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Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

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Rotary kiln process: An overview of physical mechanisms, models

and applications
Baby-Jean Robert Mungyeko Bisulandu a, b, *, Florian Huchet c
Institut de Recherche Futuris - Futuris Research Institute (InReF), OEFC & Faculté Polytechnique, Université Kongo, B.P. 202 Mbanza-Ngungu, Kongo Central,
Democratic Republic of The Congo
Institut National du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (INBTP), Département de Génie Rural, B.P. 4731 Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of The Congo
Univ. Gustave Eiffel, MAST-GPEM, F-44344, Bouguenais, France


Keywords: The heat and mass transport occurring through a rotary kiln has many industrial applications, such as organic or
Rotary kilns mineral materials manufacturing. The originality of this review is to explore the various works that have led to a
Granular motion better understanding of rotary kiln process modeling. The paper also details the set of works carried out on the
Heat transfer
solid load (granular flow regimes, load profile, mean residence time), heat transport (conduction, convection,
Chemical reactions
radiation exchanges) and thermochemical conversion processes (endo- and exothermic reactions). Beginning
Modeling with the research conducted on directly heated rotary kilns for cement applications, this review extends the
scope of application to other fields, including waste, biomass.

of the bottom. The great revolution in the continuity of the cement

1. Introduction production process ultimately stemmed from the commissioning of ro­
tary kilns in 1880 by Thomas Crampton, despite experiencing opera­
The rotary kiln is used in many solid processes, including drying, tional problems [2]. According to Redgrave [3], it was difficult to
incineration, heating, cooling, humidification, calcination and reduc­ determine exactly how to improve the operations of rotary kilns, as great
tion. This widespread application can be attributed to factors such as the uncertainty remained regarding: the exact degree of heat required, the
ability to handle varied loads, with large variations in particle size [1]. amount of atmospheric air required, the flame effect, the influence of
The rotary kiln is a slightly inclined steel cylinder that rests on supports steam, and many other aspects left up to the kiln conductor (employed
(bearing rollers) with an interior lining; it is equipped with a rotating operator) due to the absence of precisely stated scientific laws. In 1898,
motor that induces a turning motion. Such a gas/solid contactor was Hurry and Seaman improved the design of rotary kilns; they added a
invented in the cement industry at the beginning of the 19th century. cooler to facilitate grinding and improved the quality of the clinker [5].
The advent of the rotary kiln is closely tied to the creation of Portland These improvements thus increased kiln production volumes while
cement. In 1824, Joseph Aspdin successfully produced an eminently yielding a more homogeneous output. Satellite or planetary coolers
hydraulic lime by cooking at high temperature, in a bottle kiln, a came into existence in the 1920′ s, consisting of a set of tubes (usually 7
mixture of limestone and clays; he referred to his output as “Portland to 10) attached to the kiln cylinder [5]. They offer the advantages of
Cement” [2–4]. The bottle kiln however displayed major flaws, among being kiln-sealed and not requiring a separate drive. In 1930 in Ger­
which: it only accepted dry materials; its temperature did not exceed many, the first attempts were made to redesign the kiln system in order
that of the lime kiln; its firing was irregular; it operated only intermit­ to minimize fuel waste, which led to two major developments: the grate
tently; and its heating consumed a considerable amount of fuel. In 1872, preheater, and the gas suspension preheater [5]. The advent of preheater
Johnson came up with the idea of combining the cooking and prior ovens also coincided with the appearance of grate coolers, which consist
drying of the mixture in an oven, which he called the “chamber kiln or of a perforated grate through which cold air is blown, enclosed in a
Johnson’s kiln” [3]. In 1877, the shaft kiln (a vertical flowing kiln) was rectangular chamber. And lastly, kilns equipped with a precalciner were
invented. This design offered a modification of previous kilns: material introduced in 1970 in Japan [2,5]; they have since become the equip­
and fuel were fed into the kiln from above. The baked clinker flowed out ment of choice for large installations throughout the world. Fig. 1

* Corresponding author at: Institut de Recherche Futuris - Futuris Research Institute (InReF), OEFC & Faculté Polytechnique, Universit é Kongo, B.P. 202 Mbanza-
Ngungu, Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of The Congo.
E-mail address: (B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu).
Received 1 September 2022; Received in revised form 4 November 2022; Accepted 8 November 2022
Available online 13 November 2022
1359-4311/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Nomenclature TgasFB freeboard gas temperature K

Va axial velocity of the solid in a fully filled kiln (Va =
( )
Latin letters 2
qm / ρs × π × rkiln ) m/s
Symbol Signification Unit Vk maximum tangential velocity of the solid near the inner
A cross-section m2 wall (Vk = 2 × π × rkiln × nkiln ). m/s
Acwall surface of the wall covered by the bed m2
Bd ratio of two speeds - Greek letters
Cp specific heat capacity J/kg/K αg absorptivity of freeboard gas -
ρ × Cp volumetric heat capacity J/m3/K δkiln kiln slope degree
dp particle diameter m δbed interception angle of the bed degree
Dbed thermal diffusivity of the bed m2/s η volume filling rate of the kiln -
dkiln− in inside diameter of the rotary kiln m λ thermal conductivity of the bed W/m/K
Dkiln external kiln diameter m ρ bulk density kg/m3
Dh hydraulic diameter of the kiln m σB Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant W/m2/K4
Egas illumination W/m2 φbed angle of repose degree
f filling degree of the kiln % χ exp experimental constant (takes values between 0.1 and 0.2) -
FB− gas bed- freeboard gas form factor - χ ks dimensionless thickness of the air film surrounding the
Gc mass flow rate kg/s particles (χ ks = 0.012) -
Gr Grashof dimensionless number - ψ coefficients with grey body hypothesis -
h coefficient of heat transfer W/m2/K ω angular velocity rad/s
Hbed height of the bed m
Jbed radiosity of the bed W/m2
bed solid bed of materials
larc arc length of the material in contact with the kiln wall m
gas and g gas
Lkiln length of kiln m
gasFB − B freeboard gas to solid bed of materials
Mc mass of granular material kg
wall − B kiln wall to solid bed of materials
nkiln speed of rotation of the kiln tr/s
gasFB − W freeboard gas to kiln wall
Nu Nusselt dimensionless number -
wall wall
Pr Prandtl dimensionless number -
qm mass flow rate kg/s Superscripts
Re Reynolds dimensionless number - Rad radiation
ReD axial Reynolds number - ext exterior
Reω angular Reynolds number - Conv convection
rkiln kiln radius m Cond conduction
T temperature K
tc contact time between the wall and the particles s

summarizes the various technological advances over the years. kilns, featuring a more detailed discussion of heat exchange coefficients.
This article presents the key stages in the modeling of rotary kilns. The last part of the article addresses the thermochemical conversion
First, the parameters characterizing the transport of the solid load are taking place in rotary kilns and provides a broader examination of kiln
presented in detail. The second part pertains to heat transfer in rotary applications.

Fig. 1. Technological advances of cement kilns over time.

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

2. Solid load transport correlation with the progress of chemical reactions.

The transport of a load into a rotary kiln plays a decisive role in its 2.1.1. The different types of granular flow regimes
transformation. Loads may consist of raw materials (raw meal for the Six material bed movements take place in the transverse plane of the
cement plant) and/or waste (alternative fuels). In general, the load is rotary kiln: slipping, slumping, rolling, cascading, cataracting, and
introduced counter-currently to hot gases leaving the kiln and generated centrifuging. Fig. 3 illustrates all six of these movements. Boateng and
by a fossil fuel burner; it exits at the other end, after undergoing phys­ Barr [12] stated that the most desirable bed motion is usually the rolling
icochemical transformations that bring it to the clinker stage. This set-up mode, because it promotes a good mix of particles with a rapid renewal
is specific to cement. of the bed surface exposed to hot gases flowing into the kiln. Movements
such as cascading, cataracting and centrifuging occur at high rotational
2.1. Transverse behavior speeds. Fig. 3 summarizes the criteria employed for these different
Several authors have focused on the granular motion occurring in­ Yin et al. [14] stated that the flow into the active layer depends
side the rotary kiln. Debacq et al. [6] carried out a theoretical and mainly on both the Froude number (Fr = ω2R/g, where ω is the angular
experimental study of the transverse flow of cohesive powders in rotary velocity of rotation and g the acceleration of gravity) and size ratio (s =
kilns equipped with lifters. The constitutive law governing the powder dp /R, where dp is the particle diameter and R the radius of the kiln
discharge, which involves a relationship between the volume fraction of cylinder). Details on the various types of movements can be found in
powder contained in a lifter and the angular position of this lifter, was previous works [11–13]. In their work on the slumping-rolling transition
derived and compared with experimental results. Seidenbecher et al. [7] of granular solids in rotary kilns, Liu et al. [15] developed a mathe­
conducted laboratory-scale experiments on the rotary drum with indi­ matical model to calculate the critical Froude number. Their results
rect heating (in discontinuous mode), in order to study grain behavior showed that the critical Froude number is proportional to the ratio of the
using various lifter flight designs. Among the different flight length ra­ particle size to the cylinder diameter (dp /D) and inversely proportional
tios (L2/L1) studied, they were able to determine that increasing the to sin2 (δbed /2), where δbed denotes the filling angle of the solid bed.
flight length ratio to 1 led to improved cooling. The flights used were L- Eulerian modeling is another technique used to model granular beds
shaped (see Fig. 11). For Debacq et al. [6], the rotational speed did not in a rotary kiln. Many works from the literature have addressed the
exert any significant influence on either kiln performance or the pow­ Eulerian modeling of granular beds in rotary kilns; in particular, Yin
ders studied. In contrast, Piton et al. [8] stated that the rotational speed et al. [14] developed a three-dimensional granular model, based on two-
considerably influenced the granular mixing regime. Piton et al. [8] phase Euler-Euler flow, for rotary kilns operating in rolling mode, with
developed a one-dimensional thermo-granular model and applied it to the aim of determining the speed profiles of particles in the bed material.
an industrial rotary kiln with lifter flights, as characterized by a dense This model considers the various operating parameters, with emphasis
granular regime composed of two passive phases (of the bed and loaded on both the angle of inclination and particle residence time. The output
flight) along with a diluted regime characterized by an active phase. The of this model has shown that the active layer thickness and granular
aim of this study was to estimate the surface exchanges between phases particle velocities increase with axial distance. However, the active layer
that govern heat transfers. Their results showed that an increase in the thickness and particle velocities close to the discharge end of the kiln
rotational speed considerably influences the heat transport efficiency. once again decrease. These authors noted the presence of three distinct
The geometric parameters related to the transverse behavior in a regions in the rolling mode: the active region, the passive region, and the
rotary kiln are given below. active–passive interface (as the surface of the bed is not flat and becomes
The interception angle of the bed is a key parameter in modeling the slightly S-shaped). Particles at the bed surface jump in order to move
solids bed of a rotary kiln. It is defined as the angle subtended by the bed without sliding or rolling. Liu et al. [16] presented a two-dimensional
at the center line of the kiln (Fig. 2); moreover, it is connected to the model of a rotary kiln coupled with the kinetic theory of granular
transverse cross-section of the bed (Abed ) and the inside diameter of the flow, in order to treat random granular motion as well as simulate the
kiln (dkiln ) by the following relation (1) [9,10]: mixture performance. The effects of rotational speed, particle diameter
and bulk gas temperature on temperature distribution were explored.
8 × Abed (z)
δbed (z) − sin(δbed (z) ) = 2
(1) The main objective of their model was to clarify the heat transfer
mechanisms coupled with the movement of particles in rotary kilns. As
The angle of repose is an intrinsic characteristic of a given material; it was the case for Yin et al. [14], Liu et al. [16] affirmed that the highest
depends principally on: particle size, rotational speed of the kiln (Fig. 2), bed temperatures were indeed located at the surface, while the lowest
and surface condition of the kiln wall. More specifically, this angle bed temperatures were located in the passive layer.
characterizes the flow properties of “solid particles” in the kiln; it is often According to Yin et al. [14], a Discrete Element Modeling (DEM)
assumed to be constant but may vary along the length of the kiln, in study is to be conducted to help understand flow processes and explain

Fig. 2. Geometric considerations of the rotary kiln design [11].

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Fig. 3. Granular flow regimes and the Froude number associated with each bed movement [13].

mixing mechanisms in mixing equipment relying on a rotating drum. particles and heavier and lighter particles, and particle concentration.
Witt et al. [17] developed an approach combining the DEM of bed slices The results of this study reveal that for higher degrees of filling, the
and two-phase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 3D models of the phenomenon of segregation occurs in the transverse plane, between
entire kiln, thus encompassing both the bed and freeboard gaseous edge. heavier particles and lighter particles.
The goal therein was to derive the average velocities of solids in a bed for
various rotational speeds and particle sizes, so as to calibrate and vali­ 2.2. Longitudinal behavior
date the rheological model of the solid phase. Saruwatari and Nakamura
[18] also worked with the DEM method in application to particle 2.2.1. Load height along the rotary kiln
behavior. In nearly all the models mentioned above, the rotational speed The bed height in a rotary kiln depends on several parameters,
of the kiln plays a determining role. including mass loss in the solids bed and the geometric parameters of
both the bed and kiln [24,25]. Several models of changes in depth along
2.1.2. Segregation problem the kiln have been built. Kramers and Croockewit [25] established a
Load transport in rotary kilns is often accompanied by segregation model set up as a differential equation. Wu et al. [26] worked on a pilot
problems. Segregation takes place because the particles are not of either rotary kiln with direct heating in order to propose a method that allows
uniform size or uniform density. Shape segregation can also occur. Ac­ automatically measuring the local depth of material in a kiln. From these
cording to Cantelaube et al. [19] and Khan and Morris [20], segregation works, it then follows that the geometric parameters exert great influ­
is a property of dry granular solids, which tend to separate spatially by ence on the bed depth determination. This model yields the bed height
size, shape or density under varying flow conditions. For Bongo Njeng according to the axial position in the rotary kiln. Mujumdar and Ranade
et al. [21], the segregation phenomenon has been observed in industrial [27] relied on the model proposed by Kramers and Croockewit [25] (see
processing involving granular materials; moreover, it has been widely Table 1). In their experimental research on solid bed depth at the
studied within the context of rotating drums. According to Boateng and discharge end of rotary kilns, Specht et al. [28] proposed a correlation to
Barr [1,12], the vigorous mixing of particles and the high renewal rate of estimate the bed height (Table 1). Davies et al. [29], Granados et al. [30]
particles in the transverse surface of the bed constitute the key features and Liu and Specht [31] also presented a relationship to allow esti­
of the active layer. However, since the particles are not always similarly mating bed height along the kiln (Table 1). The correlations proposed in
sized, smaller particles often tend to pass through the screen formed by [22,32–34] have been derived from those in [25,35,36]. Knowledge of
larger particles, which gives rise to the phenomenon called segregation. the bed height thus makes it possible to calculate the degree of filling of
For Cantelaube et al. [19] and Beaulieu et al. [22] with respect to rolling the kiln, by means of Equation (2) [24]:
motion, radial segregation may appear very quickly, causing a concen­ ( ( ) [ ( )])
1 rkiln rkiln
tration of smaller particles toward the core of the bed, while larger f = × 2 × cos− 1 − sin 2 × cos− 1
particles may roll in the active layer depending on the inclination at the 2×π rkiln − Hbed rkiln − Hbed
bed surface. This phenomenon is deleterious from the standpoint of both (2)
the chemistry and physics of thermochemical particle transformation. Colin [37] proposed a relationship for calculating the angle of
During segregation, the finer particles concentrate at the heart of the interception of the bed δbed (z), based on knowing the bed height
bed, thus forming a cooling core [12,23]. As such, they have a lower (Table 1). Mungyeko Bisulandu [11] used the work of Mujumdar and
temperature than the surrounding material, since they are unable to Ranade [27], who themselves made use of the correlation found by
reach the bed surface, which is directly exposed to the heat flow stem­ Kramers and Croockewit [25], and Saeman [35]. In this particular
ming from the combustion of gas at the burner [12]. Bongo Njeng et al. model, the dynamic angle of repose of the bed φbed is assumed to be
[21] investigated the effects of pusher shape and configurations, kiln constant and equal to its value at the kiln entrance.
rotational speed and slope, and mass flow rate on solid particle segre­
gation. They noted the elements that characterize segregation, namely: 2.2.2. Mean residence time (MRT) models
the broad particle size distribution, involving both larger and smaller MRT is a key parameter for solid load transport modeling in rotary

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet
Table 1
Granular models found in the literature.
Load height models

Equations dHbed (z) 3 × tanφbed dHbed (z) dHbed (z) 0.75 × tanφbed qm dHbed (z) dHbed (z) tanφbed Hbed (z) = rkiln ×
= × qv × = tanφbed × = × × = = × (δ (z) ) )
dz 4 × π × kiln dz dz π × nkiln ρs dz dz 4 × π × nkiln (
[ ]− 3/2 tanδ ]− 3/2 tanδ [ 4 × q × sinφ 0.75 ] ⎤ 1 − cos
R − (Hbed (z) − R ) 2 kiln [
tanδkiln 3 × qv
2 kiln v bed 2

cosφbed r2kiln − (Hbed − rkiln ) − tg × (δbed − sinδbed ) − δkiln [
qv ⎥ tanδkiln

sinφbed 4 × π × nkiln × r3kiln
× tanφbed 0.16661 × nkiln × r3kiln ( )3/2 ⎦ −
r2kiln − (Hbed − rkiln )2 cosφbed
( )− 3/2 ]
2 × Hbed (z) Hbed 2 (z)

rkiln r2kiln
Original Saeman [35] Kramers and Croockewit [25] Saeman [35] Perron and Bui [44] Scott et al. [45] Saeman [35],
Authors and Saeman [35] Danish et al.[46]
User Haeldermans et al. [38]; Mujumdar and Ranade [27], Specht et al.[28] Perron and Bui [44] Granados et al.[30], Colin [37];
Authors Zhang et al.[47]; Kramers and Croockewit [25] and Liu and Specht [31] Gallo et al.[52];
Parveen et al.[48]; Ngako et al.[34],
Ndiaye et al.[49]; Danish et al.[46],
Zheng et al. [50]; Parveen et al.[48];
Witt et al. [51] Wu et al.[26]
Application - Syngas treatment - Solid materials treatment - Solid materials treatment - Solid materials treatment - Solid materials treatment - Thermal treatment
- Cement production - Thermal treatment - Solid materials
- Solid materials treatment treatment
- Cement production

Mean Residence Time (MRT)

Equations L L ( )1.054 L 0.23 × L Mc
MRT = 3.80 × × MRT = 1.77 × × 0.1026 × L3 φbed MRT = 0.19 × × MRT = MRT = MRT =
D D MRT = × × D δkiln × n0.9
kiln × D
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ V̇ δkiln
φbed φbed 1
nkiln × δkiln nkiln × δkiln

)0.981 (
nkiln × δkiln
78912 × h0.24
1.02 0.0072
× D (tan− 1 s) × n0.88
kiln × (π × r × F)
L3 × nkiln

Original Sullivan et al.[39] Sullivan et al.[39] Chatterjee et al.[40] Lee and Lin [43] Green et Perry [41] Cholette and Cloutier [53] Donatelli et al.
Authors [42]
User (Authors) Haeldermans et al.[38] Sullivan et al.[39]; Chatterjee et al.[40]; Ngako et al. l.[34]; Green et Perry [41] Renaud et al.[56], Donatelli et al.
Mintus et al.[54] Lasek et al. [55] Ndiaye et al. [49] Alonso et al. [57] [42]
Application - Syngas production - Solid materials - Iron manufacturing - Solid materials - Solid materials - Solid materials treatment - Thermal
treatment - Thermal treatment treatment treatment - Thermal treatment treatment
- Cement production

Interception angle of the bed

Equations [ Hbed (z) 8 × Abed (z)
δbed = arccos 1 − δbed (z) − sin(δbed (z) ) =
R d2kiln
Original Authors Saeman [35] Marias et al.[10]
User (Authors) Haeldermans et al. [38], Marias et al.[10],
Descoins et al.[9] Mungyeko Bisulandu [11]
Application - Syngas treatment - Solid materials treatment

Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

- Thermal waste treatment

Cross-sectional area of the solid bed

Equations (r − H ) ( )1/2 1 (dkiln (d ))
kiln bed kiln
Abed = r2kiln × cos− 1 − (rkiln − Hbed ) × 2 × rkiln × Hbed − H2bed Abed = × × δbed (z) − lbed (z) × − Hbed (z) Abed = × r2kiln × (δbed (z) − sin(δbed (z) ) )
Hbed 2 2 2 2
Original Authors Henein et al. [58] Mujumdar and Ranade [27] Saeman [35]
User (Authors) Henein et al. [58] Mujumdar and Ranade [27], Saeman [35],
Mungyeko Bisulandu [11] Descoins et al. [9]
Application - Solid materials treatment - Cement production - Solid materials treatment
- Waste treatment
B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

kilns. Many works have dealt with MRT in rotary kilns; notably, Hael­ • considering the bed of solids as a one-dimensional model, perfectly
dermans et al. [38] developed a model to predict the residence time of mixed at each cross-sectional slice, with the bed material being
solids in a rotary kiln. Their study focused on analyzing the influence of isothermal over the entire cross-section of the kiln (e.g. Mungyeko
both the kiln’s geometric and operating parameters (i.e. rotational speed Bisulandu [11], Marias et al. [10], Mujumdar and Ranade [27]);
and inclination) on the mean residence time (MRT). These authors • considering the bed as a two-phase (discrete) flow model, either of
claimed to have tested several models existing in the literature, which the Euler-Euler type or the Euler-Lagrange type (e.g. Yin et al. [14],
yielded poor results, hence their adaptations of the models of Saeman Liu et al. [16], Demagh et al. [59], Orpe and Khakhar [60]), wherein
[35], Sullivan et al. [39], Chatterjee et al. [40] and the United States the particle trajectory is followed individually. This type of model
Geological Survey (Green and Perry [41]) produced small errors. Don­ aims to understand the flow processes and mixing mechanisms tak­
atelli et al. [42] derived a theoretical approach based on understanding ing place in the rotary kiln.
the amount of bed material to be discharged into an inclined rotary kiln
(empty cylinder), under conditions akin to a slumping motion and with a In both cases, the operating parameters such as the dynamic and
known particle size distribution (PSD). The results of this model showed static angles of repose of the bed, degree of filling, ratio between particle
that the larger particles lie ahead of the smaller ones and moreover that diameter and kiln, coefficient of wall friction, coefficient of internal
residence time depended on the particle diameters. In general, the MRT friction and rotational speed play a considerable role in characterizing
correlations depend on three geometric parameters and a maximum of the transverse motion of the bed [13]. Mellmann [13] concluded that
four operating parameters. The models of Sullivan et al. [39], Lee and the length and inclination of the kiln have no influence on the transverse
Lin [43], Chatterjee et al. [40] and Green and Perry [41] are all similar movement, yet they do essentially determine the axial transport in the
and lead to nearly identical results (Table 1 below). kiln. The discrete model seems to be more efficient than the initial
model, insofar as it becomes possible to: track the displacement of
2.2.3. Analysis of the different load model heights particles on the surface step-by-step, and understand their behavior at
Despite being expressed in different ways, the various correlations each position of the transverse plane of the bed. According to Yin et al.
presented above are, in most cases, equivalent and derived from the [14], a complete understanding of surface flows is key to an accurate
efforts of the pioneers in this field, namely Kramers and Croockewit representation of the entire flow dynamics. Regarding the study of the
[25], Saeman [35] and Vàhl and Kingma [36]. segregation phenomenon, two key parameters are therefore important,
Fig. 4 depicts the load profiles obtained from equations given in i.e. particle size and density. Segregation can be generated either by a
seven works from the literature. Despite the differing flow rates at the size ratio or by a density ratio. Density segregation is less common than
kiln entrance, these profiles are still comparable because the boundary size segregation [58–60].
conditions for solving these correlations are all given at the kiln outlet. The experimental proof of such phenomena has been extensively
The various correlations used in determining the load height are indeed supported by numerical simulations performed with a geometry similar
equivalent; they have all been derived from the pioneering work of to that found in RK. The literature always shows that radial segregation
Saeman [35] and Kramers and Croockewit [25]. Their solution requires tends to be more widely observed than axial segregation; moreover,
boundary conditions at either the rotary kiln entrance or outlet. The axial transport is strongly favored by continuous flow at the bed surface.
outlet condition often receives consideration, in assuming that the outlet
load has a height equivalent to that of the diaphragm, or the heel of a 3. Heat transfer in a rotary kiln
grain (clinker, particle, etc.).
Heat transfer plays a critical role in the preparation of clinker for a
2.3. Contribution of advanced numerical methods rotary kiln. Often supplied with energy by means of a burner placed at its
end, the rotary kiln is the site of numerous heat transfers between walls,
Obviously, nearly all granular models of rotary kilns existing in the and loads circulating and the gas circulating above the free surface of the
literature are presented in rolling mode. However, two major schools of bed. As for the granular model, several models have been proposed to
thought or philosophies can be identified in terms of granular flow predict the thermal behavior of rotary kilns. Heat transfer in the rotary
modeling, namely: kiln occurs between different components: the solids bed, walls, and
gases. Ginsberg and Modigell [64] selected the following heat transfer
mechanisms for their model: the transfer between gases, the gas side
wall and the solids bed surface; direct heat transfer from gases to the
wall occurring by convection and radiation; the radiative flux from the
wall to the solids bed; heat transfer between the walls and the solids bed;
0.9 regenerative heat transfer in the kiln wall; and transfer from the outer
shell of the kiln to the environment. Heat transfer in the solids bed is
controlled, for example, by granular movement (i.e. solids in the bed).
0.7 Thornton and Batterham [65], Gorog et al. [66], Thurlby [67] and
others have hypothesized that conduction and radiative heat fluxes
Normalized height of the load [-]

would be negligible in the axial direction of the kiln. According to
0.5 Boateng and Barr [1], several models proposed in the literature have
sought to assume that the bed in the transverse plane is well mixed at
each axial position along the kiln and furthermore that the bed material
(Babler et al., 2017)
0.3 (Colin, 2014) is isothermal over the entire cross-section of the kiln. In his work,
(Descoins et al., 2005) Nielsen [68] asserted that in a cement rotary kiln, it was possible to
0.2 (Kramers and Croockewit, 1952)
assume a rapid mass transfer of oxygen in the active layer and a passive
(Lebas, 1995)
0.1 (Saeman, 1951) layer transfer taking place by means of relatively slow diffusion. In their
(Mungyeko Bisulandu, 2018) studies of the heat transfer model in the bed, Boateng and Barr [1]
concluded that the ability to simulate freeboard transport phenomena is
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
greater than the ability to accurately determine conditions in the bed.
Normalized Length of the Kiln [-]
Seidenbecher et al. [7] also worked on heat transfer in the rotary kiln.
Fig. 4. Various models found in the literature. They took into account the axial, radial and circumferential temperature

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

profiles in different kiln components, namely the gas phase, the solid
phase (bed of solid particles) and the kiln wall. They presented the
temperature–time profiles and temperature drop as a function of the
flight length ratio plus the number of flights. To control the heat transfer
in the rotary kiln, Atmaca and Yumrutaş [66,67] suggested carrying out
an exergy analysis, which according to them provides critical informa­
tion on the design of cost-effective energy systems. Their formulations
included: mass, energy and exergy balances; efficiency and specific en­
ergy consumption; and cost analyses based on two methods of energy
Fig. 6. Illustration of the three competing models of particle-to-particle heat
and exergy analysis. transfer [71].

3.1. Heat transfer mechanisms 3.1.1. Heat transfer by conduction (Wall-Covered Solid)
This transfer mode is carried out between the solids bed and the
Heat exchanges in the rotary kiln generally occur in the three con­ covered wall of the rotary kiln. The walls, due to their contact with the
ventional modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation, gases (exposed gas-wall exchange), heat up and exchange heat with the
as well as between the three constituent elements, namely: the solids solids bed during kiln rotation (the exposed wall becomes the covered
bed, the walls, and the gas. The various possible flows are as follows wall, and vice versa). As this exchange is taking place, the covered wall
(Fig. 5): Gas/Solids exchange by convection φConv cools and releases a certain amount of heat previously received from the
gasFB− B and radiation
gas phase. This phenomenon is therefore considered a regeneration
φRad Conv
gasFB− B ; Gas/Wall exchange by convection φgasFB− W and radiation
(heat transfer from the gas to the load, via the wall) [72]. Several re­
gasFB− W ; Solids/Wall exchange covered by conduction φCond
wall− B ; Solids/ searchers have carried out studies on wall-solid heat transfer by con­
Wall exchange exposed or uncovered by radiation φRadwall− B ; and Outer duction, in particular on the wall-solid exchange coefficient, especially
Wall/Ambient Air exchange by convection φConvwall− air and radiation
Csernyei and Straatman [73], and Mujumdar and Ranade [27], who
φRad used the correlation derived by Tscheng and Watkinson [74]. Ginsberg
wall− air .
Wall-to-particle and particle-to-particle transfers are not negligible and Modigell [64] modeled the wall-solid exchange coefficient accord­
when calculating the heat balance of a rotary kiln. The wall-to-bed ing to the following relationship (3):
transfer of solids actually takes place between the particle in the bed 1 1 1
and the surface of the wall, which are in direct contact (Fig. 6). This = + (3)
hwall− B (hwall− B )wall (hwall− B )B
process characterizes the speed at which heat is transferred step by step,
i.e. from wall to particle and then from particle to particle. This transfer where (hwall− B )wall denotes the heat transfer coefficient of contact
is only possible when pairs of particles come into contact with one between the wall and the solid (W/m2/K), and (hwall− B )B the heat transfer
another. Such a mechanism is entirely conductive. Although wall-to- coefficient of mass penetration of the solid (W/m2/K). This last relation
particle and particle-to-particle transfers constitute two completely represents the placement in series of two resistances of contact
different mechanisms, many works from the literature summarize them (1/(hwall− B )wall ) and penetration (1/(hwall− B )B ). The contact resistance
as wall-to-solid transfers. This codification makes it possible to simplify depends on both the thermal conductivity of the gas between particles
the system of equations but does not allow for a good representation of and the radiative heat transfer between the wall and the solids. Ac­
reality. The ideal would be to split the wall-to-bed transfer mechanism cording to Ginsberg and Modigell [64], (hwall− B )wall remains constant
into two coupled mechanisms. Tsotsas [71] stated that the heating of a along the kiln, allowing them to use the average value of 377 W/m2/K.
particulate material by contact with the hot wall of a rotating drum or Marias et al. [10] opted for the value of 25 W/m2/K as the wall-solid
the hot bottom of a tray equipment used to mix the particles by a exchange coefficient; this value has been adjusted to obtain the
rotating agitator remains an unresolved problem. ambient temperature for the solid bed at the kiln outlet, whereas E.
Mastorakos et al. [75] evaluated the exchange coefficient hwall− B at
500 W/m2/K, as derived from the results of Barr et al. [76]. Lybaert [77]
proposed values of hwall− B lying between 50 and 350 W/m2/K. Agrawal
and Ghoshdastidar [78] modeled the wall-solid transfer in assuming the
heat conduction to be quasi-static (since the kiln wall is alternately
heated and cooled during each revolution by the gas and solid, respec­
tively). As for the wall-solid exchange coefficient, a value of 377 W/m2/
K was selected, as given by Ginsberg and Modigell [64]. Shi et al. [79]
and Specht [80] modeled the exchange coefficient by wall-solid con­
duction according to the theory of penetration, as offered by the cor­
relation in Table 3. Specht [80] reported the correlation of the direct
contact heat transfer coefficient (hwall− B )wall , as extracted from the work
of Sullivan and Sabersky [81] and Li et al. [82] (See Equation (4)):
1 λgas
(hwall− B )wall = × (4)
Γ dp

with Γ = 0.1, which is determined experimentally. λgas is the thermal

conductivity of the gas and dp the mean particle diameter. Fig. 7 enables
visualizing the heat transfer coefficient, which consists in series of the
resistance to direct contact of the first particle layer and resistance to
penetration into the other particle layers.
Babler et al. [83] used the correlation (Table 2) based on two re­
sistances: resistance to heat transfer caused by the gas film surrounding
Fig. 5. Heat exchanges taking place in a rotary kiln [11]. the particles, and resistance to heat transfer caused by the particle

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Fig. 7. Heat transfer from a hot wall into the bed [80].

material itself. Wes et al. [84] proposed the correlation in logarithmic ( )

form to estimate the wall-solid thermal exchange coefficient. The cor­ φConv
gasFB− B = hgasFB− B × Albed × TgasFB − Tbed (7)
relation proposed by Tscheng and Watkinson [74] and used in most where Albed is the upper surface of the bed (Equation (7)) and a
research papers (Huchet et al. [85], Piton et al. [8]) is as follows (5):
function of the geometric parameters of the kiln, TgasFB the freeboard gas
( 2
2 × ω × rkiln × δbed (z)
)0.3 temperature (K), Tbed the bed temperature (K), and hgasFB− B the gas–solid
hwall− B = 11.6 × × (5) convective exchange coefficient (W/m2/K), whose value can be deter­
2 × δbed × rkiln Dbed
mined by correlations. Several correlations can be found in the literature
This relation is only valid for kiln rotational speeds between 3.5 and to estimate hgasFB− B . Babler et al. [83], Fan et al. [86], Liu et al. [16] and
10 (rad/s). In their modeling and simulation of the temperature field in Mujumdar and Ranade [27] all proposed the following correlation
the rotary kiln for iron ore, Fan et al. [86] proposed the correlation in (Equation (8)):
Table 2, where δgf is the thickness of the gas film (m), γ f the coefficient of
adjustment for calculating heat conduction, and tc the particle–wall hgasFB− B = 0.46 × × Re0.535
D × Re0.104
ω × η− 0.341
contact time (s). Other authors have associated radiation with the wall- Dh
solid transfer, while others have mentioned the phenomenon of con­ The hydraulic diameter of the kiln Dh , Reynolds number (axial and
vection, as observed in the bed pores (with considerable porosity). Lebas angular) ReD and Reω , and volume filling rate of the kiln η are derived
[87] took into account the phenomenon of radiation occurring in the from the equations given in [27,80]. Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78]
interstices between walls and solid particles when calculating the offered correlation (9) below to estimate the gas–solid heat exchange
overall covered wall-solid transfer coefficient. In their studies on particle coefficient:
motion and heat transfer in a rotary kiln, Liu et al. [16] proposed the
hgasFB− B × Dh (ξa /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr
following empirical correlation (combining convection and conduction) NuDh = = ( ) (9)
to calculate the exchange coefficient between covered wall and solids λg 1 + 12.7×(ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 − 1
bed. As stated above, the regenerative heat transfer of the wall serves as This correlation has been validated for Pr numbers between 0.5 and
a key mechanism in wall-to-solid heat transfer. The overall regenerative 2,000, and for ReDh numbers between 3,000 and 5 × 106; these values
heat transfer is composed of the three series-connected heat resistances: can be used for turbulent flow in a smooth pipe. ξa is Darcy’s friction
gas-wall heat transfer, wall transport, and wall-solid heat transfer [80].
factor (ξa = [0.79 × ln(ReDh ) − 1.64 ]− 2 ), NuDh and ReDh respectively the
Specht [80] represented the regenerative heat transfer coefficient by:
Nusselt number and Reynolds number, taken as a function of the hy­
1 draulic diameter Dh for the gas region. In their modeling studies of the
hregen = (6)
+ htrans × δbed 1 δbed
π + hgasFB− W + π − δbed
calcination of CaCO3 in a rotary kiln, Küssel et al. [88] proposed a
correlation similar to that of Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78], as given

where htrans denotes the heat flux transfer coefficient transported to by relation (10) below:
the bed, as given by htrans = π × λ × ρ × Cp.nkiln [80]. The correlations [ ( )2 ]
presented above all yield results, yet the most comprehensive and NuDh = a
(ξ /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr
( )× 1+
Dh 3
realistic is that given by Ginsberg and Modigell [64], who studied two 1 + 12.7 × (ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 Lkiln
mechanisms in coupled form related to the wall-bed exchange. A third
mechanism can however be added to Equation (19), which will account with ξa = [1.82 × log(ReDh ) − 1.64 ]− 2 , 2, 300 < ReDh < 106 , and
for the radiation effect of gases in the interstices between walls and solid Dh /Lkiln < 1. Gunnarsson et al. [89], Huchet et al. [85] and Piton et al.
particles, as proposed by Lebas [87]. [8] all used correlation (11) below, as established by Gorog et al. [90].
( )0.62
3600 × qgas
3.1.2. Heat transfer by convection hgasFB− B = 0.4 × m
In a smooth rotary kiln, convection heat transfer pertains to:
gas–solid contact, gas-wall contact, and exterior wall-ambient air con­ where qgas
m represents the mass flow rate of hot gases in the kiln (kg/
tact. When lifters are taken into consideration, the gas-to-free fall grain s), and Agas the cross-section of the gas phase in the rotary kiln (m2).
needs to be accounted for in the heat transfer phenomena. Studies conducted by Gorog et al.[90] evaluated the gas–solid exchange
coefficient hgasFB− B at between 50 and 100 W/m2/K, while Wes et al. [84] Gas-solid transfer. The gas–solid transfer essentially pertains to measured hgasFB− B values between 60 and 100 W/m2/K. According to
the heat flow received by the bed, through its upper surface, in direct Wes et al. [84], these latter values can be found by the relation (12)
contact with the gas phase. As regards its convective part, the heat flow below:
can be expressed by relation (7) below:

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet
Table 2
Heat transfer models.

Covered wall-to-Solid
Equations λbed 1 1 1 λbed × (ρ × Cp)bed 1 χ ks × dp 1
( ( )
2 × λbed × ρ ׯ Cp × nkiln
)− 1/2
hwall− B = 11.6 ×
× hwall−
= + hwall− B = 2×
Acwall B (hwall− B )wall (hwall− B )B π × tc hwall− B
(δbed /2)
(ω × r2 × δ (z) )
kiln bed
Original Authors Tscheng and Watkinson [74] Schlünder and Mollekopf [106] Wes et al. [84] Li et al.[82]
Users (Authors) Tscheng and Watkinson [74], Schlünder and Mollekopf [106], Wes et al. [84], Li et al.[82],
Csernyei and Straatman [73], Ginsberg and Modigell [64] Shi et al. [79], Babler et al. [83]
and Mujumdar and Ranade [27], Lehmberg et al. [108]
Mungyeko Bisulandu and Marias [107]


Covered wall-to-Solid
Equations Twall − TwallC (t) hwall− B × Acwall λbed × ρbed × Cpbed 2 × λgas { [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]− 1
⎫− 1
ln = − × hwall−
= 11.6 × hwall− B = + × dp λbed × ρbed × Cpbed ⎬
Twall − Tlit Cpbed × mbed B
2 × δbed × rkiln
× π × tc dp hwall− B = χexp × + 2×
t {[δgf + γ ]
[ ] λgas π × tc ⎭
(2 × ω × r2 × δ (z) )0.3 f d p
kiln bed × ln +1 − 1
Dbed dp δgf + γf
Original Authors Wes et al. [84] Tscheng and Watkinson [74] Fan et al. [86] Tscheng and Watkinson [74]
Users (Authors) Wes et al. [84] Tscheng and Watkinson [74] Fan et al. [86] Liu et al. [16]


Equations λg (ξa /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr (ξa /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr (3600 × qgas )0.62 hgasFB− B = 15 × hgasFB− W
hgasFB− B = 0.46 × × Re0.535
D × NuDh = ( )× NuDh = ( ) hgasFB− = 0.4 ×
Dh 1 + 12.7 × (ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 1 + 12.7 × (ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 − 1 B

Re0.104 0.341
)2 ]
ω × η−
[ (
Dh 3
Original Authors Tscheng and Watkinson [74] Küssel et al. [88] Gnielinski [109] Gorog et al.[90]. Wes et al.[84]
Users (Authors) Babler et al. [83] , Küssel et al. [88] Gnielinski [109], Gorog et al.[90], Wes et al.[84]
Fan et al. [87], Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78] Gunnarsson et al. [89]
Liu et al. [16],
and Mujumdar and Ranade [27],
Granados et al. [37],
Machalek and Powell [111],
Urbano et al. [110]

Gas-to-Wall #1
kG [ ( ) ]
Equations ( ) Dkiln 0.66
hgasFB− = 1.54 × × Re0.575 1) Laminar case Nu = 3.66 + Nu = 0.0214 × Re0.8 0.4
D − 100 × Pr × 1+
W D ×
De Lkiln

Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Re−ω 0.292 hgasFB− W 0.8
= 0.036 × ReD × 0.0668 × ReD × Pr × (Dkiln /Lkiln )
(D )0.055 1 + 0.04 × [ReD × Pr × (Dkiln /Lkiln ) ]0.667
Pr0.33 ×
Lkiln 2) Turbulent case
[ ( ) ]
( ) Dkiln 0.66
Nu = 0.0235 × Re0.66 D − 125 × 1 +
Original Authors Tscheng and Watkinson [74] Hausen [92,93] Küssel et al. [88]
Users (Authors) Tscheng and Watkinson [74], Hausen [92,93], Küssel et al. [88]
Babler et al.[83], Seghir-Ouali et al. [95]
Lebas [87],
Liu et al.[16],
Mujumdar and Ranade [27],
Colin [37],
and Fan et al.[86],

(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued )

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet


Covered wall-to-Solid

Urbano et al. [111]

Machalek and Powell [110],
Gunnarsson et al. [89]

Gas-to-Wall #2
hgasFB− W × Dh ( gas )0.67
Equations hgasFB− = 0.0981 × qm
Nu = = 0.02 × Re0.93
D + hgasFB− W =
λgas Dh
8.5 × 10− 6 × Re1.45 ( )
(ξa /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr
( )
1 + 12.7 × (ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 − 1
Original Authors Seghir-Ouali et al. [95] Gnielinski [109] Riffaud and Koehret [96]
Users (Authors) Seghir-Ouali et al. [95] Gnielinski [109], Riffaud and Koehret [96]
Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78]

Exterior wall-to-Ambient air #1

Equations Nu = 0.6 + (Re2 )
Nu = 0.11 × ω
+Gr × Pr0.35
0.387 × Ra1/6 2
) Nu = 0.3 +
[ ( 0.559 9/16 ]8/27
0.62 × Re1/2 × Pr1/3
) ×
[ ( 0.4 2/3 ]1/4
[ ( Re ]b
Original Authors Özışık [112] Sucec [113]
Users (Authors) Özışık [112], Sucec [113],

Lebas [87] Hanrot [72]

Exterior wall-to-Ambient air #2

)1/3 ) ]0.35
hext × dkiln ext
(Re2 0.11 × λair 0.11 × λair [(0.5 × Re2ω
Nu = = 0.135 × ω
+ Re2∞ + Gr hext = × hext = × + Gr × Prair
λair 2 dkiln ext dkiln ext 2
[(Re2 ) ]0.35
+ Gr × Prair
Kays and Bjorklund [114] Barr et al.[76] Barr et al.[104]
Kays and Bjorklund [114], Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78], Fan et al. [86]
Labraga and Berkah [115] and Gunnarsson et al. [89]

Gas-to-Free-falling grains
Equations Rep < 200Nucg = 2 + αnF × 0.6 × Re1/3
p × Pr
200 < Rep < 1500Nucg = 2 + αnF × 0.5 × Re1/2
p + αnF × 0.02 × Re0.8
p × Pr
1/3 Rep > 1500Nucg = 2 + αnF ×
4.5 × 10− 5
× Re1.8
Original Authors Li and Mason [97] Li and Mason [97] Li and Mason [97]
Users (Authors) Li and Mason [97] Li and Mason [97] Li and Mason [97]

Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637


( )
Equations φRad = σB × T4gasFB − T4bed × hRad
gasFB− B = εgas,bed × σB × φRad l Rad
gasFB− B = σB × Abed × ψ gasFB− B × hRad
gasFB− B = εgas × FB− gas ×
φRad = σB × Albed × (εbed +1) × gasFB− B ( )/( ( )
gasFB− B ) 4
TgasFB 4
− Tbed TgasFB − Tbed
T4gasFB − T4bed Egas − Jbed
1 ( εbed + 1
( ) φRad = × σB × TgasFB − Tbed
εg × T4gasFB − αg × T4bed 1/εgas + 1/εbed − 1 gasFB− B
( )
2 εgas × T4gasFB − αgas × T4bed
Original Authors Hottel and Sarofim [116] Barr [117] Manitius et al.[118] Manitius et al.[118] Gorog et al.[90]
Users (Authors) Hottel and Sarofim [116], Barr [117], Manitius et al.[118], Manitius et al.[118], Gorog et al.[90],
Mujumdar and Ranade [27] Hanrot [72] Fan et al. [86] Lebas [87] Liu et al. [16]

(continued on next page)

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

hgasFB− B = 15 × hgasFB− W (12)

where hgasFB− W is the coefficient of exchange by convection between

Mujumdar and Ranade [27]
Hottel and Sarofim [116],

the freeboard gas and the wall (W/m2/K).

Hottel and Sarofim [116]

wall− B = 1 − εgas × FB−

εg × T4gasFB − αg × Twall
= σB × Adwall ×

) Gas-wall transfer. Several correlations in the literature allow

Gorog et al.[90]
2 assessing the gas-wall exchange coefficient, among which those of

Liu et al.[16]
(εwall +1) ×

Twall − Tbed
Jwall − Jbed
Tscheng and Watkinson [74], as utilized by Babler et al. [83], Lebas


[87], Liu et al. [16], Mujumdar and Ranade [27], Colin [37] and Fan

et al. [86], where Pr is the Prandtl number of gas. An order of magnitude

for Pr has been located around 0.713 (for dry air at 1250◦ K) [91].

− T∞
− T∞
Gunnarsson et al. [89] presented a correlation similar to those of
Tscheng and Watkinson [74], with the only difference being an extra

TgasFB − Tkiln

Ginsberg and Modigell [64],

multiplication factor kG /De . Hausen [89,90] proposed two correlations,
− T4bed (Twall − Tbed )
gasFB− W = εgas,wall × σ B ×

B = εwallB,g × σB ×

one for the laminar regime (ReD < 2300) the other for the transitional

= σB × εwall ×
Manitius et al.[118],

Manitius et al.[118],
Manitius et al.[118]

Manitius et al.[118]

regime (2300 < ReD < 8000), as respectively listed in Table 2. A cor­

Gorog et al.[90]
relation in the laminar regime is obtained for aspect ratios (Lkiln /Dkiln )

Fan et al. [86],

Fan et al. [86]

Fan et al. [86]

Liu et al. [16]

T4gasFB − T4kiln

equal to 0.5, 0.1 and 0.01. The correlation proposed by Küssel et al. [88]
lies close to that given by Hausen [89,90]. Huchet et al. [85], Piton [94],
( wall−


Piton et al. [8] and Seghir-Ouali et al. [95] all proposed correlation (13)



hgasFB− W × Dh
Nu = = 0.02 × Re0.93
D + 8.5 × 10
− 6
× Re1.45
ω (13)

The above correlation has been validated for Reω numbers lying
between 1.6 × 103 and 4.7 × 105, as well as for ReD numbers between
0 and 3 × 104. Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78] assumed that the co­
efficient of heat transfer by convection between gas and wall (hgasFB− W ) is
− T∞

less than that of gas–solid; they offered the following correlation (14):
− T∞ + σB × εwall × T4wall

( )
λgas (ξa /8) × (ReDh − 1000) × Pr
hgasFB− W = × ( ) (14)
Dh 1 + 12.7 × (ξa /8)1/2 × Pr2/3 − 1

Riffaud and Koehret [96] proposed the following correlation (15) to

estimate the convection exchange coefficient between gas and wall.
× T4gasFB − Twall

( )0.67
hgasFB− W = 0.0981 × qgas (15)
− T4bed


− T∞ ) + Twall

where qgas
m is the mass flow of gases (in kg/s).
× Twall

( 4
W Exterior wall-ambient air transfer. The exterior wall-ambient air


= σB × Adwall × ψ Rad

transfer is considered to be an energy loss (Fig. 6); its intensity depends

= σB × Albed × ψ Rad


on the prevailing outdoor temperature conditions. Let’s characterize its

= αwall × (Twall
Manitius et al.[118],

Manitius et al.[118],
Manitius et al.[118]

Manitius et al.[118]

value by the relation (16):

Mintus et al.[54]
Mintus et al.[54]

φConv ext
wall− air = hext × Awall × (Twall − T∞ ) (16)
Lebas [87]

Lebas [87]







( ext )2
wall = 2 × π × Rwall (17)
B = σB × Abed × εbed × εwall × Ω ×

where Twall is the temperature of the outer kiln wall (◦ K), T∞ the
TgasFB − Twall
Egas − Jwall

ambient temperature (◦ K), hext the exterior wall-ambient air exchange

wall ×

wall the outside radius of the kiln (m), and Awall the outer
coefficient, Rext ext
× Aext
Mujumdar and Ranade [27]
Mujumdar and Ranade [27]

surface of the kiln (m ). Lebas [87] proposed two correlations for nat­

ural and forced convection; these correlations gave rise to the hext values

= εgas × FW−

of 0.26 W.m− 2.K− 1 and 3–40 W.m− 2.K− 1, respectively for natural con­
air = σ B × εwall
Gorog et al.[90],
Gorog et al.[90]

vection (with an exterior wall at 175 ◦ C, in 20 ◦ C ambient air) and for

Liu et al. [16]

Nørskov [99]
Nørskov [99]

forced convection (with a wind speed of 4 to 100 km/h) [87]. Huchet

− Tbed

− T∞

et al. [85] and Piton et al. [8] also provided a correlation to estimate hext ,



Exterior wall-to-Ambient air

based on Nusselt’s number (see Table 3, where dkiln ext is the outer
( wall−

( wall−


diameter of the rotary kiln (m), and λair the thermal conductivity of air
Covered wall-to-Solid

(W/m/◦ K)). The above correlation has been validated for Reω numbers
Table 2 (continued )

between 1.1 × 103 and 5.8 × 104, as well as for Re∞ numbers between

Original Authors

Original Authors

Original Authors
Users (Authors)

Users (Authors)

Users (Authors)

0 and 3 × 104. Agrawal and Ghoshdastidar [78], and subsequently


Gunnarsson et al. [89], proposed correlation (18) below:




B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Table 3
Recap of the models studied herein.
Authors 3 sub-models 5 model reactions Solid fusion Waste substitution

Darabi [124] Yes Yes No Yes

E. Mastorakos et al. [75] Yes Yes Yes No
Spang [120] Yes Yes No No
Mujumdar and Ranade [27] No Yes Yes No
Kaantee et al. [125] No No No Yes
Nielsen [68] No No Yes Yes
Mungyeko Bisulandu and Marias [107] Yes Yes No Yes
Wang et al. [121] No No No Yes
Hiromi Ariyaratne et al. [122] – Yes – Yes
Bhad et al. [123] – Yes – –

0.11 × λair
[( 2
) ]0.35 freeboard gas and the upper surface of the solid bed. Hanrot [72] pub­
hext = × + Gr × Prair (18) lished two relations (Table 2) in which the exchange surfaces were
dkiln ext 2
assumed to be isothermal. Specht [80] also proposed a relation (57), but
where Prair is the Prandtl number of the surrounding air. The Gr in its infinitesimal form, in order to take into account temperature
number of the above relationship is calculated according to the change along the kiln.
following relationship (19): Fan et al. [86] derived the relation below (22) in order estimate
ag × βexp × (Tkiln 3
− T∞ ) × dkiln hRad
gasFB− B .
m ext
Gr = ( )/(
νair )
hRad 4 4
gasFB− B = εgas,bed × σ B × TgasFB − Tbed TgasFB − Tbed (22)
where ag is the gravitational acceleration (m/s2), βexp the coefficient
of volumetric thermal expansion (1/K), Tkiln m the average temperature where εgas,bed is the effective emissivity of the gas to the bed of pellets.
of the outer wall (◦ K), and νair the kinematic viscosity of the ambient air Lebas [87] also proposed this relation to estimate the radiant gas–solid
(m2/s). The literature also lists the numerical values of the coefficient heat flow.
hext . Marias et al. [10] provided a value of 20 W.m− 2.K− 1 for the ex­
change coefficient hext , while E. Mastorakos et al. [75] produced a value Gas-wall transfer. The radiant gas-wall heat transfer in rotary
of 30 W.m− 2.K− 1, which wound up being chosen when considering the kilns has interested many researchers, who have proceeded to model it
fans used to cool the kiln tube (in the case of a cement plant). as either a heat flux or a coefficient of exchange. Liu et al. [16] provided
the following relation (23) to indicate the radiative exchange coefficient Gas-to-free-falling grains. Li and Mason [97] numerically between the freeboard gas and the exposed wall:
implemented a convective heat transfer coefficient for particle-laden Egas − Jwall
flow in a dilute regime, such that: hRad
gasFB− W = εgas × FW− gas × (23)
TgasFB − Twall
Nucg = 2 + αnF × 0.6 × Re1/3
p × Pr
Rep < 200 (20) where FW− gas stands for the wall-freeboard gas form factor (-), Egas the
illumination (W/m2), and Jwall the radiosity of the wall (W/m2).
Nucg = 2 + αnF × 0.5 × Re1/2 n 0.8
p + αF × 0.02 × Rep × Pr
200 < Rep < 1500 Mujumdar and Ranade [27] established relationship (24) to estimate the
radiative heat transfer between the gas and the exposed wall:
Nucg = 2 + αnF × 4.5 × 10− 5 × Re1.8 ( )
p Rep > 1500 εg × T 4gasFB − αg × Twall
φRad = σ × A d
× (ε + 1) × (24)
with Nucg = hcg × dp /λS , Rep = up × dp /ν and αnF being the volume gasFB− W B wall wall
fraction of the gas phase; moreover, dp is the particle diameter and λs the
thermal conductivity of solids. where Adwall is the surface area of the exposed kiln wall (m2), and εwall
the emissivity of the interior kiln wall. Specht [80] proposed relation
3.1.3. Heat transfer by radiation (25), in its infinitesimal form, to take into account temperature change
Four possible exchanges can be encountered in the case of heat along the kiln.
transfer by radiation in rotary kilns: gas–solid exchange, gas-wall ex­ dφRad ( ) 1
change, wall-solid exchange, and exterior wall-ambient air exchange. (25)
gasFB− W 4 4
= σB × TgasFB − Twall ×
dAdwall 1/εgas + 1/εwall − 1 Gas-solid transfer. The thermal transfer between the gas phase Lebas [87] proposed relation (26) below:
and the solid phase in rotary kilns has been the subject of several ( )
research studies. Some authors have formulated it in the form of heat φRad d Rad 4 4
gasFB− W = σ B × Awall × ψ gasFB− W × TgasFB − Twall (26)
flux, while others in the form of an exchange coefficient or stretched
Fan et al. [86] provided relation (27) to estimate hRay W.
exponential function of the gas and solid temperature [98]. Mujumdar gazFB−

and Ranade [27] proposed the relation in (21) to assess the radiative ( )/( )
hRad 4 4
gasFB− W = εgas,kiln × σ B × TgasFB − Tkiln TgasFB − Tkiln (27)
heat flow between the gas and the solid.
εg × T 4gasFB − αg × Tbed
) where εgas,kiln is the effective emissivity of the gas to the kiln wall.
gasFB− B = σ B × A l
bed × (εbed + 1) × (21)
2 Wall-solid transfer. Several authors have carried out research
where εbed is the emissivity of the bed, εg the freeboard gas emissivity, on heat transfer by means of wall-solid radiation. As in the previous
αg the absorptivity of freeboard gas, and σ B the Steffan-Boltzmann cases, the solid wall radiative transfer is modeled in the form of either a
constant (5.67 × 10-8 W/m2/K4). This relationship is valid for both bed heat flux or an exchange coefficient. Mujumdar and Ranade [27]
and gas emissivities greater than 0.8 [27]. Liu et al. [16] proposed a modeled the discovery wall-solid transfer by relation (28) below:
relation (Table 2) yielding a radiative exchange coefficient between the

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

( )
wall− B = σ B × Albed × εbed × εwall × Ω × Twall
4 4
− Tbed (28) coefficient hRad
wall− air between the outer wall of the rotary kiln and the
surrounding environment (Equation (33)):
where Ω is the radiation factor of the kiln, as given by relation (29):
4 4
Twall − T∞
lbed hRad = σB × εwall × ext
Ω= (29) wall− air
Twall ext − T∞
(2π − φbed ) × rkiln
where Twall ext is the temperature of the outer wall (K).
where r1 is the inner radius of the kiln (m), and lbed the width of the
solids bed (m).
3.1.4. Particle-to-particle heat transfer
Liu et al. [16] proposed relationship (30) to derive the radiative
Particle-to-particle heat transfer plays a key role in the exchange
exchange coefficient hRad
wall− B between the wall and the upper surface of between a wall and a bed of solids and/or between a gas and a bed of
the solid bed: solids. This transfer has also been the subject of several publications.
( ) Jwall − Jbed Chang et al. [100] presented a computational study of heat transfer,
wall− B = 1 − εgas × FB− W × (30) with emphasis on the direct particle-to-particle heat transfer between
Twall − Tbed
different classes of particles in a dense gas–solid fluidized bed of binary
where FB− W is the bed-wall form factor (-), and Jwall the radiosity of
particles using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The
the kiln (W/m2). Specht [80] proposed relation (31), in its infinitesimal
results of their study showed that the particle–particle heat exchange
form, to take into account temperature change along the kiln.
coefficient between different classes of particles increases with
dφRad ( 4 ) 1 increasing particle size and gas surface velocity. Felinks et al. [101]
wall− B
= σ B × Twall 4
− Tbed × ( ) (31) undertook an experimental study of the heat transfer between these two
dAcwall 1/εwall + 1/εbed − 2 + 2/ 2 − εgas
particle species in a binary packed bed, in the context of heat recovery
via a particulate redox material. Their resultant heat transfer coefficient Wall-to-external environment. The radiative transfer from the
values lie between 90 and 260 W/m2 K, as obtained after solving a
exterior wall to ambient air is of paramount importance for the esti­
polynomial equation (Equation (34)).
mation of heat losses from the rotary kiln towards the exterior. Specht
[80] provided relation (32) to calculate the heat flow exchanged by α = C0 + C1 τ + C2 t (34)
radiation between the wall of the rotary kiln and ambient air:
where τ is the contact time (s), and t the average temperature (◦ C).
( 4 )
dφRad 4 ext
wall− air = σ B × εwall ext × φkb × Twall − T∞ × dAwall (32) Coefficients C0 , C1 and C2 are found to have the following values
respectively: 2.157E + 02, − 7.533E + 00, and 3.871E-01.
where εwall ext denotes the emissivity of the sheet metal of the rotary Chang et al. [102] developed a collisional particle-to-particle heat
kiln, φkb the view factor, Aext
wall the surface area of the exterior wall of the transfer model within the scope of the Eulerian-Eulerian approach. They
kiln (i.e. the sheet) in m2, and T∞ the temperature of the external also found that the particle-to-particle heat exchange coefficient be­
environment (K). Generally speaking, φkb can assume a value of unity or tween different classes of particles increases with increasing particle size
may be set at 0.5 [80]. and gas surface velocity. Gui et al. [103] focused on investigating the
According to Specht [80], the heat loss caused by radiation from a factors involved in particle–particle heat exchange, including rotational
rotary kiln depends on its location, namely whether the lower half or speed. These authors claimed to have achieved the maximum efficiency
upper half of the rotary kiln. Fig. 8 shows that the lower half of the of particle–particle heat conduction. Saruwatari and Nakamura [18]
rotary kiln always radiates to the ground, which embodies the ambient also investigated the behavior of coarse grains and heat transfer in a
temperature, while the upper half of the rotary kiln radiates to the hall rotary kiln; they went on to propose a coarse grain method for the so-
walls (should the rotary kiln be installed in a hall), which also measure called “Hertz-Mindlin contact”, which is based on rolling friction and
at approximately ambient temperature. The expression proposed by conductive heat transfer between particles.
Nørskov [99] is given for φkb = 1. Since the kiln sheet is often made of
highly oxidized steel, the value of εwall ext lies very close to unity. Lebas
[87] estimated this value at between 0.9 and 1. For Specht [80], in a dry, 3.2. Critical analysis
cloud-free atmosphere, εwall ext equals about 0.81 and in a humid cloudy
atmosphere εwall ext = 0.53. Fan et al. [86] and Liu et al. [16] both From a practical perspective, certain correlations within a convective
proposed the following relation to determine the radiative exchange regime between the gas and the wall (inner and outer) or the particles
(bed, falling particles) lie outside their range of validity. Indeed, it has
been remarked that various changes of geometry can occur in RK when
developing gas phase flows. The example of a sudden enlargement from
the duct burner to the RK diameter is responsible for an increase in the
gas-wall heat transfer coefficient, observed to be six times higher than
the fully developed duct flow. Specht [80] argued that secondary flows
(Fig. 9) can contribute to this increase. Similar aerodynamics phenom­
ena of secondary flow occurrence have been observed in RK equipped
with additional material inlets [125].
A second aspect deserving of attention herein is the assessment of a
solid/wall heat transfer coefficient. This issue remains highly debated
and encountered with any kind of rotary kiln geometry. In the case of
direct transmission, i.e. where the kiln is heated by means of gas pro­
duced by the burner, the direction of the solid/wall exchange can be
reversed (i.e. from the solid to the wall), whenever the load progresses
along the kiln [69,73,101,102], while in the case of indirect trans­
mission (heating by the walls, and possibly regeneration), the exchange
is naturally always performed to benefit the load. Colin [37], Hanrot
Fig. 8. Heat dissipation by radiation from the outer shell surface to the envi­ [72] and Lybaert [77] stated that a sound model would likely be one that
ronment [80]. takes into account all of the heat fluxes present. The model produced by

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4.1. The cement manufacturing case

Many works in the literature pertain to the modeling of rotary kilns

for cement production. Cement rotary kilns can be modeled in terms of
various aspects, including those relative to load transport, cement
chemistry, chemistry and waste combustion physics (in the case of waste
substitution), thermal transfers in the bed, in the gases and in the walls
of the kiln, etc. Aside from the thermal and load transport models, the
literature contains several works modeling cement rotary kilns with the
Fig. 9. Kiln inlet gas flow caused by a burner [80]. following set-up.

Mujumdar and Ranade [27] only takes into account the transfer to the 4.1.1. Three sub-models (solid phase, gas phase, kiln shell)
bed. The Ginsberg and Modigell model [64] takes into account two The modeling of rotary kilns in three sub-models has become
fluxes: the wall-solid contact resistance, and the resistance of penetra­ increasingly used in recent times. E. Mastorakos et al. [75] presented a
tion into the solid mass. The models by Babler et al. [83] and Liu et al. rotary kiln model that takes into account thermochemical phenomena
[16] are also based on two resistances in series: resistance caused by the in: the gas phase (including a study of gas radiation), the solid phase
film of gas surrounding the particle, and resistance caused by the bed (consisting only of cement meal), and the kiln walls. The last model has
material itself. Lybaert [77] listed the various possible flows: transfer been obtained after coupling the gas–solid-wall parts; this model has
into the solid, walls-solid contact resistance, and an inhomogeneous revealed that radiation is the dominant mode of gas-wall heat transfer in
zone containing a solid fraction and a gas fraction. the oven, as compared to convection. Spang [120] proposed a dynamic
1D model of the cement kiln, aimed at understanding how the process
4. Thermochemical conversion in rotary kilns: Applications works, in order to come up with a way to improve it. This model includes
the solid phase, which is essentially characterized by the thermochem­
Since the rotary kiln is an equipment used in several solid treatment istry of clinkering reactions, and the gas phase, characterizing the
processes, its modeling depends on the process used. Three specific case temperature of the flame produced by coal/fuel oil combustion. Ac­
studies will now be presented: the first is an application in cement cording to this model, the temperatures of solids and gases solely depend
manufacturing; the second pertains to waste and biomass treatment in on the axial position in the kiln, while the wall temperature only de­
kilns; and the last one relates to other applications. Kinetic models of pends on time. As for the dynamic behavior, Spang [120] noted that the
rotary kilns are more specifically dedicated to the thermochemical exothermic reactions of the burning flame and those of C2S in the solid
conversion process, either cement meal, waste and biomass, or even cause a retroactive situation that induces high temperatures in both the
other materials. The literature is extremely limited on the thermo­ clinkering (solid phase) and combustion (gas phase) zones of the kiln.
chemical conversion in cement kilns. Babler et al. [83] developed an Similar behavior has been reported when recycled pavement materials
unsteady 1D pyrolysis model of biomass in the rotary kiln in order to are injected into an asphalt mixing plant undergoing a temperature rise
optimize bio-char production; this model is based on the mass and en­ [85]. Wang et al. [121] proposed a model for burning coal in the cement
ergy conservation equations. The model also includes independent sub- kiln; they considered several models during their studies: the bed model
models dedicated to the pyrolysis reaction, heat transfer and granular (in consideration of the chemical reactions of clinkerization), the
flow in the rotary kiln. The authors noticed that increased rotational gas–solid flow model (coal combustion), and the thermal model in the
speed of the kiln causes a decrease in residence time; in contrast, it also clinkerization zone. The main objective of their model was to analyze
allows for a good granular mixture in the solids bed, which serves to the physicochemical processes of clinker formation, using a heat flux
improve heat transfer and manifests itself by a rapid increase in bed function, and couple the various models in order to predict the tem­
temperature. Ariyaratne et al. [119] argued that biomass fuels are not perature and composition profiles of gaseous species along the rotary
only greenhouse gas-neutral but also have the potential to mitigate such kiln. Mungyeko Bisulandu and Marias [107] also provided a model
impacts since these fuels will otherwise produce methane and other subdivided into three sub-models: solid phase, gas phase, and kiln shell.
decomposition products during decay. These gases greatly exceed the Modeling in three sub-models is employed as well in other rotary kiln
potency of CO2 as greenhouse gases. Mungyeko Bisulandu and Marias applications.
[107] developed a one-dimensional model of the thermochemical con­
version of biomass in cement rotary kilns. They asserted that the drying 4.1.2. Five model reactions of clinkering
and pyrolysis steps were performed quickly, given the temperature level The mechanism for transforming meal into clinker is most often
of the cement kilns, and moreover that the chemical reactions were of described in the literature by the following five reactions (Equation
the first order. In their work on the CFD modeling of meat and bone meal (35)):
combustion in a cement rotary kiln, Ariyaratne et al. [119] investigated
the effects of fuel supply, as well as both the effects and impacts of fuel CaCO3 →CaO + CO2
2CaO + SiO2 →(CaO)2 × (SiO2 )orC2 S
particle size on combustion. Their results showed that devolatilization
C2 S + CaO→C2 S × (CaO)orC3 S (35)
occurs much faster in the case of small particles, hence their conclusion:
3CaO + Al2 O3 →(CaO)3 × (Al2 O3 )orC3 A
“For a given fuel, the higher the mass-weighted average particle diam­ 4CaO + Al2 O3 + Fe2 O4 →(CaO)4 × (Al2 O3 ) × (Fe2 O4 )orC4 AF
eter, the lower the coal depletion”. They also posited that the negative
effect of a large weighted average particle size on coal depletion is Mujumdar and Ranade [27] and Mungyeko Bisulandu and Marias
greater for fixed high carbon fuels. Nielsen [68] studied the devolatili­ [107] developed a bed model that takes into account just five reactions
zation and combustion of tires and pinewood in a pilot-scale rotary kiln, for clinker formation. Hiromi Ariyaratne et al. [122] presented a
under conditions similar to those at the input end of the meal into rotary mathematical model that also takes into account five major chemical
kilns. Marias et al. [10] presented a mathematical model, with three sub- reactions of the solid inside the rotary kiln, e.g. calcination, endothermic
models (bed model, furnace model, gas model) for the pyrolysis of fusion and exothermic clinkering. Bhad et al. [123], Darabi [124], E.
aluminum scrap, in the aim of predicting the physicochemical processes Mastorakos et al. [75] and Spang [120] also modeled clinker formation
when this waste is introduced into the rotary kiln. Their model is mainly reactions using the five reactions listed above.
based on a description and coupling of the first two models.

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Fig. 10. Granular motion for a rotary kiln composed of L-lifters (extracted from [128]).

4.1.3. Solid fusion and the additional layer claimed that heat transfer and granular flow are both controlled by the
It is important to consider the melting of part of solids in the bed plus kiln’s rotational speed. Marias [127] forwarded the assumption that the
the formation of an additional layer in the walls of the cement rotary bed receives both the specific heat flow from the gas phase and a specific
kiln. Mujumdar and Ranade [27] and E. Mastorakos et al. [75] took into heat flow from the kiln walls. Huchet et al. [85] and Le Guen et al. [128]
account the formation of the additional layer of clinker in the interior proposed adding an equation once a new phase (heat waste and/or
walls of the furnace, as well as the formation of the liquid phase in the reclaimed asphalt products) has been added to the system, under the
solids bed; such is not the case in the works of Spang [120], Mungyeko assumption that the heat exchange coefficients had been previously
Bisulandu and Marias [107], and Darabi [124]. Mujumdar and Ranade determined [129].
[27] considered that the additional clinker layer only forms in the
clinkering zone, subsequent to material fusion (mainly due to C4AF
formation). E. Mastorakos et al. [75] considered that the additional layer 4.3. Other models
of clinker in the kiln walls is uniform along the kiln. Many models in the
literature actually neglect this feature, in an effort to reduce model Several technologies exist for the heat treatment of a wide variety of
complexity. materials and products from rotary kiln; these can be divided into three
4.1.4. Partial substitution of waste and biomass
Very few works in the literature focus on the substitution of waste ▪ The direct heated rotary kiln with lifter flights is characterized
and biomass in cement rotary kilns. Kaantee et al. [125] modeled a by baffles of a rectangular L-shape (but other shapes can also be
rotary kiln for cement production using alternative fuels. The primary used) to promote mixing in the transverse section of the kiln
objective of their study was to optimize process control when alternative Fig. 10. This set-up ensures a homogeneous heat transfer and
fuels are introduced, in order to maintain the quality of the clinker. high rate of conversion of chemical reaction or drying kinetics.
Nielsen [68] studied the devolatilization and combustion of tires and Its advantage lies in the design of shorter facilities [130], while
pinewood in a pilot scale rotary kiln, under conditions similar to those at its disadvantage is the presence of a thermal runaway, which
the inlet end of meal (raw materials) in rotary kilns. Mungyeko Bisu­ can provoke ignition or deterioration of the products [85].
landu and Marias [107] developed a stationary 1D model for the ther­ Another disadvantage is an entrainment of fines into the gas
mochemical conversion of biomass in a cement rotary kiln in order to flow and, in some cases, the additional production of fines due
supply the energy needs for the production of cement clinker. This to higher energy collisions.
model is based on the mass and energy conservation equations. Table 3 ▪ The direct heated rotary kiln is the most popular technology
below summarizes all of the foregoing discussion. and has been designed for clinker production and coal treat­
ment. These facilities feature a longer tube, which serves to
raise the mass flow rate of production.
4.2. Waste and biomass treatment cases ▪ The indirect heated rotary kiln is less widespread; it can operate
either with flight or without flight and has recently been more
Different types of waste and biomass treatment models apply to ro­ extensively studied within the scope of waste-to-energy gas­
tary kilns. Marias et al. [10] presented a mathematical model, composed ifiers (e.g. pyrolysis of biomass). Its advantage lies in a better
of three sub-models (bed model, kiln model, gas model), for the pyrol­ control over the heat treatment to help guarantee process
ysis of aluminum waste in order to predict the physicochemical pro­ safety.
cesses once the waste has been introduced into the rotary kiln. Colin
et al. [126] offered a model for roasting wood chips in the rotary kiln. In the case of a flight rotary kiln, in addition to the parameters
These authors used Saeman’s model [35] to study the flow of load into calculated for a smooth rotary kiln, it is important to quantify the
the kiln to predict the residence time and loading profile of the bed. number of materials loaded in each flight so as to establish a suitable
Babler et al. [83] developed a stationary 1D model for the pyrolysis of discharge law to quantify the transverse surface of the granular cascade,
biomass in a rotary kiln to optimize the production of bio-char; their according to:
model is based on the mass and energy conservation equations, in
fT = fF + fC + fB (36)
addition to including independent sub-models dedicated to the pyrolysis
reaction, heat transfer and granular flow taking place inside the kiln. with fF being the filling degree in the flight, fc the filling degree in the
Babler et al. [83] noted that increasing the rotational speed of the kiln granular cascade and fB the filling degree of the bed.
leads to a reduction in residence time, while allowing for an effective The filling degree in the flight fF and the filling degree of the curtain
granular mixture in the solids bed, which according to them improves materials fc are both calculated at any angle of rotation, δ. Sunkara et al.
heat transfer, as manifested by a rapid increase in bed temperature. [131] distinguished three possibilities of flight filling (complete, partial
Babler et al. [83] and Colin et al. [126] used Saeman’s model [35] to or limited filling) to evaluate the flight hold-up that depends on geo­
describe granular flow in a rotary kiln. Babler et al. [83] furthermore metric parameters as well as the angular positioning of the flight. fc can

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

therefore be computed from the following equation: reaction of CaCO3; when considering its share of CO2 production, this
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ( ) reaction accounts for more than an estimated 60 % of the overall CO2
fC,i (δ) = 2 × Fr ×
hF (δ)
fF,i (δ)
(37) emissions from the process [12,130]. Thus, the production of 1 kg of
dkiln /2 dδ clinker emits 0.471 kg eq CO2 by the decarbonation of limestone (i.e.
128 g eq ◦ C) and 0.314 kg eq CO2 by the combustion of fossil resources
with hF being the height of the fall (in m).
(i.e. 86 g eq ◦ C). This amounts to a total of 0.785 kg eq CO2 (or
The relevance of such a granular transport model has been demon­
214 g eq ◦ C) [11]. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),
strated in a direct heated flight rotary kiln used for pavement production
cement plants worldwide are expected to generate 2.34 billion tons of
CO2 in 2050 [130–134]. In an effort to solve this problem, several re­
searchers have conducted detailed investigations. According to Mutlu
5. Current status, challenges and the future direction of et al. [139], biomass is preferred to fossil fuels because it generates less
technology CO2 emissions. Mishra et al. [134] suggested the use of compounds with
characteristics similar to clinker, in order to reduce energy consumption
Rotary kilns are used in many industrial applications, mainly in the and therefore reduce emissions due to the formation of clinker. For Hills
cement industry. The scarcity and depletion of fossil fuels (which has et al. [135], significantly reducing CO2 emissions in cement kilns could
promoted the reliance on alternative energies), as well as the manage­ prove to be difficult or costly without carbon capture and storage. Ac­
ment of gaseous emissions and fine particles in the atmosphere consti­ cording to these authors, it is difficult to apply precombustion capture to
tute real challenges facing rotary kilns, particularly those involved with industrial processes due to the nature of the emissions, with such a
cement production. The emissions issue remains a major challenge, technique often being more expensive and energy intensive. Fig. 11
encompassing both CO2 capture and sequestration, NOx and SOx trap­ shows the CO2 emissions caused by calcining limestone, in different
ping, and solid pollutants. Other challenges faced by rotary kilns locations inside the rotary kiln.
include: energy optimization (recovery, storage and recovery of waste Hornberger et al. [136] experimentally studied a calcining reactor in
heat from the kiln, optimization of process control laws, etc.), the use of an end-of-line calcium loop configuration for the capture of CO2 from
completely carbon-free energy (e.g. concentrated solar energy), and an cement plants (see Fig. 12). These authors stated that the calcium loop
automated and optimal control and supervision of the rotary kiln that technology is considered to be particularly suitable for applications in
take into account all the process operating parameters. the cement sector, since the clinker manufacturing process and calcium
loop CO2 capture process share a common raw material (i.e. CaCO3),
5.1. Management of gaseous emissions and fine particles allowing for synergies such as the reuse of absorbents, the increase in
make-up rates of the calcium loop system and the integration of energy.
In recent decades, environmental protection has become such an Li et al. [137] presented a study that compares CO2 capture technologies
important global issue that several current research works are focused for the cement manufacturing process and analyzed the economic and
on improving existing methods to make industry less polluting [132]. financial challenges of deploying CO2 capture in the cement industry.
Pollutant emissions in the cement plant are linked to parameters that Like Li et al. [137], De Lena et al. [140] used fluidized bed reactor
need to be addressed: combustion of fossil fuels (adjustment of various technology to capture CO2 from rotary kiln fumes. The technology
geometric parameters of the burner [133], production of fine particles, proposed by De Lena et al. [140] consists of coupling the CFB oxy-fuel
etc.), combustion of alternative fuels (rapid pyrolysis favoring a high calciner in the circuit of the rotary kiln, to accomplish a dual purpose:
content of volatiles, production of fine particles, etc.), clinkering re­ (i) calcining the finest fraction of the raw meal to feed the plant’s rotary
actions (alkali metal sulfates in raw meal, etc.), and reduction reactions kiln; and (ii) calcining the coarsest fraction of the fed raw meal, so as to
and gaseous reactions in the homogeneous phase. Gases such as CO2, recirculate part of it towards the carbonator as a means of capturing CO2
SOx, NOx, H2S and VOCs from various thermochemical processes are from the kiln fumes. The results of this study indicate a reduction in
emitted into the atmosphere and cause damage (global warming, res­ equivalent CO2 emissions of approximately 89–90 %.
piratory disorders, etc.) [134]. The polluting nature of the cement in­ To better handle CO2 emissions, Strunge et al. [141] proposed the
dustry is no longer in doubt. Pollutant emissions in cement works stem CO2 mineralization technology, whereby CO2 is transformed into a
mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels and the decarbonation of thermodynamically stable carbonate. The authors claimed that such a
limestone [11]. Emissions from electricity consumption are often much technology is among the most promising. Napp et al. [142] focused on
lower. Several gaseous compounds are emitted in the smoke or gas providing an overview of industrial process emission reduction tech­
exiting the kiln, namely: CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, and O2. CO2 is the primary nologies by compiling information from a wide range of sources. Liu
gas produced in the cement plant; it stems from the decarbonation et al. [143] worked on reducing CO emissions and reducing fluctuations

Fig. 11. Sources of direct CO2 emissions from CEM 1 cement manufacturing [135].

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

Fig. 12. Tail-end calcium looping integration option for CO2 capture from cement clinker production [136].

in CO emitted during combustion, by introducing an oxygen-carrying constants, changing raw material characteristics and nonlinear dy­
material into the rotary kiln. namics makes them very difficult to control; moreover, the inclusion of
various alternative fuels in combustion makes the process more complex
since the fuel characteristics remain inconsistent throughout kiln
5.2. Energy optimization (recovery, storage and recovery of waste heat
from the kiln, optimization of process control laws, etc.)

Given the limited resources available and faced with more stringent 5.3. Future trends in rotary kiln technology
policies of ecological and energy transition, the cement plant with rotary
kilns is being called upon to optimize its energy consumption. Energy The future trends of rotary kiln technology may focus on the use of
optimization can be achieved in several ways: reduction of energy losses completely decarbonized energy, whereby conventional and polluting
in the kiln circuits, by blocking all the vents and using high-performance fuels will be sidelined, in favor of a concentrating solar energy. A solar
refractory materials; reduction of unburnt matter (e.g. the presence of kiln avoids the traditional combustion of fossil fuels, which represents
CO in the gas leaving the kiln) that still contains a certain amount of 40 % of CO2 emissions [11]. Thermal and thermochemical processes
energy potentially usable in the process; control of the kiln burner and based on concentrating solar energy can also been combined with rotary
possibly the precalciner; and the use and recovery of materials similar to kiln technology [57]. Concentrated solar power was introduced in rotary
clinker, such as blast furnace slag and power station ash. The storage and kilns in the 1950 s [149]. Several authors argue about the ability of
recovery of heat waste from the kiln are keys to energy optimization. concentrated solar power to be able to provide high temperature
Huchet et al. [144] assessed an annular heat exchanger mounted on the renewable heat in any thermal industrial process [52,149–151]. Solar
external shell in order to recover the excess heat lost at the exterior wall kilns would be able to overcome greenhouse gases issues, in particular
of a rotary kiln. It is essential to establish methods and models for CO2, coming from the production of lime [150]. Neises et al. [152]
designing or controlling the process, in particular predictive control worked on a solar-heated rotary kiln coupled with a solar kiln for the
models, e.g. the Plant-Model Mismatch, to properly control the key thermal reduction and oxidation of cobalt oxide. Moumin et al. [153]
process operating parameters. Teja et al. [145] presented a work on the worked on the design and experimental evaluation of a high tempera­
control and optimization of a three-string cement rotary kiln using a ture solar rotary kiln dedicated to the calcination of raw cement. The
predictive control model (PCM), with which they claimed that the PCM calcination rate was found ranged between 24 % and 99 %, while the
better handles disturbances, resulting in improved productivity, a total efficiencies (thermal plus chemical) are ranged between 19 % and
reduction in energy consumption and the highest quality of finished 40 %. However, the major challenge remains the intermittency of the
product. Ramasamy et al. [146] proposed a work to determine the solar source and the energy optimization of such kiln, which makes the
optimal PMM (Plant-Model Mismatch) parameters capable of improving application limited to pilot-scale applications. Most of the authors
PCM performance under various cement kiln operating scenarios. Sta­ [57,149] argue about the importance of heat fluxes optimizing (gas
dler et al. [147] developed a predictive control model of a cement rotary suction, wall heat losses etc.) and reducing material conversion to in­
kiln in the aim of controlling and optimizing clinker combustion in the crease the efficiency of the solar reactor. With regard to fine particle
cement production process. This model is based on the temperature emissions, rotary kilns are being increasingly equipped with electro
profile control along the rotating cement kiln, in considering both filters and/or high-precision dust collectors, capable of retaining a large
convection and radiation transfers. Janati [148] developed an Aspen portion of the particles present in the gas and preventing their escape
Plus process model and neural networks, which are able to accurately into the chimney. CO2 capture and sequestration technologies are still in
predict the energy efficiency of a cement rotary kiln. According to Teja the experimental phase, having not yet reached a stage of maturity; also,
et al. [145], the complex nature of cement kilns featuring longer time these technologies incur additional process energy costs.

B.-J.R. Mungyeko Bisulandu and F. Huchet Applied Thermal Engineering 221 (2023) 119637

6. Conclusion the heat waste remain the mains optimization tools.

The development of rotary kilns started in the second half of the 20th Declaration of Competing Interest
century, largely due to the intensive production and quality control of
cement during the clinkerization process. This article has sought to The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
synthesize the physical mechanisms operating within these processes; interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
such equipment has been applied to other types of materials of mineral the work reported in this paper.
or organic origin beyond its historical application. The thermochemical
conversion of waste (e.g. biomass, tires) is just one example cited in this Data availability
review (TiO2, aluminum, asphalt aggregates, wood, coal pyrolysis). The
underlying scientific problem, which remains a major obstacle, with this Data will be made available on request.
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