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Sawm; The third pillar

• It is one of the five pillar of Islam. It became obligatory in the second year of
• The Quran says " Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for
those before you
so that you may restrain again sins" (Al -Baqrah 2:183)
• Saum generally means to abstain from something. In Islam it means to abstain from
eating, drinking
and bad deeds from dawn to dusk.
• Fasts are started when the new moon of the Ramadan is sighted and stopped when
new moon of the
month of Shawwal is seen.
• Ramadan is the ninth month of Muslim calender. It is the month in which Quran was
revealed. Quran
says " Ramadan is the month in which Quran was sent down......."(Al -baqrah 2:185)
Method of Fasting
• Muslims gets up early in the morning before dawn and take their meal, which is
called Sehri. Prophet (PBUH) said "Take Sahoor as there is a blessing in it"
• Muslims then make intention of fasting which is mandatory for keeping fast.
Muslims intend by
using these words " I intend to keep tomorrow's fast of Ramadan"
• Muslims throughout the day abstain from food and drink which is called Imsak
• They should avoid hearing, seeing or doing anything that is obscene or evil.
• Prophet (PBUH) said "Fasting is not (abstaining) from eating and drinking only,
but also from
vain speech and foul language. If one of you being cursed or annoyed , he should
say: "I am
fasting, I am fasting."
• Muslims should live their normal routine , they should not over sleep or to
complain of hunger and
thirst as this will minimize their reward.
• Muslims shorten their working hour and try to spend much of their time in
recitation of Quran and
• Muslims break their fast at sunset. It is Sunnah to break fast with dates.
• Muslims break their fast by following words " O Allah! I fasted for you and I now
break the fast
for you"
• After margib prayer Muslims prepared themselves for Isha and Tarawih prayer.
• Tarawih is the additional prayer which is of 20(Rakhas) which is offered in
Ramadan after Isha and
before Witr.
• This is a Sunnah prayer in which Muslims try to complete their Quran.
• Arrangements are made in every mosque to recite the Quran.
• This prayer is normally performed in congregation but women should offer tarwih
at home.
• The Prophet (PBUH) said "Whoever prayer during the nights of Ramadan with a firm
and hoping for reward, all his previous sins would be forgiven"(Bukhari)
• I'tikaf: Muslims withdraw themselves at Mosques at the end of Ramadan.
• This is because of the virtues of night of power which is referred in Surah Qadar
chapter 97
• This night lies at one of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan.
• The Muslims perform atikaf to search this night.
• The blessings of worship in this secret night is better then worshipping 1000
• Another reason of performing atikaf to earn more blessings of Allah.
• Fasting is obligatory on every adult ,sane and healthy Muslims.
• Following are exempted from fasting but they make up the days the missed.
• Travellers.
• Severe illness
• Old and unhealthy
Menstruating women.
• Women giving birth.
• Underage children
• People in danger.
• Slaves
• The things that void fast are as followed:
• Eating,drinking, smoking
• Sexual intercourse.
• Mouthful Vomitting.
• Nutritional injections and medicines
Compensation of Fasting
• If fast is cancel due to any abovementioned reasons then kaffara, Qaza or Fidya
has to be given.
• Kaffara: If fast cancels out by eating or drinking intentionally.
• It can be done by keeping 60 continuous fast after the month of Ramadan.
• If any of the fast is missed during this process, the counting of 60 will start
• If a person is unable to do so then kaffara is to be given by offering two times
meal to sixty poor
• Qaza: It is done when fast is cancelled unintentionally.
• The same amount of Fast has to be performed after Ramadan.
• Fidya : If a person is not able to perform Qaza due to severe health issues than
Fidya is given.
• It is amount calculated by 3/4 of the rate of wheat in place of every fast
Benifits of Fasting
• It helps to build up character as fast teaches self-control because a believer
renounces food , drink
and all other enjoyments willingly in obedience and command of Allah, to seek his
• Person became aware of the conditions of the poor and create closeness to them.
• It also gives rest to stomach and body gets rid of fat and other toxic matters.
• Fasting brings man closer to Allah, The Prophet (PBUH) said "Allah says, "Fasting
is Mine and I
give reward for it...."
• One can gain Taqwa (Piety) which act like a shield against evil actions “ Fasting
is a shield and
protection from the fire from committing sins" (Agreed).
• It becomes easy to quit habitual sins. The main purpose of fasting is to avoid
evil deeds and sin.
Prophet(PBUH) said “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions ; Allah
is not in need of his leaving his food and drink” ( Sahi Bukhari)
• All previous sins are forgiven. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said "Whoever fasts in the
month of
Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his
previous sins
will be forgiven" (Sahi Bukhari).
• All good deeds are multiplied by ten times to seven hundred times.

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