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1. Deposition is not associated with denudation

2. S-wave cannot be transmitted on the land which lack rigidity
3. Muscovite is a clay mineral
4. Anhydrite convert to gypsum when exposure to water
5. Permeability definition
6. Which of the following do not transmit water right one was Acqifuge
7. Highest coefficient of thermal expansion is gravel
8. Greatest crushing strength Between rock right was Basalt
9. Soft mineral talc
10.Hard mineral Diamond
11.Galena is the most important ore of lead
12.Hardness definition
13.Invaded zone method. The invaded-zone method is useful for water
saturation determination
14.Least dispersion mcq,s ( I had written Flourite ) which was right option
15.Gravity of the earth will be zero at core
16.Conversion of organic matter into solid stone is called petrification
17.Mineral which makes half of the ingredient of the rock of the earth is called
18.Mineral abundant in Granite is Quartz
19.Granite has quartz and Feldspar
20.Sandstone sold in blocks or slabs of specified size and shape is called
dimension sandstone
21.Definition of Acidic rock
22.Mohorovivic Discontinuity distance in kilometer, boundary between crust
and mantle
23. Fine grained metamorphic rock having well developed foliation and
lamination is called Slate
24.Rock formed by the solidification of magma is called igneous rock
25.Marble is metamorphic rock
26.Rock formed in layers is called sedimentary rock
27.Gneiss is Metamorphic rock
28.When rock subjected to high temp and pressure rock resulted metamorphic
29.Granite is igneous rock
30.Schist is metamorphic rock
31.Dolomite carbonate of calcium and magnesium CaMgCo3
32.Rock damaged by fire at which temperature (I had written 200 and right one
will be 300. Not sure
33.Large mass of igneous body at considerable depth is called batholith
34.Foliated metamorphic rock from medium to coarse grained
35.Kewra sandstone Cambrian age
36.Recumbent fold has horizontal axis plane
37.Pumice Definition
38.1. Zeolite Mineral (Feldspar)
39.2. Salt range formation Type Locality kewra and also three member of salt
range formation and Age of Sal Range Formation
40.3. Stress which squeeze rocks are Compressional
41.4. Transform fault Also Called Strike Slip Fault.
42.5. Thrust fault definition and difference b/w thrust and Reverse Fault
43.6. Double refraction is present in calcite
44.7. Granite coarse grained rock
45.8. Granite is plutonic Rock
46.9. Reservoir formation in Upper Indus Basin Datta? Am I right?
47.10. Lithosphere is the top of the mantle
48.11. Hot spring and geyser Difference
49.12. Perched water table definition. A perched water table is an
accumulation of groundwater located above a water table in an unsaturated
50.13. Artesian well. If water reaches the ground surface under the
natural pressure of the aquifer, the well is called a flowing artesian well.
51.14. Cambrian age 500my
52.16. Periods division into Epochs
53.17. Reef which are extinct tabulate and rugose?
54.18. Nowshehra reef? Favosits?
55.20. Continental shelf length or width in kilometer
56.21. Hydrated mineral low grade
57.22. Magmatic rock division because of mineral composition
58.23. Belemnites fossil in chichali formation
59.24. Chichali Formation in Mesozoic Era, fossil cephalopda
60.27. Patala Formation Age Paleocene
61.28. Volcanic rock classified on which basis
62.29. Olivine Formula (Mg+2, Fe+2)2SiO4.
63.30. Olivine which Silicates nesosilicate or orthosilicate
64.31. Tobra formation, Glacial Deposites
65.32. Horst and grabens normal faults. a horst is the raised fault block bounded
by normal faults, while Graben is the downward movement of the fault
block bounded by normal fault
66.Strike and dip Definition
67.True dip and Apparent Dip difference
68.Zone next to borehole is
69.Evidence of fossil remains is also called Trace fossil,
70.Disturbance of sediment deposition is evident from
71.Lagoon is the restricted water bodies
72.Hangu is comprised of laterite, shale and ? Confusion whether it is coal or
73.Datta Fm is Deltaic
74.Siwaliks are a) Deltaic b) Glacial c) Shallow marine d) Crevasse splay

2. Also study Sequence Stratigraphy Basic Concepts which is enough for NTS test









Offlap break

3. Also Study Basic Petro physical Logs Properties.

4. Clays and it’s all types very important about 4,5 mcq,s in every NTS test,

5. Limestone and it’s all types very important 3 to 4 mcq,s in every NTS test

6. Mapping and its types very important 4 to 5 mcq,s in every

7. Also study Marble, 2 to 3 mcq,s from Marble

Inshallah this will enough for your Good Score, as I have a very good experience
in NTS test.

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