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castle The castle is in the centre of the old town. kastély

The cathedral is very popular with
cathedral székesegyház, katedrális
The church has beautiful colourful
church templom
The river is very clean and there are a
clean tiszta
lot of fish in it.
There were people everywhere. It was
crowded zsúfolt
really crowded.
It can be dangerous at night so walk with
dangerous veszélyes
someone else.
You can find everything you want in the
department store áruház
department store.
Many of the shops are empty. Nobody
empty üres
has any money.
The city is exciting. There is so much to
exciting izgalmas
The museum was very interesting. I want
interesting érdekes
to go again.
market The market sells great fresh fish. piac
The building is very modern and
modern modern
everything else is old. It looks strange.
mosque The mosque is the biggest in Europe. mecset, dzsámi
I like the national museum the best. You
museum múzeum
learn so much about the country.
noisy All the cars make it very noisy. zajos
There are so many beautiful old
old öreg, régi
palace The royal family lived in the palace. palota
The factories and cars make it very
polluted szennyezett
quiet It’s a small town and quite quiet. csöndes

safe It’s very safe. There is never any trouble. biztonságos

shopping centre (mall) The shopping centre has over 200 shops. bevásárlóközpont
There is a statue of the king in the
statue szobor
The temple is visited by many religious
temple szentély, templom
The local government meet in the town
town hall városháza
Useful words and phrases
Abbreviations, like BFN (bye for now),
abbreviations rövidítések, betűszavak
are becoming more popular.
about I think there are about 50 people here. körülbelül

accident I hit another car and had a bad accident. baleset

If you drink too much coffee it can make
anxious nyugtalan, ideges
you feel anxious.
How much do you think it costs? ~ At
at least legalább
least £100. Maybe more.
The average speed of cars in New York
average átlag(os)
City is 15 km/h.
Between thirty and fifty people get my nagyjából (két érték
bus every morning. közötti becslés)
blood I've cut my finger! Look at the blood. vér
Skin covers the outside of a person’s
body test
This vitamin is important for strong
bones csontok
bones and a healthy immune system.
It seems that computer games stimulate
brain agy
the brain.
Take a photo of the old bridge over the
bridge híd
canal This canal used to be very busy. csatorna
Twitter only allows you to use 140
characters karakterek
city walls There's a great view from the city walls. városfal
My diet is so unhealthy. I eat junk food
diet étrend
all the time.
Do you feel frustrated when you’re frusztráltnak érzi magát,
feel frustrated
behind people who are walking slowly? tehetetlennek érzi magát
harbour Look at the ships in the harbour. kikötő

heart Exercise is good for the heart. szív

Let’s go up the hill and look down on the
hill domb
This is a historic town. It's over 700 régi, történelmi (város,
years old. tárgy)
Drinking coffee may help to prevent
illness(es) some illnesses like diabetes and betegség(ek)
Parkinson’s disease.
People feel frustrated when an internet
immediately azonnal
page does not open immediately.
This vitamin is important for strong
immune system immunrendszer
bones and a healthy immune system.
People get very impatient because they
impatient türelmetlen
think they’re wasting time.
Which city had the friendliest and most
inhabitants lakosok
polite inhabitants?
Do you get irritable if you sit for an hour
irritable ingerlékeny
without doing anything?
lake We can sail a boat on the lake. tó
My lifestyle is too unhealthy. I need to
lifestyle életstílus
Doctors think this can cause liver
liver máj
on time We aren’t going to arrive on time. időben

muscles I go to the gym to get stronger muscles. izmok

People aren’t as patient as they were in
patient türelmes
the past.
Which city had the friendliest and most
polite udvarias
polite inhabitants?
Several studies show that drinking coffee
prevent megelőz, elkerül
helps to prevent some illnesses.
ruins These are the ruins of the old castle. romok
These stories are for busy parents who
save time időt takarít meg
need to save time.
Several studies show that drinking coffee
several több különböző
helps to prevent some illnesses.
It seems that computer games stimulate
stimulate stimulál, serkent
the brain.
These are shorter versions of traditional
stories történetek
We spend more time than ever sitting in
stressed feszült
our cars, feeling stressed.
synagogue This synagogue is 300 years old. zsinagóga
Don’t drink too much fruit juice – it’s
teeth fogak
bad for your teeth.
These are shorter versions of traditional tradicionális,
stories. hagyományos
Our cars are faster, but the traffic is
traffic forgalom
worse, so we drive more slowly.
unwell I feel unwell. I’m not going to work. nem jól
Do you agree with the travel survey’s
verdict verdict that London has the best ítélet, vélemény
I don’t watch much TV because I don’t
waste time időt pazarol
like to waste time.

I can give you a refund. Do you have the

Do you have the receipt? Megtartotta a nyugtát?
Do you have these in an These are too small. Do you have these
Van ez 8-as méretben?
eight? in an eight?
Do you take I'm ready to pay. Do you take MasterCardot
MasterCard? MasterCard? elfogadnak?
Do you want to try them Here are the size four trainers. Do you
Fel szeretné próbálni?
on? want to try them on?
Do you have any in size five? ~ I’ll go
I’ll go and check. Megyek és megnézem.
and check.
I’m afraid they’re too I’m afraid they’re too small. Do you
Attól tartok, túl kicsi.
small. have a bigger size?
Is there a problem? ~ I’m afraid they’re
Is there a problem? Minden rendben van?
too small for me.
Just a moment. Just a moment. I’ll go and check. Csak egy pillanat.
You can have a refund. Do you have
You can have a refund. Vissza tudjuk adni az árát.
your receipt, please?
Can we make it a bit That's very early. Can we make it a bit Nem tehetnénk egy kicsit
later? later? későbbre?
Have you had a good Have you had a good day? ~ Yes, not
Jó napod volt?
day? bad, thanks.
Let’s make it seven Shall we meet at seven? ~ Let’s make it
Legyen hét tizenöt.
fifteen. seven fifteen.
How was your day? ~ Oh, you know.
Oh, you know… Ó, tudod...
Nothing special.
Why don’t you come with Why don’t you come with me to the
Miért nem jössz velem?
me? match? You’ll enjoy it.

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