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Candijay Campus
College of Teacher Education

Vision: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for
sustainable development in Bohol and the country.

Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and
technological fields; undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol
and the country.

Student Intern’s Actual Teaching Observation and Rating Sheet

(For use of Teaching Internship Supervisor/Mentor)

Name of Student Intern: Carl Justine Ladra ____

Name of the Teaching Internship Mentor: Leah Joyce D. Oray___________________________
School: Candijay National High School _____
Subject Taught: Mathematics ____ Grade Level: 8____ Date: April 03, 2024 Time: 7:45 – 8:45

Legend: 1 – Outstanding 2 – very Satisfactory 3 – Fair 4 – Needs Improvement

Indicators 1 2 3 4
 The teacher is wearing prescribed uniform, neat and well-groomed.
 The teacher is free from mannerisms that tend to disturb the students’
 The teacher’s personality is strong enough to command respect and
 The teacher shows dynamism and enthusiasm.
 The teacher has well-modulated voice.
 Lesson plan is well-prepared (has all the necessary parts).
 There is congruence between:
 Objective and subject matter
 Objective and teaching procedure
 Objective and formative test
 Objective and assignment
The teacher
 Demonstrates in depth knowledge of the subject matter.
 Is able to relate lessons to actual life situations.
 Keeps abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field.
 Gives sufficient and concrete examples to create meaningful learning
 Methods used were suited to the needs and capabilities of the students.
 The teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her method to the
students’ capabilities.
 Visual aids and other examples were used to illustrate the lesson.
 Gives sufficient and concrete examples to create meaningful learning
 The teacher had a systematic way of checking:
 Attendance
 Assignment/homework/agreement
 Practice exercises
 Group works/projects
 Passing in and out of the room
 Correcting, distributing, and collecting paper
 Order and discipline were present in the classroom

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Candijay Campus
College of Teacher Education

Vision: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for
sustainable development in Bohol and the country.

Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and
technological fields; undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol
and the country.

Student Intern’s Actual Teaching Observation and Rating Sheet

(For use of Teaching Internship Supervisor/Mentor)

 Visual aids were within easy to reach to the teacher during teaching

The teacher’s questioning skill is:
 Probing for learners’ understanding.
 Helping students articulate their ideas and thinking process.
 Promoting risk-taking and problem solving.
 Facilitating factual recall.
 Encouraging convergent and divergent thinking.
 Simulating curiosity.
 Helping students to ask questions.



Observed and Rated by:


Date: ________________

To obtain the rating, count the number of check in each column. Multiply the number of
check under 1 (Outstanding) by 1, 2 (Very Satisfactory) by 2, 3 (Fair) by 3, and 4 (Needs
Improvement) by 4. Add all the products and divide it by the number of items (33 items).

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