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expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors
controlling axonal regeneration
after spinal cord injury
Fardad T. Afshari*, Sunil Kappagantula and James W. Fawcett
Spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating conditions that affects the central
nervous system. It can lead to permanent disability and there are around two
million people affected worldwide. After injury, accumulation of myelin debris
and formation of an inhibitory glial scar at the site of injury leads to a physical
and chemical barrier that blocks axonal growth and regeneration. The
mammalian central nervous system thus has a limited intrinsic ability to repair
itself after injury. To improve axonal outgrowth and promote functional
recovery, it is essential to identify the various intrinsic and extrinsic factors
controlling regeneration and navigation of axons within the inhibitory
environment of the central nervous system. Recent advances in spinal cord
research have opened new avenues for the exploration of potential targets for
repairing the cord and improving functional recovery after trauma. Here, we
discuss some of the important key molecules that could be harnessed for
repairing spinal cord injury.
Worldwide, over two million people are affected cord injuries requires regeneration of damaged
by spinal cord injury, which is a heterogeneous axons or stimulation of the growth of spared
condition, depending on the cause and the axons at the site of injury to allow possibility of
severity of the injury. Injury can be caused by any functional recovery. The failure of cut axons
contusion, compression and laceration, of in the spinal cord to regenerate or sprout has
which contusion as a result of fracture many causes. These can be categorised into
dislocation of the spine is the most common extrinsic inhibitory effects and the intrinsically
(Ref. 1). Trauma to the spinal cord leads to low ability of central nervous system (CNS)
primary loss of cells at the site of injury. This axons to regenerate.
initiates various inflammatory responses, which Formation of a glial scar and the presence of
together with other cytotoxic events, leads to various inhibitory molecules at the site of injury
secondary damage and formation of fluid-filled lead to the extrinsic inhibition of axon growth,
cysts, demyelination and degeneration of axons which prevents any substantial regrowth and
at the site of injury (Ref. 2). Repair of spinal sprouting of the axons following injury.

Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

*Corresponding author: Fardad T. Afshari, Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, Forvie
Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0PY, UK. Tel: +44 1223 334121; Fax: +44 1223 331174; E-mail:

Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
Reactive gliosis is an injury-induced change in the undergo a series of cell-autonomous changes at
behaviour of cells at the site of injury, primarily by the injury site. The first step is the sealing of the
astrocytes and meningeal cells, which ultimately plasma membrane at the cut end, followed by
culminates in the formation of glial scar tissue at disintegration of the cytoskeletal elements,
the site of injury (Ref. 3). Reactive gliosis is retraction of axon from the injury site,
associated with proliferation and hypertrophy formation of a growth cone, regrowth to the
of astrocytes and oligodendrocyte precursors, target area, cessation of growth and
with invasion of fibroblastic meningeal cells synaptogenesis. The ability of axons to
following the disruption of the blood – brain complete this process varies. It is dependent
barrier (BBB) (Refs 3, 4). Reactive gliosis and on the neuronal type (peripheral neurons
glial scar formation are both important in the regenerate better than central neurons), age
early stages of injury. They limit further (embryonic and neonatal neurons regenerate
damage by suppressing inflammation and better than adult neurons) and distance of site
preserve function by establishing a boundary of injury from the cell body (axonal injuries
between damaged tissue and salvageable tissue closer to the cell body regenerate better). In
(Refs 5, 6, 7). Depletion of reactive astrocytosis addition, there are also changes in the pattern
after injury prevents re-establishment of the of gene expression, which modulate the
BBB and is associated with increased leukocyte responses to axonal injury.
infiltration, severe demyelination and increased To achieve efficient axonal regeneration and
cell death (Ref. 7). Experiments have shown functional recovery, a combined approach will
that interaction of invading meningeal cells be essential, in which the external environment
with reactive astrocytes is important in the of the axon is made more permissive by (1)
formation of a new glia limitans and resealing promoting the factors supporting regeneration
of the BBB (Refs 7, 8, 9). However, although and (2) blocking the external elements
glial scar formation is very important for tissue inhibiting regeneration. In addition, the
preservation, it acts as a physical (Ref. 10) and intrinsic ability of axonal outgrowth must be
chemical barrier to axon regeneration (Refs 11, manipulated to enhance the vigour of the
12). Within the glial scar, there is upregulation regenerative response.
of various inhibitory factors capable of blocking
axonal growth (Ref. 4). There is no single Extrinsic factors
trigger to the formation of glial scars. Instead, Modification of the extrinsic environment for
there are many cytokines and chemokines promoting axonal regeneration has progressed
involved, including TGF-b (TGFB) (Ref. 13), significantly in the past two decades. Some of
interferon-g (IFNG) (Ref. 14), interleukin (IL)-1 these interventions work by removing the
(Ref. 15) and IL-6 (IL6) (Refs 5, 6), which are inhibitory elements within the CNS and glial
released at the site of injury as a result of scar, and others by promoting and creating a
inflammation and immune cell infiltration. This more permissive environment to support
then leads to astrocytic hypertrophy, regeneration and sprouting of the axons.
proliferation and upregulation of inhibitory
factors, such as chondroitin sulphate Myelin inhibitors
proteoglycans (Ref. 3). The other major sources Myelin is a major inhibitory component of the
of inhibitory molecules for axon regeneration in CNS and many studies have examined the
the damaged spinal cord are myelin and myelin mechanism of inhibition of axons by myelin
debris, which also have an important role in inhibitors. One myelin-associated molecule,
preventing axonal regeneration and growth Nogo-A (RTN4) was the first inhibitor to be
(Refs 16, 17). isolated (Refs 18, 19). Application of the Nogo-
For axons to regenerate successfully, they must A-blocking monoclonal antibody IN-1 in vitro
be able to initiate the process of regrowth followed (Ref. 18) and in vivo inhibits the effect of the
by a dynamic process of continuation to reach the Nogo-A isoform and leads to substantial axonal
necessary target for synapse formation. However, sprouting in the injured adult CNS (Ref. 20).
axons vary greatly in their intrinsic regenerative Other monoclonal antibodies, mostly targeting
ability, with most CNS axons being poor the extracellular N-terminus of the molecule,
regenerators. Soon after injury, an axon has to also block the inhibitory effects of Nogo-A on
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
axons, and promote axon regeneration in the sufficient to significantly promote axon
CNS. Anti-Nogo antibodies have also been regeneration (Ref. 33), and might not provide
shown to promote the sprouting of any measurable therapeutic effect.
corticospinal axons in marmosets (Ref. 21) and Other myelin-associated inhibitory molecules
macaque monkey (Ref. 22) after spinal cord include myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG)
injury. A humanised version of the anti-N- and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein
terminus Nogo monoclonal antibody is (OMG). MAG is a transmembrane protein
currently undergoing clinical trials in acute belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily
spinal cord injury (Ref. 23). and is present in both the CNS and peripheral
Inhibition of Nogo has been attributed to two nervous system (PNS) (Ref. 34). MAG inhibits
separate domains on the molecule. One is a 66- axon growth from adult dorsal root ganglion
residue loop (Nogo-66) located between two (DRG) and cerebellar granule cells (Refs 35, 36),
putative transmembrane portions of Nogo through interaction with the NgR and
(Ref. 24) and the other is at the N-terminus gangliosides (Refs 37, 38, 39). OMG is a GPI-
(Ref. 25). Nogo-66 interacts with a glycosyl linked protein that is abundant in the CNS. It
phosphatidylinosital (GPI)-linked receptor – the causes growth-cone collapse in many neuronal
Nogo receptor (NgR or RTN4R) – that is populations (Refs 40, 41). Remarkably,
expressed in various neurons (Ref. 26). both of these molecules have also been
Introduction of NgR into cells that normally do shown to act through the NgR receptor.
not respond to this myelin inhibitor confers A polyclonal antibody to NgR, a soluble
sensitivity to Nogo. Both p75 (NGFR) (Ref. 27) version of NgR and a dominant-negative NgR
and Lingo-1 (LINGO1) (Ref. 28) have been mutant are all capable of blocking inhibition of
identified as coreceptors for NgR. A truncated neurite outgrowth by MAG (Ref. 39). A
peptide comprising residues 1-40 of Nogo separate study identified NgR as an OMG
(NEP1-40) has been shown to act as a receptor and showed that expression of NgR
competitive antagonist for the binding of Nogo- in DRG neurons confers sensitivity to OMG
66 to NgR. Application of NEP1-40 in spinal (Ref. 42).
cord injury models in rats has led to increased Engagement of NgR with myelin ligands has
corticospinal sprouting with significant been associated with activation of RhoA and
functional recovery (Ref. 29). downstream pathways, which is known to
It is important to remember that Nogo is, inhibit neurite extension (Refs 43, 44).
however, only one of many inhibitors present Identification of the same receptor complex for
within the CNS. Knockout mice produced to three major myelin inhibitors, Nogo, MAG and
study the effect of Nogo after spinal cord injury OMG, therefore opens up a new therapeutic
have provided variable and conflicting results avenue that is capable of intercepting several
on regeneration of corticospinal tracts (Refs 30, myelin-associated inhibitors at once. However,
31). There are three Nogo isoforms, and some the mechanism of action of the N-terminus of
authors have proposed that the lack of Nogo is not clearly understood, although recent
regeneration in studies targeting only one or two studies suggest a role in the disruption of
of these can be explained by a compensatory integrin function (Ref. 25).
increase in the remaining isoforms, and some
studies have been confounded by axon-labelling Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans
artefacts (Ref. 32). A recent report reassessed the Proteoglycans are a major inhibitory component
effect of Nogo by removing most of the of the glial scar (Ref. 45). Astrocytes, the main
previous confounding factors, using a reliable cell type of the glial scar, are capable of
tracing dye and deleting all Nogo isoforms, in producing four classes of proteoglycans,
addition to reanalysing the mouse line including heparan sulphate proteoglycan,
previously reported to promote regeneration dermatan sulphate proteoglycan, keratan
(Ref. 33). The authors conclude that deletion of sulphate protoglycan and chondroitin sulphate
all Nogo isoforms and other confounding proteoglycan (CSPG) (Ref. 46). CSPGs consist of
factors did not lead to any corticospinal tract a core protein to which one or more
regeneration. Therefore, the removal or unbranched glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains
neutralisation of this molecule alone is not are attached (Ref. 46). The chondroitin sulphate
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
GAG chains are sulphated polysaccharides made Decorin
of repeating disaccharides of glucuronic acid and Although CSPGs are established as one of the
N-acetylgalactosamine (Refs 3, 47). Various main inhibitory components of glial scar, not all
studies have shown that mature reactive CSPGs are considered inhibitory. One of the
astrocytes upregulate several proteoglycans that exceptions to this is decorin. Decorin (DCN) is
contribute to the inhibition of axonal outgrowth a small leucine-rich dermatan- or chondroitin-
(Refs 48, 49). One of the major tools for sulphate proteoglycan found naturally in
studying proteoglycans is the bacterial enzyme many tissues. Decorin is known to inhibit the
chondroitinase ABC derived from Proteus activity of three isoforms of TGF-b, which
vulgaris. This enzyme digests the CSPG GAG are involved in astrocytosis and promoting the
chains into disaccharides (Ref. 47). In vivo reactive astrocyte response at the site of injury
application of this enzyme has been shown to (Ref. 59).
be effective in reversing the inhibitory nature Continuous infusion of decorin in acute stab
of CSPGs. Application of chondroitinase ABC injuries of spinal cord in rats leads to a
to the brain after nigrostriatal tract lesioning significant reduction in the astrocytic response,
promotes regeneration of dopaminergic macrophage accumulation and deposition of
neurons back to their targets (Ref. 50). the CSPGs, such as neurocan (NCAN), NG2
Intrathecal application of the enzyme after (CSPG4), phosphacan (PTPRZ1) and brevican
spinal cord injury in rats has also been shown (BCAN) in scar tissue (Ref. 60). The mechanism
to enhance regeneration and sprouting of the is probably related to the ability of decorin to
axons, and functional recovery in several block the effects of TGF-b and EGFR
models of injury, including contusion injury (epidermal growth factor receptor) activation,
(Refs 51, 52). Transgenic expression of which are involved in reactive astrocytosis
chondroitinase under the control of the GFAP (Ref. 61). The modification of the environment
promoter permitted regeneration of sensory of the injured cord leads to an increase in
axons after dorsal rhizotomy (Ref. 53). These neurite outgrowth from microtransplanted
studies with chondroitinase ABC demonstrated sensory neurons at the site of injury (Ref. 60).
that one of the major proteoglycan inhibitory Decorin also appears to have direct effects on
components is the sulphated GAG chains on neurite outgrowth and branching in axons
CSPG. (Ref. 62). How decorin promotes neurite
Further work supporting the role of GAG outgrowth is yet to be elucidated.
chains in the inhibition of axonal growth came
from studies that interfered with enzymes Semaphorins
involved in GAG synthesis, such as Semaphorins are a large family of guidance
polymerases and sulphotransferases (Refs 54, molecules that are either secreted or membrane
55). Treatment of inhibitory astrocytes with bound. Vertebrates express secreted class III,
siRNA targeting chondroitin-polymerising transmembrane (Class IV– VI) and GPI-linked
factor (CHPF) reduced their inhibitory nature, (Class VII) semaphorins. Semaphorins have
facilitating axon growth from cerebellar granule important roles in development, including
neurons (Ref. 56). midline guidance (Ref. 63), through their ability
Together, these and other experiments show to repel axons by interacting with their
that GAG chains have an important role in receptors – neuropilins and plexins (Ref. 64).
inhibiting the regeneration of axons. The The best studied semaphorin in the context of
mechanism by which CSPGs mediate the spinal cord injury is semaphorin-3A (SEMA3A),
inhibitory effect is not clearly understood, and which is produced by meningeal fibroblasts of
to date, no specific receptors for CSPGs have the glial scar (Refs 65, 66). Treatment of spinal
been identified. However, accumulating data cord injury with a specific pharmacological
suggest that CSPGs mediate their inhibitory inhibitor of SEMA3A, xanthofulvin or SM-
effect via disruption of integrin function on 216189 (Ref. 67), leads to significant
axons (Refs 49, 57, 58), and therefore prevent regeneration of axons, Schwann cell infiltration
axon growth cones from responding to the and functional recovery (Ref. 68). Semaphorins
growth-promoting extracellular cues in the are therefore a possible target with the potential
microenvironment. to improve outcome after spinal cord injury.
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
Ephs and ephrins that EPHA4-mediated inhibition has an
Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands important role in preventing regeneration after
have many roles in development and axonal spinal cord injury. EphA4 – / – mice show robust
pathfinding (Ref. 69). The Eph family has 16 regeneration and functional recovery after
receptor members in vertebrates (EPHA1 – spinal cord injury (Ref. 81). In addition,
EPHA10 and EPHB1 – EPHB6) and they interact application of an EPHA4-blocking peptide after
with nine separate ephrin ligands (Ref. 70). corticospinal cord injury in adult rats preserved
Both Eph receptors and ephrins are subdivided corticospinal tract axons and sprouting after
into class A and B, depending on their binding injury, with significant functional recovery in
affinity: EPHA receptors bind mainly to class A paw control, a function that is specific to the
ephrins and EPHB receptors interact with class corticospinal tract pathway (Ref. 82).
B ephrins. The exceptions to this rule are Various mechanisms of action have been
EPHA4 and EPHB2, which can be activated by described in different cell types; however, a
both classes of ephrins (Ref. 71). Class A common theme emerging from various studies
ephrins attach to the membrane via a GPI link, is the role of ephrins and Ephs in modulating
whereas class B are transmembrane molecules integrins. Ephs and ephrins have been shown
with a highly conserved C-terminal tail to mediate various integrin-mediated functions,
(Refs 70, 72). Although Ephs are generally such as adhesion, migration and axonal
assumed to be the receptors and the ephrins elongation (Refs 83, 84). In addition, repulsive
their ligands, it has also been shown that ephrins and Ephs have been shown to mediate
ephrins themselves are capable of acting as their effect by activating RhoA and downstream
receptors after engagement with the inhibitory pathways involved in inhibition of
corresponding Eph receptor, leading to reverse neurite outgrowth (Refs 83, 85). Ephrins and
signalling (Ref. 73). Ephs and ephrins have Ephs are therefore one of the most promising
been shown to be involved in the repulsion of targets for intervention in spinal cord injury.
growth cones in different neuronal types in More specific tools will allow a better
vitro (Refs 74, 75). EphrinB3 (EFNB3)-knockout understanding and targeting of this class of
mice show abnormal axonal guidance at the molecules.
midline of the spinal cord, suggesting a role for
EPHA4 in mediating the inhibition of Polysialic acid
corticospinal axons from passing the EFNB3- Polysialic acid (PSA) is a cell-surface glycan and a
positive midline during development (Ref. 76). linear polymer of N-acetylneuraminic acid in
Several studies have indicated the importance a2-8 linkage. It is added to glycoproteins,
of Ephs and ephrins in the prevention of axon particularly to neural cell adhesion molecule
regeneration after spinal cord injury. Several (NCAM), as a post-translational modification in
Eph receptors are upregulated after injury, the Golgi complex by two polysialytransferase
including EPHA3, EPHA4, EPHA6, EPHA8 and enzymes (Ref. 86). PSA, when present on the
EPHB3 (Refs 77, 78). In addition, some ephrins cell surface, has the general effect of preventing
are upregulated at the site of injury by cell adhesive interactions because of its large
astrocytes (Ref. 8). After injury, there is hydrated volume, which serves to modulate cell
accumulation of EPHA4 in the stumps of interactions and the distance between cells
injured corticospinal neurons, with the (Ref. 86). PSA – NCAM expression is higher in
complementary upregulation of EFNB2 in embryonic brain than in adult brain, but in the
astrocytes (Ref. 79). In addition, injury-induced adult CNS, it continues to be present in areas of
upregulation of EPHA4 has been shown to be high plasticity and neurogenesis (Ref. 87).
linked to reactive gliosis after injury. EPHA4- During development, PSA – NCAM is involved
knockout mice show significant reductions in in processes such as cell migration, axonal
astrocytosis and glial scar formation after spinal guidance and targeting (Ref. 88). In the adult
cord injury. Astrocytes from EphA4 – / – mice do brain, PSA is expressed in specific regions
not respond to interferon-g or leukaemia such as the hippocampus (Ref. 89) and
inhibitory factor (LIF) (Ref. 80), which are both hypothalamus (Ref. 90), areas that are
involved in inducing reactive astrocytosis after specifically associated with structural plasticity.
injury (Ref. 81). Two groups have demonstrated Its presence is also necessary for the migration
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
of progenitor cells from the subventricular zone to outgrowth of different populations of neuronal
the olfactory bulb (Ref. 91). After injury, the most axons. An example of a specific-acting
persistent axonal growth occurs in close neurotrophic factor is artemin (ARTN). Artemin
apposition to a small subpopulation of astrocytes is a member of the GDNF family of
that express PSA–NCAM after injury (Ref. 92). neurotrophic factors that has been shown to
These results all led to the idea that forced favour neurite extension in DRG neurons and it
expression of PSA on NCAM might improve prevents the loss of C-fibres following injury
axon regeneration and sprouting, by shielding (Ref. 103). Virus-mediated transfection of
the axons from negative cues and allowing neurons to express artemin has been shown to
positive cues to take over. Various studies have promote neurite extension by DRG cells, both
examined the effect of forced expression of in vitro and following dorsal hemisection
polysialyltransferase to increase PSA – NCAM. lesions in vivo (Ref. 104). The effects of artemin
This strategy has led to some regrowth and are mediated through several pathways
sprouting of corticospinal tract axons (Ref. 93) involving transcriptional changes and
in a dorsal column crush lesion model. It upregulation of genes necessary for neurite
induces a 20-fold increase in axons growing extension (Ref. 105), and activation of Src-
into the lesion cavity when combined with a family kinase activity (Ref. 106).
peripheral conditioning lesion, which primes The use of trophic factors is therefore likely to be
the neurons (Ref. 94). Increased PSA-NCAM on one of the essential components of any
Schwann cells greatly increases their migration combinatorial therapeutic strategy that is used
into a spinal cord injury by providing a to promote axon regeneration at the site of
substrate for axonal regeneration (Refs 94, 95). injury. Overall, to improve regeneration of the
As a result of the difficulty in manipulating axon, the surrounding microenvironment must
PSA – NCAM itself, mimetic peptides have be rendered more permissive, either by
been produced that have been used to promoting positive cues or by reducing the
improve recovery in mouse spinal cord negative cues (Fig. 1).
injury (Ref. 96).
Macrophages and inflammation
Neurotrophic factors Immune cells have a pivotal role in injury and
Many neurotrophic factors are released in the repair. Although inflammation is traditionally
normal spinal cord, and many of these are considered to be harmful to the surrounding
up- or downregulated after injury. The tissues (Ref. 107), increasing evidence
neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF), demonstrates the beneficial role of inflammation
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), following injury. Crucial evidence came from
neurotrophin-3 (NTF3) and glial-derived studies investigating the role of activated
neurotrophic factor (GDNF) all promote the macrophages in spinal cord injury repair
regrowth of populations of axons. Efficient (Ref. 101), with some results demonstrating the
regenerative ability of the PNS is partly ability of macrophages to promote regeneration
dependent on the ability of Schwann cells to by secreting growth factors and removing debris
secrete growth factors, supporting axon from the site of injury (Refs 108, 109).
elongation after nerve injury. CNS axons In an elegant series of experiments, it was
also respond to exogenously introduced shown that macrophages infiltrating through an
neurotrophic factors. Different studies have opened BBB have a crucial role in promoting
shown the effectiveness of genetically recovery by expressing IL-10 (IL10) and acting
engineered cells that secrete growth factors, as local anti-inflammatory agents at the site of
or matrices containing trophic factors, in injury, leading to functional recovery. This task
promoting the regeneration and sprouting of cannot be performed by activated resident
the injured axons (Ref. 97). microglia (Ref. 110). CSPGs, which are
Some of the trophic factors that are capable of discussed earlier in this review, have also been
promoting axon growth after injury include shown to interact with inflammatory cells, such
NGF (Ref. 98), BDNF (Ref. 99), NTF3 (Ref. 100), as macrophages and microglia, in the acute
NTF4, NTF5 (Ref. 101) and GDNF (Ref. 102), phase of injury. Interactions with CSPG are
with different factors slightly favouring the mediated via the CD44 receptor and modulate
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury

Intact axon Macrophage/




cavity Myelin

↑ TGF-β
↑ IFN-γ
↑ IL-1
↑ IL-6 Demyelinated
Glial scar formation after injury
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine © Cambridge University Press 2009

Figure 1. Glial scar formation after injury. Injury to the central nervous system is accompanied by the
formation of a glial scar and upregulation of inhibitory molecules, such as TGF-b, IFN-g, IL-1 and IL-6,
posing a physical and chemical barrier. Inflammatory cells and immune cells surround the central cavity, in
addition to being present throughout the site of injury. Meningeal fibroblasts are mainly present at the core of
the lesion, disrupting the blood–brain barrier. Oligodendrocytes are dispersed throughout the scar.
Astrocytes, the main cellular component in the mature glial scar, undergo proliferation and hypertrophy in
response to injury. Damaged axons at the site of injury undergo Wallerian degeneration and demyelination.
Cut axons attempting to regenerate face the hostile environment of the scar, which contains inhibitory
factors, such as chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans and myelin debris and are unable to mount an efficient
regenerative response or penetrate the dense glial scar, and form dystrophic axons.

Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
the release of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and partly to the absence of the inhibitory
from the activated microglia and macrophages molecules, which are always present within the
(Ref. 111). Therefore, removal of CSPGs CNS. There are also molecular differences in the
immediately following injury has adverse response of PNS and CNS axons to axotomy.
effects, because of disruption of immune- For example, cut PNS axons activate
mediated recovery, whereas delayed removal regeneration-associated genes such as JUN,
of CSPGs preserves the beneficial effects of GAP43 (growth-associated protein-43) and
inflammation at the site of injury (Ref. 111). genes involved in the JAK – STAT3 pathway
Inflammation can thus be harnessed to promote (Refs 112, 113, 114), whereas injury to CNS
recovery. This demonstrates that careful axons (such as those of Purkinje cells)
attention should be given to the temporal and does not result in activation of these genes
dynamic nature of an injury and injury- (Ref. 115). There are two main phases of
mediated mechanisms during treatment. axon regeneration that we address. The first is
the rapid production of a new axon growth
Intrinsic factors cone at the site of axotomy. The second is the
There is little merit in rendering the external continued growth of the axon through the
environment of the axon more permissive for damaged CNS.
regeneration if the cut axons themselves make
no attempt to regenerate. Unfortunately, many Calcium
damaged axons in the spinal cord appear to Calcium has a very important role in axon growth
make no regenerative response after they have guidance and its local elevation in axoplasm is
been cut, and some regenerate only feebly. In necessary for the rapid formation of a growth
this part of the review, we shall describe some cone at the end of cut axons (Refs 116, 117).
of the most important intrinsic factors that After axotomy, there is a brief influx of calcium
influence the ability of axon to regenerate. into the axon until the membrane reseals. The
calcium has two main effects on the process of
Peripheral versus central regenerative growth cone regeneration. First, it is essential
ability for membrane sealing after axonal transection
Axons from the PNS generally have a superior (Refs 118, 119). After this, calcium plays an
ability to regenerate compared with those of the important role in the rearrangement of
CNS. This could be a result of the evolution of cytoskeletal proteins required for the formation
a complex nervous system in higher animals, of the growth cone. This cytoskeletal
such as mammals. PNS axons are more prone reorganisation results in the formation of a
to injury from daily life events such as locus for microtubules to polymerise and
contusions, cuts and other injuries; whereas extend into a new growth cone, as well as
those of the CNS are protected by a bony skull creating a compartment in which membrane
and vertebral column as well as cerebrospinal vesicles remain trapped and are readily
fluid, which together absorb most of the available for the advancing growth cone
external shocks. The reduced regenerative (Ref. 120). The importance of influx of calcium
ability could alternatively have evolved as a on the assembly and formation of growth cones
protective mechanism to prevent excess from the extracellular medium has also been
sprouting and the possibility of miswiring demonstrated in mammalian neurons in vitro
within the complex CNS circuits, which would (Refs 117, 121). Calcium probably has several
have detrimental consequences to the animal. roles. It is involved in the activation of kinases
However, there are some distinct factors, both such as protein kinase A (PKA) and
extrinsic and intrinsic, which differentiate the extracellular signal-related protein kinases
PNS and CNS in their regenerative ability. (ERKs), which in turn can induce cytoskeletal
Understanding these factors has important reorganisation and axonal protein synthesis
implications for finding new therapeutic (Ref. 117). Influx of calcium also activates
approaches to injuries and disorders involving proteolytic machinery involving calpains.
axonal degeneration. Calpain has been shown to be involved in
Superior PNS regeneration is due partly to the degradation of the submembrane protein
permissive environment created by Schwann cells spectrin, promoting decoupling of cytoskeletal
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009
expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
elements from plasma membrane and when central axons are injured before the
rearrangement of microtubules and peripheral branch (Ref. 130). The growth-
neurofilaments, which is necessary for axonal promoting action of conditioning lesions has
growth cone formation (Refs 120, 122). been mostly attributed to changes within the
cell body of the DRG neurons, involving an
cAMP and conditioning lesions increase in cAMP concentration in the perikarya
Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a key intracellular in the first days after injury (Ref. 125). Further
signalling molecule, so it is not surprising that details of enhanced regeneration mediated by
it influences axonal regeneration. Raising the conditioning lesions have emerged that involve
cAMP level in neurons allows them to changes such as upregulation of arginase I
overcome the inhibitory effects of myelin and (Ref. 131) and IL-6 (Ref. 132). Conditioning
MAG (Ref. 123). In vivo, a stronger regenerative lesions in the peripheral branch of DRGs also
response can be obtained by elevated levels of upregulate other regeneration-associated genes
cAMP in retinal ganglion cells (Refs 117, 124), (Ref. 133), including GAP43 (Ref. 134) and
and in the damaged spinal cord (Refs 125, 126). activating transcription factor-3 (ATF3)
The effect of cAMP on regeneration is mediated (Ref. 135). GAP43 protein is expressed mostly
through various mechanisms. Elevated cAMP during development, and is downregulated in
levels promote the regenerative ability of the adult (Ref. 113); however, it can be
central axons by increasing growth factor upregulated following injury, especially in the
receptor translocation from the cytoplasm to the PNS, leading to a successful regeneration
cell membrane (Ref. 127). cAMP also induces response. CNS axons show a reduced ability
activation of PKA and the subsequent to upregulate GAP43 in response to injury
activation of CREB transcription factor. This (Ref. 113). Exogenous expression of ATF3 in
pathway has been shown to be responsible DRG axons promotes neurite outgrowth on
for mediating the neuritogenic effects of permissive substrates (Ref. 135), but it remains
neurotrophic factors (Ref. 128). One of the unclear whether ATF3 overexpression is
products of CREB-mediated gene upregulation sufficient to overcome the inhibitory effects of
is arginase I (ARG1). It stimulates synthesis of myelin.
polyamines, which are capable of overcoming
the effects of inhibitors such as myelin, by Pathways associated with increased
hydrolysing arginine to urea and ornithine regeneration
(Ref. 129). In addition to cAMP and calcium, various other
One setting where cAMP has a role in signalling pathways involved in regeneration
enhancing regeneration is in conditioning have been identified. ERK (Refs 136, 137) and
lesions. Conditioning is a process by which the Akt (Refs 136, 138) are two kinases that are
regenerative ability of CNS axons can be activated in response to various neurotrophic
enhanced after injury by priming the neuron factors. Akt also mediates the formation of
with an initial injury. In other words, the first colateral branches in response to local exposure
injury to the nerve leads to the priming of the to neurotrophins (Refs 138, 139). Both ERK and
neuron, which then leads to better axonal Akt also promote growth cone motility and
growth in the subsequent injury. This effect has regeneration after axonal injury in adult DRG
been well studied in DRG axons, which have a axons (Ref. 117).
peripheral and a central branch. Studies have Following the acute phase of axon injury and
shown that lesions to the peripheral branch of rearrangement of cytoskeletal elements, a
DRG axons, condition the neuron into a chronic phase is activated. This phase involves
growth-promoting mode. A subsequent injury upregulation of various genes, which are
to the central axon of the DRG is followed by commonly referred to as regeneration-
enhanced regenerative ability compared with associated genes (Ref. 133), such as GAP43 and
the nonconditioned state. The timing of this ATF3, as mentioned earlier. However, another
conditioning lesion is important, with the best set of genes known to be upregulated after
results obtained when peripheral axotomy is injury include those involved in the JAK –
performed 1 week before the injury to the STAT3 pathway, through which the
central funiculus; no beneficial effect is seen neuritogenic effect of cytokines such as LIF
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Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
and IL-6 is mediated. IL-6 administration has and functional recovery compared with
been shown to be sufficient (though not animals receiving a low dose or no treatment
necessary) for axons to overcome the (Ref. 145). Owing to the important role of the
inhibitory effects of MAG and myelin, both in Rho – ROCK pathway in mediating the
vitro and in vivo (Ref. 132). Inhibition of inhibitory effect of CSPGSs (Ref. 143) and other
the JAK – STAT3 pathway blocks the IL-6- inhibitory molecules such as myelin (Ref. 146)
mediated effect on axon regeneration and ephrins (Ref. 147), Rho inhibitors have been
(Ref. 132). However, it should also be noted that an important target in the development of
IL-6 is a potentially harmful proinflammatory pharmacological treatments for spinal cord
cytokine, which is upregulated after CNS injury in humans (Ref. 23).
injury, contributing to increased cell death
(Ref. 140). Axonal protein synthesis and degradation
Early events in regeneration are membrane sealing,
Pathways associated with inhibition of retraction of the axon from the injury site and
axon regeneration formation of a new growth cone. Although
In addition to pathways involved in promoting retraction involves degradation of cytoskeletal
axon regeneration, some pathways have been elements such as microtubules, growth cone
shown to be responsible for the inhibition of formation involves de novo synthesis of a
axon growth and signalling downstream of variety of proteins, including microtubules,
inhibitors such as CSPGs and myelin. One such neurofilaments and actin. The two separate but
signalling pathway is via the Ras-related small inter-related processes of protein degradation
GTPase Rho. Rho functions as a molecular and synthesis are important for these steps to
switch of various cellular processes by shuttling occur. One of the earliest indications that axons
between the inactive, GDP-bound form and the are able to synthesise proteins in situ after injury
active, GTP-bound form (Ref. 141). Studies have came from the evidence that the earliest
shown that Rac and Cdc42 Ras-related GTPases regenerative sprouting at the axon tips occurs
generally promote neurite outgrowth, whereas within a day of axonal injury, suggesting that
Rho inhibits neurite elongation (Ref. 85). growth cone formation is independent of the cell
Commonly used agents to inhibit the Rho body reaction (Ref. 148). Accordingly, various
pathway are the ribosylating enzyme C3 and studies have showed that inhibition of protein
the Rho kinase inhibitor Y27632 (Ref. 35). synthesis in peripheral nerves attenuates their
Various studies have demonstrated that ability to regenerate (Refs 149, 150). Further
inhibiting the Rho pathway allows axonal and evidence has now emerged that one of the key
neurite outgrowth from primary cortical differences between peripheral and central axons
neurons (Ref. 142), retinal ganglion cells is the level of protein synthesis and degradation
(Ref. 143) and DRG neurons (Ref. 144) on machinery in the axons. Comparison between
inhibitory substrates including myelin, CSPG DRG and retinal ganglion cell axons has
and aggrecan, and in doing so, have shown strict correlation between the ability of
demonstrated the role of the Rho pathway in axons to generate a new growth cone and the
mediating the inhibitory effects of these presence of proteins involved in protein
molecules. synthesis, such as the ribosomal protein P0 and
In addition to in vitro studies, various in vivo phosphorylated translation factor eIF-4E (EIF4E)
studies have shown the effectiveness of Rho (Refs 150, 151, 152).
and ROCK (Rho-associated protein kinase) In addition to providing proteins for
inhibitors in promoting regeneration and sustaining axon regeneration, local protein
neurite outgrowth. Application of C3 or Y27632 synthesis has also been shown to have a
in vivo to mice with a dorsal crush of the spinal role in retrograde signalling, as seen for
cord affects axonal growth and promotes importin-b (KPNB1), which is necessary for
motor recovery, with an increase in forelimb – upregulating gene expression after injury
hindlimb coordination (Ref. 142). Similarly, (Ref. 153). As well as protein synthesis
application of a high dose of Y27632 to cervical machinery, protein degradation machinery is
dorsal column transections in rats leads to also crucial for the axon regeneration process
an increase in axonal growth distal to the lesion (Ref. 150).
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Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
Membrane-associated factors for effects in several experimental models
regeneration (Refs 161, 162, 163), GM1 ganglioside has been
In addition to the axoplasmic factors, there are used in a multicentre acute spinal cord injury
many molecular events on the membrane of the study (Ref. 164). Although the first phase was
axon that modulate the ability of axons to considered to be highly successful, it failed in
regenerate. Of recent interest is the role of lipid- the subsequent stages. However, it may be
rich domains consisting of cholesterol and envisaged that providing GM1 ganglioside
saturated sphingolipids, commonly known as exogenously would have different effects on
‘rafts’. These rafts are small, highly dynamic, the membrane when compared with the
liquid-ordered phases of membrane that ‘float’ endogenous production. This is supported by
in a liquid-disordered phase of the membrane. findings that the metabolic pathways of
Through a series of elegant experiments, it has endogenous and exogenous gangliosides in
been shown that these lipid-rich domains are cerebellar granule cells differ (Ref. 165). Thus,
important in growth cone guidance (Ref. 154). interest is now shifting to the ganglioside
There is also evidence for a role of the different metabolic pathways and ways to manipulate
lipid components of ‘rafts’ in aspects of axon the cells to convert various other ‘neuronal’
growth. Disruption of cholesterol-rich domains gangliosides such as GD1a and GT1b
specifically attenuates BDNF-induced attraction, gangliosides into GM1 gangliosides using
whereas disruption of ganglioside-rich rafts specific enzymes, such as neuraminidase-3
inhibits the ability of axons to elongate in the (NEU3). However, it remains to be seen
presence of BDNF (Ref. 154). This suggests a whether this strategy can overcome the failures
dichotomous role for membrane lipids, with of initial studies in spinal cord injury repair
cholesterol-rich regions affecting growth cone where exogenous GM1 gangliosides were used
guidance and ganglioside-rich regions affecting as therapeutic approach.
axonal elongation. Little is known about the Another family of membrane-associated
role of cholesterol in axon regeneration. proteins involved in regeneration are the
However, gangliosides have been the focus of integrins. These are transmembrane receptors
great interest in the past few years. that are functionally active when present as
Gangliosides are saturated glycosphingolipids heterodimers (consisting of an a- and a b-
that may be conjugated to one or more sialic subunit). In neurons, it has been shown that
acid residues. Axons are enriched with only a the integrin activation state and change in
few of the various types of ganglioside that the conformation of the integrin structure greatly
body can produce; these include GM1, GD1a influences neurite outgrowth in culture.
and GT1b (Ref. 155). During normal Activated integrins promote high-affinity
development, ganglioside biosynthesis is binding of integrins to their ligands, which
essential for axonogenesis (Ref. 156). Different promotes regeneration of axons, even under
gangliosides have been shown to have different inhibitory and nonpermissive conditions
effects on axon growth process. Both GD1a and (Refs 166, 167). There is also much indirect
GT1b act as functional receptors of MAG evidence for involvement of integrins in
(Ref. 157), which has been shown to inhibit regeneration following axonal injury. For
regeneration of axons in CNS. Sialidase, which example, a number of integrin subunits,
digests these gangliosides to GM1, promotes including a4, a5, a6, a7 and b1 are upregulated
regeneration in vivo in mammalian models of in sensory neurons after injury (Refs 168, 169, 170).
brachial plexus avulsion injuries (Ref. 158). By Furthermore, upregulation of integrins after
contrast, antibodies against GM1 gangliosides injury to the PNS is associated with successful
inhibit neurite outgrowth (Refs 159, 160), regeneration (Refs 171, 172). The increase in the
supporting a role of this ganglioside in vigour of axon growth after preconditioning
promoting axon regeneration. Most of the lesions, which promote regeneration of DRG
downstream effects of GM1 ganglioside have axons, has been shown to be at least partly
been shown to be via the potentiation of the attributable to the upregulation of a5 (Ref. 170)
effects of neurotrophins on the Trk family of and a7 integrins (Ref. 171). Moreover, neurons
neurotrophin receptors. Owing to its acute from integrin-a7-deficient transgenic animals
neuroprotective and long-term regenerative show impaired axon regeneration (Ref. 171).
Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
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expert reviews in molecular medicine

Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

after spinal cord injury
More recently, it has been shown that lentivirus- spinal cord injury. Despite this need, the field of
mediated overexpression of integrins not spinal cord injury repair has advanced
normally expressed by neurons allows better exponentially within the past two decades,
interaction with the available ligands and revealing increasingly more detail about the
promotes regeneration and functional mechanisms of CNS regeneration.
recovery (Ref. 173). Overall, these data support
a role for integrins as key intrinsic players Acknowledgements and funding
in regeneration and axonal outgrowth We are grateful to Dr Jessica Kwok for her input
following injury. in this review. We would also like to thank the
peer reviewers for their time and constructive
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Extrinsic and intrinsic factors controlling axonal regeneration

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Further reading, resources and contacts

Silver, J. and Miller, J.H. (2004) Regeneration beyond the glial scar. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5, 146-156
Rolls, A., Shechter, R. and Schwartz, M. (2009) The bright side of the glial scar in CNS repair. Nature Reviews
Neuroscience 10, 235-241
Cafferty, W.B., McGee, A.W. and Strittmatter, S.M. (2008) Axonal growth therapeutics: regeneration or sprouting
or plasticity? Trends in Neurosciences 31, 215-220
These three recent reviews provide detailed information on axon regeneration at the glial scar

For the latest updates on research on spinal cord injury and clinical trials see the website of the NIH National
Institute of Neurological Disorders:

Features associated with this article

Figure 1. Glial scar formation after injury.

Citation detail for this article

Fardad T. Afshari, Sunil Kappagantula and James W. Fawcett (2009) Extrinsic and intrinsic factors
controlling axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. Expert Rev. Mol. Med. Vol. 11, e37, December
2009, doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288

Accession information: doi:10.1017/S1462399409001288; Vol. 11; e37; December 2009
& Cambridge University Press 2009

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