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Computersthem. Engng,Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 1157-1165. 1993 0098- I354/93 86.00 + 0.

Rinted in Great Britain Pergamon Press Ltd



Kemira, Inc., P.O. Box 368, President St Ext., Savannah, GA 31402, U.S.A.

(Received 4 June 1992;finnl revision received IO May 1993; received for publicarion 3 June 1993)

Abstract-A method is proposed to calculate multicomponent chemical reaction mixtures as a series of

sequential, time-dependent thermochemical states. The procedure is based on the two general principles
of physical chemistry, viz., decreasing Gibbs-energy for a natural process and the exponential Arrhenius
rate law for the overall reaction kinetics. The calculation is performed in repeated sequences for a closed
system element with known heat transfer to its surroundings. The temperature of each sequential reactor
element is determined by a Gibbs-energy minimization routine (SOLGASMIX) connected to the closed
system enthalpy balance iteration. The extent of overall reaction is limited by the Arrhenius kinetics, while
the possible side reactions may reach equikbrium. The mass balance relations forming the subsidiary
constraintsof the Lagrange method are modified to facilitate the Gibbs-energy minimization for the
intermediate “reactor states”. The well-known reaction of titanium (IV) chloride oxidation to titanium
dioxide with such side reactions as chlorine dissociation and oxychloride formation is given as a
calculational example.

1. INTRODUCTION where wa now has negative values for the above

A simple method is presented by which a series of species denoted by A.

chemical compositions may be calculated for a multi- In a small time interval dt the reaction takes place
component chemical reaction. The compositions are to the extent &:
received each in a given intermediate temperature and 0 = Iwe &B, (3)
pressure. The method examines the combination of
the Arrhenius overall reaction rate and the minimiz- where de/dt is the reaction rate. The thermodynamic
ation of Gibbs energy for the reaction mixture in each conditions for a natural process and equilibrium are:
discrete calculational step. As a result, a time-depen-
~w~J+, & /dt (: 0 (natural process), (4)
dent series of intermediate “states” with known
chemical composition, temperature and pressure is cw,~, = 0 (equilibrium) (5)
obtained, the cakulation thus modelling the route of
where pg is the chemical potential of species B and the
a “natural process”. With known reactor geometries
affinity of the reaction is -&v,p,, .
as well as heat and mass transfer rates the method
If a system of any number of phases is considered
becomes a practical tool in reactor design.
at constant T and P (temperature and pressure), the
conditions are given in terms of the system’s Gibbs
2. THEORY energy (e):

The general chemical reaction is presented symbol- de = & dn,, -z 0 (natural process)
ically as follows:
(T, P constant), (6)

Cw,A -+ZwsB (1) de = GB dn, = 0 (equilibrium)

(T, P constant). (7)
meaning that wA moles of A and the like react
together to give ws moles of B and the like. Following The mole numbers and the extent of reaction are here
the notation of Guggenheim (1977), symbols A and related by the equality dn, = wg dE, or, more gener-
B specify both the chemical species i and the phase a ally in a multireaction system with N reactions:
in which they are present. Equation (1) can be
modified by collecting both the reactants and the cl+, = c wBda,, (i = 1, 2, _ . , N).
products on the right:
Following Levine (1978), the reaction rate in terms
O=Zw,B (2) of unit volume V is r = (l/ V)(ds/dt) and can be


expressed with an experimental reaction rate calculation model of the reaction channel should thus
coefficient k and the reactant concentrations include the effect of both.
([AI, VI . . .): For titanium tetrachloride (TiCI,), the reactions
r = k[A]"[B]b . . * [M]” (f-9
TiCl,(g) + 02(g)+Ti02(c) + 2C12(g), (i)

Cl,(g)+2Cl(g). (ii)
r = F(k, [Al, [S], . . . , [MI) (9)
The enthalpy of the reaction for the overall oxidation
where s = Q + b + . - . + m is the order of the reac- reaction is - 177 kJ/mol and for the chlorine dis-
tion, and k is the temperature-dependent reaction rate sociation +250 M/m01 (lOOO°C).
coefficient commonly following the Arrhenius The rate equation for reaction (i) was recently
equation: given by Pratsinis er al. (1990):

In k = In u - g/T. (10) -d[TiCl,]/dt = (k + k’[0,]‘/3[TiCl,], (11)

Where u and #I are parameters defining the frequency where k and k’ are given in the usual Arrhenius form:
factor and reaction activation energy, respectively. k = ,f - e(-GIR~
In the case of a single reaction, for which the
reaction rate is known, the time-dependence of
chemical change is given by (8). The reaction should
then proceed to equilibrium along (4) and (5). For a with numerical values of the frequency factors A, A’
change in a multi-phase system, (6) and (7) are valid. and the activation energy E. known by experiments.
In the calculation model presented in the following The time-course of the overall reaction (i) may thus
it is assumed that equations (6). . . (8) are sequen- be derived. However, a simultaneous solution for the
tially valid in the reactive system. The overall reaction extent of reaction (ii) would be necessary to end with
rate is assumed to follow equation (8) during succes- a correct enthalpy of the chemical change. Other
sive, short time periods of At. The reaction is then possible side reactions for the TiCl,-O,-system are
suppressed, or “frozen” at constant T and P, to check discussed, e.g. by Pratsinis et al. (1990), and have
the corresponding minimum of the Gibbs energy of been experimentally recorded by Karlemo et al.
the system by equation (7). For each intermediate (1992). Connected with the heat exchange of the
“state”, a calculational minimum following equation system and surroundings there then would be enough
(7) is received. After repeating the calculation to a data to reach a time-dependent temperature profile
stage, where no more reaction takes place (de sz 0) a for the reaction channel.
series of intermediate “states” and the final (stable) To combine both of these effects, it has been
equilibrium state have been reached. assumed that the side reactions may reach equi-
For each intermediate “state”, there is a corre- librium and hence thermodynamic rules be applied to
sponding time value, derived from equation (8). This these and the reactor heat exchange. Using this
then gives a simulated, time dependent reaction route assumption in pace with the gradual extent of the
for the “natural process” obeying equations (4) overall reaction enables one to calculate a series of
and (6). thermochemical “states” along the time axis of the
When calculating these intermediate “states”, it
remains to determine the temperature and pressure
for each step. A practical simplification is to consider
The temperature of the closed system reactor a constant pressure system. The enthalpy change in a
element is discussed here in terms of an exothermic closed system 2 with reaction is thus:
multicomponent reaction, for which the actual model
has been developed. dHZ = C, dT + c wiHi de (P constant) (12)
The oxidation of a gaseous metal chloride is
where C, = heat capacity of the system and Hi de-
usually an exothermic reaction taking place at high
notes the partial molar enthalpy of species i (Haase,
temperatures above 900°C. The rapid dissociation of
the chlorine [Cl,(g)]-molecule, however, strongly
As the heat flow is dQ/dt = dH’/dt, when no work
affects the temperature of the reaction mixture and
is done on the system, this becomes:
thus the reaction rate. The other salient factor is, of
course, heat exchange with the surroundings. Any C,dT/dt =dQ/dt -xwiHi&fdt. (13)
Time-dependentreactionmixtures I159

Thus the temperture of the closed, reactive system is to reach the system composition for the intermediate
controlled by the heat flow and the heat evolved by reactor “states”.
the reaction. For the adiabatic case dQ = 0 and the Solgasmix was originally developed by Eriksson
reaction endo/exothermicity reflects directly the tem- (1971). The search of the Gibbs energy minimum is
perature of the system. realized in terms of the mole numbers of the system
Tbe adiabatic approach often leads to approxi- components, which satisfy the overall mass balance
mations with certain limited practical values. Results constraints of the closed system. Lagrange’s method
from the adiabatic calculation are illustrated in is used with the mass balance relations as subsidiary
Fig. 1. The curves give the reaction rate pattern with constraints. Here, for simplicity, a system consisting
different Arrhenius parameters, as received from of an ideal gas phase and a number of pure, con-
equation (11) in an adiabatic reaction channel for the densed phases is considered. The system Gibbs energy
stoichiometric reactant mixture. is then given in terms of substance mole numbers and
The heat transfer rate is obtained by either calcu- chemical potentials:
lation or measurement, e.g. for a tubular flow reactor
it is often possible to reach the measured Q-values.
The closed system may then be treated as a steadily
moving reactive element, proceeding through the The mass balance constraints for the system are:
known reactor tube. Combining a rate pattern for the
tubular flow, known reactor geometry and dQ/dt-
values based on measured or calculated heat flows, a
more realistic picture of the reaction history may be In (14-15) Gz is again the system Gibbs energy and
obtained. pi the partial molar Gibbs energy of a substance, the
rest of the notation is as explained below:


nf = mole number of a substance in phase q.
ENERGY MIMMIZATION au= number of atoms of the ith element in a
molecule of the ith substance (element of
Multicomponent equilibria as a rule are calculated
stoichiometrical matrix in Solgasmix),
by extremization methods (Hillert, 1981). One of the
b,= the number of moles of the ith element,
most widespread of these is the well-known Solgas-
I = total number of elements,
mix, which involves the minimization of the Gibbs
m, s = number of substances present at gas phase and
free energy at constant temperature and pressure
the condensed phases, respectively.
(OTT, 1992; Sippola et al., 1992). The true equi-
librium composition of a multicomponent system is The search of the minimum of the Gibbs energy is
received. For the present method, a modification of then subject to the mass balance relations as sub-
the Solgasmix mass balance relations was examined sidiary conditions. Using 5% as undetermined multi-


0.4 -

0.3 -

0.2 -


0 0.00!5 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03

time, set

Fig. I. TiCI, oxidation kinetics. Adiabatic reaction rates.


I hit:

4 -& , p,*t



E SGMTEMP ___ T, X, (q)ro


Fig. 2. Flowchart of the program RATEMIX.

pliers of the Lagrange method, the function becomes 6L/&, = 6, - C afnf - C a$nf = 0. (19)
(Eriksson, 1971):
As is mathematically plausible, additional constraints
may be taken into account in the minimization
procedure. This has been done, e.g. by Gupta et al.
(1991) to achieve a more effective algorithm for
+ixj b,--~a@z~-_aa;n; =L(n,x). (16)
( > simultaneous computation of the stability of phases
and the isothermal-isobaric multiphase equilibrium
The minimization of L(n,n) gives, equivalently, the
for reacting systems.
minimum of w/RT and thus the equilibrium number
To calculate a temperature-dependent series of
of moles of each substance at constant T and P. The
suppressed (or “frozen”) equilibria by Solgasmix a
derivation gives:
modification of the mass balance is needed.
The stoichiometrical input matrix of Solgasmix,
6L/6n$ = pf JRT - i njafj = 0, (17) describing the thermodynamical system to be calcu-
lated, may also involve chemical substances as “com-
BL/6n; = p;/RT - f: nja; = 0,
ponents of the system” (Eriksson, 1975; Forssberg
et al., 1986). These are then introduced to the matrix
Time-dependentreaction mixtures 1161


time, seconds
Fig. 3. TiCl, oxidation. Extent of reaction and T/T_,.

as columns in addition to or to replace the elements. here to introduce the reactive substance to the
The stoichiometric coefficients of the replenished matrix in the form of an inert component of the
matrix must be given correctly to match the overall system, which only gets consumed in pace of the
mass balance. The same approach has been utilized overall reaction rate.


KP, or


CPGI)l 2


0 0.5 1
Extent of overall reaction [E(TD)] by calculation
Fig. 4. TiCI, oxidation. Calculated Cl,-dissociation compared to equilibrium constant.


1( E
.......... . . . . ........................................... ......... ...... .& ..____._.__
-1- T/l-l I

Extent of reaction (thermodynamic)

Fig. 5. Intermediate “reactor states”. Relative entropy change in the series of closed systems.

The “inactive reactant” always has to have the (I*) in the extended matrix of the suppressed system
actual reactive component present as a substance becomes:
counterpart among the rows of the matrix. During a
I* = I + rE -I- rc. (23)
minimization step the former is “frozen” and does
not attend the reaction. In the subsequent calculation The mass balance relation (20) is similar to the
the inactive reactant is then discretely transformed to relation (15). Thus, with analogous Lagrange ex-
its reactive counterpart, which, obeying thermodyn- pressions as those of (16-19) the minimization pro-
amics, reacts during the minimization sequences to cedure remains formally untouched. The minimum is
give the respective products. Throughout the pro- reached either at the zero differential (dGa = 0) or as
cedure, the inert “component of the system’* and the an extreme value at the region boundary (Vaisala,
corresponding reactive component have the same 1971).
thermophysical properties to match the calculation’s The additional condition to be fulfilled in the
energy balance. calculation is the overall mass balance:
Supposing that it is possible to add an inactive
reactant to either or both phases g and c, a modified
mass balance is received:
&)nl;+&‘,n+bf 0’=1,2,...1*) (20)
where mto, is the total mass and Mj the atomic or
molecular mass of the jth component of the system.
The total mass of the suppressed and the original
system of course must always be equal. From (24)
m*=m+r8, (21)
and (25) the mass-balance condition is then:
s* = s + r=, (22)
f: (bf - bj)M, = 0,
rcc here denoting the number of reactants introduced
as additional “components of the system” in phases where bj = 0 when C <cj < I+.
g or c, respectively, and b* indicating the number of This condition must be balanced between the mini-
moles of each “element” in the new system. As the mization sequencies of the calculation. In short, when
reactants are added to the system in the form of the inactive reactant becomes consumed, the corre-
inactive (inert) “elements”, the number of elements sponding reactive substance must be increased in the
Time-dependentreactionmixtures 1163

Solgasmix input. This can be done by using a finite In the subroutine SGMTEMP the Gibbs energy of
difference related to the time increment AI and deter- the reactive system is then minimized, utilizing the
mined solely by the rate-determining kinetic flexibility of Solgasmix’s stoichiometrical approach
equation(s). The inactive reactant is thus consumed in as described above. The reactive system is “frozen” in
pace with the rate equation, and the suppressed pace with the extent of the TiCl,-overall reaction (hi,
minima of the system Gibbs energy are received for constant T and P). while the corresponding minimum
such intermediate “states’*, for which only part of the of the Gibbs energy of the suppressed system is cal-
reactant is allowed to react. culated. Before the itermediate “state” is accepted,
When the calculation proceeds to such a time however, the heat balance given by equation (13) is
value, where no reaction exists any more, 6,*-+0 for checked by an iterative temperature routine com-
j > 1. At the final equilibrium state no inactive reac- bined to Solgasmix (Niemela and Koukkari, 1989).
tant should be left and from (24) and (25) it follows: The intermediate data is collected into a logbook
file (subroutine IMRES in Fig. 2 with X denoting any
b, = bf (j = 1,2, ___I; at equilibrium). (27) quantity from SGMTEMP). After repeating the
sequential calculation to a stage where no more
The mass balance relations of (15) and (20), then reaction takes place (dE % 0) a series of intermediate
become equivalent for the real equilibrium position “frozen equilibria” and the final (stable) equilibrium
Thus, due to the flexibility of the Solgasmix stoi- state have been reached. This may, yet, change with
chiometrical approach, it is viable to restrict the temperature while heat removal goes on.
“consumption” of reactive species in different phases For each intermediate “state”, there is a corre-
without affecting the mathematical form of the mini- sponding time value, derived from equation (8). This
mization procedure. In case of a single reactant, for then gives a simulated, time dependent reaction route
which the reactant rate law is known, the system for the “natural process” obeying equations (4)
modification is particularly simple (14 = l), and facili- and (6).
tates a yielding simulation of the effect of side
reactions and heat losses on the reaction history.

The computation of the “time-dependent inter-

mediate states” is, of course, subdued to some mod-
The computer algorithm (RATEMIX), is based on elling agreements. Those used with the above
the Arrhenius power law kinetics, known mass and calculational example are discussed here shortly.
heat transfer estimates and on an iterative thermo- The intermediate states as combined represent the
dynamic routine, which searches the Gibbs energy supposed virtual reaction route. The properties of
minimum of a closed system. It is assumed that these “states” are unambiguous once the modifying
equations (6). . . (8) are sequentially valid in the constraints on the mass balance relations have been
reactive system. The flowsheet of the routine is shown set. However, they are dependent on the choice of
in Fig. 2. these relations, as well as on the kinetic rate
The TiCl,-O,(-TiO,)-system consists of some equation(s) and the heat balance. The suppression
18-20 substances, the thermodynamic data of which technique applied thus designates the modelling
is firstly compiled as Solgasmix-input. The reaction agreements. The choice of constraints may yet be
starts at a given pressure and temperature. The verified against measured or thermodynamic data.
reactants (TiCl,, 0,) are typically present in their To reach an intermediate “state”, which would be
stoichiometric ratio or with some percentage of excess in pace with the overall kinetic reaction rate, the
oxygen. amount of reactants must be sufficient for each
The overall reaction rate is assumed to follow intermediate minimization. The procedure provides
equation (8) [or, in this case, equation (ll)] during that L,3 (6,)rD, which is the necessary condition. Thus
successive, short time periods of At. This is done by cir the extent of reaction received by the Arrhenius
the subroutine RATE. For each instant of time ti, a rate equation in subroutine RATE, reaches unity
corresponding extent of reaction ci is received. before (ci)rD , the thermodynamically allowed extent
RATE is followed by an optional subroutine RE- of the overall reaction from subroutine SGMTEMP.
ACTOR, which is used to calculate the heat flow in This is illustrated in Fig. 3. The latter then becomes
terms of measured Q-values or by known heat trans- completed obeying strict thermodynamic rules when
fer coefficients and the possible spatial co-ordinates heat is removed from the system. For further treat-
(Lj) in terms of the flow pattern and reactor ment of the intermediate results, (ti)rD is consequently
geometry. the more interesting quantity.

The search of the Gibbs energy minimum con- reaction and a simultaneous heat flow to the low-
dition is free for any side reactions, to which no temperature surroundings. The corresponding en-
kinetic constraint is set. As the thermodynamic mini- tropy change within the system is positive while the
mization routine now involves the enthalpy balance reaction exotherm exceeds the heat loss, and then,
of the closed system, the side reactions become with proportionally increased cooling, becomes the
accounted in the heat balance. In the case of TiCl,- (negative) isothermal entropy of the overall reaction.
oxidation, the endothermic dissociation of chlorine The “RATEMIX”-method combines the exper-
strongly affects the temperature of each intermediate imental overall reaction kinetics to the supposed
volume element and thus the subsequent overall “frozen equilibria” of a reactor process. Given the
temperature profile (and reaction rate) received for overall Arrhenius power law reaction rate, the sol-
the reactor. In Fig. 3, curve 1 describes part of such ution does not imply any specific reaction mechan-
a T-profile, the squares indicating calculated inter- ism. The general kinetic mechanism, if known, would
mediate “states”. result with the time course of the reaction (Alberty,
The heat capacity of the system is controlled either 1991). Yet the calculation of intermediate “states” as
by using an inert substance as the suppressing described above, also provides time-dependent ther-
“dummy” component or by defining the inactive mochemical information in such a form that may be
reactant in the input matrix of Solgasmix. During the experimentally verified. This information includes the
calculation steps the inert substance must be replaced temperature-, enthalpy- and composition profiles
with the actual reactive component in their heat for a steady-state reactor, which, of course, are of
capacity ratio. The inactive reactant technique is yet practical importance.
more general, e.g. in this example directly giving the
correct (ideal) gas volume for the intermediate reac- AcknowledPements-To Kemira Ov (Academy of Industry).
to Dr S. Liikkonen and Dr J. Rasiai at Helsinki Univers&
tor elements. of Technology, Laboratory of Physical and ElectroChem-
The assumed instantaneous dissociation of chlor- istly.
ine should yield, in the stoichiometric “RATEMIX”
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