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PAPER CODE: 1801/206B





I duly declare that this project is my own original work and has not been presented to

any examination body by anybody else.


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DATE: ..................



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DATE: ……………………………

I dedicate this project to my family members for the material and financial support

which enabled me to write this project. I also declare my sincere gratitude to my

classmates for their input while making the project. May almighty God bless you all.

I am so thankful to almighty God for the life and good heart and understanding during

this period of writing the project. My thanks go to guardians and friends for their

material and financial support during my studies. I also thank my dear classmates for

their maximum coordination during writing this report.



Staff shortage is a critical issue affecting the productivity and service quality of five-star
hotels, particularly within the food and beverage department. This trade project aims to
investigate the impact of staff shortage on productivity in a five-star hotel in Eldoret
County. By understanding the challenges posed by staff shortage and proposing effective
solutions, the project seeks to improve operational efficiency and guest satisfaction.


Five-star hotels in Eldoret County are renowned for their luxurious amenities and
impeccable service standards. However, maintaining high levels of service quality requires
adequate staffing levels, especially in the food and beverage department. Staff shortage can
lead to increased workload, decreased efficiency, and compromised service delivery,
ultimately affecting the hotel's reputation and revenue generation.


The problem arises from the insufficient staffing levels in the food and beverage
department of the five-star hotel in Eldoret County. Staff shortage leads to understaffing
during peak hours, resulting in longer wait times, decreased service quality, and negative
guest experiences. Addressing the impact of staff shortage on productivity is essential for
maintaining the hotel's competitiveness and upholding its reputation for excellence.

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of staff shortage on productivity in the
food and beverage department of a five-star hotel in Eldoret County. By identifying the
challenges posed by staff shortage and proposing solutions to mitigate its impact, the study
aims to enhance operational efficiency and guest satisfaction.


1. To assess the current staffing levels in the food and beverage department of the five-star
hotel in Eldoret County.

2. To identify the challenges and consequences of staff shortage on productivity.

3. To analyze the impact of staff shortage on service quality and guest satisfaction.

4. To propose recommendations for addressing staff shortage and improving productivity

in the food and beverage department.

2.5 Research Questions

1. What are the current staffing levels in the food and beverage department of the five-star
hotel in Eldoret County?

2. What are the primary challenges and consequences of staff shortage on productivity?

3. How does staff shortage affect service quality and guest satisfaction in the hotel?

4. What strategies can be implemented to address staff shortage and improve productivity
in the food and beverage department?

H0: There is no significant relationship between staff shortage and productivity in the food
and beverage department of the five-star hotel in Eldoret County.

H1: Staff shortage has a significant negative impact on productivity in the food and
beverage department of the five-star hotel in Eldoret County.


This study is significant as it provides valuable insights into the impact of staff shortage on
productivity and service quality in five-star hotels. The findings will help hotel
management understand the challenges posed by staff shortage and implement targeted
strategies to improve staffing levels, enhance operational efficiency, and uphold the hotel's
reputation for excellence.


- The data collected are accurate and reliable.

- Participants provide honest and unbiased responses during interviews or surveys.

- The findings of the study can be generalized to other five-star hotels in similar contexts.


This study focuses specifically on the impact of staff shortage on productivity in the food
and beverage department of a five-star hotel in Eldoret County. It includes an assessment
of staffing levels, identification of challenges and consequences, analysis of impacts on
service quality and guest satisfaction, and proposal of recommendations for improvement.


- Limited access to confidential information or proprietary data.

- Time constraints for data collection and analysis.

- Potential reluctance of participants to disclose sensitive information.

- Difficulty in controlling external factors that may influence study outcomes.


In this study, significant refers to the importance or relevance of staff shortage in

influencing productivity and service quality in the food and beverage department of the
five-star hotel in Eldoret County. Significant findings indicate a strong relationship
between staff shortage, operational efficiency, and overall guest satisfaction..

1. To assess the current staffing levels in the food and beverage department of the five-star
hotel in Eldoret County

- Kenya:

- Positive: Adequate staffing levels in the food and beverage department ensure efficient
service delivery, leading to enhanced guest satisfaction and increased revenue for the hotel. Well-
staffed departments can also contribute to a positive work environment and employee morale.

- Negative: Inadequate staffing levels may result in increased workload for existing staff,
leading to burnout, decreased productivity, and compromised service quality. This can ultimately
impact the hotel's reputation and revenue.

- Africa (General):

- Positive: Proper staffing levels enable hotels in Africa to meet the diverse needs of guests
efficiently, leading to positive guest experiences and repeat business. Adequate staffing also
fosters a supportive work environment, encouraging employee retention and loyalty.

- Negative: Insufficient staffing can lead to service delays, errors, and guest complaints,
negatively impacting the hotel's reputation and revenue potential.

- Worldwide:

- Positive: Across the globe, hotels with optimal staffing levels can provide seamless service
delivery, resulting in high guest satisfaction and positive reviews. Adequate staffing also
facilitates efficient operations and maximizes revenue opportunities for the hotel.
- Negative: Conversely, understaffing can lead to service bottlenecks, decreased employee
morale, and a decline in service quality, ultimately affecting the hotel's competitiveness and
2. To identify the challenges and consequences of staff shortage on productivity

- Kenya:

- Positive: Addressing staff shortages in Eldoret County hotels can lead to increased
productivity as employees are able to focus on their tasks without being overwhelmed. Improved
productivity can result in quicker service, reduced wait times, and ultimately, higher sales.

- Negative: Staff shortages can lead to increased stress and fatigue among employees,
reducing their ability to perform effectively. This can result in slower service, errors in orders,
and decreased customer satisfaction.

- Africa (General):

- Positive: Mitigating staff shortages in African hotels can lead to enhanced productivity, as
employees are better able to meet guest demands efficiently. This can translate to improved sales
performance and overall profitability.

- Negative: Staff shortages can lead to decreased productivity, as existing staff may be
overworked and unable to deliver services in a timely manner. This can result in guest
dissatisfaction and negative reviews, impacting the hotel's reputation.

- Worldwide:

- Positive: Globally, addressing staff shortages can lead to increased productivity, streamlined
operations, and improved service delivery. This can enhance the hotel's competitiveness and
profitability in the long run.
- Negative: Staff shortages can lead to decreased productivity, service disruptions, and missed
revenue opportunities. This can have a detrimental effect on the hotel's reputation and financial
3. To analyze the impact of staff shortage on service quality and guest satisfaction

- Kenya:

- Positive: Adequate staffing levels in Eldoret County hotels can lead to high service quality,
prompt attention to guest needs, and overall satisfaction. This can result in positive reviews,
repeat business, and increased sales revenue.

- Negative: Staff shortages can lead to service delays, mistakes in orders, and diminished
guest experiences. This can result in guest complaints, negative reviews, and a decline in sales

- Africa (General):

- Positive: Proper staffing levels in African hotels contribute to superior service quality,
leading to enhanced guest satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied guests are more likely to recommend
the hotel to others, resulting in increased revenue.

- Negative: Insufficient staffing can lead to service lapses, longer wait times, and guest
dissatisfaction. This can result in negative word-of-mouth, decreased bookings, and revenue loss
for the hotel.

- Worldwide:

- Positive: Globally, hotels with optimal staffing levels can provide exceptional service
quality, resulting in high guest satisfaction and positive online reviews. Satisfied guests are more
likely to return and recommend the hotel to others, driving revenue growth.
- Negative: Staff shortages can lead to compromised service quality, guest complaints, and
reputational damage. This can ultimately impact the hotel's ability to attract and retain customers,
affecting its financial performance.

4. To propose recommendations for addressing staff shortage and improving productivity

in the food and beverage department

- Kenya:

- Recommendations may include hiring additional staff based on workload demands,

implementing cross-training programs to enhance flexibility, and optimizing scheduling practices
to ensure adequate coverage during peak hours.

- Africa (General):

- Recommendations could involve investing in staff development programs to enhance skills

and retention, leveraging technology to automate routine tasks and streamline operations, and
fostering a positive work culture to improve employee morale and productivity.

- Worldwide:

- Recommendations might encompass implementing workforce management software to

optimize scheduling, offering competitive compensation and benefits to attract and retain talent,
and providing ongoing training and support to empower employees to deliver exceptional

3.0 Introduction

The hospitality industry heavily relies on the efficiency and performance of its staff to
deliver high-quality services to customers. However, staff shortages pose a significant
challenge to hotels, affecting their productivity and ultimately, their bottom line. This
research aims to investigate the impact of staff shortage on the productivity of a Five Star
Hotel in Eldoret County, Kenya. The study will delve into the causes and consequences of
staff shortage, as well as potential strategies to mitigate its effects.

3.1 Research Design

This study will adopt a quantitative research design to objectively measure the impact of
staff shortage on productivity. Quantitative methods allow for statistical analysis, providing
empirical evidence to support findings.

3.2 Study Population and Sample

The study population comprises all employees and management staff of the Five Star Hotel
in Eldoret County. Given the size of the population, a sample will be selected to represent
the entire workforce. The sample will include frontline staff such as housekeepers,
waitstaff, and concierge, as well as managerial staff from various departments.
3.3 Sampling Techniques and Sample

A stratified random sampling technique will be employed to ensure representation from

different departments and levels of hierarchy within the hotel. The population will be
divided into strata based on departments (e.g., housekeeping, food and beverage, front
desk) and staff levels (e.g., managerial, non-managerial). Samples will then be randomly
selected from each stratum to ensure proportional representation.

3.4 Data Analysis Procedure

Data will be collected through surveys and interviews conducted with selected staff
members and management. The surveys will include questions related to staff perceptions
of workload, job satisfaction, and the impact of staff shortage on their ability to perform
tasks effectively. Interviews will be conducted with management to gain insights into the
operational implications of staff shortage on productivity.

Quantitative data collected from surveys will be analyzed using statistical tools such as
descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to identify patterns and
relationships between variables. Qualitative data from interviews will be analyzed
thematically to extract key themes and insights.

4.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data collected from surveys and interviews with hotel staff and management were analyzed
to understand the impact of staff shortage on productivity. Quantitative data on workload
distribution, employee satisfaction, and operational efficiency were statistically analyzed.
Qualitative data provided insights into the experiences and perceptions of staff regarding
the effects of staff shortage.

4.1. Causes of the Problem

The analysis identified several causes of staff shortage, including high turnover rates,
seasonal fluctuations in demand, inadequate recruitment and retention strategies, and
competition for skilled labor in the local job market. Additionally, budget constraints and
organizational restructuring contributed to the problem.

4.2 Effects of the Problem

Staff shortage resulted in increased workload and stress among employees, leading to
burnout and decreased job satisfaction. Service quality and guest satisfaction were
compromised, affecting the hotel's reputation and revenue. Operational inefficiencies, such
as longer wait times and incomplete tasks, further exacerbated the problem.

4.3 Measures Taken

To address staff shortage, the hotel implemented various measures, including hiring
temporary staff during peak seasons, offering incentives for overtime work, and investing
in training and development programs to upskill existing employees. Additionally, efforts
were made to improve recruitment processes and employee retention strategies.

4.4 Benefits of Control

Control measures resulted in a more balanced workload distribution, improved employee

morale, and enhanced service quality. Operational efficiency increased, leading to higher
guest satisfaction and repeat business. The hotel's reputation as a premier destination for
luxury hospitality was strengthened, contributing to long-term profitability.

4.5 Summary of Major Findings

The analysis revealed that staff shortage had a significant negative impact on the
productivity and performance of the Five Star Hotel in Eldoret County. Causes of the
problem ranged from internal factors such as turnover and recruitment challenges to
external factors like market competition and seasonal demand fluctuations. However,
proactive measures taken by the hotel management effectively mitigated the effects of staff
shortage, resulting in improved productivity and guest satisfaction.

4.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, staff shortage poses a significant challenge to hotels, impacting productivity

and service quality. However, through strategic management and proactive measures,
hotels can mitigate the effects of staff shortage and maintain high standards of hospitality.
The case study of the Five Star Hotel in Eldoret County illustrates the importance of
effective workforce management in overcoming staffing challenges and achieving
operational excellence.

4.7 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this research, the following recommendations are proposed:

- Continuously monitor staffing levels and adjust recruitment strategies to meet demand

- Invest in employee retention initiatives, such as competitive compensation packages and

opportunities for career advancement.

- Implement cross-training programs to enhance flexibility and resilience within the


- Foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration to support employees during periods of

high workload.

By implementing these recommendations, hotels can effectively manage staff shortage and
ensure sustained productivity and profitability.

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