (2) 120 (3) 72 (4) 98
33. Choose the odd numeral pair/group in the given question.
(1) 2–8 (2) 3–27 (3) 4–32 (4) 5–125
34. Choose the odd numeral pair/group.

1 1 1 1
(1) 9–3 (2) – (3) – (4) 24–6
2 8 3 12

35. Find the odd one out.

(1) 18 : 108 (2) 42 : 132 (3) 22 : 112 (4) 26 : 156

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 2 4 4
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Ans. 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 1 4 4 3 1 4

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

Exercise-01 Solutions

1. Option (2)
An ounce measures weight; the other choices measure length.
2. Option (4)
Tyre, steering wheel, and engine are all parts of a car.
3. Option (3)
Tulip, rose, and daisy are all types of flowers. A bud is not.
4. Option (2)
The guitar, violin, and cello are stringed instruments; the flute is a wind instrument.
5. Option (2)
Dodge, and avoid are synonyms meaning evade. Flee means to run away from.
6. Option (3)
Heading, body, and closing are all parts of a letter; the letter is the whole, not a part.
7. Option (1)
The yarn, twine, and cord are all used for tying. The tape is not used in the same way.
8. Option (3)
The noun, preposition, and adverb are classes of words that make up a sentence. Punctuation belongs in a sentence, but
punctuation is not a class of word.
9. Option (1)
An index, glossary, and chapter are all parts of a book. Option (1) does not belong because the book is the whole, not a
10. Option (3)
A peninsula, island, and cape are all landforms; a bay is a body of water.
11. Option (4)
Acute, right, and obtuse are geometric terms describing particular angles.
Parallel refers to two lines that never intersect.
12. Option (3)
Biology, chemistry, and zoology are all branches of science. Theology is the study of religion.
13. Option (2)
Except Brown all the colours are present in the rainbow.
14. Option (3)
Except vibhishan other three are belongs mahabharat.
15. Option (3)
Because in other option there is only one alphabet is missing-
1. Y (X) W (V) U
2. N (M) L (K) J
4. V (U) T (S) R
But in 3 option there is two alphabet missing between F and I -
3. K (J) I (H) (G) F

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

16. Option (2)

In all other groups, except KMOJ there is a gap of one letter in the alphabets placed at fourth and first position.
(A) DFHB: C comes between B and D
(C) PRTN: O comes between P and N
(D) XZBV: W comes between V and X
KMOJ : J and K are consecutive alphabets.
17. Option (2)
Except option (2) in all other pattern is : – 2, + 4.
18. Option (4)
Except option (4) In all other groups pattern is : + 3, – 1.
19. Option (4)
Except option (4) In all other groups number between first and last letter is twice the sum of positions of first and last letters
in the alphabet.
20. Option (4)
121 is square number and other three are cube numbers.
21. Option (3)
Except 63 others are prime numbers.
22. Option (4)
In each of the pairs except option (4), the ratio of the two numbers is 7 : 8.
23. Option (2)
Except 32 : 15 because Second number is the sum of the square of the digits of the first number.
24 Option (4)
Except 2 : 7, in all other group pattern is x : x3 + 1.

25. Option (4)

Except 5 : 18, in all other group pattern is x : (x × 4) – 1

26. Option (4)

Except 159, in all other first two number sum is third number.

27. Option (4)

Except 399, all other are square plus one.

28. Option (3)

Except 4268, in all other first two number multiplication is written after that.

29. Option (3)

Except (29, 82), in all other group numbers digits sum is same.

30. Option (4)

Except (6, 2, 5), in all other first two number multiplication is third number.

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

Exercise-02 Solutions
1. Option (4)
Except Fraction, All other are mathematical operation. So, the answer is Fraction.
2. Option (3)
Poem is the odd one out because Poetry is the form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language
while all others are a kind of story representation.
3. Option (3)
Except 1321, All other numbers are cubes of odd numbers. So, the answer is 1321.
4. Option (1)
Except 4 – 7, All other group we will multiply first number by 2 then add 2 to get second number. So, the answer is 4 –
5. Option (1)
Except 111 – 11 second number is divisible by first number. So, the answer is 111 – 11.
6. Option (2)
Except 4567. In all the rest number, the digits are in descending order. So, the answer is 4567.
7. Option (2)
Except 20 – 85. In all the rest pair, second number is 9/2 times of first number. So, the answer is 20-85.
8. Option (4)
Except 1459. In all the rest pair, the sum of digits is 16. So, the answer is 1459.
9. Option (1)
Except 2355.In all the rest numbers no digit is repeated. So, the answer is 2355.
10. Option (2)
Except 37. All the rest numbers are composite number. So, the answer is 37.
11. Option (2)
Except 66. All the rest numbers are odd numbers. So, the answer is 66.
12. Option (2)
Except 3 – 7.In all the rest pairs, second number is square of first number minus 1. So, the answer is 3 – 7.
13. Option (1)
Except 13 – 169 .In all the rest pairs, both the numbers in each pair of even number. So, the answer is 13 – 169.
14. Option (3)
Except 5 – 125. In all the rest pairs, second number is square of first number. So, the answer is 5 – 125.
15. Option (3)
Except EFG. In all the letters group, all the three letters are not arrange in alphabetical order. So, the answer is EFG.
16. Option (1)
Except KMPTZ. In all the letters group, there is a gap of 1 letter between first and second letters, 2 letters between second
and third letters, 3 letters between third and fourth letters, and 4 letters between fourth and fifth letters. So, the answer is
17. Option (4)
Except 21. All the rest are prime numbers. So, the answer is 21.
18. Option (2)
Except FRUCTUOUS. In all the rest, only three vowels are together while in option 2 four vowels are together. So, the
answer is FRUCTUOUS.

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

19. Option (4)

Except GIBE. In all the rest, there is only one vowel. So, the answer is GIBE.
20. Option (4)
Except VTR. All other groups contain alphabet in alternate order. So, the answer is VTR.
21. Option (2)
Except NQU. In all the letters group, there is a gap of 2 letter between first and second letters, 2 letters between second
and third letters. So, the answer is NQU.
22. Option (4)
Except CWH. In all the rest, product of place value of first and third letter is equal to place value second letter. So, the
answer is CWH.
23. Option (3)
Except RTV. In all the rest, there is one vowel. So, the answer is RTV.
24. Option (3)
Except PQSWZ, in all the letter group differences is +1, +2, +3, +4.
25. Option (3)
Except HJK, in all other letter group differences is +1, +2.
26. Option (3)
Except GHJNT. In all other group, the first, second, third and fourth letters are respectively moved one, two, four and
eight steps forward to give the second, third, fourth and fifth letters respectively. So, the answer is GHJNT.
27. Option (2)
Except (12,10,9). In all other group all the number are divisible by same number. So, the answer is (12,10,9).
28. Option (4)
Except RIGHT, in all words vowel present in middle.
29. Option (3)
Except 47, 34. In all other group, multiplication of digit of first number result in second number.
So, the answer is 47, 34.
30. Option (1)
Except 2648. In all other group add 4 in first digit to get third digit and add 4 in second digit to get fourth digit.
So, the answer is 2648.
31. Option (4)
Except E. In all other design contain only three line.
So, the answer is E.
32. Option (4)
Except 98. In all other divisible by 3.
So, the answer is 98.
33. Option (3)
Except 4 – 32. In all other second number is cube of first number.
So, the answer is 4 – 32.

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Verbal Classification (Class-9)

34. Option (1)

Except 9 – 3. In all other pairs the first number is 4 times the second number.
So, the answer is 9-3.
35. Option (4)
Except 26 : 156. In all other sum of digits of first number is equal to sum of digits of second number.
So, the answer is 26:156.

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