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BPT1501- Assessment 5 (627159)

Sisonke-Lapeng Mashigo (21495203)

Question 1.1

(i)Enhance the quality of teaching and learning:

To improve comprehension and engagement, make use of educational apps or tools

that provide interactive simulations, online labs or multimedia materials. Also include
online collaboration tools so that students may communicate and share knowledge
on group projects and debates. This improves the standard of instruction and

(ii)Make learning fun:

To encourage and engage students, incorporate gamification aspects into educational

applications or platforms that provide points or levels. And to make learning more
entertaining and immersive, use multimedia content like cartoons, films or
holographic experiences. This adds happiness to learning.

(iii)Promote innovation:

Integrate coding or programming tools to encourage creative problem-solving and

innovation. Also explore emerging technologies such as augmented reality or artificial
intelligence to demonstrate real-world applications and inspire innovative thinking.
This encourages originality.

(iv)Bring the quiet and shy learner to life:

Implement anonymous polling or response systems to encourage participation from

all students, including the shy and quiet ones. And use digital storytelling platforms or
multimedia presentations to provide alternative ways for students to express
themselves and contribute to class discussions. This brings the introverted and timid
students out of their shells.
Question 2.1

1. Reliance: An excessive dependence on technology might impede the growth of

critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

2.Unfairness: There is a digital gap and unequal learning chances since not all
students have comparable access to technology.

3. Distraction: Students may become distracted by technology and find it harder to

concentrate on their academic work.

Question 2.2

1. Reliance: To guarantee that students acquire logical thinking and problem-solving

abilities, strike a balance between the use of technology and conventional teaching

2. Unfairness: Ensuring that all students have equal access to technological resources
and providing alternate teaching strategies for those who do not.

3. Distraction: Strict rules regarding the use of technology in class should be put in
place, and interactive and interesting content should be included to keep students'

Question 2.3

It is unlikely that technology will be able to completely replace teachers, even though
it can enhance and improve teaching and learning. Teachers are vital members of the
educational ecosystem because they can offer individualized guidance, foster
psychological and social development and create an atmosphere that promotes
Technology can supplement and improve teaching, but it cannot replace the human
element, empathy and interpersonal skills that teachers bring to the classroom.
Teachers play a critical role in guiding students, providing them with individualized
care and attending to each student's unique learning needs.

In addition, not all subjects or teaching philosophies lend themselves to technology-

based learning, and in many cases, a teacher's presence is necessary to foster
discussion, provide feedback and ensure that students are actively participating in
their education.

Because of this it is unlikely that technology will ever completely replace teachers in
the classroom, even if it may aid and enhance educational experiences.

The ideal approach is to integrate technology in a way that enhances and adds to the
guidance and expertise provided by teachers.



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The IoT Academy. (2024). Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education.
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Walter, J. (2020). 7 Disadvantages of Technology in Education.
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(AUTHOR UNKNOWN). (2020). 5 Disadvantages of Technology in the Classroom (And How to

Overcome Them).
technology-in-the-classroom-and-how-to-overcome-them/ accessed on 15 April 2024.
The Truthful Tutor. (2024). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education.
accessed on 15 April 2024.

Alhumaid, K. (2019). Four Ways Technology Has Negatively Changed Education.
vely_Changed_Education accessed on 15 April 2024.

Curtin, D. (2023). Will Technology Replace Teachers? - PLT4M.

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Goel, A. (2019). Can technology replace teachers?.
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JetLearn. (2024). Teachers vs. Technology: The Synergy of New Transformation. accessed on 15 April 2024.

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Jain, D. (2024). How Can AI In Education Benefit Teachers Without Replacing Them?.
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