The Differences between Birth Chart Analysis vs. Divisional Chart Analysis

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The Differences between Birth Chart Analysis vs.

Divisional Chart Analysis

by Hank Friedman

Method Birth Charts Divisional Charts

Good Houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 (2, 11)
Bad Houses 6, 8, 12 3, 6, 8, 12
The Meanings of the Houses Yes No (except for D-11)
House that represents a theme specific house, e.g. 4th for home First House of each
Karako Bhavo Nashya karaka in specific house, e.g. Karaka in 1st house of
Venus in the 7th house, worse if D-chart, e.g. Venus in
strong 1st in D-9, worse if
Planets Always Benefic Jupiter and Venus Moon, Mercury,
Venus, Jupiter
Weaknesses that flow from Birth -------- Planetary War,
Chart Combust,
New Moon, Eclipse
Strengths that flow from Birth -------- Vargottama,
Chart Retrograde,
Full Moon
Primary Strengths Own sign, Exalted, Dig Bala, Own sign, Exalted,
Retrograde, Full Moon Dig Bala, Vargottama
Secondary Strengths --------- Retrograde
Primary Weaknesses in Chart Combust, War, Debilitated Debilitated
Rulerships of Houses Used Yes No (except for 1st
house lord)
Yogas used All Yogas including Yogas Very few yogas: e.g.
formed by House Rulership Pancha Maha Purusha,
Neecha Bhangha,
Parivartana, Lagnadhi
Sankhya Yogas determine results No Yes
Type of enemy relationships to Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter versus Sole Enemy
use Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Nakshatra rulership employed No Yes
Sensitivity to Birth Time Errors Birth Chart stays correct for 1 - D-27: 2 - 5minutes
2½ hours D-3: 24 - 45 minutes
Daghda Rashis Yes No
Neecha Bhanga 4 ways of Neecha Bhanga 2 ways of Neecha

Explanation of Table

Note: the method of D-chart analysis was originated by Sheshadri Iyer, and was taught to me by Hart de
Fouw. It is this approach that I am contrasting with birth chart analysis methods.

Good Houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 (2, 11)

Bad Houses 6, 8, 12 3, 6, 8, 12

While the third house is a mild dusthana in birth chart work, it is a fully a negative house in divisional
chart analysis. Dasa lords placed in the third house of a D-chart (with nothing in the 11th house) indicate
an ending of the theme of the D-chart, e.g. in the D-10 if the dasa lord is in the 3rd house, retirement or
career changes will occur during that dasa.

Houses 2 and 11 in D-charts are considered neutral houses, i.e. slightly positive. It takes less to make a
dasa problematic when its dasa lord is in house 2 or 11, than if it occupies a good house.

The Meanings of the Houses Yes No (except for D-11)


In birth chart work, the meanings of each of the houses are vitally important and used extensively. In
D-chart analysis, house meanings are not used at all, except in the D-11 chart, where they indicate from
what directions honors will be received, e.g. a well-placed dasa lord in the 10th house in the D-11
indicates honors will be through career achievements.

House that represents a theme specific house, e.g. 4th for home First House of each D-chart

Karako Bhavo Nashya karaka in specific house, e.g. Karaka in 1st house of D-chart,
Venus in the 7th house, worse if e.g. Venus in 1st in D-9, worse if
strong weak

In regular birth chart work, the standard meanings of each house apply. In D-charts, however, the First
House represents the themes of that D-chart. E.g. The First House of the D-3 chart represents the siblings.
One consequence of this is that malefics in the First House can indicate challenges for the themes of that
D-chart. Also, many planets aspecting the First House of a D-chart indicate the theme quite energized in a
person's life, as does the First House being Vargottama, i.e. in the same sign as the birth chart's Ascendant.

The principle of Karako Bhavo Nashya states that when the planet that signifies a person is in the house
that represents the same person, problems arise. In birth charts, that means that if Mars is in the third
house, younger siblings may have significant issues, or your relationship with one of them may be
noticeably difficult.

Similarly, Moon in the 4th for Mother, Jupiter in the 5th for children, Venus in the 7th for spouse, Sun the
9th for Father, or Jupiter in the 11th for older siblings indicates challenges to the person or to the
relationship with them. The stronger the natal planet is that represents the person, the greater the
disruption. See examples below.

Karako Bhavo Nashya in the Natal Chart

In D-charts, however, since the First House represents the person, it is the placement of Venus in the First
House in the D-9 chart that represents problems with relationships. Similarly, Mars or Jupiter in the First
House in the D-3 for siblings, Sun or Moon in the First House for Father or Mother respectively in the
D-12, or Jupiter in the First House in the D-7 for children cause difficulties. Additionally, for D-charts,
the strength rule reverses: the weaker the planet is that represents the person, the more disruptive the
effect. See examples below.

Karako Bhavo Nashya in Divisional Charts

Planets Always Benefic Jupiter and Venus Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter

In natal chart analysis, the Moon is sometimes considered to be a weak malefic when dark and waning, and
Mercury becomes a malefic planet when it is associated with or aspected by malefics without any contact
with benefics. But in D-charts, Mercury and the Moon are always benefic in nature.

Weaknesses that flow from Birth -------- Planetary War, Combust,

Chart New Moon, Eclipse
Strengths that flow from Birth -------- Vargottama, Retrograde,
Chart Full Moon

If, in a birth chart, a planet is seriously combust (within 3 degrees of the Sun), or in a planetary war, or
the Moon is in the same sign as the Sun (i.e. within 30 degrees of the Sun), or the person is born during an
eclipse, then the weakness of that planet will translate to all of the divisional charts. This means that good
results will be significantly lessened and challenging effects amplified.

On the other hand, if a planet is retrograde, or occupies the same sign in the birth chart and a D-chart (i.e.
is vargottama), or the Moon is in the opposite sign to the Sun in the birth chart, then its strength
translates to the divisional chart(s) and even if badly placed there enables the person to deal with issues
that arise effectively. If the planet is well placed in a D-chart, its positive effects are thereby amplified.

Primary Strengths Own sign, Exalted, Dig Bala, Own sign, Exalted, Dig Bala,
Retrograde, Full Moon Vargottama, Full Moon
Secondary Strengths Vargottama Retrograde

There are small differences between what makes a planet strong in a birth chart and what makes it strong in
a D-chart. Both natal and D-charts see planets as strong when in their own sign, exalted, having dig bala,
and the Full Moon. However, in the natal chart, a planet being retrograde gives it full strength, while in
D-charts, such a planet has strength, but perhaps only half as much. On the other hand, a Vargottama
planet in a natal chart (formed by being in the same sign as it is in the Navamsha chart) only offers full
strength under certain specific conditions, while in a D-chart Vargottama planets (formed by being in the
same sign as the natal chart, except the debilitation sign) have full strength unless the planet has one of the
weakness that flow from the birth chart, as delineated in the last section.

Primary Weaknesses in Chart Combust, War, Debilitated Debilitated

While a planet can be combust or debilitated or in a planetary war in a birth chart, we ignore the degree
positions of planets in D-charts and so neither combustion nor planetary war can arise in specific D-charts.
In addition, since the D-chart position of a planet by sign influences Dasa effects significantly more than
its position by sign in the birth chart, a planet debilitated in the birth chart has little negative influence
over the same planet's effect in a D-chart.

Rulerships of Houses Used Yes No (except for 1st house lord)

Yogas used All Yogas including Yogas Very few yogas: e.g. Pancha Maha
formed by House Rulership Purusha, Neecha Bhangha,
Parivartana, Lagnadhi

In birth chart analysis, how house rulers combine, where they reside, what they aspect are major influences
in interpreting charts. On the other hand, in D-charts house rulerships are completely ignored, except
for the ruler of the D-chart's Ascendant. The ruler of the D-chart's Ascendant is very important, however. It
represents the theme of that D-chart, and therefore its placement and strength show the likelihood of
fulfillment of that theme in the person's life and its Dasa often brings results for the theme of the D-chart.

Because house rulerships are not used in D-charts, yogas that rely on house rulership are to be ignored
completely in D-charts. There are therefore no Raja Yogas formed by house lords combining in D-charts,
for example.

Pancha Maha Purusha yogas depend upon Kendra placement and strength by sign, and therefore they do
apply to D-charts. Similarly, Parivartana Yogas are formed when two planets are in each others' signs. In
D-charts, we don't look at the houses they occupy, however, and only see the Parivartana Yoga formed in a
D-chart as strengthening each planet.

Lagnadhi and Kartari Yogas also work in D-charts. If benefics are in houses 6, 7, and 8 in a D-chart or in
houses 12, 1, and 2, then the D-chart's Ascendant is strengthened and the themes of that D-chart go well.
The opposite effect would happen if all three houses were occupied by malefics. Kartari Yogas also apply,
but only if the adjacent houses to any house are only occupied by benefics or malefics. E.g. If Jupiter was
in the 3rd house of a D-chart and Venus was in the 5th house in that chart, then the Dasa of a planet
occupying the 4th house would become more positive, but only if there were no malefics in houses 3 and 5.

Sankhya Yogas determine results No Yes

The most important factor is D-chart analysis, i.e. for determining whether each dasa go well or poorly
for the theme of that D-chart, is the placement of the Dasa lord by house. If a Dasa lord is in houses 3,
6, 8, or 12, the D-chart's themes go poorly, unless there is a Sankhya Yoga.

The most common factor that can alter the effects of a poor or good Dasa lord placement is the placement
of another planet in the "paired house". This is what forms the Sankhya yoga.

The paired houses are 1 &7, 2 &12, 3 & 11, 4 & 10, 5 & 9, and 6 & 8. If there is a planet in the 12th
house in a D-chart, for example, its Dasa will go poorly for the themes of that D-chart unless there is a
planet in the 2nd house that creates a positive Sankhya Yoga.

Remember that a Shubha Sankya Yoga is formed when there are benefics in both of the paired houses,
indicating the dasas of both benefics go well for the theme of that D-chart. A Papa Sankhya Yoga is
formed when there are malefics in both of the paired houses, indicating that the dasas of both malefics go
poorly for the theme of that D-chart. And if there are only one or more benefics in one of the paired
houses, and only one or more malefics in the other paired house, then a Mishra Sankhya Yoga is formed,
indicating that the dasa of the benefic(s) goes well and the dasa of the malefic(s) goes poorly for the
themes of that D-chart.

Sankhya yogas are not formed in the birth chart, nor used in natal chart analysis.

Type of enemy relationships to Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter versus Sole Enemy
use Mercury, Venus, Saturn

In examining a birth chart, one pays attention to the two groups of friends indicated above in the middle
column. Having the Sun conjoin Mars – since both are friends, or Saturn conjoin Venus (again both
friends) is significantly less problematic than having Saturn conjunct Mars (enemies), for example. In
D-charts, this type of consideration is either ignored or very secondary.

In evaluating birth charts, the principle of a planet being another's Sole Enemy is never used. Sole
enemies are only used in D-chart analysis. As a reminder: Jupiter is the enemy of Venus, Venus of Rahu,
Saturn of the Sun, the Moon of Saturn, Mercury of the Moon, Mars of Mercury, Ketu of Mars, and the
Sun of Jupiter. Because Rahu and Ketu are always conjunct or opposite in D-charts, Rahu does not
function as the sole enemy of Ketu.

Nakshatra rulership employed No Yes

The Vimshottari Dasa system is based upon the ruler of the natal Moon's nakshatra placement. Nakshatra
rulers in the Vimshottari Dasa system are the same as the nakshatra rulers commonly used throughout
Vedic astrology. (Note, other Dasa systems attribute different planetary rulers to each nakshatra.)

Besides determining what planet rules the first dasa (i.e. the ruler of the natal Moon's nakshatra),
nakshatras are used in D-chart analysis in a few additional ways:

1. If a planet is in its own nakshatra (or own or exalted sign) in the birth chart, then at the beginning of its
dasa, the change to the new dasa gives immediate results, both in every D-chart and in the natal chart. If
the dasa lord in not in one of these placements, the new dasa's effects will take much longer to unfold.

2. If two planets in the birth chart are in each other's nakshatra, a nakshatra parivartana yoga occurs,
indicating that the planets are strongly linked to each other, and affect each other in every D-chart.

3. If one planet is in the nakshatra of another (in the birth chart) then the second planet has a unilateral
influence over the first planet in all of the D-charts (unless the second planet is also unilaterally influenced
by the first planet in some way, e.g. by being in the first planet's sign in the D-chart, or by being
unilaterally aspected by the first planet in the D-chart.)

Sensitivity to Birth Time Errors Birth Chart stays correct for 1 - D-27: 2 - 5minutes
2½ hours D-3: 24 - 45 minutes

One of the reasons why Vedic astrology uses Whole Sign Houses (i.e. where every house is one whole
sign) is that it makes Vedic charts much less susceptible to inaccurate birth times. A Vedic natal chart's
planets will only change house placements about once every 1 hour for short ascension signs like Aquarius
or Pisces Ascendants , or a maximum of every 2½ hours for long ascension signs like Leo and Virgo

Planets in D-charts, however, change the houses they are in much more frequently. A five minute error in
birth time will definitely alter the house placement of planets in a D-27 chart, for example. That's why
D-charts are so useful in rectifying a birth time (i.e. finding the precise birth time). The astrologer shifts
the birth time forward or backwards in time by small increments and observes whether the changes in the
D-charts better represents the reality of the person's life.

Daghda Rashis Yes No

Daghda rashis are essentially "moveable dusthanas", i.e. signs that have taken on the nature of the
challenging houses. This concept is part of the Iyer analysis method, but only applies to birth charts.

If the ruler of a daghda rasi is in a good house (anything except 6, 8, or 12) then the challenges to affairs of
the daghda rasi house are magnified (i.e. worse), while if the ruler of a daghda rasi is in house 6, 8, or 12
or another daghda rasi, the affairs of the daghda rasi house go well.

If the ruler of a good house is in a daghda rasi, again the affairs of that house become challenged.

Neecha Bhanga 4 ways of Neecha Bhanga 2 ways of Neecha Bhanga

In birth chart work, a planet in its sign of debilitation can be strengthened if its dispositor is in its own or
exalted sign, or if it aspects the debilitated planet. This is also true in D-charts, however, with the
additional condition that the debilitated planet in the D-chart must be in a kendra or trikona for significant
amelioration to occur.

For natal charts, debilitation can also be helped if the planet that rules the sign that the debilitated
planet is exalted in either aspects the debilitated planet or is in its own sign or exalted sign. This second
set of rules does not apply to D-charts.

The D-chart analysis method is a very powerful method of Vedic astrological prediction, but it is vital to
know which techniques to use in approaching D-charts and which apply only to natal chart analysis.

Copyright © 2007 Hank Friedman --- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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