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Nigeria – OML 130

AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 1/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --


Reserved to COMPANY
The document is:
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Approved code 1

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Rejected code 3

Reviewed with comments code 4


ASB final acceptance code 5


Remarks: This report covers the simulation of the HIPS and relevant equipments.



REV DATE DESIGNATION Initiator Reviewed by Approved by

Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 2/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................3

2. CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................4

2.1. Pressurisation scenarii ..................................................................................................4

2.2. Update of the dynamic simulation .................................................................................5
2.3. Previous results.............................................................................................................6
2.4. Recommended HIPS design.........................................................................................7
2.5. Overall Findings ............................................................................................................8

3. REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................9

3.1. References....................................................................................................................9
3.2. Abbreviations ................................................................................................................9

4. INDIVIDUAL RESULTS .........................................................................................................10

4.1. Scenario A1.................................................................................................................10

4.1.1. Description ....................................................................................................10
4.1.2. Results ..........................................................................................................11
4.1.3. Sensitvity study .............................................................................................16
4.1.4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................16
4.2. Scenario B2.................................................................................................................17
4.2.1. Description ....................................................................................................17
4.2.2. Results ..........................................................................................................17
4.2.3. Sensitvity study .............................................................................................21
4.2.4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................21
4.3. Scenario B3.................................................................................................................22
4.3.1. Description ....................................................................................................22
4.3.2. Results ..........................................................................................................22
4.3.3. Sensitvity study .............................................................................................26
4.3.4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................26
4.4. Scenario B4.................................................................................................................27
4.4.1. Description ....................................................................................................27
4.4.2. Results ..........................................................................................................27
4.4.3. Sensitvity study .............................................................................................32
4.4.4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................34
4.5. Scenario S2.................................................................................................................35
4.5.1. Description ....................................................................................................35
4.5.2. Results ..........................................................................................................35
4.5.3. Sensitvity study .............................................................................................39
4.5.4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................39

APPENDIX A – MODEL DATABASE .............................................................................................40

APPENDIX B – REVISED MODEL DATABASE ............................................................................50

Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 3/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --


The wells productivity of AKPO field is such that the production profile can be reached
by choking the riser top pressure of more than 50 bar above normal production
separator pressure at early life. Moreover, production wells may induce high topside
shut in pressure (up to 270 bara [1]), especially when the subsea valves are not closed
simultaneously with the riser top shut down valves during unplanned shut down

The design pressure of the separators is 93 barg (i.e. limit of 600# rating) whereas the
pressure upstream the top of riser chokes can be as high as circa 135 barg in
operation and up to 269 barg in shut-in conditions. An overpressure of this equipment
by the production risers is not acceptable. This situation may result from the packing of
a riser(s) followed by a depressurisation (i.e. depacking) towards the separators.
Moreover, the oil production is limited by the production of associated gas and the flare
network capacity. A riser depacking (i.e. topside choke opening that would increase the
whole gas rate) during the gas plateau is not acceptable for the flare system.

This document deals with the assessment of the requirement and design features of
the HIPS to be installed on the AKPO field FPSO to protect the Topsides facilities,
mainly the first stage separators and the test separator, from an overpressure by the
production risers.

The document is mainly based on the recommendation of COMPANY General

Specifications for the control of overpressure hazards by instrumented pressure
protection systems (GS SAF 260 [2]).
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 4/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --


2.1. Pressurisation scenarii

Several scenarii inducing gas blow-by and over-pressurisation of the downstream

equipments (1st stage separators / flare network) have been investigated during Basic
Engineering phase [3].

Reference is to be made to model schematic provided in Appendix A-1.

Detailed engineering works focus on the most critical scenarii for each piece of

- Test Separator 5 DS 3120:

• Scenario A1: depacking of one riser to the test separator from shut-in
conditions. The choke valves are both fully opened, and then the inlet SDV
starts to open.

- 1st Stage Separator 5 DS 3110A (or 5 DS 3110B):

• Scenario B2: depacking of five risers to a first stage separator from flowing
conditions. All small choke valves are partially opened for production on each
riser, then the five large chokes start to open.
• Scenario B3: under normal operation, a blocked liquid outlet case is modelled
(separator filled with liquid). Five flowlines are producing then the outlet LV
starts to close.
• Scenario B4: depacking of two risers to a first stage separator from shut-in
conditions. The choke valves are both fully opened on each riser, then the inlet
SDVs start to open. There are no other producing risers lined up to the
• Scenario S2: depacking of five risers to a first stage separator from flowing
conditions. All choke valves are fully opened for each riser, then the five inlet
SDVs start to open.

Remarks : In the initial (rev. AA) Production Riser HIPPS assessment report [4], B4
and S2 scenarii were not considered meanwhile a B1 case was described.
The B1 case (depacking of one riser to production separator, [4]) is actually replaced
by the B4 case (depacking of two risers to production separator).
The S2 case was added as proposals for the riser layout evolved during the detail
engineering phase. One may quote that S2 is more conservative than B2.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 5/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

2.2. Update of the dynamic simulation

The data for the dynamic simulation have been updated from the previous revision of this
document (“issue for review”) to consider the latest layout development on AKPO production risers
and manifolds (refer to Appendix B, section B-1).
The results are summarized hereafter :

“Issue for review” data “Issue for design” data

Volume before HIPS PTs 5.0 m3 5.4 m3

Volume after HIPS PTs 119.5 m3 129.3 m3
Total Volume 124.4 m3 134.7 m3

It is important to note that the volume have increased from the initial value, due to more accurate
isometrics, deletion of conservative assumption…Drum volume accounts for at least 80% of the
total volume.
The detail lengths of pipes are given in Appendices A and B.

As volumes have increased, the overall response time of the HIPS to a pressure upset would be
longer (it would take more time to overpressure the vessel). Consequently the results found in the
initial issue of this report are conservative. It is not necessary to develop further the modeling.

The HIPS has to be sized to cover the B4 scenario, which means that, based on run B4-12 (refer
to chapter 4.4.3), its settings are :

- PSHH30101 and PSHH30102s are set at 89 barg

- HIPS valve to close in less than 6.6 seconds.

A real closure time of 3 seconds has been retained. It gives a safety factor of 2.2 on the simulated
closure time, which is in line with HIPPS committee recommendations.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 6/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

2.3. Previous results

Considering the HIPS settings as defined in chapter 2.4, the following results are observed
with Appendix A as a basis for dynamic modeling :

Scenario A1

1. The Test Separator PSV opened during the upset.

2. The maximum loading on the HP flare system is 262 t/h.
3. The maximum pressure in the Test Separator is 97.8 barg.
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).

Scenario B2

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of 87.9 barg.

2. No flow to flare as the vessel peak pressure is below any PSV set pressure.
3. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).

Scenario B3

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 89.3 barg.

2. No flow to flare as the vessel peak pressure is below any PSV set pressure.
3. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).

Scenario B4

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 101.2 barg.

2. Two PSVs opened during the upset (two PSVs are on duty one in spare on the vessel).
3. The flare flow rate peaked at 772 t/h.
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).

The scenario B4 is the sizing case for the HIPS.

Scenario S2

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 96.3 barg.

2. One PSV opened during the upset
3. The flare flow rate peaked at 162 t/h
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 7/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

2.4. Recommended HIPS design

The value of “x” in the PSHH and SDV tags increments from 1 to 8 for each of the 8

HIPS Setpoints

PSHH 30x01 89 barg

PSHH 30x02 89 barg

HIPS Sample Rate

PSHH 30x01 350 milliseconds

PSHH 30x02 350 milliseconds

HIPS Valves considered in this study

Valve Stroke Time (Fully Close) Valve Characteristic

SDV30x01 Less than or equal to 6 sec Equal Percentage
SDV30x11 Less than or equal to 6 sec Equal Percentage

The even value of 6 seconds is retained for definition of the HIPS valve closure time.
Considering a safety ratio of 2 to 1, as per Basic Engineering studies, a real response
(closure) time of 3 seconds is requested for the purchased valves.
Sensitivities studies show that a required value of 6.6 seconds would have been
sufficient to cover the overpressurisation in all scenarii. This gives a safety ratio of 2.2.
Consequently, 6 seconds is a conservative value.
The normal safety ratio defined in the SAF 261 is 3 to 1, although for this project a
deviation would be granted if the ratio were to be found between 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 [5].

HIPS Valves not considered in this study (considered closed)

The depacking flow will be stopped by the closure of SDV30x01 and SDV30x11, which
are located on the main path to the choke valves. SDV30x01 only covers the large
choke inlet line.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 8/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

Other smaller valves SDV30x03 and SDV30x12 are ignored for the dynamic
simulation. These valves are closed in normal operation and open only at a riser start-
up (SDV30x12) or when pigging a production loop (SDV30x03).

Recommended valve closure time (fully open to fully closed)

Valve Stroke Time (Fully Close) Valve Characteristic

SDV30x03 Less than or equal to 6 sec Equal Percentage
SDV30x12 Less than or equal to 4 sec Equal Percentage

SDV30x12 is a small (2”) valve, which will close faster than the other ones. The normal
specification for PSS closing time is 2 seconds per inch. Hence 4 seconds is a normal
closing time for this valve. However, for the real purchased valve, this value will
decrease to 3 seconds when the HIPS activate.

2.5. Overall Findings

With the HIPS design as indicated above and illustrated in Appendix A1, this study
concludes that a satisfactory protection from overpressure can be achieved. Both
following criteria are met :
- The peak overpressure is within 110% of vessels Design Pressure,
- The flared gas flow stays within the limits of 1129 t/h associated to worst

Compared to the Basic Engineering works, the HIPS response time has decreased
from 10 to 6 seconds due to two facts mainly :
- The use of British Standard code BS5500 for designing the Vessels instead of
ASME code VIII. The later grants 116% overpressure in the vessel while the first
one grants only 110%. ASME code VIII was considered as a hypothesis only.
- The choke valves installed CV is about 15% higher than the ones expected
during Basic Engineering. Indeed, initial CVs were calculated roughly with an
uncertainty regarding the choke valves backpressure.

As for the Basic Engineering, the use of PSV is considered to complement the HIPS
design although sensitivity studies have been performed without the use of PSV (see
chapter 4.4).

The assessment of the reliability of the HIPS with this architecture is studied in a
separate document [6]. The reliability of the loop has to be SIL4.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 9/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --


3.1. References

[1] Process Design Basis, rev.00, doc n° : NG50-5-500-PRO-PR-AB-00-0001

[2] Design of High Integrity Protective Systems (HIPS), rev.01, doc. n° : GS SAF 260

[3] Top of riser HIPS Dynamic Simulation Report, rev.02, doc. n° : NG50-5-500-BE-

[4] Production riser HIPPS assessment report, rev.AA, doc. n° : NG-50-5-500-PRO-TR-


[5] AKPO HIPPS DESIGN Minute of Meeting 07/03/2006, NG50-060#060 MOM.0002.

[6] HIPS reliability calculation report, rev.BB, doc. n° : NG50-5-500-INS-CN-AB-64-


[7] HIPS reliability calculation report, rev.03, doc. n° : NG50-5-BE-INS-PS-AB-000-103

3.2. Abbreviations

bopd : barrel oil per day

BO : Blocked Outlet
bwpd : barrel water per day
Cv : Control or choke valve flow coefficient (in gpm/√psi)
DCS : Distributed Control System
EBDV : Emergency BlowDown Valve
ESD : Emergency ShutDown
ESDV: Emergency Shut Down Valve
GOR : Gas oil ratio at given conditions
HIPS : High Integrity Protection System
HIPPS: High Integrity Pressure Protection System
IPPS : Instrumented Pressure Protection System
λ : Failure rate in hr-1 (reciprocal of the MTBF)
ICSS : Instrumentation Control and Safety System
MSCFD: Million of Standard cubic feet per day (106 SCFD)
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure (hr)
OCWR: Overall Control of Well and Riser
PFD : Probability of Failure on Demand
PSHH: Pressure Switch High High
PSS : Process Safety System
PSV : Pressure Safety Valve
ROV : Remotely Operated Valve
SDV : Shut Down Valves
SIL : Safety Integrity Level
sbopd : barrel oil per day (stock tank conditions)
WC : Water cut
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 10/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

4. Individual results

All results hereafter are based on the Appendix A data. It is important to refer to those
appendixes to get the design basis of the hardware and material (valve travel, pipe
For example, inlet ESDV opens fully from closed to open position in 20 seconds (see
Appendix A-3-4)

4.1. Scenario A1

4.1.1. Description

Time T = 0 seconds

Steady State model

- No flow in any production line (manifold is full of gas).
- ESDV-30110 is closed.
- PSS trips are ignored.
- HV-30101 and HV-30102 are 100% open.
- Shut in riser pressure 269 barg with gas cap.
- PIC-31211 and PIC-31213 set in manual, allowing no flow to flare (all control
valves on the gas, liquid and water lines from the Test Separator are closed).
- The liquid volume in the Test Separator is 110 m3, which corresponds to LAH.
- The Test Separator pressure is 82.5 barg.
Some sensitivities studies have been performed to assess the most conservative
initial pressure, which is 82.5 barg. Normal operating pressure is 79 barg.

Time T + 10 seconds:

- ESDV-30110 starts to open.

Time T + 30 seconds:

- ESDV-30110 fully open.

Time T + 55 seconds:

End of the run.

Note : ESDV-30110 is considered as the key valve for this depacking scenario because
it has been defined as the battery limit of the model (see Appendix A1). In reality,
ESDV-30110 should be always opened and the depacking should occur via SDV-
Both valves are 10” ID and equal percentage travel. Also they are very close one to the
other, so the volume in between is really small (<0.5 m3). Consequently, those valves
can almost share the same role for the dynamic simulation (see also the comments on
the results).
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 11/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

4.1.2. Results

The simulation results are presented in Figures 4.1.1 to 4.1.4.

Depacking of One Riser to Test Separator From Shut-in Conditions



Pressure (barg)


Test Separator Pressure
PSV-31224 Set Pressure, 93 barg
PSV-31224 Full Open Pressure, 102.3 barg

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.1.1 Test Separator Pressure versus Time for Scenario A1

Figure 4.1.1 shows the pressure in the test separator which rises to a peak value of
97.8 barg, 23.3 seconds into the simulation.

Once the test separator pressure goes above the PSV set pressure of 93 barg, the
relief valve PSV starts opening. This occurs 20.9 seconds into the simulation. The PSV
does not fully open because the test separator pressure remains below the PSV full
open pressure of 102.3 barg. The PSV eventually closes as the pressure in the test
separator drops to 93 barg the controlling pressure for the pilot operated PSV.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 12/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

Depacking of One Riser to Test Separator From Shut-in Conditions


PSV-31224 Mass Flow

PSV-31224 Percentage Open


800000 70

Valve Opening (%)

Mass Flow (kg/h)






0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.1.2 PSV Mass Flow and Valve Opening Versus Time for Scenario A1

The PSV opens to a maximum of 54% as the pressure remains below the full open
pressure of 102.3 barg. The peak flow of 262 t/h is released to HP flare, falling to no
flow as the pressure decreases.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 13/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

Depacking of One Riser to Test Separator From Shut-in Conditions




Mass Flow (kg/h)







0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.1.3 Total Test Separator Gas Flow to Flare Versus Time for Scenario A1

Figure 4.1.3 shows the total flow to HP flare, due to the fact that there is only one PSV
on the test separator this is the same flow rate as indicated on figure 4.1.2. A peak flow
to flare of 262 t/h is reached 23.3 seconds into the simulation. This is below the
maximum peak rate to flare of 1129 t/h.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 14/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

Depacking of One Riser to Test Separator From Shut-in Conditions

PSHH-30101 PV
89 barg


Pressures (barg)



0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.1.4 HIPS Pressure versus Time for Scenario A1

The coarse nature of the PSHH-30101 measured variable reflects the sample rate of
the HIPS system, which has been set at 350 milliseconds.

The HIPS pressure goes above 89 barg 18.4 seconds into the simulation and the HIPS
system is then activated. At this time, the inlet ESDV valve used for depacking is
opened at only 42%. Indeed, inlet ESDV opens at 5% per seconds (20 seconds full
The HIPS system closes SDV-30101 and SDV-30111 at the HIPS rate of 16.67% per
second (6 seconds to fully close the valves).
After the triggering of the HIPS, there is a short period (few seconds) where the inlet
pressure continues to rise. Indeed, the flow continues to grow as the ESDV is still
opening while the SDV are just starting to close.
This phenomenon should not exist if the valve considered for depacking has been the
SDV-30111 instead of the ESDV-30110. As soon as the HIPS would have been
triggered, the pressure would have drop. The choice to use the ESDV is in fact slightly

The HIPS pressure peaks at 102.7 barg at the pressure transmitter location on the
flowline, (not in DS3120). However as the valves close, the pressure decreases
reaching a value of 92 barg close to the controlling pressure for the pilot operated PSV.
The pressure of 102.7 barg is acceptable at this location as the flowline is fully rated.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 15/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

There are two biases between the HIPS pressure, shown on figure 4.1.4 and recorded
downstream of the choke valves, and the vessel pressure, shown on figure 4.1.1 and
recorded in DS3120.
In fact, the pressure surge has the same profile in both cases, but :
• the surge occurs later on in the vessel, as it needs time to reach it through the
manifold (e.g. : peak pressure observed at 23.3 seconds instead of 22.7, here,
the horizontal bias is less than 1 second),
• also, the pressure surge in the vessel is smaller than the HIPS pressure surge
due to online pressure drop via both friction loss and elevation (e.g. : 97.8 barg
instead of 102.7 barg, here, the vertical bias is 4.9 bar).
Those biases are dynamic: they evolve with the gas flow, which is dictated by the
valves travel. The larger the gas flow is, the larger the pressure bias will be, due to
pressure losses.
One may quote that the depressurization of gas from 269 barg through the choke
valves results in liquid formation.
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 16/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

4.1.3. Sensitvity study

Separator Flared
Run HIPS ESDV opening Line PSV overpressure flow
Closing Separator op. N° of riser producing / press.
time Setpoints time pressure (barg) N° of riser depacking Drop barg t/h

A1-1 7 sec 89 barg 1 sec per inch 82.5 0/1 Yes Disabled 100.4 0

Sensitivity run A1-1 determines the overpressure with the PSV disabled and a faster
ESDV opening time. The Basic Engineering studies used this travel value of 1 second
per inch (full travel in 10 sec.), while the Project specification used for purchasing the
valves is now 2 seconds per inch.
With an HIPS timing of 7 seconds, the overpressure is observed to be less than 102.3
barg (110% vessel design). A case based on some 6 seconds closing time would
provide better results.

Separator Flared
Run HIPS ESDV opening Line PSV overpressure flow
Closing Separator op. N° of riser producing / press.
time Setpoints time pressure (barg) N° of riser depacking Drop barg t/h
A1-2 9.6 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 82.5 0/1 Yes Yes 102.3 508

Sensitivity run A1-2 determines the HIPS timing to give an overpressure of 102.3 barg
(110% of Design Pressure) with all other parameters the same as the final HIPS
design. This shows there is a large 3.6 second margin between the HIPS design of 6
seconds and A1-2 run.

4.1.4. Conclusion

1. The Test Separator PSV opened during the upset.

2. The maximum loading on the HP flare system is 262 t/h.
3. The maximum pressure in the Test Separator is 97.8 barg.
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).
Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 17/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

4.2. Scenario B2

4.2.1. Description

Time T = 0 seconds

Steady State model – Five flowlines connected.

- ESDV-30x10 all five valves open.
- PSS trips are ignored.
- HV-30x01 all five valves are 85.50% open.
These opening values are a conservative choice which leads the production separator
to see its design capacity, which is 60% of the FPSO overall capacity.
- HV-30x02 all five valves are closed.
- Flowlines are producing at 136 barg.
- All controllers are in manual mode.
- The liquid volume in the Production separator is 179.45 m3 (LAH setting).
- The Production separator pressure is 82.5 barg.

Time T + 10 seconds:

- All five valves HV-30x02 start to open at 0.333% per second, which gives a full
opening travel of 300 seconds [7].

Time T + 95 seconds:

End of the run.

The value of “x” in the tags increments from 1 to 5 for each of the 5 flowlines.

4.2.2. Results

The simulation results are presented in Figures 4.2.1 to 4.2.4.

Nigeria – OML 130
AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 18/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

Depacking of Five Risers to Production Separator From Flowing Conditions



Pressure (barg)




Production Separator Pressure

75 PSV1-31124A Set Pressure 93 barg
PSV2-31124A Set Pressure 97.7 barg
PSV1&2-31124A Full Open Pressure 102.3 barg

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.2.1 Production Separator Pressure versus Time for Scenario B2

Figure 4.2.1 shows the pressure in the Production Separator, which rises to a peak
value of 87.9 barg, 66 seconds into the simulation. This pressure falls as the HIPS
system is activated.
Due to friction and elevation pressure losses, the Separator never sees the HIPS
setpoint pressure of 89 barg.
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Depacking of Five Risers to Production Separator From Flowing Conditions


PSV1-31124A Mass Flow

PSV2-31124A Mass Flow 90
1000000 PSV2-31124A Percentage Open
PSV1-31124A Percentage Open

800000 70

Valve Opening (%)

Mass Flow (kg/h)






0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.2.2 PSV Mass Flow and Valve Opening versus Time for Scenario B2

Figures 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 show that no flow goes to HP flare for this run because the
PIC-31113A is set in manual and open allowing flow from the Production Separator
goes to the TEG dehydration.
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Depacking of Five Risers to Production Separator From Flowing Conditions


Mass Flow (kg/h)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.2.3 Total Production Separator Flow to Flare Versus Time for Scenario B2

Depacking of Five Risers to Production Separator From Flowing Conditions

PSHH-30101 PV
PSHH-30201 PV
100 PSHH-30301 PV
PSHH-30401 PV
PSHH-30501 PV
89 barg
Pressures (barg)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.2.4 HIPS Pressure versus Time for Scenario B2

After 61.5 seconds the HIPS pressure goes above the HIPS setpoint of 89 barg closing
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all the SDV-30x01and SDV-30x11 valves at the HIPS rate of 16.67% per second (6
seconds to fully close the valve). The pressure peaks at 89.6 barg and as the valves
close the pressure decreases.

4.2.3. Sensitvity study

None undertake as this scenario is not critical for the HIPS design.
Indeed, the pressure increase is really slow in B2. The average increase rate is 0.13
bar / seconds downstream to the choke, while the average increase for B4 scenario is
2.4 bar /seconds (almost 20 times faster). Such a large difference indicates that B4 is
more critical than B2.

4.2.4. Conclusion

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of 87.9 barg.

2. No flow to flare
3. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).
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4.3. Scenario B3

4.3.1. Description

Time T = 0 seconds

- Steady State model – Four flowlines connected.

- ESDV-30x10 all four valves open.
- PSS trips are ignored.
- HV-30x01 all four valves are closed.
- HV-30x02 all four valves are 37.60% open.
As for B2, this opening value allows to produce 60% of FPSO overall capacity
through only one Separator.
- Flowlines produce at 109 barg.
- All controllers are in manual mode.
- The liquid volume in the Production separator is 179.45 m3.
- The Production separator pressure is 82.5 barg.

Time T + 10 seconds:

LV-31105A and LDV-31106A close.

Time T + 375 seconds:

End of the run.

The value of “x” in the tags increments from 1 to 4 for each of the 4 flowlines.

4.3.2. Results

The simulation results are presented in Figures 4.3.1 to 4.3.4.

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Fluid Upset in Production Separator from Flowing Conditions

105 100


95 85

Pressure (barg)

Liquid % Level



80 65
Production Separator Pressure
PSV1-31124A Set Pressure, 93 barg 60
75 PSV1&2-31124A Full Open Pressure 102.3 barg
PSV2-31124A Set Pressure, 97.7barg 55
1st Stage Separator % Liquid Level
70 50
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.3.1 Production Separator Pressure and Level versus Time for Scenario B3

Figure 4.3.1 shows the pressures and the liquid percent level in the Production
separator. This pressure rises to a peak value of 89.3 barg 346 seconds into the
simulation, corresponding to the filling of the separators available volume. The
pressure then falls as the HIPS system is activated.

One can explain the trends of the curves with the following remarks :
- We have a steady filling of the vessel for almost 330 seconds. The gas is exhausted
normally by the FV-31113. The liquid outlet valve is closing at its normal speed.
- The outlet nozzle for the gas side is below 95% of the total vessel level ("% level"
means "%diameter" on the graphic)
- When the liquid reaches this level at about 330 seconds, we have some liquid
carryover to the FV-31113.
- As the liquid goes out, the gas is trapped, accumulates, and a rapid pressure surge
occurs. Note that as there is a new liquid outlet at that time, the slope of the liquid level
curve tends to decrease slightly (inflection point).
- HIPS is tripped finally. There is no PSV opening.
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Fluid Upset in Production Separator from Flowing Conditions

400000 100


PSV1-31124A Mass Flow
PSV2-31124A Mass Flow 70

Actuator Current Position (%)

PSV2-31124A Percentage Open
250000 PSV1-31124A Percentage Open
Mass Flow (kg/h)


200000 50




0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.3.2 PSV Mass Flow and Valve Opening versus Time for Scenario B3

Figures 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 show that no flow goes to HP flare for this run because PIC-
31113A is set in manual and open allowing flow from the Production separator to the
TEG dehydration.
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Fluid Upset in Production Separator from Flowing Conditions




Mass Flow (kg/h)







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.3.3 Total Production Separator Gas Flow to Flare versus Time for Scenario B3

Fluid Upset in Production Separator from Flowing Conditions


PSHH-310101 PV
93 89 barg
PSHH-310201 PV
91 PSHH-310301 PV
PSHH-310401 PV


Pressures (barg)






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.3.4 HIPS Pressure versus Time for Scenario B3

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After 341.0 seconds the HIPS pressure goes above 89 barg closing the SDV-30X01,
SDV-30X11 and SDV-30X12 valves at the HIPS rate of 16.67% per second (6 seconds
to fully close the valves). The pressure peaks at 90.0 barg and as the valves close the
pressure decreases.

4.3.3. Sensitvity study

None undertake as this scenario is not critical for the HIPS design

4.3.4. Conclusion

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 89.3 barg.

2. No flow to flare.
3. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).
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4.4. Scenario B4

4.4.1. Description

Time T = 0 seconds

Steady State model – Three flowlines connected

- ESDV-30110 and ESDV-30210 valves are closed.

- ESDV-30310, ESDV-30410, and ESDV-30510 are all closed.
- PSS trips are ignored.
- HV-30101, HV-30201, HV-30102, and HV-30202 are fully open.
- Risers are packed with a gas cap at 269 barg.
- All controllers are in manual mode.
- All outlets from the Production Separator are closed.
- The liquid volume in the Production separator is 179.5 m3.
- The Production separator pressure is 82.5 barg.

Time T + 10 seconds:

- Both ESDV-30110 and ESDV-30210 open at 5% travel per second.

Time T + 60 seconds:

End of the run.

4.4.2. Results

The simulation results are presented in Figures 4.4.1 to 4.4.4

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Depacking of Two Risers to Production Separator From Shut-in Conditions



Pressure (barg)


Production Separator Pressure

85 PSV1-31124A, 93 barg
PSV1&2-31124A, 102.3 barg
PSV2-31124A, 97.7barg

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.4.1 Production Separator Pressure versus Time for Scenario B4

Figure 4.4.1 shows the pressures in the Production separator which rises to a peak
value of 101.2 barg 21.9 seconds into the simulation, before falling, as the HIPS get

The pressure in the Production separator increases beyond the values required to
open valves PSV1-31124A (93 barg) and PSV2-31124A (97.7 barg). Neither valve
opens fully because the full open pressure for both valves is 102.3 barg which is
greater than the peak pressure in the Production separator.
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Depacking of Two Risers to Production Separator From Shut-in Conditions

500000 100

450000 90

400000 80

PSV2-31124A Mass Flow

350000 PSV1-31124A Mass Flow 70

Actuator Current Position (%)

PSV2-31124A Percentage Open
PSV1-31124A Percentage Open
Mass Flow (kg/h)

300000 60

250000 50

200000 40

150000 30

100000 20

50000 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.4.2 PSV Mass Flow and Valve Opening versus Time for Scenario B4

The relief valve PSV1-31224A opens to around 88.8% and PSV2-31224A opens to
about 77.5%. A peak flow of 412 t/h is released through PSV1-31224A whilst PSV2-
31224A releases a peak flow of 360 t/h.
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Depacking of Two Risers to Production Separator From Shut-in Conditions




Mass Flow (kg/h)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.4.3 Total Production Separator Gas Flow to Flare versus Time for Scenario B4

A peak flow to flare of 772 t/h is reached 21.89 seconds into the simulation. This is
below the maximum peak rate to flare of 1129 t/h.
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Depacking of Two Risers to Production Separator From Shut-in Conditions



105 PSHH-310101 PV
89 barg
PSHH-310201 PV
Pressures (barg)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.4.4 HIPS Pressure versus Time for Scenario B4

The coarse nature of the PSHH-30101 and PSHH-30201 measured variables reflects
the sample rate of the HIPS system which has been set at 350 milliseconds
After 16.9 seconds the HIPS pressure goes above 89 barg closing all the SDV-30x01,
SDV-30x11 and SDV-30x12 valves at the HIPS rate of 16.67% per second (6seconds
to fully close the valves). The pressure peaks at 109.3 barg and as the HIPS valves
close the pressure decreases.

The comments given for the A1 run can apply there :

• the pressure continues to soar after the HIPS activation, because the ESDV
was considered instead of inlet SDV,
• some dynamic bias exists between the vessel pressure profile and the riser
pressure profile…
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4.4.3. Sensitvity study

Scenario B4 was the critical scenario of the HIPS design giving the highest pressures
and largest flow to flare.

The following Sensitivity cases where undertaken and used to obtain the final design of
the HIPS system

Scenario HIPS ESDV opening Initial drum overpressure Flared flow
Closing time Setpoints time pressure (barg) barg t/h
B4-1 3 89 2 sec per inch 85 93.6 277.6
B4-2 7 89 2 sec per inch 85 101.5 824
B4-3 7 89 2 sec per inch 84 101.5 836.2
B4-4 7 89 2 sec per inch 83 101.9 898
B4-5 7 89 1 sec per inch 85 103.7 970.3
B4-6 6 89 1 sec per inch 85 102.2 940.3
B4-7 8 89 2 sec per inch 85 102.2 1014

Scenario B4-1 is a trial with the expected installed closure time of HIPS valve, 3
seconds. It does not show any other particular point.

Scenarios B4-2, B4-3 and B4-4 were used to determine the conservative operating
pressure for the production separator. There is a “worst” operating pressure, which
leads to conservative results.
Beyond this pressure, the operating pressure is closer to the HIPS set point.
Consequently the HIPS will trigger faster, the inlet valve will have less time to open and
the overall overpressure will be less than the one observed with the optimum operating
Below this pressure, the operating pressure is rather “low”, and it takes time to
pressurize the system before any HIPS activation, even if the inlet valve has more time
to open compared to the optimum operating pressure case.
The optimum was found to be 82.5 barg and is used for all of the scenarios.

Runs B4-5 and B4-6 are some sensitivity studies on the ESDV opening time. Reducing
the HIPS valve closure time allows to met the pressure requirement.

Run B4-7 is a sensitivity study on the HIPS valve closing time.

For all runs between B4-1 and B4-7, the inline pressure loss due to elevation and
friction was not taken into account.
This conservative approach for modeling the system was considered both during Basic
Engineering and in those early runs. However, it is likely to be too conservative, as the
A1 scenario showed that the pressure losses in the test system could be as high as 4.9
bar. For other runs, as well as for final simulations, the line losses are considered.
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To limit the benefits from those inline pressure losses, it is assumed that only two
flowlines are connected to the Separator. There is no additional flowline producing
simultaneously to the same vessel. This would have increased the pressure loss
unnecessarily. Higher HIPS closing time would have been sufficient in that case.

Separator Flared
Run HIPS ESDV opening . Line PSV overpressure flow
Closing Separator op N° of riser producing / press.
time Setpoints time pressure (barg) N° of riser depacking Drop barg t/h

B4-8 6 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 82.5 0/2 Yes Disabled 103 0
B4-9 5.1 sec 89 barg 1 sec per inch 82.5 0/2 Yes Disabled 102.3 0
B4-10 5.9 sec 89 barg 1 sec per inch 82.5 0/2 Yes Enabled 102.3 925
B4-11 7 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 82.5 0/2 Yes Enabled 102.4 925

Sensitivity runs B4-8 to B4-11 were used to investigate simultaneously the effect of
disabling the PSVs and changing the ESDV opening time.
Runs B4-9 and B4-10 determine the HIPS timing to give an overpressure of 102.3 barg
(110% of design).

Separator Flared
Run HIPS ESDV opening Line PSV overpressure flow
Closing Separator op N° of riser producing / press.
time Setpoints time pressure (barg) N° of riser depacking Drop barg t/h
B4-12 6.6 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 82.5 0/2 Yes Yes 102.3 939

Sensitivity run B4-12 determines the exact HIPS timing to give an overpressure of
102.3 barg (110% of design) with all other parameters the same as the final HIPS
design. This shows there is a 0.6 second margin to the HIPS design of 6 seconds.
The final margin to some 3 seconds closure time valve would be a ratio of 2.2 to 1 (6.8
/ 3), which complies with HIPS committee recommendations.

Lastly, two runs B4-13 and B4-14 were assessed to show the effect of operating the
separator at its normal pressure of 79 barg, compared to the “worst” (conservative)
initial pressure of 82.5 barg.
In these scenarii also the simultaneous production from other risers is modeled along
the depacking. This is less conservative than having only two depacking flowlines
connected to the separator, because the additional flow creates pressure drop in the
manifold and consequently increases the required reaction time of the system.

Separator Flared
Run HIPS ESDV opening Line PSV overpressure flow
Closing Separator op N° of riser producing / press.
time Setpoints time pressure (barg) N° of riser depacking Drop barg t/h
B4-13 7 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 79 3/2 Yes Enabled 94.2 57.5
B4-14 7 sec 89 barg 2 sec per inch 82.5 3/2 Yes Enabled 97.9 273
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Still, it is important to note that at normal operating pressure of 79 barg, the system
reacts much slower than if it has been operated at 82.5 barg. The initial 3.5 bar gap
observed between the operating pressures (82.5 and 79 barg) remains quite the same
at the end of the runs (3.7 bar between 97.9 and 94.2 barg)
These sensitivities studies are consistent with the results obtained from B4-2 to B4-4,
where some “worst” operating pressure was highlighted.

When comparing case B4-4 and B4-14, one can realize that the additional pressure
drop due to the three producing lines is really delaying the pressure surge in the
When the HIPS valves are fully closed, the separator pressure is 101.9 barg in the first
case and only 97.9 barg in the last one. There is a 4 bar gap of which 0.5 comes from
the initial operating pressure which was set at 83 barg in B4-4 and 82.5 barg in B4-14.
Consequently, the most conservative case is when other flowlines are not producing at
the beginning of the depacking.

4.4.4. Conclusion

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 101.2 barg.

2. Two PSVs opened during the upset (but not fully).
3. The flare flow rate peaked at 772 t/h.
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP
flare was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).
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4.5. Scenario S2

4.5.1. Description

Time T = 0 seconds

Steady State model – Five flowlines connected

- ESDV-30x10 all five valves closed.
- PSS trips are ignored
- HV-30x01 : all five valves fully opened.
- HV-30x02 : all five valves fully opened.
- Flowlines are producing at 136 barg.
- All controllers are in manual mode.
- All outlets from the Production separator are shut.
- The liquid volume in the Production separator is 180 m3.
- The Production separator pressure is 82.5 barg

Time T + 10 seconds:

- ESDV-30x10 all five valves open at 5% travel per second.

Time T + 60 seconds:

End of the run.

The value of “x” in the tags increments from 1 to 5 for each of the 5 flowlines.

This scenario is more conservative than the B2 scenario. It expects that the large
chokes HV-30x02 failed to close on PCS demand at 109 barg.
With the initial HIPS architecture [4], the Mokveld type valve was installed right before
the large choke, which enabled a safe closure of the branch at 109 barg. If the Mokveld
valve is moved on the common section of the riser, only the PCS will be able to close
the large branch, via the choke valve. As the PCS is not reliable, this new scenario is

4.5.2. Results

The simulation results are presented in Figures 4.5.1 to 4.5.4.

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Depacking of Five Risers to First Stage Separator From Flowing Conditions



Pressure (barg)


Production Separator Pressure

85 PSV1-31124A Set Pressure, 93 barg
PSV1&2-31124A Full Open Pressure, 102.3 barg
PSV2-31124A Set Pressure, 97.7barg

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.5.1 Production Separator Pressure versus Time for Scenario S2

Figure 4.5.1 shows the pressures in the Production Separator, which rises to a peak
value of 96.3 barg, 22.6 seconds into the simulation. This pressure then falls as the
HIPS gets activated.

The pressure in the Production separator increases beyond 93 barg at which point the
valve PSV1-31124A begins to open, releasing gas to the flare. PSV1-31124A does not
completely open because its full open pressure of 102.3 barg is greater than the peak
pressure in the Production separator. The valve PSV2-31124A does not open at all
because its set pressure of 97.7 barg is also above the peak pressure in the Production
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Depacking of Five Risers to First Stage Separator From Flowing Conditions

200000 100

180000 90

160000 80

PSV2-31124A Mass Flow

140000 PSV2-31124A Percentage Open 70

Actuator Current Position (%)

PSV1-31124A Mass Flow
PSV1-31124A Percentage Open
Mass Flow (kg/h)

120000 60

100000 50

80000 40

60000 30

40000 20

20000 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.5.2 PSV Mass Flow and Valve Opening versus Time for Scenario S2

The relief valve PSV1-31224A opens to around 35.9%. The valve PSV2-31224A
remains closed throughout the run. A peak flow of 162 t/h is released through PSV1-
31224A, falling to no flow as the valve closes.
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Depacking of Five Risers to First Stage Separator From Flowing Conditions




Mass Flow (kg/h)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.5.3 Total Production Separator Gas Flow to Flare versus Time for Scenario S2

A peak flow to flare of 162 t/h is reached 22.6 seconds into the simulation. This is
below the maximum peak rate to flare of 1129 t/h.
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Depacking of Five Risers to First Stage Separator From Flowing Conditions


PSHH-310101 PV
89 barg
PSHH-310201 PV
100 PSHH-310301 PV
PSHH-310401 PV
PSHH-310501 PV

Pressures (barg)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds)

Figure 4.5.4 HIPS Pressure versus Time for Scenario S2

The course nature of the PSHH-30x01 measured variables reflects the sample rate of
the HIPS system which has been set at 350 milliseconds.
After 17.4 seconds the HIPS pressure goes above 89 barg closing all the SDV-30X01,
SDV-30X11 and SDV-30X12 valves at the HIPS rate of 16.67% per second (6 seconds
to fully close the valves). The pressure peaks at 101.37 barg and as the HIPS valves
close the pressure decreases.

4.5.3. Sensitvity study

None undertake as this scenario is not critical for the HIPS design

4.5.4. Conclusion

1. The Production separator pressure reaches a peak of about 96.3 barg.

2. One PSV opened during the upset
3. The flare flow rate peaked at 162 t/h
4. HIPS system protected the equipment from overpressure and the load on the HP flare
was below the flare capacity limit (1129 t/h).

Remark : this scenario applies only with the layout described in appendix A-1.
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A-0 Forewords

A-1 Model schematic

A-2 Composition

A-3 Valves and pipes

A-4 Vessels

A-5 System parameters

A-6 Initial conditions

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A-0 Forewords :

All the data provided hereafter are the ones used for building the dynamic simulation. The
individual volumes for the pipework are given for each flowline. However the smallest
volume (P30R) is used in the dynamic simulation model to be conservative.
Data has been estimated, as the exact values were not available at the time the study
started. Most of the documents status was “Issue for Design”.
As some conservative assumptions were used initially to build the model, the simulation
conclusions are still applicable to the “Issue for Construction” layout.
The model schematic is different from the one described in the HIPS assessment report [4].
Indeed, this report was based on the Basic Engineering studies that provided some
unrealistic riser architecture. As the detailed studies were carried out, the layout of the
Basic Engineering proposal proved to be unfit. The final layout, which supersedes the A-1
described below, is given in Appendix B-1.
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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-1 Model schematic

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-2 Composition

Component Fluid for Production

Gas cap (**)
(*) choke design fluid

Nitrogen 0.05% 0.06% 0.13%

CO2 0.57% 0.23% 0.39%
Methane 62.65% 40.49% 76.77%
Ethane 8.78% 5.14% 7.88%
Propane 5.38% 3.10% 4.12%
i-Butane 1.69% 1.04% 1.27%
n-Butane 1.99% 1.27% 1.46%
i-Pentane 1.13% 0.83% 0.87%
n-Pentane 0.79% 0.59% 0.59%
C6* 2.10% 1.61% 1.40%
C7* 2.25% 1.80% 1.36%
C8* 2.01% 1.47% 0.98%
C9* 1.68% 1.17% 0.67%
C10* 1.47% 1.01% 0.47%
C11* 0.96% 0.64% 0.29%
C12* 0.81% 0.52% 0.23%
C13* 0.78% 0.50% 0.21%
C14* 0.72% 0.44% 0.17%
C15* 0.60% 0.34% 0.12%
C16* 0.47% 0.27% 0.09%
C17* 0.39% 0.21% 0.06%
C18* 0.35% 0.18% 0.06%
C19* 0.26% 0.15% 0.05%
CN2* 1.67% 0.68% 0.04%
CN3* 0.47% 0.36% 0.00%
H2O 0.00% 35.90% 0.33%
Oxygen 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

(*) : thermodynamical characteristics of pseudo components are available in design basis report

(**) : the gas cap composition is the one of a gas in equilibrium with the liquid at 270 bara, 78°C,
with the overall composition of the production fluid. This equilibrium is expected to be reached in
the riser. Indeed, when depacking from very high pressure, only the gas will be seen initially in the
pipe network. Wet fluids are considered.

The Peng Robinson equation of state is used for the dynamic simulation.
Software used is Hysys 2004.
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-3 Valves and pipes

A-3-1 Chokes valves

Tag (*) HV30x01 HV30x02

Service Small choke Large choke
In / out diametera 8” / 10” 12” / 16”
Cv 92 366
Trim linear linear
XT 1 1
FL 1 1
Remark :
Chokes valves are recalculated with the design conditions provided in design basis (total flow
of 53400 sbopd, pressure drop of 7.5 bar, composition as defined above in A2). It ensures
that the valves capacity is the same as the one proposed by supplier CCI.
Chokes valves travel is linear.
Large choke fully opens in 300 seconds from fully closed position.

A-3-2 Relief valves

Tag PSV1 31124A PSV2 31124A PSV3 31124A PSV1 31224 PSV2 31224
First stage First stage First stage
Test separator Test separator
Service separator separator separator
PSV spare PSV
PSV n°1 PSV n°2 spare PSV
Set pressure (bar a) 94 98.7 94 94 94
Full open pressure (bar a) 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3
Orifice area (cm2) 71.29 71.29 71.29 71.29 71.29
Valve classification 6Q8 6Q8 6Q8 6Q8 6Q8
Valve type Pilot operated Pilot operated Pilot operated Pilot operated Pilot operated
Backpressure (bar a) 7 7 7 7 7
Backpressure coefficient 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Discharge coefficient 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975 0.975
Viscosity coefficient 1 1 1 1 1

Remark - - Never used - Never used

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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-3-3 Control valves

Tag LV31205 LDV31206 FV31213 PV31211

Test separator oil Test separator water Test separator gas outlet Test separator gas
Service outlet outlet to compression outlet to flare
Backpressure (bara) 24 8.5 79.5 7
Installed Cv 129 70 1570 191
Travel Lin. Lin. =% Lin.

Tag LV31105A LDV31106A FV31113A PV31111A

DS3110A gas outlet to DS3110A gas outlet
DS3110A oil outlet DS3110A water outlet
Service compression to flare
Backpressure (bara) 24 8.5 79 7
Installed Cv 258 160 1570 225
Travel Lin. Lin. =% Lin.
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-3-4 On/off valves

Tag (*) SDV30x01 SDV30x03 SDV30x11 SDV30x12

“Mokveld” Kicker line Main valve
Service Main valve
valve valve bypass
Diameter 14” 6” 10” (ID) 2”

Time to open 28 sec. 12 sec. 20 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 12 sec. 15 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with HIPS (**) To be defined by the study (<10 sec)

Normal operating position Opened Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =%

Tag (*) SDV30x10 SDV30x25 EBDV30x26 ESDV30x10 ROV30x17

Riser blowdown Recirculation Topsides Pig trap inlet
Service Inlet ESD valve
valve valve blowdown valve valve
Diameter 8” 10” 3” 10” (ID) 10” (ID)

Time to open 16 sec. 20 sec. 6 sec. 20 sec. 20 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 15 sec. N/a N/a N/a

Normal operating position Closed Closed Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =% =%

Tag SDV31114A SDV31116A SDV31214 SDV31216

DS3110A DS3110A DS3120 main DS3120 bypass
Service bypass valve valve
main valve valve
Diameter 20” 2” 16” 2”

Time to open 40 sec. 4 sec. 32 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 12 sec. 15 sec. 4 sec.

Normal operating position Opened Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =%

(*) : For all tags with an x, x varies from 1 to 8 to depict the relevant riser.
(**) : The HIPS activation allows the valve to close faster with a separate actuator.
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A3-5 Pipe data

Riser P10L P10R P20L P20R P30L P30R

From ESDV30110 ESDV30210 ESDV30310 ESDV30410 ESDV30510 ESDV30610
To Point A Point A Point A Point A Point A Point A
Length (m) 102 96 80 75 70 65
Diameter / Class 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID

Point A is the point where the main production line (14”) splits between two lines (8” and 12”)
routed to each choke valves. Only the risers of S4 module were modelled.

Riser All risers All risers All risers All risers All risers All risers
From (SDV30x11 Barred tee (recirc. line) (Kicker line) (Blowdown line) (Blowdown line)
To Bypass) ROV30x17 SDV30x25 SDV30x03 SDV30x10 EBDV30x26
Length (m) 6 5 11 3.5 20 0 (conservative)
Diameter / Class 2” / J70 10” ID 10” / J70 6” / J70 8” / J70 3” / J70

Riser / Manifold All risers All risers All risers All risers Test man. Prod. man.
From Point A Point A HV30x01 HV30x02 Risers Risers
To HV30x01 HV30x02 Manifolds Manifolds DS3110A DS3120
Length (m) 17 10 36 3 87 87
Diameter / Class 8” / J70 12” / J70 16” / J70 10” / J70 16” / J70 20” / J70

Drum DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A

Length (m) 21 + 11.8 0 (conservative) 48.6 0 (conservative) 20.5
Diameter / Class 16” + 12” / F23 12” / F70 16” / F70 12” / F23 18” / F23

Drum DS3120 DS3120 DS3120 DS3120 DS3120

Length (m) 22.9 0 (conservative) 32.8 0 (conservative) 16.2
Diameter / Class 16” / F23 12” / F70 14” / F70 8” / F23 14” / F23
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-4 Vessels

Following datas were used to model the vessels :

Tag DS3110A DS3120

Service First stage separator Test separator
Length 15.8 m 13 m
Diameter 4.4 m 3.8 m
LAL 1850 mm 1500 mm
NLL 2200 mm 1700 mm
LAH 2650 mm 2350 mm
Total volume (including
284.8 m3 176.2 m3
hemispherical heads)

Levels correspond to those described in rev.00 of the datasheet.

New levels 1200 / 1600 / 2200
(test) 1700 / 2100 / 2600 (prod)
A-5 System parameters

Following points were included in the model :

• No ICSS actions are take into account. This is a conservative assumption. For
the duration of each scenario, there will be no trip on LSHH or PSHH, nor PCS
action on control valves.

• Maximum overpressure allowed in the vessel is 102.3 barg

• HP Continuous flaring (purge gas) = 0.8 t/h

• HP Contingency flaring (can last some hours) = 385 t/h (gas + <1% liquid)

• HP Emergency flaring (<10 minutes) = 1129 t/h (mixed phase)

• HP flare network mechanical design (overall EDP without time delay between
systems) = 1130 t/h (gas + 2% liquid)

• The pressure drop is modeled between chokes valves and vessels (excepted
for some B4 sensitivity runs).

A 11.5 m difference of elevation will give a pressure loss as well as the line
length. Those lengths are 21 m of 16” line and 51 m of 20” line, which is
shorter than the real lines considered for the volume (36m and 81m). This
choice ensures that the result will be conservative as well as it depicts some
shortest fluid path in the overall network used to define the volume.
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

A-6 Initial conditions

Unless if specified in the scenario description, initially :

• Vessel operates at its LAH level

• Vessel operates at 82.5 barg

• On/off valves are in their normal operating conditions

• Control valves opening is adjusted to fit with the normal flow from risers. If the
risers are closed (scenario A1 and B4) then it means that the vessel is isolated
with control valves closed.
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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --


B-0 Forewords

B-1 Revised model schematic

B-2 Valves and pipes

B-3 Vessel
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AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 22/11/06 Page: 51/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-0 Forewords :

All the data provided hereafter are the ones used to assess the difference between the
initial envelope of the HIPS system and the one, once the configuration has been frozen.
Compared to Appendix A datas :
- one new valve has been added to the model schematic (appendix B-1),
- SDV30101 has been moved
- SDV30110 has been removed
- Fluid composition has not been modified (refer to appendix A-2)
- More accurate datas are provided in appendix B-2.
- Level in vessels have been reviewed according to latest process data
(appendix B-3)
- Initial conditions are as per appendix A-6

The individual volumes for the pipework are given for each flowline. However the smallest
volume (P30R) is used in the dynamic simulation model to be conservative.
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AKPO Field Development Project

COMPANY ref: NG50-5-500-PRO-TR-AB-00-0013 Revision: 00 Status: IFD Class: 2 Date: 15/09/06 Page: 52/56

VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-1 Revised model schematic

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-2 Valves and pipes

B-2-1 Chokes valves

See A-2-1

Tag (*) HV30x01 HV30x02

Service Small choke Large choke

In / out diameter 8” / 10” 12” / 16”

Cv 92 366

XT 1 1

FL 1 1

B-2-2 Relief valves

See Appendix A chapter A-3-2

B-2-3 Control valves

Tag LV31205 LDV31206 FV31213 PV31211

Test separator oil Test separator water Test separator gas outlet Test separator gas
Service outlet outlet to compression outlet to flare
Backpressure (bara) 24 8.5 79.5 7
Installed Cv 120 69 1900 300
Travel Lin. Lin. =% Lin.

Tag LV31105A LDV31106A FV31113A PV31111A

DS3110A gas outlet to DS3110A gas outlet
DS3110A oil outlet DS3110A water outlet
Service compression to flare
Backpressure (bara) 24 8.5 79.5 7
Installed Cv 295 56 2000 190
Travel =% Lin. Lin Lin.
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-2-4 On/off valves

Tag (*) SDV30x01 SDV30x03 SDV30x11 SDV30x12

“Mokveld” Kicker line Main valve
Service Main valve
valve valve bypass
Diameter 14” 6” 10” (ID) 2”

Time to open 28 sec. 12 sec. 20 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 12 sec. 15 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with HIPS (**) To be defined by the study (<10 sec)

Normal operating position Opened Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =%

Tag (*) SDV30x06 SDV30x25 EBDV30x26 ESDV30x10 ROV30x17

Small choke Recirculation Topsides Pig trap inlet
Service SDV
Inlet ESD valve
valve blowdown valve valve
Diameter 8” 10” 3” 10” (ID) 10” (ID)

Time to open 16 sec. 20 sec. 6 sec. 20 sec. 20 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 15 sec. N/a N/a N/a

Normal operating position Opened Closed Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =% =%

Tag SDV31114A SDV31116A SDV31214 SDV31216

DS3110A DS3110A DS3120 main DS3120 bypass
Service bypass valve valve
main valve valve
Diameter 20” 2” 16” 2”

Time to open 40 sec. 4 sec. 32 sec. 4 sec.

Time to close with PSS 15 sec. 12 sec. 15 sec. 4 sec.

Normal operating position Opened Closed Opened Closed

Travel =% =% =% =%

(*) : For all tags with an x, x varies from 1 to 8 to depict the relevant riser.
(**) : The HIPS activation allows the valve to close faster with a separate actuator.
Compared to previous table, SDV30x10 is removed, SDV30x06 is added.
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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-2-5 Pipe data

Riser P10L P10R P20L P20R P30L P30R

From ESDV30110 ESDV30210 ESDV30310 ESDV30410 ESDV30510 ESDV30610
To Point A Point A Point A Point A Point A Point A
Length (m) 104 104>xx>72 104>xx>72 104>xx>72 104>xx>72 72
Diameter / Class 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID 10” ID

Point A is the point where the main production line (14”) splits between two lines (8” and 12”)
routed to each choke valves. Only the risers of S4 module were modelled.

Riser All risers All risers All risers All risers All risers All risers
From (SDV30x11 Barred tee (recirc. line) (Kicker line) (Blowdown line) (Blowdown line)
MS-135-SV- MS-135-
Bypass) SDV30x25 SDV30x03 EBDV30x26
To xx [1] SV0xx [2]
Length (m) 6.0 1.9 7.6 3.4 31.1 3.8
Diameter / Class 2” / J70 10” ID 10” / J70 6” / J70 8” / J70 3” / J70

Riser / Manifold All risers All risers All risers All risers All risers Prod. man.
From Point A Point A HV30x01 HV30x02 Choke valve Risers
HV30x01 HV30x02 Manifolds Manifolds DS3110A
To SV0xx [3]
Length (m) 11.1 4.7 + 7.1 33.5 1.6 30.0 97.8 + 22.4
14 “+ 12” / 20” / J70 +
8” / J70 16” / J70 10” / J70 10” / J70
Diameter / Class J70 F23

[1], [2], [3] : Some manual valves are used to set the model limits. However they do not have tag
numbers. They are installed before ROV30x17 (for line [1]), RO30x14 (for line [2]), on 103 line for
crude oil return (for line [3]). The volume of lines [2] and [3] were neglected in the previous model.

Drum DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A DS3110A

Length (m) 23.4 + 10.7 0 (conservative) 48.6 0 (conservative) 19.9
Diameter / Class 16” + 12” / F23 12” / F70 16” / F70 12” / F23 18” / F23
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AKPO Field Development Project

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VENDOR ref: 8577Y-2000-CN-0008-013 -- -- -- -- --

B-3 Vessel

Following datas were used to model the first stage separator :

Tag DS3110A
Service First stage separator
Length 15.8 m
Diameter 4.4 m
LAL 1700 mm
NLL 2100 mm
LAH 2600 mm
Total volume (including
284.8 m3
hemispherical heads)

Levels correspond to those described in rev.01 of the datasheet.

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