How to start a career in Vlsi

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How to start a career in Vlsi

The field of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is a complex and exciting area of electronics that
deals with the design and development of integrated circuits (ICs) used in almost all electronic
devices. If you are interested in a career in VLSI, there are several steps you can take to get

1. Get a solid foundation in electronics and digital circuits: Before delving into VLSI, it's
important to have a good understanding of the basics of electronics and digital circuits.
Start by taking courses in digital electronics, circuit analysis, and microprocessors. You
should also familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts of digital design such as
Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, and so on.
2. Learn a Hardware Description Language (HDL): HDLs like Verilog and VHDL are used to
describe the behaviour of digital circuits and to design digital systems. Learning an HDL
is an essential skill for anyone interested in a career in VLSI. There are several resources
available online, including tutorials and books, that can help you learn HDL.
3. Gain practical experience: Besides theoretical knowledge, practical experience is crucial
for starting a career in VLSI. Look for internships, research projects, and entry-level jobs
that offer hands-on experience in VLSI design and development. Work on real-world
projects, where you can gain experience in designing and testing digital circuits.
4. Join a VLSI community: Joining a VLSI community can be an excellent way to connect
with industry professionals and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.
Attend industry conferences, join online forums, and participate in VLSI-related events
in your area.
5. Pursue advanced education: Advanced education such as a master's degree in VLSI or a
related field can give you a competitive edge in the job market. A graduate degree can
provide you with specialized knowledge and research experience that can help you
advance your career.
6. Keep learning: VLSI is a rapidly evolving field, and new technologies and tools are
constantly being developed. To stay competitive, it's important to keep learning and
updating your skills. Stay current with industry trends, read research papers, and take
courses to enhance your knowledge.

In conclusion, starting a career in VLSI requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and

practical experience. By following these steps and staying committed to learning and growth,
you can build a successful career in this exciting field. With persistence and dedication, you can
become a skilled VLSI engineer and significantly contribute to the electronics industry.
1.)The best way to start your career in VLSI field is to get hired by vlsi companies during
campus recruitments. Generally these companies visits only tier 1 institutes. They prefer
Mtech vlsi people during campus recruitment. To get into tier 1 institutes for masters you
need to have good GATE score

2.) If you are not in a good institute than you can join some training institutes like RV Vlsi
they provide good exposure on different aspects of VLSI . Some good companies and some
service based companies also visits these training institutes for recruitment.

3.) If you are good in vlsi field than you can also apply offcampus directly on company
website generally internship positions are available if you get hired for intern position and if
you perform good during your internship tenure than they will give you full time offer.

You should be having good knowledge of following topics like

1.) Digital electronics and finite state machines

2.) Verilog coding

3.) Computer architecture

4.) Digital integrated circuits (MOS Device physiscs, Delay, Interconnects,Metastability )

5.) Low power design

6.) Static timing analysis and ASIC flow

7.) Clock tree synthesis, floor planning , placement & routing , Crosstalk analysis

8.) Basic knowledge of FPGA

9.) C programming
What should be the best way to learn VLSI design?

Its a very very vast field with a lot of interdependent & co-related topics [RTL design,
Functional/Physical/Timing Verification, Testing, DFT, Synthesis, Physical Design, Standard
cell design etc. to name a few]. You cannot master it quickly. Your understanding of the
subject will get better with time & persistent effort. But, most importantly with the curiosity
to know more & more of her. I have enumerated the basic things you must know to succeed
in the field of ASIC (not FPGA)/SoC design. Just follow it & you will surely have a strong
foundation to be a successful VLSI Engineer.

1. Logic Design (LD)

Yes, this by far is the single most important skill you must possess. Programming is a mere
implementation of your idea but LD is the thinking process itself. You must be able to
design a module using min. Gates, min. Power & max. Performance. This step comes higher
in the design hierarchy and affects the entire flow from there on. So its really important to
get your LD concepts bang on. Ex: FSM design, MUX based design, Flops-latches based
design, Sync.-Aysnc design.
How to learn: Take an interesting problem statement, come up with an optimized FSM
design & try to implement the same using min. resources at the gate-level.

2. HDL/RTL/HVL Coding
Yes yes, the industry needs you to code & code well. There is a difference between RTL
coding & C-coding. Here, 'timing' comes into play. You must learn to code in either
Verilog/VHDL (I learnt Verilog). With RTL, you are basically expressing the LD you came up
with in 1 using a Hardware language.
How to learn: Start coding simple modules straight away. Don't waste time trying to master
the syntax. Learn to express the module behavior in RTL & the compiler will teach you the
rest. Start writing simple testbenches to verify for its logic/functional correctness. Then later
learn Synthesizable RTL Coding.
Note: One step further would be learning SV, UVM, RAL, SVA etc to write fully automated
TBs. This is a vast field in itself. I was in FV at LSI & found it interesting. If you like coding
then this is for you.

3. CMOS fundamentals
It depends whether you will work on frontend design or backend design. This is highly
needed in Backend/Physical design & full-custom circuit design/standard cell design. But
having good MOS basics is always a bonus. It a must need for all R&D jobs.
How to learn: Start designing a simple circuit like SRAM/DRAM block & verify its timing &
functional correctness using SPICE simulations. I have done the same.

4. EDA Tools
Now this is a must for all industry jobs.Since almost the entire VLSI flow is automated using
EDA tools, its a must to gain expertise in handling them. I have learnt Cadence Virtuoso,
Synopsys ICC, DC, PT etc. It's a must for almost all Backend jobs.
How to learn: The tools are expensive. You college will provide you if it's part of the syllabus.
But if you are lucky to get an internship in a semiconductor company then its even better.

5. Computer Architecture/ Microprocessor basics

Almost all chips designed today are ASICs/SoCs. This means we must understand how the
CPU is organized & how the various parts work together. You will ultimately end up working
on just a single block withing the CPU but having knowledge of many blocks will help you
to better understand the chip & eases integration job.
How to learn: First learn the basic theory. Then try to design & implement a single CPU
component ex: ALU or a DMA controller. Take it through the entire flow from RTL->Netlist-

6. Protocol/Algorithm implementation
VLSI is just an implementation technology. Ultimately you are designing a chip for a specific
application ex: Image processors, Networking processors, wireless chips etc. So it becomes
important to understand the common on-chip protocols & implement the same on
hardware like FPGA
How to learn: Take a simple crypto algorithm ex: RC6 & implement the same on FPGA.
Note: One step ahead would be learning AMBA Protocols like AHB,APB,AXI etc.

7. Timing Analysis
TA forms the pillars of VLSI. Its important to undertand clocks, Metastability, STA &
analysing a circuit for setup & hold violations and ways to fix the same.
How to learn: Learn STA theory first. I have worked on STA in the backend flow. You can do
the same. Synopsys PT/ICC is needed to generate timing reports, analyse them & later fix
those violations.

8. Scripting & UNIX basics

Scripts are written to automate routine tasks. Its needed in both Frontend & Backend flow.
In frontend flow we predominantly use Perl scripting for regression testing, register
verification etc. In backend we use Tcl scripting to execute various commands for PD. Learn
baisc UNIX commands.
How to learn: There are numerous online tutorials to learn. Start writing simple scripts to
execute routine tasks. Leave Windows and start using UNIX. You must know the UNIX
environment well.
What should I prepare to be a good VLSI engineer?

As being a fresher in VLSI DESIGN for FRONT END DESIGN(that includes RTL design,

1. you should be very good in DIGITAL DESIGN, where you can design FSM
for different kind of circuits i.e. sequence detector, counters, multiple type
of adder, substractor, multiplier divider.
2. after Digital design next comes to VLSI is HDLs. Where you should be aware
of VHDL & Verilog. Now a days System Verilog also emerging and more
demanding in market for a VLSI designer.
3. you should have good understanding of tools i.e. how tool map our RTL to
real HARDWARE. that comes under Synthesis. that makes you produce your
design in very optimized way.
4. Then how tool understand your commands that require your scripting skills.
5. after this all you should have good algorithm development skill. along with
this basic understanding of C, sometimes you may get some work related
to microprocessor programming(as fresh engineer job prospective)
Now for Experienced Engineer in VLSI FRONT END, you must also Know,’

1. Static Timing Analysis,

2. Clock Domain Crossing,
4. Power,
5. Assertions and verification concept as also mentioned by other writers.
DFT understanding is added advantage. In market DFT also have its own recognition

Now If you wanna go for Verification, you must have

1. very good understanding of SV(system verilog), sometime

SystemC(depends on JOB requirement), Assertions, UVM basics.
2. at experience level people must have good knowledge of Methodologies
like UVM/OVM, then you must must know Gate level Simulation(GLS).
3. another impotent thing comes for a verification engineer is high speed
protocols. as day by day designs are more faster and small sized, these are
also reuquired for a DESIGNER.
Now next comes to Backend where it involves Physical design(MAP, FLOOR PLAN,

for a fresher its good to have knowledge of

=>VLSI design rules that involves :

Metal spacing/width,

stick diagrams etc.

=>in depth knowledge of CMOS:


channel length modulation,

miniaturization etc.

Here a experienced designer should have very good understanding of Fabrication lab
requirement, which involve all

1. Design rules check(DRC),

2. Layout vs Schematic (LVS),
3. all PVT stuffs,
4. On chip variations,
5. Parasitic exchange formats(SPEF/SDF).

Design For Testability(DFT)

Here it covers all test-ability of chip and manufacturing defects testing

Combine to DFT, we have DFX where we include

DFT:Design for Testablity,

DFD:Design for Debug

DFM :Design for Manufacturing

DFS : Design for Security

DFV:Design for validation

DFR :Design for Reliability

Reference:What is the difference between DFT and DFX in the VLSI industry?

So being DFT engineer, person should have knowledge of

1. Scan insertion/stitching,
2. Automatic Test Pattern Generation(ATPG),
3. Built in self test(BIST): Logical BIST, Memory BIST,Programmable MBIST.
4. Automatic Test Equipment(ATE).
In depth knowledge of Memories

Step 1. Get all your Basics Electronics clear.

Step 2. And then try to figure out your interest whether it is in analog or digital electronics.
Because VLSI domain is vast and you can not learn everything simultaneously.
Step 3. Start looking for a mentor in that stream.
Step 4. Join a course in a some good university. Tools are very costly, you have to enroll
somewhere. Keep bugging that mentor.
Step 5. Keep thinking out of the box ( We hear this phrase a lot in our industry).

How can I initiate a career in VLSI design,

what fundamental skills and knowledge
should I acquire to become a VLSI design

The question that is most commonly encountered in VLSI student's life arises.

Below details can be helpful for those interested in pursuing a career in this industry.
Here are some additional insights and tips for aspiring VLSI professionals:

1. Campus Recruitment: Getting hired by VLSI companies during campus recruitments can
indeed be an excellent way to kickstart your career. CCompanies like Intel, Qualcomm, NVIDIA,
Broadcom, and Texas Instruments are well-known for recruiting VLSI engineers from top-tier
institutes.To increase your chances, consider pursuing an M.Tech in VLSI or related fields from
prestigious institutes like IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) or NITs (National Institutes of
Technology). Building a strong academic record and developing practical skills is equally
2. Training Institutes: Joining training institutes like RV-VLSI Design Center,training include
CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), VLSI Guru, and Maven Silicon. those
can provide valuable exposure and hands-on experience in VLSI design. These institutes often
have tie-ups with industry partners, making it easier for students to connect with potential
employers. Additionally, participating in projects and internships during your time at these
institutes can enhance your skills and make you a more attractive candidate to VLSI companies.
3. Off-Campus Opportunities: Major VLSI companies, such as Intel, AMD, Samsung, and
Synopsys, often have dedicated career sections on their websites where you can search for job
openings and apply directly.Job portals like LinkedIn,, and Glassdoor also list VLSI
job openings from various companies.
4. Technical Knowledge: you should have good knowledge on below listed topics. 1.) Digital
electronics and finite state machines 2.) Verilog coding 3.) Computer architecture 4.) Digital
integrated circuits (MOS Device physiscs, Delay, Interconnects, Metastability ) 5.) Low power
design 6.) Static timing analysis and ASIC flow 7.) Clock tree synthesis, floor planning ,
placement & routing , Crosstalk analysis 8.) Basic knowledge of FPGA 9.) C programming.
However, it's not just about theoretical knowledge. Practical skills and the ability to apply this
knowledge to real-world design challenges are equally important. Consider working on personal
projects or participating in online courses and competitions to gain hands-on experience.
5. GitHub and Open Source Projects: Engage in open source VLSI projects on platforms like
GitHub. Contributing to or creating your own VLSI-related projects can showcase your skills to
potential employers.
6. Soft Skills: Soft skills are important in any job, and networking can be achieved by attending
industry events such as the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Design
Automation Conference (DAC), and IEEE conferences.On LinkedIn, you can follow VLSI-
related groups and connect with professionals from companies of interest.
7. Stay Updated: Keeping up-to-date in the VLSI field can involve reading industry publications
like "VLSI Design" and "IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems," as
well as online resources such as VLSI forums and blogs.
8. Mentorship: Seek mentorship from experienced VLSI professionals. They can provide guidance,
share insights, and help you navigate your career in the field.
9. Networking: Building a professional network within the VLSI community can be invaluable.
Attend industry events, join LinkedIn groups, and connect with professionals in the field.
Networking can help you discover job opportunities and gain insights into the industry.

Remember that the VLSI industry is global, with opportunities in countries like the
United States, India, China, and others. Depending on your location and career goals,
you can explore opportunities both locally and internationally. Building a strong
portfolio with relevant projects and certifications can also enhance your attractiveness to
potential employers.

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