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Unit 5

Vocabulary and Grammar Extend Worksheet 2.5.B

1. Unscramble the words in the box. Then complete the web with the five words that relate to
things that living things can do.

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Living things can …

2. Match the sentences halves.

__ 1. The polar bear’s thick fur allows it to a. that isn’t often seen in the wild.
__ 2. We use our tongues to b. use their bodies for food.
__ 3. Some animals live deep below the sea c. a lack of water, food or oxygen.
__ 4. Whales, polar bears and d. where the pressure is very high.
__ 5. Few animals can survive e. tolerate the extreme cold.
__ 6. Parasites live on other animals and f. humans are all mammals.
__ 7. The level of salt in the Dead Sea g. speak and to move food in our mouths.
__ 8. The pig-nosed frog is a rare animal h. is extremely high.

3. Read. Complete the sentences with a word from Unit 5. Use the first two letters to help you.

1. Polar bears live in the cold en__________ of the Arctic.

2. The extremely hot water around hydrothermal vents can ki__________ many organisms.
3. The blue whale is one of the largest cr__________ on Earth.
4. Few animals can survive a la__________ of water, food or oxygen.
5. A starfish (sea star) can grow re__________ arms.

Impact Extend Worksheet 2.5.B 1

© 2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.
6. The desert is a ha__________ place to live with very little water.
7. Humans cannot ex__________ without oxygen.
8. Don’t stick out your to____________ – that’s rude!

4. Read the interview with a student about his experiences. Circle the mistake in each
answer. Then re-write each sentence correctly.

1. Have you ever visited Antarctica? No, I’ve never went there. I want to!

2. Have you ever been so cold that you could Yes, I was! It was in a ski resort last year.
not feel your toes? ____________________________________

3. Where is the hottest place you ever have I have been to Egypt last summer.
been? ____________________________________

4. Is there an extreme environment you have I’ve always dream of going to the Atacama
dreamt of visiting? desert in Chile.

5. What is the most remarkable creature you I’ve seen a snake. My brother have seen
have ever seen? a shark!

5. Read and complete the sentences using your own ideas.

1. I think dogs are just as _______________________________________________________

2. My friends aren’t as __________________________________________________________
3. Our planet isn’t as ___________________________________________________________
4. I weigh about as much as _____________________________________________________
5. I think I can run as fast as a(n) _________________________________________________
6. My country isn’t as hot as _____________________________________________________

Impact Extend Worksheet 2.5.B 2

© 2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.
6a. Read. Unscramble the words in the box. Complete the questions with the correct word.
Then answer the questions using the word in bold and the sentence starters.

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1.What do scientists hope to learn about the possibility of __________ on other planets by
studying different environments on Earth?

Because the sea is as __________________________________________________________


2. What kinds of __________ can extremophiles survive in?

The environment that ___________________________________________________________


3. Why do most animals need __________ in order to live?

Because they have evolved ______________________________________________________


6b. Work in pairs. Share answers with your partner. Then ask your partner another question
using a word in Activity 6a.

7. Read and circle.


Have I used the words in bold?

Have I used the present perfect correctly?

Have I used the as … as correctly?

If you have answered ‘no’ in any of the questions, look at Unit 5 of your Impact Student’s
Book, Workbook and Grammar Book for review.

Impact Extend Worksheet 2.5.B 3

© 2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.

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