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Unit 5- 5.

Dr Usha Raghavan
Internet of things
• Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or people called "things"
that are embedded with software, electronics, network, and sensors that allows
these objects to collect and exchange data.
• The goal of IoT is to extend to internet connectivity from standard devices like
computer, mobile, tablet to relatively dumb devices like a toaster.
• IoT makes virtually everything "smart," by improving aspects of our life with the
power of data collection, AI algorithm, and networks. The thing in IoT can also be a
person with a diabetes monitor implant, an animal with tracking devices, etc.
How IoT works?(4 components of IoT)

1. Sensors/Devices: Sensors or devices are a key component that helps to

collect live data from the surrounding environment. All this data may have
various levels of complexities. It could be a simple temperature monitoring
sensor, or it may be in the form of the video feed.
A device may have various types of sensors which performs multiple
tasks apart from sensing. Example, A mobile phone is a device which has
multiple sensors like GPS, camera but your smartphone is not able to sense
these things.
2) Connectivity: All the collected data is sent to a cloud infrastructure. The
sensors should be connected to the cloud using various mediums of
communications. These communication mediums include mobile or satellite
networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI, WAN, etc.
3) Data Processing: Once that data is collected, and it gets to the cloud, the software performs
processing on the gathered data. This process can be just checking the temperature, reading on
devices like AC or heaters. However, it can sometimes also be very complex like identifying objects,
using computer vision on video.

4)User Interface: The information needs to be available to the end-user in some way which can be
achieved by triggering alarms on their phones or sending them notification through email or text
message. The user sometimes might need an interface which actively checks their IoT system. For
example, the user has a camera installed at home. The user can access video recording and all the
feeds with the help of a web server.
IoT applications
Comparison of WSN, MANET & IoT

Parameter WSN MANET IoT

Number of sensor large in number Medium in number Less in number

Rate of failure Prone to failures Very Rare Less

Change in Network Dynamically Dynamically Less

Communication Peer to peer peer to peer and Point to point
Mode end to end Star, Mesh, Hybrid
Battery Not replaceable Replaceable Replaceable

Range of Short Long Long

Computational limited Not limited Limited
WSN architecture
Sensor Network Architecture is used in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). It
can be used in various places like schools, hospitals, buildings, roads, etc for
various applications like disaster management, security management etc.
There are 2 types of architecture used in WSN: Layered Network Architecture,
and Clustered Architecture. These are explained as following below.
1. Layered Network Architecture:
Layered Network Architecture makes use of a few hundred sensor nodes and a
single powerful base station. Network nodes are organized into concentric
Layers. It consists of 5 layers and three cross layers.
The 5 layers are:
1. Application Layer 2. Transport Layer 3. Network Layer 4. Data Link Layer 5.
Physical Layer
The cross layers consist of the following:
• Power Management Plane
• Mobility Management Plane
• Task Management Plane
The advantage of using Layered Network Architecture is that each node participates only in short-distance,
low power transmissions to nodes of the neighbouring nodes because of which power consumption is less
as compared to other Sensor Network Architecture. It is scalable and has a higher fault tolerance.
Clustered Network Architecture:
In Clustered Network Architecture, Sensor Nodes autonomously clubs into groups
called clusters. It is based on the Leach Protocol which makes use of clusters. Leach
Protocol stands for Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy.
Properties of Leach Protocol:
• It is a 2-tier hierarchy clustering architecture.
• It is a distributed algorithm for organizing the sensor nodes into groups called
• The cluster head nodes in each of the autonomously formed clusters create
the Time-division multiple access (TDMA) schedules.
• It makes use of the concept called Data Fusion which makes it energy

Clustered Network Architecture is a very useful sensor network because of the

property of Data Fusion. Inside each cluster, each node communicate with the
cluster head to gather the information. All the clusters which are formed share
their gathered information to the base station. The cluster formation and
selection of cluster head inside each cluster is an independent and
autonomous distributed process.
The Sensor network protocol stack consists of
1) Physical layer :
a. The physical layer is responsible for frequency selection, carrier frequency generation, signal detection,
modulation and data encryption.
b. The 915 MHz band has been widely suggested. “Ultra wideband (UWB) is an attractive candidate because of
low transmission power, simple circuitry, use pulse position modulation, resilience to multipath.
c. Modulation depends on transceiver and hardware design constraints, which aim for simplicity, low power
consumption, and low cost per unit. Binary modulation schemes are simpler to implement and deemed to be
more energy efficient.
2.Data link layer:
a) Data link layer is responsible for multiplexing data streams, data frame detection, medium access and error
control. It ensures reliable Point to Point and point to multi point connections in a communication.
b) The MAC must establish communication links for data transfer in wireless multihope self - organizing sensors
network. This form basic infrastructure.
c) MAC protocol must fairly and efficiently share communication resources between sensors nodes. Since there
is noise and sensor nodes are mobile, MAC must be power - aware and able to minimize collision with
neighbor's broadcast.
d) The main feature of MAC are periodic listen and sleep, collision and overhearing avoidance, and message
3) Network Layer
a. The network layer takes care of routing the data supplied by the support layer.
b. Power efficiency is always an important consideration.
4) Transport layer
a. The Transport layer helps to maintain the flow of data if sensors network application requires it.
b. The Transmission Control protocol (TCP) need to be split into two parts. One connects sensors network
to the other network like internet and the other connects the sink node to sensor nodes.
5) Application Layer:
a. Depending on Sensing tasks, different types of application software can be built and used on application
b. These protocols make hardware and software of lowers layers transparent so that system
administrators can edit settings.

Power, Mobility and Task Management planes.

a. When the power level of sensors node is low, it broadcast to its neighbors that it is low in power and
cannot participate in routing messages. This is managed by power management plane.
b. The mobility management plane detects and registers, movement of sensors nodes. The sensors nodes
can keep track of who their neighbors are.
c. The task management plane balances and schedules sensing tasks given to a specific region. Not all
sensors nodes perform sensing at same time.
Introduction to Clustering
- Clustering Algorithms

Clustering methods are one of the most useful unsupervised ML methods. These methods are used to find
similarity as well as the relationship patterns among data samples and then cluster those samples into
groups having similarity based on features.
Clustering is important because it determines the intrinsic grouping among the present unlabeled data. They
basically make some assumptions about data points to constitute their similarity. Each assumption will
construct different but equally valid clusters.
For example, below is the diagram which shows clustering system grouped together the similar kind of data
in different clusters −
Cluster Formation Methods
It is not necessary that clusters will be formed in spherical form. Followings are some other cluster
formation methods −
In these methods, the clusters are formed as the dense region. The advantage of these methods is that
they have good accuracy as well as good ability to merge two clusters. Ex. Density-Based Spatial
Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), Ordering Points to identify Clustering structure
(OPTICS) etc.
In these methods, the clusters are formed as a tree type structure based on the hierarchy. They have two
categories namely, Agglomerative (Bottom up approach) and Divisive (Top down approach). Ex.
Clustering using Representatives (CURE), Balanced iterative Reducing Clustering using Hierarchies
(BIRCH) etc.
In these methods, the clusters are formed by portioning the objects into k clusters. Number of clusters
will be equal to the number of partitions. Ex. K-means, Clustering Large Applications based upon
randomized Search (CLARANS).
In these methods, the clusters are formed as a grid like structure. The advantage of these methods is
that all the clustering operation done on these grids are fast and independent of the number of data
objects. Ex. Statistical Information Grid (STING), Clustering in Quest (CLIQUE).

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