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ESPA II – Inglés IES Alto Guadiato


El presente continuo se utiliza para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en el mismo
momento en el que hablamos. Normalmente, se utiliza seguido de expresiones como
now, right now, at the momento.
Para formar el presente continuo de los verbos en afirmativa, utilizamos el verbo ‘to be’
en presente simple seguido del verbo principal acabado en -ing. En ocasiones, tenemos
que hacer algunos cambios antes de añadir -ing:
— Los verbos que acaban en -e eliminan la -e: come – coming.
— Los verbos que acaban en -ie cambian -ie por -y: lie – lying
— Los verbos que acaban en una consonante + vocal + consonante acentuada, tanto
por escrito como pronunciado, duplican la última consonante: stop – stopping
En negativa, debemos añadir ‘not’ después del verbo to be, y en interrogativa debemos
alterar el orden del sujeto y el verbo, de modo que el verbo ‘to be’ aparezca al principio
seguido del sujeto de la oración, y finalmente el verbo en - ing.

I Am
Singular You Are
We Are
Plural You Are
They are

Ejercicio 1: Añade -ing a los siguientes verbos:

1. die 7. eat
2. fight 8. blow
3. tan 9. break
4. plan 10. snow
5. sail 11. show
6. prepare 12. do

Ejercicio 2: Complete the following sentences with Present Continuous:

1. They (wait) for us on the corner now.

2. Listen! I think the telephone (ring).
3. I see that you (wear) your new suit today.
4. The boys (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.
5. Mr. Zehavy (not work) in his office today.
6. My parents (go to a concert tonight.
7. The bus driver (not drive) carefully.
8. the pupils (decorate the room at the moment?
9. You (not take) a shower right now. 10.They
(have) sales in all the big stores now.
11. Look! It (begin) to rain
12. At present my grandparent (travel) in London.

ESPA II – Inglés IES Alto Guadiato

13. The maid (clean) the room now.

14. you (watch) TV right now?
15. Sharon (not swim) in the pool at the moment.
16. My brother (not come) home today.
17. Two old ladies (sit) under a tree.
18. they (laugh) at what I said?
19. Ronen (look) for the book which he lost.
20. Mom is sick. She (lie) in bed.

Ejercicio 3: Complete the following sentences with Present Continuous:

a) What you (eat)?

b) Kat (open) the window because she’s hot.
c) My dog (not/ sleep) now.
d) The girls (listen to) music now.
e) My brothers (not/ watch) TV now.
f) she (comb) her hair?
g) Mary (copy) from the blackboard?
h) We (practice) exercises in English.

Ejercicio 4: Complete the following sentences with the present continuous:

1. I (watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favourite team (win)!
3. Someone (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I (not do) my homework.
7. Mum (read) a magazine.
8. My brother (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara (talk) by phone.
11. Joe (play) on the computer.
12. Who (watch) TV?
13. Tina (do) grammar exercises.
14. I (eat) a pizza.
15. We (sit) in the classroom.
16. I (not write) an email.
17. Amy (not go) to school today.
18. We (not have) fun today.
19. My team (not win) the match.
20. My parents (drive) to work now.
21. they (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
22. you (learn) English? Yes, I am.
23. Helen (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. Sarah (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We (not play) basketball

ESPA II – Inglés IES Alto Guadiato

El pasado continuo se utiliza para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en el mismo
momento en el que hablamos.
Para formar el presente continuo de los verbos en afirmativa, utilizamos el verbo ‘to be’
en presente simple seguido del verbo principal acabado en -ing. En ocasiones, tenemos
que hacer algunos cambios antes de añadir -ing. Son los mismos que se aplican en la
formación del presente continuo.
En negativa, debemos añadir ‘not’ después del verbo to be, y en interrogativa debemos
alterar el orden del sujeto y el verbo, de modo que el verbo ‘to be’ aparezca al principio
seguido del sujeto de la oración, y finalmente el verbo en - ing.

I was
Singular You were
We were
Plural You Were
They Were

Ejercicio 4: Completa las oraciones con el pasado continuo. Yesterday…:

1 We (not chat) with friends. 2

I (not play) the guitar.
3 You (study) French.
4 She (not watch) TV.
5 They (laugh) at you. 6
It (not snow).
7 Sarah (listen) to a CD. 8
Jo and Tom (dance).

Ejercicio 5: Completa las oraciones con el pasado continuo:

1 I.....................................letters all day yesterday. (write)

2 You......................................very slow about it. (be)
3 You......................................on the phone for hours and hours. (talk)
4 They......................................much business before lunch. (do NEGATIVE)
5 me all week. Silly cow. (speak NEGATIVE)
6 It.....................................for long. (rain NEGATIVE)
7 What ................................ you...........................................when I phoned yesterday?
8 ................................ you..........................................TV when it happened? (watch)
9 What ................................ the party? (wear)
10 He......................................horrible to everyone, the nasty pig! (be)
11 games all morning. (play)
12 We......................................all afternoon in the library. (revise)

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