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Negotiation Scenarios

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Negotiation is a highly important personal and professional skill which presents itself

with numerous challenges. Understanding how to successfully negotiate with a variety of

persons is important for effective communication across a variety of contexts.The negotiation

scenario I selected was Parents Feuding, which involved Jenny and Ashley, two third grade girls

at Madison Simis Elementary School. After Jenny hit Ashley with a jump rope, Ashley’s parents

(Mr. and Mrs. Jones) called Jenny’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) accusing them of being bad

parents and raising a bully. The objective of this assignment was to gain a better understanding

of the negotiation process and how each step functions, by using the Seven Principles of

Negotiation. My volunteer was my aunty Jeniffer, and our negotiation lasted about 20 minutes.

Were you able to focus on the relationship or did it become competitive?

The objective of the negotiation was to settle the disagreement between the two families.

Throughout the negotiation, I concentrated on the relationship and attempted to retain mutual

respect. I understood the necessity of understanding each family’s requirements, wants, and

interests and creating a solution that both families would be satisfied with (Kenny, 2018). It was

crucial to underline that both families were invested in the well-being of the children and that

they both wanted to ensure the girls would still be able to connect with each other healthily and

constructively. I underlined this by underlining that the girls had been friends since before they

started kindergarten and by noting that the Smiths and the Jones had become friends. Although

there were moments of tension, I was able to remain respectful and cool and was able to focus on

the relationship instead of the competition (Boulle & Rycrof, 2018).

What elements of communication were you able to attend to and which did you

struggle the most with?


I was able to address the communication element by creating a safe space for both parties

to voice their feelings and worries and by attentively listening to the Jones' perspective. I also

displayed compassion and comprehension for their rage and pain. I was able to convey that the

Smiths were also affected by the occurrence and desired for the girls to continue to get along. I

struggled a bit with the ability to present a clear and succinct explanation of the Smiths'

perspective, as I was attempting to balance all sides of the issue and ensure that both sides felt

heard. I was also able to maintain a good outlook and keep my attention on the larger goal of

finding a solution that both parties could accept.

Did you remain on the interest or did it get personal?

I was able to maintain a focus on the interests of both parties and prevent the debate from

becoming personal throughout the entirety of the negotiation (Astor, 2017). I was able to

concentrate on locating a solution upon which all parties could agree, and I refrained from

insulting the other party or making personal remarks. I was able to convey that both families

cared about the well-being of the children and wished for the girls to continue to connect in a

healthy and good manner. In addition, I was able to convey that both families were hurt by the

incident and that we wanted to make sure the girls could still get along. I was also able to assess

the requirements of both sides and focus on finding a solution that benefited everyone.

What options did you generate for the outcome?

Throughout the negotiation, I was able to generate multiple potential outcomes. I offered

that both families meet face-to-face to discuss the occurrence and devise a strategy to resolve the

conflict. I also suggested that both families agree on a set of rules and expectations for their

children to follow in order to prevent future occurrences of such instances. I suggested that the

two families apologize to one another and agree to go forward.


What were your solution criteria?

My solution criterion centered on locating a solution upon which both parties could

agree. I wanted to guarantee that the solution would be equitable and advantageous for both

parties, while also meeting the requirements of both families. I also wished to guarantee that the

proposed solution would be practical and realizable, and that all parties would be willing to

commit to its implementation.

Did you achieve your desired outcome or use the BATNA?

I was able to achieve my desired outcome by using the BATNA. I was able to negotiate

with the other party in order to come up with a solution that both parties could agree on. I was

also able to use the BATNA as leverage in order to ensure that both parties would be willing to

commit to the outcome (Sebenius, 2017).

Was the commitment fair and realistic? How so?

Both parties were prepared to commit to the outcome, therefore the commitment was

reasonable and fair. In that it made sure that all parties could come to a solution that benefited

everyone, it was fair. Furthermore, it was realistic in that it offered a clear strategy for how the

two families should proceed in a helpful and constructive way. In order to discuss the occurrence

and develop a strategy to settle the conflict, both families consented to meet in person. They also

decided on a set of guidelines and requirements for their kids to follow in order to avoid

repeating the same mistakes. Both families also consented to extend apologies to one another and

move on.

How might this negotiation have been different if it were real and not a role play?

I feel the outcome would have been different if this negotiation had been real rather than

a role play. In a real negotiation, emotions are likely to be higher, as are the stakes. The parties

involved are more inclined to adopt a firm line and refuse to compromise. Furthermore, reaching

an arrangement that was favorable to all parties involved may have been more challenging.

Furthermore, keeping the talk focused on the interests rather than going personal would have

been more challenging. Furthermore, there would be more time and resources available to come

up with a solution in a real negotiation, and the participants would have more incentive to

achieve an agreement.


In conclusion, this negotiation role-play was a valuable experience in understanding the

negotiation process and how each step functions. Throughout the negotiation, I was able to focus

on the relationship between the two families and to ensure that both sides felt heard. By using the

Seven Principles of Negotiation, I was able to effectively negotiate with the other party and come

up with a solution that both parties could agree on. I was able to focus on the relationship instead

of the competition, effectively use communication strategies, remain on the interests instead of

the positions, generate options for the outcome, set solution criteria, use the BATNA, and make a

fair and realistic commitment. This experience has helped me gain a better understanding of the

negotiation process and how to successfully negotiate with a variety of persons. Overall, this

negotiation provided an insightful experience into the negotiation process and its importance in

effective communication.


Astor, H. (2017). Mediator neutrality: Making sense of theory and practice. Social & Legal

Studies, 16(2), 221-239.

Boulle, L., & Rycrof, A. (2018). Mediation: principles, process, practice. JS Afr. L., 167.

Kenny, D. A. (2018). Reflections on mediation. Organizational research methods, 11(2), 353-


Sebenius, J. K. (2017). BATNA s in negotiation: Common errors and three kinds of “No”.

Negotiation Journal, 33(2), 89-99.

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