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Matrix Tutorial

Uploading an image
into Matrix

Matrix images properties........................................................................................................... 1

Uploading an image into Matrix ................................................................................................ 2

Details Screen ............................................................................................................ 8

Metadata Screen .................................................................................................... 9

Adding the original filename to the Metadata screen .......................................................... 9

Making an image live in Matrix................................................................................................ 10

Adding multiple images at once to Matrix .............................................................................. 12
Matrix image properties

Images uploaded to Matrix need to be

1. Landscape images - 881px wide by 585px high
2. Have a maximum file size of 70kb
3. The file name should be descriptive of the image, lowercase, no more than 4-5
words with each word separated by a hyphen, e.g. students-in-newton-building.
4. Images should be saved as either .jpg for images and .png for logos.
If your image is from ScanLibraries or a web based image store such as Thinkstock, please
also make a note of the original filename as this will need to be added to the Metadata
screen of the image.


585 px File size:


881 px

It is recommended that you use Photoshop to resize images and use the Save for web
option to ensure both dimensions and file size are correct.
If you do not have Photoshop there are a number of online alternatives suitable for resizing
images such as TinyPNG -
Please note all images are added to the Media folder only.

Uploading an image into Matrix
Before you can add an image onto an asset, it must first be uploaded and stored in the

1. Click on the New button in the

top left of the Matrix toolbar.

2. An Asset Creation Wizard will appear. Click

on the Files option from the left hand menu.

3. Click on the Image option from the right
hand menu.

4. The image wizard screen will appear. We

need to populate every field marked with a
red asterisk.
4. Click on the Choose file button
and select the image you wish to
upload to Matrix.

5. Select the image you wish to upload making sure you
have updated the filename to the Matrix requirements.

6. Click open.

7. The image you selected is

provisionally added to the wizard.

8. A file name is automatically

added to the Enter a name field
based on the filename. We don’t
want the hyphens or the .jpg at
the end so click in the field and
rename it. The system title should
be descriptive of the image. In
this example the filename will be
Student in sombrero

9. For accessibility all images
need to have alt text. This is so
screen reader software can
describe an image to someone Alt text should be descriptive of
with a visual impairment. what the image is. In this example
the alt text will be –
Student in sombrero

10. We now need to select a location in the

system to store our image. Please note all
images in matrix are stored within the Media
folder. Click the Select New Location button.

The Asset Finder will open. Navigate to –
Media> Images
All images are stored in the Images folder within the Media folder. Images are organised
into folders based on what content they are used on and then subdivided into folders of
what the image is of.

11. Select the folder you wish to add the

image to making sure it is highlighted in blue.

12. Click Select.

13. When you have selected a –

1. File
2. System name
3. Alt text
4. Location
Click the Create button.

14. The system will then process your request, creating an image asset
and uploading your specified to it.

15. When the Wizard Complete screen appears the image has been
successfully uploaded. We now need to make the image live so it can be
applied to other assets and if the image is from ScanLibraries or
Thinkstock add the original filename.

16. Click Edit to go

straight to the image
you have just uploaded.

Details Screen

17. The Details screen of the image will open. Here you can view all the
data we input previously including a thumbnail preview of the image.

18. If wish to change the image at this point you can by clicking the Upload a new
image button and selecting a new image. This will change the image preview. To
confirm this change click save. Please note if the image is significantly different to the
one it has replaced you will also need to update the image title and alt text.

Metadata Screen
In order for the image to be made live we have to populate the original filename field on the
metadata screen. The original filename field serves as a quick way of staff be able to
determine where an image is from and locate the original un-edited version of the image.

Adding the original filename to the Metadata screen

1. Scroll to the Original Filename field at the bottom

of the Metadata screen This field is marked with a red
asterisk and is a required field, meaning the field
must be populated to make the image live.

2. For images taken from sources such as Getty Images, Thinkstock or

Scanlibraries (our NTU image server) untick Use default and enter the
original filename of the image. If the image is from Scanlibrairies this
will be something like - WW_14_4143.jpg. For images taken from
other sources that are not searchable type N/A into the field.

Click Save in the top right hand corner.

Please note if you would like access to the Scanlibraries drive please raise a request
to to get this drive mapped to your PC.

Making an image live in Matrix

1. From the Details screen go to the Status

section at the top of the screen and click the
Change dropdown.

2. Click on the Approve option.

Please note if you do not see an approve option it is because the original filename on
the metadata screen needs to be populated. Please see the Metadata screen section
on how to do this.

The screen will change showing

an Add workflow comment box.

3. Add a comment detailing what you have done.

E.g. if it is a new image put New image upload.

Click Save in the top right hand corner.

4. The screen has now changed showing the status bar in a yellow
and the caption Approved To Go Live. This is your final check
before making the image live. If anything is incorrect click the
Change drop down and select Reject Changes to go back and
amend the upload.

5. If everything is correct click the

Change drop down and select Make Live.

Click Save in the top right hand corner.

6. The screen will now show the status bar in green and the
caption Live. The image is now live within the system and
can be applied to other assets.

Adding multiple images at once to Matrix
If you have a lot of images to upload you can upload more than one at a time.

1. After populating all the required fields on your first

image upload click the +Add More button at the top left
of the wizard.

2. The screen will change showing a new image upload

window to populate.

3. A list of images you have

scheduled for creation will appear in
the left hand menu. To go back and
change the details of any image
simply click the name from the
menu. Click the pink circle with a
minus in it to delete any images.

4. You can create up to 9 image assets in one

go. Click Create.


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