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Purposive Communication

Ms. Jaze M. Marco
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1.Understand and define a research-based argumentative paper

and its key components

2.Learn how to plan when creating a research-based

3.Write your own research-based argumentative essay

• essay that presents a writer’s position supported by research
• to persuade readers
• argumentative in nature = present a clear stand on an issue
that has two opposing sides
What issue is good for your paper?

• topics which are engaging and debatable

• topics with ample research material available
• consider your own interests
• complexity of the issues involved

You can break it down to these subtopics for your paper:

1. Artificial Intelligence: Will AI do more harm than good to humanity?

2. Social Media: Does social media contribute to the decline in mental health?
3. Privacy: Should governments have the right to monitor private online
4. Cybersecurity: Are current laws adequate in protecting against cyber threats?

A well-chosen topic will not only fulfill th e

academic requirements but also engage your passion
and curiosity, leading to a more compelling and well-
argued essay.
1. Collect evidence that allows you to think through various sides of an
2. Rehearse by explaining your position and listing your reasons point by
3. Plan your claim and reasons into boxes-and- bullets structure.
4. Use evidence to support your reason.
5. Paraphrase, putting it in your own words.


Introduction Arguments Conclusion

• presents the thesis statement (main claim or cental

argument of your paper)

• explains the brief history of the issue being tackled

• should contain information about the content of the


You can break it down to these subtopics for your paper:

1. Artificial Intelligence: Will AI do more harm than good to humanity?

2. Social Media: Does social media contribute to the decline in mental health?
3. Privacy: Should governments have the right to monitor private online
4. Cybersecurity: Are current laws adequate in protecting against cyber threats?
Introduction (Sample Essay)
In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life, offering a
platform for connection, expression, and information sharing. However, its rapid
integration into society has sparked concerns about its impact on mental health. This
essay argues that social media significantly contributes to the decline in mental health,
particularly among adolescents and young adults by examining the effects of social
comparison, cyberbullying, and the addictive nature of social media.
Introduction (Sample Essay)
In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life, offering a this transitional
marker predicts
platform for connection, expression, and information sharing. However, its rapid that the writer
will present
integration into society has sparked concerns about its impact on mental health. It can contrasting
be argued that social media significantly contributes to the decline in mental health,
particularly among adolescents and young adults by examining the effects of social
comparison, cyberbullying, and the addictive nature of social media.

Take note that we refrain from writing “this essay will talk about’ etc to be direct to the
point and to avoid unnecessary words

• explains and demonstrates the problem or issue

• shows your stand on the argument by

providingreliable and credible source

• supporting evidences must provide clarity, must

explore and present logical solutions to the said

• statistics, reseach, and experts opinion solidify

arguments/opposing arguments

• main points can be separated in three to four

Argument (Sample Essay)

Firstly, social media fosters a culture of comparison, which can lead to feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem. According to a study by the Royal Society for Public
Health, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are associated with
increased anxiety, depression, and body image issues, largely due to the unrealistic
portrayals of life and beauty standards they propagate (RSPH, 2017). Users are
constantly exposed to curated images and posts that depict idealized versions of reality,
leading them to compare their own lives unfavorably against these often unattainable
standards. This perpetual comparison can result in diminished self-worth and increased
mental health problems.
Argument (Sample Essay)
Argument 1

transitional marker Firstly, social media fosters a culture of comparison, which can lead to feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem. According to a study by the Royal Society for Public
Evidence w/ proper
Health, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are associated with citation
increased anxiety, depression, and body image issues, largely due to the unrealistic
portrayals of life and beauty standards they propagate (RSPH, 2017). Users are
constantly exposed to curated images and posts that depict idealized versions of reality,
Writer’s analysis
leading them to compare their own lives unfavorably against these often unattainable
standards. This perpetual comparison can result in diminished self-worth and increased
mental health problems.
Argument (Sample Essay)

Secondly, cyberbullying is a significant issue exacerbated by social media. Unlike

traditional bullying, cyberbullying can occur 24/7 and reach a wider audience, making it
more pervasive and harmful. Research from the Cyberbullying Research Center
indicates that victims of cyberbullying are more likely to experience depression, anxiety,
and suicidal thoughts (Hinduja & Patchin, 2018). The anonymity afforded by social
media platforms emboldens perpetrators and amplifies the psychological distress of
victims, contributing to the overall decline in mental health.
Argument (Sample Essay)
Argument 2

transitional marker Secondly, cyberbullying is a significant issue exacerbated by social media. Unlike Further explanation

traditional bullying, cyberbullying can occur 24/7 and reach a wider audience, making it
Evidence w/ proper
more pervasive and harmful. Research from the Cyberbullying Research Center citation
indicates that victims of cyberbullying are more likely to experience depression, anxiety,
and suicidal thoughts (Hinduja & Patchin, 2018). The anonymity afforded by social
media platforms emboldens perpetrators and amplifies the psychological distress of
Writer’s analysis
victims, contributing to the overall decline in mental health.
Argument (Sample Essay)

Thirdly, the addictive nature of social media is detrimental to mental well-being.

Social media platforms are designed to be engaging, often using algorithms that
encourage prolonged use. This can lead to addictive behaviors, where individuals feel
compelled to check their accounts constantly, disrupting their sleep patterns and
reducing face-to-face interactions. A study published in the journal "Computers in
Human Behavior" found that excessive social media use is linked to higher levels of
anxiety and depression, as well as lower levels of life satisfaction (Twenge & Campbell,
2018). The constant need for validation through likes and comments can create a cycle
of dependency and negatively impact mental health.
Argument (Sample Essay)
Argument 3

transitional marker Thirdly, the addictive nature of social media is detrimental to mental well-being.
Social media platforms are designed to be engaging, often using algorithms that
Further explanation
encourage prolonged use. This can lead to addictive behaviors, where individuals feel
compelled to check their accounts constantly, disrupting their sleep patterns and
reducing face-to-face interactions. A study published in the journal "Computers in Evidence w/ proper
Human Behavior" found that excessive social media use is linked to higher levels of
anxiety and depression, as well as lower levels of life satisfaction (Twenge & Campbell,
2018). The constant need for validation through likes and comments can create a cycle
Writer’s analysis
of dependency and negatively impact mental health.
Opposing Arguments

• presents the opposing side of the argument that

refutes your claim or stand

• just as your own stand, the opposing side should as

well contain strong evidences that back up their claim
Opposing Arguments

• let the reader know that this is the counterargument


• hedgings to use: “Those who are opposed to…” or

“The other side of the argument claims that…”
Opposing Arguments (Sample Essay)

Opponents argue that social media can also have positive effects on mental health
by providing support networks and fostering a sense of community. For instance,
individuals struggling with mental health issues can find online communities where they
share experiences and receive encouragement, potentially reducing feelings of isolation.
Additionally, social media can be a tool for raising awareness about mental health
issues and promoting mental health resources.
Opposing Arguments (Sample Essay)
Hedging signalling
readers that the Opposing argument
writer is
presenting Opponents argue that social media can also have positive effects on mental health
by providing support networks and fostering a sense of community. For instance,
individuals struggling with mental health issues can find online communities where they
The writer used
share experiences and receive encouragement, potentially reducing feelings of isolation. the two points
to back up the
Additionally, social media can be a tool for raising awareness about mental health claim that
social media
issues and promoting mental health resources. can indeed
impact the
mental health
and we can still
utilize it to help

• summarizes the whole paper including your


• focuses on appealing to the readers’ mind by

explaining how the argument affects them personally
Conclusion (Sample Essay)

Emphaized the While social media has the potential to offer support and build communities, its
thesis statement Summary of
negative impacts on mental health cannot be overlooked. The culture of comparison, the claims or
prevalence of cyberbullying, and the addictive nature of these platforms significantly
Reiterated the thesis
Call to action: contribute to the decline in mental health among users, particularly the youth. statement
What do you
want your Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including promoting digital
readers to do
after reading
literacy, implementing stricter regulations on cyberbullying, and encouraging healthier
your essay?
social media habits. Only then can the detrimental effects of social media on mental
health be mitigated.

1. R e s e a r c h i s a n e s s e n t i a l c o m p o n e n t i n t h e
production of a reseach-based argumentative essay.

2. Create a work plan before writing by outlining the

structure and content of your piece.

3. Intellectual honesty should he observed in writing.

Purposive Communication
Ms. Jaze M. Marco

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