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in the World
Infogr aphic

This religion is an Abrahamic monotheistic
religion based on the life and teachings of
Jesus Christ through the use of the holy
book, the Bible. It is the world's largest and
most widespread religion with roughly 2.4
billion followers. The main holiday
celebrated in this religion is Christmas. The
symbol for this religion is churches or a cross.

It is also an Abrahamic monotheistic religion
centered on the Quran, Islams' religious book
and the teachings of Muhammad, the religion's
founder. Adherents of Islam are called Muslims,
who are estimated to number approximately 1.9
billion worldwide. The main holiday celebrated
is Ramadan and it's symbol is the Quran or the

It is a religion and philosophy based on the
teachings of Buddha found in the Tripitaka
or the sacred Buddhist text. It has over 520
million followers. In these religion there are
many Gods. It is usually represented in the
Dharma wheel or the Buddha statue and the
main holiday is the Wesak.

Judaism is a monotheistic religion, believing
in one God developed among ancient
Hebrews. It has 14 million followers. The
teachings are written in a holy scriptures. The
main symbol of this religion is the Star of
David and its main holiday is Hanukkah.

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