English Mix Sheet 2

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Select the appropriate synonym of the given word. 1. Deceive 2.

1. Dry 3. Convey 4. Criticise
1. Awful 2. Arcane 6. Samples should not be random all the time.
3. Ardent 4. Arid 1. Ordinary 2. Rare
2. Engross 3. Specific 4. Honourable
1. Contain 2. Distract 7. Rational
3. Absorb 4. Attract 1. Anxious 2. Delayed
3. I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches. 3. Logical 4. Enormous
1. Delicious 2. Glorious 3. 8. Compliment
Furious 4. Obvious 1. Neutral 2. Complement
4. Mundane 3. Insult 4. Natural
1. Strange 2. Ordinary 3. 9. The verdict proved that he was innocent.
Stirring 4. Annoying 1. Mighty 2. Nasty
5. The cheetah, with rapid speed, sprinted across the 3. Guilty 4. Hearty
savannah in pursuit of its prey. 10. Prevent
1. Secret 2. Clever 1. Embowel 2. Bestow
3. Quick 4. Stubborn 3. Allow 4. Disavow
6. The malicious hacker attempted to gain
unauthorised access to the company’s date. Passive Voice
1. Vigilant 2. Dutiful 3. 1. They will not have cooked the rice.
Meticulous 4. Spiteful 1. The rice will not have been cooked by them.
7. Hate 2. The rice will not have being cooked by them.
1. Adore 2. Despise 3. 3. The rice will not had been cooked by them.
Oppose 4. Severe 4. The rice should not have been cooked by them. 2.
8. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word The company is reaping the benefits.
‘remarkable’ in the given sentence. The acrobat's 1. The benefits can be reap by the company.
extraordinary stunts left the audience in awe, 2. The benefits had reaped by the company.
applauding for more. 3. The benefits are being reaped by the company.
1. Awe 2. Applauding 3. 4. The benefits will be reaps by the company.
Extraordinary 4. Stunts 3. The entire pizza was devoured by Becky in a
9. The leader’s remarks were considered outrageous. moment.
1. Resistible 2. Welcoming 3. 1. Becky devoured the entire pizza in a moment.
Shocking 4. Praiseworthy 2. Becky devours the entire pizza in a moment.
10. Destroy 3. Becky has devoured the entire pizza in a moment.
1. Rush 2. Ruin 4. Becky is devouring the entire pizza in a moment.
3. Rattle 4. Rumble 4. The warrior defeated the three-eyed giant.
1. The three-eyed giant had been defeated by the
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the warrior.
underlined word. 2. The three-eyed giant was defeated by the warrior.
1. Our salaries are disbursed on the fifth of every 3. The three-eyed giant is defeated by the warrior.
month. 4. The three-eyed giant will be defeated by the warrior.
1. distinguished 2. discarded 3. 5. The car is being washed by the carwash attendant at
collected 4. paid out the moment.
2. Poetry writing is not an industrious pursuit. 1. The carwash attendant is washing the car at the
1. idle 2. Idol 3. patient moment.
4. ideal 2. The carwash attendant is being washing the car at
3. Plentiful the moment.
1. Coarse 2. Plausible 3. The carwash attendant washes the car at the
3. Sparse 4. Course moment.
4. Dense 4. The carwash attendant has been washing the car at
1. Spicy 2. Warm the moment.
3. Broad 4. Sparse 6. Don't allow yourself to be deceived by looks.
5. Affirm 1. Let yourself not be allowed to be deceived by looks.
2. Yourself should not be allowed to be deceived by C. It secretly slouched into a room where a young man
looks. named Johnny was sleeping, who suddenly woke up
3. Yourself is not to be allowed to be deceived by and realised that the beast was roaming around his bed.
looks. D. Just as the panther was about to leap on him, he
4. You are not to be allowed to be deceived by looks. swiftly shot out of bed and hid in a closet.
7. Today's newspaper has been read by us. 1. ABDC 2. BDCA
1. We are reading today’s newspaper. 3. ACDB 4. DCAB
2. We read today’s newspaper. Q.3: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
3. We have read today’s newspaper. jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct
4. We reads today’s newspaper. order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
8. They are building a new library in the town square. A. They also wore felt caps to cover their ears.
1. A new library is being built in the town square by B. They wore trousers tucked into leather boots.
them. C. This place was famous for its skilful archers and
2. A new library is building in the town square by horsemen.
them. D. In the 5th and 4th centuries BC, today’s south
3. A new library in the town square is built by them. Ukraine was known as Scythia.
4. They are building in the town square a new library. 1.BCDA 2. CBDA
9. Today, my project was completed successfully. 3. ABCD 4. DCBA
1. Today, I can complete my project successfully. Q.4: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
2. Today, I completed my project successfully. order.
3. Today, I will be completing my project successfully. While physical movement
4. Today, my project will have been completed P. activities may not require physical
successfully. Q. is important for children, all learning
10. They had built a new bridge across the river. R. the part of teachers and students
1. A new bridge has built across the river by them. S. movement and facial expressions on
2. A new bridge had been built across the river by 1.PRQS 2. RSPQ
them. 3. QSRP 4. QPSR
3. A new bridge has been built across the river by Q.5: The question below consists of a set of labeled
them. 4. A new bridge is built across the river by them. sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent
Q.1: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in P. We are naturally social creatures.
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct Q. A bit of solitude-as everyone from Thoreau to
order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Proust have written about-is one of our most powerful
A. When this extra water vapour condenses into tools for disconnecting and recharging.
precipitation, it results in heavier rain — or, if it’s cold R. This does not mean you need to lock yourself away
enough, heavier snow. in a room at the end of the day.
B. The atmosphere can store an additional 4% of water S. However, all that time with people takes its toll.
vapour for every additional 1°F of warming. 1.PQRS 2. QSRP
C. More water evaporates from soils, plants, lakes and 3. SPQR 4. PSQR
seas as the atmosphere warms. Q.6: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
D. One of the most obvious indications of climate order.
change is heavier rainfall. Michael Holding, who
1. CBDA 2. DCBA P. 20 years, has finally drawn curtains on
3. ACDB 4. BCAD Q. Commentary panel for more than
Q.2: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in R. was a member of the Sky Sports
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct S. his stint behind the microphone
order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. 1.RQPS 2. QPRS
A. A panther is reported to have broken into a house 3. SPQR 4. PSQR
yesterday in search of food and shelter. Q.7: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
B. The villagers heard his cries and ran to the house order. We have been
but the scared animal had run away through the P. able to identify certain patterns in
window by then. Q. the microbiome and immune response
R. that are clearly linked to the progression and 1. QRPS 2. SQRP
S. severity of brain injury 3. PRQS 4. SRQP
1.PQSR 2. QPSR Q.13: The question below consists of a set of labeled
3. RSPQ 4. PQRS sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
Q.9: The question below consists of a set of labeled most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the paragraph.
most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent P. You can use proper lighting, reduce screen glare, and
paragraph. take more breaks.
P. Main source of water for Wular Lake is River Q. However, one of the easiest habits to build is to
Jhelum. follow the “20-20-20 rule”.
Q. Wular Lake is also said to be a remnant of Satisar R. There are lots of ways you can protect your eyes
Lake that existed in ancient times. during the day.
R. This lake also has a small island in its centre called S. Every 20 minutes of time spent staring at a screen,
the ‘Zaina Lank’. look away at an option that is at least 20 feet away for
S. This island was constructed by king Zainul-Abi-Din. 20 seconds.
3. QSRP Q.14: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
4. PRSQ jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct
Q.10: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
order. A. Shalini was scrolling down the phone screen while
The continued waiting for her friend.
P. the growing sales of sneakers B. Her friend brought a bouquet for Shalini from the
Q. dominance of the athleisure trend market place.
R. along with the pursuit of comfort C. When her friend arrived, they went to the market
S. has had a significant impact on place.
1. PSRQ 2. RPSQ D. The market place was thronging with people.
Q.11: The question below consists of a set of labeled 3. ABCD 4. ACDB
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the Q.15: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent order.
paragraph. A 2007–2009 study
P. In Tokyo, they built an expressway linking the P. explored forward thinking techniques
international airport in Haneda to the centre, and Q. to synchronise time on board deep
widened some of the city’s major arteries. R. space probes for accurate navigation, in
Q. These infrastructure improvements helped to bring S. particular looking into low-cost options
about the Japanese economic miracle over the next 1. RSPQ 2. PSRQ
couple of decades. 3. SPRQ 4. PQRS
R. Tokyo 2020 was supposed to be a great economic Q.16: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
stimulus, replicating the achievements of Tokyo 1964. order.
S. It was thanks to hosting that Olympics that Japan The nanostructures on the
invested in infrastructure such as the famous P. with added, or “doped,” iron and phosphor
Shinkansen bullet train . Q. surface made of nickel selenide
1. RSPQ 2. QPRS R. offers the high performance and stability
3. SRQP 4. PQRS S. that are needed for industrial-scale electrolysis
Q.12: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct 1. QPRS 2. QRSP
order. 3. RPQS 4. SPQR
The spectacular Q.17: The question below consists of a set of labeled
P. Indian economy, were largely based on coal sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
Q. expansion of electrification of the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent
R. the last 20 years, and the considerable paragraph.
S. Chinese economic growth of P. The award is named after Alfred Nobel, the Swedish
inventor of dynamite.
Q. A Nobel Prize is an award that is given to someone
whose work has benefitted society.
R. This award is given in six categories, and medicine
is one of those categories.
S. This year Professors David Julius and Ardem
Petapoutian have won this prize for medicine.
Q.18: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
Jobseekers are not
P. being unemployed are a test of faith
Q. self-purification, where the difficulties of
R. relentlessly to a pilgrimage of
S. fatalistic but reapply themselves
Q.19: The question below consists of a set of labeled
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent
P. He is well aware of the role he and his people play
in keeping Shivsagar Lake as beautiful and
ecologically thriving.
Q. However, he is also deeply aware of the fact that the
urban idea of conservation often seeks to keep
traditional dwellers out.
R. Jason, 45, has a quiet, confident presence.
S. He takes a long time to open up and even after that,
he speaks little.
Q.20: The question below consists of a set of labeled
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent
P. They are on the market already but they are costly.
Q. Their cost depends on the sort you install and the
size of your home.
R. These devices extract warmth from the air or the
ground, or from water – a bit like a fridge operating in
S. Climate advisers anticipate that most homes in
future will be warmed by heat pumps.

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