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It is sometimes a challenge to create fun learning environment when it comes to language barrier especially in
English subject. All of the pupils from the school have no English spoken background. In order to ensure
that the pupils enjoy the learning it is important that they need to be participated and contributed something in
their own learning so that any methods could create the pupils responsibilities to what they will learn and had
learnt. They need to be involved in the lesson carried out in the classroom as well. The more they are getting
involved the easier their understanding can be achieved.

One of the activities that were used in the school was called the ‘Chef
Want to Be’. This activity could help the pupils to use the language in a
fun way and without stressed. They enjoyed it very much as they
presented on how to prepare the food that they desired to make which
was a sandwich as if they were Masterchef. The pupils introduced the
ingredients and showed to the other pupils on how to make the
sandwich themselves. When the pupils involved they could improve
their speaking skills confidently.How about the weaker pupils? They
played part too as they introduced the ingredients needed to make the

The school also actively involved in creative performances in English such

as choral speaking, singing and drama.
Few years back before the pandemic the
pupils used to participate in choral speaking
presentation. The pupils practiced the choral
speaking during their English club which was
considered as out of class activities. Not only
that they were also took another step forward
to compete with other schools in Sarikei’s
district for Action Songs Competition for

Primary Level. They were placed twice in district level which were given the school such a great

To ensure that the pupils able to communicate and used English in daily
conversation the school keep more activities such as Speaker’s Corner,
morning English activities such as drama performance during the English
Week. All of those activities were
given them chances to build their
confident level and showed their
talents at the same time. Some pupils
were shy and afraid of standing in
front of the audience but by given
them some exposure to try, slowly but surely, they developed their ability
in using the English language. To perform in drama also equipped them
with thinking skills, speaking skills, performing skills, writing skills and of
course team work.

The school environment also gave

contribution in developing pupils’
interest towards English Language.
Another school’s HIP initiative was
creating an English Zone corner. Until
now this place is used for pupils to do
their self-assessment activity. The
Interactive Board is created to provide
pupils with a lot of opportunities to self-evaluate or make judgments about their
knowledge, understanding on what they had learnt. This area also become a place for the pupils to do their
work or reading while waiting for the parents to fetch them from school in the afternoon.

The outreach program also had given impacts on increasing pupils’

proficiency in English language. The school had allied with other school
from the district to allow pupils from the
school making friends by sending letters.
The pupils reactions based on this
program was really impressive as they
loved to have new friends from different school. Not only that the outreach
program also involved other school throughout Malaysia as a few pupils
from school had selected to join the Little Reading Ambassador. The video
of pupil’s read the story book shared with more than 50 schools to be
watched by other pupils.

The Highly Immersive Programs that had done throughout the

years is hoped to develop a highly immersive English language
environment in school, to increase students’ participations and
proficiency in the language itself through extended usage and to
create conducive environment for teachers and students to
communicate in English.

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