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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

Case Study – Grow Management Consultants

Grow Management Consultants specialises in leadership consultancy. It has been operational for
five years. The company offers a range of services to assist companies in assessing existing
managers' leadership behaviour and performance metrics. The leadership program consists of:

● leadership conference

● professional development workshops

● an E-book.

The objectives of this program align with the Grow management consultant's strategic goals and
objectives (outlined in the Strategic Plan). The specific objectives are:

● Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.

● The customer-centred practice focuses on meeting their total needs for high-quality

● Strengthen the skills of our people to support customers better.

Each year, the company runs a Leadership Conference in October. Daniel Streep, the
Administration Manager, is responsible for organising this year’s Conference. Dan has been
responsible for the Conference for the last two years. The invited speakers are industry and
academic leaders who are well-known and respected. Most rarely speak in public, so the
Conference is always well attended. It has shown a small profit every year it has been run.
The company offers regular professional development workshops on leading and managing staff.
The workshops are conducted every 3 months in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, doubling as
networking events. The workshops are also offered to businesses, who run them for their
management as part of their ongoing education programs. In 2020/2021, the company ran a total
of 36 workshops. The Operations Manager, Donna Chisholm, is responsible for organising and
developing all the workshops.
The workshops are the principal means of advertising for the company’s consultancy services,
where most of the Grow Management Consultant’s income is generated. The senior consultants
run the workshops. They and their assistants (who also work as consultants) use the contacts
generated there to get commissions to carry out management-level assessments and projects for
the company. Donna coordinates the consultants with the workshops.

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The company has also produced an E-book Business Growth Leadership Techniques. The E-book
has had reasonable sales, but these have been restricted to Conference and workshop attendees,
where they have been well received. Several senior consultants have also expressed interest in
writing an eBook in their expertise. The developed eBook project was led by Erin O'Donnell, who
has been the company’s Marketing Manager for three years. The eBook was identified as a
company asset that could generate more income with more effective marketing, and Erin was
appointed the eBook Project Manager.
The new CEO wants you to ensure that risk management is built into the program approach and
has asked you to plan program risk management.

Information relevant to Section 1 of the Project Portfolio

The help you get started, the CEO has forwarded a summary of the feedback from stakeholders
involved in program risk management to date:

● Risk Management Plan needs to be very clear and comprehensive

● Use a range of risk management tools and techniques

● Involve stakeholders early in the risk management process

● Prioritise risks

● Carefully analyse risks to determine appropriate risk feedback.

● Monitor risks carefully, as they can change.

The CEO and all stakeholders who have approved your risk management plans are on board and
excited about the program's benefits to the organisation.
Dan Streep approaches you. He asks if developing a mentoring relationship with you would be
possible. He is interested in learning more about program risk management and moving into a
program role in the future with a particular focus on program risk management, reflecting his area
of interest. He would also like to know more about program risk management generally, as well as
how to identify program risks and analysis, evaluation and treatment of risks in the context of
program management.
You speak to the CEO about this, who approves the mentoring relationship.

Information relevant to Section 2 of the Project Portfolio

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Time has passed, and you would like to review the project's progress. In response to an email you
sent, you received the following updates:
Dear [your name]
Thank you for your email. I have been monitoring my assigned risks and am always looking for
new potential risks. Thank you for your ongoing mentoring; I have benefitted from the sessions.
The Leadership conference planning is going well – and we're on track to have everything ready.
We are still not sure what the conference attendees expect from the Conference. We need to make
sure we deliver to meet expectations.
Kind regards
Daniel Streep

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Dear [your name]

Thanks for checking. I've had positive feedback about the actual workshops from everyone
attending our workshops. However, many attendees have expressed concern about our resource
usage. They say a lot of paper is wasted, and a few have commented about our sustainability
practices. I don't know how to address this feedback.
Kind regards
Donna Chisholm

Dear [your name]

The E-book is progressing very well. The content has been developed and is almost ready to be
launched. Some administrative staff have been under much pressure, working many extra hours.
The strain is starting to affect the quality of their work. We need a dedicated staff member to assist
in administering the E-book.
Erin O’Donnell

You have decided to respond to the variances in program progress as follows:

Variance/Challenge Remedial action

Unsure of client expectations for a leadership Develop a client questionnaire that can be
conference. used to measure client expectations and

Workshops need to be using resources Measure the company’s environmental

optimally. sustainability and resource usage,
commencing with the head office location.

E-book staff is overworked, and quality is thus Create a job description for a new
affected. administrative role to assist in program
administration (to free up the time for the
existing staff to concentrate on the E-book

You requested permission from the CEO to proceed with the remedial action. His response was as

Dear [your name]

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Thank you for your thought and effort in managing the program risk to achieve our objectives.
I agree with your risk responses. However, the workshop's environmental resource usage is a
larger issue, and I would like to give it more thought. We need to seek advice from an external
Please continue with the other two actions. I recommend using a free survey tool (such as
SurveyMonkey) for the questionnaire. Extend the questionnaire to all aspects of the program – we
can send it to all our clients. Also, use our business Job Description Template when creating the
job description. This role should assist in general program administration to free up time for another
staff member to focus on the e-book.
Kind regards

Information relevant to Section 3 of the Project Portfolio

The program has been completed. The organisation's profit margin is on track to achieve 10%. A
recent staff survey to measure staff satisfaction levels produced the following results:

What do you like most about working for this organisation?

● The people I work with and the people I work for.

● The goal-oriented atmosphere and the drive of the company to grow.

● Seeing everyone achieve their goals.

● The feeling that what I do on a day-to-day basis directly impacts our company and its

● There is always something new and exciting in the works; every day, there is an effort to
improve things for the company and the clients.

● Commitment to training and professional development.

What do you like least about working for this organisation?

● Unstructured performance review.

● More training is needed.

● Irrelevant training – the training I recently completed in management did not help me to do

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my job; I would have preferred on-the-job training.

● More communication between staff and management is needed.

● I was not rewarded for my efforts.

● I was asked to do things above and beyond my job description.

● It should have been recognised for its efforts.

What causes you the most stress or frustration at work?

● Disorganised processes need to be more consistent with managerial decisions.

● Too much work.

● It is only sometimes clear what my role is.

If you were the CEO of this organisation, what would you do differently?

● Set clearer goals and rewards for my staff.

● More staff participation in the meetings.

● Lay out a vision, give each person clear expectations and job descriptions, and "let go" so
the business runs as efficiently as possible.

● Give timely and effective feedback.

● Employ more women in project positions to add diversity to the organisation.

● On-the-job training is most beneficial so I would focus on this.

What about this organisation causes you to give more than what's expected (or
necessary to keep your job)?

● I connect with the vision of the company.

● I want to see the company succeed.

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● I want to keep my job.

● The company is growing, and I've been able to transition into a new managerial role.

What about this organisation causes you to withhold an extra effort?

● My specific role within the company does not tap into my full potential.

● I am unchallenged here, so I am not working as hard or trying as hard as possible.

● We are seeing a need for more effort from others.

What gets in the way of teamwork and cooperation in this organisation?

● People who need to make the effort to find out about the company and its services and

● Procedures that are set up for very good reasons but need to be followed.

● Managers that are not available when you need them because they are often in meetings.
Meetings are important, but so is supporting your team in every way possible.

● There can be an "us versus them" mentality; I've found this with some staff members
promoted to senior roles.

● Lack of clearly defined projects.

● Lack of interconnected across projects.

What could be done to improve teamwork and cooperation?

● People need to be trained properly by a manager to learn the proper procedures and be
encouraged to take notes for future reference. This will also allow the manager to see the
employees' progress (or lack thereof).

● The three-month probation period to determine whether or not the person will fit in with the
team and be able to grow with the company. The three-month probation is not being used.

● Better communication and cooperation throughout the whole company.

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● Better communication.

● Better project plans and progress reporting.

The Leadership Conference took place, and client expectations were met. The following comments
were received:

● It was a great conference; there was excellent communication before the meeting, and my
expectations were exceeded. Great job!

● Thanks for the helpful Conference, but I think you should consider sustainability – too much
paper was wasted.

● This was a worthwhile use of my time, thank you. Next time, think about smaller details such
as access to device charging stations and recycling bins.
All workshops were also completed as planned.
A new program administrator was appointed, which helped the staff working on the E-book to
reduce their workload and improve the quality of their outputs. The following performance
reviews were done for the E-book administration staff:

Name: Janie Chaplain

Position: Administration officer

Workhours review: Janie worked 10% overtime during this review period. However, after a new
staff member was appointed, her weekly work hours reflected no overtime.

Work output review: Janie worked mostly on the E-book for this review period. She frequently
made small typing or operational errors when working overtime. Her recent work has been
of excellent quality.

Professional development requirements: Training is required to improve technical ability and

resource usage.

Name: Johan Jorg

Position: Administration officer

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Workhours review: Johan worked 15% overtime during this review period. However, after a
new staff member was appointed, his weekly work hours reflected 2% overtime.

Work output review: Johan worked mostly on the E-book for this review period. He frequently
made small technical errors when working overtime. His recent work has been of excellent

Professional development requirements: Training is required to improve his research skills.

You sent a survey to the program managers for their risk management input. The results are
shown below:

CEO Operations Marketing Administration

Manager Manager manager

Was my Yes Yes Yes Yes

clear and

Did you Yes Mostly Mostly Yes – Mentoring

understand your helped
responsibilities in
the risk

Do you agree Yes No – Yes Yes

with the sustainability is
implemented risk important and
responses? should have
been prioritised

Was the remedial Yes Still waiting for a Yes Yes

action effective? sustainability
assessment to
be authorised

What would you More regular risk Include risk Not too sure Mentoring for
do differently? meetings management as everyone
an agenda item
in weekly team

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Are there any Resource usage Resource usage Resource usage Resource usage
residual risks

You have decided to email the CEO to complete the risk management administration. In your
email, you thank them for completing the survey, summarise the overall program outcomes and
transfer the liability for the residual risk to him.

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Company Information

345 High St, Ashbury NSW 2424

+61 02 98787654

Established in 2010, Grow Management Consultants specialises in assisting companies to improve

their employees’ leadership performance.
Grow Management Consultants draws on its up-to-date knowledge and skills in best practice
leadership concepts to assist clients with leadership performance.
Grow Management Consultants are committed to promoting individual and organisational
leadership excellence. We do this by:

● providing mentoring

● providing training

● providing coaching

● providing management consultation

● providing management program evaluation

● providing development of cutting-edge tools, resources and expert advice

● sharing best and next practices

● leading organisations through the process of creating a leadership culture

● recognising and celebrating excellence in leadership.

Grow Management Consultants encourages and nurtures a culture ensuring its team is dynamic
and innovative and maintains the highest possible client service standards.

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Welcome to the Strategic Plan for Grow Management Consultants.
This document outlines our vision for the next three years and how we hope to achieve it.
We hope you enjoy reading this document.
Paul Burns
Grow Management Consultants

Executive Summary
Established in 2010, Grow Management Consultants is a management consultancy company
specialising in providing services to companies to assist them in improving the leadership
performance of their staff. Grow Management Consultancy draws on its up-to-date knowledge and
skills in best-practice leadership concepts to assist clients with leadership performance

Mission Statement
Grow Management Consultants are committed to promoting individual and organisational
leadership excellence. We do this by providing mentoring training, coaching, consultation and
program evaluation; offering cutting-edge tools, resources and expert advice; sharing best and next
practices; leading organizations to create a leadership culture; and recognising and celebrating
excellence in leadership.

Our values are:

Core values underpinning our activities are:

● Quality.

● Innovation.

● Respect.

● Reliability.

Strategic Priorities

To be well led, high-performing, profitable and accountable

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● Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the strategic

● Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue, including establishing a training college
to offer accredited training in leadership.

● Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.

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Develop services to meet customer needs and aspirations

● Increase range of services offered to include change management and diversity.

● Hold an annual Conference.

● Increase sales and range of e-books.

Continue building deeper customer relationships

● Customer-centred practice focuses on meeting their total needs for high-quality management.

● Strengthen the skills of our people to support customers better.

● Drive innovation to meet customer demands better.

Attract, engage and develop the best staff

● Continuing the drive to a customer-centred, high-performance workforce and culture.

● Strengthening the skills of our people to support customer needs better.

● Empowering innovation and responsiveness to change.

● Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce.

● We are employing additional consultants.

● Developing our human resources by implementing a formal human resources framework.

● Exploring the use of technology in human resources.

The Market
The Management Consulting industry has grown weakly over the past five years. Poor demand
from downstream markets constrained industry revenue growth, with financial services and
resource firms cutting spending on management consultants due to economic uncertainty and
falling commodity prices.

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However, businesses using management consultants to introduce new business processes and
enhance operating efficiencies have partly offset this trend. Industry operators have also
increasingly incorporated analytics into their services, which offer clients greater understanding of
their business and clients. Demand for services backed by analytics is expected to contribute to
growth of 3.8% annually until at least 2025.
Research also shows that there is a need for workers to have strong leadership and management
skills to support collaborative management, managing teams for a distance, empowering others
and business acumen. Thus, the demand for leadership consultancy services is still strong.

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Situation Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

● Value and quality ● Brand name not developed as yet

● Strong management ● Small organisation

● Customer loyalty

● Friendly organisational culture

● Level of available finance for investment

Opportunities Threats

● Leadership skills in demand ● High level of competition

● Opportunities to offer a range of services ● The economic downturn means less spent
on consultants

● Failing to satisfy clients' demands

Risk Management
Grow Management Consultants has a comprehensive risk management system and uses a Risk
Management Policy and Procedures and Risk Management Plans.
Potential risks that apply to our objectives and activities as per this Plan include:

Risks Likelihood/Impact Strategy to address risk

Demand for services. Possible/ High Grow Management

Consultant has considered
likely demand and factored
this into projections and

Clients may not pay fees on Unlikely/ Medium This is highly unlikely as there
time, which may cause are strict payment procedures

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temporary cash flow issues. in place.

Competition. Likely/ Medium Have appropriate planning

and strategies in place
completed by market trends to
ensure a unique service

Inability to attract qualified Possible Offer attractive terms and

staff. conditions.

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Marketing Strategies
Our marketing strategies aim to:

● Build our brand.

● Generate leads now.

● Convert those leads quickly.

● have every part of the business supporting each other.

We plan to develop our market share by:

● Improving our marketing and advertising.

● We are continually improving the quality of service given to clients.

● Maintain effective communication channels with all stakeholders to ascertain industry

requirements for dev,elop products, and manage services accordingly.

● continually improving communication channels with all our stakeholders, ensuring timely and
accurate information flow to facilitate effective planning and decision-making.

● Targeted identified growth markets with planned, market-appropriate campaigns employing

various promotional strategies and advertising mediums.

● Offering attractive fee structures to our clients.

● continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of Grow Management

Consultants through our commitment to training and development.

● regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when and
where necessary.

Operational priorities

● Design and develop a monthly newsletter to send out to all clients.

● Create a blog page on web site to provide regular latest news.

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Risk Management Policy and Procedures

To provide information and guidance on Risk Management.

This Policy applies to all Grow Management Consultants employees. The policy extends to all
current and future activities, and new opportunities.

Grow Management Consultants recognises the need for risk management to feature in strategic
and operational planning, day-to-day management and decision making at all levels of the

The following principles form the foundation of the Grow Management Consultants Risk
Management Policy and Procedures.

A commitment to implement risk management effectively

● Grow Management Consultants is committed to managing and minimising risk. This will be
done by identifying, analysing, evaluating and treating risk exposure that may impact Grow
Management Consultants achieving its objectives and/or its operations' continued efficiency
and effectiveness.

● Grow Management Consultants will incorporate risk management into its planning and
decision-making processes, and it must also be included as a consideration in operational
planning as a delegated line management responsibility.

● Grow Management Consultants staff must implement risk management according to relevant
legislative requirements and appropriate risk management standards.

A commitment to training and knowledge development in the area of risk management

● Grow Management Consultants is committed to ensuring that all staff, particularly those with
management, advisory and decision-making responsibilities, obtain a sound understanding of
risk management principles and the requisite skills to implement risk management effectively.

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A commitment to monitor performance and review progress in risk management

● Grow Management Consultants will regularly monitor and review the progress in developing
an appropriate culture of risk management and the effective implementation of risk
management strategies throughout the organisation as a basis for continuous improvement.

First and foremost, risk must be managed at the corporate level as part of the Grow Management
Consultants' good governance and corporate management processes. Risk management is
considered an integral part of all management and decision-making functions within Grow
Management Consultants. The responsibility for identifying risk and implementing control strategies
and follow-up remains a delegated line management responsibility.
All stakeholders have a significant role in the management of risk. This role may range from
identifying and reporting risks associated with their jobs to participating in the risk management


a. Grow Management Consultants aims to:

● integrate risk management into the management culture of Grow Management


● foster an environment where staff assume responsibility for managing risks.

b. To secure its commitment to implement risk management effectively, Grow Management

Consultants aims to:

● Implement risk management across all aspects of Grow Management Consultants by best
practice guidelines.

c. To secure its commitment to training and knowledge development in the area of risk
management, Grow Management Consultants aims to:

● Ensure that performance in risk management is a consideration in the Grow Management

Consultants' performance management systems.

● Ensure that staff and other stakeholders have access to appropriate information: training
and other development opportunities in the area of risk management.

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d. To secure its commitment to monitoring performance and reviewing progress, Grow

Management Consultants aims to:

● ensure that appropriate monitoring, review and reporting processes are in place in risk

e. The objectives of risk management are to:

● provide a structured basis for strategic, tactical and operational planning across Grow
Management Consultants, enhancing its governance and corporate management processes.

● enable Grow Management Consultants to discharge its statutory and legislative financial
management responsibilities effectively.

● provide a practical framework for managers to assess risks inherent in their decisions.

● assist and motivate decision-makers at all levels to make good and proactive management
decisions that keep Grow Management Consultants from unacceptable levels of risk of
unfavourable events that adversely impact the attainment of organisational goals.

● encourage and commit decision-makers to identify sound business opportunities that will
benefit Grow Management Consultants without exposing the company to unacceptable levels
of risk.

● Minimise the risks of not identifying sound business opportunities.

● protect Grow Management Consultants from unacceptable costs or losses associated with
its operations while safeguarding its resources: its people, finance, property and reputation.

● assist Grow Management Consultants in achieving its strategic objectives.

● Create an environment where all staff assume responsibility for risk management.

The principles of risk management shall be applied to all areas of risk exposure, insurable and non-
insurable, and shall include, but not be limited to the following areas:

Insurable Risks Non-Insurable Risks

● Insurable workplace health and safety ● Non-insurable workplace health and

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risks safety risks

● Insurable fraud and corruption prevention ● Non-insurable fraud and corruption

activities prevention activities

● Unauthorised use of resources which ● Unauthorised use of resources which

represent an insurable risk represent a non-insurable risk

● Reputation and image as an insurable ● Reputation and image as a non-insurable

risk risk

● Fire prevention measures and security ● Crisis contingency planning and disaster
precautions recovery

● Property loss and damage ● Accounting controls that are not cost-
● Computer security
● Loss of key staff and intellectual property
● Professional negligence
● Management system inadequacies and
● Other liability exposures poor work quality

● Failure or disruption of a major income

● Legal liability
source or investment


Risk management is a whole of Organisation Process. It must first and foremost be managed at the
corporate level as part of Grow Management Consultants' good governance and corporate
management processes.
This process, coordinated and facilitated by the CEO, will involve the following key steps:

● an annual risk identification exercise undertaken by the CEO. This involves assessing the
consequence and likelihood of risk, developing and reviewing individual risk management
plans for the risks identified that exceed the Grow Management Consultants's defined
acceptable risks

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● wherever practicable, and including a Risk Management Assessment for all business

● the incorporation of risk management into strategic planning, as well as operational and
resource management planning processes

● ensure risk management processes are incorporated into the quality assurance and
improvement systems of Grow Management Consultants

● clearly define and document escalation procedures for risk management

● ensure a consistency in the approach of responses to the same risk by different sections of
Grow Management Consultants

● document all risks with a potentially high impact, as assessed based on their likely occurrence
or impact

● test documented risk management procedures at appropriate intervals.

Risk management is a delegated line management responsibility. It is the responsibility of all line
managers to continually monitor their areas of responsibility to ensure that risks are identified and
managed. Line managers should ensure that a contribution is made to Grow Management
Consultant's risk management process, on behalf of their areas of responsibility, that identifies risks
at all levels.
The sharing of documented responses to risks and knowledge of risk management principles and
procedures will be fostered between line managers to ensure consistency across the Grow
Management Consultants.
On an annual basis, line managers should review all activities to ensure that any unacceptable risk
exposures are identified and managed appropriately. All operational sections must report on risk
management as part of the Grow Management Consultants's annual operational and resource
management process.

Each employee or other stakeholder throughout Grow Management Consultants has a role in the
risk management process and is responsible for actively participating in it as appropriate to their
position within the organisation.

New Opportunities

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In addition to the existing risks, Grow Management Consultants is continually exposed to new risks,
particularly from introducing new activities.
New risks should be incorporated into the initial planning and assessment processes conducted
before undertaking the activity and, subsequently, into the annual risk management assessment at
the appropriate level(s) of activity and management. A risk management plan must then be

PESTLE Analysis
To assist in identifying risks, a PESTLE Analysis should always be conducted. Consider the
following questions to conduct a PESTLE Analysis:

Political Factors: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● When is the country's next election? How could this change government policy?

● What is the current government's approach to business policy and other policies that affect the

● Are there any pending legislation, regulations or taxation changes?

● Is there a trend towards regulation or deregulation?

● How does the government approach corporate policy, corporate social responsibility,
environmental issues, and customer protection legislation?

● Are there any other political factors that need to be considered?

Economic Factors to Consider: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● Is the economy growing, stagnating, or declining?

● Are key exchange rates stable, or do they tend to vary significantly?

● Are customers' levels of disposable income stable or, rising or falling?

● What is the unemployment rate? Will it be easy to build a skilled workforce? Or will it be
difficult to secure a qualified workforce?

● Do consumers and businesses have easy access to credit?

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● How is globalisation affecting the economic environment?

● Are there any other economic factors that need to be considered?

Socio-Cultural Factors to Consider: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● What is the population's growth rate and age profile, and how will this change?

● Are generational shifts in attitude likely to affect business operations?

● What are your society's health, education, and social mobility levels? How are these changing,
and what impact does this have?

● What social attitudes could affect the business? Have there been recent socio-cultural
changes that might affect this?

● How do religious beliefs and lifestyle choices affect the population?

● Are any other socio-cultural factors likely to drive change for the business?

Technological Factors to Consider: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● Are there any new technologies you could use within the business to increase efficiency?

● Are there any new technologies on the horizon that could radically affect the business or the

● Does technology affect work patterns (for example, levels of remote working), and how?

● Are there any other technological factors that should be considered?

Legal Factors to Consider: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● Are there any pending legislation or regulation changes?

● Is there a trend towards increased or decreased regulation?

● How does the government approach customer protection legislation?

● What is the climate in terms of consumer litigation?

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● Are there any other legal factors that need to be considered?

Environmental Factors to Consider: for each factor, consider the impact on the company

● How does the government approach environmental issues, including environmental


● What environmental legislation or regulations impact the business?

● Are there any new technologies that could be used to improve sustainability?

● What are consumer attitudes to environmentalism/sustainability?

● Are there any other environmental factors that should be considered?

Risk Management Planning

The organisation’s Risk Management Plan Template should be used.
The following procedure should be followed for risk management:
1. Gather information about potential risks and risk treatments or controls using various risk
management tools and techniques. The preferred method is brainstorming potential risks with
key staff members and conducting a PESTLE analysis to identify external risks.
2. Confirm key risks and risk treatments or controls to be documented in the risk management
plan. For each risk, indicate the consequence of the risk e.g. loss in sales, loss in profits,
business closure, lack of qualified staff, etc.
3. Identify key risks and document them in the risk register.
4. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the likelihood of
the risk occurring.
5. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the severity of
the risk occurring.
6. Identify and document the agreed treatment or control method for each risk.
7. Assign a ranking to the risk using the risk assessment legend. The ranking of the risk will
determine its importance in terms of risk management.

The CEO will regularly monitor and review the progress in developing an appropriate culture of risk
management and the effective implementation of risk management strategies throughout the

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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

The CEO will ensure that Grow Management Consultants maintains a consistent approach to
assessing acceptable risk through its monitoring, review and reporting functions.

Each stage of the risk management process shall be appropriately documented. The extent of
documentation required is dependent on the nature of the risk. Documentation will be controlled
and become part of an auditable quality management process.

Each manager should provide a representation and compliance statement to formally acknowledge
their responsibility to comply with risk management policies and procedures.
Each employee should have included responsibility for risk management in their Position
Description, and Annual Performance Appraisals should consist of an appropriate assessment

Staff Development
Management shall ensure that staff have appropriate information and training opportunities in risk
management as relevant to their position and role within Grow Management Consultants.

Program Risk Management Plan

The program manager and project managers will use the program risk management plan to ensure
risk control methods are included in all aspects of program management.

The following definitions are based on the Australian and New Zealand Risk Management
Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004.

The chance of something happening which will have an impact on objectives. It is measured in
terms of consequence and likelihood.

A qualitative description or synonym for probability or frequency.

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The outcome of an event or situation, expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being a loss,
injury, disadvantage or gain. There may be a range of possible outcomes associated with an

Risk assessment
The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.

Risk treatment/control methods

Selection and implementation of appropriate options for dealing with risk.
Conceptually, treatment options will involve one or a combination of the following five strategies:

● Avoid the risk.

● Reduce the likelihood of occurrence.

● Reduce the consequences of occurrence.

● Transfer the risk.

● Retain/accept the risk.

Risk management process

The systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to establishing the
context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risk.

Risk management procedure

This risk management plan template should be used. The following procedure should be followed
for risk management:

1. Gather information about potential risks and risk treatments or controls using various risk
management tools and techniques.

2. Confirm key risks and risk treatments or controls to be documented in the risk management
plan. For each risk, indicate the consequence of the risk, e.g. loss in sales, loss in profits,
business closure, lack of qualified staff, etc.

3. Identify key risks and document them in the risk register.

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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

4. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the likelihood of
the risk occurring.

5. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the severity of
the risk occurring.

6. Identify and document the agreed treatment or control method for each risk.

7. Assign a ranking to the risk using the risk assessment legend. The ranking of the risk will
determine its importance in terms of risk management.

Risk Rating = Likelihood x Severity

Catastrophic 5 5 10 15 20 25

Significant 4 4 8 12 16 20
Moderate 3 3 6 9 12 15

Low 2 2 4 6 8 10

Negligible 1 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Improbable Remote Occasional Probable Frequent


Risk assessment legend on the following page.

Risk assessment legend

Catastrophic STOP

Unacceptable URGENT

Undesirable ACTION

Acceptable MONITOR

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Desirable NO ACTION

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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

Risk register

See risk management procedure.

You must document at least five risks and treatment measures.
Evaluate each risk as to whether it is high, medium or low priority and assign an order for treating

Scope of assessment:

Critical success factors:

Internal & external stakeholders:

Risk Consequence Severity Likelihood Treatment or Priority

s Rating Rating control rating (high,
methods medium or

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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

Risk action plan

Each risk identified above should be included in the table below and actions shown. The table
should be copied and pasted for each risk.

Description of risk

Summary of recommended
response and impact

Proposed actions

Resource requirements




Description of risk

Summary of recommended
response and impact

Proposed actions

Resource requirements



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Mentoring Plan

Mentor name:

Mentee name:

Mentee goals:

Practical steps to achieve Goal Actions

this (for each goal)

Meeting schedule for

upcoming six months and
summary of what is to be

Schedule of Meetings:

Signature of Mentee: Signature of Mentor:

Date: Date:

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BSBPM632 Manage Program Risk

Job description template



Job title:

Report to:

Level/Grade Type of position Hours __________/week

Senior management Fulltime

Management Parttime
Support Staff Contractor

General job description

Add job description requirements here.

Work experience required

Add required work experience here.

Skills required

Describe skill required here.

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Education requirements

Add education requirements here.

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