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Eng. G. - 1

It is any form of the verb which may be used to show (i) the time of an action and (ii) the state of action or
an event. The tense of a verb shows the time when an action takes place.
There can be no sentence without a verb.
(a) There are three main tenses in English :
The Present Tense ———— (i) Mr. Sharma teaches us English.
The Past Tense ———— (ii) Mr. Sharma taught us English.
The Future Tense ———— (iii) Mr. Sharma will teach us English.
The three main tenses are subdivided into four heads. They are
(a) Indefinite or Simple (b) Continuous (c) Perfect (d) Perfect Continuous.

(b) Tense at a Glance :

Tense at a Glance
Tense Indefinite/Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
am writing
has written has been writing
Present writes is writing
have written have been writing
are writing
was writing
Past wrote had written had been writing
were writing
shall write shall be writing shall have written shall have been writing
will write will be writing will have written will have been writing
(c) Examine the following sentences :
(i) I write a letter.
(ii) I am writing a letter.
(iii) I have written a letter.
(iv) I have been writing a letter.
The verbs in all these four sentences refer to the Present Time and are therefore said to be in the Present
• In sentence (i) : the verb ‘write’ simply expresses the action done in the present time, without
indicating the state of action. It does not tell us anything about the completeness or incompleteness
of the action. Hence the verb is said to be in the Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite
• In sentence (ii) : the verb ‘am writing’ is still going on or continuing. Hence the verb is said to be
in the Present Continuous Tense.
• In sentence (iii) : the verb ‘have written’ shows that the action is completed, finished or perfect.
Hence the verb is said to be in the Present Perfect Tense.
• In sentence (iv) : the verb ‘have been writing’ shows that the action is going on continuously up
to the present time. Hence the verb is said to be in the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
(d) Similarly the Past Tense and the Future Tense have four forms:
• Simple Past Tense or Past Indefinite Tense (i) I wrote a letter.
• Past Continuous Tense (ii) I was writing a letter.
• Past Perfect Tense (iii) I had written a letter.
• Past Perfect Continuous Tense (iv) I had been writing a letter.
• Simple Future or Future Indefinite Tense (i) I shall write a letter.
• Future Continuous Tense (ii) I shall be writing a letter.
• Future Perfect Tense (iii) I shall have written a letter.
• Future Perfect Continuous Tense (iv) I shall have been writing a letter.

We use the Present Simple Tense to describe
(i) Things that are always true i.e. universal fact. Eg. The Sun rises in the East.
(ii) Situations that exist now and will go on indefinitely. Eg. Teachers teach the students.
(iii) Habits or things that happen regularly. Eg. We go to school everyday.
(a) Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense :
(i) In the Simple Present (Indefinite) Tense, the first form of the verb is used.
Eg. (i) I respect my elders.
(ii) You drive the car very carelessly.
(iii) Children love their parents.
(ii) ‘s’ or ‘es’ is added to the first form of the verb when the subject is in the third person and of
singular number.
Eg. (i) My brother goes to school.
(ii) An eagle flies high up in the sky.
(iii) A child loves to play with others’ toy.
Note :
I. Add ‘es’ to the first form of the verb, if it ends in ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘o’, ‘ss’ or ‘x’
Eg. marches, pushes, does, passes, fixes.
II. If a verb ends in ‘y’ and is preceded with a consonant, change ‘y’ into ‘i’ and add ‘es’
Eg. worry – worries, fly – flies, try – tries.
If there is a vowel before ‘y’, add only ‘s’ to the first form of the verb.
Eg. obey – obeys, enjoy – enjoys, pray – prays.
III. To all other verbs just add ‘s’.
Eg. talk – talks, sleep – sleeps, fight – fights.
Affirmative Form :
 I / we/ you/ they/ plurals + 1st form of the verb.
 He/ she/ it / singular + 1st form of the verb + s / es
Eg. The students go to school.
My brother goes to office.
Interrogative Form :
 Do / Does + Subject + 1st form of the verb + ———— ?
Question word + Do / Does + subject + 1st form of verb + ————?
Eg. (i) Do you know English ?
(ii) Does she cook tasty food?
(iii) When do you go to school?
Note : Only first form of the verb is used with ‘do’ or ‘does’
Negative Form :
 Subject + do not / does not + 1st form of the verb + ————
Eg. My students do not want to fail.
He does not get time to play.
Interrogative Negative :
 Do not / Does not + subject + 1st form of the verb + ———?
Eg. Don’t you want to succeed in life?
Doesn’t she disturb you always?
(b) Present Continuous Tense :
The present continuous tense describes -
(i) An action that is happening (now) at the time of speaking.
Eg. We are learning English grammar.
(ii) To describe an action going on over a period of time, including the present, but may not be going
on at the time of speaking.
Eg. (Nowadays) My friend is working in American Institute.

Affirmative Form :
 Subject + is / am / are + present participle + –––––––.
Eg. The teacher is teaching his students.
I am teaching my students.
The students are listening to the teacher.
Interrogative Form :
 Is / am/ are + subject + 1st form of the verb + ———?
Eg. Is the teacher teaching his students ?
Am I teaching my students?
Are the students listening to the teacher ?
Negative Form:
 Subject + is / am / are + not + present participle + –––––––.
Eg. He is not giving the answers to my questions.
I am not teaching today.
Students are not asking their difficulties.
(c) Present Perfect Tense :
The present perfect tense refers to an action or a process that has been completed in the present.
Affirmative Form :
 Subject + has / have + past participle + ———.
Eg. He has done his homework.
You have solved all the examples.
She has finished her work.
Interrogative Form :
 Has / have + Subject + past participle + ———?
Eg. Has he done his homework?
Have you solved all the examples?
Has she finished her work?
Negative Form :
 Subject + has / have + not + past participle + —————.
Eg. He has not done his homework.
You have not solved all the examples.
She has not finished her work.
(d) ) Present Perfect Continuous Tense :
This tense is used to describe an action that began in the past, is still continuing and may extend into the
future. ‘Since’ and ‘for’ are used with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
‘Since’ is used with a ‘point of time’. It denotes some definite point of time in the past till now.
e.g. since evening, since Sunday, since 2007, etc.
‘For’ is used with a period of time. It denotes a ‘length of time’ till now.
e.g. for several weeks, for seven days, for many years etc.
Affirmative Form :
 Subject + has / have + been + present participle + ———— + since/ for
Eg. I have been living in Kota since 2005.
The child has been crying for one hour.
Interrogative Form:
 Has / have + Subject + been + present participle + ————— + since /for?
Eg. Have I been living in Kota since 2005 ?
Has the child been crying for one hour ?
Negative Form:
 Subject + has / have + not been + present participle + ———— + since/ for
Eg. I have not been living in Kota since 2005.
The child has not been crying for one hour.

The past tense refers to actions and events that happened in the past or in an earlier time.

(a) Simple Past (Indefinite) Tense :

Affirmative Form :
 Subject + Second form of the verb + ———-
Eg. The boy threw his bat in anger.
Bangladesh won the cricket match against India.
Charles met with an accident while coming back from work.

Interrogative Form :
 Did + subject + 1st form of the verb + —————?
Eg. Did the boy throw his bat in anger?
Did Bangladesh win the cricket match against India ?
Did Charles meet with an accident while coming back from work ?

Negative Form :
 Subject + did + not + 1st form of the verb + ————.
Eg. The boy did not throw his bat in anger.
Bangladesh did not win the cricket match against India.
Charles did not meet with an accident while coming back from work.

(b) ) Past Continuous Tense :

Affirmative Form :
 Subject + was / were + present participle + ————.
Eg. My brother was going to the temple.
The students were preparing for their exams.

Interrogative Form :
 Was / were + subject + present participle+ ————?
Eg. Was my brother going to the temple?
Were the students preparing for their exams?
Negative Form :
 Subject + was /were + not + present participle + ———.
Eg. My brother was not going to the temple.
The students were not preparing for their exams.
(c) ) Past Perfect Tense :
Affirmative Form :
 Subject + had + past participle + ————.
Eg. I had completed my work when my father came.
The train had left before she reached the station.
Interrogative Form :
 Had + Subject + past participle + ————?
Eg. Had I completed my work when my father came.?
Had the train left before she reached the station?
Negative Form:
 Subject + had + not + past participle + ————.
Eg. I had not completed my work when my father came.
The train had not left before she reached the station.

(d) Past Perfect Continuous Tense :
Affirmative Form :
 Subject + had + been + present participle + ————. + since / for .
Eg. They had been waiting for us for one hour.
The airplane had been flying around the airport due to bad weather since morning.
Interrogative Form :
 Had + Subject + been + present participle + ————.+ since / for?
Eg. Had they been waiting for us for one hour?.
Had the airplane been flying around the airport due to bad weather since morning.?
Negative Form :
 Subject + had + not + been + present participle + ————. + since / for
Eg. They had not been waiting for us for one hour.
The airplane had not been flying around the airport due to bad weather since morning.


(a) Simple Future (Indefinite) Tense
Affirmative Form:
 Subject + shall / will + 1st form of the verb + ————.
Eg. We shall succeed in life.
You will go to college regularly.
The boys will win the football match.
‘Shall’ is used with first person and ‘Will’ is used with the second and the third person to show simple future.
Interrogative Form :
 Shall / will + Subject + 1st form of the verb + ————?
Eg. Shall we succeed in life?
Will you go to college regularly?
Will the boys win the football match?
Negative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + not + 1st form of the verb + ————.Eg.
We shall not succeed in life.
You will not go to college regularly.
The boys will not win the football match.

(b) Future Continuous Tense

Affirmative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + be + present participle + —————.
Eg. They will be playing in the evening.
I shall be going to Mumbai during Diwali vacation.
Interrogative Form :
 Shall / will + subject + be +present participle + —————?
Eg. Will they be playing in the evening?
Shall I be going to Mumbai during Diwali vacation?
Negative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + not + be + present participle + —————.
Eg. They will not be playing in the evening.
I shall not be going to Mumbai during Diwali vacation.
(c) Future Perfect Tense
Affirmative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + have + past participle + –––––––––.
Eg. I shall have gone to Mumbai by November.
The teachers will have showed the slides to the students.
Interrogative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + have + past participle + –––––––––?
Eg. Shall I have gone to Mumbai by November ?
Will the teachers have showed the slides to the students ?

Negative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + not + have + past participle + –––––––––.
Eg. I shall not have gone to Mumbai by November.
The teachers will not have showed the slides to the students.

(d) Future Perfect ContinuousTense

Affirmative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + have + been + present participle + ———— + since /for.
Eg. The mountaineers will have been climbing the mountain since early morning.
We shall have been playing for 3 hours.

Interrogative Form :
 Shall / will + Subject + have + been + present participle+———— +since /for + —— ?
Eg. Will the mountaineers have been climbing the mountain since early morning ?
Shall we have been playing for 3 hours ?

Negative Form :
 Subject + shall / will + not + have + been + present participle + ing + ———— + since /for.
Eg. The mountaineers will not have been climbing the mountain since early morning.
We shall not have been playing for 3 hours.

Direction (1 to 10): Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs.
1. Bipin to market.
(A) go (B) going (C) Is go (D) is going
2. Farmers in the field.
(A) are working (B) works (C) working (D) is working
3. They in the room.
(A) slept (B) is sleep (C) are sleeping (D) sleeping
4. My mother food.
(A) has cooked (B) is cook (C) cooking (D) cook
5. Marie a song in the party.
(A) sang (B) are sang (C) is sing (D) sing
6. Dhoni will have .
(A) slept (B) sleep (C) sleeps (D) sleeping
7. The shopkeepers much money.
(A) earns (B) was earning (C) have been earned (D) earned
8. At this time tomorrow I my friends.
(A) shall be entertaining (B) shall entertained
(C) will entertained (D) shall entertaining
9. She to me for more than a year.
(A) is not speaking (B) has not spoken
(C) has not been speaking (D) did not speak
10. She a novel now-a-days.
(A) writes (B) has written (C) has been writing (D) is writing

Direction (1 to 20): Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the bracket.
1. Have you ever such a beautiful scene? (see)
2. The moon has not yet . (appear)
3. I English for ten years. (teach)
4. What your father feel about Nucleus? (do)
5. All work and no play Jack a dull boy. (make)
6. He scratched his head and for a moment. (think)
7. When I reached the temple, a group of people devotional songs. (recite)
8. What you here from the time I went to college ? (do)
9. By this time tomorrow, I home. (reach)
10. The students answers to all my questions. (give)
11. the students yesterday ? (study)
12. After school, we and our parents about our English teacher. (go, tell)
13. The new railway bridge two weeks ago. (complete)
14. They the work when the teacher entered the class. (finish)
15. I was teaching English when she the classroom. (enter)
16. They a new power station at the moment. (build)
17. When I the stamps somebody my name. (buy) (call)
18. "What time ?" "About an hour ago." (Keshav come)
19. I to the cinema last night. I too tired. (not go) (be)
20. Kavita us to the party but we . We had other things to do. (invite) (not go)
Direction (21): Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets.
I (a) (learn) English for seven years now. But last year I (b) (not work) hard
enough for English, that's why my marks (c) (not be) really that good then. As I want to (d)
(pass) my English exam successfully next year, I (e) (study) harder this term.
Direction (22 to 25): Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate
word/phrases from the given options.
The butter (22) melted. Onions and vegetables are (23) in it for 3 minutes. Flour and
stock are added. It is (24) to a boil while (25) continuously
22. (A) be (B) is (C) are (D) being
23. (A) fried (B) fry (C) fries (D) frying
24. (A) bring (B) brought (C) bringing (D) brings
25. (A) stir (B) stirring (C) stirs (D) stirred

Direction (26 to 29): Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate word/
phrases from the given options.
One morning, Shubham's mother (26) (get) worried when he (27) (not take) the
lunch. She asked him what the matter (28) (be). He told that he was not (29) well in
the night due to the headache.
26. (A) got (B) gets (C) is getting (D) are getting
27. (A) is not taking (B) has not taken (C) had not taken (D) was not taking
28. (A) was (B) is (C) being (D) were
29. (A) feel (B) feels (C) feeling (D) felt

Direction (30): The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write
the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline
the word that you have supplied.
Incorrect Correct
When Vijay enter the cinema hall, the (a)
film start. It was very dark inside (b)
There is nobody to show him the way. (c)
He count the rows and moved into the (d)
fifth row since his ticket has C-12 (e)
write on it. As it was dark inside (f)
he moved through the row and sit (g)
on a chair. But to his horror there
was somebody already sat on that chair. (h)

31. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Ensure that the word
that forms your answer is underlined.
Before Missing After
(a) Pollution not a new problem. In the
(b) middle ages most towns dirty, water
(c) supply foul and diseases spread
quickly. Much has been done to improve
sanitation and public health. But since
(d) Industrial Revolution disposal of waste become
more complicated. As factories produce new
(e) goods old ones thrown out with the
(f) rubbish. These rubbish heaps an unpleasant
(g) sight to watch. Getting rid of plastics particularly
difficult. Plastics never decay,
(h) the more we throw, the more litter produced.
So scientists are trying to make plastics which can be easily broken.

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. D A C A A A D A C D

1. seen 2. appeared 3. have been teaching 4. does

5. makes 6. thought 7. was reciting 8. did ; do
9. shall have reached 10. gave 11. did ; study 12. went ; told
13. was completed 14. had finished 15. entered 16. are building
17. was buying ; called 18. did Keshav come 19.did not go ; was 20. had invited ; did not go
21. (a) have been learning (b) did not work (c) were not (d) pass (e) shall study

Q. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
A. B A B B A C A C

30. Incorrect Correct

(a) enter entered
(b) start had started
(c) is was
(d) count counted
(e) has had
(f) write written
(g) sit sat
(h) sat sitting

31 Before Missing After

(a) pollution is not
(b) towns were dirty
(c) supply was foul
(d) waste has become
(e) ones are thrown
(f) heaps are an
(g) plastics is particularly
(h) litter is produced

ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

Additional Exercise
Q1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. She ………………….. (go) to her office with a friend.

2. Why do you ………………….. (like) movies?
3. My friend ………………….. (visit) his grandmother every day.
4. (do)………….. Ritesh ………………….. (love) the cold weather?
5. …………………. (do) you ………………….. (plan) to visit Kashmir this year?
6. We always ………………….. (have) an early dinner.
7. His parents ………………….. (plan) a trip abroad every six months.
8. Our doctor in the neighborhood………………….. (make) a lot of money.
9. I ………………….. (help) my mother sometimes.
10. Sheetal ………………….. (come) here every Sunday.
11. We ………………….. (eat) rice for dinner every day.
12. He never ………………….. (hide) the truth.
13. Make hay while the sun ………………….. (shine)
14. Apples ………………….. (be) good for health.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

(A) Once when I (a) ………………………….. (cross) the road, I (b)

…………………..(see) a small boy who (c) ………………………….. (look) quite
lost. I (d) ………………………….. (ask) him the name of his parents but
he (e) ………….. (can) not answer. After waiting for a little while, I (f)
……………………..(bring) him home and (g) ………………………….. (feed)
him. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(B) I (a) ………………………….. (feel) very sorry to see the pathetic condition
of the slums. Children (b)…………………….. (be) shabbily dressed and
were running all over the place. A small girl (c) …………….. (eat) a
banana. She (d) ………………………….. (get) it from her father.
Her father (e) ………………………….. (be) a poor laborer. Her mother
always (f)……………………….. (remain) sick.

(C) As per the prediction of the Met. Department, it (a) ………… (rain)
tomorrow. On hearing this, the farmers (b) ………………(start) dancing.
There (c) ………………………….. (be) no rains in their area for a long
time. This weather prediction (d) ………… (make) everybody happy.

(D) Seema, my classmate is (a) ………………………….. (celebrate) her

birthday tomorrow. I (b)…………………….. (want) to gift her a science
puzzle but (c)…………………….. (not know) where to buy it from. I
(d)………………….. (will/shall) ask my father in the evening when he
(e) …………………..(return) home from work.

(E) Two children (a) ………………………….. (be) playing in the backyard of

their house when they (b) ………………………….. (spot) a tiger cub.
Mistaking it for a big cat, they (c)………………….. (bring) it home and
(d)……………….. (hide) it. When their parents (e)…………………..(come
back) in the evening, they (f) ………………………….. (decide) that they
(g)……………….. (will/shall) not disclose the presence of the big cat to
their parents. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(Additional Exercise)

1. 1. Goes 2. do, like 3. Visits 4. Does love

5. Do plan 6. Have 7. Plan 8. makes

9. help 10. Comes 11. Eat 12. hides

13. Shines 14. Are 15. Bark 16. use

2. A. (a) was crossing (b) saw (c) looked

(d) asked (e) could (f) brought
(g) fed

B. (a) felt (b) were (c) was eating

(d) had got (e) was (f) remained

C. (a) will rain (b) started (c) had been

(d) made

D. (a) celebrating (b) want (c) do not know

(d) shall (e) returns

E. (a) were (b) spotted (c) brought

(d) hid (e) came back (f) decided
(g) would 9711622527
Eng. G. - 2

Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or 'if' clauses.
Conditionals express the fact that the action in the main clause (without 'if') can only take place if a
certain condition (in the clause with 'if') is fulfilled.

Usage Clause Verb Tense Main Clause Verb Tense
Sentence Type

Zero General truths Simple present Simple present

A possible condition and
Type 1 Simple present Simple future
its probable result
A hypothetical condition Present conditional or Present
Type 2 Simple past
and its probable result continuous conditional
An unreal past condition and
Type 3 Past perfect Perfect conditional
its probable result in the past
An unreal past condition and
Mixed type Past perfect Present conditional
its probable result in the present


The zero conditional is often used to refer to general truths and scientific facts
If Cla use M a in Cla use
If + v1 or V 1 (s,e s) v1 or V 1 (s,e s)

If you he a t ice it m e lts.

If it ra ins the gra ss ge ts w e t.

NOTE: 'IF' can be substituted by 'when'


The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real.

If Cla use M a in Cla use

If + v1 or V 1 (s,e s) W ill/sha ll/ca n/m a y

If this thing ha ppe ns tha t thing w ill ha ppe n.

If you don't hurry you w ill m iss the tra in.
If Ge orge doe s w e ll in the fina l e x a m he m a y ge t a n A in the cla ss.
If it is sunny this a fte rnoon W e ca n pla y te nnis


The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation that is unreal.
These sentences are not based on fact.

If Cla u se M a in Cla use

W o uld/ sh ou ld/ co uld/ m ig ht O R

If + ve rb II form / w e re
W o uld /sho uld/ co uld /m ig ht+ be + ving

If I w e re a m i llion a ire I w ou ld bu y a ca stle .

If yo u w e nt to be d e a rlie r yo u w o uld n ot be so tire d.
If I w o n a m illion do lla r I co uld sto p w o rking
If I sp oke Ita lia n I w ou ld be w orkin g in Ita ly.

The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to
reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed.

If Clause Main Cla use

W ould/should/could/might +ha ve +verb third form
If + ha d +Ve rb third form
OR w ould/should/could/might+ have+ bee n + V 1+ ing
If this thing had happe ne d tha t thing w ould ha ve ha ppene d. (but neithe r of those things
really happe ne d) OR tha t thing w ould have be en happe ning.
If you had studie d harde r you w ould have passe d the e xa m.
If it ha d rained you w ould have gotte n w e t.
If you had caught the bus You could have bee n on time
If you ha d bought a lottery ticket You might have w on.

Probability chart
Example Time
100% zero If you heat ice, it melts. any
50% 1st If I win the lottery, I will buy a car Future
10% 2nd If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. Future
0% 3rd If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car. past

1. If it rains, the boys football.
(A) won`t play (B) wouldn`t play
(C) would not have played (D) won’t played
2. If she her own clothes, she wouldn't have to buy them.
(A) makes (B) made (C) had made (D) have made
3. We the Statute of Liberty if we travelled to New York.
(A) will see (B) would see (C) would have seen (D) would be seen
4. Would you go out more often if you so much homework to do?
(A) don't have to do (B) didn`t have to do (C) hadn't had to do (D) won’t do
5. He wouldn't have slept the whole day if he late last night.
(A) doesn't stay up (B) didn't stay up (C) hadn't stayed up (D) don’t stayed up
6. If you a minute, I'll come with you.
(A) had waited (B) wait (C) will wait (D) waited
7. If we arrived at 10, we the show.
(A) would have missed (B) will miss (C) won’t miss (D) would miss
8. We Jake if we'd known about his problems.
(A) will help (B) would have helped (C) would help (D) wouldn’t help
9. If they new tyres, their bikes would have worked perfectly.
(A) buy (B) bought (C) would buy (D) had bought
10. If I went anywhere, it America.
(A) will be (B) would have been (C) will been (D) would be

11. If they carefully, they might hear the animals.
(A) will listen (B) would have listened (C) will listening (D) listened
12. If I had sat down in the chair, I asleep.
(A) won’t fall (B) would have fallen (C) will fall (D) would fall
13. Susan would have worked as a model if she taller.
(A) will be (B) would have been (C) had been (D) would be
14. The soil if you water the plants regularly.
(A) will not dry out (B) would not dried out (C) will dry out (D) would not be dry
15. If you the young boy this knife, he'd hurt himself.
(A) give (B) had given (C)gave (D) would give

16. We the wrong track if you had asked the driver.

(A) won’t have taken (B) would not have taken (C) will take (D) would take

17. If the cat hides in the tree, the dog it.

(A) will not find (B) would not find (C) will not be found (D) would be find

18. The students would have solved the problem if they their computers.
(A) will used (B) would have used (C) had been used (D) had used

19. If I were the Prime Minister , I this country.

(A) will rule (B) would have ruled (C) will have ruled (D) would rule

20. The judge would have sent him to prison if he the case.
(A) would loose (B) would have lost (C) will lost (D) had lost

Direction (21 to 30): Find out the part of the sentence which is grammatically incorrect .
21. (A) If I had been there/ (B) I would make/ (C) a speech. / (D) No error
22. (A) I will help / (B) him provided / (C) he mends his ways. / (D) No error
23. (A) If I had money, / (B) I would lend / (C) it to you. / (D) No error
24. (A) If he will work hard / (B)/ he will surely / (C) get the job of his choice. / (D) No error
25. (A) Unless I do not / (B) see his ticket, / (C) I will not let him sit here. / (D) No error
26. (A) Before the police will come / (B) You should better /(C) get the anticipatory bail./ (D) No error
27. (A) We will come to know the truth / (B) after / (C) the investigation finished. /(D) No error
28. (A) Until the train will not get the signal , (B) it will not / (C) leave the platform. / (D) No error
29. (A) If I had time / (B) I will have come / (C) to meet her. / (D) No error
30. (A) If I was you/ (B) I would not tolerate him / (C) for a moment. / (D) No error

Direction (1 to 20) : Fill in the blanks in each sentence. An example has been given for reference.
Example If she owned a car, she would take a trip to California, (own/take)
1. If I rich, I would travel around the world. (be)
2. She missed the train if she had woken up earlier. (have)
3. I will watch the film if I early. (finish)
4. If we at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.(meet)
5. The zoo keeper her with a fine if she had fed the animals. (punish)

6. If you louder, your classmates would understand you. (speak)
7. Dan would arrive safe if he slowly.(drive)
8. You would have had no trouble at school if you your homework. (do)
9. If you in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.(swim)
10. If she had asked her teacher, he her questions.(answer)
11. They the textbook if you recommend it. (buy)
12. You would learn more if you hard. (study)
13. Luke the exam if he had practiced more. (pass)
14. He will pass next time if he more lessons. (take)
15. I the book if it had been shorter. (like)
16. People in Brighton will get upset if it tomorrow.(rain)
17. They would tell us if they to. (want)
18. It would have been beautiful if it . (work)
19. Even if I him, he won’t come (ask)
20. Had I driven slowly ,I (not crash)

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. A B B B C B D B D D D B C A C
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. B A D D D B D D A A A A A B A

1. were 2. wouldn't have 3. finish 4. meet

5. would have punished 6. spoke 7. drove 8. had done
9. swim 10. would have answered11. will buy 12. studied
13. would have passed 14. takes 15. would have liked 16. rains
17. wanted 18. had worked 19. ask 20. would not have crashed

Eng. G. - 3

‘Concord’ means ‘agreement’. So ‘subject-verb concord’ suggests that the verb agrees with the number
and person of the subject.
In other words, a Singular subject takes a singular verb and a Plural subject takes a plural verb.
(i) She is a good speaker. (Singular Subject ‘she’ ———— Singular Verb)
(ii) They are good speakers. (Plural Subject they ———— Plural Verb)

In the sentence i) the subject ‘she’ is in the Singular Number; the verb ‘is’ is also in the singular.
In the sentence ii) the subject ‘they’ is in the Plural Number; the verb ‘are’ is also in the Plural.


 Students are taking a test.

 Rohan does not get up before sunrise.
 His brother does not speak a lie.
 He hates milk but his sister does not.
 Jenny is playing basketball.
 The boys have stopped playing.

In the above sentences, the verbs have changed according to the person of the subject. Thus we know
that the verb agrees with the Subject in Number and Person. This is known as subject-verb concord.

You are Advised to be Careful in the following Cases:

 When the subject is a noun phrase.

 When two or more noun form the subject.
 Sentences beginning with ‘there’.
 Relative pronoun introducing a clause.
 Plural noun / Proper noun.
 Special cases of collective noun.

(a) Noun phrase as subject.

Verb must agree with the head-word.
 When the subject is ‘One of’ followed by a plural noun, it takes a singular verb. Herethe verb agrees
with ‘one’.
Eg. (i) One of my uncles lives in the U.S.A.
(ii) One of the thieves has been caught.

(b) Two or more singular subjects.

 If they are joined by ‘and’ and refer to two separate persons or things, use a Plural verb.
Eg. (i) Mr. and Mrs. Mathew are having lunch. (Two persons)
(ii) Mumbai and Delhi are big cities. (Two cities)

 Two nouns qualified by ‘each’ and ‘every’ require a singular verb even though connected by
Eg. Every boy and every girl was given a rose.

 If two singular nouns joined by ‘and’ refer to same person or thing, the verb must be singular.
Eg. (i) The singer and poet is dead.
(ii) The horse and cart is at the door. :
(iii) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
 When two subjects together express one idea, the verb may be in the singular.
Eg. (i) Two and two makes four.
(ii) Bread and butter is my brother’s favourite.

 When two or more singular subjects are connected by ‘and not’ the verb is in singular.
Eg. She and not you is at fault.

 When two subjects are joined by ‘as well as / with / together with / along with / in addition
to’ the verb agrees with the first subject.
Eg. (i) She as well as her classmates is hardworking.
(ii) Her classmates as well as she are hardworking.
(iii) Tendulkar’s children along with Tendulkar are coming.
(iv) The thief with his accomplice was arrested.
(v) My neighbour together with his children has left.

 Two or more singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘nor’, ‘either—— or’, ‘neither——— nor’,
‘each’, ‘every’, ‘everyone’ are followed by a singular verb.
Eg. (i) Rohan or Sohan has broken this toy.
(ii) Either of these two will serve my purpose.
(iii) Either John or Ron is studying in that room.
(iv) Neither of them reaches the standard required.
(v) Neither scolding nor praise has proved effective in this case.
(vi) Neither he nor his friend has arrived.

 In sentences beginning with ‘There’, the verb agrees with the number of the noun that follows it.
Eg. (i) There are fifty rooms in my school.
(ii) There is a huge rush in the Shopping Mall.
(iii) There is no air conditioner in this room.

 If Relative Pronoun begins with a clause, the verb follows its antecedent in Number, Gender, and
Eg. (i) I met Mary who is now recovering from Typhoid.
(ii) What she needs is a cup of hot coffee.

(c) Plural Nouns / Proper Nouns.

 Noun that indicate the name of a country, province or title of a book take singular subject.
Eg. (i) ‘The Arabian Nights’ is a collection of stories.
(ii) West Indies is a group of islands.

 Plural number referring to distances, weights, amounts of money represent a single figure or quantity.
It is treated as a singular subject and takes a singular verb.
Eg. (i) Fifty kilometers is not a long distance now.
(ii) Five Thousand Rupees is not a petty amount.

 Some nouns which are Plural in form but singular in meaning, take a singular verb.
Eg. (i) English is spoken all over the world.
(ii) Mathematics is an interesting subject.

 ‘A number of‘ takes a plural verb, while ‘The number of’ takes a singular verb.
Eg. (i) A number of accidents were reported in the newspaper.
(ii) The number of dropouts was quite less.
 ‘Few’, ‘a few’, ‘both’, ‘many’, several’ are plural and take verbs in the plural form.
Eg. (i) Both the applicants are well qualified.
(ii) Many applications have been received.
(d) Collective Noun :
 A Collective Noun generally takes a Singular Verb when the subject stands for collection as a
Eg. The Jury was unanimous in its verdict.
 A Collective Noun takes a Plural Verb when the subject stands for the individuals of which it is
Eg. The jury were divided in their opinions.

(e) Subjects of Different Number :

 If two subjects (of different number) are joined by ‘not only ....... but also’ / ‘neither..........nor’
/ either..........or’ then verb agrees with the subject nearest to it.
Eg. (i) Not only she but also her friends were present at the party.
(ii) Not only her friends but also she was present at the party.
(iii) Neither the Principal nor the teachers are interested in their duties.
(iv) Either the teachers or the Principal has helped the students.

(f) A verb should agree with its subject and not with the complement :
Eg. (i) Our only guide was the stars.
(ii) The stars were our only guide.

(g) When the adjectives ‘much / more / little / less’ are used as noun they must be followed by a singular
Eg. (i) Much of what you have said, has been said by others.
(ii) More than a year has passed since I saw him.

(h) Indefinite pronounslike some, any& none, almost may be singular and plural depending on what they refer
Eg. (i) Some of the food is cold.
(ii) Some of the vegetables are rotten.
(iii) All she wants is happiness.
(iv) Any friend he had were few & far way.

1. Classifying students a tedious job for a guidance counsellor.
(A) is (B) are (C) has (D)have

2. The exhibition of the artist's paintings very interesting.

(A) was (B) were (C) had (D) has

3. Mrs Andrews, along with Mr Stone, volunteer work.

(A) are doing (B) has doing (C) do (D) does

4. All of the salesmen, including Mr Thomas, at the meeting

(A) was (B) were (C)have (D) has

5. Every one of the girls her shorthand homework.

(A) are (B) does (C) do (D) is

6. Either Julia or her friends planning to attend.

(A) is (B) are (C) do (D) does

7. Both of the carpenters planning to do the job.

(A) are (B) is (C)have (D) had

8. Neither the students nor the instructor to miss class.

(A) want (B) has wanted (C) wants (D) wanting

9. The women, as well as the men, beautifully.

(A) sing (B) sings (C) is singing (D) had sing

10. This summer I working for my father.

(A) am (B) is (C)have (D) has

11. Neither Michelle nor Paul registered yet.

(A) is (B) has (C)have (D) are

12. Mathematics difficult for Sally.

(A) is (B) has (C)have (D) are

13. Hunting animals been his hobby for years.

(A) has (B) have (C) are (D) was

14. Not one of the nominees won an Oscar before.

(A)have (B) has been (C) has (D) have being

15. each of the questions count the same number of points?

(A) do (B) does (C) is (D) has

16. The number of college freshmen decreased in recent years.

(A) is (B) has (C) are (D)have

17. The tale of two states an interesting novel.

(A) is (B) are (C) has (D)have

18. The dictator, accompanied by his generals, to review the troops.

(A) was (B) were (C) had (D)have

19. The secretary and the treasurer asked to submit reports.
(A) were (B) was (C) is (D) are

20. Everyone in the auditorium startled by the announcement.

(A) has (B) have (C) was (D) were

21. All the juniors and the seniors expected to report to the gymnasium.
(A) has (B) have (C) was (D) were

22. There a briefcase, a typewriter, and a tape recorder in the office.

(A) is (B) have (C) are (D) has

23. Ten dollars too much for him to pay for a volume of poetry.
(A) was (B) are (C) were (D) have been

24. there any questions about tomorrow's assignment?

(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) has

25. Alphabetizing the files my responsibility.

(A) has being (B) is (C) have been (D) are

1. In each of the following sentences supply a verb in agreement with its subject :
i. The cost of all these articles risen. (has, have)

ii. That night every one of the boat’s crew down with fever. (was , were)

iii. One of those men stolen the watch. (have , has)

iv. No news good news. (is , were)

v. The accountant and the cashier been absconded.(have , has)

vi. A good man and useful citizen passed away. (have , has)

vii. Each of the suspected men arrested.(is , are)

viii. The ebb and flow of the tides explained by Newton. (was , were)

ix. Neither his father nor his mother alive. (are , is)

x. Two-thirds of the city in ruins. (are , is)

xi. Man’s happiness or misery in a great measure in his own hands.(is , are)

xii. The cow as well as the horse grass. (eat , eats)

xiii. The Three Musketeers written by Dumas. (are , is)

xiv. Ninety rupees too much for this bag. (is , are)

xv. To take pay and then not to do work dishonesty. (are, is)

2. There is an error in each of the lines of the passage given below. Write the incorrect word and
the correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you
have supplied. Incorrect Correct
The saga of the educational institutions are turning bitter. (a)
IITians has reacted with shock after the union HRD Minister (b)
have raised questions about the quality of the IITs comparing the (c)
IITs to the University of Roorkee were like comparing. 1000 c.c. (d)
bikes to 100 c.c. bikes “says students of I.I.T. Kanpur.” No other (e)
institution can dream of doing what IITs has done,” claims (f)
a senior professor. Other faculty members points out the (g)
contributions of the institutes to the country’s defence and
space programmes. In the end it boil down (h)
to a question of quality versus quantity.

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
Vivek has gone to the bank. He (a) (want) to take out some money. First he (b)
(have) to fill in a form for a new cheque book, as all the cheques in the old book (c) (has)
already been used. He (d) (make) out a cheque for the amount he (e) (think) will
be sufficient for the moment. He comes across some friends who (f) (inform) him about the
ATM and E-Banking which (g) (be) introduced shortly. The manager as well as counter clerks
(h) (try) to persuade him to go in for an ATM card.

4. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the
incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline
the word that you have supplied.'
Incorrect Correct
The floods in Orissa are a lifetime (a)
experience for the peoples of the State. It will (b)
take them year to come out of it. Some (c)
people have been rendered homeless. They has (d)
lost everything they had. There are no hope (e)
for the future. The government's procedure regarding
rehabilitations are very slow and also (f)
complicated. This have led to lot of frustration (g)
among the masses. In spite of fund pouring in, (h)
it is sad to note that timely succour is not being
provided to the people.
5. In each of the following sentences, there is an error . Find out the error and provide the correction.
Incorrect Correct
(i) It were dark and cold in the garden. (a)
Rain is falling . A damp cutting wind (b)
were racing through the garden. (c)

(ii) Each century warm the earth. (a)

But in the last century there have been a (b)
phenomenon increases in the earth’s temperature (c)

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. A A D B B B A C A A B A A C A
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
A. B A A A C D A A B B

1. i. has ii. was iii. has iv. is v.have vi. has

vii. was viii. was ix. is x. is xi. is xii.eats
xiii. is xiv. is xv. is

2. (a) are is (b) has have (c) have has (d) were was (e) says say (f) has have
(g) points point (h) boil boils

3. a. wants b. has c. have d. makes e. thinks f. inform

g. is being h. tries.

4. Incorrect Correction
The floods in Orissa are a lifetime (a) are is
experience for the peoples of the State. It will (b) peoples people
take them year to come out of it. Some (c) year years
people have been rendered homeless. They has (d) has have
lost everything they had. There are no hope (e) are is
for the future. The government's procedure regarding
rehabilitations are very slow and also (f) are is
complicated. This have led to lot of frustration (g) have has
among the masses. In spite of fund pouring in, (h) fund funds
it is sad to note that timely succour is not being
provided to the people.

5. Incorrect Correct
(i) It were dark and cold in the garden. (a) were was
Rain is falling . A damp cutting wind (b) is was
were racing through the garden. (c) were was

(ii) Each century warm the earth. (a) warm warms

But in the last century there have been a (b) have has
phenomenon increases in the earth’s temperature (c) increases increase

ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

Additional Exercise

Q1. Fill in the following with suitable verbs.

A. Climatic change (a) ……………………. one of the hotly contested debates.

India and Antarctica (b) ……………………. once the part of the same
landmass. To visit Antarctica now (c) ……………………. to be a part of
history. 90 percent of the Earth’s total ice volumes (d)…………………….
stored there, Antarctica (e) ……………………. Her simple ecosystem.
Therefore to study the earth, Antarctica ………………….. the place to go.
Antarctica (8) …………………. devoid of any human markets. It (h)
……………………. no trees, buildings or billboards.

B. Keeping a pet (a) ……………………. the best way to fight loneliness. But
clean and comfortable ……………………. housing for them
(b)……………………. essential. If they (c)……………………. carnivores, a high
protein diet (d)……………………. required. Veterinary appointments (e)
……………………. a must. They (f) ……………………. wonderful pets and (g)
……………………. quite affectionate. They (h) ……………………. You
entertained for hours.

C. Today road accidents (a) ……………………. earned India a dubious

distinction. She (b)……………………. the worst road traffic accident rate. The
various factors to be blamed (c)……………………. drunk–driving, and
carelessness in the use of helmets. The total number of deaths (d)
……………………. now passed the 135,000 mark. Truck wheelers
(e)……………………. responsible earlier. Evening rush hours (f)
……………………. the most dangerous time to be on the road. Today 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

drunken–driving (g) …………. become a significant cause of road accidents.

Think today. The time for action (h) ……………………. now.

D. In November 2009 sales of cars (a) ……………………. up. This (b)…………. the
largest car boom the country (c) ……………………. seen in years. Today the
most significant growth (d) ……………………. seen for small cars. The entire
market (e) ……………………. seeing steady growth. There …………………….
currently 1.7 million new cars (f)……………………. every year, but Maruti Suzuki
(h) ……………………. not profiting from this development.

E. Mohan and Shyam (a) ……………………. my best friends. They always (b)
……………………. me in my work. None of them (c) ……………………. football.
I (d) ……………………. never (e) ……………………. them wasting their time.
Neither Mohan nor Shyam (f) ……………………. lazy. Each one of them
(g)……………. very active. All the students in my class (h) …………………….

Q2. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb given in the bracket:

(a) Mathematics ……………………. (is/are) my favorite subject.

(b) Politics ……………………. (is/are) not my cup of tea.
(c) The poet and philosopher Rahim ……………………. (has/have) died.
(d) Mohan no less than you ……………………. (is/are) guilty.
(e) This news ……………………. (is/are) false.
(f) Bread and butter ………………….. (is/are) my favorite breakfast. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9


(Additional Exercise)

1. A. (a) is (b) were (c) is (d) was

(e) has is (f) is (g ) has

B. (a) is (b) is (c) are (d) is

(e) are (f) make (g) are (h) keep

C. (a) have (b) has (c) are (d) has

(e) were (f) are (g) has (h) is

D. (a) went (b) is (c) has (d) is

(e) is are (f) bought (g) is

E. (a) are (b) help (c) plays (d) have

(e) seen is (f) is (g) like

2. (a) is (b) is (c) has (d) are

(e) is (f) is 9711622527
Eng. G. - 4

There are two kinds of speech, namely direct speech and indirect speech.
• DIRECT SPEECH: If we repeat the words of a person exactly as they were said to someone, it is
called direct speech. We use inverted commas to set off the quote.
• INDIRECT SPEECH: If we repeat what a person said without quoting his/her exact words, it is
called indirect speech. We do not use inverted commas in indirect speech.


• Remove the inverted commas. ( “..........“)
• Remove the full stop or comma after the reporting verb.
• If there is any object after the reporting verb then change ‘said to’ to ‘told’ & ‘say’ to ‘tell’.
• If there is no object after the reporting verb then no change in ‘said’ and ‘say’.
• Add necessary conjunctions like ‘that, if, whether’ after the reporting verb.

(a) Changes in the Tense of Reported Speech (R.S.) :

(i) If thereporting verb (R.V.) isin Present or FutureTense, thereis no change in thetense of R.S.
 She says, “He is not here”. (Direct)
She says that he is not here. (Indirect)

 She will say, “ Tom drives a car”. (Direct)

She will say that Tom drives a car. (Indirect)

(ii) If R.V is in Past tense, then tense of R.S is changed as follows :

 Simple Present is changed to Simple Past.
John said to Jim, “ Sam studies regularly”. (Direct)
John told Jim that Sam studied regularly. (Indirect)
 Present Continuous is changed to Past Continuous.
Chappell said to Sachin, “ Dravid is playing football”. (Direct)
Chappell told Sachin that Dravid is playing football”. (Indirect)

 Present Perfect is changed to Past Perfect.

Dhoni said, “ Pathan has gone to West Indies”. (Direct)
Dhoni said that Pathan had gone to West Indies. (Indirect)

 Present Perfect Continuous is changed to Past Perfect Continuous.

My neighbour said, “The dogs have been barking for 2 hours”. (Direct)
My neighbour said that the dogs had been barking for 2 hours. (Indirect)
 Simple Past is changed to Past Perfect.
John said, “Jim went to the U.S.A.”. (Direct)
John said that Jim had gone to the U.S.A. (Indirect)

 Past Continuous is changed to Past Perfect Continuous.

She said, “Her sister was sleeping”. (Direct)
She said that her sister had been sleeping. (Indirect)

 No change in Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.
Papa said, “Johnny had eaten sugar”. (Direct)
Papa said that Johnny had eaten sugar. (Indirect)

 Change in modals:
Can changes to Could ; May changes to Might ; Shall changes to Should ; Will to Would ;
The Principal said, “Students can go home”. (Direct)
The Principal said that students could go home. (Indirect)

 Would, Should, Could, Might, Ought to – do not change.

 Must can be changed to ‘had to’ or used as it is.
We said, “The criminals must be punished”. (Direct)
We said that the criminals had to / must be punished. (Indirect)

(b) Exceptions :
The verb in the reported speech does not change when we express a universal truth or habitual fact.
Eg. My teacher said, "Honesty is the best policy." (Direct)
My teacher said that honesty is the best policy. (indirect)
The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense do not change when we talk about
• a past historical event.
Eg. My father said, "India got its freedom in 1947." (Direct)
My father said that India got its freedom in 1947. (indirect)

• an improbable condition.
Eg. "If you were a singer, I would have given you a job," I said to my friend.(Direct)
I told my friend that if he were a singer, I would have given him a job. (indirect)

• a habit or custom.
Eg. "I wake up early," Renuka said to me. (Direct)
Renuka told me that she wakes up early. (indirect)
• time.
Eg. "When I reached there, Latika was doing her homework," Maria said to her friend.
Maria told her friend that when she reached there, Latika was doing her homework.

(c) Changes in Persons of Pronoun :

(i) First Person Pronoun (I, me, my, mine, we, us, our. ours, ourselves) in the R.V. when changed
into Indirect speech, change as per the Person, Number and Gender of the Subject of R.V.
Eg. They said, “We shall help our friends”. (Direct)
They said that they would/should help their friends. (Indirect)

(ii) Second Person Pronoun (You, Your, Yours, Yourself, Yourselves) in the R.V. when changed
into Indirect Speech, change as per the Person, Number and Gender of the Object.
Eg. She said to us, “You are intelligent”. (Direct)
She told us that we were intelligent. (Indirect)
The teacher said to the students, “You have passed with good marks”.
The teacher told the students that they had passed with good marks.

(iii) No Change in the Third Person Pronoun (He, She, It, They, Her, Its, Their, Theirs, Him,
Himself, Herself, Themselves, Her, Hers) when changed from Direct into Indirect Speech.

Eg. Greg said, “She is a good student”. (Direct)

Greg said that she was a good student. (Indirect)
(d) Change of Situations :
‘this’ becomes ‘that’
‘these’ becomes ‘those’
‘last week’ becomes ‘the previous week’
‘here’ becomes ‘there’
‘now’ becomes ‘then’
‘today’ becomes ‘that day’
‘yesterday’ becomes ‘the day before / the previous day’
‘tomorrow’ becomes ‘the next day / the coming day’
‘last week’ becomes ‘the week before / the previous week’
‘next month’ becomes ‘the following month / the coming month’
‘ago’ becomes ‘before‘

 Jacob said, “I read this book last month.” (Direct)
Jacob said that he read that book the previous month. (Indirect)

 Mary said, “I will meet Tom this evening.” (Direct)

Mary said that she would meet Tom that evening. (Indirect)

 Marshall said to Ricky, “I cannot go with you till next Monday.” (Direct)
Marshall told Ricky that he could not go with him till the following Monday. (Indirect)

(e) Imperative Sentences :

Write “Ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded, forbade” etc. as per the sentences.
 The teacher said to me, “Sit in your class and learn your lesson” (Direct)
The teacher ordered me to sit in my class and learn my lesson. (Indirect)
 She said to him, “Don’t touch my books” (Direct)
She forbade him to touch her books. (Indirect)
(f) Interrogative Sentences :
 For ‘wh’ questions - use the wh word
Eg. Tim asked, “Where is the book ?” (Direct)
Tim asked where the book was. (Indirect)

 For Yes / No questions - use if / whether

Eg. Surabhi asked, “Have you read this book?” (Direct)
Surabhi asked if / whether I had read that book. (Indirect)
(g) Exclamatory and Optative Sentences
(i) The reporting verb is changed to
 wished, prayed in optative sentences (sentences expressing wishes).
 exclaimed, cried, regretted, applauded in exclamatory sentences.

(ii) The exclamation marks are omitted and their sense is expressed by using adverbs or adverb
phrases with the reporting verb.

(iii) The conjunction that is generally used.

Eg. Niharika said, "May God help you." (Direct)

Niharika hoped that God might help him. (indirect)
Parinita said, "Hurrah! I have won the race." (Direct)
Parinita exclaimed with joy that she had won the rac (indirect)

Direction (1 to 10): Change each of the following direct speech to reported speech by completing the

1. The students said, "Let us study".

The students suggested that

2. I said to her, " I can no longer tolerate your coming late."

I warned her that

3. Viveka said, "Virtue has its own reward"

Viveka said that

4. Kanan said to Subha ,"I’ll return the book after I have read it."
Kanan told Subha that

5. I said to my friend, "Good Morning. Let us go for a picnic today."

I wished my friend

6. "How long does the journey take "my co-passenger asked me.
My co-passenger asked me
7. I said to my mother, " I will certainly take you to Bangalore this week."
I told my mother that

8. He said to the judge, "I did not commit this crime."

He told the judge that

9. "Please, take me to the officer," said the visitor.

The visitor requested them

10. Aarati said, "I am in a hurry today."

Aarati said that

Read the conversation between Neeta and Dr. Gupta. Then complete the paragraph that follows :
1. Neeta : Dr. Gupta, what is wrong with my eyes ? They ache when I read.
Dr. Gupta : I will just conduct an eye test and find out.
Neeta : I hope there is no serious cause for concern.
Dr. Gupta : Don't worry. You just have to eat well and exercise your eye muscles.
Neeta asked Dr. Gupta what was wrong with her eyes since (a) Dr. Gupta told her that (b) A
worried Neeta asked Dr. Gupta (c) Dr. Gupta told her not to worry and advised her (d) her
eye muscles.

2. Read the conversation between Reena and her mother. Then complete the paragraph that follows:
Mother : What are you doing in the kitchen ?
Reena : I am busy helping Ramya.
Mother : And what work does Ramya have there ?
Reena : She is eating the jalebis that you made for the guests.
Mother was waiting for the guests. Suddenly she heard a noise in the kitchen. She called out to her
daughter Reena and asked (a) Reena put her head out of the door and said that (b) Mother
wondered (c) Reena then replied that she (d)

3. Read the conversation between Anup and Atul. Then complete the paragraph that follows :
Anup : Where can we meet tomorrow ?
Atul : I may not be able to meet you tomorrow.
Anup : Are you going to be busy ?
Atul : Yes, I will be travelling tomorrow.
Anup asked Atul (a) Atul replied (b) Anup asked (c) Atul said that (d)

4. Read the conversation between a doctor and patient. Then complete the paragraph that follows :
Doctor : I hope you can read.
Patient : You may think it is funny but I can't.
Doctor : Then why should I treat your eyes ?
Patient : I believe illiterates too need eyes to see.
The doctor told the patient (a) The patient said that (b) The doctor asked (c)
The patient replied that illiterates (d)

5. Read the conversation between Ali and Omar. Then complete the paragraph that follows :
Ali : Omar, why don't you leave this place ? I can drop you on my way back home.
Omar : I have no home
Ali : Where have you come from ?
Omar : From Tunisia.
Ali asked Omar (a) and offered to (b) Omar replied that he had no home. Then Ali asked
(c) Omar replied that (d)

6. Read the conversation between a receptionist and a tourist. Then complete the paragraph that
follows :
Receptionist : What can I do for you, Sir ?
Tourist : I want a suite for three days.
Receptionist : I am afraid, we don't have a suite. In fact, we are fully booked for two days.
Tourist : Can you suggest an alternative please ?
The receptionist enquired of the tourist (a) The tourist told him (b) The receptionist felt
sorry and told him (c) and added that they were fully booked for two days. The tourist asked
him (d)

7. Read the conversation between a doctor and Karna. Then complete the paragraph that follows :
Karna : May I come in ?
Doctor : Have you got the tests done?
Karna : No, I have not.
Doctor : Get them done today itself.
Karna asked the doctor (a) The doctor asked Karna (b) He replied that (c)
The doctor asked (d)

1 they should study.

2 I could no longer tolerate her coming late.

3 virtue has its own reward
4 he would return the book after he had read it.
5 good morning and proposed that we should go for a picnic that day.
6 how long the journey did take.
7 I would certainly take her to Bangalore that week.
8.he had not committed that crime.
9 to take him to the officer
10 she was in a hurry that day

1. (a) they ached when she read.

(b) he would conduct an eye test and find out.
(c) that she hoped there was no serious cause for concern.
(d) to eat well and exercise.
2. (a) what she was doing in the kitchen.
(b) she was busy helping Ramya.
(c) what work Ramya had there.
(d) was eating jalebis that mother had made for the guests.
3. (a) where they could meet the next day/the day after.
(b) that he might not be able to meet him the next day/the day after
(c) if he was going to be busy.
(d) he would be travelling the next day/the day after.
4. (a) that he hoped he could read
(b) he might think it was funny but he could not read -
(c) then why he should treat his eyes.
(d) too need eyes to see.
5. (a) why he did not leave that place.
(b) drop him on his way back home.
(c) where he had come from.
(d) he had come from Tunisia.
6. (a) what he could do for him.
(b) that he wanted a suite for three days.
(c) that they didn't have a suite.
(d) if he could suggest an alternative.
7. (a) if he might go in.
(b) if/whether he had got the tests done.
(c) he had not.
(d) him to get them done that day itself/him to get them done on that day itself/on that very day.

ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

Additional Exercise
A. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. John said, ‘I love this city.’

2. “Be nice to others”, Priya said.
3. “Don’t waste your money” he said to the boys.
4. She said, “everyone loves her.”
5. She said, “He works in a bank.”
6. Seema said, ‘I don’t have a laptop.”
7. Kanika said, “I don’t go to the gym very often.”
8. “We don’t travel much”, she said.
9. He said, “we like working in London.”
10. She said, “she never gets up early on Sunday.”

B. Change the following into indirect speech.

1. I said to Prerna, “How do you travel to office everyday ?”.

2. Shivam said to his mother, “Where does the rain come from?”
3. “Do you know the way to the paradise ?”A crazy man asked me.
4. Maria said to her daughter, “At what time will you come back?”
5. The man said to the mechanic, “By what time will you have fixed the
tyre of my bike?”
6. Varun says to Tarun, “Where did you go yesterday?”
7. “Is there anything special in it?” She asked.
8. “Hark! I can smell something here” said Mr Naik to his colleagues.
9. “Alas! we have lost the game.” said Shishir to his friend.
10. “How intelligent you are!” Manjiri said to her grandfather. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

C. Rewrite the sentences into direct speech from indirect speech.

1. Miara said that she wrote a letter.

2. Kiran said that she was going to the temple.
3. The teacher said that the Sun rises in the East.
4. He said that he had been reading a novel.
5. Nelson said that he had been playing badminton.
6. He ordered her to be careful.
7. Raman exclaimed joyfully that she was very beautiful.
8. He asked where she was going.
9. He said that he didn’t know the way and asked her if she did.
10. The Science teacher told the class that ice floats on water.

D. Choose the correct options from the given set of options according to the
rules of reported speech.

1. I asked Prerna……… she travelled to office.

(a) what (b) how (c) where (d) who
2. Shivam asked……… mothers where she was to go.
(a) hers (b) her (c) one’s (d) his
3. A crazy man asked me whether I……….. the way to paradise.
(a) know (b) knew (c) knows (d) knowing
4. Leela asked her friend at……….. time she would come back.
(a) what (b) where (c) when (d) how
5. The man asked the mechanic by what time he would……… fixed the
type of the car.
(a) has (b) had (c) have (d) be
6. Varun asks Tarun where he went……………..
(a) yesterday (b) today (c) tomorrow (d) the last day 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

7. She asked….‘…there was anything special as it.

(a) how (b) can (c) if (d) where
8. Gupta exclaimed with………….. that he could sense a fire is the adjacent
(a) joy (b) sorrow (c)pain (d) fear
9. He exclaimed with sorrow that they………… last the game.
(a) had (b) have (c) has (d) had been
10. She told me…………. she had been to London.
(a) if (b) that (c) whether (d) when 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(Additional Exercise)

A. 1. John said that he loved that city.

2. Priya told me to be nice to others.
3. He advised the boys not to waste their money.
4. She said that everyone loved her.
5. She said he worked in a bank.
6. Seema said that she didn’t have a laptop.
7. Kanika said that she didn’t go to the gym very often.
8. She said that they didn’t travel much.
9. He said that they liked working in London.
10. She said that she never got up early on Sundays.

B. 1. I asked Prerana how she travel to office everyday.

2. Shivam asked his mother where the rain comes from.
3. A crazy man asked me whether I knew the way to Paradise.
4. Maria asked her daughter at what time she would come back.
5. The man asked the mechanic by what time he would have fixed the type of
his bike.
6. Varun asks Tarun where he went yesterday.
7. She asked whether there was anything special in it.
8. Mr Naik exclaimed with fear and said to his colleagues that he could smell
something there.
9. Shishir exclaimed with sorrow and told his friend that they have lost the
10. Manjiri told her grandfather that he was very intelligent. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

C. 1. Miara said, “I write a letter.”

2. Kiran said, “I am going to the temple.”
3. The teacher said, “The Sun rises in the East.”
4. He said, “I have been reading a novel.”
5. Nelson said, “I have been playing badminton.”
6. “Be careful”, he said to her.
7. “How beautiful she is!” said Raman.
8. He said, “Where is she going?”
9. “I don’t know the way. Do you?” he asked.
10. The science teacher told the class, “Ice floats on water.”

D. 1. (b) how 2. (d) his 3. (b) knew

4. (a) what 5. (c) have 6. (d) the last day
7. (c) if 8. (d) fear 9. (a) had
10. (b) that 9711622527
Eng. G. - 5

 Determiners are words that come before nouns. They show whether a noun refers to a general or
specific person, place or object and which or how many things.
 Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases;
Eg. a pen, the pen, every pen, my pen, this pen, many pens.
 Determiners limit the noun by giving some additional information about the noun,
Eg. ‘the pen’ refers to a pen, which has been mentioned earlier.
 A noun phrase may include both a determiner and an adjective. The determiners may precede
numerals or adjectives :
Eg. a young girl, a tall boy, all senior players, some responsible citizens.


• Articles: a, an, the
• Possessive: my, our, your, his, her, its, their
• Demonstrative: this, that, these, those
• Adjectives and Pronouns of Indefinite number or quantity: some, each, every, any, no, all,
little, less, many, much, neither, either, enough, few, first, third, last, what, which, whose.
• Mumbai is a costly city.
• Some members abstained from voting.
• Our neighbours are very friendly.
• This language is very useful.
• All the students were punished for negligence.
(a) ) Use of Articles :
(A) A or An
(i) ‘A’ and ‘An’ are used before a singular countable noun to show that it is not specific.
(ii) The use of ‘A’ and ‘An’ is governed by the initial sound of the noun before which it is used
(iii) ‘A’ is used before consonant sounds. e.g. a girl, a man, a university, a unit etc.
(iv) ‘An’ is used before a vowel sound. e.g. an egg, an hour, an honest man, an elephant etc.
(B) The
(i) The is used to show that the noun is specific.
Eg. The first railway line in India was laid in Maharashtra.
(ii) ‘The’ is used when the noun is preceded by a superlative adjective.
Eg. the tallest, the largest etc.
The U.S.A. is the richest country in the world.
(iii) ‘The’ is used for nouns that are common to all people.
Eg. the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth etc.
The earth is round.
(iv) ‘The’ is used with uncountable nouns if indicating specifics.
Eg. The milk has turned sour.
The water is not clean.
If unspecific meaning is indicated then ‘the’ is not used.
Eg. Water is an important component of our food.
(v) ‘The’ is used when we refer to whole group of people.
Eg. the Americans, the evil, the good etc.
The Americans are hard working and industrious.

(vi) ‘The’ is used before names of government departments, museums, newspapers etc.
Eg. The Ministry of Health, The Prince of Wales Museum, The Indian Express
(viii) ‘The’ is used before names of oceans, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts, holy books,
canals etc.
Eg. The Pacific Ocean, The Alps, The Sahara desert, The Ramayana, The Suez
(ix) ‘The’ is not used before names of persons, continents, cities, holidays, days of the
week, subjects of studies etc.
(b) ) Determiners of Quantity :
(A) Much, Many
 Much is used with uncountable nouns indicating a large quantity.
Eg. There was much noise. (i.e. a lot of noise)
 Many is used only with plural nouns and to show a large number.
Eg. There are many students in the class.

(B) Some, Any

Some and any show not a large quantity.
 Some is used in affirmative sentences.
Eg. There is some water in the glass.
 Any is used in interrogative or negative sentences.
Eg. Is there any sugar in the house?
There isn’t any sugar in the house.

(C) Each, Every

Each and Every both indicate single units in a group.
 Each refers to individual member of a small group.
Eg. Each of her four sons has a new car.
 Every refers to members of a large group.
Eg. Every person above 18 years of age is eligible to vote.
 Sometimes both ‘each’ and ‘every’ can be used.
Eg. Each / Every victim was given financial support.
(D) All
 All is used to indicate the whole group rather than its components.
Eg. All the students are preparing for their examinations.
(E) Few, a few, the few denote numbers.
 Few means very small number, not enough and below expectation.
Eg. Few students are interested in learning languages.
 A few indicates some number.
Eg. A few students are good at English.
 The few indicates very small specific numbers.
Eg. The few students who are good at English always speak in English.
(F) Little, a little, the little denote quantity.
 Little means very small quantity, not enough and below expectation.
Eg. He knows little about the matter.
 A little indicates some quantity.
Eg. A little water is left in the jug.
 The little indicates very small specific quantity.
Eg. He drank the little water that was left in the jug.

Directions: In the following questions choose the correct options to fill the blanks.
1. How milk is available in the bowl ?
(A) some (B) much (C) a few (D) any
2 sheep grazing on the slope of the hill had gone away.
(A) Any (B) The few (C) This (D) Much
3. Have you got magazines to read?
(A) all (B) much (C) some (D) little
4. I have money that I want to spend on shares.
(A) any (B) much (C) less (D) some

5. He was efficient in profession.

(A) mine (B) their (C) his (D) him
6. My brother is MBA.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) any
7. Have you got cheese?
(A) some (B) many (C) a few (D) few
8. No, I haven't got cheese.
(A) many (B) few (C) any (D) some
9. There is only milk left in the bottle.
(A) enough (B) few (C) much (D) a little
10. There is hope of his recovery.
(A) any (B) little (C) many (D) few
11 dogs were barking at the strangers.
(A) some (B) any (C) much (D) less
12. The girl bought her father juice.
(A) few (B) some (C) any (D) many
13. You should take honey everyday.
(A) any (B) many (C) a little (D) a few
14. boy was punished by the teacher.
(A) Either (B) All (C) Any (D) Many
15. girl was asked to join the army.
(A) None (B) Neither (C) All (D) Any

16 water in the jug has been drunk by Mohan.

(A) The little (B) The few (C) A few (D) Few
17. I shall play piano at the party.
(A) some (B) any (C) the (D) few
18 labourers were found dead in the mine.
(A) Any (B) Fewer (C) Many (D) Less
19. Could I borrow umbrella?
(A) our (B) your (C) yours (D) my
20. My brother is standing in the row.
(A) any (B) many (C) some (D) first

21. Do you want tea?
(A) any (B) more (C) much (D) few
22. He can fly aeroplane.
(A) a (B) an (C) some (D) many

23. students were asked to bring their birth certificates.

(A) Many (B) Any (C) Much (D) Less
24. gun needs oiling.
(A) It (B) This (C) These (D) Those
25. shirts are mine.
(A) These (B) This (C) It (D) That

26. child was allowed to enter the kitchen.

(A) The (B) All (C) Many (D) A few
27. I have been waiting for you for hour.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) a few
28. You must pay visit to your brothers.
(A) the (B) an (C) a few (D) a
29. Why are you making noise?
(A) your (B) enough (C) a (D) whole
30. He is honourable man.
(A) a (B) the (C) an (D) much
31. Thomas thanked doctor who had looked after his uncle.
(A) the (B) a (C) an (D) no article

32. glasses belong to Mr. Jack.

(A) This (B) That (C) Those (D) It
33. birds have colourful wings.
(A) That (B) These (C) This (D) It
34. I want a car. I'll get one.
(A) these (B) this (C) those (D) it
35. I need a camera. I'll get now.
(A) it (B) these (C) this (D) those

1. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Ensure that the word
that forms your answer is underlined. Incorrect Correct
(i) Abdul Kalam was one of children - a short (a)
boy with rather undistinguished looks born
(ii) to tall and handsome parents. They lived in ancestral (b)
(iii) house, which was built in middle of the 19th (c)
(iv) century. It was fairly large pucca house, made (d)
(v) of limestone and brick, on Mosque Street in (e)
(iv) Rameswaram. Austere father used to avoid (f)
all inessential comforts and luxuries. There
(v) were not luxuries but they led a comfortable life. (g)
(vi) In fact was a secure childhood. (h)
2. . Choose the correct words from those given in the brackets.
(i) How (much / many) chairs do we need?
(ii) The owner of the house is selling (a few / the little) pieces of furniture.
(iii) He can't hear (anybody / somebody). He's completely deaf.
(iv) (These/That) doctor charges high fees.
(v) My sister is (an / the) architect.
(vi) (my /mine) younger brother will reach Delhi today.
(vii) Copper is (a / an) useful metal.
(viii) It's a public holiday, so (nothing / nowhere) is open.
(ix) This is (the / a) best book of Elementary Chemistry.
(x) Honest men speak (a / the) truth.
(xi) (a few / the few) persons can keep a secret.
(xii) (a few/ few) words spoken in earnest will convince him.
(xiii) (the few / few) friends he has are all very poor.
(xiv) It is (a / the) one-rupee note.
(xv) (the / a) poor are always with us.
(xvi) (the / a) dinner we had at the Tourist Hotel was very nice.
(xvii) I went to (a / the) hospital to see my uncle.
(xviii) Mr Roy was (a / the) great orator and statesman.
(xix) (the / a) Secretary and Treasurer is absent.
(xx) (a little / the little) grain they had was damaged by sea water.
3. In the following passage,choose the most appropriate option from the given options given
below to complete the passage.
Lecture as a method of teaching is old as civilisation. It is (a) commonly practiced and very
widely used . In (b) countries, (c) traditional and almost the only technique (d)
was the formal lecture. The effective use of lecture skillful preparation, (e)
is incomplete (f) followed by questions and answers.

(a) (i) more (ii) much (iii) most (iv) many

(b) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) many
(c) (i) the (ii) a (iii) every (iv) an
(d) (i) employ (ii) employs (iii) employed (iv) employing
(e) (i) who (ii) which (iii) it (iv) whom
(f) (i) unless (ii) if (iii) fill (iv) since

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. B B C D C B A C D B A B C A B
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. A C C B D B B A B A A B D C C
Q. 31 32 33 34 35
A. A C B B A

1. Abdul Kalam was one of / children - a short (a) of many children

boy with rather undistinguished looks born
to tall and handsome parents. They lived in / ancestral (b) in their ancestral
house, which was built in / middle of the 19th (c) in the middle
century. It was / fairly large pucca house, made (d) was a fairly
of limestone and brick, on / Mosque Street in (e) on the Mosque
Rameswaram. / Austere father used to avoid (f) Rameswaram. HisAustere
all inessential comforts and luxuries. There
were not / luxuries but they led a comfortable life. (g) not many luxuries
In fact / was a secure childhood. (h) In fact his was

2. (i) Many (ii) a few (iii) any body (iv) that (v) an (vi) my
(vii) a (viii) nothing (ix) the (x) the (xi) a few (xii) a few
(xiii) the few (xiv) a (xv) the (xvi) the (xvii) the (xviii) a
(xix) the (xx) the little

3. (a) most (b) many (c) the (d) employed

(e) which (f) unless

ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

Additional Exercise
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.
(a) ……………….. abbreviation is (b) ……………… shortened form of (c)
……………… word or a group of words. It is used to save time and space.
(d) ………………… abbreviations are also used while speaking. Most of
(e) …………………dictionaries include (f) ……………. list of commonly used

2. We only take (a) ……………… few seconds to pass through (b) …………….
earth’s atmosphere which is hardly thicker than (c) ……………. skin of (d)
………………. plum or (e) ……………… peach. As we pass through, we
gradually leave behind particles of air, dust which scatter (f) …………….. sun’s
light and make the sky look blue.

3. My friend lived on (a) ……………. the first floor of (b) ……………. recently
renovated old house on (c) ………….. river Beas. She was afraid of burglars
and always locked up (d) ……………… house carefully before going to bed.
She also took the precaution of looking under (e) …………….. bed to see if (f)
…………….. burglar was hiding there.

4. I have met (a) ……………. people in my life, but (b) …………… person who has
influenced me (c) ………….. most is Mother Teresa. To me, she has been (d)
……………. symbol of true religion, (e) people can do what she has done. If
we adopt (f) …………….. ideology, the world would become a better place to
live in. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

5. (a) ………………. entire polling station seemed to be (b) ……………….. vast

mass of humanity. It was (c) ……………….. public holiday, (d) …………….. old
man insisted on talking to (e) ……………… polling officer. He refused to show
(f) ……………… identity slip.

6. Our principal is (a) …………… man of honesty and integrity. He does not
accept (b) ……………. gifts from students, teachers, or parents. On (c)
………………. occasion of (d) …………….. Children’s Day, he rewarded (e)
…………….. students for (f) ……………….. honesty.

7. You’re going to take life away from (a) …………….. man with (b) ……………
belief that you will give it back. This is (c) ………………. enormous step, (d)
…………….. precious life is at stake. You must perform to the best of (e)
…………… ability to save (f) ………………. the patient’s life.

8. John Boyd Dunlop did not have (a) ……………. sturdy health which (b)
……………… farmer requires. So his parents let him study for (c) ……………….
another profession. Therefore, he chose veterinary medicine and took (d)
………………. diploma in it from Edinburgh. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(Additional Exercise)

1. (a) An (b) the (c) a (d) Some (e) the (f) a

2. (a) a (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) a (f) the
3. (a) the (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) the (f) any
4. (a) many (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) Few (f) her
5. (a) The (b) a (c) a (e) the (f) his
6. (a) a (b) any (c) the (d) the (e) many (f) their
7. (a) a (b) the (c) an (d) A (e) your (f) the
8. (a) the (b) a (c) some (d) a 9711622527
Eng. G. - 6

Modals are those auxiliary verbs (helping verbs), which express the ‘mode’ or ‘manner’ of the actions
indicated by the main verb. They express modes such as ability, possibility, permission, obligation etc.
E.g. We can speak English. (Ability)
It might rain in the evening. (Possibility)
May I go to watch a movie? (Permission)
You must do your duty. (Obligation)

• A modal does not change according to the number or person of the subject.
Eg. We can play. They can play. You can play.
She can play. I can play. Unlike: I go to college.
He goes to college.

• A modal is always used with a verb in its basic form. The modal takes the tense while the main
verb remains in its dictionary form.
Eg. I can speak. I could speak. I may speak. I might speak.
• Modals can be used alone in response to a question.
Eg. Can you speak? I can. Will you speak? I will Will you dance? I will or I may.
• Modals, when joined with ‘not’ to form a negative, can be contracted.
Eg. I cannot sing. I can’t sing.
I will not sing. I won’t sing.


‘Shall’, ‘ ‘Should’, ‘Will’, ‘Would’, ‘Can’, ‘Could’, ‘May’, ‘Might’, ‘Must’ , ‘Ought to’, ‘Used to’,
‘Need’, ‘Dare’
(a) Shall:
• Used in 1st person to give information about future action.
Eg. I shall finish this topic by tomorrow.
• Used in 2nd and 3rd person to express command, threat, determination and promise.
Eg. (i) You shall leave the class at once. (Command)
(ii) She shall study regularly and succeed. (Determination)
(iii) If you make a noise, you shall be punished. (Threat)
(iv) He shall get a prize if he succeeds. (Promise)
• In interrogative sentences, ‘shall’ is used with 1st person to indicate offer or suggestion and
with 3rd person to know the desire of the person spoken to.
Eg. (i) Shall I make a cup of coffee for you? (Offer)
(ii) Which book shall I buy? (Asking to suggest)
(iii) Shall the florist send flowers to your friend? (i.e. do you want it so)

(b) Should:
• Past tense of ‘shall’ in indirect speech. Eg. I said that I should succeed.
• To express duty or obligation. Eg. We should obey our parents.
• To express conditions. Eg. Should this happen, I will resign.
• To express request. Eg. Ishouldliketoinform youabout my inability tocome.
• For advice. Eg. You should not tell a lie.
• For moral Obligations. Eg. You should help the poor and needy..
(c) Will:
Used in 2nd person and 3rd person to express certainty.
Eg. You will begin the work tomorrow.
Note: In modern English there is a tendency to use ‘will’ in all persons to indicate future tense, request,
promise, determination, habit and characteristics.
• To show future tense Eg. My friend will come tomorrow.
• To express request Eg. Will you have coffee?
• To express promise Eg. I will take care of your brother.
• To show determination Eg. They will fight to the finish.
• To show habit Eg. She will be talking all the time with no work.
• To show threat Eg. I will punish you if you do not turn up tomorrow
with your homework.
Imp. Note the force of ‘shall’ and ‘will’.
(i) The college will remain closed. (= it is possible that college will remain closed).
(ii) The college shall remain closed. (= it is promised / ordered that the college will remain closed).
(iii) I shall not help you. (= I am not going to help you).
(iv) I will not help you. (= I am determined not to help you).

(d) Would:
• Used to indicate Past tense of ‘will’. Eg. He said that he would be back soon.
• To express wish or desire. Eg. I would like to ask you something.
• To express future in past. Eg. She asked me if I would help her.
• For requests. Eg. Would you please shut the door.
• To show past habits. Eg. In the past he would go for long walk.
• To express preference or determination with ‘rather’. Eg. I would rather die than beg.
Eg. I would carry out your orders at all cost.
(e) Can:
• To seek or grant permission. Eg. Can I go out? You can go now.
• For possibility. Eg. Accidents can happen anytime.
• To show ability. Eg. He can speak English.
Eg. They can solve this problem.
Note: ‘May’ can also be used instead of ‘Can’. But ‘Can’ is generally used, as it is less formal than ‘May’.
‘Can’ indicates a theoretical possibility and ‘May’ a factual possibility.
(f) Could:
• Used to indicate Past tense of ‘can’. Eg. He said that he could solve the problem.
• To show possibility. Eg. This problem could be solved.
• For permission. Eg. Could I use your cell-phone?
You could come to my office anytime.
• To express polite requests. Eg. Could you wait for a minute?
• For conditional possibility. Eg. If I hadthe money, I couldbuy a newhouse.

(g) May :
• For permission. Eg. May I come in?
• To show possibility. Eg. The road may be blocked today due to the

• To show purpose. Eg. We eat so that we may live.

They work hard that they may succeed.
• To express formal wish. Eg. May God bless you!
May his soul rest in peace!
(h) Might :
• Used to indicate past tense of ‘may’. Eg. He said that he might come.
• To show remote possibility. Eg. It might rain. (Less possibility than It may rain).
• To show purpose (in past). Eg. He worked hard so that he might win.

(i) Must :
• To express obligation or compulsion. Eg. You must be back by 9 p.m.
You must not do it.
• To show determination. Eg. You must win the first prize.
He must finish this topic by today.
• To express strong possibility. Eg. There must be some mistake somewhere.

(j) Ought (to) :

• To express moral obligation, duty or desirability.
Eg. You ought to respect your elders.
• The negative form of ‘ought to’ is ‘ought not to’.
Eg. You ought not to speak to your parents in this manner.

(k) Used (to)

(i) Used (to) means ‘accustomed to ‘. It expresses a routine or pattern or habit.
Eg. She is quite used to hard work.
You will soon get used to it.
(ii) It expresses a discontinued habit or a past situation, which contrasts with the present.
Eg. She used to drink milk, now she drinks tea.
I was used to use this writing desk in the past, but I don’t use it now. It is now being used by my younger

Note: ‘Used to’ should not be confused with the finite verb ‘use’.
(iii) ‘Used to’ is always used in the past form. It does not have a present tense. The present tense of
‘I used to teach (in Delhi)’ is not ‘Now I use to teach (in Kota)’ but the simple present tense is
‘Now I teach (in Kota)’.

(l) Need :
• ‘Need’ as a modal auxiliary means ‘be obliged’ or ‘be necessary’. It is commonly used in Negative
and Interrogative. Negative and Interrogative are followed by infinitives without ‘to’. ‘Need’ can be used
with do/did when it is followed by an infinitive with ‘to’
Eg. Need I tell him to study? (Is it necessary for me to tell him to study?)
He need not go. (It is not necessary for him to go)
I hardly need to tell you. ( You must already know)
Does she need to go so soon? ( Is it necessary for her to go so soon?)

• To express necessity.
Eg. The students need to study regularly.
All of you need to be punctual.
The house needs (requires) repairs.
(m) Dare
• ‘Dare’ as a modal auxiliary means ‘be bold enough to’. It is commonly used in Interrogative and
Negative sentences. It can also be used with do / did.
Eg. How dare you fight with me ?
He does not dare (to) fight with me.
Does he dare (to) fight with me?
• To express courage.
Eg. Don’t dare to touch my book.

(n) Do / Does :
• To emphasize a statement.
Eg. I do need your help.
She does sing well.
• To express request in persuasive way.
Eg. Please do come to my party. I’ll wait for you.
(o) Have :
• When ‘Have’ (as a main verb) means ‘possess’, it is used without the auxiliary ‘Do’ to form
questions or negatives in British usage. In American usage ‘Do’ is commonly used.
Have you a pen? (British usage)
Do you have a pen? (American usage)
• When ‘Have’ (as a main verb) is used in the sense of take, receive, obtain, experience etc. ‘Do’
is used to form questions or negatives (both in British and American usage)
Eg. Do you have (take) tea or milk for breakfast?
Did you have (experience) much difficulty in reaching here?

Modal Usage
 Can : Ability, permission, request, possibility, skill, cleverness, informal permission
 Cannot : Unable, inability, not possibility, no skill, no cleverness
 Could : Ability, request, possibility, past skill
 Shall : Command, determination, threat, promise (Used with 2nd & 3rd person)
 Should : advise, necessity, duty, suggestion, moral obligation, morality
 Will : Intention, determination, threat, promise (Used with Ist person) requests in
 Would : Willingness, habitual action in past, probability
 May : Wish, purpose, curse, bless, formal permission, possibility
 Might : Remote possibility, permission with hesitation
 Must : Compulsion, obligation, necessity
 Must not : Prohibition, forbade, not essential
 Need : Necessity (Used with negative and interrogative sentences)
 Dare : Courage (Used with negative and interrogative sentences)
 Ought to : Covers all the points of ‘must’ and ‘should’
 Used to : Past habits

Direction (1 to 20 ): Complete the following sentences.
1. When I was young, I
(A) can eat 10 loaves of bread in one go. (B) might eat 10 loaves of bread in one go.
(C) could eat 10 loaves of bread in one go. (D) should eat 10 loaves of bread in one go.
2. When I injured my right hand,
(A) I could write with my left hand. (B) I might write with my left hand.
(C) I was able to write with my left hand. (D) I should write with my left hand.
3. We
(A) shall obey traffic rules. (B) may obey traffic rules.
(C) might obey traffic rules. (D) should obey traffic rules.
(A) could like to come to your house. (B) would like to come to your house.
(C) might like to come to your house. (D) must like to come to your house.
5. During our trip to Kashmir,
(A) we should have taken more woolen clothes. (B) we shall have taken more woolen clothes.
(C) we will have taken more woolen clothes. (D) we can have taken more woolen clothes.
6. I wish you
(A) must not listen to music so much. (B) will not listen to music so much.
(C) would not listen to music so much. (D) may not listen to music so much.
7. To reach office on time, you
(A) may wake up early. (B) can wake up early.
(C) could wake up early. (D) must wake up early.
8. We
(A) may help the poor. (B) ought to help the poor.
(C) might help the poor. (D) could help the poor.
9. The doctor has sent his report. I
(A) may go for a morning walk now. (B) should go for a morning walk now.
(C) could go for a morning walk now. (D) had to go for a morning walk now.
10. When I was in school, I
(A) must get up at 4:30. (B) ought to get up at 4:30.
(C) had to get up at 4:30. (D) can get up at 4:30.
11. If
(A) he may see me here, he will be shocked. (B) he can see me here, he will be shocked.
(C) he should see me here, he will be shocked. (D) he could see me here, he will be shocked.
12. I have to
(A) sign. Will you lend me your pen? (B) sign. Would you lend me your pen?
(C) sign. Shall you lend me your pen? (D) sign. Must you lend me your pen?
13. I thought he
(A) shall give me a lift. (B) may give me a lift.
(C) can give me a lift. (D) might give me a lift.
14. He is so agile that he
(A) shall do two somersaults in five seconds. (B) will do two somersaults in five seconds.
(C) can do two somersaults in five seconds. (D) would do two somersaults in five seconds.
15. Snowfall in Rajasthan
(A) may not be true. (B) might not be true.
(C) shall not be true. (D) cannot be true.
16. My handwriting was not legible. My teacher
(A) said, 'You should pay a little more attention to your handwriting'.
(B) said, ''You may pay a little more attention to your handwriting''.
(C) said, ''You can pay a little more attention to your handwriting''.
(D) said, ''You shall pay a little more attention to your handwriting''.

17. The coolie
(A) asked, ''Might I take your luggage?'' (B) asked, ''Would I take your luggage?''
(C) asked, ''will I take your luggage?'' (D) asked, ''Shall I take your luggage?"
18. It is
(A) 1 a.m. Where can he have gone? (B) 1 a.m. Where will he have gone?
(C) 1 a.m. Where should he have gone? (D) 1 a.m. Where shall he have gone?
19. He ate so much ice-cream. He
(A) shall have caught a cold. (B) will have caught a cold.
(C) might have caught a cold. (D) can have caught a cold.
20. Our boss was pleased with our work. He
(A) promised, ''You shall get a bonus''. (B) promised, ''You can get a bonus''.
(C) promised, ''You might get a bonus''. (D) promised, ''You could get a bonus''.

1. Fill in the blanks using appropriate modals.

(a) She has headache. She not go to the party. (should / dare)
(b) Today you put your mind and talents to use. You establish new contacts.
(could / should; should/ dare)
(c) He said that the inspector had not been removed. This affect the investigation.( need/ might)
(d) He fail to deliver the goods. (can / may)
(e) The company rather prefer to buy the shares of other financial institutions.(would / can)
(f) You exercise, else you will become fat. (dare/ must)
(g) We invite Sameera and Laura for dinner. (need / have to)
(h) Rama listen to her father for sure. (may/ will)
(i) You be quiet when you enter the meditation hall. (have to / might)
(j) We go to their place, else they will be hurt. (must / may)
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
(A) "How long (a) (can / ought) or (b) (dare/ should) a person wait on a hungry
stomach?" This thought constantly (c) (may / need) come to an impoverished man who (d)
(have to / has to) wait till his unemployment days are over. "(e) ( shall / used to)
I never get two full meals?" occupies his thought box. He (f) (must / might) not even get a
chance ever to come out of this vicious circle of poverty.

(B) On the Annual Day celebration, the Principal delivered a lecture, "Good Evening Children, you all(a)
(could / will)be the future policy makers, hence you (b) (ought to / may) obey your
teachers.You (c) (should / dare) always try to win over the confidence of your superiors. You
must not leave any stone unturned and you (d) (need / used to) not worry about the result.
Take a pledge that you (e) (shall / may) obey and respect your elders. You (f)
(might / need) take whatever stream you like but excel in the path chosen.
3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word
and the correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have
Incorrect Correct
We can take care of our health e.g. can should
at any cost. If our health is good,
we may enjoy every moment of life. (a)
Our bodies are like machines which ought (b)
to attend to at once in case of a break
down. But why can we let it happen? (c)
We may eat what is good to eat (d)
and can't eat which causes discomfort. (e)
We should have to control our desires (f)
for the sake of health. This will great (g)
willpower. But if we don't do so, we must fall ill. (h)

4. In the following passage, one modal needs to be inserted in each line. Write the missing modal
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it.
Before Missing After
Let's go shopping. I have to buy many things.
(a) I believe I get them all in this shop
(b) You see, I buy a present for my friend
(c) What we look at first?
(d) Gloves. I think they be on this floor
(e) I see just the kind we want
(f) You try these on

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. C A D B A C D B B C C B D C D
Q. 16 17 18 19 20
A. A D A C A

1. (a) should (b) should, should/must (c) might

(d) may (e) would (f) must
(g) have to (h) will (i) have to
(j) must

2.(A) (a) can (b) should (c) may

(d) has to (e) Shall (f) might

(B) (a) will (b) ought to (c) should

(d) need (e) shall (f) may

3. (a) may ... can (b) ought ... need (c) can ... should (d) may ... must
(e) can't ... shouldn't (f) should ... shall (g) will ... needs (h) must ... will

4. Before Missing After

(a) I can get
(b) I have to buy
(c) What shall we
(d) they might be
(e) I can see
(f) You should try

ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

Additional Exercise
1. Use ‘should/must/ought to’ appropriately in the following sentences.
(a) The students………… respect their teacher.
(b) Every student……….. carry his or her i-card during the examination.
(c) You……….. keep away from bad habits like teasing girls, copying in
exams etc.
(d) Madhur seems to be quite exhausted. She……. take some rest.
(e) What you are doing these days is a wild goose chase. You……… rather
concentrate on your own project.
(f) Sejal has searched the file everywhere, but didn’t find it. I think, it……….. be in
the almirah at the drawing room.
(g) Many new investors have started popping up these days. The stock exchange
rates…………….. go on rising in coming few days.
(h) Every citizen of the country…………………. respect and obey its Constitution.
(i) I………. say that he is a fool.
(j) One……………. not disregard a religion that one does not follow.

2. In each of the following sentences, provide the blanks with suitable modal
of permission, ability, possibility, probability etc according to the context of
the sentences.
(a) Ruchira is ill today. She……………… not come to school.
(b) ……… I talk to Ms Shailaja, please?
(c) The sky is not clear today. The flight to Goa………. be delayed.
(d) If you believe in yourself, you…………… definitely do it.
(e) …………..I request you for your name madam?
(f) The lid of the box is very tightly fixed. ……………… help me to open it?
(g) When Riya called up, Shreshth was not home. He………. be there at his
friend’s home. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(h) Nicky, you………………. wait for the Director in the lobby. He………….. be
here in 20-30 minutes.
(i) Driving without putting on the seat belt……… really prove to be harmful.
(j) He………….. solve even complex mathematics in a jiffy. 9711622527
ILC Keeps You Ahead Class 9

(Additional Exercise)

1. (a) ought to (moral obligation) (b) must (compulsion/obligation)

(c) should (advice) (d) should (suggestion)
(e) should (suggestion) (f) must (possibility)
(g) ought to (probability) (h) ought to (moral obligation)
(i) must (certainty) (j) should (advice)

2. (a) may (possibility) (b) Could (polite request)

(c) could (possibility) (d) can (ability)
(e) May (formal request) (f) can (informal request)
(g) might (probability)
(h)could (suggestion), should (expectation)
(i) can (possibility)could (past ability) 9711622527
Eng. G. - 8
(i) The villagers killed the lion.
(ii) The lion was killed by the villagers.
In Sentence (i), the subject ‘ the villagers’ is the doer of the action i.e. the subject is active. The verb
‘killed’ is therefore said to be in the Active Voice.
In sentence (ii), the object ‘Lion’ is the receiver of the action i.e. the object is not active, but passive.
The verb ‘was killed’ is therefore said to be in the passive Voice.
Active Voice : A verb is in the Active Voice when the person or thing denoted by the subject is the ‘doer’
of the action (i.e. the subject acts or is active)
Passive Voice : A verb is in the Passive Voice when the person or thing denoted by the subject is the
‘receiver’ of the action. (i.e. when the subject is passive or is acted upon)


 Put the Subject in place of Object.
 Put the Object in place of Subject.
 Put 3rd form of the verb. (past participle)
 Add ‘by’ if necessary after past participle.
 Bring the ‘Helping Verb’ before past participle.
 Place 'be' before past participle if Will, Shall or Modal Verbs are given in the Active Voice.
 Place 'being' before past participle if continuous tense is given in the Active Voice.
 Place 'been' before past participle if perfect tense is given in the Active Voice.
Eg : The child threw the ball out of the house. (Active Voice)
The ball was thrown out of the house by the child. (Passive Voice)
(A) Object —— ‘Ball’ ; (B) ‘Threw’ is past tense, so H.V is ‘was’ ;
(C) ‘Thrown’ —— past participle of ‘throw’ : (D) Add ‘by’ ; E) Subject—— ‘The child’.
Note : Passive Voice is made only of 8 tenses. Future Continuous and all the three Perfect Continuous
Tenses are not changed into passive.
(A) (a) Simple Present :
 The grocer sells rice. (Active)
Rice is sold by the grocer. (Passive)
 Does the grocer sell rice ? (Active)
Is rice sold by the grocer ? (Passive)
(b) Present Continuous :
 The teacher is punishing the student. (Active)
The student is being punished by the teacher. (Passive)
 Is the teacher punishing the student ? (Active)
Is the student being punished by the teacher? (Passive)
(c) Present Perfect :
 My brother has written this letter. (Active)
This letter has been written by my brother. (Passive)
 Has my brother written this letter ? (Active)
Has this letter been written by my brother? (Passive)
(d) Simple Past :
 My brother ate his mango. (Active)
His mango was eaten by my brother. (Passive)
 Did my brother eat his mango ? (Active)
Was his mango eaten by my brother ? (Passive)

(e) Past Continuous :
 His friend was distributing sweets. (Active)
Sweets were being distributed by his friend. (Passive)

 Was his friend distributing the sweets? (Active)

Were the sweets being distributed by his friend ? (Passive)

(f) Past Perfect :

 The potter had made the pots before summer started. (Active)
The pots had been made by the potter before summer started. (Passive)

 Had the florist sold all the flowers before sunset ? (Active)
Had all the flowers been sold by the florist before sunset ? (Passive)

(g) Simple Future :

 I shall finish the lecture by 5 O’clock. (Active)
The lecture will be finished by me by 5 O’clock. (Passive)

 Shall I finish the lecture by 5 O’clock ? (Active)

Will the lecture be finished by me by 5 O’clock ? (Passive)

(h) Future Perfect :

 I shall have completed the course before December. (Active)
The course will have been completed by me before December. (Passive)

 Shall I have completed the course before December? (Active)

Will the course have been completed by me before December? (Passive)

(B) Ditransitive Verbs :

In changing to passive voice, one of the Object becomes the Subject and the other is retained as Object.
 I taught them English. (Active)
English was taught to them by me. (Passive)

 Who taught you English? (Active)

By whom was English taught to you? (Passive)

(C) Imperative Sentences :

(a) For Orders and Command : Let + Object + be + past participle

 Close the window (Active)
Let the window be closed. (Passive)

 Do not close the window. (Active)

Let not the window be closed./Let the window not be closed. (Passive)

(b) For Advice or Request : You are requested’ for ‘please’ or ‘kindly’
 Please come on time. (Active)
You are requested to come on time. (Passive)

 Kindly help the poor. (Active)

You are requested to help the poor. (Passive)

(c) If sentence starts with ‘Let’ :

 Let him bring some chocolates. (Active)
Let some chocolates be brought by him. (Passive)

 Let her do the assignment. (Active)

Let the assignment be done by her. (Passive)

(D) Passive Voice - ‘Prepositions’ :
Certain verbs are always followed by prepositions. So a preposition after the verb must be retained in
Passive Voice.
 They laughed at the poor beggar. (Active)
The poor beggar was laughed at by them. (Passive)

 They looked after the girl. (Active)

The girl was looked after by them. (Passive)

(E) Passive Voice - 'Infinitives' :

Sub. + verb + obj. + to be + past participle

 I want to write the letter. (Active)
I want the letter to be written. (Passive)

 Jack expects Jill to fetch a pail of water. (Active)

Jack expects a pail of water to be fetched (by Jill). (Passive)

(F) Passive Voice - 'That Clause' :

It + H.V. + past participle + that + ----------------------

 We say that she is a teacher. (Active)
It is said that she is a teacher. (Passive)
 It proved that she had written a letter. (Active)
It was proved that she had written a letter. (Passive)

(G) Prepositions Used Instead of 'by' :

(a) Surprised, annoyed, shocked, alarmed, disappointed, distressed, astonished, laughed

['At' is used]
 Your success surprised me. (Active)
I was surprised at your success. Passive)

(b) Known, obliged, married ['To' is used]

 John married Bipasha. (Active)
Bipasha was married to John. (Passive)

(c) Pleased, satisfied, disgusted, impressed, charmed, lined, thronged, displeased ['With' is used]
 Your beauty impressed everybody. (Active)
Everybody was impressed with your beauty. (Passive)

(d) Interested, consisted, contained, absorbed ['In' is used]

 Thisbook contains hundred pages. (Active)
Hundred pages are contained in this book. (Passive)

Active Voice Passive Voice
I Me
We Us
You You
They Them
He Him
She Her
It It

Passive Voice — Verb “write”
Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect

Directions (1 to 10): Fill in the blanks with suitable active and passive verb forms.
1. I to become a successful writer.
(A) have always wanted (B) am always wanted
(C) was always wanted (D) am always wanting
2. The robbers by the police.
(A) have arrested (B) have been arrested
(C) was arrested (D) had arrested
3. The injured to the hospital in an ambulance.
(A) were taking (B) was taking (C) were taken (D) have taken
4. We for the examination.
(A) havepreparing (B) are preparing (C) had preparing (D) have been prepared
5. The teacher the student for lying.
(A) has been punished (B) punished (C) is punished (D) was punished
6. It since yesterday.
(A) is raining (B) has been raining (C) have been raining (D) was raining
7. The students to submit their reports by the end of this week.
(A) have asked (B) are asked (C) has asked (D) are asking
8. The entire house by Tom.
(A) are painted (B) was painted (C) has being painted (D) have being painted

9. The inmates of the juvenile home well by their caretakers.
(A) were not being treated (B) were not treating
(C) have not being treated (D) was not being treated

10. I by his attitude.

(A) shocked (B) have shocked (C) was shocked (D) shocking

Directions (11 to 20 ): Choose the correct alternative

11. Why do you tell a lie?
(A) Why a lie told by you? (B) Why is a lie be told by you?
(C) Why is a lie told by you? (D) Why is a lie being told you?

12. You will praise her very much.

(A) She will praised very much by you. (B) She will be praised very much by you.
(C) She will being praised very much by you. (D) She will been praised very much by you.

13. I take exercise daily.

(A) Exercise are taken daily by me. (B) Exercise is taken daily by me.
(C) Exercise is being taken daily by me. (D) Exercise is been taken daily by me.

14. She will invite me.

(A) I shall be invited by her. (B) I will invited by her.
(C) I shall being invited by her. (D) I will been invited by her.

15. Did you visit a zoo?

(A) Was a zoo being visited by you? (B) Was a zoo be visited by you?
(C) Was a zoo been visited by you? (D) Was a zoo visited by you?

16. Dogs always chase cats

(A) Cats are always chasing dogs (B) Cats have been always chased by dogs
(C) Cats are always chased by dogs (D) Cats are being always chased by dogs

17. The farmer prepared the field.

(A) The field was prepared by the farmer (B) The field was being prepared by the farmer
(C) The field were prepared by the farmer (D) The field were being prepared by the farmer

18. They have made a film based on this novel.

(A) A film was based on this novel and made. (B) A film have been made based on this novel.
(C) A film, based on this novel has been made. (D) A film has been based and made on this novel.

19. Their dog bit our neighbour yesterday.

(A) Our neighbour bit dog yesterday
(B) Our neighbour bitten by their dog yesterday
(C) Our neighbour was bitten by their dog yesterday
(D) Our neighbour were bit by their dog yesterday

20. I bought a new shirt last week.

(A) Last week a new shirt was bought by I (B) Last week a new shirt is bought by I
(C) Last week a new shirt was bought by me (D) Last week a new shirt had been bought by me

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate active or passive verb forms. Choose your
answers from the given options.

1. The problem to the children. (explained / was explained)

2. Those pyramids around 400 AD. (built / were built)
3. All the trouble by your mother. (have caused / was caused)
4. The visitors a collection of old manuscripts. (were shown / have shown)
5. I him ten thousand pounds last year. (lent / was lent)
6. She of spiders. (frightened / is frightened)
7. That picture by my grandmother. (painted / was painted)
8. Excuse the mess. The house (is painting / is being painted )
9. I knew why I (had chosen / had been chosen)
10. The landscape by tiny houses (was dotted / had dotted)
(B) Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb in the bracket.
(i) The historical monument (build) thousands of years ago.
(ii) Mohan received a letter (write) by his friend after 10 days.
(iii) The money (steal) by the servant of Mr. Gupta.
(iv) Seema's marriage outfit (design) by the famous designer Ritu Beri.
(v) The largest way flyover (construct) last month in Delhi.
(C) Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.
1. Does he speak English?
2. I shall tell you everything about him.
3. Is Jordan playing Basketball?
4. Many housewives do not cook food.
5. The teacher had punished the boys.
6. His behaviour pleased me.
7. The students were making noise in the classroom.
8. This book contains many interesting articles.
9. The parents look after their children.
10. Nobody can solve this problem.
11. India defeated Australia in the 20-20 world cup cricket finals.
12. Do your studies regularly.

13. They are reading interesting and educational stories.

14. Our English teacher was delivering a lecture.

15. We should not break the rules.

16. They have cut all telephone wires.
17. Someone has stolen my watch.
18. Has somebody broken the window ?
19. He was called a fool.
20. Do not insult the poor.

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. A B C B B B B B A C C B B A D
Q. 16 17 18 19 20
A. C A C C C

(A) 1. was explained 2. were built 3. was caused 4. were shown

5. lent 6. is frightened 7. was painted 8. is being painted

9. had been chosen 10. was dotted

(B) (i) was built (ii) written (iii) was stolen (iv) was designed (v) was constructed
(C) 1. Is English spoken by him?
2. Everything about him shall be told to you by me.
You will be told everything about him by me.
3. Is basketball being played by Jordan?
4. Food is not cooked by many housewives.
5. The boys had been punished by the teacher.
6. I was pleased with his behaviour.
7. Noise was being made by the students in the classroom.
8. Many interesting articles are contained in this book.
9. The children are looked after by their parents.
10. This problem cannot be solved.
11. Australia was defeated by India in the 20-20 world cup cricket finals.
12. Studies should be done regularly.
13. Interesting and educational stories are being read by them.
14. A lecture was being delivered by our English teacher.
15. The rules should not be broken.
16. All telephone wires have been cut.
17. My watch has been stolen.
18. Has the window been broken?
19. They called him a fool.
20. Let the poor not be insulted.

Eng. G. - 9

Preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show the relation between the Noun or
Pronoun to some other word in a sentence.
A Preposition may join a –
(a) Noun to another Noun. Eg. There is a pen in my bag.
(b) Noun to an Adjective. Eg. They are fond of ice cream.
(c) Noun to a Verb. Eg. She shouted for help.
The same preposition can be used to show a relationship with Time, Space, Rate, State, and Direction.
• I’ll come at 6 O’clock. (Time)
• She is sitting at the window. (Space)
• Mangoes sell at Rs. 50 per Kg. (Rate)
• The cricketers are at a loss. (State)
• The girls rushed at the film star. (Direction)

Time has two dimensions :
(a) Point of Time (b) Period of Time.
(i) At :
At is used for point of time.
Eg. The train will leave at 5.30 p.m.
He will come back at sunset.
The thief entered the house at midnight.
We had lunch at noon.
I shall go to office at ten.
He has achieved success just at the age of twenty-five.
(ii) On :
On is used for days and dates
Eg. My brother will come to Kota on Tuesday
We celebrate the Independence Day on 15th August.
Michael goes to church on Sundays.
I’ll come back on the morning of 21st September.
He was awarded the gallantry award on Republic Day.
We fire crackers on Diwali.
(iii) In :
 In is used with the names of months, seasons, centuries and years.
Eg. My friend Jacob was born in July in 1975
Himachal Pradesh is very beautiful in winters.
We are living in the twenty first century.
 Before morning / afternoon / evening.
Eg. Meet me in the evening.
He goes to school in the morning.
 Before a period of time.
Eg. You have to finish this work in a week.
I shall be back in an hour.
(iv) After :
To indicate ‘following in time’ or ‘later than’
Eg. Don’t go out after dark.
The doctor came after the death of the patient.
Meet me at my office after lunch.
I’m leaving for Mumbai the day after tomorrow.

(v) Before :
To indicate ‘earlier than’.
Eg. Come back before dark.
The patient had died before the doctor came.
Meet me before dinner.
I went there the day before yesterday.
(vi) By :
To indicate the meaning of ‘not later than’ or ‘as soon as’
Eg. I shall finish the syllabus by January.
It will be dark by the time you reach home.
By 15th January I shall have finished your course.
They decided to end up the party by midnight.
(vii) During :
To indicate the meaning of ‘throughout the continuance of ‘
Eg. The sun gives us light during the day.
During my college days I watched many movies.
What did he do during my absence?
James slept during his lessons.
(viii) For :
To indicate extent of time.
Eg. We are leaving for Delhi for a week.
My uncle is going abroad for a month.
To indicate period of time in the Perfect Tenses.
Eg. They have been playing for four hours.
It has been raining for 2 days.
(ix) Since:
To indicate a point of time.
Eg. I have been teaching in this institute since 2005.
She has been staying with her husband in Chennai since their marriage.
They have been practicing very hard since last two days.
(x) Through :
To indicate ‘from beginning to end of time’
Eg. You can’t work through the day in summers. It is very hot.
Students cannot sit quietly through a boring lesson.
(xi) Till / Until :
To indicate ‘up to the time when’ or ‘not earlier than’
Eg. Until his marriage he spent the time with his friends.
A labour works hard from morning till night.
(xii) Within :
To indicate ‘in less than time’
Eg. You should complete your examination papers within the stipulated time.
I’ll come back from Mumbai within a week.
(xiii) With :
To indicate ‘at same time as’
Eg. With the approach of the clouds it becomes dark.
We must rise with the sun.
(xiv) From :
To indicate the starting of a period of time.
Eg. Our examinations will start from 10th March.
I’ll join office from Monday.
(xv) Between :
Used when two times are mentioned.
Eg. The Director will be arriving any time between 3 and 4 o’clock.

(i) At :
To indicate the place in which somebody or something is / was/ will be.
Eg. I shall meet you at the station.
In the evening Sahil was at his brother’s house.
The soldiers rushed at the enemy.
The airport is at a distance from the city.
(ii) In :
To indicate position or something in a surrounded place.
Eg. Kangaroo is found in Australia.
The culprits are standing in the corner of the courtroom.
Mary has gone in that direction.
The soldier was wounded in the leg.
(iii) On :
To indicate the position of a thing covering or forming part of a surface that is at rest.
Eg. Leaves are floating on the water.
The wedding ring is worn on the ring finger.
The farmers work on farms.
The children are playing on the grass.
(iv) To :
To show destination.
Eg. I walk to my office.
Go to the railway station and get my ticket to Delhi.
(v) Into :
Used with verbs of motion.
Eg. A man jumped into the well to fetch water.
Pour the milk into the jug.
(vi) Across:
To indicate ‘from side to side of’.
Eg. There are many bridges across the Ganga.
Can you ferry me across the river ?
Draw a line across the sheet of paper.
(vii) Before :
To indicate the meaning of ‘in front of’.
Eg. The accused was brought before the judge.
Jackson is standing before Phillips in the queue for the movie ticket.
(viii) In front of :
To indicate the meaning of ‘directly before’.
Eg. There are some mango trees in front of my uncle’s house.
There is a fountain in front of C.A.D circle.
(ix) Above :
To indicate ‘higher than’ or ‘at a higher point’.
Eg. The sun rose above the horizon.
The floodwater came above our knees.
The kite is flying above the clouds.
(x) Over :
To indicate a thing covering the surface partly or completely.
Eg. The waiter spread a tablecloth over the table.
Sam spread his bed-sheet over his face and went to sleep.

(xi) Upon :
To indicate things in motion.
Eg. The cat jumped upon the table.
Many mountaineers have climbed upon Mt. Everest.

(xii) Under:
To indicate ‘ a position lower than’ for both persons and things.
Eg. The cat is under the table.
I sat under the tree.

(xiii) Underneath :
It is used for things only.
Eg. The shoes are kept underneath the table.

(xiv) Between :
 Used with two persons or things:
Eg. The mother stood between her son and her husband.
An old man divided his property between his two sons.

 With 2 or more limits when boundaries are concerned.

Eg. India lies between Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

(xv) Among :
Used with more than two persons or things.
Eg. He divided his property among his four sons.
The village is situated among the hills.
The teacher distributed the sweets among his students.

(xvi) Beside:
It means ‘by the side of’.
Eg. The child is playing beside his mother.
His house is beside a hospital.

(xvii) Besides:
It means ‘in addition to’.
Eg. Besides his job, he also takes private tuitions.
He also has a bungalow in Delhi besides a sea facing flat in Mumbai.


(i) By: Travel by train / car/ bus / air / sea.
(ii) On: Travel on foot / scooter / motorcycle / bicycle / horseback.
(iii) From and To: Travel from (starting point) to (destination).
(iv) In: Arrive in a country / village / town.
(v) At: Arrive at / get to a specific place (hotel, address, railway station, bus stand, river bank etc.)
(vi) In and Into: To get in / into a vehicle. (i.e. to Board)
(vii) Get out of : To get out of a vehicle. (i.e. to Alight)
(viii) Get on / onto : To get on / onto a horse, a bicycle. (i.e. to Mount)
(ix) Get off: To get off a horse, bicycle. (i.e. to Dismount)

 Beside and Besides
Beside → by the side of, next to, at the side of.
Besides → in addition, more, plus, including.
Eg. We built a house beside the factory.
I speak English besides Hindi.
 Since and For
Since → used for point of time.
For → used for period of time.
Eg. We have been here since 4 O’clock.
We have stayed here for two weeks.
 Among and Between
Among → used for more than two.
Between → used for two persons or things.
Eg. They have friendship among themselves.
There was an argument between the two girls.
 By and With
By → used for agent.
With → used for instrument.
Eg. Padmaja was murdered by her husband.
America was discovered by Columbus.
I usually write with a ball point pen.
 In and At
At → used for small towns and villages.
In → used for large places, countries and towns.
Eg. He was born at Araku in Visakhapatnam.
I lived in Vizag at Surabag.
They live in Manchester in England. (not at Manchester)
She died in Paris in France. (not at Paris)
 On and In
On → days of week / month.
In → period.
Eg. She will come on Sunday.
She was married on April 20.
We go to Kashmir in summer.
She passed her degree in 1990.
 At and By
At → shows exact time.
By → shows point of time.
Eg. I went there at 8 P.M.
She will return by noon.
 In and Into
In → refers to things or persons in rest position.
Into → refers to things or persons in motion.
Eg. Madhavi was in the room.
I walked into the theatre.
He is in the hospital.

 On and Upon
On → things or person at rest.
Upon → things or person in motion.
Eg. Padma was on the dias.
He jumped upon the wall.
 In and Within
In → after the end of or at the end of.
Within → before the end of.
Eg. I shall type the letters in two hours.
I shall complete the work within three hours.
I shall pay you the money in a week.
She will return the book within a week.
 Before and For
Before → point of time
For → period of time
Eg. I shall be back before 7 O’clock.
I shall stay here for three weeks.
 After and In
After → denotes the end of a period in the past.
In → denotes the end of a period in future.
Eg. She returned from Jaipur after a week.
We will finish the book in a week.
 From and Since
Both are used for point of time. But since is used only in perfect tenses and from is used in any
Eg. We have stayed here since 1990.
We shall begin the work from tomorrow.
 Till and to
Till → used for time
To → used for destination
Eg. I waited for Madhavi till 4 O’ Clock
They went to the market.
I waited till Sunday.
I went to the State Bank.
 To and at
To → used for things or persons in motion.
At → used for things or persons at position or rest.
Eg. She came to me.
He is waiting at the bus stop.
 Under and Underneath.
Underneath → used for things only to ‘indicate a lower position’.
Under = can be used for both persons and things to ‘indicate a lower position’.
Eg. The bucket is underneath the table.
He has many persons under him.
 At and On.
At → towards the direction of
On → on the top of
Eg. He sat at the dining table. (It means that he sat with his chair drawn up to the dining
He sat on the dining table. (It means that he sat on the top of the dining table)
 On and Over
On → denotes actual contact with some object.
Over → does not denote actual contact with some object.
Eg. Put the book on the table.
The bridge was over the river.

Direction (1 to 30): Fill in the blanks with the appropriate choice of prepositions.
1. When I parted my mother, there were tears in my eyes.
(A) from (B) with (C)off (D) of

2. Mohini resembles her mother.

(A) on (B) to (C) with (D) no preposition

3. The minister has promised to look the matter.

(A) at (B) down (C) into (D) abouts

4. He invited me tea.
(A) at (B) on (C) to (D) for

5. I told him his face that he was a liar.

(A) on (B) in (C) out (D) back

6. You must look and make plans for the future.

(A) on (B) up (C) ahead (D) back

7. The public response was our expectations.

(A) on (B) up (C) with (D) beyond

8. We should stick to ur words, otherwise people will mock us.

(A) on (B) at (C) out (D) back

9. He is an aspirant an honour from the President.

(A) of (B) under (C) for (D) to

10. You are advised to write pencil.

(A) on (B) in (C) into (D) with

11. I have started getting at 5 a.m. to study but I don't know if I can keep this up.
(A) on (B) up (C) out (D) back

12. I am delighted his unexpected arrival.

(A) on (B) with (C)over (D) at

13. My mother is afflicted pain in the joints.

(A) in (B) with (C) of (D) for

14. We entered the classroom.

(A) into (B) in (C) for (D) no preposition

15. The Hindustan Times aspires to have a million readers the next year.
(A) till (B) until (C) by (D) for

16. Students should be ordered to write only ink.

(A) on (B) of (C) with (D) in

17. uranium , we can use another metal, thorium, to produce nuclear power.
(A) beside (B) against (C) besides (D) of

18. The dog sprang the table.

(A) on (B) in (C) upon (D) back

19. A sergeant in the police is the inspector.
(A) on (B) beneath (C) between (D) below

20. They walked the footpath..

(A) through (B) along (C) across (D) back

21. We flew the clouds.

(A) along (B) up (C) on (D)above

22. He will leave for Chandigarh Wednesday next.

(A) upon (B) at (C) on (D) in

23. She stayed with her uncle the 15th of March to the 15th of May.
(A) from (B) for (C) in (D) since

24. He threw the stone the cat.

(A) in (B) at (C) along (D) across

25. Ravana was killed Ram an arrow.

(A) with,with (B) with,by (C) by,with (D) by,by

26. My wife is good French.

(A) on (B) into (C) in (D) at

27. I am fed up staying at this place.

(A) on (B) with (C) out (D) in

28. I had an argument my landlord.

(A) onto (B) with (C) from (D) in

29. I care other people and their problems.

(A) on (B) about (C) from (D) at

30. tea, we went for a nice walk in the moonlight.

(A) after (B) from (C) in (D) with

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

(i) The house was painted John. (by / with)

(ii) The train runs Mumbai and New Delhi. (between / from)

(iii) She works a coffee plantation.(in / on)

(iv) He promised to return an hour, but he didn’t. (by / in)

(v) last month I haven’t seen her. (for / since)

(vi) There was a discussion going on the students. (among / between)

(vii) Keep the parcel the box. (underneath / over)

(viii) Children like to sit their friends. (beside / along)

(ix) The drunkard fell an innocent child. (onto / upon)

(x) being canned by the teacher, he was also fined. (beside / besides)

(xi) You must stop writing ten minutes. (within / besides)

(xii) We sit the dining table for dinner. (on / at)

(xiii)The student was punished a stick. (by / with)

(xiv) There is unity the leaders. (between / among)

(xv) The snake crawled the hole. (in / into)

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word
and the correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have
Incorrect Correct
Megasthenes came to India into 302 B.C. (a)
as an ambassador for Seleucos, the (b)
representative in India from the Greek (c)
Prince Alexander.
He took up office on the (d)
court of King Chandragupta. He has
described at detail the land, the people, (e)
the climate, the fertility for the soil etc. (f)
on his book Indica. He has praised (g)
the Indians and has shown respect of (h)
their wisdom.

3. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet
against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.
Before Missing After
(a) Spiders are the most fascinating nature's
(b) smaller creatures. Several hundred species
(c) spiders are found India. They are often shy
(d) and most are short-sighted. They are quick get
away when we come too close. Often they don't
(e) sting. A large number spiders inhabit our
(f) environment the females only two kinds
(g) are known be dangerous. Many of the deadly looking
spiders do not harm us.
(h) So there is no justification at all the
superstitious beliefs regarding the spiders.

4. Complete the passage by filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

My parents met (a) the war, (b) August in 1943 to be precise.My father was at
home (c) leave (d) the front, and he decided to spend the first week with his
aunt in Liverpool. He hadn’t seen her (e) several years, even though she had brought him up
(f) his mother’s death. Liverpool is not the most beautiful city in the world, but it can be very
pleasant (g) summer time, especially early (h) the morning. (i) this
particular morning, however, my father was in no mood to enjoy the sunrise over the Mersey.

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. A D C C A C D B C D B D B D C
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. D C C D B D C A B C D B B B A

1. (i) by (ii) between (iii) on (iv) in

(v) since (vi) among (vii) underneath (viii) beside
(ix) upon (x) besides (xi) within (xii) at
(xiii) with (xiv) among (xv) into

2. incorrect correct
(a) into in
(b) for of
(c) from of
(d) on in
(e) at in
(f) for in
(g) on in
(h) of of
3. Spiders are the most fascinating / nature's (a) fascinating of nature’s
smaller creatures. Several hundred species / (b) species of spiders
spiders are found / India. They are often shy (c) found in India
and most are short-sighted. They are quick / get (d) quick to get
away when we come too close. Often they don't
sting. A large number / spiders inhabit our (e) number of spiders
environment. / the females only two kinds (f) environment. Among the
are known / be dangerous. Many of (g) known to be
the deadly looking spiders do not harm us.
So there is no justification at all the (h) all for the
superstitious beliefs regarding the spiders.

4. (a) during (b) in (c) on (d) from (e) for

(f) after (g) in (h) in (i) on

Eng. G. - 10

Connectors are the words that are used to join or connect single words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
Words like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ ‘so’, ‘yet’, ‘still’ are connectors. e.g.,
Eg. (i) Slow and steady wins the race.
(ii) He is rich but unhappy.

Words like ‘though’, ‘although’, ‘while’, ‘whereas’, ‘neither’, ‘therefore’, ‘both’, ‘only’ also come in
this category.

Connectors are used for various purposes.

They are used for :
(a) adding information
Eg. furthermore, in addition, moreover, and

(b) expressing similarity

Eg. in the same way, similarly

(c) expressing difference

Eg. while, whereas, but, instead, or

(d) expressing purpose

Eg. so that, otherwise, in order to, in case, for

(e) Showing time

Eg. when, after, as soon as

 Paul can’t walk very fast though he is very tall. (Concession expressed)
 Sandhya likes singing whereas/ while her sister likes swimming. (Contrast shown)
 The theatre was half empty as / because it was raining heavily. (Reason given)
 An accident happened where the public meeting was going on. (Place mentioned)
 The firemen had not arrived when the fire was put out. (Time indicated)
 Sandra can sing as melodiously as any of her classmates. (Comparison made)
 You will feel comfortable if you open all the windows. (Condition to be fulfilled)
 It rained so hard that we could not go out in the evening. (Result given)
 My brother likes to study physics while I enjoy reading English. (Contrast shown)
 She decided to take only two meals a day so that / in order that she could reduce her weight.
(Purpose expressed)
and as well as also
besides moreover furthermore
in addition too not only. . . but also

but yet still
however whereas while
nevertheless on the contrary

as because for
since so therefore
consequently because of as a result
so. . . that
(d) TIME
when as while
before after till/until
since whenever as soon as
no sooner. . . than hardly. . . when as long as

in case so that in order to

as... as not so. . . as than

if unless provided


or either. . . or neither. . . nor

namely for example for instance
notably in fact

firstly secondly finally

to conclude to sum up

(a) Coordinating Conjunction : -
(A) Cumulative or Copulative - By these conjunctions one statement or fact is simply added to
another as;
And He finished his work and went to play.
Both ...... and Both Ram and Hari finished his work and went to play.
As well as He as well as his brother is hardworking.
Not only ........ but also He was not only fined but also imprisoned.

(B) Alternative - By these an alternative or choice is offered between one statement and another as;
Either ........ or Either he is unwell or he does not want to come.
Neither ...... nor Neither I nor my friend went to school.
Or Keep quiet or leave the room at once.
Otherwise Work hard otherwise you will not pass.
Else Work hard else you will fail.

(C) Adversative : These conjunctions express opposition or contrast between two statements as;.
But He is slow but he is steady.
Still, yet He is slow still / yet he is steady.
Nevertheless He has no chance of success nevertheless he is trying.
Whereas, while Wise men love virtue whereas (or while) fools shun it.

(d) Illative - By these conjunctions one statement is fact or is inferred or proved from another as ;
Therefore He was found guilty ; therefore he was punished.
So, consequently He did not work; so (or consequently) he failed.
For (because) He will pass for (because) he works very hard.

(b) ) Subordinating Conjunctions : These are 8 in numbers.

(A) Time
Before He died before he reached fifty.
Till / until Wait till /until I return.
After I reached home after he had gone to school.
As soon as I will leave as soon as you reach.
So long as His name will live so long as the world lasts.
When It happened when I was in Kanpur.
As He entered as the clock struck four.

(B) Cause or reason

Because I love him because he loves me.
Since He will come here since you desire it.
As Let us move to school as it is already 7.30.

(C) Result or consequence

That Reeta wept so much that she fell ill.

(D) Purpose
That We eat that we may live.
So that He worked hard so that he could get good marks.
Lest Walk carefully lest you should fall.
In order to He worked hard in order to become rich.

(E) Condition
If I will not permit you if you come late.
Provided I’ll agree provided you are ready to accept my conditions.
Unless You cannot be pardoned unless you confess your guilt.

(F) Concession or contract

Although He is an honest man although he is poor.
Though He is not satisfied though he is very rich.
However He will never pass however hard he may try.

(G) Comparison
As ---- as He is as clever as I am.
No less than She likes me no less than you. (she likes you)

(H) Extent or manner

As Men will reap as they sow.

Certain conjunctions are often used in pairs, these are called correlative conjunctions.
Either ---- or Either he or his brother is mistaken.
Neither -- nor Neither he nor his friend came to my house.
Though ---- yet Though he is poor, yet he is contented.
Both -- and He is both a poet and a philosopher.
Such -- as She is not such a woman as you admire.
Such---that Such was his love for his country that he sacrificed his life.
So --- as He is not so rich as you think.
As - as It is as crystal clear as water.
As -- so As you sow so shall you reap.
So --- that He was so tired that he could not walk even a few steps.
Not only --- but also He is not-only honest but also sincere.
No sooner --- than No sooner did he ring the bell than the boys left the class.


When the correlative conjunctions ‘either --- or, neither --- nor, both ----- and, not only------ but also’
are used, care must be taken to place the first number (i.e. the words either, neither, both, not only)
immediately before the words that are contrasted.

 Your brother was either there or your cousin. (Incorrect)

Either your brother or your cousin was there. (Correct)

 Neither he is a fool nor a madman. (Incorrect)

He is neither a fool nor a madman. (Correct)

 He both won a prize and a scholarship. (Incorrect)

He won both a prize and a scholarship. (Correct)

 Not only he visited Delhi, but also Agra. (In correct)

He visited not only Delhi but also Agra. (Correct)

 Neither is always followed by nor.
Eg. He is neither a fool nor a madman.
 Scarcely is followed by when.
Eg. Scarcely had he reached the station when the train steamed off.
 No sooner is followed by than.
Eg. No sooner had he left than he came back again.
 Rather and other are followed by than.
Eg. I would have the watch rather than the pen.

1. Receptionists must be able to relay information pass messages accurately.
(A) or (B) and (C) but (D) because
2. I did not go to the show I had already seen it.
(A) until (B) because (C) so (D) but
3. Mary is a member of the Historical Society the Literary Society.
(A) as (B) or (C) and (D) but
4. Read over your answers correct all mistakes before you pass them up.
(A) or (B) and (C) because (D) while
5. Keep the food covered the flies will contaminate it.
(A) or (B) and (C) until (D) though
6. he is thin, he is strong.
(A) But (B) As (C) Though (D) Because
7. Susie phoned wrote after she left home.
(A) either, or (B) neither, nor (C) while, and (D) though, or
8. She had an unpleasant experience she was in Thailand.
(A) but (B) and (C) because (D) while
9. The committee rejected the proposal they did not think it was practical.
(A) or (B) but (C) though (D) because
10. John welcomed his guests offered them drinks.
(A) and (B) while (C) until (D) as
11. You treated him badly he is doing the same to you now.
(A) so (B) if (C) but (D) although
12. He is sick he wants to go out.
(A) when (B) yet (C) that (D) because
13. there is no more butter you must use the margarine.
(A) So (B) Either (C) Since (D) But
14. Gerard, Pete, is joining us on the trip.
(A) as well as (B) nor (C) whereas (D) if
15. She was afraid the building would collapse.
(A) and (B) while (C) even though (D) that
16. They are watching television the rest are studying.
(A) so that (B) therefore (C) while (D) but
17. His fans think that he is talented handsome.
(A) either ... or (B) not only ... but also
(C) neither ... nor (D) so ... that
18. He phoned me he needed someone to talk to.
(A) for (B) but (C) and (D) so
19. I spent some time with them I was very busy.
(A) when (B) and (C) because (D) although
20. We saw some boats we were walking along the beach.
(A) but (B) so (C) as (D) if
21. , you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
(A) Now that (B) After (C) Although (D) As soon as
22. She has not spoken to us we had the argument.
(A) as (B) so (C) while (D) since
23. you refuse to pay the ransom, the kidnappers might hurt the child.
(A) Lest (B) Unless (C) If (D) Or else

24. he was about to fall asleep the telephone rang.
(A) When (B) Since (C) Unless (D) So that
25. the couple goes, their children follow them.
(A) When (B) Where (C) If (D)Wherever

A. Fill the blanks using suitable connectors.
1. You can write e-mail to us before the end of this month. (or , either)
2. Jenny will not attend the party she is personally invited. (unless, if)
3. Your allowance will be withdrawn you do not do well. (or , if)
4. Neither the employer the employees are happy with the mediator. (nor , or)
5. You may have all the wealth in the world you may still not be happy. (but , if)
6. The child has not been eating well yesterday. (since , for)
7. We had better clean up the mess, we will be in great trouble. (else , but)
8. The residentsare not happy the garbage collectors do not collect the garbage regularly. (because,if)
9. We have done our best, there is no point crying over spilt milk. (so , as)
10. The speaker will conduct a seminar a workshop for the participants. (and , while)
11. Will you visit the pyramids you go to Egypt this year? ( or , if)
12. James is quiet, Leon is much louder, you’d never guess they were twins. (whereas , until)
13. Not a flower even a blade of grass will grow in this desert. (nor , if)
14. I wanted to go to shopping on Saturday I haven’t been paid yet. (but , untill)
15. I could not get a seat , I came early. (when , though)
B. The following passage needs to be edited. There is one error in each line against which you find
a blank. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number.
Incorrect Correct
Curves may have made a comeback worldwide, and it’s cocaine chic(a)
that’s yet got girls addicted in India. Young people like to go (b)
out also they want to eat what their peers are eating at the (c)
junk food joints. Thus to compensate for the pizza and coke (d)
at dinner, they starve themselves through the day. They know that
they are hurting themselves while short-term social acceptance (e)
is preferable to long-term health gains. Chips or colas are fine, (f)
which they should be offered as a treat to children. (g)
Healthy eating is the way to lose weight because staying fit, (h)
but most adolescents take some convincing.

C. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect
word and the correction against the correct blank number.
Incorrect Correct
Anamika’s favourite subject in school was Maths. She
enjoyed solving problems, but was enthusiastic (a)
for new problems. And many of her friends (b)
found Maths extremely difficult and until they thought it (c)
was a difficult subject as they saw no point in working at it. (d)
Maths as a subject was least popular, and many students (e)
did not like it. Then Anamika decided to help three of her friends (f)
So she was a patient girl, she explained the concepts (g)
one by one to them but they all thanked her for her assistance. (h)

D. Fill in the blanks in the given passage with one word only.

Doctors praise adhesive bandages (a) ........................they keep wound clean, (b)............................. create

a good environment for healing. They hold the skin together (c) ........................ keep it moist (d)

........................ they provided padding for the wound (e).............................. the only problem is removing

them, (f)............................. sometimes one has to even use one’s teeth to remove it.

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. B B C B A C B D D A A B C A D
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
A. C B A D C A D C A D

1. You can write or e-mail to us before the end of this month.
2. Jenny will not attend the party unless she is personally invited.
3. Your allowance will be withdrawn if you do not do well.
4. Neither the employer nor the employees are happy with the mediator.
5. You may have all the wealth in the world but you may still not be happy.
6. The child has not been eating well since yesterday.
7. We had better clean up the mess, else we will be in great trouble.
8. The residents are not happy because the garbage collectors do not collect the garbage regularly.
9. We have done our best, so there is no point crying over spilt milk.
10. The speaker will conduct a seminar and a workshop for the participants.
11. Will you visit the pyramids if you go to Egypt this year?
12. James is quiet, whereas Leon is much louder, you’d never guess they were twins.
13. Not a flower nor even a blade of grass will grow in this desert.
14. I wanted to go to shopping on Saturday but haven’t been paid yet.
15. I could not get a seat , though I came early.

B. (a) and but (b) yet still (c) also and (d) Thus so

(e) while but (f) or and (g) which but (h) because while

C. (a) but and (b) And But (c) until as (d) as so

(e) and so (f) Then But (g) So As (h) but and

D. (a) as/because (b) and (c) and (d) so

(e) but (f) because /as

Eng. G. - 7
Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun.
Eg. Look at Jack. He is studying. John and Mary have come to see him. They are glad to see him
He is also glad to see them.
The different kinds of Pronouns are as follows :
(a) Personal Pronouns :
They stand for three Persons :
(i) First Person :
 The Pronouns which refer to the person or persons speaking:
Eg. I, we, me, us, mine, ours.
(ii) econd Person :
 The pronouns which refer to the person or persons spoken to.
Eg. you, yours, thou, thee
(iii) Third Person :
 The pronouns which refer to the person or thing spoken of.
Eg. he, she, him, her, hers, they, them, theirs, it.
(b) Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns :
Eg. myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself and themselves.
(i) Reflexive pronouns act as Object to the Verb but they refer to the same persons as the
Subject of the Verbs :
Eg. I blame myself for my failure.
We often talk to ourselves.
He hanged himself.
They always talk about themselves.
She put herself to trouble for nothing.
(ii) Emphatic Pronouns are used with a Noun or a Pronoun for the sake of emphasis :
Eg. I myself was present at the accident site.
You must do the assignment yourself.
She herself cooked food for the guests.
Boys, you yourselves should prepare your timetable.
He himself told me the story.
(c) Demonstrative Pronouns :
They are used to point out the object or objects for which they are used.
 This & These refer to things near at hand.
 That & Those refer to things lying at a distance.
Eg. This is my book.
That is my house.
These are your friends.
Those are her friends.
(d) Distributive Pronouns :
It refers to a number of persons or things, one at a time. These pronouns are always singular and are
always followed by a Verb in the singular.
 Each, Either, Neither are such pronouns.
Eg. Each student secured a reward. Neither of your answer is correct.
At either end of the road was a park.

(e) Interrogative Pronouns are used for asking questions.
 Who, Whom and Whose are used for asking questions about things.
Eg. Who is calling you ?
Whom do you want to meet ?
Whose book is this ?
 What is used for asking questions about things.
Eg. What shall you do after graduation ?

 Which is used for asking a question about the particular person or thing.
Eg. Which is the most intelligent student in this class? (Person)
Which is the best book? (Thing)
(f) Reciprocal Pronoun :
They are pronouns that denote reciprocal or mutual action. They are :
 Each other: generally used when two persons or things are referred to.
Eg. Jack and Jill loved each other.
 One another: generally used when more than two persons or things are referred.
Eg. The people of India love one another.
(g) Relative Pronoun :
The Pronouns ‘Who, Whose, Whom, Which, That’, which join two sentences and relate or refer to Nouns
which have gone before are called Relative Pronouns.
 The Noun to which a Relative Pronoun refers or relates is called its Antecedent.
Eg. This is the boy who was punished. In this example ‘boy’ is the Antecedent of ‘who’.


(i) Who :
 Used for persons only.
Eg. The man who is honest succeeds in his life.
The students who were lazy were punished.
They who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others.
The children who work hard always succeed.
(ii) Whose:
 It is the possessive case of ‘Who’. It refers to persons but may also refer to things.
Eg. This is the question whose solution baffles me.
The school building whose roof was damaged, has now been repaired.
(iii) Which :
 Used for animals and for things without life.
Eg. These are the books which we purchased yesterday.
The horse which won the race is John’s.
The things which we lost have been found.
(iv) Whom :
 Is used in formal written English. It is common to use ‘Who’ in place of ‘Whom’ in
ordinary conversation.
Eg. The man who (m) the police caught was a dreaded terrorist.
The students who (m) we praised were good in their studies.
Note: ‘Whom’ is often replaced by ‘That’ except after a preposition. The preposition may be placed
at the end and ‘that’ used for ‘whom’.
Eg. That is the man about whom we were speaking.
That is the man that we were speaking about.

(v) That : Used for persons, animals and things.
 It may refer to singular or plural.
Eg. These are the boys that can be trusted.
This is the book that I want to buy.
This is the ring that I lost yesterday.
These are the only horses that neigh.

Note: ‘That’ is preferred to ‘who’ or ‘which’ though ‘who’ or ‘which’ can be equally used.
 After the superlative degree of adjectives:
Ashoka was the best king that (= who) ruled in India.
This is the best book that (= which) I have read.

 After the words ‘all, none, nothing, any, only, same’ etc.
All that (= which) glitters is not gold.
It is only you that (= who) can speak in such a way.
Nothing that (= which) we can do now will save him.

PERSON Nominative or Objective Reflexive Possessive &
Subjective Vocative

FIRST I Me Myself My, Mine

We Us Ourselves Our, Ours

SECOND You You Yourself / Your, Yours


THIRD He Him Himself His, His

She Her Herself Her, Hers
It It Itself Its
They Them Themselves Their, Theirs

 When two nouns are connected by ‘and’ refer to the same person or thing, the pronoun must be
Eg. The writer and editor published his poems.
Buying and selling is his business.
 If the nouns are connected by ‘each’ and ‘every’ the pronoun must be singular.
Eg. Every man and boy has paid his fee.
Every girl and woman has brought her book.
 After a preposition the pronoun must be in the object case.
Eg. Nobody but Niharika helped me. [not I]
She loves none but me. [not I]
 Reflexive pronouns should never be used as subjects or objects.
Eg. Prasad and myself saw a film yesterday . [incorrect]
Prasad and I saw a film yesterday. [correct]
Eg. Myself met the Manager. [incorrect]
I met the Manager. [correct]
 Correct order of pronouns : A simple rule is: 2 + 3 +1 ; 2+3 ; 3+1; 2+1
Eg. You, he & I are good friends.
You and he were classmates.
He and I have already met.
You and I will be together forever.

 A relative pronoun should agree with its antecedents in person and number,
Eg. This is one of the most interesting novels that has appeared this year. (incorrect)
This is one of the most interesting novels that have appeared this year (correct)
Eg. This is the only one of his short stories that are worth reading. (incorrect)
This is the only one of his short stories that is worth reading. (correct)

 ‘Each other’ should be used in speaking of two persons or things, ‘one another’ in speaking of more
than two:
Eg. When we two parted, we wished luck to each other.
But - We should love one another.

 ‘Either’should be used in reference to ‘two’. When the reference is to more that two, we should use
‘any one’.

Eg. The book, which I returned to the library yesterday, is a good one.
The book that I want you to read is in the library.


(a) A pronoun following any part of the verb ‘be’ (am, is, are, were, been, be) and referring to the
subject is in the ‘subjective’ case.
Eg. The officers of the company are Karan, Kiran and I.
It was they who telephoned last night.
Do you think it could have been she who sang on the radio ?

(b) The ‘object’ of a verb or a preposition is in the objective case :

me, you, her, him, it us, them.
Eg. Both members of a compound subject must be in the same case :
Mother met Radha and me at the airport.
(Radha and me are objects of the verb met)
Let you and me decide what should be done.
(You and me are objects of LET)

(c) In case of a clause beginning with ‘than’ or ‘as’, if you supply the missing word or words, you
should have little trouble deciding the correct case form of the pronoun :
Eg. My sister is taller than I. (I am)
Eg.Mr. Mehta is as good a teacher as she. (she is)


(a) The following sentences illustrate proper use of ‘who’ and ‘whoever’ - ‘subjective’ forms as subjects
Eg. I demand the opportunity for whoever wishes it.
The question of who can size the opportunity must be answered.
He is the boy who scored a 100 percentile on the CAT.

(b) The following sentences illustrate proper use of ‘who’ and ‘whomever’, objective forms
serving as object.
Eg. This is the interesting girl who I met at the show.
Bring whomever you like.
He is the boy whom I was talking about.

(c) Whenever you are in doubt about ‘who’ or whom, substitute either he and him or she and her to
see which makes sense.
Eg. Who / Whom are you speaking to ? (To who / whom are you speaking ?)
He / him are you speaking to ? (To who / whom are you speaking ?)
Use who as subject, whom only as object.

An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun or pronoun or says something about a noun or a pronoun.

Points to Remember
(a) Do not use an adjective in the comparative degree when no comparison is made or expressed.
 Suzan is a more intelligent student in the class. (Incorrect)
Suzan is a very intelligent student. OR (correct)
Suzan is the most intelligent student in the class.
(b) Following are not compared, nor can ‘most’ be used with them.
Prefect, unique, full , ideal, entire, complete, universal, empty, impossible, preferable, square, round,
 He is more perfect than his brother. (Incorrect)
Perfect expresses the quality to the utmost extent.) Say -He is perfect. (correct)
(c) The comparative adjectives - superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior, posterior, prefer,
preferable are followed by ‘to’ instead of ‘than’ :
 He is senior to me. (not ‘than me’).
(d) Avoid double comparative. Don’t use ‘more’ with comparative and ‘most’ with superlative
 It is rather more important. (Incorrect)
The word ‘rather’ is comparative) Say - It is rather important. OR It is more important.
 His brother is a more better singer than he. (Incorrect)
His brother is a better singer than he. (Correct)

(e) For Comparison, use the Subjective form:

 He is taller than I (not ‘me’ as it is in objective case)
(f) When two persons or two things are compared, it is important to see that the comparison is
restricted to the only two that are compared.
 The population of India is greater than the U.S.A. (Incorrect)
The population of India is greater than the population of the U.S.A. (Correct)
First sentence gives the impression that you are comparing Indian population with the U.S.A.
(g) When a comparison is introduced using a comparative followed by ‘than’ the thing compared
must always be excluded from the class of things with which it is compared, by using other.
 Calcutta is larger than any city in India. (Incorrect)
Calcutta is larger than any other city in India. (Correct)
(h) When the comparison is made using a superlative degree, the thing compared should be included
in the comparison. Don’t use ‘other’ or ‘any’.
 He is the wisest of all other students in his class. (Incorrect)
He is the wisest of all. (Correct)
(i) An adjective in the superlative degree normally takes ‘the’ and not ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it.
 This is a worst example of incompetence I have ever come across. (Incorrect)
This is the worst example of incompetence I have ever come across. (Correct)
(j) When two adjectives refer to the same noun and one of them is in the superlative degree, the
other adjective must also be in the superlative degree.The same is the case with the comparatives.
 He is the best and honest minister in Parliament. (Incorrect)
He is the best and the most honest minister in Parliament. (Correct)

(k) ‘Farther’ means more distant or advanced, ‘further’ means additional.
 Calcutta is farther (not further) from the equator than Colombo.
After this, he made no further (not farther) remarks.

(l) ‘Older’ and ‘Oldest’ may be used for persons or things but ‘elder’ and ‘eldest’ apply to persons
They are chiefly used for comparisons within a family.
 He will inherit the property after the death of his elder (not older) brother.
 He is the oldest (not eldest) inhabitant of this village.
 My brother is elder to (not than) me.

(m) ‘Little’, ‘a little’ and ‘the little’ are correctly used as follows :
 There is little hope of his recovery. (not likely to recover) (hardly any hope).
 There is a little hope of his recovery. (may possibly recover)
 Do not waste the little energy you possess. (the small amount, whatever it is).

(n) ‘Few’, ‘a few’ and ‘the few’ are correctly used as follows :
 Few women can keep a secret. (Hardly any woman can keep a secret).
 A few students were present. (Some students were present).
 The few members who came for the show had to return disappointed.
(not many, but whoever there was).

(o) ‘Less’ refers to quantity, whereas ‘fewer’ denotes number.

 No less than fifty persons were killed in the accident. (wrong. Say ‘no fewer than.... )
We do not sell fewer than ten kg. of ghee. (wrong. Say ‘less than.)

(p) ‘Nearest’ denotes distance and ‘next’ denotes position.

 I got admission in the nearest college.
Which is the nearest planet to the earth ?
Which is the next programme on T.V. today ?

(q) Many & Much :

Many refers to countables
 Many tourists come to visit India during the Christmas.
Much refers to uncountable.
Much money is required to build a house.

Note: ‘Lots of’ & ‘A lot of’ can replace ‘many’ & ‘much’ respectively.

Directions(1 to 20): Choose the correct alternative

1. Tell me
(A) where is she. (B) that is she. (C) she herself. (D) is her.

2. The dustbin is full. Empty

(A) it. (B) her. (C) him. (D) them.

3. It is the best book

(A) whom I have read. (B) who I have read. (C) whose I have read. (D) that I have read.

4. The girl
(A) which went missing has been found. (B) that went missing has been found.
(C) who went missing has been found. (D) whose went missing has been found.

5. Every worker and peon was asked to bring

(A) his children. (B) their children. (C) theirs children. (D) her children.

6. What is it
(A) which is bothering you so much? (B) who is bothering you so much?
(C) that is bothering you so much? (D) why is bothering you so much?

7. My predicament is the same

(A) which is yours. (B) what is yours. (C) who is yours. (D) as yours.

8. The teacher gave two

(A) explanations. Neither of them was plausible.
(B) explanations. Some was plausible.
(C) explanations. Many were plausible.
(D) explanations. Those were plausible.

9. The committee were divided in

(A) their views. (B) its views. (C) her views. (D) his views.

10. Neither Serena nor Venus

(A) brought their bodyguards. (B) brought her bodyguard.
(C) brought its bodyguard. (D) brought hers bodyguard.

11. Neither Ravi nor Navjot left

(A) their seat. (B) his seat. (C) theirs seat. (D) ours seat.

12. She had none but herself to blame as the fault was
(A) her. (B) she. (C) hers. (D) his.

13. The president and senator will come with

(A) its entourage. (B) his entourage. (C) their entourage. (D) theirs entourage.

14. They are liars

(A) that say India is not progressing. (B) which say India is not progressing.
(C) who say India is not progressing. (D) whose say India is not progressing.

15. Two boys come to this

(A) grove. Either of them steals mangoes. (B) grove. Either of them steal mangoes.
(C) grove. Someone steals mangoes. (D) grove. Some steal mangoes.

16. He is the boy

(A) whom never comes late. (B) whose never comes late.
(C) who never comes late. (D) which never comes late.

17. As the saying
(A) goes, what cannot be cured must be endured.
(B) goes, which cannot be cured must be endured.
(C) goes, whose cannot be cured must be endured.
(D) goes, how cannot be cured must be endured.
18. The boy and his pet
(A) that had been detained were released. (B) which had been detained were released.
(C) who had been detained were released. (D) whom had been detained were released.
19. He loves his dog and never leaves
(A) they alone. (B) him alone. (C) her alone. (D) them alone.
20. The pet is so adorable that
(A) it is considered a family member. (B) him is considered a family member.
(C) her is considered a family member. (D) them is considered a family member.

Direction (21 to 35) Fill in the blanks with correct usage of adjective
21. You are me.
(A) older to (B) oldest (C) older than (D) older then

22. New York is Paris.

(A) dirty (B) dirtier than (C) the dirtiest (D) dirtier

23. Prague is one of the cities in Europe.

(A) most beautiful (B) more beautiful (C) beautiful (D) the most beautiful

24. Your essay was than Jim's, but it was than Mary's.
(A) better / worse (B) gooder / badder (C) better / worst (D) best / worse

25. New houses are than old ones.

(A) more modern and clean (B) modern and cleaner
(C) more modern and cleaner (D) moderner/cleaner

26. Yesterday was than today.

(A) most hottest (B) more hot (C) hot (D) much hotter

27. She's than her brother.

(A) tall (B) tallest (C) taller (D) the tallest

28. She is smaller her sister.

(A) that (B) this (C) than (D) this

29. I'm the in the class.

(A) youngest (B) most youngest (C) young (D) younger
30. Last week was than this week.
(A) busier (B) busiest (C) more busy (D) busy
31. I've got pencils than you.
(A) many (B) more (C) most busy (D) most
32. The Plaza is the hotel.
(A) cheap (B) cheapest (C) the cheapest (D) cheaper
33. Claridge's is the hotel.
(A) old (B) oldest (C) older (D) the oldest
34. Paul doesn't feel very good now. In six weeks he's going to feel .
(A) bad (B) better (C) best (D) badly
35. Kate is than any other actress on TV.
(A) as pretty (B) not pretty (C) prettier (D) the prettiest

1. Fill in the blanks using appropriate pronouns.
(a) Nobody but was absent (he / him)
(b) Here is your book; take away. (him/ it)
(c) of the two cows gives ten litres of milk. (each / every)
(d) I did not buy of the three pens. (either / anyone)
(e) They all gave evidence against (each other / one another)
(f) Some people think of (himself / themselves)
(g) The horse fell and hurt (itself / himself)
(h) The climate of Puri is better than of Patna (this / that)
(i) My mother opened the door (herself / her)

2. Fill in the blanks using appropriate pronouns.

One evening, a rich lady sent (a) housemaid to the market to buy some vegetables for (b)
. The rich lady sat by (c) for some time. Then she saw her maid returning very
quickly. “Madam” she said, “ I have forgotten (d)
you had asked me to bring.” The angry lady said, (e)” can bear with such a fool?
(f) was such a simple task and you’ve come back empty-handed.”

3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and
the correction against the correct blank number. Underline the word that you have supplied.
Incorrect Correct
Jack and Michael were fast friends. Them loved each other. (a)
Every tried to make the greatest sacrifice for (b)
the others. Their parents were equally friendly. (c)
But what knows the quirks or fate? It was just a (d)
Trifle that led to a misunderstanding between their. (e)
The two boys himself remained friendly as ever (f)
They tried there best to persuade there fathers. (g)
An ingenuous trick exposed the man which had created the (h)
bad blood. Jack’s father was the one to greet his friend. (i)
The four stood together and embraced each another. (j)
Direction: (4 to 30): The sentence given below, have three parts, indicated by (a), (b) and (c). Read each
sentence to find out whether there is an error. If you find an error in any part [(a), (b) or (c)] of a
sentence, indicate your response by blackening the letter related to that part in the answer
sheet provided. If a sentence has no error, indicate this by blacking the part (d)/ or (e), which
stands for 'No error'. (Ignore the error of punctuation, if any)

4. Between(A) /you and I, the secretary(B) / is not a gentleman.(C)/ No error (D)

5. One should (A) /do your duty(B) / honestly ad sincerely.(C) /No error (D)

6. Good students(A)/ like you and I (B)/ should study regularly.(C)/ No error (D)

7. You , he and I(A)/ are (B) /in the wrong.(C)/ No error (D)

8. Only (A) / you and him(B)/ can do this work fast.(C)/ No error (D)

9. If I were him,(A)/ I would not misbehave (B)/ like this.(C) / No error(D)

10. Everyone announced (A)/ one's plans in(B)/ the presence of the President.(C)/ No error (D)

11. She helped everyone (A) / of those boys(B)/ in doing their work.(C)/ No error (D)

12. Every(A) / teacher and every student (B) / should do their duty.(C)/ No error (D)

13. Neither of the boys (A)/ has (B)/ submitted their records.(C)/ No Error (D).

14. She availed of (A)/ the(B)/ opportunity.(C)/ No error (D)

15. Those two (A)/ companies always (B)/ help one another.(C)/ No error (D)

16. India and Pakistan (A)/ should cooperate with(B)/ one another in this matter.(C)/ No error (D)

17. In spite of facing (A)/ much problems, he did not (B)/ desert the path (C)/ of honesty. (D)/ No Error (E)

18. Can you tell me how (A)/ many eggs and (B)/ milk he has brought (C)/ home? (D)/ No Error(E)

19. He did not (A)/ like to lend me (B)/ any book (C)/ or any money (D)/ No Error(E)

20. Her black long (A)/ hairs adds (B)/ glamour to (C)/ her looks (D)/ No Error(E)

21. This book is (A)/ undoubtedly preferable than (B)/ that in many respects and its printing (C)/ is also
comparatively good. (D)/ No Error (E)

22. Of the two (A)/ players, he (B)/ is the luckiest (C)/ be sure.(D)/ No Error(E)

23. You can trust (A)/ this agency (B)/ for the last news (C)/ of this week. (D)/ No Error(E)

24. Everybody knows (A)/ that Karishma (B)/ is most unique (C)/ actress of this college.(D)/ No Error(E)

25. She was curious to (A)/ know that it was that made (B)/ him stronger (C)/ and braver than any man of this
village. (D)/ No Error (E)

26. A lots of Books (A)/ on English grammar are available (B)/ in the market but(C)/ this one is best.(D)/ No

27. No less (A)/ than fifty audiences are sitting (B)/ in the hall and waiting of their (C)/ beloved artiste's
appearance on the stage. (D)/ No Error(E)

28. Now a day, (A)/ the weather (B)/ is getting cold and (C)/ colder. (D)/ No Error(E)

29. India is (A)/ better than most others (B)/ film producing countries (C)/ if the world. (D)/ No Error(E)

30. The manager and (A)/ assistant of bank (B)/ were present (C)/ at the party(D)/ No Error(E)

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. A A D B A C D A A B B C B A A
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. C A A B A A B D A C D C C A A
Q. 31 32 33 34 35
A. B B B B C

1. (a) he (b) it (c) each (d) any (e) one another

(f) themselves (g) itself (h) that (i) herself

2. (a) her (b) them. (c) herself (d) what (e) who (f) this/ it

3. (a) Them They

(b) Every each
(c) Others other
(d) What Who
(e) their them
(f) himself themselves
(g) there their
(h) which who
(i) one first
(j) each another one another

Q. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A. B B B A B A B C C C A C C B C
Q. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. E A B C C C D A A C B C



1. Given below are some headlines. Read them and complete the news item. Write the answer in your
answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence.
Indian cricket team's sterling (a) achieving creditable victories in Test and
One dayers have pleased every cricket lover.
The (b) .................of opportunity on Mars on Saturday night inspired widespread (c) .....................
among U.S. scientist handling the U.S. Mars probe.
President APJ Abdul Kalam underlined the (d) ................. of peace for social (e) ...........................
and faster economic (f)................................. in the country.
The (g).................................of three dreaded terrorist by the city police yesterday has led to the
(h)...................... of a substantial quantity of explosives.
Kurushetra University Teachers Associates (KUTA) has demanded that the(a) ...........................
of houses should be done on the basis of seniority only.
Under a campaign to guard livestock against disease, a door to door (b)................................. was
carried out by vets in HAU.
The (c)................................ of ATMs at four railway stations of N.E. Railway will help passengers
incase they need cash.
The recent (d)................................. of IT Centre at Rishikesh is likely to spread IT education in


A decline in sparrow population (a) modern architecture which leaves no
room for them to roost or breed.
A two-month old girl died after she (b) a monkey in her home in Rahiman
complex in Faridabad.
The world cup 20-20 one-day cricket final (c)........................between India and Pakistan the next
The (d)................................. rats will help India save millions of tonnes of food grains.


Lok Sabha (a) ........................... last week and general elections (b)
The (c) ............... of biocontrol method to kill rodents is eco-friendly as it helps in (d) ......................
of crop thieves without the use of poison.

The (e) ........................... of the idols of Lord Ganesha marked the (f)................................. of the
ten day puja celebrations.
The Police Commisssioner reported that (g) ............................
2. Use the information in the box to complete the paragraph written below. Make minor changes wherever
what does your friend like most ; that it may be quite expensive;
what present should I buy; what she could use and cherish;

Sanchita : Well, I have to go to Aparna's birthday party and I' m unable to decide (a) ..........................
Devangi : Let me know (b) ..........................
Sanchita : She loves gaudy dresses, silver wares and electronic equipments
Devangi : You could offer her (c) ..........................
Sanchita : But I fear (d) ..........................
Devangi : Not at all ! You can buy it from your pocket money. I saw a set at Mehrason's yesterday.
You may go in for it.

(b) * They don’t know it * Something has ha ppened

* they are doing something * some accident has occurred
* there is a huge crowd over there.

Have you heard what (a) .......................... at Gandhi Chowk ? No, but I feel that (b) ..........................
there. I fail to understand why (c) .......................... there. It seems that the people (d) ..........................
what (e)............................... by obstructing the free flow of traffic.

(c) Jaya's cousin gave her instructions on how to prepare a delicious dish of dates. Here are some notes on
the same. Using this information complete the paragraph given below.
Take some ripe date-Select Carefully-neither too sticky nor too dry-Remove seeds
from 16 - Take 250 gm cheese - grate it - mix 100 gms powdered sugar very
small pieces of lemon rind - beat the paste - Fill the empty dates with cheese
paste - Fix a roasted / parched almond on it- serve with snacks. Rest assured -
a delicious sweet dish.
Shakuntala told Jaya (a) ........................... She advised Jaya (b)................................ They should neither
be too sticky nor too dry. Then she should (c) ........................... from 16 of them. She told Jaya (d)
........................... and added that (e)................................before mixing 100 gms powdered sugar and 10
very small pieces of lemon rind.. She advised Jaya (f)............................... before filling the empty dates with
it. Finally she (g) ........................... on each date she advised her (h)..................................She assured her
that it would be a perfectly delicious dish.


You must be systematic while attempting a reading passage. At first you have (a)................................ the
passage carefully. It will help you in (b) ........................... the central idea. Then re-read it
(c)........................... the different points given in it. Try (d)................................the answers to the questions
only after (e) ........................... them properly. While (f)................................. the questions it is better to
use one's own language. (g).......................the language written in the passage is also acceptable. (h)
........................... the meaning of the given word in context, you can attempt the word-attack questions

(e) Sunny : I've been trying to solve this problem since yesterday.
Anju : Shall we go and ask the teacher today ?
Sunny : Last week she was not available. Let's go to the staff room.
Anju : Yes. Let's find out if she has come.
Teacher : Come here, Sunny. What's the problem ?
Sunny : This problem seems to be very difficult.
Teacher : I'll tell. You have to solve it just now.
Sunny told Anju that he (a) solve that problem since the previous day. Anju asked
him (b) ........................... Sunny informed her that she had not been available (c) ...........................
and (d) ........................... Anju agreed (e) ........................... The teacher called Sunny and (f)
........................... Sunny (g) ........................... to be very difficult. The teacher said (h) ...........................
(f) Amit : What are you doing this weekend, Rohit ?
Rohit : I don't have any special plan.
Amit : How do you like the idea of a visit to the Karna Lake ?
Rohit : How lovely it sounds ! But I'll have to seek parents' permission.
Amit : I'll come to your house this evening I'll request your parents to allow you to join the picnic.
Rohit : Hey, what a capital idea !
Amit : Will your parents be at home in the evening ?
Rohit : Yes, I don't think they are going out tonight.
Amit : Then I'll definitely come and meet them.By the way, have you ever visited Karna lake before?
Rohit : No, I haven't but I have heard it's lovely picnic spot.
Amit asked Rohit (a) ........................... Rohit (b) ........................... any special plan. Amit (c)
........................... the idea of a visit to the Karna Lake. Rohit (d).................................. but added that (e)
........................... parents' permission. Amit promised to come to his house that evening and request
his parents to allow him (Rohit) to join the picnic. Rohit (f).................................. a capital idea. Amit then
asked Rohit (g) ........................... in the evening. Rohit replied (h).................................Amit assured him
that he would definitely come and meet them. Then he casually enquired (i).................................Rohit (j)
........................... but added that he had heard it was a lovely picnic spot.
3. The passage given below has an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction
in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Underline the word that you have
(a) As the dreaded examination crawl in a hall, students (a) ...........................
look forward to the much awaited summer camps to let up steam. (b) ...........................
A summer camp is conducted on a short period ranging (c) ...........................
for four to five weeks involving interesting and fun-filled (d) ...........................
activities. These summer camps provide a wide variety with (e) ...........................
activities based on artistic skills. They also keep the child fit from (f) ............................
imparting practical lessons of physical training, yoga, games and (g) ...........................
swimming. The summer camps provide a good experience by a (h) ...........................
better future - a future of confidence.
(b) The European Space Agency (ESA) Scientist Vittorio Formisano
which was unveiling preliminary data (a) ..........................
who was garnered by the unmanned spacecraft. (b) ..........................
It was the European orbiter Mars Express whom has detected (c) ..........................
ice at the south pole of Mars. The announcement back data this was (d) ..........................
provided by Nasa's Mars Odyssey orbiter in March 2002. It suggested which(e) ..........................
the planet's southern polar cap contains abundant stores of water who lies (f) ............................
in frozen state. ESA's data comes from a spectrometer who is called Omega.(g) ..........................
This device uses sunlight what is reflected in the visible and (h) ..........................
infrared range to determine the mineral content of the Martian surface.

(c) We are in very serious times, because they are free. In (a) ...........................
the old days ours task was only to fight, to wrest freedom (b) ...........................
enthuse each other and carry on the freedom struggle. (c) ...........................
Those was easy, as we know, but now that we have freedom (d) ...........................
the entire burden of the future structure of my country is (e) ...........................
on our own sholders. You must be as true in our conduct (f) ...........................
and thought as a brick that supports a building is true.

(d) The young seagull was alone on his ledge. Its two brothers and a sister (a) ...........................
had already flown away. Those happened yesterday. He had been (b) ...........................
afraid to fly with their. He was afraid that his wings would never (c) ...........................
support his. His father and mother first encouraged him and (d) ...........................
then taunted him. All this failed to encourage him. (e) ...........................
Then they left him alone. Those was twenty four hours ago since (f) ............................
then anybody had come near him. All day long he had watched (g) ...........................
his parents flying about his brothers and sisters. He cursed hisself (h) ...........................
(e) The earthquake who hit Gujarat on Republic Day (a) ..........................
in 2001 was very severe. People shudder to think which (b) ..........................
the devastation it had caused. It was estimated whether 65 buildings (c) ..........................
had collapsed in Ahmedabad itself. An enquiry was conducted why (d) ..........................
building laws were followed. Laboratory reports of debris show
which substandard material led to the doom. The Public Prosecutor (e) ..........................
said if there was foolproof evidence against the builders. (f) ...........................
(f) Roman ships explored Africa brought home (a) ...........................
wild animals to fighting gladiators. They also (b) ...........................
travelled to Asian ports to brought cargos of (c) ...........................
spice and silk between the 8th and 11th centuries A.D.
Europe had to suffered constant raids from a Scandanavian (d) ...........................
people calling Vikings. They ravaged the coasts and penetrated (e) ...........................
deep into the interior. Descended in boatloads they plundered (f) .............................
and pillaged the sea - coasts and river towns.
(g) The other day when I was gone for a walk, (a) ...........................
I am hearing some one shrieking across the (b) ...........................
hedge. I look up in the direction of the hill (c) ...........................
and seen a little boy standing on the ridge of (d) ...........................
a rock. He have ascended the rock all right but (e) ...........................
was unable to climb down. So he was cried (f) ...........................
for help. He beckon to me for help. However (g) ...........................
by the time I reached him I exhaust. (h) ...........................

(h) See a crow eating a piece of bread a fox thought e.g. See Seeing
how it will trick that fellow. It went below the branch (a) ...........................
and said, "Must I talk to you, sir ? "The crow did not even look at (b) ...........................
the fox. The fox again said, "Shall you please pay a little (c) ...........................
attention to me ? What a nice bird you are ! Your voice might be (d) ...........................
very sweet. I am sure your need sing very well." (e) ...........................
The crow who should not be persuaded till then (f) ...........................
now looked at the fox. It could have felt flattered. (g) ...........................
'I'll show this fox how well I could sing," It opened (h) ...........................
its beak. The piece of bread fell down and the fox picked it up.

(i) India should make progress in the next decade (a) ...........................
only by following the principles of peace and cooperation.
Every citizen might realize that he has a responsibility. (b) ...........................
He may co-operate with his fellow citizens (c) ...........................
if he had to achieve success in any field. (d) ...........................
Co-operation used to be the basis of our life now. (e) ...........................
No individual dare achieve anything worthwhile (f) ...........................
if he have to worry about his safety. On the (g) ...........................
other hand, we may not fear if we are united. (h) ...........................

(j) There is one great different between education as understood (a) ...........................
by the Greeks and the popular ideas of Eduation today.
Eduation to Greeks aimed at an overall developing of mental (b) ...........................
capacity, of some skill or knowledge. It meant moulded of (c) ...........................
character also. The modern education has resulted in the
alienated of man from the community life, while to the (d) ...........................
Greeks it was a connecting link between knowledge and virtuous (e) ...........................
and giving a train in public spirit. But in the modern (f) ...........................
time even this sort of aware is difficult to be (g) ...........................
spotted out among the education we see all around. (h) ...........................

4. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the
word that comes before and the word that comes after it. The word that forms your answer should be
(a) Car tyres act as cushions for the wheels give (a) ...........................
the car a good grip on the
road that it can be prevented from (b) ...........................
skidding turning corner, or when the brakes (c) ...........................
are applied. A smooth tyre grips the road better even (d) ...........................
racing cars are fitted with smooth tyres. Non-racing (e) ...........................
cars cannot move on smooth tyres the roads they (f) ............................
move on are not always dry.
(b) I went to buy a magnifying glass I wanted to study palmistry. (a) ............................
I went to the counter asked the salesman to show me one (b) ............................
good piece. The shop had plain glasses not magnifying (c) ............................
glasses. I was compelled to go to another shop. The shopkeeper (d) ............................
attended to me himself he was very busy. (e) ............................
He showed me one glass after another I didn't approve (f) ............................
any one. He felt irritated that he asked one of his assistants (g) ............................
to help me. The smart young man asked me plainly
whether I wanted to buy one not (h) ............................

(c) Aesop is a figure clouded in so much mystery and legend it is (a) ...........................
difficult to know can be said about him. It is also strange (b) ...........................
to believe this world famous man was born a slave in the sixth (c) ...........................
century B.C. slaves were bought and sold frequently. Aesop's Greek (d) ...........................
master gave him liberty he was impressed by his learning and (e) ...........................
wit. Aesop was extremely intelligent, he managed to attract the attention (f) ...........................
of king Croesus who gave him a post as high the modern day (g) ...........................
ambassador's position is. He travelled through many countries he had (h) ...........................
a desire to instruct and be instructed.

(d) Music is said to be food for the soul it soothes and (a) ...........................
delights the mind. Switch on the music system you are tired. (b) ...........................
Select a place you can sit in a relaxed manner. (c) ...........................
Loosen your limbs so the body is free from tension (d) ...........................
Even you are quite busy you must learn to relax for a while. (e) ...........................
You must keep your body and mind fresh these too need rest. (f) ...........................
(e) There have been fresh landslides from the Varunavat Hills it has (a) ...........................
rained very heavily during the past two days. These fresh landslides
are occurring three months have passed. These landslides are so (b) ...........................
severe five shops have been damaged. Many more commercial and (c) ...........................
residential buildings will be affected there are more landslides this (d) ...........................
week. The landslides stop now, 50 families will have to be evacuated. (e) ...........................
The district authorities have decided these families can be shifted (f) ...........................
at ten minutes' notice.
(f) Rahul Dravid is one of the heroes of India's great show in India's (a) ..........................
tour to Australia was utterly despondent the other day charges of (b) ..........................
ball tempering were levelled against him.
I strongly feel Rahul is a man who has always stood up (c) ..........................
for the honour of the game. This time he was needlessly accused
of doing something he has never done in his distinguished (d) ..........................
career. A footage of few seconds Rahul was (e) ..........................
trying to pick the sticky sweet off the ball was displayed on
TV repeatedly. Thus a matter was quite trivial was (f) ..........................
exaggerated beyond limits. The impact was to turn a man was (g) ..........................
the hero of the game into a villain. Clive Lloyd was the (h) ..........................
match referee made little efforts to see the intent of the
player behind his actions.
(g) Agra in Uttar Pradesh is very during summer, but Jaipur in (a) ...........................
Rajasthan is than any other city in Uttar Pradesh. (b) ...........................
Barmer a town near the Pakistan border is hottest. The temperature (c) ...........................
goes as high as 49ºC. During day time surface winds blow which (d) ...........................
force people to stay indoors. There are cases of dehydration due (e) ...........................
to heat and sudden exposure. The sand storms that blow in the
evening often make the nights pleasant than the hot afternoons. (f) ...........................
(h) Often students who are very fond of reading books are labelled
by their comrades as bookworms. Disparagements (a) ...........................
generally come from mouths of students who consider themselves (b) ...........................
as being 'gamesters'. boys who shine in athletics or in the playing (c) ...........................
of some game consider that the sports ground is better or nobler (d) ...........................
arena for activities than the classroom or the reading desk. The (e) ...........................
ideal is born out of inferiority complex inherent in the games-minded (f) ............................
students who actually envy fellows who shine academically. (g) ...........................
Academic honours have glamour which is unique. (h) ...........................
(i) Getting into of the six IIMs is a dream for any MBA aspirant. (a) ...........................
Only 1400 candidates from over a lakh applicants year are selected. (b) ...........................
Hence you must devise a strategy to clear CAT (Common (c) ...........................
Admission Test). Over the two months you should put in at (d) ...........................
least four hours consistently to have the fundamentals clear in minds. (e) ...........................
Follow by solving practice tests in sub section with the (f) ...........................
objective of improving accuracy. The month should be devoted to (g) ...........................
taking full-length test, around thrice week which will help in (h) ...........................
increasing your confidence level.

(j) The international camp, Les Elfes in Verbier, Switzerland is perfect (a) ...........................
combination of learning cum-fun. It combines discovery (b) ...........................
and practice of new and exciting snow sports, with
learning languages. Camps and vacations are organised by educational (c) ...........................
institution for their students, but of them inclulate (d) ...........................
self-confidence and courage, so very essential for overall personality (e) ...........................
development. But camps are activity oriented and filled (f) ...........................
with opportunity to a camper to pick up new skills, discover new (g) ...........................
talents and find area of interest. (h) ...........................

(k) If you are angry with and feel like shouting (a) ...........................
at him/ her take a piece of paper, address it to and start (b) ...........................
writing down whatever wanted to say to them. Do not edit (c) ...........................
or be polite. Write exactly comes to your mind. The very process (d) ...........................
of writing helps your to ventilate anger and ,make your feel better. (e) ...........................
Keep the paper safely locked up Take out after some time. Then (f) ...........................
ask if your anger is justified. Have you ever tried this method ? (g) ...........................
Do it once. One must make the begining sometime. Then, (h) ...........................
why not you and today itself.

(l) Awareness of preserving environment spreading fast e.g. enviroment is spreading

National Parks and bird sanctuaries springing (a) ...........................
up fast. A new bird sanctuary has constructed near Gurgaon (b) ...........................
It spread over 405 hectares in rural surroundings. (c) ...........................
It been developed as a home for a large number of (d) ...........................
local and migratory birds. Ambitious plans been (e) ...........................
drawn to attract tourists. It proposed to develop (f) ...........................
an amusement park for children. The complex have (g) ...........................
a library of exhibits. Slide shows will held in the hall (h) ...........................
of the library to attract visitors.

(m) Employees working in New Age economy companies

that follow a flexible word pattern reaping many benefits. (a) ...........................
These companies driven by performance and (b) ...........................
hence employees to excel at their work, yet (c) ...........................
they space for them to have a personal life. It is a practice (d) ...........................
that out well for both the company and the people (e) ...........................
working there. Flexi-time thus a working time agreement (f) ...........................
between the employer and employee. The employees the (g) ...........................
hours that their schedule without leaving the office during (h) ...........................
the 'core', busiest working hours of the day. They to put on (i) ...........................
the requisite number of hours upon but no compulsion to punch in (j) ...........................
the card at 9 a.m. and out at 7 p.m.

(n) What really needed in the world today, perhaps more than (a) ...........................
ever before, not some new discovery of science but a slight advance (b) ...........................
in charity, in understanding, tolerance, justice and mercy. These non (c) ...........................
material matters. Science been (d) ...........................
helpless in social things. We may ask "What is science
really after ? What its aims ? What is its goal ?" Its (e) ...........................
aims seem to be obvious. One the complete understanding and (f) ............................
conquest of man's environment. The other the understanding (g) ...........................
of the mysteries that within the human body - the (h) ...........................
material mysteries.

(o) Nutrigenomics is the name of a new science.
It tries utilize our newly attained knowledge (a) ...........................
of the human genome for drugs suited to (b) ...........................
the genetic make up of people. Food companies have now
begun design special kinds of foods for (c) ...........................
groups the same genetic make up. But (d) ...........................
Nutrigenomics is not be misunderstood as (e) ...........................
merely genetically altered foods. The science (f) ...........................
is about better insights into the effects of nutrition. (g) ...........................
It concentrates on food mechanics in natural (h) ...........................
nutrition as opposed to genetic alteration of foods.

5. The following passages have some missing words. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to
complete the passage.
(a) The Himalayas (a)...................are the world's tallest mountains, are also the fastest growing. Scientists
(b) ............... conducted studies there are surprised at their rapid growth (c) about half an
inch every year. The reason (d)................... such an abnormal increase is taking place has now been
discovered. Two of the Earth's continental plates (e)...................are known as the Eurasian plate and the
Indo-Australian plate are pushing against one another. It is the pressure exerted by the two (f) ...............
causes other activities as well. The people (g)...................................... live in the lower Himalayan region
are aware of the fact (h)................... the region being seismologically active, they may have to face an
earthquake any time.
(b) Your must take exercise daily (a) ............... you want to remain healthy. You should get up early
(b)............... .the air is cool and fresh. You can't leave your bed early everyday (c).................... you are
motivated to do so. It is as difficult to form a good habit (d).................... it is to give up a bad one. You must
spare sometime for light exercises or a morning walk (e).................... you may have a busy schedule
ahead. You must walk fast (f) many inhale more fresh air. During winter you must cover
your body properly (g) ............... you should catch cold. No exercise is easier (h)......................morning
walk which everyone can take and enjoy.
(c) (a)..................Band-aid has celebrated its 80th birthday, the story of its origin is quite interesting as well
(b............... exciting. Dickson of New Jersey was fretting (c).................. his wife Josephine cut hereself
again (d)............... again while working in the kitchen. One day (e).................... he was wrapping her
wound once again, he was struck by an idea. He put some gauze on a strip of the medical tape (f)
............... the Band - aid was born.

(d) Fill the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.
I (a) ................................ (come) in very late last night and unfortunately the dog (b) ................................
(wake) up and (c).......................................(start) to bark loudly and furiously. This non-stop barking (d)
......................... (awake) my mother. She (e)....................................... (not hear) my voice because the
dog (f) ................................ (bark) very loudly at that time. She therefore, (g) ................................
(go) back to her room and (h)...................................... (telephone) the police.
(e) Complete the letter by filling in the blanks with appropriate word.
Dear Sir
I sent railway reservation slips along with a bank draft to your office. (a)................................. you check if
you have received it ? (b)........................... you please let me know whether the money has been credited
to your account ? You (c) ........................... arrange return tickets also for the trains on the dates
specified. Kindly don't delay otherwise tickets (d) ........................... not be available. You (e)
........................... expedite the process so that we (f)................................. be put to unnecessary trouble
You (g) ........................... to remember that we are your old customers. We (h)
awaiting an early compliance.
Yours sincerely

(f) Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue given below.
Ronnie : Mom, our school is organising special coaching classes for IIT.
(a)................................. I join it ?
Mother: When (b) ........................... the classes begin. Do you think, you (c)..................................carry
on with this extra load of studies. Ronnie : I (d)............................... not face any difficulty because
these Classes commence just after our board papers.
Mother : How much time do you (e) ........................... to devote to it. I hope, it (f)................................. not
interfere with your preparation for N.D.A. tests.
Ronnie : O, Mom ! You (g) me. I'll utilise my time properly.
Mother : OK ! Then you (h).................................join the first batch.

(g) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs
Researchers (a)................................ already (begin) equipping artificial arms and hands with microchips.
These not only (b) ........................... (help) in performing comlex tasks but also (c) ...........................
(withstand) greater weight loads. Harvard MIT reasercher Hugh Herr (d)................................ (be) familiar
with the obstacles which (e) ........................... (face) by amputees. At the age of 17, Herr (f)
........................... (be) a world class mountain climber. In 1982, while ascending New Hamphire's Mount
Washington, Herr and a friend (g) ........................... (trap) in a snow - storm. They (h) ...........................
(rescue) after three days.
(h) Fill in the blanks with correct form of adjectives given in brackets.
There are several citizens in a society. But a handful of them are (a).................................(good) than the
others. Such persons get (b)................................. (much) respect than the majority of people. Some of
them belong to the (c)................................. (poor) section of society and live in one room whereas the (d)
........................... (poor) live in huts. The (e).................................. (old) person was elected chairman of
the citizen's forum. Some younger persons are (f)..................................(wise) than him.
(i) In the sentences given below change the verb into its passive form.
(a) Elephants raided the paddy fields.
(b) Elephants destroyed the crops.
(c) They uprooted all the banana plants.
(d) They also attacked the watchmen.

6. Rearrange the words and phrases below to form meaningful sentences. Write the corrected
sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done
as an example.
(a) * is one / summer visitors / the / of the / swallow / best known
* The swallow is one of the best known summer visitors.
(a) a sheen / and wings / forked tail / on / it has / the back / a long
(b) beneath it / at / with / dark red / its throat / a / it has / blue band.
(c) often / open space / swallows / over / seen skimming / a pond / or / are / an
(d) sometimes / a busy / they may / down / be found / city street / hunting insects.
(b) * retailer / ice - cream / to tell / the Swad / has a story.
* The swad ice-cream retailer has a story to tell.
(a) is a / ice-cream / that / tough business / selling / he feels.
(b) now a days / in the market / there are just / selling / too many / ice - creams / of / brands.
(c) there were / varieties / just / two or three / different / a decade ago /from / to choose.
(d) try / some people / a new brand / who / come back / again and again / them / for.
(e) its' the King cones / hot cakes / sell like / that.
(f) some brands / customers / favoured by / there are / which are not / however.

(c) (a) pollution / efforts / by all / concerted / be made / should / to curb / environmental.
(b) fuels / burning / is / fossil / discouraged / to be / of.
(c) industries / residential / shifted / polluting / areas / the / far off / must be / from.
(d) the roads / more trees / vacant fields / and / along / in / be grown / should.
(e) impossible / but / certainly not/ task / difficult / it / a / will be/ though.

(d) (a) to / with / good / has / what / do / it / being ?
(b) work / you / rewarded / your / good / be / for / will.
(c) medals / show / the / your / principal / to.
(d) have / foolishly / how / behaved / I !
(d) (a) desire / yield / I / how / your / to / can ?
(b) the / difficult / were / how / questions !
(c) law / discovered / newton / of / had / gravitation / the.
(d) Mix / boys / up / bad / don't / the / with.

(f) (a) concentration / training / is / upon / autogenic / based / passive.

(b) disease - alleviating / the status / it / capabilities / has been/ a therapy / given / by its / of.
(c) training / stress / for / used / reducing / is / autogenic / effectively.
(d) adverse / exercise / are felt / some / discontinued / if / the / be / must / side effects.
(e) people / disorders / recommended / with / it / severe / is / for / mental / not.

1. (a) (a) performance (b) landing (c) celebrations (d) need
(e) development (f) growth (g) arrest (h) recovery

(b) (a) allotment (b) immunisation (c) installation (d) inauguration

(c) (a) is caused (b) was mauled (c) will be played.
(d) use of owls to kill field

(d) (a) was dissolved (b) have been declared (c) introduction (d) elimination
(e) immersion (f) conclusion. (g) the car thieves' gang was busted.

2. (a) (a) what present I should buy (b) what your friend likes most
(c) what she could use and cherish (d) that it may be quite expensive
(b) (a) has happened (b) some accident has occurred
(c) there is a huge crowd over (there) (d) don't know (e) they are doing
(c) (a) to take some ripe dates (b) to select them carefully (c) remove seeds
(d) to take 250 gms cheese (e) she should grate it. (f) to beat the cheese paste

(g) should fix a roasted almond (h) to serve them with snacks
(d) (a) to read (b) understanding (c) to understand (d) to find
(e) reading (f) answering (g) Using (h) Having guessed.

(e) (a) had been trying (b) if they should go and ask the teacher that day (c)thepreviousweek
(d) suggestedthat they shouldgo tothestaff room.
(e) that they should find out if she had come
(f) asked him what the problem was (g) replied that the problem seemed
(h) that she would tell him just then how to solve it.

(f) (a) what he was doing that weekend. (b) replied that he didn't have
(c) asked him how he liked (d) exclaimed that it sounded very lovely.
(e) he would have to seek his (f) exclaimed with joy that it was
(g) whether his parents would be at home.
(h) that they would and added that he didn't think they were going out that night.
(i) if he had ever visited Karna lake before (j) replied that he hadn't.

3. (a) (a) in to (b) up off (c) on over (d) for from
(e) with of (f) from by (g) of in (h) by for

(b) (a) which who (b) who which (c) whom which (d) this that
(e) which that (f) who which (g) who which (h) what which

(c) (a) they we (b) ours our (c) each other one another
(d) those that (e) my our (f) you we

(d) (a) Its his (b) Those That (c) their them (d) his him
(e) this these (f) those that (g) any body no body (h) hisself himself

(e) (a) who that (b) which about (c) whether that (d) why whether
(e) which how (f) if that

(f) (a) explored exploring (b) fighting fight (c) brought bring (d) suffered suffer
(e) calling called (f) Descended Descending

(g) (a) gone going (b) am hearing heard (c) look looked (d) seen saw
(e) have had (f) cried crying (g) beckoning was beckoning
(h) exhaust was exhausted

(h) (a) will could (b) Must may (c) shall will (d) might must
(e) need can (f) should could (g) could must (h) could can

(i) (a) should can (b) might may (c) may should (d) had has
(e) used ought (f) dare can (g) have has (h) may need

(j) (a) different difference \(b) developing development (c) moulded moulding

(d) alienated alienation (e) virtuous virtue (f) train training

(g)aware awareness (h) education educationists

4. (a) (a) wheels and give (b) road so that (c) skidding while turning(d) better so even
(e) tyres. But non-racing (f) tyres as the

(b) (a) glass as I (b) counter and asked (c) glasses but not (d) glassess. so I

(e) himself although he (f) another but I (g) felt so irritated (h) one or not

(c) (a) legend that it (b) know what can (c) believe that this (d)B.C. when slaves

(e) liberty because he (f) wit. Since/As Aesop (g) high as the

(h) countries because he.

(d) (a) soul as it (b) system if you (c) place where you (d) so that the

(e) Even if you (f) fresh because these

(e) (a) Hills because it (b) occurring after three (c) severe that five (d) affected if there
(e) week. Unless the(f) decided where these

(f) (a) Dravid who is (b) day when charges (c) feel that Rahul (d) somethingthat he

(e) seconds where Rahul (f) matter which was (g) man who was
(h) Lloyd who was

(g) (a) very hot during (b) is hotter than (c) is the hottest (d) time hot surface
(e) are many cases (f) nights more pleasant

(h) (a) bookworms. Those disparagements (b) from the mouths (c) ‘gamesters’. Some boys

(d) is a better (e) for their activities (f) of an inferiority (g) envy their fellows

(h) have a glamour

(i) (a) into any of (b) applicants every year (c) clear the CAT (d) the first two

(e) in your minds (f) in each sub section (g) The last month (h) thrice a week

(j) (a) is a perfect (b) combine the discovery(c) by many educational(d) but none of

(e) for the overall (f) But our camps (g) with an opportunity (h) find his/her area.

(k) (a) with someone and(b) to them and (c) whatever you wanted (d) exactly what comes

(e) ventilate your anger(f) Take this out (g) ask yourself if (h) once. Some one

(l) (a) sanctuaries are springing (b) has been constructed (c) It is spread
(d) It has been (e) plans have been (f) It is proposed
(g) complex will have (h) will be held

(m) (a) pattern are reaping(b) companies are driven (c) hence want emloyees (d) they leave space

(e) that works out (f) Flexi-time is thus (g) employees choose the (h) that suit their
(i) They have to (j) hours agreed upon

(n) (a) What is really (b) before, is not (c) These are non (d) Science has been

(e) What are its aims(f) One is the (g) other is the (h) that lie within

(o) (a) tries to utilize (b) for making drugs (c) begun to design (d) groups sharing the
(e) not to be (f) merely providing genetically (g) about gaining bettter
(h) on studying food.

5. (a) (a) which (b) who (c) which (d) why
(e) which (f) that (g) who (h) that

(b) (a) if (b) when (c) unless (d) as

(e) although / even if (f) so that (g) lest (h) than

(c) (a) Though / Although (b) as (c) because (d) and

(e) while (f) and

(d) (a) came (b) woke (c) started (d) awoke

(e) did not hear (f) was barking (g) went (h) telephoned.

(e) (a) will / would (b) could / would (c) have to (d) may
(e) must (f) needn't (g) ought (h) shall

(f) (a) may (b) will (c) can (d) will

(e) have (f) will (g) must (h) can
(g) (a) have (already) begun (b) help (c) withstand
(d) is (e) are faced (f) was (g) were trapped
(h) were rescued

(h) (a) better (b) more (c) poorer (d) poorest

(e) oldest (f) wiser

(i) (a) The paddy fields were raided by the elephants.

(b) The crops were destroyed by the elephants.
(c) All the banana plants were uprooted (by them).
(d) The watchemen were all attacked (by them)

6. (a) (a) It has a long forked tail on the back, a sheen and wings.

(b) It has a blue band with dark red beneath it at its throat
(c) Often swallows are seen skimming over a pond or an open space.
(d) Sometimes they may be found hunting insects down a busy city street.
(b) (a) He feels that selling ice-cream is a tough business.
(b) There are just too many brands of ice-creams selling in the market now a days.
(c) A decade ago there were just two or three different varieties to choose from.
(d) Some people who try a new brand come back again and again for them.
(e) It's the King cones that sell like hot cakes.
(f) However there are some brands which are not favoured by customers.

(c) (a) Concerted efforts should be made by all to curb environmental pollution.
(b) Burning of fossil fuels is to be discouraged.
(c) Polluting Industries must be shifted far off from the residential areas.
(d) More trees should be grown along the roads and in vacant fields.
(e) Though it will be a difficult task but certainly not impossible.

(d) (a) What has being good to do with it?

(b) You will be rewarded for your good work.
(c) Show your medals to the Principal.
(d) How foolishly I have behaved !

(e) (a) How can I yield to your desire ?

(b) How difficult the questions were !
(c) Newton had discovered the law of gravitation.
(d) Don't mix up with the bad boys.

(f) (a) Autogenic training is based upon passive concentration.

(b) It has been given the status of a therapy by its disease alleviating capabilities.
(c) Autogenic training is effectively used for reducing stress.
(d) The exercise must be discontinued if some adverse side - effects are felt.
(e) It is not recommended for people with severe mental disorders.


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