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Department of Education

(Name of School)
(Address of School)

School Grade SIX

Teacher Learning SCIENCE


Week/ Quarter Second Quarter Week 8

Teaching Date

Grade 6 Time

Detailed Lesson

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

The learners demonstrate the interactions for survival among living and
A. Content
non-living things that take place in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps.
The learner form discussion groups to tackle issues involving
B. Performance protection and conservation of ecosystems that serve as nurseries,
Standards breeding places, and habitats for economically important plants and
Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs
C. Learning
and mangrove swamps
MELC 7 (S6MT-IIi-j-6)
● Identifyways to protect and conserve the tropical rainforest, coral reefs and
D. Lesson mangrove swamps.
Objectives ● Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps.
II. CONTENT Protection and Conservationof Ecosystem
A. References
1.Teacher'sGuide MELC, K to 12 Curriculum Guide
pages TG pp
2. Learner's Materials LM pp
pages PIVOT LM pp 34-36, ADM Module 7 pp. 4-10
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from learning
Resource portal
PowerPoint presentation, pictures, show-me-board, marker, Journal
B. Other Learning
Notebook, coloring pen or crayon
Resources/ SIM
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Begin with classroom routine:

a. Prayer

b. Checking of attendance

d. Quick “kumustahan”

Setting Standards:

Indicator 1:
Applied knowledge of content
within and across learning
A. Reviewing areas.
previous lesson
or Presenting
the new lesson

Write PCif the following statement shows

protecting and conserving tropical rainforest,
coral reefs and mangrove swamps and write
Nif not.Write your answer in your show-me-
________1. Replanting trees in the forest.
________2. Striking or touching a coral reef.
________3. Helping organizations dedicated in
protecting and conserving natural resources.
________4. Saying no to deforestation.
________5. Establishing Park for recreation.
Group Activity.
What type of ecosystem is in the picture? Fill
out the missing letter to complete the word/s.

B. Establishing a 1. C_r_ _ r_ _ f
purpose for the
(Motivation) 2. R_ i n _ _ r_ _ t

3. M_ _ g r_ v_ Sw_mp

C. Presenting Forest, coral reefs, and mangrove swamp

examples/insta ecosystems need to be protected and
nces of the new conserved. We need to give importance to
lesson these ecosystems because they provide us our
(Demonstration needs.
/ Modeling)
Rainforests are often called the lungs of the
Page 3 of 7
planet for their role in
giving oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
They make much of the oxygen humans and
animals depend on. Without them, there would
be less air to breathe! Rainforests also help
Earth's climate. By taking in carbon dioxide,
they help to reduce the
greenhouse effect. They help stabilize the Indicator 7:
world’s climate; provide a home
to many plants and animals; maintain the water Established a learner-centered
cycle protect against culture by using teaching strategies
flood, drought, and erosion; are a source for that respond to their
medicines and foods; supporttribal people; and linguistic,cultural, socio-economic
are an interesting place to visit. and religious backgrounds.
We need the rain forests to produce oxygen
and clean the
atmosphere to help us breathe. We also know
that the earth's climate can
be affected, as well as the water cycle.
Rainforests also provide us with
many valuable medicinal plants and may be a
source of a cure from some
deadly diseases.
Coral ecosystems are a source of food for
millions; protect coastlines
from storms and erosion; provide habitat,
spawning and nursery grounds
for economically important fish species;
provide jobs and income to local
economies from fishing, recreation, and
tourism; are a source of new
medicines, There are ways to protect the reefs
such as discouraging people
from collecting coral for ornamental purposes,
illegal dynamite fishing,
dumping of garbage into the sea.
Mangroves are the first line of defense for
coastal communities. They
stabilize shorelines by slowing erosion and
provide natural barriers
protecting coastal communities from increased
storm surge, flooding, and
hurricane. Mangrove forests are home to a
large variety of fish, crab,
shrimp, and mollusk species. These fisheries
form an essential source of
food for thousands of coastal communities
around the world. This helps stabilizes the
coastline and prevents erosion from waves and
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Mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs
work as a single system that
keeps coastal zones healthy. Mangroves
provide essential habitat for
thousands of species.
It would be hard to do without mangroves.
Creating land ideal for
coastal development, these trees die from
subsequent population stresses.
Their abundance of sea creatures leads to
overfishing. without mangroves,
“red tide” algae blooms in the water, kills sea
life, and shuts down beaches.

We need to protect and conserve the Earth’s

resources. We need to give high value to our
tropical rain forests, coral reefs and mangrove
Here are some ways to protect and conserve it.
1. Habitat restoration
2. Reforestation or replanting a forest
3. Mangrove rehabilitation.
4. Wildlife conservation which includes
protecting a sanctuary where animals live.
5. Supporting projects of the government
and non-government organizations that protect
tropical rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove
6. Joining organizations that conduct
educational campaigns and give information
on how to protect and conserve it
D. Discussing new Being responsible for the development and
concepts and restoration of Earth’s resources like the
practicing new tropical rain forests, mangrove swamps and
skills #1 coral reefs are key for the long-term benefits to
(Analysis) mankind.

1. What are the different types of rainforests?
2. How can we protect the rainforest, coral
reefs and the mangroves?
3. What are the ways of conserving them?
4. Why do we need to protect them?
5. How can we help in our own little way to
protect andconserve them? Indicator 3:
Applied range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as
other higher order thinking

E. Discussing new Group Activity

concepts and Group Activity Rules
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Be a HERO.
⮚ In doing the activity, members must
Help each other.
⮚ Encourage yourself to share ideas and
follow instructions.
⮚ Respect each other in the group.

⮚ Observe cleanliness, silence and


Group 1:Complete the table by giving its

effects and solution to the cause.
Indicator 2:
Used range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement
inliteracy andnumeracy

Group 2: Explain why we need to protect and

conserve the following: tropical rainforest,
coral reefs and mangrove swamps of the
practicing new Philippines.
skills #2
(Analysis) Group 3: Make a poster showing how to
protect and conserve the tropical rainforests,
coral reefs and mangrove swamps. Indicator 1:
Applied knowledge of content
Group 4: Writeyourideasbymeans of making a within and across curriculum
journal. teaching learning areas.
Mangrove Forest had been classified
by many governments and industries alike as
wastelands, or useless swamps. Do you agree
with that? Why?
Group 5: Draw some ways on how to protect
and conserve thefollowing:tropical rainforest,
coral reefs.

F. Developing mastery Complete the paragraph below. Choose your Indicator 8

(Independent Practice) answers from the box. Adapted and used culturally
appropriate teaching
lungs rainforests climate strategies to address the
medicines needs of learners from
indigenous groups.
Page 6 of 7

_____________ are often called the

_________ of the planet for their rolein
absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas,
and increasing local
humidity. Rainforests also stabilize climate,
house incredible amounts of
plants and wildlife and produce nourishing
rainfall all around the planet.
They make much of the oxygen humans and
animals depend on. Withoutthem, there would
be less air to breathe! Rainforests also help
Earth's climate. By taking in carbon dioxide,
they help to reduce the greenhouse effect. They
help stabilize the world’s ____________;
provide a home tomany plants and animals;
maintain the water cycle protect against
flood,drought, and erosion; are a source for
_____________ and foods; supporttribal
people; and are an interesting place to visit.

G. Finding practical The coral reefs around the world face threats Indicator 9
applications of from climate change, overfishing and Used strategies for providing
concepts and skills in pollution. As a grade VI pupil, how can you timely, accurate and constructive
daily living help protect or lessen the threats for the coral feedback to improve learner
(Application) reefs? Write your answer in your journal performance.

Indicator 2:
H. Making
Why do we need to protect and conserve Used a range of teaching
generalizations and
tropical rainforests, coral reefs and
abstractions about the strategies that enhance learner
mangrove swamps?
lesson (Generalization) achievement in literacy skills.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.
_______1. Corals are living organisms.
_______2. The ecosystem can be
destroyed by human activities.
I. Evaluating learning _______3. Mangroves, coral reefs, and
(Evaluation) rainforest are examples of
_______4. Destroying the ecosystem can
harm humans and other forms oforganism.
_______5. If there are no mangroves
forest, then the sea will have no
J. Additional activities Complete the statement below.
for application or
remediation Tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove
(Assignment) swamps are some examples of
________________ . Hence, they should
be protected and conserved. There are some
ways to protect and conserve our ecosystem
like habitat restoration ,
Page 7 of 7

________________ ,_______________,
_________________, ________________
and wildlife conservation.

V. REMARKS Index of Mastery

A. No. of learners who
earned at least 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teacher?

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Noted by:
School Head

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