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5 Practice: Waves Practice

Physics Sem 2 Name: Zac Amin

Points Possible:25

Question 1 (7 points)

a. Draw a transverse wave and label the following properties: crest, trough, amplitude, and

wavelength. Then draw a longitudinal wave and label the following properties: compression,

rarefaction, and wavelength. (3 points)

b. What is the equation for the speed of a wave? Identify each variable. (1 point)

Wavelength x frequency

c. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph to correctly describe the behavior of waves. (1


A wave is a(n) current that carries energy through space. Some waves travel through empty

space. Other waves must travel through a material, also known as a medium. Waves transfer

energy but not matter.

d. Match each term to its correct description. (1 point)

A. Refraction
B. Diffraction

C. Reflection

D. Constructive interference

E. Destructive interference

d The superimposition of waves to create a wave with a larger amplitude

e The superimposition of waves to create a wave with a smaller amplitude

a The bending of a wave as it enters a different medium

b The bending of a wave around an obstacle

c The bouncing of a wave off a surface

e. Give examples of refraction, diffraction, and reflection. (1 point)

Some example of refraction are glasses or contacts. Some examples of diffraction are the
colors in a rainbow or when you look into something shiny. Some examples of reflection are
looking into any type of mirror

Question 2 (4 points)

a. What property of sound waves is related to pitch? (1 point)


b. What property of sound waves is related to volume? (1 point)

c. What is the Doppler effect? What causes it? (1 point)

The doppler effect is which frequency changes of a moving wave and can be see

d. Describe the relative speeds of sound in the different states of matter. (1 point)

sound travels through solids faster than liquids and liquids faster than gasses

Question 3 (3 points)

a. What are two equations for the energy of light? Identify each variable. (1 point)



b. White light is made up of all colors. If white light shines on an orange, which colors will be
reflected and which will be absorbed? (1 point)

Blue, green and violet will be absorbed and the rest are reflected
c. Identify the correct order of the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum by placing

numbers in the table. (1 point)

From From

to to highest

longest frequency


Ultraviolet radiation 3 5

Radio waves 7 1
Visible light 4 4

Infrared radiation 5 3

X-rays 2 6

Microwaves 6 2

Gamma rays 1 7
Question 4 (2 points)

a. What is the equation used to find the angle of refraction? Identify each variable. (1 point)

n1=sin 0 1=n2 sin02 n1=incident index n2=refraction index

b. A light wave moves from diamond (n = 2.4) into water (n = 1.33) at an angle of 24°. What
angle does it have in water? (1 point)

47.22 degrees

Question 5 (4 points)

a. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph to identify the properties of mirrors and

lenses. (1 point)

Lenses produce images through refraction, but mirrors produce images through reflection. A

convex mirror and a concave lens focus light at a point. A concave mirror and a concave

lens spread light apart.

b. Compare the signs of ƒ for lenses and mirrors. (1 point)

c. What kind of image is formed when the image distance is positive? What kind of image is
formed when the image distance is negative? (1 point)

A real image will be made when the distance is positive. However, if it is negative a virtual
image will be produced.

d. Complete the table to review what the sign and value of the magnification tell about the

size and orientation of the image formed. (1 point)

Magnification (m) Larger Upright

or or

small inverte
er d

image image?

+2.0 larger inverte

–2.0 small upright

+0.5 larger

–0.5 small upright


Question 6 (5 points)

a. Describe the three rays that are used to locate images formed by mirrors. (1 point)

one ray is parallel to the axis a second ray strikes the center of the mirror and a third ray
goes towards the mirror into the focal point.
b. Describe the three rays that are used to locate images formed by lenses. (1 point)

In all three rays they cross each other at the same point which allows them to make the
location and image

c. What is the equation used to find the image distance? Identify each variable. (1 point)


U=object distance

V=image distance

F=focal length of lens

d. An object is located 25.0 cm from a convex mirror. The image distance is –50.0 cm. What
is the magnification? (1 point)



e. Compare nearsightedness and farsightedness with respect to the symptoms and the
lenses used to correct them. (1 point)

People who are nearsighted have their cornea with a larger than average curvature. However,
people with farsightedness have their cornea not curved enough
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