246 910th FB Chem CT3- 05-June

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Roll NO.

______________________ Class & Session: 15th April, 2024

Student Name: ________________ Sig. of Teacher. ________________
C.Test-3: Ch. 3 Date: 05-06-2024
Time Allowed: 35 Minutes Total Marks: 25
NOTE: Section-A is compulsory and comprises page 1 only. All parts of the section are to
be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in first 10 minutes and handed
over to the invigilator. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.


Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark.
i. Isotope used in nuclear reactors.
(a) U-234 (b) U-238 (c) U-235 (d) All of these
ii. M shell has sub-shells;
(a) 1s,2s (b) 2s,2p (c) 3s,3p,3d (d) 1s,2s,3s
iii. Isotope used to irradiate cancer cells;
(a) Iodine-123 (b) Carbon-14 (c) Cobalt-60 (d) Iodine-131
iv. A sub-shell that can accommodate 10 electrons is;
(a) s (b) p (c) d (d) f
v. The particles used in Rutherford experiment;
(a) α-particles (b) β-particles (c) X-rays (d) Neutrons


Q. 2: Write the short answers of the followings. (5x3=15)

i) Distinguish between shell and subshell.
ii) Write main postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory.
iii) What are defects in Rutherford atomic model?
iv) Write name and structures of isotopes of Hydrogen.
v) Differentiate cations from anions.

Q. 3: Write down the main postulates of Bohr’s Atomic Theory. 5

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