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Term 2 - 2022
Time: 2½ Hours


-Must be a story.
- Must end in the words given. If not deduct 2 mks AD
- Ensure that total deduction does not exceed 4 mks
The Imaginative Composition (awarding of marks) falls under four categories: A, B, C and
D. This is well explained below.

D CLASS (01 - 05) - Generally, there is little or no communication.

The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal that
the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to communicate. The
candidate fails to connect the English words he knows into meaningful sentences.
The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors
are evident. The English is grossly ‘broken’.
D - 01 - 02 Chaotic, little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words
from it simply copied.
D - 03 Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are
D+ - 04 - 05 Although the English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of
all types one can at least guess what the candidate wants to communicate.

C CLASS Generally, there is difficulty in communication.

(06 - 10) The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less
He/she is not confident with their language. The subject is often
undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary
repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the flow of
jerky. There is no economy of language; mother tongue influence is
felt in Spelling; there is direct translation.
C - 06 - 07 The Candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his / her
ideas. He / she is seriously hampered by his / her very limited knowledge of the language of
structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement spelling misuse of
preposition tense, verb agreement and sentence construction.
C - 08 The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His / her
linguistic abilities being very limited, he/she cannot avoid frequent
errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality. Very
bookish English, links are weak, incorrect, and at times repeated.

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C+ 09 - 10 The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain
manner. Simple concepts and sentences are often strained. There may
be an overuse of clichés or unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted
or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of
agreement, tenses and spelling.

B CLASS Generally, there is fluency in communication.

(11 – 15) This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression.
The candidate demonstrates that he / she can use English as a normal way of expressing
himself / herself. Sentences are varied and usually well-constructed. Some candidates
become ambitious and even over-ambitious i.e., the candidate may use too much vocabulary
in an effort to impress. There may be items of merit and the one word or one expression
type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming but they still show that
the candidate is at ease with the language.
B (11-12) The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may
be little variety. In sentence structure. Gross errors are occasional.
B 13 The sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The
candidate does not strain himself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary
and idiom. Some items or merit, economy of language. The candidate seems to express
themselves naturally and effortlessly.
B+ 14 - 15 The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strains.
There are few errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of
items of merit of the “whole sentence” or the “whole expression” type are evident.

A CLASS Communication is efficient.

(16 – 20) The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively, with
originality and efficiency. He / She has the ability to make the reader share his deep feelings,
emotions, enthusiasms. He / She expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint.
The scripts give evidence of maturity, good planning and a tinge of humour. Many items of
merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no
strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement and felicity of expressions.
A - 16 - 17 The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the
He may lack imagination or originality which usually provide the “spark” in such essays.
Vocabulary, idioms, sentence structure, links and variety are impressive. Gross errors are
very rare.
A 18 Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or
argument as has definite impact. No grammar problem. Variety of
structures. A definite spark.
A+ 19 - 20 The candidate communicates not only information and meaning, but
also and especially the candidate’s whole self: his / her feelings, tastes,
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points of view, youth and culture. This ability to communicate his/her
deep self-many express itself in many ways wide range effective
vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in the case
of a narrative, well developed and ordered argument in the case of a
debate or discussion. Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate
of the full marks he deserves. A very definite spark.
2 CLOZE TESTS (10marks)
1. against
2. into
3. the
4. Nearly/ Almost
5. But wrong spelling = 0
6. other wrong capitalization = 0
7. them
8. vaccine
9. seem
10. locally

1. Death1
2. The vital signs be taken1
- The vitals should be monitored 1
- The vitals should be recorded at least every 24 hours 1
3. The figure is rounded up1
Most figures ended in even numbers1
4. Misclassification of disease like pneumonia
- Poor targeting in treatment 1
- Difficult to detect deterioration or improvement 1
5. Main points
- Congestion/sharing of beds 1
- Inadequate staff 1b
- Ineffective vaccine 1c N.B Must be in point form
- Carelessness in staffing 1d if not deduct ½ mark from total
- Overworking of staff 1e (Any 4 points)
6. The government. Most of the problems are beyond the hospitals like staffing
7. Pessimistic /resigned
There seems to be no hope for patients as no solution is sought
Critical – the flaws and challenges facing health institutions.
8. a) top -tier – best /high level/end
b) Deterioration – worsening
c) Acute – severe

4. ORAL SKILLS (30marks)

a. i) It is a tongue twister 1mk
Alliteration – ‘mi moet moet a moita ‘ /m/
Repetition – ‘…. Moet moet ..’ The phrase
‘ moet’ is repeated

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2 features/ illustration = 2 marks

 It is used for speech therapy
 It is used for entertainment
 It tests reading speed
1 x 1 = 1 mark
i) Sword iv) bouquet
ii) debris v) victual
iii) grandmother vi) corps ½x6=3

N/B The candidate must underline the silent letter

c) i. lack of etiquette
 The caller fails to greet the secretary
 The caller fails to identify himself
 The caller arrogantly/rudely demands to speak to his mother
 The caller fails to thank the receiver

ii) Secretary’s professional conversational skills

 Begins the conversation by greeting the caller
 Identifies the institution
 She uses polite language
 She offers to take the caller’s message

ii ) i) pressure
ii) monarch
iii) dough

d) i)
strong/long (any 2×1/2)
ii.) Alliteration 1mrk
iii. Sweet sensation (sound /s/)
sleep whispers softly

Maintain eye contact
Adopt a posture that is authoritative because this might elicit a positive response.
Do something unexpected like referring to a specific person by name, without embarrassing
Begin by clearing the throat.
Clap or ring a bell.
Begin by telling a joke.
Begin with a famous quotation or a proverb.
Greet the audience
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Sing a relevant chorus.
(Any 5 points ×1=5)

5. GRAMMAR (20marks)

(a) (i) on 
(ii) in
(iii) to
iv) in
v) for

b) (i) There is no need to start, is there?
(ii) Let us go now, shall we?
(The student must rewrite the statement. The comma and question mark must be
present. The tag must start with a small letter)

c) i) Practice
ii) prophesy
iii) insure
i) The chicken is cooked and can be eaten
ii. The chicken can be fed.
i) lain
ii) laid
iii) liar

(f) (i) A
(ii) An
(iii) A
1. She was young beautiful kind and intelligent.
She was beautiful, kind, intelligent and young,
( Nb commas and full stop.)
2. China one of the most powerful nations on earth has a huge population.
China, one of the most powerful nations on earth, has a huge population.

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