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New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The way children spend their leisure time has undergone a drastic change due to the advent of
new technologies. In my opinion, the benefits of technological advancements for learning
surpass the health concerns, provided they are regulated appropriately.

Opponents of this trend argue that technology can adversely impact the health of children.
Young children may find it difficult to regulate their behavior and can easily get distracted by
various technological devices. They may spend hours scrolling through their social media feeds,
watching viral videos on platforms like TikTok, and posting selfies. Such activities can create a
dependency on dopamine and shorten the attention span of children, leading to negative physical
and mental effects.

However, I believe that the potential risks of technology can be mitigated by proper regulation,
making the benefits of using technology for learning far greater. Parents and educators can
restrict children’s screen time both at school and home and use advanced software to control
access to certain websites. When utilized appropriately, new technologies can enhance
knowledge acquisition. For instance, YouTube channels provide informative content, including
live news broadcasting and language learning. Furthermore, innovations in artificial intelligence,
such as Chat GPT, enable children to seek answers to complex questions and provide solutions to
challenging problems.

In conclusion, despite the potential health risks associated with technology, the advantages of
increased knowledge acquisition are overwhelming, making this development an overall
positive. It is imperative for children to balance their entertainment and education activities, and
for parents and educators to monitor and regulate children’s technology usage.

(255 words)

Schools should use films, computers and games instead of books.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The methods which schools may implement for teaching pupils are of great debate. Although some
assume that utilizing films, computers and games benefits students more in comparison with book-
based education, I wholeheartedly subscribe to the fact that due to the following repercussions, the
latter is more efficient and beneficial.

To begin with, nowadays youngsters are being overwhelmed with the enormous amount of digital
facilities and schools are the only place they can find themselves reuniting with the real world and being
released from the significant urge to use this equipment. Hence, if cutting-edge technologies appear in
schools, youngsters would have less time to reconnect with reality, prior to a great attachment and
addiction to these facilities. To illustrate, studies have shown a considerable rise in one’s urge to use
digital facilities in individuals who get involved in this habit more than often.
Moreover, being encountered with these learning methods rapidly would cause people some physical
injuries such as optical problems, exacerbation of concentration and spinal cord abnormalities due to
prolonged hours of sitting in front of them. To cite an example, consider a student who engages in
studying using this approach for 6 hours per day. This person would definitely witness some damage to
his physical health and experience a great amount of exhaustion, all of which are caused by the
stationary nature of using technology equipment.

On the other hand, some individuals may claim that these approaches may benefit students by
exceeding the amount of enthusiasm for their subjects because they find it more exhilarating. However,
this benefit is of a high price for people to pay based on the long-term disasters it would bring them
such as cognitive and physical impairments. Furthermore, books have always encouraged students to
get more involved in their studying based on the fact that individuals should put adequate effort into
comprehending subjects instead of reaching them with a single click on the internet.

To conclude, the numerous harms of this novel approach should be considered when deciding the best
way of education .

Research shows that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that,
millions of people engage in unhealthy activities. What is the cause of this?

What can be done?

In modern times, despite the majority of the population being well aware of the health benefits and
disadvantages that certain activities bring, they lead unhealthy lifestyles. This essay aims to discuss the
main causes of this phenomenon and suggest several solutions.

It is understandable why citizens’ lifestyles are usually unhealthy-oriented as activities that are
detrimental to one’s health can be immensely addictive. This is evidenced by the ever-increasing death
rate caused by consuming excessive doses of nicotine, a fatal substance that is highly addictive and is
prevalent in numerous products in our daily lives such as cigarettes and vape pods. Despite being well-
acknowledged about the dangers of smoking, a large sum of people, especially white-collar workers,
consume this item daily simply because they are addicted. Another primary reason for citizens’
unhealthy lifestyles is hygienic activities are not properly taught and advertised. For example, the bulk of
traditional schools worldwide rarely implement physical education into their curriculums, thus making
the students underestimate its benefits. Additionally, governments around the globe seldom establish
advertising campaigns regarding health, which directly contributes to the act that eliminates healthy
activities from citizens’ daily priorities.

Despite the severity of this issue, it is entirely soluble. First and foremost, the financial involvement of
the government is essential since establishing subtle monetary policies can greatly alter the general
behavior of citizens. For example, raising the taxes on tobacco can not only tremendously hinder the
production level of this product but also raise its prices, which could result in a drastic decline in nicotine
consumption. Secondly, corporations and academic institutions should implement physical activities into
their curriculums and organize more sports competitions to increase the engagement of students and
workers in physical activities. This practice undoubtedly incentivizes them to exercise more often,
thereby laying a foundation for a healthy workforce and a thriving education system.

In conclusion, although the lack of participation in healthy activities of the population is on the rise, it is
entirely soluble with the correct measures.

In an era of globalization, some people think that studying abroad is the best way to attain a
well-paid job while others believe other options are better.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some today would argue that the rise of globalization necessitates studying abroad if an individual
desires a stable career path. In my opinion, though this is an ideal route to success, there are
superior methods.
Those who argue in favor of studying abroad make the contention that it allows a person to network
and understand the world better. The majority of students who study in other countries are leaving
less developed nations to study in more affluent countries. When studying abroad, not only will they
be exposed to other cultures and ways of living, but they are also likely to make key connections that
can help them in the future. After graduation, they can rely on their network when applying for jobs,
starting businesses, or simply seeking advice. Without these advantages, a person will have a more
difficult time attaining a well-paying job.
However, the surest pathway to success is to gain experience in any given profession, regardless of
the location. A person who is studying and working abroad faces roughly the same obstacles when
applying for jobs. If they remain in their country of origin, they will not only understand the local
market better but also possess inherent advantages in terms of language, culture, and family
support. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world and highly-regarded executives
studied and work in their native country. For instance, in Vietnam there are numerous start-up
businesses that identify local needs and work to meet demand, oftentimes without the benefit of an
education abroad or even an advanced university degree.
In conclusion, most individuals studying abroad are more likely to succeed because of other factors
and therefore most individuals should pursue different means of securing stable employment in
today’s volatile employment market. Governments should naturally support individuals in these

Some argue that music mainly serves as a way for individuals to reduce their stress and anxiety.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that sounds and melodies can help people to eliminate their frustration and worries. In
my opinion, I strongly agree with the argument because music can distract individuals from fear and
help them to relax after work.

First and foremost, music can save society when they are trapped in a nervous situation. This is because
the human brain will be focused on enjoying the melodies instead of the scary curriculum. For instance,
a local university survey shows that before students started to present the projects they often got
stressed. Thus, the way to reduce it is to listen to their favourite tunes, which will distract their
consciousness. Therefore, songs can be heavily beneficial as a tool to avoid anxiety in fearful settings.

Secondly, certain types of musical records can help individuals ease their minds and obtain high-quality
time at home. Moreover, It has been proven by many researchers that an office worker or citizen after
returning from work might suffer from mental health. The Harvard News, for example, reports high
levels of daily stress and tiredness after workdays, with 43%, which the employees feeling like they are
on the edge of burnout. Therefore, these kinds of peaceful sounds are paramount for people's healing
state of mind.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that music’s ultimate function is to reduce folks’ stress and anxiety
levels. I completely endorse this idea due to it has been proven to its effective in distracting their
attention when they are afraid and to make more improving mental health by creating peachful

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