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9 Write: Prepare an Argumentative Research Paper, Writing Guide

Part I

English 10 Sem 2 Name: Zac Amin


You should have taken notes during the studies earlier in this lesson that will help you now. Gather

those materials before you get started here.

Create an outline for a 1,000- to 1,200-word argumentative research essay in which you take a

stand on a controversial topic and support your opinion with evidence from sources. Your

outline must include the following:

A. A claim that is both arguable and defensible: Keep in mind that you may end up changing

your opinion as you delve deeper into your research. (This is normal.)

B. At least three reasons that support your claim and any subpoints or details that fall under

each reason: Although your descriptions do not have to be complete sentences, the phrases
you write in the outline should give your instructor enough information to understand your

reasoning. Above all, be consistent in your presentation of information.

C. Evidence from at least five credible sources to support your reasons organized into a MLA

works-cited page: Find two or more sources that support one reason or one source that

supports two or more reasons. (Either way, you should end up with five sources.)

Use the tips from this lesson to ensure that your sources are credible. Document each source on

your works-cited page according to MLA standards so it's clear to your instructor where you

found it.

Among your sources should be at least one print source, such as a book or periodical, even if

you found it online. For example, if you had consulted a full-text version of Darwin's On the Origin

of Species online, it would count as a print source because it was originally published as a book.

Keep in mind that your plan for going about any research project is always flexible. You might

decide to deviate from your outline while you're actually writing the paper, especially if you come

up with new reasons or find better evidence to support your reasons.

If you come across a word you don't know, write it in a blank space below. Try to figure out what

the word means by looking at its context. Then use your dictionary or the Internet to look up the

correct definition for the word.

Word Definition

GMO Genetically Modified Organism

Yield produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial


monopolization complete control of something, which prevents other people or

companies having any share or influence
Writing Your Outline

1. Write your claim here:

GMO use in Agriculture should be Expanded

2. Write at least one reason supporting your claim below. There's space for you to add more as

you do research.

I support my claim because GMOS have the potential to increase crops and their nutritional

3. Write at least two research questions here:

What is the impact on crop yields and food security?

What are the environmental impacts?

4. Brainstorm here about where you might begin to research your topic.

Books, Government and NGO website, newspapers and magazines, and industry reports and
other websites

5. Write your evidence and sources here:


GMO technology has increased the crops yields by 22% and has reduced the pesticide number
to 37% according to a research study by Klumper and Qaim in 2014.

GMOS have the potential to lower the cost of production and increase profit margins for

6. Organize your claim, reasons, and evidence here:

Claim: GMO use in Agriculture should be Expanded

Evidence: GMO technology has increased the crops yields by 22% and has reduced the pesticide
number to 37% according to a research study by Klumper and Qaim in 2014.

GMOS have the potential to lower the cost of production and increase profit margins for

7. Organize the sources you plan to use in your essay into an MLA works-cited page here:

Use this rubric to determine how well your rough draft meets the criteria for the assignment. In

the next activity, you'll revise your assignment and your teacher will use this rubric to grade it.
Text description for chart

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