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1. A company employed 300 workers when it started and now employs 852 workers.

(a) Calculate the percentage increase in the number of workers.

 Relevant Topic: Percentage Increase, Pages 111-112

 Formula: Percentage Increase = [(New Value - Original Value) / Original Value] * 100%
 Solution:
o Percentage Increase = [(852 - 300) / 300] * 100%
o Percentage Increase = (552 / 300) * 100% = 184%

(b) Of the 852 workers, the ratio part-time workers: full-time workers = 5 : 7. Calculate the
number of full-time workers.

 Relevant Topic: Dividing a Quantity in a Given Ratio, Pages 510-511

 Solution:
1. Find the total parts in the ratio: 5 + 7 = 12
2. Calculate the value of one part: 852 workers / 12 parts = 71 workers per part
3. Determine the number of full-time workers: 7 parts * 71 workers/part = 497 workers

(c) The company makes 40,600 headphones in one year. Write this number:

(i) in words

 Answer: Forty thousand six hundred

(ii) in standard form

 Relevant Topic: Standard Form, Pages 114

 Key Concept: Standard form expresses a number as a value between 1 and 10 multiplied
by a power of 10.
 Solution: 40,600 = 4.06 x 10⁴

(d) In one month, the company sells 3000 headphones. Of these, 48% are exported, 3/8 are
sold to shops, and the rest are sold online. Calculate the number of headphones that are sold

 Relevant Topic: Percentages and Fractions, Pages 109-114

 Solution:
1. Calculate the number of exported headphones: 48% of 3000 = (48/100) * 3000 = 1440
2. Calculate the number of headphones sold to shops: (3/8) * 3000 = 1125 headphones
3. Calculate the total number of headphones exported and sold to shops: 1440 + 1125 =
2565 headphones
4. Calculate the number of headphones sold online: 3000 - 2565 = 435 headphones

(e) One year, sales increased by 15%. The following year sales increased by 18%. Calculate
the overall percentage increase in sales.

 Relevant Topic: Percentage Increase, Pages 111-112

 Formula: Percentage Increase = [(New Value - Original Value) / Original Value] * 100%
 Solution:
1. Assume the original sales were 100 units (this makes percentage calculations easier):
2. Increase by 15%: 100 + (15/100) * 100 = 115 units
3. Increase the new amount by 18%: 115 + (18/100) * 115 = 135.7 units
4. Calculate the overall increase: 135.7 - 100 = 35.7 units
5. Express the increase as a percentage:(Overall increase/Original)∗100
(35.7 / 100) * 100% = 35.7%

Therefore, the overall percentage increase in sales is 35.7%

Question 02:

a) Complete the table:

x -2 -1.5 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 -0.1
y 4.2 2.5 1.3 1 0.9 1.4 3.3


(c) By drawing a suitable line on the grid, solve the equation x² - 1/(3x) + 1 = 0.

Relevant Topic: Graphical Solutions to Equations, Pages 428-430

Key Concept to Solve: The solution to an equation can be found graphically by finding the x-
coordinate where the graph of the equation intersects the line representing the desired output (in this
case, y = 0).

1. Rearrange: Rewrite the equation to match the form of the plotted equation: x² - 1/(3x) = -1
2. Draw the line: On the same grid as your graph from part (b), draw the horizontal line y = -1.
3. Find the intersections: Identify the points where the line y = -1 intersects the graph of y =
x² - 1/(3x).
4. Solutions: The x-coordinates of these intersection points are the solutions to the equation.
As you can see from the graph x = 0.304

Question 03:

(i) gf(3)

Relevant Topic: Composite Functions, Pages 549-550

Key Concept to Solve: Composite functions involve applying one function and then another to the
result. gf(3) means to first apply the function f to the input 3, then apply the function g to the output
of f(3).

1. Find f(3): f(3) = 1 + 4(3) = 13

2. Find g(f(3)), which is g(13): g(13) = 13² = 169
Therefore, gf(3) = 169

(ii) fg(x)

Relevant Topic: Composite Functions, Pages 549-550

Key Concept to Solve: Similar to (i), but now we are working with an unknown input 'x'. fg(x) means
to apply function g to x, then apply f to the result.

1. Find g(x): g(x) = x²

2. Find f(g(x)), which is f(x²): f(x²) = 1 + 4(x²) = 1 + 4x²
Therefore, fg(x) = 1 + 4x²
(iii) f⁻¹f(x)

Relevant Topic: Inverse Functions, Pages 550-552

Key Concept to Solve: The inverse function, f⁻¹(x), undoes the original function, f(x). When you
apply a function and then its inverse, the result is always the original input.

 f⁻¹f(x) will always be equal to x. This is a property of inverse functions.

Or we can solve as:
1. Represent f(x) as y: y = 1 + 4x
2. Solve for x:
o y - 1 = 4x
o (y - 1)/4 = x
3. Switch x and y: y = (x - 1)/4
4. Replace y with f⁻¹(x): f⁻¹(x) = (x - 1)/4

Now we have the inverse function. Let's substitute f(x) into it:

 f⁻¹(f(x)) = f⁻¹(1 + 4x) = ((1 + 4x) - 1)/4 = 4x/4 = x

(b) Find the value of x when f(x) = 15.

Relevant Topic: Solving Linear Equations, Pages 125-127

Key Concept to Solve: We are given an output of the function, f(x), and need to find the
corresponding input, x. We'll set up an equation and solve for x.

1. Set up the equation: f(x) = 15, so 1 + 4x = 15

2. Solve for x:
o 4x = 14
o x = 14/4
o x = 3.5
Therefore, when f(x) = 15, x = 3.5

Question 04:
Relevant Topic: Sine Rule, Pages 364-365
Formula: sinA/a = sinB/b, Pages 364
Key Concept to Solve: The Sine Rule allows us to find an unknown angle in a triangle when we
know two sides and the angle opposite one of those sides.

1. Label the sides:

o a = BC = 35.3 cm
o b = AC = 29.5 cm
o c = AB = 45 cm
2. Apply the Sine Rule:
o sinA/a = sinB/b
o sin(51.6°)/35.3 = sinB/29.5
o sinB = (sin(51.6°) * 29.5)/35.3
o sinB = 0.6549279601
o B = sin⁻¹(0.6549279601)
o B = 40.9° (to 1 decimal place)

Therefore, angle ABC = 40.9°.

(a) (ii) Calculate the area of triangle ABC.

Relevant Topic: Area of a Triangle Using Trigonometry, Pages 372-374

Formula: Area = (1/2)ab sinC, Pages 372
Key Concept to Solve: We can use the sine of an included angle and the lengths of the two sides
forming that angle to find the area of a triangle.
 Area = (1/2)bc sinA,

 Area = (1/2)(29.5)(45)sin(51.6°)

 Area = 520 cm² (to 3 significant figures)

(b) (i) Calculate SR.

Relevant Topic: Cosine Rule, Pages 368-369

Formula: a² = b² + c² - 2bc cosA, Pages 368
Key Concept to Solve: We'll apply the Cosine Rule twice. First, to find QS in triangle PQS, and
then to find SR in triangle QRS.

1. Focus on triangle PQS: In triangle PQS, we know PQ, PS, and the included angle SPQ.
Let's find QS.
2. Label the sides:
o p = QS (the side we want to find in this step)
o q = PS = 32 cm
o s = PQ = 32 cm
3. Apply the Cosine Rule:
o p² = 32² + 32² - 2(32)(32)cos(56°)
o p² = 1024 + 1024 - 2048cos(56°)
o p² = 902.77
o p = √902.77
o p = 30 cm
Therefore, QS = 30 cm.
or we can apply the Sine rule to find QS:
 Triangle PQS is isosceles, so angles PQS and PSQ are equal.
 Angle PQS = (180° - 56°)/2 = 62°
 We know PS, angle PSQ, and angle SPQ. We want to find QS (side p).
 sinP/p = sinQ/q
 sin(56°)/p = sin(62°)/32
 p = (sin(56°) * 32) / sin(62°)
 p = 30 cm.

4. Now focus on triangle QRS: We now know QR, QS, and the included angle SQR.
5. Label the sides:
o q = SR (the side we want to find)
o r = QS = 30.2 cm
o s = QR = 47 cm
6. Apply the Cosine Rule:
o q² = 30² + 47² - 2(30)(47)cos(60°)
o q² = 1699
o q = √1699
o q = 41.2 cm (to 3 significant figures)

Therefore, SR = 41.2 cm.

(b) (ii) Calculate the shortest distance from P to SQ.

Relevant Topic: Trigonometry in Right-Angled Triangles, Pages 340-358

Key Concept to Solve: The shortest distance is the perpendicular. We'll use trigonometry in a right-
angled triangle.

1. Draw the perpendicular: Draw a perpendicular line segment from P to line SQ. Label the
intersection point T. PT is the shortest distance.
2. Focus on triangle PST: We know PS = 32 cm and angle PSQ = 62° (calculated earlier).
3. Apply SOH CAH TOA: We have the hypotenuse (PS) and need the opposite side (PT)
relative to angle PSQ. Use the sine ratio (SOH):
o sin(64°) = PT/32
o PT = 32 * sin(62°)
o PT = 28.3 cm (to 3 significant figures)
4. SOH: Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse
5. CAH: Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
6. TOA: Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent

Question 05:

(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean mass.

Relevant Topic: Mean of Grouped Data, Pages 262-265

Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the midpoints of the class intervals to represent the masses within
each group and calculate an estimated mean.

1. Add columns: To the table, add columns for 'Midpoint' and 'Frequency × Midpoint (fx)'.
2. Calculate midpoints: Find the midpoint of each class interval. For example, the midpoint of
0 < m ≤ 50 is (0 + 50)/2 = 25.
3. Calculate fx: Multiply the frequency of each class by its midpoint.
4. Find the sum of fx: Add up all the values in the 'fx' column.
5. Calculate the estimated mean: Divide the sum of fx by the total frequency.
Mass Midpoint Frequency (f) fx
(m grams) (x)

0 < m ≤ 50 25 43 1075

50 < m ≤ 100 75 31 2325

100 < m ≤ 200 150 25 3750

200 < m ≤ 500 350 21 7350

Total 120 14500

Estimated Mean ¿
∑ fx =
= 121 g (to 3 significant figures)
total frequency 120

(b) Calculate the height of each of the remaining bars.

Relevant Topic: Histograms with Unequal Class Intervals, Pages 488-492

Key Concept to Solve: The area of each bar represents the frequency. Frequency density ensures
accurate representation when class intervals are unequal. We'll use the given information about the
first bar to determine the scale, then calculate the heights of the remaining bars.

1. Formula: Frequency density = Frequency / Class width

2. Scale: We need to determine the scale Iraj is using to represent frequency density on the
vertical axis. We can do this by looking at the first bar.
o First bar (0 < m ≤ 50): This bar has a class width of 50 and a frequency of 43. Its
frequency density is 43/50 = 0.86. The question tells us that the height of this bar is
17.2 cm.
17.2 cm
o Calculate the scale: The scale Iraj is using is: = 20 cm per
0.86 frequency density
unit of frequency density.
3. Remaining bars: Now, for each remaining bar:
o Calculate frequency density: Divide the frequency by the class width.
o Calculate height: Multiply the frequency density by the scale (20 cm per unit of
frequency density) to find the height of the bar.
4. Examples:
- Second bar (50 < m ≤ 100): This bar has a class width of 50 and a frequency of 31. Its
frequency density is 31/50 = 0.62.
o Height = Frequency density × Scale = 0.62 × 20 = 12.4 cm
- Third bar (100 < m ≤ 200): This bar has a class width of 100 and a frequency of 25. Its
frequency density is 25/100 = 0.25.
o Height = Frequency density × Scale = 0.25 × 20 = 5.0 cm
- Fourth bar (200 < m ≤ 500): This bar has a class width of 300 and a frequency of 21. Its
frequency density is 21/300 = 0.07.
o Height = Frequency density × Scale = 0.07 × 20 = 1.4 cm

Mass Class Width Frequenc Frequency Height (cm)

(m grams) y Density

0 < m ≤ 50 50 43 0.86 17.2

50 < m ≤ 100 50 31 0.62 12.4

100 < m ≤ 200 100 25 0.25 5.0

200 < m ≤ 500 300 21 0.07 1.4

(c) Complete the cumulative frequency table.

Relevant Topic: Cumulative Frequency, Pages 492-493

Key Concept to Solve: Cumulative frequency is a running total. We add the frequency of each
class to the previous cumulative frequency.

Mass (m grams) Cumulative Frequency

m ≤ 50 43

m ≤ 100 43+32=74

m ≤ 200 74+25= 99

m ≤ 500 99+21=120
d) Draw a cumulative frequency diagram.

e) Use the cumulative frequency diagram to find an estimate for

Relevant Topic: Interpreting Cumulative Frequency Curves, Pages 494-498
Key Concept to Solve: The cumulative frequency curve shows the total frequency up to a given
value. We can use it to estimate the median, quartiles, and percentiles.

i) the median. Page 495


 Find the middle value on the cumulative frequency axis: 120/2 = 60

 Draw a horizontal line from 60 to the curve, then down to the mass axis.
 Read the median value from the mass axis: 80 g

(ii) the upper quartile, Page 498


 Find the position of the upper quartile on the cumulative frequency axis: 3/4 * 120 = 90
 Draw a horizontal line from 90 to the curve, then down to the mass axis.
 Read the upper quartile value from the mass axis: 160 g

(iii) the 40th percentile, Page 500


 Find the position of the 40th percentile: (40/100) * 120 = 48

 Draw a horizontal line from 48 to the curve, then down to the mass axis.
 Read the 40th percentile value from the mass axis: 60

(iv) the number of letters with a mass m where 250 < m ≤ 400


1. Find the cumulative frequency for m ≤ 400:112

2. Find the cumulative frequency for m ≤ 250: 102
3. Subtract the cumulative frequency at 250 from the cumulative frequency at 400: 112-102=10

Question 06:

(a) Calculate the number of sides of this polygon.

Relevant Topic: Angle Sum of a Polygon, Pages 62-63


 Sum of interior angles = (n - 2) × 180°, Pages 62

 Sum of interior angles = 156°( an interior angle) × n (since each angle in a regular polygon is
Key Concept to Solve: We'll equate the two expressions for the sum of interior angles and
solve the resulting equation for n (number of sides).
1. Set up the equation: 156° × n = (n - 2) × 180°
2. Solve for n:
o 156n = 180n - 360
o 24n = 360
o n = 360 / 24
o n = 15

Therefore, the polygon has 15 sides.

(b) Calculate angle ACB.

Relevant Topic: Angle at the Centre of a Circle, Pages 472-473

Key Concept to Solve: The angle at the center of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference
subtended by the same arc.

1. Identify the Angle at the Center: Angle AOB is the angle at the center of the circle
subtended by arc AB.
2. Find Angle AOB: Triangle OAB is isosceles (OA = OB are radii), so angle OAB = angle
OBA = 52°. Therefore, angle AOB = 180° - 52° - 52° = 76°.
3. Apply the Theorem: Angle ACB is the angle at the circumference subtended by the same
arc AB. Angle ACB = (1/2) * angle AOB = (1/2) * 76° = 38°.
First method:

Relevant Topic: Angles in the Same Segment, Pages 472

Key Concept to Solve: Angles subtended by the same arc at the circumference are equal.

1. Identify the Arc: Both angles PSR and PTR are subtended by the same arc PR.
2. Apply the Theorem: Since angles in the same segment are equal:
o Angle PTR = Angle PSR
3. Find Angle PSR: Angles WSP and PSR are supplementary. Angle PSR = 180° - 112° = 68°.
4. Therefore: Angle PTR = 68°.

Second Method:

Relevant Topic: Exterior Angle of a Cyclic Quadrilateral, Pages 473

Key Concept to Solve: Each exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior opposite
angle. Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.

1. Exterior Angle: Angle WSP is an exterior angle of cyclic quadrilateral PSRQ.

2. Apply the Theorem: The exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior
opposite angle. Therefore:
o Angle WSP = Angle PQR = 112°
3. Opposite Angles: Angles PQR and PTR are opposite angles in cyclic quadrilateral PTRQ.
4. Supplementary Angles: Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.
o Angle PTR = 180° - Angle PQR = 180° - 112° = 68°

(d) Show that triangle GKM is mathematically similar to triangle OHG. Give a geometrical
reason for each statement you make.

Relevant Topic: Similar Triangles, Pages 231-235, Angle Properties of Circles, Pages 470-474
Key Concept to Solve: Similar triangles have the same corresponding angles. We'll use circle
theorems and the fact that MG is parallel to OH to establish that all corresponding angles are equal.

1. Angle GMK = Angle OGH = 90°:

o Angle GMK: GK is a diameter of the circle, and angle GMK is an angle in a
semicircle. The angle in a semicircle is always 90°. (Angle in semicircle Page 470)
o Angle OGH: FGH is a tangent to the circle at G, and OG is a radius. The angle
between a tangent and a radius at the point of contact is always 90°. (The angle
between the tangent and radius is 90°, Page 471)
o Or GMK = OGH, Alternate segment theorem, page 475)
2. Angle MGK = Angle HOG: MG is parallel to OH, and GK acts as a transversal. Therefore,
angles MGK and HOG are alternate angles, and alternate angles are equal.
3. Angle MKG = Angle GHO:
 We know that the angles in any triangle add up to 180°. Since we have established
that two angles in triangle GKM are equal to two corresponding angles in triangle
OHG, the remaining angles (MKG and GHO) must also be equal.
 Or second method is MGF = MKG, alternate segment, FGM = GHO ( corresponding
angle) hence GHO = GKM

Therefore, triangle GKM is similar to triangle OHG because all three corresponding angles are equal
(AAA similarity).

Question 07:

Relevant Topic: Area of Similar Shapes, Pages 237-239

Formula: \
(Side of shape 1 / Side of shape 2)² = Area of shape 1 / Area of shape 2
Key Concept to Solve: The ratio of the areas of similar shapes is equal to the square of the ratio of
their corresponding sides.

1. Area Ratio: The ratio of the areas of the larger frame to the smaller frame is 1134 cm² / 350
cm² = 3.24.
2. Side Ratio: Using the formula:
o (Side of larger frame / Side of smaller frame)² = 3.24
o Taking the square root of both sides: Side of larger frame / Side of smaller frame =
√3.24 = 1.8
3. Width of Larger Frame: The width of the larger frame is 1.8 times the width of the smaller
frame. Therefore, the width of the larger frame is 1.8 × 17.5 cm = 31.5 cm.

(b) Calculate the upper bound for the area of this picture.

Relevant Topic: Upper and Lower Bounds, Pages 289-294

Key Concept to Solve: We'll find the upper bounds of the length and width and use those to
calculate the upper bound for the area.

1. Correct to the nearest 5 mm: This means the measurement has been rounded to the
nearest half-centimeter (since 5 mm = 0.5 cm).
2. Rounding Rules: When rounding, if the value is exactly halfway between two rounding
points, we round up. For example, 15.25 cm rounds up to 15.5 cm, and 15.75 cm rounds up
to 16 cm.
3. Upper Bound: The upper bound is the highest possible value the actual measurement could
be before it would round up to the next value.
4. Why add 0.25 cm? If a measurement is 15 cm to the nearest 0.5 cm, the actual value could
be anything from 14.75 cm (which would round up to 15 cm) up to but not including 15.25 cm
(which would round up to 15.5 cm). Therefore, the upper bound is 15.25 cm.
5. Upper Bounds:
o Length: The length is correct to the nearest 5 mm, or 0.5 cm. The upper bound for
the length is 15 cm + 0.25 cm = 15.25 cm.
o Width: The upper bound for the width is 10.5 cm + 0.25 cm = 10.75 cm.
6. Upper Bound for Area: The upper bound for the area is calculated using the upper bounds
of the length and width: 15.25 cm × 10.75 cm = 164.0625 cm².

(c) In a sale, the price of a large frame is reduced by 18%. Parthi pays $166.05 for 5 large
frames in the sale. Calculate the original price of one large frame.

Relevant Topic: Reverse Percentages, Pages 113-114

Key Concept to Solve: We know the sale price (after a reduction) and the percentage reduction.
We need to work backwards to find the original price.

1. Sale Price Percentage: If the price is reduced by 18%, the sale price represents 100% -
18% = 82% of the original price.
2. Price per Frame: Parthi buys 5 frames for $166.05, so the sale price of one frame is
$166.05 / 5 = $33.21.
3. Original Price: Let 'x' represent the original price. We can set up the equation:
o 82% of x = $33.21
o 0.82x = $33.21
o x = $33.21 / 0.82
o x = $40.50

Therefore, the original price of one large frame was $40.50.

(d) Parthi advertises a large frame for a price of $57 or 48.20 euros. The exchange rate is $1=
0.88 euros. Calculate the difference between these prices, in dollars and cents, correct to the
nearest cent.

Relevant Topic: Currency Conversion, Pages 297-298

Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the exchange rate to convert one of the prices so that both
prices are in the same currency, then we'll find the difference.
1. Convert Euros to Dollars:
o Since the exchange rate is $1 = 0.88 euros, we can divide the euro price by the
exchange rate to get the dollar equivalent:
o 48.20 euros / 0.88 euros/$ = $54.77 (rounded to the nearest cent).
2. Calculate the Difference:
o Find the difference between the two prices in dollars: $57.00 - $54.77 = $2.23.

Therefore, the difference between the prices is $2.23.

Question 08:
(a) Write an equation, in terms of x, for the total time he takes in hours.

Relevant Topic: Distance, Speed, and Time, Pages 515-516

Formula: Time = Distance / Speed
Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the formula to find expressions for the time spent running and
cycling and then add them to get the total time.

1. Running Time: The time Darpan takes to run is 12 km / x km/h = 12/x hours.
2. Cycling Time: His cycling speed is x + 10 km/h, so the time he takes to cycle is 26 km / (x +
10) km/h = 26/(x + 10) hours.
3. Total Time: The total time is 2 hours 48 minutes, which is equivalent to 2 + (48/60) = 2.8
4. Equation: The equation for the total time is: Running time + cycling time:
12/x + 26/(x + 10) = 2.8

(b) Show that this equation simplifies to 7x² - 25x - 300 = 0.

Relevant Topic: Algebraic Manipulation of Equations, Chapter 6

Key Concept to Solve: We'll get rid of fractions in the equation and simplify to obtain the quadratic

1. Multiply by x(x + 10): To eliminate the fractions, multiply both sides of the equation by x(x +
o 12(x + 10) + 26x = 2.8x(x + 10)
2. Expand: Expand the brackets:
o 12x + 120 + 26x = 2.8x² + 28x
3. Simplify: Rearrange to get all terms on one side and simplify:
o 2.8x² + 28x - 12x - 26x - 120 = 0
o 2.8x² - 10x - 120 = 0
4. Multiply by 2.5: To get integer coefficients, multiply both sides by 2.5:
o 7x² - 25x - 300 = 0

(c) Use the quadratic formula to solve 7x² - 25x - 300 = 0. You must show all your working.
Relevant Topic: Quadratic Formula, Pages 322-324

Formula: x=
(−b ± √ b2−4 ac )
Key Concept to Solve: The quadratic formula solves for x in any quadratic equation of the form ax²
+ bx + c = 0.

1. Identify a, b, and c:
o a=7
o b = -25
o c = -300
2. Substitute into the formula:

o (25 ± √ (−25 )2−4 ×7 ×−300 )

3. Simplify:
( 25 ± √625+ 8400 )
o x=
25 ± √ 9025
o x=
( 25 ± 95 )
o x=
4. Solve for both roots:
o x₁ = (25 + 95) / 14 = 8.57 (to 3 significant figures)
o x₂ = (25 - 95) / 14 = -5

(d) Calculate the number of minutes Darpan takes to run the 12 km.

Relevant Topic: Distance, Speed, and Time, Pages 515-516

Formula: Time = Distance / Speed
Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the running speed we found (the positive solution from part (c)) to
calculate the running time.

1. Running Speed: We discard the negative solution for speed as it doesn't make sense in this
context. Darpan's running speed is x = 8.57 km/h.
2. Running Time in Hours: Time = 12 km / 8.57 km/h = 1.4 hours (to 2 significant figures).
3. Running Time in Minutes: 1.4 hours × 60 minutes/hour = 84 minutes.

Therefore, Darpan takes 84 minutes to run the 12 km.

Question 09
(a) Calculate the sector angle x°.

Relevant Topic: Volume of a Cone, Arcs and Sectors,


 Volume of a cone: V = (1/3)πr²h, Pages 154

 Arc length: l = (θ/360°) × 2πr, Page , 145-148
Key Concept to Solve: We'll first use the volume formula to find the cone's height. Then,
we'll use Pythagoras to find the slant height (which becomes the radius of the sector).
Finally, we'll use the arc length formula, knowing the arc length is equal to the cone's
1. Find the height (h) of the cone:
 V = (1/3)πr²h
o 95.4 = (1/3)π(2.4)²h
o h = (95.4 * 3) / (π * 2.4²) = 15.8 cm (to 3 sf)
2. Find the slant height (l) of the cone: The slant height, radius, and height form a right-
angled triangle.
o l² = 2.4² + 15.8² (Pythagoras)
o l = √(2.4² + 15.8²) = 16 cm (to 3 sf)
3. Circumference of the cone's base:
o C = 2πr = 2π(2.4)
4. Arc Length and Sector Angle: The circumference of the cone's base is equal to the arc
length of the sector = 2π(2.4).
o 2π(2.4) = (x/360) × 2π(16)
o x= ∗360 = 54°

Therefore, the sector angle x is 54°.


Relevant Topic: Volume of a Cylinder, Rates, Pages 151-152, 515-516


 Volume of a cylinder: V = πr²h

 Rate: Volume filled per unit time
Key Concept to Solve: We'll calculate the volume of fuel flowing through the pipe per
second, then multiply by the total time to get the tank's capacity.
1. Radius of the pipe: The diameter is 8 cm, so the radius is 4 cm = 0.04 m.
2. Volume of fuel per second:
o V = π(0.04)² × 2 = 0.0101 m³ (to 3 sf)
3. Time in seconds: 24 minutes × 60 seconds/minute = 1440 seconds.
4. Total Volume: Total volume of fuel = 0.0101 m³/second × 1440 seconds = 14.5 m³ (to 3 sf).
5. Capacity in Litres: 1 m³ = 1000 litres, so the tank's capacity is 14.5 m³ × 1000 litres/m³
= 14500 litres.

Question 10:
(a) Expand and simplify (x + 1)(x - 2)(x + 3).

Relevant Topic: Expanding Brackets (Products of Algebraic Expressions), Pages 216-217

Key Concept to Solve: We'll expand the brackets step-by-step, multiplying each term in one
bracket by every term in the other brackets, then simplify by combining like terms.
1. Expand the first two brackets:
o (x + 1)(x - 2) = x² - 2x + x - 2 = x² - x - 2
2. Multiply the result by the third bracket:
o (x² - x - 2)(x + 3) = x³ + 3x² - x² - 3x - 2x - 6
3. Combine like terms:
o x³ + 2x² - 5x - 6

Therefore, the expanded and simplified expression is x³ + 2x² - 5x - 6.

(b) Make g the subject of the formula M = 2fg/(g-c).

Relevant Topic: Rearrangement of Formulae, Pages 543-546

Key Concept to Solve: We'll use inverse operations to isolate g. Since g appears in both the
numerator and denominator, we'll need to multiply to get it out of the denominator and then factorize
to isolate it.

1. Multiply both sides by (g - c):

o M(g - c) = 2fg
2. Expand the left side:
o Mg - Mc = 2fg
3. Move all g terms to one side:
o Mg - 2fg = Mc
4. Factor out g:
o g(M - 2f) = Mc
5. Divide both sides by (M - 2f):
o g = Mc / (M - 2f)

Therefore, g is the subject of the formula, expressed as g = Mc / (M - 2f).

(c) Simplify (4x² - 16x) / (x² - 16).

Relevant Topic: Simplifying Algebraic Fractions, Pages 326-328

Key Concept to Solve: We'll factorize both the numerator and the denominator to see if we can
cancel out any common factors.


1. Factor the numerator:

o 4x² - 16x = 4x(x - 4)
2. Factor the denominator (difference of squares):
o x² - 16 = (x + 4)(x - 4)
3. Rewrite the fraction:

( 4 x ( x −4 ) )
( x +4 )(x−4 )
4. Cancel the common factor (x - 4):
x+ 4
Therefore, the simplified expression is 4 x /(x +4).

Question 11:

Relevant Topic: Probability Tree Diagrams, Pages: 597

Key Concepts to Solve:

 Tree diagrams are used to show the probability of different combinations of events
 The probability of a single event is shown on each branch.
 To find the probability of a combination of events, multiply the probabilities along the

Notice: The tree diagram shows the probability of Shalini being late or not late on two consecutive
days. The probability of being late on Monday does not affect the probability of being late on
Tuesday. The events are independent, meaning that the outcome of one event does not influence
the outcome of the other. Therefore, the probability of being late on Tuesday remains 1/6, regardless
of what happened on Monday. The probability of 1/6 for being late on Tuesday is because there are
six possible outcomes when rolling a die, and only one of those outcomes (rolling a 1) results in her
being late. This probability remains the same for each day, regardless of the outcomes on previous

(a) (ii) Calculate the probability that Shalini is late on Monday but is not late on Tuesday.

Relevant Topic: Tree Diagrams and Probability, Pages 597-603

Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the completed tree diagram to identify the favorable outcome
(Late on Monday, Not Late on Tuesday) and multiply the probabilities along the corresponding

1. Complete the tree diagram: Since the probability of being late on Monday is 1/6, the
probability of not being late on Tuesday is 5/6.
2. Multiply probabilities: Multiply the probabilities along the branches:
(1/6) × (5/6) = 5/36


(b)(i) Use set notation to describe the region that contains only one student.

Relevant Topic: Set Notation, Pages 185-186, Venn Diagrams, Pages 189-191
Key Concept to Solve: We need to represent the region outside of all three sets, which is the
complement of the union of the three sets.
Solution: The region containing one student can be described using set notation as: (M ∪ G ∪ T)'

(b)(ii) Find n(T' ∩ (G ∪ M)).

Relevant Topic: Venn Diagrams, Set Notation, and Intersection/Union of Sets, Pages 187-191
Key Concept to Solve: We need to understand the concepts of complements, unions, and
intersections of sets. Then, we'll use those concepts and the numbers from the Venn diagram to find
the number of elements in the specified set.

Let's break down the set notation step-by-step:

 T': This represents the complement of set T, meaning all the elements in the universal set
that are NOT in set T. Red Area
 G ∪ M: This represents the union of sets G and M, meaning all elements that are in set G, in
set M, or in both. Green area
 T' ∩ (G ∪ M): This represents the intersection of set T' and the set (G ∪ M). We want to find
the elements that are in BOTH of these sets. 0, 19, and 9.
 n(T' ∩ (G ∪ M)) = 3 There are three elements in this intersection.

(b)(iii) One student is picked at random from the 50 students. Find the probability that this
student wears trainers but does not wear glasses.

Relevant Topic: Probability and Venn Diagrams, Pages 600-603

Key Concept to Solve: The probability of an event is the number of favorable outcomes divided by
the total number of possible outcomes. We'll use the Venn diagram to find these values.

1. Favorable Outcomes: We want the students who wear trainers (T) but do not wear glasses
(G'). From the Venn diagram, the number of students in this region is 14 + 3 = 17
2. Total Possible Outcomes: The total number of students is 50.
3. Probability:
o P(wears trainers but not glasses) = 17/50.

(b)(iv) Two students are picked at random from those wearing trainers. Find the probability
that both students have mobile phones.
Relevant Topic: Conditional Probability, Pages 604-609
Key Concept to Solve: The probability of the second event depends on the outcome of the first
(since we are not replacing the students). We need to consider the reduced sample space.

1. First student:
o Favorable outcomes: The number of students wearing trainers (T) and having
mobile phones (M) is 16 (from the intersection of T and M in the Venn diagram).
o Total possible outcomes: The total number of students wearing trainers is 2 + 2 +
14 + 3 = 21.
o Probability: The probability of the first student having a mobile phone is 16/21.
2. Second student:
o Favorable outcomes: Assuming the first student had a mobile phone, there are now
only 15 students left with mobile phones who also wear trainers.
o Total possible outcomes: There are only 20 students left wearing trainers.
o Probability: The probability of the second student also having a mobile phone is
3. Combined probability: Multiply the probabilities of the two events:
o (16/21) × (15/20) = 240/420 = 4/7 (simplified)

Question 12

(a) Solve the equation tan x = 11.43 for 0° ≤ x ≤ 360°.

Relevant Topic: Trigonometric Equations, Pages 360-374

Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the inverse tangent function (tan⁻¹) to find the principal solution,
then use the periodicity of the tangent function to find all solutions within the given range.

1. Find the principal solution:

o x = tan⁻¹(11.43) = 85.0° (to 1 decimal place)
2. Periodicity of tangent: The tangent function has a period of 180°. This means that the
tangent of an angle is the same as the tangent of that angle plus 180°. Page 361
3. Find all solutions: To get the other solution in the range 0° ≤ x ≤ 360°, add 180° to the
principal solution:
o x₂ = 85.0° + 180° = 265.0°

Therefore, the solutions are x = 85.0° and x = 265.0°.

(b) Sketching the curve y = x³ - 4x

1. General Shape and Orientation: The highest power of x is 3, indicating a cubic function. The
coefficient of x³ is positive, so the graph will have a general shape that rises to the right and falls to
the left.

2. Intercepts:

 y-intercept: When x = 0, y = 0³ - 4(0) = 0. The y-intercept is at (0, 0).

 x-intercepts: Set y = 0 and solve for x:
o 0 = x³ - 4x
o 0 = x(x² - 4)
o 0 = x(x + 2)(x - 2)
o x = 0 or x = -2 or x = 2
The x-intercepts are at (0, 0), (-2, 0), and (2, 0).

3. Turning Points: Derivative equal to zero at turning points, page 421

 Differentiate: dy/dx = 3x² - 4

 Find x-coordinates: Set the derivative equal to zero and solve:
o 0 = 3x² - 4
o x = ±√(4/3) ≈ ±1.15
 Find y-coordinates: Substitute the x values back into the original equation:
o For x = 1.15: y ≈ -3.08
o For x = -1.15: y ≈ 3.08
The turning points are approximately at (1.15, -3.08) and (-1.15, 3.08).

4. Sketch: Draw a smooth curve, incorporating the information from steps 1-3:
* Use the general cubic shape.
* Ensure the curve passes through the y-intercept and the x-intercepts.
* Include the turning points, showing the curve changing direction at those points.
(c) A curve has equation y = x³ + ax + b. The stationary points of the curve have coordinates
(2, k) and (-2, 10 - k).
Work out the value of a, the value of b, and the value of k.

Relevant Topic: Turning Points and Differentiation, Pages 453-462

Formula: If y = f(x), then the gradient of the curve at any point is given by dy/dx, Pages 454
Key Concept to Solve: We'll use the fact that the derivative is zero at stationary points. We'll also
substitute the given coordinates of the stationary points to create a system of equations to solve
for a, b, and k.

1. Differentiate:
o y = x³ + ax + b
o dy/dx = 3x² + a
2. Stationary points: At turning points, dy/dx = 0.
o 0 = 3x² + a
3. Substitute coordinates: Substitute the x-coordinates of the stationary points into the
derivative equation:
o At x = 2: 0 = 3(2)² + a => 0 = 12 + a => a = -12
o At x = -2: 0 = 3(-2)² + a => 0 = 12 + a => a = -12 (We get the same value for 'a'.)
4. Substitute 'a' into the original equation:
o y = x³ - 12x + b
5. Substitute coordinates (2, k) and (-2, 10 - k):
o At (2, k): k = 2³ - 12(2) + b => k = -16 + b (Equation 3)
o At (-2, 10 - k): 10 - k = (-2)³ - 12(-2) + b => 10 - k = 16 + b (Equation 4)
6. Solve for k and b: Solve Equations 3 and 4 simultaneously. Subtract Equation 3 from
Equation 4:
o (10 - k) - k = (16 + b) - (-16 + b)
o 10 - 2k = 32
o -2k = 22
o k = -11
7. Substitute k back into Equation 3:
o -11 = -16 + b
o b=5

Therefore, the values are:

 a = -12
 b=5
 k = -11

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