Joint Public Directive

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Directive: Holistic Development

Author: State Minister of Administrative Development, Defense Minister

1. The transformation of the Saida port (Latitude: 33.5599 Longitude: 35.3756) present in Sidon into
the primary port of Lebanon, rivalling the strength of those present in Beirut and Tripoli. The role of
such a newly developed port shall be as follows:
a. In order to increase the influx of imports of food and medical supplies which are essential to
Lebanon’s economy and the current food and medical crises of the nation
b. In order to allow for the capture of the port present in Tripoli by the Hezbollah to have less of
an impact on the economy of Lebanon due to the fact that that is the biggest trade port that is
currently functioning.

2. In a joint operation with the Ministry of Defense, the State Minister of Administrative Affairs shall
be using 250 active personnel of the army in order to ensure that the transformation and development
of such a port is not challenged at all. The role of the officers are as follows:
a. In order to ensure that there shall not be any attacks by Hezbollah during the development of
this port and ensure that any protests which may turn violent be diverted away from the port
in order to ensure maximum efficiency.

3. While it is not feasible to completely change the port and the current crisis is affecting us by the
hour, the development of this new port shall only take three days as a whole and shall be done
through the funds pledge By France on August 9th of which the ministers shall be needed 1 million
euros and the funds shall be allocated according to these requirements:
a. 400,000 euros shall be allotted in order to develop more land (in specific 1.00 of land
must be procured)
b. 400,000 euros shall be allotted in order to increase storage space through the buying of
shipping containers which must be filled with primarily food and medical supplies but other
supplies shall also be appreciated.
c. 200,000 euros shall be allotted in order to develop ship paths which were previously used in
Beirut to be used in the new port as well as inform the necessary nations of the introduction
of this new port.

4. Recommends the Chamber of Deputies to recognize Hezbollah as an anti-government agency.

a. Such a change is recommended due to the fact that the Hezbollah are very much violating our
constitution and are doing so by the following means:
i. Article 49 of the Lebanese constitution states that "The President of the Republic is
the head of the state and the symbol of the nation's unity. He shall safeguard the
constitution and Lebanon's independence, unity, and territorial integrity”
ii. Territorial integrity of a nation (according to Oxford Public International Law
“Territorial integrity and political independence are two core elements of Statehood.
Territorial integrity refers to the territorial ‘oneness’ or ‘wholeness’ of the State. As a
norm of international law, it protects the territorial framework of the independent
State and is an essential foundation of the sovereignty of States”
iii. Due to the fact that the current government is a caretaker government which is only
answerable to the current head of state, President Michael Aoun, it seems that the
Hezbollah are very much in violation of our constitution as the cabinet has plans for
the port and has the ability to take executive decisions on behalf of the President and
therefore, the recommendation should be consider by the Chamber of Deputies.

5. In a joint operation with the State Minister of Defence, a new operations known as the LRDNA
(Lebanese Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment and BRDNA (Beirut Rapid Damage and Needs
Assessment) in order to:
a. Gauge how much damage has taken place in each sector of the economy instead of looking at
it as a whole. This will not only be done by the LRDNA which looks at Lebanon as a whole
but also the BRDNA in order to gauge damages in the region
b. Analyse weak points in the development of Lebanon and Beirut and provide economically
plausible solutions to said issues. The LRDNA and BRDNA shall be funded using 1 million
Euros out of the 250 million euros as mentioned in clause 2 sub clause a.
c. The personnel of such a group will consist of highly trained disaster management analysers
present in Lebanon and military personnel in order to ensure that the professionals can be
aided in whatever information may be necessary.

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